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Lecture 13 - Capillary Circulation, Edema Formation

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Lecture : 13

Done By: Shroog Al-harbi – Naif Al-Aji

Reviewed By: Rahaf Salem
Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13
Mechanism of
Functions Structure
movement across it

Definition Causes

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

Functions of capillaries:
1- Exchange between blood tissues (Nutrients, Oxygen) … and
have additional function according to it’s location :
- Lung => gas exchange
- Kidney => filtration
- Liver => detoxification
2- Drainage of waste products (from tissues to blood (
3- Capillary tone
• refers to the number of closed capillaries at rest. Normally
about 80%-85% of the capillaries are closed and 20%-15%
are open.
• If 50% of capillaries are opened, this leads to shock.
• Capillary tone is important because it maintain pressure for
• Only 5% of blood found in the capillaries.
Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13
Types of capillary:
1) Continuous:
muscles, lungs, adipose tissue, and central
nervous system
2) Fenestrated:
kidneys, endocrine glands and intestines
3) Discontinuous:
bone marrow, liver, and spleen

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

Structure of capillaries:

A) Structure that help in exchange


1- Single layer of squamous endothelial

Cells .

2- fenestrations ( pores).

B) Structure that help in controlling

blood amount that pass to the capillary
network :

precapillary sphincter .

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

… Role of precapillary sphincter:

-- It is a muscular ring that contact and relax according to the metabolic needs of the
-- Capillary doesn't have a vascular smooth muscle except the sphincter
--The precapillary sphincter is sensitive to oxygen and carbon dioxide.
If the tissue contains low amount of Oxygen and high amount of Carbon Dioxide, the
smooth muscles will relax and more blood will flow to the tissue. And vice versa

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

Temperature regulation

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(A) (B)

sphincter relaxes contracts

blood flow increase decrease

excess heat get rid of excess heat conserve heat

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

Movement across capillaries
-- Fluid, electrolytes, gases, small and large molecular weight
substances can transverse the capillary endothelium by
several different mechanisms : diffusion, bulk flow, vesicular
transport, and active transport.
-- Interstitial fluid (Extracellular Fluid) is continuously exchanged,
it never stays in stagnant state .

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

There are two type of materials diffuse through
the capillary wall:

• 1- lipid-soluble Through the Cell

Membranes of the Capillary Endothelium
• 2- non-lipid-soluble (water-soluble)
Through Intercellular “Pores” in the
Capillary Membrane

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13


• Nor Epinephrine

• Epinephrine • Bradykinin

• Angiotensin • Histamine

• Vasopressin • Prostaglandins

• Endothelin
Increase K+. Mg++.
Na+. Osmolality
Increase Ca++ H+. CO2

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

Rahaf salem
Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13
Forces determining tissue fluid
formation(Starling’s Forces)

To understand the next slides please see these

one :)
two :)
three :)
four :)

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

Forces determining tissue fluid
formation Starling’s Forces
There is a free exchange of water, electrolytes, and small molecules
between the intravascular and extravascular compartments of the

The primary site of this exchange is capillaries and small post-capillary


Several mechanisms are involved in this exchange; however, the most

important are bulk flow and diffusion.

The rate of exchange, in either direction, is determined by Starling ‘s


Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

Forces determining tissue fluid formation Starling’s Forces

Capillary Hydrostatic P (CHP) pressure caused by blood flow in capillary.

or (Pc):
Tissue Hydrostatic P.: pressure caused by intestinal fluid in interstitial space.

Capillary plasma oncotic P pressure caused by proteins in plasma.

Tissue plasma oncotic P. pressure caused by proteins in intestinal fluid

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

Venous end Arterial end

Absorption Filtration
So the hydrostatic pressure So the hydrostatic pressure
must be less than the must be more than the
oncotic pressure oncotic pressure

Because …
The hydrostatic pressure excluding blood, through the gaps (pores) between adjacent
endothelial cells in capillaries to extra cellular fluid ECF (in interstetium) to reach cells
Whereas the oncotic pressure it tend to drag fluids back to the center of capillaries.

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

Analysis of forces causing Analysis of forces causing
filtration at theend
arteriolar end of the Venus end at the venular end of
capillary the capillary

Forces tending to move fluid outward:

Capillary hydrostatic 30 mmHg 10 mmHg

Negative interstitial 3 mmHg 3 mmHg
fluid pressure
Interstitial fluid 8 mmHg 8mmHg No
colloidal osmotic
Outward force 41 mmHg 21 mmHg

Forces tending to move fluid inward:

Plasma colloidal 28 mmHg 28 mmHg

osmotic pressure

Net Force:
41- 28 = 13 mmHg 28 – 21 = 7 mmHg
This is an outward force helping This is an inward force helping
filtration at arteriolar end absorption at venular end.

the hydrostatic pressure is more

than the oncotic pressure in the The opposite 
arteriolar end => filtiratoin

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13


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This will help in :-

1- Constant exchange of fluid.
2- Accelerate distribution of substances.
3- Transport insoluble lipids & tissue proteins.
4- Carry bacterial toxins to lymphoid tissues → provide immunity.

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

B) Edema Formation
1.Edema: excessive amount of fluid in the interstitial spaces.
2.Factors Precipitating Edema:
A) capillary hydrostatic pressure
B) plasma oncotic pressure Let’s study them one by
C) capillary permeability one 
D) Lymphatic obstruction

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

3.Causes of Edema:
A. Increased capillary Excess retention of salt a. Renal failure
pressure: and water by kidney b. Excess aldosterone.
c. Heart failure.
Increased venous a. Heart failure
pressure b. Venous obstruction. e.g.
thrombus, pregnancy, tumor,
c. Failure of venous pump e.g.
varicose veins.
Decreased arteriolar a. Vasodilator drugs.
resistance b. Excess body heat.
B. Low plasma proteins: 1. Loss of proteins in urine.
2. Loss from the skin (burns)
3. Failure to produce: (Liver diseases , Malnutrition).
C. Increased capillary 1. Release of histamine in allergy.
permeability: 2. Toxins. 3. Infections 4. Vit. C deficiency 5. Burns
D. Lymphatic 1. Cancer 2. Filaria 3. congenital

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13


Carry protein and large particulate matter

can flow from the interstitial spaces into the
blood Absorption of nutrients from the
gastrointestinal tract, especially for
absorption of virtually all fats in food.

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

1.Functions of capillaries is => exchange the (Nutrients, Oxygen &waste products )
between blood & tissues.
2. fenestrations ( pores)& precapillary sphincter are play an important role in the
capillaries .
3.Several mechanisms are involved in this exchange; however, the most important are
bulk flow and diffusion.
4.Starling’s Forces :
Capillary Hydrostatic P (CHP) or (Pc) ,Tissue Hydrostatic P,Capillary plasma oncotic P
Tissue plasma oncotic P.
5.The hydrostatic pressure excluding blood, through the gaps (pores) between adjacent
endothelial cells in capillaries to extra cellular fluid ECF (in interstetium) to reach cells
whereas the oncotic pressure it tend to drag fluids back to the center of capillaries
6.High hydrostatic pressure =arterial end =filtration
7.High oncotic pressure = Venus end= Absorption
8.Edema caused by:
A. Increased capillary pressure:
B. Low plasma proteins:
C. Increased capillary permeability:
D. Lymphatic obstruction:

Physiology Team 432 Cardiovascular Block lecture: 13

If there are any problems or suggestions
Feel free to contact:

Physiology Team Leaders

Mohammed Jameel & Khulood Al-Raddadi


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