Talking Numbers

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Activity Type Introduction

Vocabulary Exercises: In this numbers worksheet, students practice vocabulary related

matching, gap-fill, binary to maths.
choice, multiple choice
quiz Procedure

Speaking Activity: asking Give each student a copy of the two-page worksheet.
and answering questions,
controlled and freer To begin, students match each maths noun to its definition.
practice (pair work)
Exercise A - Answer key

Focus 1. f 2. c 3. j 4. a 5. d
6. i 7. b 8. g 9. e 10. h
Maths vocabulary and
numbers Students then use words in a box to complete maths-related

Aim Exercise B - Answer key (order of the words may vary)

To practice vocabulary
related to maths. 1. square metres, square kilometres
2. degrees
3. millimetres, centimetres
Preparation 4. fraction, percentage, decimal

Make one copy of the Next, students underline the correct maths word to complete
two-page worksheet for each sentence.
each student.
Exercise C - Answer key
Level 1. calculations 5. double
Upper-intermediate (B2) 2. formula 6. ratio
3. area 7. estimate
4. probability 8. diameter
After that, students use maths vocabulary from a box to complete
30 minutes trivia questions. Students then guess and tick what they think is
the correct answer for each question.

Exercise D - Answer key

1. area, a 5. ratio, c
2. angle, b 6. calculations, b
3. probability, c 7. diameter, c
4. fraction, a 8. estimates, b

Finally, students ask and answer maths conversation questions

with a partner, giving as much detail as possible.

Note: This resource can be edited using a PDF editor. © 2023 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.



A. Match each maths noun to its definition.

1. area ...... a. Twice as much or as many.

2. fraction ...... b. A mathematical rule written with numbers and letters.

3. calculation ...... c. Only part of a number. Not a complete number.

4. double ...... d. How likely it is that something happens.

5. probability ...... e. A guess of what an amount, weight, cost, etc. could be.

6. angle ...... f. The size of a flat surface.

7. formula ...... g. The distance from one side of a circle to the other.

8. diameter ...... h. Numbers showing how big one group is versus another.

9. estimate ...... i. The space between two lines that meet.

10. ratio ...... j. The use of maths to discover a number or amount.

B. Use the words in the box to complete the maths sentences.

square kilometres centimetres percentage square metres

millimetres fraction decimal degrees

1. The area of a space is often measured in ........................... or ..........................

2. Angles are measured in ...........................

3. Diameter is often measured in ........................... or ...........................

4. Probability is often expressed as a ......................., ......................., or .......................

C. Underline the correct maths word to complete each sentence.

1. Mathematicians perform complex formulas / calculations to help us solve problems.

2. a2 + b2 = c2 is an example of a mathematical estimate / formula.

3. I'm looking for a medium-sized home with an area / angle of around 100 m2.

4. The probability / fraction that you will win the lottery is very low.

5. My friend has $100, and I have $200. I have a fraction / double the money my friend has.

6. The calculation / ratio of boys to girls in our class is 2:3.

7. Before I decide, I need to see an estimate / area for the total cost of the project.

8. The angle / diameter of a basketball is around 24 cm. © 2023 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.



D. Use the maths vocabulary from the box to complete the trivia questions. Then,
guess and tick what you think is the correct answer for each question.

angle calculations fraction estimates

probability ratio area diameter

1. What is the ..................... of New York's Central Park?

a. 3.41 km2 b. 5.84 km2 c. 6.23 km2

2. What ..................... is the Tower of Pisa leaning at?

a. 1.29 degrees b. 3.97 degrees c. 5.44 degrees

3. What is the ..................... that a person is left-handed?

a. 2-5% b. 6-9% c. 10-15%

4. How can you write the number 0.375 as a .....................?

a. 3/8 b. 2/6 c. 9/20

5. What is the ..................... of males to females in the world?

a. 97:100 b. 100:100 c. 101:100

6. Which mathematician performed the ..................... that made space exploration possible?

a. Emmy Noether b. Katherine Johnson c. Ada Lovelace

7. What is the ..................... of a standard, medium-sized pizza?

a. 20-22 cm b. 20-25 cm c. 26-30 cm

8. According to ....................., what will the world's population be in 2050?

a. 8.1 billion b. 9.7 billion c. 10.1 billion

E. Now, ask and answer the maths conversation questions with a partner. Give reasons
and details in your answers.

1. What do you remember learning in maths class when you were a child? Did you enjoy it?

2. How do you use maths in your everyday life?

3. In what cases is an estimate more practical than an exact number?

4. Are you good at doing calculations in your head, or do you depend on a calculator?

5. Do you think it's necessary for students to memorise formulas?

6. Why do people enjoy games, like the lottery, where the probability of success is low? © 2023 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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