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• Explain critically step by
step procedure to be
performed during
Occupied room cleaning.
• Step by step procedure of
bed making during the
morning service and during
turndown service as well.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-ND.

• Explain critically step by step procedure to be performed during Occupied room cleaning .
• Knock on the door with your knuckles and announce housekeeping, wait for ten second. (Do
not use any other articles, such as pens or keys, for the purpose).
• In case a DND sign is displayed, proceed to clean another room, making a note of the DND
status on the room assignment sheet.
• If there is no answer after 10 seconds knock the door the second time announcing
• If there still no answer uses the master key to open the door announcing housekeeping.
• If the guest bids GRA to enter, open the door slightly and ask if you may service the room. if
the guest is willing, proceed to clean the room. In case the guest does not want the room
serviced at the moment, ask for an alternative time and make a note of it on the room
assignment sheet.
• If there is still no answer, use master key to open the door if it is locked. Hold the door
slightly ajar and repeat housekeeping. In case there is no answer, enter the room discreetly
and make sure that the guest is not in the bathroom or in a deep sleep or even ill. Otherwise
proceed to clean the room .If the guest is in the bathroom asleep, retreat and close the door.
• In case GRA end up having disturbed the guest, apologize, explain the reason for your enter
and say that you shall come back later to clean the room.
• Upon entering the room, open the door wide and position the cart in front of the door with
the shelves facing the door.
• Keep the door wide open during servicing of the room.
Preparing to clean the guest room-
• IF the guest is out or has permitted you to clean the room, greet them politely and begin
your work, but take care to minimize any disturbance or inconvenience to the guest.
• Ventilate the room by drawing back the drapes and opening the windows. While drawing
back the curtains, check the curtain rings and tracks.
• Remove room service (IRD) trays and used tea trays.
• Switch on all electrical appliances such as lights, fans,- conditioners, television, and so on to
check that they are in working order. Switch them off after the check.
• Empty ashtrays, wastepaper baskets and the sani bin from the bathroom into the trash bag
on the cart.
Cleaning the guestroom-
• move soiled linen and make the bed aRes per standard procedure.
• Follow a systematic method by starting at the door and cleaning surface as you move clockwise or
anticlockwise .Also always clean from higher to lower levels.
• Damp dust the door and all the door fixtures.
• Damp dust cabinets and closets.
• Damp dust the luggage rack.
• Damp dust the dressing table, drawer and lighting fixtures around or near it.
• Clean mirror.
• Damp dust the bedside tables.
• Dry dust all the fixture and accessories in the guestroom.
• Damp dust chairs and tables; vacuum upholstered furniture. Rearrange all furniture properly after
you are done.
• Vacuum the carpet edges and floor baseboards.
• Clean window frames and glass panes if required.
• Damp dust the headboard of the bed.
• Damp dust the telephone and disinfect the mouthpiece and the handle of the receiver.
• Spot clean all walls if necessary
Replenishing minibar -
• Replenish the minibar as per set standard and prepare bill for consumed
Replenishing bedroom supplies-
• Replenish the bedroom supplies if required and place them as per the hotel
Cleaning the bathroom-
• Put on protective gloves and an apron before begin the work at bathroom-
• Before starting to clean any surface, apply the toilet cleaner in WC. It may
require that the WC be flushed first. Proceed with other tasks in the bathroom
while the toilet cleaning agent does its job.
• Clean the shower curtain using a damp sponge. Let the shower curtain
hang loosely on the tap side of the bath tub, with the bottom of the curtain
inside the tub. This is important for avoiding the build-up moisture.
• Clean the mirror in the same ways as flat glass,.
• Replenish toiletries and other bathroom supplies if required. Gargle glasses
should be replaced with clean ones covered in a wrapper with the message
'sanitized for your use'
• Replace used towels with fresh ones.
• Clean the outside and surrounding area of the toilet bowl.
• Using a toilet brush, clean the inside of the toilet bowl, especially under the
rim and flush, rinsing the toilet brush in the flush water. A bidet, if present, is
also cleaned in the same way.
• Apply a disinfectant solution on the toilet seat and inside of the lid and close
the lid of the toilet bowl .Place the disinfected strip with the sign 'sanitized for
your use 'around the bowl.
• Check all electric appliances to see that they are in working order.
• Damp dust the door and door fixtures, the toilet - roll holder and other
• Clean and disinfect the wall phone.
• Mop the floor. It is a good practice to add a little disinfectant to the mop water
since many guests walk barefoot in the bathroom.
• Take a critical look around, Leave the bath room door open for air to circulate
and exit the bathroom.
Concluding work in the guestroom:-
• In the end, vacuum clean the room (or mop). Begin from the farthest end,
drawing the sheer curtains and move back towards door. Switch off extra lights
except the ones that are to be left on as per policy.
• While cleaning an occupied room .you may tidy the guest's possessions and
belonging scattered around but never throw away anything. They should not
touch any valuables or money left in the room. So that he /she can inspect the
cleaned room. After cleaning, inform the floor supervisor so that he/she can
inspect the cleaned room.
• Cleaning a vacated room (departure/on change/check out)
Step by step procedure of bed making during
the morning service and during turndown service as well.
• Clear the bed of anything in your way. If you’re washing your sheets, clear everything off of the
bed. If you’re just redoing your bed, remove whatever is going to get in the way. You may want to
take off pillows, stuffed animals, your comforter, etc.
• Take the duvet/blanket off, the top sheet, and any pillows and set them aside on a clean surface.
• You can leave the fitted sheet on the bed if you aren’t replacing it.
• Put the fitted sheet on. If the fitted sheet is not already on the bed, add it now. Tuck the elastic
ends of the sheet around the four corners of the mattress.
• Tuck the corners of the mattress tightly. You may need to lift the mattress slightly to achieve this.
• Smooth the fitted sheet out to remove any creases or wrinkles.
• Fitted sheets are notoriously annoying about staying down when you move from one corner to
another. If you have a friend or family member willing to help, ask them for some assistance—at
least on this part—if you’re struggling

