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IR Air Compressor Intellisys Manual

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Goodnal STP ST041 Site Services (Ingersoll Rand SE Controller Basic Rotary Manual) Vendor Manual

CP-1010-010, 020, 030

Basic Rotary Manual

SE Controller
SE Controller ............................................................. 3
Software .................................................................... 4
Current Status ........................................................... 6
SE Panel Display ...................................................... 7
Hidden Buttons ......................................................... 8
Warnings ................................................................... 9
Alarms ....................................................................... 10
Options...................................................................... 12
Calibration Procedure ............................................... 14
UP Series Controller ................................................. 16
Short Test ................................................................. 17

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Goodnal STP ST041 Site Services (Ingersoll Rand SE Controller Basic Rotary Manual) Vendor Manual

SE Controller Basic Rotary

SE Controls
In this section, you will learn
x SE Controller major functions
x SE Basic hardware relationship
x SE Electrical Diagram
x SE Input/Outputs

SE Controller
In this section, we will review the functions of the SE
Controller used on the 50-100hp (37-75kW) IR
Contact Cooled Rotary Compressors.

SE is the microprocessor based controller and uses a

finger touch membrane for operation of the
compressor and setting control parameters.
Information about the current operating status is
available on a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) from a list
of temperature and pressure readings.

The Intellisys monitors the compressor and when any

pre-programmed limit be exceeded, the controller
automatically displays a warning or issues an alarm to
shut the compressor down. A group of pressure and
temperature sensors, relays and switches support the
decision making process.

ALARM will shut down the compressor

When WARNING is displayed, the compressor will
continue to operate.

Operation of the control system will be easy after the

following explanation of the control system
components is read and understood.

SE Training Module

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Basic Rotary
SE Controls
The term software refers to
J5 115/120 Vac. J4 16Vac. J3 5Vdc. J2 5Vdc. J1 5Vdc.
the program or set of
instructions that the
central processing unit
(CPU) requires and will
obey for all of the
compressor’s operating

The software is
programmed (or written)
into a 28-pin chip called
an EPROM (Erasable EPROM
Programmable, Read
Only Memory), located in
the controller. The
EPROM can be erased if
exposed to ultraviolet
light. From time to time,
software is updated to Printed Circuit of SE Controller
incorporate improvements
or additional features. In such cases, the updated
software is a new revision. It moves up one level and
can be purchased as an upgrade. For example,
Original software revision 1.0 may become Revision
1.1 etc.

The new revision would be programmed into a new

EPROM and the original would have to be replaced.

There is a danger when replacing EPROM, as the

static electricity from your body could discharge and
damage the EPROM. For this reason you should SE Controller Description
always use anti-static kit CPN 93457596. The EPROM The controller uses touch membrane technology, with
that has been removed should be returned to Ingersoll back lit LCD display and green LED (Light Emitting
-Rand for recycling. Diode) indicators.

The touch pad is made up of Start, Scroll Arrows,

Unloaded Stop, Set, Unload/Load, Hidden Right,
Display Select and Hidden buttons.

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Basic Rotary
SE Controls
Display Select Button.
This is used to scroll through the
“SET” Buttons.
package display select menu that will
This is used to scroll through the operator set
show the current status of the unit.
points and if a value is changed by the operator
then pressing this button again will save the
new value into the Intellisys Controller.
Green LEDs
(Display Current Status

Package Disch. Pressure INGERSOLL-RAND

Alarm (Red LED)
Airend Disch. Temp
Sump Pressure Set Offline Air Pressure
Separator Pressure Drop 100 PSI Set On line Air Pressure
Total Hours Select Control Mode
Loaded Hours Set Display Time
Select Options
Hidden Left
Hidden Right

