ENROLLMENT NO.:00413204920
4. To simulate the 1ϕ half controlled rectifier circuit with R and RL load and obtain the
5. To simulate the 1Ø full controlled rectifier circuit with R load and obtain the corresponding
6. To simulate the 3Ø fully Controlled rectifier circuit with R load and obtain the corresponding
7. To simulate the 1Ø AC voltage regulator circuit and obtain the suitable waveforms using
When the single phase supply is applied across the winding on the stator of a single phase induction motor, it has
two windings to provide starting torque on additional winding is provided which is called the auxiliary winding are
connected in parallel across a single phase supply by these two winding the current which flowing these windings
have a time phase difference and a capacitor is also attached to auxiliary winding.
Stator Voltage Control is a method used to control the speed of an Induction Motor. The speed of a three phase
induction motor can be varied by varying the supply voltage. As we already know that the torque developed is
proportional to the square of the supply voltage and the slip at the maximum torque is independent of the supply
voltage. The variation in the supply voltage does not alter the synchronous speed of the motor.
By varying the supplying voltage, the speed can be controlled. The voltage is varied until the torque required by the
load is developed, at the desired speed. The torque developed is proportional to the square of the supply voltage
and the current is proportional to the voltage. Hence, to reduce the speed for the same value of the same current,
the value of the voltage is reduced and as a result, the torque developed by the motor is reduced. This stator voltage
control method is suitable for the applications where the load torque decreases with the speed. For example- In
the fan load. This method gives a speed control only below the normal rated speed as the operation of the voltages
if higher than the rated voltage is not admissible. This method is suitable where the intermittent operation of the
drive is required and also for the fan and pump drives. As in fan and pump the load torque varies as the square of
the speed. These types of drives required low torque at lower speeds. This condition can be obtained by applying
lower voltage without exceeding the motor current. The variable voltage for speed control of small size motors
mainly for single phase can be obtained by the following methods given below:
135 151
123 200
We have studied and check the speed control of single phase induction motor.
Armature Control
220V AC
DC Motor
Microcontroller Kit
Connecting Wires
DC drives offer the ability to control the speed and torque of heavy-duty DC motors in various industrial and other
similar applications. Speed control can be achieved using DC drives in a number of ways. Voltage can be applied to
the terminals of the DC motor or external resistance can be applied in the armature.
Another method is to vary the flux per pole of the motor. The first two methods involve adjusting the motor’s
armature while the latter method involves adjusting the motor field. These methods are referred to as armature
control and field control. The back EMF for a DC Motor is given by,
P = No. of Poles
Z = Armature Conductor
A = Parallel Path
Armature Control
With armature control the voltage is varied using several methods. One way is by implementing armature
resistance, which involves connecting a variable resistance in series to the circuit of the armature. Once resistance
has been increased, the current flow through the circuit is reduced and the armature voltage drop is less than the
line voltage. This in turn reduces the motor speed in proportion to the voltage that’s being applied. The armature
resistance control method is used in applications that require speed variation for shorter periods of time, not
continuously. Other methods of armature control are armature voltage control and shunt resistance control.
Speed - Firing Angle Plot for a DC Motor
N = (K(V-IaRa)(Ra+R ))/ Ø
Hence, speed of the DC motor decreases with increase in value of the external resistance (R)
Field Control
When using the field control method for DC motors, the field is weakened to increase the speed or it can be
strengthened to reduce the motor’s speed. Attaining speeds that are above the rated speed can be achieved by
providing variable resistance in series to the field circuit, varying the reluctance of the magnetic circuit, or by varying
the applied voltage of the motor to the field circuit with constant voltage being supplied to the armature circuit.
The speed of the DC motor can be increased beyond the no-load speed by increasing an external resistance in the
shunt field circuit.
We have observed and successfully verified the speed control of DC motor by changing the firing angle.
Closed – Loop Control of a DC Motor
Control Signal
DC motor,
Open loop and close loop panel,
In open loop system, we only start and stop the motor we can’t control the speed of the speed of the motors. In
open loop system speed of the motor is dependent upon the load which can be applied to the motor. But in close
loop, Speed of the motor can be maintained by taking the tachogenerator output as a feedback.
The term Closed-loop control always implies the use of a feedback control action in order to reduce any errors
within the system, and its “feedback” which distinguishes the main differences between an open-loop and a closed-
loop system. The accuracy of the output thus depends on the feedback path, which in general can be made very
accurate and within electronic control systems and circuits, feedback control is more commonly used than open-
loop or feed forward control.
Open-Loop Control
1. Keep the loop selection switch at close loop mode then unload the motor.
2. Push the start button and keep it at minimum. Increase the speed of motor through speed control.
3. Select the motor speed at 600rpm.
4. Load the motor in step.
5. Note the rpm and current at the every step.
We have successfully studied the open and closed loop speed control of a DC motor.
