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Christmas Fayre 2014

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Dear Parents / Carers,
We will be holding our Christmas Fayre on Saturday 7th December 2014 between 11am and 1pm. There will be a variety of stalls and activities for all
the family to enjoy and Father Christmas will also be visiting us on the day. Tickets to attend the fayre are on sale, from the school office, 1 per
adult and children are FREE!
Activities include:

tea, coffee and mince pies

cake stall

chocolate fountain

Father Christmas grotto

a craft stall including decorating baubles and Christmas stockings

pocket money toys, including reindeer dust

pocket money gifts (things the children can buy for their parents)


and stalls from the community e.g. crafts, jewellery etc.

We are also organising a Christmas Chocolate Raffle and would appreciate donations of chocolate (e.g. boxes of chocolate, bars of chocolate etc) as
prizes. If you are able to assist by donating chocolate then please bring your items into school from Monday 17th November to Thursday 5th
December and give them to your childs class teacher.
Your children will be bringing home raffle tickets in the coming weeks. Please return the booklet with sold and unsold tickets, along with payment,
ensuring the names are written on the back of each ticket by Monday 1st December 2014. The draw will take place on Friday 5th December 2014 and
winners will be notified then.
The Ingleby Mill Summer Fayre is a huge success due to the generosity of your donations and so we are really hoping for the same level of support
at our Christmas Fayre. Below is a timetable for any of your very welcome contributions to be brought into school.

Prizes for the Chocolate Raffle

Raffle and Tombola Prizes
Cakes for the cake stall
Arrangements to visit Father Christmas

Any chocolate donations boxes of chocolate,

bars of chocolate etc.
Gifts, wines, spirits, confectionary etc.
Cakes, muffins etc.

From the week beginning:

Monday 17th November 2014
From the week beginning:
Monday 1st December 2014
Friday 5th December 2014

Santa will be joining us from 11am to 1pm and he would love for as many children as possible to visit him whilst he is in our school. To try and avoid
huge queues, and to make sure you have time to enjoy the other activities that will be on offer during the Fayre, we are going to arrange
appointments to visit Santa. Tickets will cost 2.50 per child and Santa may be talking to/visiting a couple of children at the same time this is to
ensure as many children get to see him as possible. If you would like to buy a ticket to see Santa, they are available from the school office and you
can choose an available time when you purchase your ticket.
Finally, if you are able to offer any help or support in the set up and preparation of the Fayre, either during the week before the Fayre or
on the actual day itself, please return the slip below to Mrs Brown or Mrs Coverdale.
Thank you in advance for your support. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the Christmas Fayre 2014.

Mrs Brown and Friends of Ingleby Mill

Please return slip below if you are able to help at the Christmas Fayre
Name of Parent _______________________ Name of Child _______________ Class ______
I would be able to help with the preparation for the Christmas Fayre on Friday 5 th
I would be able to help on the day of the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 6 th

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