Green LEDs
(Customer Set

Stop button.
Start button. Pressing this button will activate the unloaded
Pressing this button will start the stop sequence. If the compressor is running
compressor if the display shows loaded, it will unload and continue to run
Ready To Start. The compressor will unloaded 5 - 10 seconds and then stop. If the
start and load if there is sufficient compressor is running unloaded and the button
demand for air. is pressed, it will stop immediately. Pressing this
button when the unit is stopped will cause an
LED self test to occur and display the installed
Software inside the Intellisys Controller.
These up and down buttons have multiple
functions. When lists are presented, the Unload button.
buttons are used to move up and down Pressing this button will cause the compressor to
through the items on the list. The keys unload and remain unloaded. The display will
are used to increase and decrease the indicate the machine is Running Unloaded, and
values of set points within the Intellisys Mode: UNLOAD.
controller. They are also used to calibrate
4APT - Package Discharge Pressure Load button.
Transducer. Pressing this button will cause the compressor to
load if the machine has been started and the
Discharge Pressure is less than the Online
Pressure. This also returns the compressor to the
operating mode that is specified by the Mode of
Operation set point.

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Basic Rotary
SE Controls
Current Status beside Package Discharge Pressure will be on.
Display Select Operation
x AIREND DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE The operator can press the Display Select button and
x SUMP PRESSURE scroll through the following listed values. If the
x SEPARATOR DELTA P Display Select button is pressed to observe any value
other than Package Discharge Pressure and then not
pressed again within the period of time selected in the
x LOADED HOURS Display Time set point, the display returns
automatically to the normal display selection. The
The controller automatically returns the display to the display time is selectable between 10 and 600
CURRENT STATUS screen showing PACKAGE seconds and is part of the customer set-point routine.
DISCHARGE PRESSURE if no other buttons are
pressed within 30 seconds. Remember: the "normal display" is Ready to Start or
Start Local/Remote when the compressor is not
Pressing Display Select button will scroll to the next running and Package Discharge Pressure when in
status display and the appropriate green LED on the operation.
left hand side of the SE will light up.
Package Discharge Pressure
This is the normal display when the compressor is
! running; the green LED will be on and the display will
Note show the current value of the Package Discharge
The Intellisys controller calculates separator pressure Pressure and unit of measure. Pressure sensor 3APT
drop by: provides the information.
x Monitoring sump pressure
x Subtracting current line pressure Airend Discharge Temperature
x Subtracting 5 psi (.3 bar) to allow for minimum The Airend Discharge Temperature LED will be on
pressure valve, aftercooler and moisture separator and the display will show the current value of the
pressure drops, for example temperature and the units of measure. Temperature
Sump Pressure 120 PSI / 8.3 Bar sensor 2ATT is installed within the airend discharge
Line Pressure 109 PSI / 7.5 Bar port and provides this information to the controller. An
example would be "207 DEG F" or “97 DEG C”.
Calculation: 120 PSI - 109 PSI - 5 PSI = 6 PSI
8.3 Bar - 7.5 Bar - 0.3 Bar = 0.5 Bar
Sump Pressure
When Sump Pressure has been selected, the green
The Intellisys controller display would indicate 6 PSI or LED will be on, the Line/Sump solenoid 10SV will be
0.5 Bar. energized and the display will show the current sump
pressure and unit of measure. The sump is constantly
Maximum separator pressure drop 12 PSI or 0.8 Bar. scanned as long as the compressor remains loaded or
manually unloaded.

SE Panel Display The controller understands pressure sensor 3APT is

connected to the sump and when loaded must make
Normal Display - Not Running an adjustment to ensure the unit unloads at, or very
The normal display message when the compressor is near, the original Off-Line setting that is associated
not running will be Ready To Start. However, if the with the customers air pressure.
Remote Start/Stop feature is enabled, the message
will read Start Local/Remote. Neither message will be To do this, the controller automatically makes a
displayed if an Alarm condition exists. calculation and unloads the compressor when the
sump pressure is 5PSI (.3 bar) plus the separator
Normal Display - Running pressure drop above the Off-Line setting.
The normal display when a unit is running will be the
An important point...the controller makes an automatic
current line pressure value and units of measure. As
2 second check of the separator differential every
an example: 102 PSI or 7 BAR. The green LED
loaded hour and stores the information to use during

