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Música Hodie | ISSN: 2317-6776 DOI: 10.5216/mh.v22.


Digital Technologies in Music Education:

The Case of Chinese Students

Weijia Wan
School of Music, Soochow University, Suzhou, China

Abstract: During the pandemic, the use of modern technologies in

all spheres of education, in particular in music education, intensified,
therefore, the study of their impact on indicators of students`
motivation to study and the peculiarities of the formation of professional
competencies is relevant. The study purpose is to analyse the digital
technologies impact on the motivation of Chinese students and the
development of their professional competencies in the study of music.
The research methodology is based on the method of experiment and
survey. The survey results show that the majority of respondents (55%)
confirmed the use of traditional music education methods in their
educational institutions; 66% of students reported that they use digital
technologies in their studies while 34% noted that they do not use them
in music education. Moreover, only 32% are highly competent in digital
technologies, which indicates a lack of research on modern technologies
in education, while 22% have an average level of competence and
almost half (48%) have a low level of competence. The practical value
of the results obtained is explained by the need to implement a training
program involving the use of digital technologies in music education,
which is evidenced by the low indicators of the development of
technical competence (digital technologies) and a high level of students’
motivation to master them. Prospects for further research are based on
a comparative study of the features of the use of modern technologies
in higher music education in other countries and the development of
programs and courses to increase the level of students’ motivation for
learning based on digital technologies.

Keywords: creativity, critical thinking, digital technologies, lateral

thinking, music education.

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Música Hodie | ISSN: 2317-6776 DOI: 10.5216/mh.v22.70752

Resumo: Durante a pandemia, o uso de tecnologias modernas em

todas as esferas da educação, em especial na educação musical,
intensificou-se, portanto, é relevante o estudo de seu impacto nos
indicadores de motivação dos alunos para estudar e nas peculiaridades
da formação de competências profissionais. O objetivo do estudo é
analisar o impacto das tecnologias digitais na motivação de estudantes
chineses e no desenvolvimento de suas competências profissionais no
estudo da música. A metodologia de pesquisa é baseada no método
de experimento e levantamento. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram
que a maioria dos entrevistados (55%) confirmou o uso de métodos
tradicionais de educação musical em suas instituições de ensino; 66%
dos alunos relataram que usam tecnologias digitais em seus estudos
enquanto 34% notaram que não as utilizam na educação musical. Além
disso, apenas 32% são altamente competentes em tecnologias digitais, o
que indica falta de pesquisas sobre tecnologias modernas na educação,
enquanto 22% possuem nível médio de competência e quase metade
(48%) tem baixo nível de competência. O valor prático dos resultados
obtidos é explicado pela necessidade de implementar um programa de
formação envolvendo o uso de tecnologias digitais na educação musical,
o que é evidenciado pelos baixos indicadores de desenvolvimento de
competência técnica (tecnologias digitais) e um alto nível de alunos
‘ motivação para dominá-los. As perspectivas de novas pesquisas se
baseiam em um estudo comparativo das características do uso de
tecnologias modernas no ensino superior de música em outros países
e no desenvolvimento de programas e cursos para aumentar o nível de
motivação dos alunos para a aprendizagem baseada em tecnologias

Palavras-chave: criatividade, pensamento crítico, tecnologias digitais,

pensamento lateral, educação musical.

Submetido em: 4 de novembro de 2021

Aceito em: 15 de maio de 2022

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan


Technical progress affects education and promotes active

implementation of modern technologies (HASHIM, 2018). During the
pandemic, all spheres of education switched to distance learning,
which required knowledge of programs, mobile applications and
online learning platforms for conducting classes (TING et al., 2020;
VARGO et al., 2021). Moreover, approaches to learning have changed
– today learning is student-centered and focused on practice (BELLINI
et al., 2021). The use of digital technologies contributes to the
development of professional competencies (technical competence
(digital technologies), creativity, lateral thinking, communicative
competence, strategic thinking) and mastery of technical skills for
their effective application in training; in addition, strategic thinking
competencies are developed (GORGORETTI, 2019).
Music education is developing in accordance with new
requirements while modern technologies are being actively
introduced in the form of mobile applications (Yousician, Vanido,
Piano Academy, etc.), online learning platforms (, Google
Classroom,, etc.), and video conferencing software (Zoom,
Googlemeet, Skype, etc.) (CALDERÓN-GARRIDO et al., 2020).
The active introduction of innovations into the system of music
education expands the opportunities for practical activities and
the learning process as a whole becomes more diverse, which
increases the level of student motivation (CREMATA and POWELL,
2017). The widespread implementation of individual and student-
centered learning approaches contributes to the free use of new
teaching methods and modern technologies of various types
(online learning platforms, mobile applications, online courses,
video and audio recordings, etc.) (WADDELL and WILLIAMON,
2019). In the field of music, the key skills are creativity and lateral
thinking, which, along with other competencies, make it possible to
increase the level of general professional development of a rising
musician (T. BELL and J. BELL, 2018). Lateral thinking promotes
creativity, which is realized through creating one’s own music in the

