Polymers 14 05203 v2
Polymers 14 05203 v2
Polymers 14 05203 v2
Valorisation of Underutilized Grass Fibre (Stem) as a Potential
Material for Paper Production
Chuan Li Lee 1 , Kit Ling Chin 1, *, Paik San H’ng 1,2, *, Mohd Sahfani Hafizuddin 1 and Pui San Khoo 3
1 Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400, Malaysia
2 Faculty of Forestry and Environment, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400, Malaysia
3 Centre for Advanced Composite Materials, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru 81310, Malaysia
* Correspondence: c_kitling@upm.edu.my (K.L.C.); ngpaiksan@upm.edu.my (P.S.H.)
Abstract: An integrated and feasible approach was proposed using the underutilized grass fibre
(stem) derived from Napier grass and sugarcane for paper production in this study. To enhance
paper strength, pre-hydrolysis and beating techniques have been used to improve the chemical
pulps and mechanical pulping process, respectively. Napier grass and sugarcane are promising
non-wood sources for pulp production, owing to their high cellulose and low lignin and extractive
content. With the additional mild alkaline pre-treatment to the mechanical pulping process, the lignin
content was greatly reduced. The results reveal that the mechanical pulping with alkaline pre-
treatment may indeed potentially replace the most prevalent pulping process (chemical pulping). As
evidenced by the paper strength properties, mechanical pulping is far more suitable for grass-type
biomass, particularly Napier grass, which had a folding endurance capability five times greater than
chemical pulping. Furthermore, the remaining high hemicellulose content from mechanical pulping
contributed to a high pulp yield, while also facilitating the fibrillation on the sugarcane’s laboratory
paper handsheet. The findings also demonstrated that the additional beating process from chemical
pulping causes the fibres to be drawn toward each other, resulting in a more robust fibre network that
contributes to good paper strength. Consequently, this work sheds new light on the development of
Citation: Lee, C.L.; Chin, K.L.; H’ng,
advanced paper derived from grass fibre.
P.S.; Hafizuddin, M.S.; Khoo, P.S.
Valorisation of Underutilized Grass
Fibre (Stem) as a Potential Material
Keywords: Napier grass; sugarcane; grass fibre; chemical pulping; mechanical pulping; alkaline
for Paper Production. Polymers 2022, pre-treatment; beating
14, 5203. https://doi.org/10.3390/
ethanol fuel in spark ignition engine vehicles. The favourable climate and agricultural
capabilities of Malaysia enable the production of a high yield of sugarcane, which opens
up the possibility of an alternative fuel source [10].
Aside from the biofuel implementation programme, Malaysia is in an urge to start
introducing green and sustainable pulping processes, and grass fibre-based paper products
may sound promising. In recent years, there have been some major breakthroughs in
Malaysia’s papermaking industry with the use of oil palm biomass in two notifiable
companies producing pulp and paper products from empty fruit bunch fibres [11,12].
However, Malaysia is still highly dependent on the imports of pulp to meet the domestic
demand of paper products. Wood is the primary source of cellulose fibre used in the paper
industry in Malaysia, with 80% of the virgin pulp imported [13]. Due to a recent global
shortage of woody products, pulp supplies have been one of the major issues in the paper
industry [14]. Thus, the use of non-wood fibres that can be processed into pulp with less
chemicals or energy input is a promising cost-effective strategy in producing pulp and
paper. Napier grass and sugarcane have two primary parts in terms of structure—the leaf
and the stem. Due to its high protein content, nutrition, and desirable texture, the Napier
grass leaf is suitable for use as animal fodder (e.g., softness). The stem, on the other hand,
is underutilized due to its hardness, high density, and high lignin content [15,16]. In the
case of sugarcane, the dry pulpy residue left after extracting juice from the stem was also
underutilized as well. The valorisation of all this underutilized biomass via a pulping
process could be the solution to an enhanced biomass conversion.
Paper pulp can be divided into two types based on the pulping method used: chemical
pulp and mechanical pulp. Chemical pulp is made using the chemical pulping process,
whereas mechanical pulp is made using the mechanical pulping process. Mechanical
pulping is appealing to pulp producers because it is less expensive and easier to implement
than chemical pulping [17]. To improve the efficacy of fibrillation, the fibre may be pre-
softened by heat prior to mechanical pulping, known as thermo-mechanical pulping.