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Basic Rotary
SE Controls
the above calculation. When the check is made, the
line pressure must be above 90 PSI (6.2 bar), the unit If the Intellisys calculation is greater than 12 PSI (.8
loaded and the line pressure may only change 2 PSI bar), the warning message "Change Separator
(0.1 bar) during the check. Should any of the Element" will appear in the display and the red Alarm
parameters be out of range during the check, the LED will begin to flash. The compressor continues to
controller continues checking until a reading is run and deliver air to the customers system. If the
obtained. Once a reading is obtained and in the pressure drop across the separator increases to 15
memory, the controller waits for another loaded hour PSI (1 bar) then the Intellisys controller will shut the
before updating the information. unit down on a “Change Separator Element” alarm.
The red alarm LED will also turn on and stay on.
When the compressor unloads and Sump Pressure
remains selected, the Line/Sump solenoid 10SV Running Hours
alternates every 15 seconds between Line and Sump. The green LED will be on and the total number of
The Line is read for 13 seconds and the Sump for 2 hours the compressor has run will be in the display. If
seconds and the Sump pressure is updated on the the unit has operated less than 1 hour, the display will
display after each 2 second check. show minutes.

There is no display concerning line pressure at this This information has value for scheduling
time because Sump Pressure has been selected. maintenance.
However, the controller is aware because it reads the
line pressure as the Line/Sump solenoid alternates Loaded Hours
back and forth. The controller reloads the compressor The green LED will be on and the number of hours the
when the customer's air pressure falls to the On-Line compressor has been in a loaded condition will be in
Setting. the display. If the unit has been loaded less than one
hour, the display will show minutes.
Remember; the Sump Pressure reading will
automatically return to Package Discharge Pressure at This information indicates usage of the compressor to
the end of the pre-selected Display time. air delivery.

Separator Pressure Drop

This check is made by the Intellisys once every loaded Hidden Buttons
hour and stored in the memory or can be selected on The information enclosed in this part of the program
the Display by an operator. should be restricted to trained and authorised Ingersoll
-Rand Service personnel only for safety of operation
When an operator selects Separator Pressure Drop on reasons.
the display, the check is made every 15 seconds.
The actual check takes 2 seconds and 10SV will be (EPROM revision level 1.3 or higher)
energized during this time as the solenoid alternates
between Line and Sump. Hidden Left (Last Alarm Recall)
Located between the Power Indicator light and the
If the differential is 3 PSI (0.2 bar) or less, the Start button.
controller will display 3 PSI (0.2 bar). If the differential
is greater than 15 PSI (1 bar), the controller will To Access
display 15 PSI (1 bar). Have "READY TO START" or "START LOCAL/
REMOTE" showing in the message display. Press
The display will show RUN COMP TO CK, LOAD the Unload/Load button once and then press the
COMP TO CK or WAIT - LOADING if the compressor Hidden Left button within three seconds.
has not been running loaded for at least 8 seconds
when this display is selected. Content
Last Alarm Recall plus operating conditions at the
A warning feature is associated with the Separator instant of the alarm are stored in the memory and
Pressure Drop and will cause the message "Change can be reviewed using the Display Select button.
Separator Element" to appear in the display if the
following conditions occur.

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Basic Rotary
SE Controls
General Conversion Factors
Hidden Right (Factory Set Points) x 1 BAR = 14.5 PSI
Located between the Automatic Restart Indicator x 1 KPA (Kilo Pascal) = BAR X 100
light and the Unloaded Stop button.
x 1 KG/CM² = 14.22 PSI

