Artigo 101-Final
Artigo 101-Final
Artigo 101-Final
Weijia Wan
School of Music, Soochow University, Suzhou, China
Literature Review
18 65%
The study consisted of two stages. At the first stage, testing was
carried out in order to determine the initial level of digital technology
development, as well as the level of motivation and professional
competencies of students. First, a Google form questionnaire was
developed. The form included the following questions: “Which
methods (modern or traditional) are preferred in your educational
institution?”, “Do you use digital technologies in music education?”,
“What is your level of professional competence in digital
Statistical Processing
The responses of respondents were processed in Statistica
and Microsoft Excel. Based on the results obtained, charts with the
indicators separately for each question were formed.
Research Limitations
The limitations of the study are associated with a small sample
size as the experiment involved only the University of China. Other
universities located in different countries have not been studied.
Ethical Issues
Figure 3 - Responses to the question “What is the level of your motivation for
mastering the use of modern digital technologies in music education (very
high, high, average, below average, low)?”
Figure 5 - Responses to the question “What is the level of your motivation for
mastering the use of modern digital technologies in music education: very
high, high, average, below average, low?”
Table 2 - Content of the training program with the use of digital technologies.
Components Tasks Resources needed
– Computers with Internet
access; headphones; interactive
whiteboard; musical instruments
(to choose from)
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