Despite the fact that thermo-mechanical pulping is a mainstay of the pulping industry,
thermo-mechanical pulping mills face a number of challenges as a result of rising electricity
costs and a push to reduce greenhouse gas emissions [18]. The pulp and paper industry
is one of the world’s largest users of energy and water. The paper and pulp industry
was reported as the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the manufacturing
sector of the United States of America. It was also reported in India that this industry
produces approximately 100 million kg of hazardous pollutants annually [19]. Common
solid pollutants include wood waste, sodium salts from the recovery boiler, pulp screening
rejects, dregs, and grit from causticizing plants [20,21]. Researchers in the pulp and paper
sector are always in an effort to improve the pulping technique, with an emphasis of
not only to replace wood resources as a raw material, but also to provide insights into
environmental practices that can move beyond the conventional pulping methods.
Malaysia’s paper consumption is growing steadily, putting a large and constant de-
mand on the supply of fibres for pulp and paper production. At this juncture, with the
fascinating characteristics such as abundance volume, a short cycle growth, and environ-
mental friendliness, grass fibres may act as a great alternative to replace wood fibres. We
believe that the advanced pulping technique will enable grass-type fibre to be a game
changer in the pulp and paper industry. To fully comprehend the potential of grass fibre
(stem) for pulp and paper production, chemical and mechanical pulping were applied to
two grass-type biomasses, Napier grass and sugarcane stem. The characteristics for both
grass fibres’ laboratory paper handsheets produced using varying pulping techniques were
also evaluated. The strength of the paper made from grass fibre presents another challenge
in the production of paper. Pre-hydrolysis techniques and beating techniques have been
used to improve chemical pulps and the mechanical pulping process, respectively. Thus,
this research will also investigate into the efficacy of pulp and fibre modification via the
beating process on chemical pulping and alkaline pre-treatment on mechanical pulping.
Polymers 2022, 14, 5203 3 of 18
2.3. Screening
Prior to screening, these pulps were dispersed in a Hydropulper (Sheng Feng, Henan,
China). The pulps were screened using PTI Sommerville Fractionators with 0.30 mm slots.
The oversized debris particles from the stem pulp were removed via screening.
2.6. Evaluation
2.6.1. Chemical Composition
The chemical composition of the raw materials and produced pulps from Napier grass
and sugarcane stems were determined according to TAPPI standard. All experiments were
carried out in five replicates to obtain an accurate result.
The extractive content of the sample was determined according to TAPPI T 204 cm-
97 standard. The ethanol-acetone solution was prepared by a mixture of approximately
95% ethyl alcohol and acetone as a reagent in the ratio of 3:1. A sufficient amount of the
sample equivalent to 2 g of the powder of CS and PKS was weighted separately and placed
into the thimble. The thimble with the sample was then placed in a dry Soxhlet extraction
apparatus. The extraction flasks were then filled with 200 mL of the ethanol-acetone
solution. The flasks were connected to the extraction apparatus with water flowing to the
condenser section. The heater was set to 100 ◦ C and the boiling process took around 4 to
5 h. After the extraction process, the solution was dried using a desiccator and further
dried in an oven for 24 h before the extraction content was calculated. The percentage of
extractive in lignocellulosic biomasses was calculated as follows:
Weight o f f lask (g) + Extraction − Weight o f f lask (g)
% of Extractive = × 100 (2)
ODW sample (g)
Weight o f air dried sample (g) − Weight o f crucible (g)
ODW = (3)
Lignin Content
The lignin content of samples was determined according to TAPPI T 222 om-98
standard. Approximately 1 g of oven-dried extraction free sample (Napier grass and
sugarcane stem) was added into a beaker with 2% H2 SO4 . The mixture was occasionally
stirred in a water bath at room temperature and rested for 2 h to ensure a complete
dissolution occurred. The solution was then added into distilled water until the total
volume of 575 mL. The mixture was then boiled for 4 h by maintaining a constant volume
using a reflux condenser. After boiling, the solution was filtered with the aid of a suction
machine and washed using hot water. The lignin residue was dried for 1 h at 110 ◦ C and
then allowed to cool in a desiccator. The percentage of lignin was calculated as follows:
W4 − W3
% of Lignin = × (100 − W1 ) (4)
100 × W2
W1 = alcohol-acetone extractive content, %;
W2 = weight the of oven-dried extractive-free sample, g;
W3 = weight of oven-dried crucible, g;
Polymers 2022, 14, 5203 5 of 18
A total of 2 g of the residue from the ethanol-acetone extraction was placed into a
250 mL beaker and closed with a watch glass. The specimen was added with 100 mL of
distilled water, 1.5 g of sodium chlorite, and 5 mL of 10% acetic acid. The beaker was
placed in a hot water bath or on a hot plate maintained at 70 ◦ C; the contents were swirled
vigorously once every 5 min. The flask was kept closed with a small, inverted Erlenmeyer
flask. The whole experiment was carried out in a fume hood. After 30 min, 5 mL of
10% acetic acid was added. After 30 min, 1.5 g of sodium chlorite was additionally added
on and acetic acid and sodium chlorite were continued until 6 g of sodium chlorite was
incorporated in the solution. Then, the mixture was heated for 30 min after the last addition
of sodium chlorite. The suspension was cooled in an ice bath. It was filtered into a weighed
fruited glass crucible and washed with iced distilled water. Finally, it was washed with
acetone. The residue was air dried for one to two days until it was free of acetone and
covered by perforated aluminium foil. It was transferred to a desiccator and weighed at
daily intervals until the sample reached a constant weight. The percentage of holocellulose
was calculated as follows:
W4 − W3
% of Holocellulose = × (100 − W1 ) (5)
100 × W2
W1 = alcohol-acetone extractive content, %;
W2 = weight of oven-dried extractive-free sample, g;
W3 = weight of oven-dried crucible, g;
W4 = weight of oven-dried residue and crucible, g.