To Access x Degrees Celsius = ( Fahrenheit - 32 ) ÷ 1.8

Have "READY TO START" or "START LOCAL/ x Degrees Fahrenheit = 1.8 X Celsius + 32
REMOTE" showing in the message display. Press
the Unload/Load button once and then press the
Hidden Right button within three seconds.
Customer Set Points
There are ten main set points that the operator may
wish to change: -
To Exit Either Hidden Button Function
Press the Set button twice. x OFF-LINE PRESSURE
Factory Set Points x MODULATION/ACS
Portuguese x LEAD/LAG
Temperature and pressure selections
1) Degrees F. and PSI x LOW AMBIENT
2) Degrees C. and KPA
3) Degrees C. and PSI Pressing the SET key with the machine stopped,
4) Degrees C. and BAR power on, will enable access to set parameters. The
5) Degrees C. and KG/CM² current value will display on the LCD and the
appropriate green LED light on the right hand side of
the controller’s face will be on.
Rated pressures
1) PSI = from 100 to 200 in increments of 1 PSI The arrow keys can be used to change values.
2) BAR = 7 / 8.5 / 9.6 / 10.3 / 11.4/ 13.8 Pressing SET for a second time will store the setting
3) KG/CM² = 7 / 8.5 / 9.8 / 10.5 / 11.4/ 14.0 and automatically, move down to the next set point.
4) KPA = 700 / 850 / 960 / 1030 / 1380 / 1140
The controller automatically returns the display to the
Starter options current status showing Package Discharge Pressure if
1) Star-Delta (Timer adjusts between 5 and 15 no other buttons are pressed within 30 seconds.
2) Full voltage
3) No starter

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) contrast
1) Use the Up/Down arrows to adjust the contrast
and then press the Set button.
Hour meter settings
Modulation On/Off

To Exit
Press the Display Select button once or wait for 30

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Basic Rotary
SE Controls
SE Intellisys Warning Messages SERVICE DUE
In the event of a warning condition, the controller will This warning occurs when an internal timer reaches
display a message and the alarm LED will flash. The 150 hours after startup of a new unit. This warning
warning message will alternate with the normal display uses an internal timer that corresponds with the
every one second, the compressor will continue to compresses Running Hours. To reset this warning all
run. anyone has to do is press the set button twice. Once
the Set button has been pressed this will reset the
The fault should be rectified as soon as possible. The internal timer for 2000 hours.
arrow keys should be used to index the display for any
additional warning messages if SCROLL FOR WARN
is displayed.

A warning message may be reset by depressing the

set button once. This can be done with the
machine in operation. The warning will re-occur if the
fault has not been rectified.

There are 3 pre-programmed warnings that can be

displayed; the warnings and the conditions under
which they might occur are listed.


This warning will occur when the airend discharge
temperature reaches 97% of the high temperature set
point 221°F (106°C). The warning AIREND TEMP will
be displayed.


If a separator element pressure differential of 12 psi
(0.9 bar) or greater is detected during normal
operating conditions. Separator element warning will
only occur if the above condition exists for 3
consecutive hours.



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Basic Rotary
SE Controls
SE Intellisys Alarm INGERSOLL-RAND
In event of an alarm
condition the controller will
execute an emergency stop
x De-energize all
contactors and solenoids
x Energize alarm relay
x Illuminate alarm LED
x Display alarm message

The arrow keys should be

used to index for any
additional alarm messages if


x HIGH AIR PRESSURE above the rated pressure of the controller. This
x HIGH AIREND TEMPERATURE pressure source is the normal connection for 3APT
x STARTER FAULT because the Intellisys always returns to Package
Discharge Pressure at the end of the Display Select
SENSOR FAILURE A sensor known as 2ATT is located within the
x REMOTE START FAILURE discharge port to monitor the air/oil temperature
leaving the airend.
x CALIBRATION FAILURE Should the temperature of the discharge port rise
x NO CONTROL POWER above 228°F. (109°C.) on an SE that is running, the
x PRESSURE SENSOR FAILURE Intellisys controller will shut the compressor down on
an alarm condition and place HIGH AIREND TEMP in
x EMERGENCY STOP the message display.

