Newsletter 8: ST Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

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St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

Newsletter 8
Friday 4th November 2011 Dear Parents, Welcome back!! The children have already settled back in to school life really well. Although it is quite mild at the moment, obviously the colder weather will soon be with us. Can you please make sure that the children have coats, hats and scarves for play and dinner time and they have warm PE clothing for outside games and clubs. Thank You!! I hoped that you found parents evening informative and useful. We have been really pleased with how well the children have settled in to the new routines of our new Primary School and have been impressed by how hard the children have been working. A big Thank You to all of the children and parents who have made up a Rotary Shoebox. If you have not done one already, there is still time!!! The boxes will be collected from school on Monday 10th November.

With best wishes

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Diary Dates DEVELOPMENT DAY - SCHOOL CLOSED Mass at Church 10.00 a.m. Theatre Production at School - NEW Christmas Fayre 2.00 p.m. Christmas Dinner Mass in School 10.00 a.m. Christmas Party lunch and games p.m. BREAK UP FOR CHRISTMAS BREAK RETURN TO SCHOOL

FOSTA NEWS MORRISONS GROW VOUCHERS in ASAP please MINIBUS APPEAL - Sponsored Scoot raised 282 so far - if you haven't brought your sponsor money in then please do so asap MUFTIS FOR CHRISTMAS MARKET - Fri 2 December - Toiletries & Bottles Fri 9 December - Cakes /Chocolate If you have any Christmas decorations at home that you no longer need please bring them in as we may be able to use them - thank you! HELPERS NEEDED: Fri 2 December - decorate the tree - time to be confirmed 5,6,7 December - class crafts - all afternoon Fri 9 December - Christmas Market - all day 13 December - Christmas Lunch 11.45am - 1.30pm approx 15 December - Christmas Parties from 1pm PEEL2SAVE The deadline for selling these cards is fast approaching, remember there is over 300 of offers on the card - all offered from businesses right here on the Island and it only costs 10! 5 of which goes straight into school funds. Ask EVERYONE you know if they would like to buy one for themselves or as a gift. Remember 80% of the money raised will go into our minibus fund and 20% will be spent in the classrooms! So this means that for every card sold you will be raising 1 to spend in the classroom! If every person in the school sold just one card then we would raise a total of 660, of which 132 would be spent in the classrooms! 2 cards each would be 1320 (264 to be spent in the classrooms) and if each child managed to sell just 5 cards each we would raise 3300! (660 to be spent in the classrooms) Anyone selling more than 5 cards will get a little prize! How many can you sell? Thank you!

Nearly new and Jumble Extravaganza. We are trying to raise money for Global Rock 2012 and will be holding the event in the school hall on Saturday 19th November 11.00 to 1.30. If you would like a stall, the cost is 5. Please see Mrs Wildish as soon as possible as stalls are going fast!!!! If you have anything to send in, please hand in to Mrs Rayner. Many Thanks

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