The cellulose content in both samples were carried out according to TAPPI 203 stan-
dard using 8.3 and 17.5% NaOH and 2 N of acetic acid (CH3 CO2 H). A total of 2 g of the
sample was put into a 250 mL beaker. Then, 15 mL of 17.5% NaOH was added and gently
macerated with a flattened glass rod for 1 min. A total of 10 mL NaOH was further added
into the solution and stirred for 45 s, then 10 mL of NaOH was added and stirred for 15.
The mixture was stirred and allowed to stand for another 3 min. A total of 10 mL of NaOH
was added and mixed with a stirring rod every 21/2 min. These steps were repeated for
three times until the total time reached 15 min. The beaker was covered with a watch glass
and the mixture was left in a water bath for 30 min. Then, 100 mL of distilled water was
added quickly at 20 ◦ C and thoroughly mixed, and the diluted mixture was left in the water
bath for a further 30 min. The mixture was filtered into a weighed fruited glass crucible
with coarse porosity. The beaker and residue were rinsed with 25 mL of 8.3% NaOH and
650 mL of distilled water. Then, the residue was rinsed with 2N CH3 CO2 H and rinsed
again with distilled water. The crucible was placed in the oven at 105 ◦ C. The α-cellulose
was calculated as a percentage, as shown in Equation (5). The amount of hemicellulose was
calculated by subtracting alpha-cellulose from holocellulose.
W4 − W3
% of Alpha − cellulose = × W1 (6)
100 × W2
W1 = Holocellulose content, %;
W2 = weight of oven-dried holocellulose sample, g;
W3 = weight of oven-dried crucible, g;
W4 = weight of oven-dried residue and crucible, g.
Polymers 2022, 14, 5203 6 of 18
Yield (%)
Napier grass Sugarcane
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Pulp
Pulp yield
yield of
of the
the Napier
Napier grass
grass and
and sugarcane
sugarcane stem.
Mechanical pulping uses less chemicals than chemical pulping. Chemical activity
devalues and solubilizes biomass components, primarily lignin and hemicellulose, resulting
in lower pulp yield and lignin content [40]. Furthermore, chemical pulping necessitated
the recovery of chemicals from spent cooking liquor, the recovery of heat energy from
the heating of recovered lignin and other organic materials from the black liquor, and
the reduction in air and water pollution [41]. The mechanical pulping process has been
demonstrated to be a more environmentally friendly method that helps to produce a
laboratory paper handsheet that degrades naturally and lowers the levels of pollution
worldwide through this study.
Brightness Properties
Brightness Properties
a a a
40% a a a
Brightness Value (%)
a a
Brightness Value (%)
b b
b b
Chemical Chemical & Mechanical Chemical Chemical & Mechanical
Chemical Chemical & Mechanical Chemical Chemical & Mechanical
Beating Beating
Beating Beating
Napier grass Sugarcane
Napier grass Sugarcane
Figure 2. Brightness values of produced laboratory paper handsheets. Means followed by the same
Figure 2. Brightness
2. Brightness values
values of of produced
produced laboratory
laboratory paper
paper handsheets.
handsheets. Means
Means followed
followed byby
thethe same
letter (a, b) in the same column are not significantly different at p ≤ 0.05 according to Tukey’s multi-
letter (a,(a,
letter b)b)
thesame column
same columnarearenot
significantlydifferent at pp ≤≤0.05
differentat 0.05according
Tukey’s multi-
ple comparisons test.