Alarm Reset In addition, should the temperature of the airend

An alarm is reset by depressing the set button twice discharge port of a stopped compressor be greater
within a three second period, after the fault has been than 217°F. (103°C.), the display will show HIGH
rectified. AIREND TEMP and then alternate that message back
Low Sump Pressure and forth with MUST COOL DOWN. This condition is
An alarm that will cause a running compressor to be also a HIGH AIREND TEMP alarm and the controller
stopped should the wet-side sump pressure fall below will not allow the compressor to be started.
15 psi (1 bar). Note: wet-side sump pressure is
defined as the pressure between the discharge port of Either of the above two situations require 2ATT to cool
the airend and the separator element. below 217°F. (103°C.) before the Intellisys will clear
the alarm when the Set button is pressed twice.
High Air Pressure
This alarm can occur from two separate pressure

The first, and most likely, is for the controller to sense

Package Discharge Pressure to be 15 psi (1bar)

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Basic Rotary
SE Controls
a loose connection at junction J2, a broken wire in the
Starter Fault temperature sensor 2ATT circuit or a faulty sensor.
The Intellisys control system uses an auxiliary contact
(1Sa, 1Ma and 2Ma) on each contactor to indicate Remote Stop Failure
when the contactor is either open or closed. This alarm will be issued when the momentary remote
stop switch is held open longer than 1 second to stop
When the compressor is in operation and one of the a unit but has not re-closed
contactors opens while the controller logic indicates it by the time the next restart attempt is made.
should be closed, the auxiliary contact also opens to
signal the controller there is a problem. The controller The restart attempt must be a result of an operator
issues a STARTER FAULT alarm. A loose wire, faulty pressing the Intellisys Start button or the Remote Start
starter coil or burned triac could cause the problem. button.

This alarm is also issued if the starter is directed to This alarm is only active if the Remote Start/Stop
open and the contactor remains in the closed position. option prom is installed and the Remote Start/Stop
feature turned ON in the Option Selection set-point
Main Motor Overload routine.
This alarm occurs whenever the contacts of the
overload relay (1OL) open and remain open for at Check Motor Rotation
least 1 second. The relay contacts operate a 5 Volt After applying incoming power to an SE compressor,
DC circuit, are normally-closed and shipped from the this alarm will occur if the controller has not measured
factory in the automatic reset position. positive sump pressure within 2 seconds after starting.

Basically, 1OL has a heater element for each of the When positive pressure is not sensed, the controller
three phases supplying current to the main motor and instantly obtains a negative pressure signal from 3APT
each is sized for the amperage drawn at full load. to determine if a vacuum is in the sump. If vacuum is
read, the controller assumes reverse rotation and
Should an overload condition develop to draw higher issues the alarm to stop the compressor and place CK
than normal current, the heater elements produce MTR ROTATION in the message display.
additional amounts of heat. This additional heat is
sensed by a small strip made of two dissimilar metals After the controller has once confirmed correct
bonded together that have different rates of rotation, this alarm will not be checked again until the
expansion. As the bi-metal strip heats up, it bends as power supply has been removed from the unit.
a result of the two different expansion rates until it trips
the overload relay contacts to the open position. Calibration Failure
An alarm activated when attempting to calibrate 3APT
As the contacts open, the compressor is shut down with pressure still applied in excess of 10% of the
and MAIN MTR OVERLD will appear in the message sensor rating.
display. The alarm serves to alert the operator of calibration
error which could overload the unit or cause the relief
Fan Motor Overload valve to lift.
An alarm that occurs and will shut the compressor
down whenever the fan motor overload relay 2OL No Control Power
opens and remains open for at least one second. The This alarm will be issued when the Intellisys controller
operation of 2OL is the same as 1OL. senses a loss of the 120 volt AC power supply to the
Some causes for a Fan Motor Overload alarm could triac circuit that controls the starter coils and
include low incoming voltage, loose connections, solenoids.
wrong fan blade installed or improperly sized heater
elements. The message display will show FAN MTR A blown fuse (3FU), opening of the 120 volt contacts
OVERLOAD as long as 2OL remains open. of the Emergency Stop switch, opening of the High Air
Temperature switch (1ATS) or a loose/broken wire will
Temperature Sensor Failure cause this alarm.
This alarm can be caused by an extremely high and
unusual resistance value across 2ATT such as can be
measured at approximately 0°F. (-17.8°C.) and below,