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

learning process (SRIKONGCHAN et al., 2021). Creativity and lateral

thinking are formed under the influence of the use of interactive
technologies, as they provide an opportunity to visualize theoretical
material, contribute to students’ own creativity (writing melodies
or lyrics). Thus, modern technologies open up opportunities for
music training due to their highly functional capabilities (BAUER
and MITO, 2017).
The use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp
applications is effective in music training; these are most often used
for the purpose of communication and exchange of information or
audio recordings (DESMURS, 2021). For example, WhatsApp allows
users to create group chats and share songs, which improves
not only professional musical skills, but also communication and
teamwork skills (VENTURA, 2017).
During the pandemic, the approach to teaching music also
changed. There are examples of the use of modern technologies
in a blended learning environment in music education; at the
same time, this method is similar to the flipped classroom method
when theoretical content is studied independently and practice
occurs in the classroom (CRAWFORD, 2017). The flipped classroom
allows students studying music to prepare at home for lessons
with musical instruments, as well as to demonstrate their skills
during online classes (NG et al., 2022). Thus, the use of the flipped
classroom method allows students not only to study theory, but to
spend more time practicing practical skills.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of digital
technologies on the motivation of Chinese students and the
development of their professional competencies in the process
of studying music. The research objectives are to track the use
of digital technologies in music education at the university under
study; to identify and analyze the level of students’ motivation
for learning and the features of the development of professional
competencies based on the survey; to develop a program based
on digital technologies in order to increase the level of motivation
and technical skills of students to improve the indicators of their

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

professional competencies. China was chosen as the object of

research, as China is rapidly developing its technical field and
creating new technologies that can be used in education. In
addition, China’s music education is at a high level of development,
including through the active use of modern technology. In general,
in Chinese education, modern technologies are used to increase
the professional competencies of students, as well as to expand
methodological approaches to learning, while creating conditions
for improving the technical competence of teachers (MINJIE, 2021).
In addition, Chinese education is actively using artificial intelligence,
virtual reality, robotics, online educational platforms, electronic
dictionaries, etc. (ZHU, 2013).

Literature Review

The processes of informatization and the rapid development

of technologies contribute to the formation of new educational
approaches aimed at developing technical competence and skills
of logical, strategic, and lateral thinking, as well as imagination and
creativity in education, in particular in music training (CAMLIN and
LISBOA, 2021). Modern technologies make it possible to produce
new ideas, create non-standard melodies and lyrics, creatively
use musical elements and devices which indicates the process of
developing creativity (KOKOTSAKI and NEWTON, 2015). Critical and
lateral thinking skills include the ability of students to develop their
own creativity, write melodies and lyrics, as well as improvise during
their performance, rather than using ready-made components of
musical creativity (CHANG and ZHOU, 2022).
The pandemic has shown the inefficiency of the traditional
education system characterized by the outdated methods of
studying and reviewing theoretical material, lack of practice
and approaches aimed at the development of competencies
(QULMATOVA et al., 2021). The traditional education system involves
the study of theoretical material, its mechanical reproduction,

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

insufficient practice. Traditional education differs from modern

methods by the lack of modern interactive technologies in the
educational process. Modern technologies give the opportunity to
prepare and conduct classes, visualize theoretical material, listen
to audio recordings and watch videos (CALDERÓN-GARRIDO et al.,
2020). During and after the pandemic, there was an active search
for the most effective training methods, in particular those based
on modern technologies (mobile applications (Yousician, Vanido,
Piano Academy, etc.), online learning platforms (, Google
Classroom,, etc.), and video conferencing software (Zoom,
Googlemeet, Skype, etc.)) (DANIEL, 2020). The effectiveness of
modern technologies in music education is explained by the focus
on practical activities and the development of professional skills
and competencies required for students-future musicians. In
music education, modern technologies can be used at all stages of
learning activities, in particular in preparation for classes, writing
melodies and lyrics, performing musical material with musical
instruments, etc. Accordingly, researchers are considering the
possibilities of using digital technologies in music education.
An example is an experiment conducted in Singapore, which
showed that video-based learning contributes to the development
of cognitive abilities through the activation of all cognitive processes
– imagination, perception, thinking, reproduction, fantasy, etc.
(CHUA and TAN, 2021). Also, in Saudi Arabia, the possibilities of
using augmented reality technology in music education were
explored, and a program was developed to prepare teachers and
students for this (ALSADOON and ALHUSSAIN, 2019).
Researchers from Aalborg University Copenhagen (Denmark)
have suggested the use of virtual and augmented reality
technologies in music education (SERAFIN et al., 2017). One of
the advantages of modern technologies in music education is the
possibility of visualization through special software or an interactive
whiteboard (BAKER et al., 2019).
In England, an integral approach to teaching music has been
implemented in higher education; the students were divided into