Opacity Properties
Opacity Properties
100% a
100% ab b a
ab b b
80% c
Opacity value (%)
c c
Opacity value (%)
Chemical Chemical
Chemical & & Mechanical
Mechanical Chemical Chemical
Chemical Chemical
& & Mechanical
Beating Beating
Napier grass
grass Sugarcane
Figure 3. Opacity values of produced laboratory paper handsheets. Means followed by the same
letter (a–c) in the same column are not significantly different at p ≤ 0.05 according to Tukey’s multiple
comparisons test.
Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisons test, which was
used in this study to classify various mean levels of brightness and opacity for six different
laboratory paper handsheets. The ANOVA analysis revealed significant effects (p < 0.01)
for biomass type, pulping technique, and the interaction of the two factors. It clearly shows
that the laboratory handsheets made from mechanical pulp had the lowest brightness
and opacity. The low value for both opacity tests on the mechanical laboratory paper
handsheet was due to the fact that the majority of the original lignin in the raw pulp
was still present [56]. The lignin substrate contains many chromophore groups, such
as quinoids, catechols, aromatic ketones, stilbenes, conjugated carbonyls with phenolics,
and metal complexes, and some additional chromophores within paper can be oxidised
Polymers 2022, 14, 5203 11 of 18
of mechanical
has significantly laboratory paperstrength,
higher paper handsheets derivedin
as shown from
TableNapier grass
3. The is far greatercould
improvement than be
that of chemical pulping.
attributed to the changes in fibre structure induced by the beating process. The SEM results
revealTo better
that comprehend
the additional the distinctions
beating between
process causes thethe laboratory
fibres paper handsheets,
to be drawn toward eachthisother,
study depicts SEM images of laboratory handsheets from Napier
resulting in a more robust fibre network that contributes to good paper strength. grass and sugarcane.
The long
Long-fibre materials, as shown in the SEM image of the laboratory handsheet, were made
fibre (Figure 4b(ii)) and abundance fibre (Figure 4b(iii)) from Napier grass pulp has greatly
from Napier grass (Refer Figure 4a). The mechanical properties of the paper are influenced
contributed to the folding test value.
by the length of the fibre. According to Gomes et al. [69], long fibre will improve the me-
Furthermore, pulping process conditions, such as high alkalinity, temperature, and
chanical properties of the paper. Long fibre pulps have high folding endurance because
mechanical forces, or a combination of these, can result in non-homogeneous zones in the
they have more fibre joints that are able to form a strong network as well as a larger surface
fibre wall, such as deformations [72]. The surface of the chemical pulp of sugarcane was
area to form bondings with their length spans and width of the fold line [70,71]. The
noticeable with prominent deformation, kinks, and curls (refer to Figure 4d(iii)). It has
strength of the fibre itself is affected by the packed arrangement of the fibre matrix on the
been reported that an increase in fibre deformations such as curls and kinks reduces tensile
surface and fibre of Napier grass. Inside the Napier grass, there were many matrix fibres
and long[47]. Such
fibres thatacrossed
deformation wasother
with each resolved
(Figure by 4b).
an additional beating
In this study, lowerprocess. After
tensile and
the beating process, large parts of the fibre deformation were removed,
tearing indexes occurred in laboratory paper handsheets produced by chemical pulping. and the strength
As a result, were restored
additional to undeformed
mechanical treatment,pulp values the
including [73].useWhen beaten
of beating, samples
could were
well be
needed toto unbeaten
improve the samples, the fibresPaper
paper properties. werewith straighter and had
an additional fewer process
beating deformations
(refer Figure 4e).
significantly higherSomepaperdeformations are known
strength, as shown to be
in Table 3. straightened
The improvement during thebe
could beating
process. The beaten sample’s fibres were found to be flatter than the unbeaten
tributed to the changes in fibre structure induced by the beating process. The SEM results sample. This
could be because the fibre wall became more flexible as a result of lumen
reveal that the additional beating process causes the fibres to be drawn toward each other, collapse [74].
In addition
resulting to fibre
in a more robust straightening,
fibre networkbeating causes fibrillation
that contributes to good paperalong the fibre
strength. Thesurfaces.
fibre (Figure 4b(ii)) and abundance fibre (Figure 4b(iii)) from Napier grass pulp surface
or the exposure of cellulose fibrils, will certainly improve the accessible has
area, enhance
greatly fibre-fibre
contributed to thebonding,
folding test and ultimately, improve laboratory paper handsheet
mechanics [75–77]. Aside from the tear index, fibre fibrillation significantly increased all of
the strength properties (refer to Table 2). The bonding of fibre became increasingly tight,
and the fibrillation became more visible with the additional beating process (Figure 4e). As
stated by Jiang et al. [78], over half of the increase in fibre strength is due to beating, which
straightens the fibre during the pulping process, removing curls and kinks. Additionally,
fibrillation can also be attributed to the removal of lignin and other structural effects [79].