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Basic Rotary
SE Controls
Pressure Sensor Failure Options
When the Intellisys controller receives a value from The SELECT OPTIONS set point will break down into
pressure sensor 3APT indicating the sensor has failed the following menu:
and remained failed for at least 1 second initiates this
alarm. AUTO S/S ............................. ON/OFF
SEQUENCER ....................... ON/OFF
Typically, a broken or loose wire is the reason. Check REMOTE S/S ........................ ON/OFF
for a good connection at the points where the cable LOW AMBIENT ..................... ON/OFF
connects to the sensor and at J3.

Emergency Stop The arrow keys can be used to change values.

This alarm results when the Emergency Stop button Pressing SET for a second time will store the setting
has been pressed to open both the 120V AC contact and automatically, move down to the next set point.
and the 5V DC contact.
The controller automatically returns the display to the
To reset, the Emergency Stop button must be rotated current status showing Package Discharge Pressure if
slightly in a clockwise direction to release the contacts. no other buttons are pressed within 30 seconds.
Then, pressing the Set button twice will clear the
alarm from the controller. The remote start/stop feature will only function if it
has been enabled through the customer set point
Memory Fault routine.

If enabled the display will show START LOCAL/REM

in place of the normal display READY TO START.

Remote Start
The controller will only accept a momentary normally
open signal, connected across terminals 5 and 6
If the Start button is held in for longer then 7 seconds
the controller will abort the start and issue a REM

Remote Stop
The controller will only accept a normally closed
signal across terminals 3 and 4 which open to stop
the compressor. If the unit is stopped by the remote
stop signal the message REMOTE STOP will replace
the normal UNLOADED STOP message

The remote stop procedure follows the unloaded stop

format, if the remote stop signal is open when a
remote start signal is received, then the controller will
display REMOTE STOP FAILURE alarm.

! Note
Maximum distance from compressor to remote
station 20 meters (65 feet). If distances greater than
20 meters (65 feet) are required, slave relays should
be incorporated to protect Intellisys low voltage

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Basic Rotary
SE Controls
Auto Shutdown Power Conservation System
The arrow keys can be used to change values.
(PCS) Pressing SET for a second time will store and
The auto shutdown incorporated as standard utilizes a automatically move down to the next set point.
power conservation system which allows reduced off
load running prior to shut down (and hence reduced The controller automatically returns the display to the
0 8 2 current status showing Package Discharge Pressure if
no other buttons are pressed within 30 seconds.
T adjustable 2
T fixed 8 T minimum to 20 minutes
minutes 2 minutes auto shutdown Consult the compressors operational manual for
Run time proper wiring of the PORO horn.
from start

Start Stop

To achieve this it is possible to select and program,
via the Intellisys Controller, an auto shutdown of only 2
minutes. However, the compressor must first have
run for at least 8 minutes to satisfy a fixed built in
The drawing below indicates this.
If the compressor has already been running Loaded or
Unloaded 8 minutes or more, then the 2 minutes auto
shutdown will apply (if set).
Where additional options can be purchased which
require a hardware key to enable the function and
include the option in the operator set point menu:

PORO .............................. ON/OFF

PORO TIME ..................... 10 - 60 Seconds

The hardware key is installed to the Intellisys by the

J11 port on the side of the controller.

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Basic Rotary
SE Controls
Calibration of the Pressure Transducer 3APT Pressure Transducer Input/Output
The calibration procedure will only execute if the com- Information
pressor is not running with mains power applied.