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

small groups according to a musical instrument they played, which

made it possible to simultaneously apply the studied material in
practice and develop communicative competencies (GIBSON, 2021).
The advantages of this approach are manifested in the course of its
application; it is practice-oriented, which allows students not only
to exchange the experience they acquired but also provides them
with the opportunity to apply the methods of reflective dialogue,
creativity, and strategic thinking through solving situations in
the process of communication and playing a musical instrument
(SVALINA and SUKOP, 2021).
In addition, Spanish scholars have investigated the effectiveness
of modern technology in music education to improve the academic
performance of students (ARÓSTEGUI, 2020). According to the
results of the experiment conducted after training with the use
of digital technologies, mainly mobile applications and online
learning platforms, the majority of students (75%) managed to
improve their academic performance and achieved intermediate
and high levels.
Belgian researchers have developed a digital educational
technology that combines interactive visual technologies and
audio software – Music Paint Machine; it is characterized by the use
of music education approaches involving interactive technologies
(TING et al., 2020). This educational technology is based on the link
between innovative and traditional methodologies while relying
on the creative use of visualization to support instrumental music
teaching and learning.

Methods and Materials

Research Design and Sample

To determine the degree of use and effectiveness of digital

technologies in music education and the level of professional
competencies of students, a study based on a survey of respondents
was carried out. The methodology is based on experimental and

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

survey methods. This methodological approach made it possible

to identify the initial level in order to develop a training program
to improve professional competencies and motivation of students.
The study was conducted at the University of China. The
experiment involved 596 students studying music. The research
was carried out from April to May 2021. The main selection criteria
were the year of study and the specialty of students; age or gender
characteristics were not considered. Students of other specialties
were not allowed to participate in the survey (Table 1). The study
involved first-year students. This selection criterion is explained
by the aim to analyze the effectiveness of digital technologies for
students who have just started studying music. Senior students
were not involved in the experiment as they could have already
used various technologies in the learning process.

Table 1 - Research sample.


NUMBER 596 100%
AGE 17 35%

18 65%


The study consisted of two stages. At the first stage, testing was
carried out in order to determine the initial level of digital technology
development, as well as the level of motivation and professional
competencies of students. First, a Google form questionnaire was
developed. The form included the following questions: “Which
methods (modern or traditional) are preferred in your educational
institution?”, “Do you use digital technologies in music education?”,
“What is your level of professional competence in digital

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

technologies (high, average, low, not competent at all)?”, “What

professional competencies do you think are important in music
education?”, “What is the level of your motivation for mastering
the use of modern digital technologies in music education: very
high, high, average, below average, low?” The questionnaire with
instructions for taking the test was emailed to students. There was
no time limit to complete it.
At the second stage, a music training program with the use
of digital technologies was developed. The program aimed to
improve the digital skills of students, increase their motivation to
study music, and develop professional competencies (technical
competence (digital technologies), creativity, lateral thinking,
communicative competence, strategic thinking). To achieve the
goal such modern technologies as computer whiteboard; desktop
computers and laptops; projectors; distance learning; mobile
applications; online platforms; artificial intelligence; virtual reality
has been used. The program is based on one thematic module
“Digital Technologies in Music Education” divided into separate
classes with the use of modern technologies of various types and
aimed at developing specific competencies and skills.

Statistical Processing
The responses of respondents were processed in Statistica
and Microsoft Excel. Based on the results obtained, charts with the
indicators separately for each question were formed.

Research Limitations
The limitations of the study are associated with a small sample
size as the experiment involved only the University of China. Other
universities located in different countries have not been studied.

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

Ethical Issues

The experiment was carried out in compliance with all ethical

standards and anonymity; the participants were not required to
provide confidential information (name, surname, age or place of
residence, etc.). The respondents also gave their written consent
for the conduct of the study and data processing. One of the
requirements was to indicate the year of study at the time of the
experiment. As the survey was carried out after training students
on various online learning platforms, the students had to indicate
the online platform they used. This factor was one of the key factors
in the study of the effectiveness of online platforms in learning.