Kraft Pulping
Figure 4. Cont.
Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 18
Polymers 2022, 14, 5203 13 of 18
Kraft Pulping
Figure Visualobservation
observation and
and SEM
SEM micrographs
producedlaboratory paper
laboratory handsheets.
paper handsheets.
Fibrillation pulping explained
is actually process conditions, such asmechanism
as a peeling-off high alkalinity, temperature,
in shearing andthe
mechanical forces, or a combination of these, can result in non-homogeneous
primary wall and S1 layer are peeled off, exposing the S2 layer to inter-fibre bonding zones in the[80].
fibre wall, such as deformations [72]. The surface of the chemical pulp of
This result indicates that the refining process of mechanical pulping resulted in fibresugarcane was
noticeable with
fibrillation. prominent
A highly fibrousdeformation,
network-like kinks, and curls
structure (refer to
composed of Figure 4d(iii)).
cellulose It has is
been reported
visible that an increase
in the micrograph in fibre deformations
for mechanical such handsheets
laboratory paper as curls and(Figure
kinks reduces ten-
4c,f). Bunches
sile strength [47]. Such a deformation was resolved by an additional beating process.
of fibres in the suspension are squeezed and sheared between the refiner’s working surfaces. After
As a result of this action, parts of the fibre’s outer layers unravel, resulting in fibrillated
fibre surfaces. Furthermore, delamination within the cell wall tends to make the fibres
more flexible while they are still wet [81]. Apart from that, the removal of lignin and
Polymers 2022, 14, 5203 14 of 18
4. Conclusions
This research employed fibre from the underutilized discarded grass-type biomass,
Napier grass and sugarcane stem, via a pulping process for enhanced biomass conversion
in order to establish a zero-waste environment. The concept of using pre-hydrolysis tech-
niques and beating techniques in conjunction with the chemical and mechanical pulping
processes, respectively, opens up new possibilities to improve the paper strength. The
low lignin content of Napier grass and sugarcane stem emphasizes that both grass-type
biomasses ought to be the new frontier materials for the pulping industry. The introduction
of alkaline pre-treatment to the mechanical pulping process not only effectively reduced
the lignin content of both biomasses, but it also markedly increased the mechanical prop-
erties of the paper. Undoubtedly, chemical pulping is more advanced in terms of optical
preference, but the high reduction in hemicellulose has resulted in a low pulp yield, which
is an important consideration for the pulp and paper industry. The visual observation
reveals that the laboratory paper handsheet produced by chemical pulping is softer than the
laboratory paper handsheet produced by mechanical pulping. Moreover, the surface of the
chemical pulp derived from sugarcane was noticeable with prominent deformation, kinks,
and curls, rendering it unsuitable for papermaking. Additional beating is required to make
it more suited for paper production as it causes the fibres to be drawn toward each other,
resulting in a more robust fibre network. Furthermore, the beating would be attributed to
fibre straightening, which improves fibre bonding and contributes to good paper strength.
Overall, mechanical pulping combined with alkaline pre-treatment is an ideal technique
for producing paper for grass-type biomass as compared to chemical pulping. Chemical
pulping may be more suitable for making pulp from wood, however, from this study, it was
too harsh to be applied on grass-type biomasses which are lower in lignin and extractive
content. The high removal of lignin, whilst also maintaining hemicellulose content via
the mechanical pulping process, has a significant impact on the surface characteristics
of the laboratory paper handsheet derived from Napier grass and sugarcane stem. The
high hemicellulose content of sugarcane-facilitated fibrillation will enormously improve
the accessible surface area, fibre–fibre bonding, and eventually, hand-sheet mechanics.
This work establishes a solid foundation of knowledge regarding the actual potential of
grass-type biomass for paper production and presents an efficacious method for improving
the conventional wood-pulping method.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, C.L.L. and K.L.C.; validation, P.S.K. and M.S.H.; writing—
original draft preparation, C.L.L.; writing—review and editing, K.L.C.; supervision, P.S.H.; project
administration, P.S.H.; funding acquisition, K.L.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Polymers 2022, 14, 5203 15 of 18
Funding: The authors are grateful for the financial support given by the Putra Grant Scheme from
the Universiti Putra Malaysia, under the grant GP-IPM/2022/9716400.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are within the manuscript.
Acknowledgments: The authors sincerely thank the postgraduate students who participated in
this research.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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