Put the top sheet on and smooth it out. Spread the top sheet over the fitted
sheet. Put the side with the large hem at the top of the bed and align it with the
head of the mattress to keep everything neat and tidy.
Tuck the bottom end of the top sheet in between the mattress and the box spring
to start.
• On one side, grab a piece of the top sheet approximately 16 inches (40.6 cm)
away from the foot of the bed.
• Lift it up and fold the sheet over the top of the mattress, so it forms a 45-degree
angle from the corner of the mattress.
• Holding the folded piece of sheet in place on top of the mattress, tuck in any
sheet hanging below the mattress on that side of the bed.
• Now, let the folded piece of the sheet on top of the mattress drop down. Tuck the
hanging edge of the sheet smoothly between the mattress and box springs, all the
way along the side of the bed.
• Repeat this process on the opposite side of the bed.

• Place the duvet or comforter on top. Once the top sheets are tucked in place,
lay your blankets, duvet, or comforter on top
• Fold the top sheet and duvet down a few inches. Take the edge of the top
sheet at the head of the bed and neatly fold it back over 4–12 inches (10–30 cm)
from the top edge of the duvet, blanket, or comforter.

Fluff the pillows for a more luxurious vibe. Grab your pillows and give them a
good fluffing before you place them on the bed. Grab the pillow on either side and
squeeze the sides together firmly and repeatedly
• Turn down service / Evening service in a guest room -
The turn down services is provided by the housekeeping department in
the evening at hotels as a special service to guests. It is, therefore .also
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referred to as evening service or night service. Turn down refers to

making the bed ready for sleeping in by removing any bedspread or
duvet and turning down the covers. Along with this function, a few
other tasks are carried out in the evening to make the guestroom
environment conducive to and comfortable for a good night's sleep. To
provide the turn down service, a GRA enters the guestroom early in
the evening to replenish supplies, generally tidy the room and turn
down the beds. The procedure is given below .
• Follow the usual procedure of announcing housekeeping and entering the guestroom.
• Empty and damp dust the ashtray, replace matchbox and generally tidy the room. Empty
the wastepaper basket.
• * These tasks should be done before turning down the sheets on the bed.
• * Turn down the sheets. (fold one corner of the blanket to enable the guest to slide into the
bed 90 or 45 degree).
• * Place the breakfast card and chocolate ( depends on the hotel sop)
• * Hang any scattered about clothes left by the guest in the cupboard.
• * Replace used glasses and replenish water jugs.
• * Adjust the air conditioner controls.
• * If the bathroom has been used, damp dust the vanity unit and bath tub, flush the WC
wipe the seat, and mop away any marks on the floor.
• * Replace soiled linens with fresh ones.
• * Replenish the bathroom supplies.
• * Empty the sani bin.
• * Pull the guestroom drapes closed. (draw the heavy curtain).
• * Switch off all lights except the bedside lamp to create a welcoming glow around the bed.
• * Exit and lock the door if the guest is expected later.

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