Lecture 13 - Capillary Circulation, Edema Formation
Lecture 13 - Capillary Circulation, Edema Formation
Lecture 13 - Capillary Circulation, Edema Formation
Definition Causes
2- fenestrations ( pores).
precapillary sphincter .
-- It is a muscular ring that contact and relax according to the metabolic needs of the
-- Capillary doesn't have a vascular smooth muscle except the sphincter
--The precapillary sphincter is sensitive to oxygen and carbon dioxide.
If the tissue contains low amount of Oxygen and high amount of Carbon Dioxide, the
smooth muscles will relax and more blood will flow to the tissue. And vice versa
(A) (B)
• Nor Epinephrine
• Epinephrine • Bradykinin
• Angiotensin • Histamine
• Vasopressin • Prostaglandins
• Endothelin
Increase K+. Mg++.
Na+. Osmolality
Increase Ca++ H+. CO2
Absorption Filtration
So the hydrostatic pressure So the hydrostatic pressure
must be less than the must be more than the
oncotic pressure oncotic pressure
Because …
The hydrostatic pressure excluding blood, through the gaps (pores) between adjacent
endothelial cells in capillaries to extra cellular fluid ECF (in interstetium) to reach cells
Whereas the oncotic pressure it tend to drag fluids back to the center of capillaries.
Net Force:
41- 28 = 13 mmHg 28 – 21 = 7 mmHg
This is an outward force helping This is an inward force helping
filtration at arteriolar end absorption at venular end.