Results and Discussion

Figures 1-5 show the respondents’ answers to the questions

that make it possible to analyze the level of digital competence and
motivation for the use of modern technologies in music education
among students.
In the context of the methods (modern or traditional) used in
the university under study, the majority of respondents reported
the prevalence of traditional ones (55%), which indicates a low level
of development of modern technologies. In turn, 45% of students
noted modern methods (Figure 1).

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

Figure 1 - Responses to the question “Which methods (modern or traditional)

are preferred in your educational institution?”

Figure 2 shows the respondents’ answers to the question “Do

you use digital technologies in music education?” Thus, 66% of stu-
dents confirmed the use of digital technologies while 34% reported
that they do not use them in music education.

Figure 2 - Responses to the question “Do you use digital

technologies in music education?”

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

Figure 3 demonstrates the level of digital competence among

students. At the same time, only 32% have a high level of digital
skills, which indicates an insufficient study of modern technologies
in teaching, while 22% have an average level and almost half (48%)
have a low level. Also, a significant drawback is the fact that 8%
do not have professional competence in digital technologies at all.
This affects the quality of education, which in modern conditions
requires the student to use technical skills in learning.

Figure 3 - Responses to the question “What is the level of your motivation for
mastering the use of modern digital technologies in music education (very
high, high, average, below average, low)?”

Figure 4 shows the professional competencies that the res-

pondents believe are important in music education. The indicators
of creativity (95%) and lateral thinking (91%), which are essential in
the study and production of music, are the highest. Thus, commu-
nicative competence is characterized by the indicator of 70% and
strategic thinking - 65%. However, technical competence (digital te-
chnologies) has a relatively low percentage indicator (46%).

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

Figure 4 - Responses to the question “What professional competencies do you

think are important in music education?”

Based on the indicators of students’ motivation to master

the use of digital technologies in music education, five levels of
respondents’ motivation were determined (Figure 5). Half of the
students (50%) have a very high level of motivation. Accordingly,
35% of students are characterized by a high level of motivation,
10% have an average level, 3% – below average and 2% – low.

Figure 5 - Responses to the question “What is the level of your motivation for
mastering the use of modern digital technologies in music education: very
high, high, average, below average, low?”

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

Thus, the results of the experiment demonstrate the need to

develop a music training program in order to increase the motivation
of students and develop their professional competencies (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Structure of a music education program involving the use of digital


The training program consists of one thematic module “Digital

Technologies in Music Education” divided into classes aimed
at the introduction of digital technologies, the development of
professional competencies, and increasing students’ motivation to
switch to music training based on digital technologies (Table 2). The
implementation of the program requires facilities and resources:
computers for the teacher and all students, an interactive board,
musical instruments (to choose from) and human resources –
university teachers and students. All classes were held in special
classrooms at the university under analysis; for the convenience
of students, they were divided into several groups of 20-25
people. Thus, each class required 20-25 workplaces. The course
duration was one month. The training program relied on the

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

materials introducing digital technologies and contributing to the

development of professional competencies and skills of students,
as well as increasing their motivation for the transition to musical
training with the use of digital technologies. Also, the teachers
familiarized students with the educational platforms containing
various courses, such as MOOC and Treenity.

Table 2 - Content of the training program with the use of digital technologies.
Components Tasks Resources needed
– Computers with Internet
access; headphones; interactive
whiteboard; musical instruments
(to choose from)

– Textbook “Music Education

with Digital Technology” (FINNEY
et al., 2010);

– Training course «Evaluation

and Research on music class-
room teaching examples» on
Digital technologies: MOOC;
- computer white- Formation of digital
– Training course “Audio Music
board; skills in the course of
Technology” on MOOC;
music training;
- desktop computers – Training course “Demonstra-
and laptops; tion teaching of music curriculum
Increasing students’ in primary school” on MOOC;
Digital tech- - projectors;
motivation to learn;
nologies – Textbook “Handbook of Re-
- distance learning;
in music search on Barriers for Teaching
education - mobile applica- 21st-Century Competencies
tions; Development of and the Impact of Digitalization”
technical competence (DHIR, 2021);
- online platforms; (digital technology);
logical, critical, lateral, – Training course “Principles of
- artificial intelli- and strategic thinking; artificial intelligence” on MOOC”;
gence; imagination; fantasy
– Training course “Application
- virtual reality of artificial intelligence in Educa-
tion” on MOOC;

– Training course “Innovative

thinking” on MOOC;

– Textbook with practical exercis-

es “The Basics of Critical Thinking
Workbook” (BAKER, 2015);

– Training course “Artificial intel-

ligence and information society”
on MOOC.