Circuit Diagram for Single Phase Half Control Rectifier with (i) R-
Load (ii) RL-Load
MATLAB Model for Single Phase Half Control Rectifier with R-Load
MATLAB Model for Single Phase Half Control Rectifier with RL-Load
Simulation waveforms for Single Phase Half Control Rectifier with
To simulate the 1ϕ half controlled rectifier circuit with R and RL load and obtain the corresponding waveforms
In half wave rectification of a single-phase supply, either the positive or negative half of the AC wave is passed,
while the other half is blocked. Because only one half of the input waveform reaches the output, mean voltage is
lower. Half-wave rectification requires a single diode in a single-phase supply, or three in a three-phase supply.
Rectifiers yield a unidirectional but pulsating direct current; half-wave rectifiers produce far more ripple than full-
wave rectifiers, and much more filtering is needed to eliminate harmonics of the AC frequency from the
Simulation of the 1ϕ half controlled rectifier circuit with R and RL load using MATLAB/SIMULINK has been done
Circuit Diagram for Single Phase Full Control Rectifier with R-Load
MATLAB Model for Single Phase Full Control Rectifier with R-Load
Simulation waveforms for Single Phase Full Control Rectifier with
To simulate the 1Ø full controlled rectifier circuit with R load and obtain the corresponding waveforms using
The phase controlled rectifiers using SCRs are used to obtain controlled dc output voltages from the fixed ac mains
input voltage. The circuit diagram of a fully controlled converter is shown in Figure 2. The output voltage is varied
by controlling the firing angle of SCRs. The single phase fully controlled converter consists of four SCRs. During
positive half cycle, SCR1 and SCR 2 are forward biased. Current flows through the load when SCR1 and SCR2 is
triggered into conduction. During negative half cycle, SCR3 and SCR4 are forward biased. If the load is resistive, the
load voltage and load current are similar.
Simulation of the 1Ø full controlled rectifier circuit with R load using MATLAB/SIMULINK has been done.
Circuit Diagram for Three Phase Full Control Rectifier with R-Load
MATLAB Model for Three Phase Full Control Rectifier with R-Load
Simulation waveforms for Three Phase Full Control Rectifier with R-Load
To simulate the 3Ø fully Controlled rectifier circuit with R load and obtain the corresponding waveforms using
The three phase full bridge converter works as three phase AC-DC converter for firing angle delay 0<α≤90
and as three phase line commutated inverter for 90<α<180. The numbering of SCRs 1, 3, 5 for the positive
group and 2, 4, 6 for negative group. This numbering scheme is adopted here as it agrees with the sequence of
gating of six thyristors in a 3-phase full converter. Here each SCR is conduct for 120. At any time two SCRs, one rom
positive group and other from negative group must conduct together and this combination must conduct for 60.This
means commutation occurs for every 60. For ABC phase sequence of three phase supply thyristors conduct in pairs:
T1 and T2, T2 and T3, T3 and T4, T4 and T5, T5 and T6, T6 and T1.
Simulation of the 3Ø full controlled rectifier circuit with R load using MATLAB/SIMULINK has been done.
Circuit Diagram for 1Ø AC Voltage Regulator Circuit
To simulate the 1Ø AC voltage regulator circuit and obtain the suitable waveforms using MATLAB/SIMULINK
AC regulators are used to get variable AC voltage from the fixed mains voltage. Some of the important applications
of AC regulators are: domestic and industrial heating, induction heating in metallurgical industries, induction motor
speed control for fan and pump drives, transformer tap changers in utility systems, static reactive power
compensators, lighting control etc., Earlier, auto transformers, transformers with taps and magnetic amplifiers were
employed in these applications because of high efficiency, compact size, flexibility in control etc. Two thyristors in
anti-parallel are employed for full wave control. In this case, isolation between control and power circuit is most
essential because of the fact that the cathodes of the two thyristors are connected to the common point. For low
power applications, a triac may be used. In this case isolation between control and power circuitry is not necessary.
To simulate the 1Ø AC voltage regulator circuit and obtain the suitable waveforms using MATLAB/SIMULINK
Circuit Diagram for DC-DC Boost Circuit Circuit Diagram for DC-DC Buck Circuit
A DC-DC converter is a device which accepts a DC input voltage and provides a DC output voltage. The output voltage
can be greater than the input or vice versa. These are used to match the loads to the power supply. The simplest
DC-DC converter circuit consists of a switch which controls the connection and disconnection of load to the power
supply. A basic DC-DC converter consists of energy transferred from load to the energy storage devices like inductors
or capacitor through switches like a transistor or a diode. They can be used as linear voltage regulators or switched
mode regulators. In a linear voltage regulator, the base voltage of a transistor is driven by a control circuit to obtain
the desired output voltages. In a switched mode regulator, transistor is used as a switch. In a step down converter
or a buck converter, when switch is closed, the inductor allows current to flow to the load and when the switch is
opened, the inductor supplies the stored energy to the load.
Categories of DC to DC Converter
Buck converters: The buck converters are used to convert the high input voltage to low output
voltage. In this converter continuous output current gives the less output voltage ripples.
Boost converters: The boost converters are used to convert the lower input voltage to higher output
voltage. In a step up converter or a boost converter, when switch is closed, the load gets voltage
supply from the capacitor which charges through the current passing through the inductor and when
switch is open, the load gets supply from the input stage and the inductor.
Simulation of DC-DC Converter circuit with R load in MATLAB-Simulink has been done.