When the unit is displaying “Ready To Start” press the

up/down arrows simultaneously twice, within three Pressure PSI (BAR) Transducer Output
seconds. millivolts

The line/sump solenoid will energies to monitor sump 0 (0) 0

10 (.7) 3.45
The display will flash the message CALIBRATING. 20 (1.4) 5.9
30 (2) 8.35
The sump pressure at this time should be zero be-
cause the machine is stopped and fully blown down. 40 (2.8) 10.8
The transducer milli-volt output voltage level is stored 50 (3.5) 13.25
into the controllers memory as a zero reference.
60 (4) 15.7
70 (4.8) 18.15
80 (5.5) 20.6
! 90 (6.2) 23.05
Calibration will be required if the controller or 100 (6.8) 25.5
transducer are replaced 110 (7.6) 27.95
120 (8.3) 30.4
Only one pressure transducer 3APT is installed. To 130 (9) 32.85
check for 5Vdc supply technician will need to check
the Red and Black wires of transducer. To check the 140 (9.7) 35.3
transducers output voltage the White and Green wires 150 (10) 37.75
are to be checked.
160 (11) 40.2
170 (11.7) 42.65
180 (12.4) 45.1
190 (13) 47.55
200 (13.8) 50



13.8 bar
(200 PSI)

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Ingersoll Rand Global Service Education Team
Issue: 05/Davidson, December, 2008. ”Ingersoll Rand Proprietary Information

Q-Pulse Id VM412 Active 29/10/2013 Page 14 of 17

Goodnal STP ST041 Site Services (Ingersoll Rand SE Controller Basic Rotary Manual) Vendor Manual

Basic Rotary
SE Controls
2 ATT Temperature Sensor Controller Chart
A thermally sensitive resistor called a Thermistor
installed to the airend discharge port continually
monitors the temperature of the air/oil at the discharge Input/Output Terminals Voltage Voltage
of the airend. Closed Open
Contact Contact
These Thermistors are made from a mixture of
sintered metal oxides such as manganese, cobalt or OPEN 1&2
nickel sealed within a glass bead and then place in a Rem Stop 3&4 4-5Vdc 0Vdc
stainless steel housing.
Rem Start 5&6 4-5Vdc 0Vdc
A constant 5 volts DC is applied to the sensor and, as
an example, at 228°F (109°C), the voltage allowed 1Sa / 2Ma 7&8 4-5Vdc 0Vdc
through the Thermistor will be reduced to 1Ma 9&10 4-5Vdc 0Vdc
approximately 1.5 volts DC to ground. The resistance
decreases as the temperature increases. As the E-Stop 11&12 4-5Vdc 0Vdc
temperature changes, either higher or lower, the FMS/OL 13&14 4-5Vdc 0Vdc
output voltage will change a corresponding amount.
MM/OL 15&16 4.5Vdc 0Vdc
This carrying DC voltage is processed by an OPEN 17,18,&19
Analogue - Digital converter and forwarded to the
Intellisys controller. 2ATT input 20&21 4-5Vdc 0Vdc
2ATT output 20&22 1.5- 0Vdc
Depending on the output voltage, the Intellisys makes 5Vdc
decisions that may only change a temperature
number on the panel display or could possibly shut 3APT shld/grn 23 0Vdc 0Vdc
the compressor down if conditions dictate. 3APT input 24&25 4-5Vdc 0Vdc
The Thermistor housing has SAE straight threads. 3APT output 26&27 0-50mV 0Vdc
There is no adjustment capability and if replacement OPEN 28
is required, disconnect the wires from the sensors and
unscrew the sensor from the airend. Transformer 29&30 8Vac 0Vac
Transformer 29&31 8Vac 0Vac
Transformer 30&31 16Vac 0Vac
Transformer 29&36 120Vac 0Vac
Rem Contacts 32&33 N. O. N. O.
Rem Contacts 33&34 N.C. N. C.
10SV 35&37 120Vac 0Vac
6SV & 2SV 35&38 120Vac 0Vac
1SV&3SV 35&39 120Vac 0Vac
1S & 2Mb 35&40 120Vac 0Vac
2M, 1M, 1Sc, 35&42 120Vac 0Vac
1Sb, & 1Mb