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

The training program should be implemented in the educational

process in order to improve the indicators of the survey, increase
the motivation of students and develop their professional
competencies. New technologies promote creativity, lateral
thinking, communicative competence and other competencies,
as they allow students not just to study theoretical material and
perform ready-made musical works, but to visualize theory, activate
students’ cognitive abilities, which can use modern technologies
to improvise and texts. After studying the program, students can
improve the level of development of these professional skills and
competencies, as it is based on modern technologies and aims
to develop specific competencies, practice-oriented approach,
teamwork and ability to communicate with the audience.
The experiment and the results obtained show that
students are not well-informed about modern information and
communication and interactive technologies, in particular those
used in music education. This indicates the relevance of the issue
in China and other countries. For example, a study conducted in
Spain demonstrates the possibility of using digital technologies as
a kind of mediator in the educational process in order to prepare
and conduct classes, visualize theoretical material, listen to audio
recordings and watch videos (CALDERÓN-GARRIDO et al., 2020).
Another example is the development of online courses to motivate
students to study music. One of such online courses was developed
in Florida. This course increased student motivation by 15-18%
The results of similar studies show that students are not ready
for the transition to learning based on digital technologies, which
indicates a low level of technical competence. For example, in Saudi
Arabia, there was a study that determined the level of teacher
and student readiness to use augmented reality in the learning
process. It turned out that teachers, having the knowledge needed
and being positive about modern technologies, do not use this
technology in the classroom; thus, they are not ready to introduce
digital technologies into the educational process (ALSADOON and

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

ALHUSSAIN, 2019). Comparing these results with those obtained

in this study, we can conclude that students have a higher level of
motivation to use modern technologies in training compared to
teachers. Familiarization with the possibilities of their effective use
in the learning process through the implementation of the training
program described in the study will contribute to the development
of digital skills.
Digital technologies are actively developed and used in
American and Finnish universities; they have an effective impact
on student learning, performance and motivation as they make
it possible to diversify the educational process through the use of
various visualization tools (for example, an interactive whiteboard
or audio and video recordings) and practical application of
theoretical knowledge (RUISMÄKI and JUVONEN, 2009). However,
as the experiment shows, digital technologies are not widely
used in the context of music training in the Chinese university
under study, which indicates the need to develop and implement
programs aimed at the development of technical competence and
digital skills.


The experiment and the analysis of the results obtained make

it possible to conclude that all students of the university under
consideration are not ready to study music with the use of digital
technologies, which indicates the need to introduce modern
technologies and pedagogical innovations into the curriculum
and encourage their active use by teachers in the classroom.
The survey results show that the majority of respondents (55%)
confirmed the use of traditional music education methods in their
educational institutions; 66% of students reported that they use
digital technologies in their studies while 34% noted that they
do not use them in music education. Moreover, only 32% are
highly competent in digital technologies, which indicates a lack of

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

Digital Technologies in Music Education: The Case of Chinese Students
Weijia Wan

research on modern technologies in education, while 22% have an

average level of competence and almost half (48%) have a low level
of competence. Also, a significant disadvantage is the fact that
8% do not have professional competence in digital technologies
at all. The indicators of creativity (95%) and lateral thinking (91%),
which are essential in the study and production of music, are the
highest. Thus, communicative competence is characterized by the
indicator of 70% and strategic thinking - 65%. However, technical
competence (digital technologies) has a relatively low percentage
indicator (46%). Half of the students (50%) have a very high level
of motivation for mastering modern digital technologies in music
education. Therefore, 35% of students are characterized by a high
level of motivation, 10% have an average level, 3% – below average
and 2% – low. The developed music training program with the use
of digital technologies will make it possible to increase the level of
students’ motivation for learning, expand the list of professional
competencies and develop digital skills in the process of studying
music. The practical value of the results obtained is explained by
the need to implement a training program involving the use of
digital technologies in music education, which is evidenced by the
low indicators of the development of technical competence (digital
technologies) and a high level of students’ motivation to master
them. Prospects for further research are based on a comparative
study of the features of the use of modern technologies in higher
music education in other countries and the development of
programs and courses to increase the level of students’ motivation
for learning based on digital technologies.


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CAMLIN, David A.; LISBOA, Tania. The digital ‘turn’ in music education.
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Federal University of Goiás. School of Music and Performing

Arts. Graduate Program in Music. Publication in the Portal of
Periodicals UFG.
The ideas expressed in this article are the responsibility of
their authors, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
editors or the university.

Música Hodie. 2022, v.22, e70752

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