Rotary Training Manual Page 15

Ingersoll Rand Global Service Education Team
Issue: 05/Davidson, December, 2008. ”Ingersoll Rand Proprietary Information

Q-Pulse Id VM412 Active 29/10/2013 Page 15 of 17

Goodnal STP ST041 Site Services (Ingersoll Rand SE Controller Basic Rotary Manual) Vendor Manual

UP Series SE Intellisys Controller only when the machine has shut-down due to low air
Although the UP series compressor has a SE demand. When demand for air returns, the machine
controller fitted on it as an option this controller will restart and load automatically.
actually has a few added features that the normal The hour meter indicator displays the hours the
fixed speed, contact-cooled rotary compressor does machine has been running. An optional Maintenance
not have. This section of the manual will examine and Indicator is available for the Small UP compressor.
explain these different features. Details about it’s function are found later in the
Dual Pressure Set-points and Sequence Control The Pressure Gage, located behind the cover to the
The UP series software allows the user to set two right of the Control Panel, indicates system pressure.
different on-line and off-line pressures. The user can The Dew Point Indicator, present only on units with the
then toggle between the two settings by pressing the TAS dryer option, indicates dew point status. Green
up and down arrows. This feature allows the user the behind the crosshair indicates a good dew point. Red
ability to simply sequence two machines by biasing indicates that the dew point is above 50°F / 10°C. Blue
the two pressures. indicates freezing temperatures.
This feature also allows for energy reduction, when
reduced system pressure can be accepted and having
set the ranges appropriately the user can toggle Auto
Power On Restart
between the two set pressure bands and operate at a Start Button Indicator Indicator
lower pressure when appropriate to save energy cost.

Units of Measure
The following units of measure are available for

UP Series Control Panel

Up series compressors that do not have the SE
controller option added to them will have a standard
control panel like the one described below.

Hour Meter
Front Panel Indicator
Stop Button
The standard Small UP compressor front panel
consists of buttons and an hour indicator.
The red emergency stop (E-Stop) is used to stop the
compressor and fan immediately. It is used ONLY in
an emergency. The emergency stop must be
disengaged (rotate clockwise), and the green push
button switch pressed for the compressor to resume Pressure Gauge
producing air.
The green indicator light indicates the presence of
control voltage. It is lit when the green On Push Button
Switch has been depressed.
The “On” Push Button Switch is depressed to start the TAS Option Dew
unit. The compressor will run in a loaded condition if Point Indicator
there is demand for air. If there is no demand for air,
the compressor will stop automatically.
The Stopped / Auto Restart Indicator is illuminated

Rotary Training Manual Page 16

Ingersoll Rand Global Service Education Team
Issue: 05/Davidson, December, 2008. ”Ingersoll Rand Proprietary Information

Q-Pulse Id VM412 Active 29/10/2013 Page 16 of 17

Goodnal STP ST041 Site Services (Ingersoll Rand SE Controller Basic Rotary Manual) Vendor Manual

Basic Rotary
Short Test
Short Test

Answer each question as fully as you can, or tick the best option.
When you finish, check your answers by reading through the section again.

1 When the warning "Change Separator Element" appears in the message display,
the compressor will

a) Shut down when the separator element differential exceeds 15 psi

b) Continue to run, but the red Alarm LED flashes on and off while the message "Change Separator
Element" alternates with the normal display message.

c) Automatically adjust the inlet valve to maintain less than 12 psi separator element differential

2 The blowdown solenoid valve (3SV) is normally open and closes when energised.

a) False

b) True

3 How do you access the Factory Set Point on an SE Controller?

4 How does the SE Controller calculate the Separator Delta P?

5 If the compressor shuts down on High Airend Temperature, what is the maximum
allowable airend temperature before the Intellisys lets you restart the unit?

Rotary Training Manual Page 17

Ingersoll Rand Global Service Education Team
Issue: 05/Davidson, December, 2008. ”Ingersoll Rand Proprietary Information

Q-Pulse Id VM412 Active 29/10/2013 Page 17 of 17

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