Inorganic Ions
Time: 61 minutes
Marks: 43 marks
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Water and inorganic ions have important biological functions within cells.
(a) Give two properties of water that are important in the cytoplasm of cells.
For each property of water, explain its importance in the cytoplasm.
Property 1__________________________________________________________
Property 2__________________________________________________________
(b) Other than sodium, name one inorganic ion and give one example of its biological
importance in a cell.
Biological importance__________________________________________________
(c) Compare and contrast the processes by which water and inorganic ions enter cells.
(Total 9 marks)
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(a) Discs of carrot were placed in a solution containing potassium ions (K+). The
concentration of oxygen in air bubbled through the solution was changed and the
rates of respiration and uptake of potassium ions were measured. The results are
shown in the table.
2.7 31 29
12.2 69 72
20.8 90 80
Describe and explain the link between oxygen concentration, rate of respiration and
rate of uptake of potassium ions.
(b) Cylinders of potato were cut using a cork borer. Their initial lengths were measured.
Each cylinder was then put in a different concentration of sucrose solution for 12
hours. The graph shows the changes in length of the potato cylinders in the different
sugar solutions.
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(i) In what concentration of sucrose did the length of the potato cylinder remain
the same?
(ii) The initial length of the potato cylinder in the solution of concentration
0.1 mol dm–3 was 90 mm. Calculate its final length. Show your working.
(Total 9 marks)
Inorganic ions include those of sodium, phosphorus and hydrogen. Write an essay to
describe how these and other inorganic ions are used in living organisms.
(Total 25 marks)
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Mark schemes
(a) 1. Polar molecule;
3. (Universal) solvent;
5. Reactive;
(a) greater rate of oxygen consumption / leads to greater rate of respiration and greater
rate of uptake;
(allow this mark even if spread through account but
cause and effect must be within the correct context)
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(ii) 1 mark Incorrect answer but derived from ratio of 1.2 and initial
length of 90 mm
2 marks Correct answer of 108 mm;
(iii) water potential inside potato higher / less negative than in solution;
water moves out by osmosis;
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or show limited use of appropriate terminology.
The levels mark scheme for the essay contains a number of words and statements
that are open to different interpretations. This commentary defines the meanings of
these words and statements in the context of marking the essay. Many words and
statements are used in the descriptions of more than one level of response. The
definitions of these remain the same throughout.
A fully integrated answer which makes All topics relate to the title and theme of
clear links between several different the essay; for example, explaining the
topics and the theme of the question biological importance of a process.
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accepted, unless examiners are
instructed not to do so for particular
words; for example, glucagon, glucose
and glycogen.
For top marks in the band, the answer An example that is relevant to the title
shows evidence of reading beyond and is not required in the specification
specification requirements. content. The example must be used at
A-level standard.
Response mostly deals with suitable Not addressing the biological theme of
topics but they are not interrelated and the essay (e.g. importance) at A-level
links are not made to the theme of the standard.
Please note that to obtain full credit, students must use information to describe how
these and other inorganic ions are used in living organisms.
3.1.3 Lipids
3.1.6 ATP
3.5.1 Photosynthesis
3.5.2 Respiration
In order to fully address the question and reach the highest mark bands students must
also include at least four topics in their answer, to demonstrate a synoptic approach to the
Students may be able to show the relevance of other topics from the specification.
Note, other topics from beyond the specification can be used, providing they relate to the
title and contain factually correct material of at least an A-level standard. Credit should not
be given for topics beyond the specification which are below A-level standard.
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Examiner reports
(a) There were many candidates sitting this unit who displayed an excellent knowledge
of the facts and principles contained in the module, but who revealed an inability to
describe and interpret the data presented in the table in this part of the question.
The descriptions revealed that such candidates often failed to appreciate that the
experimenters had changed the concentration of oxygen bubbled through the
mixture. They also occasionally referred to a decrease in the rate of uptake of
potassium ions from 90 to 80 arbitrary units at a 20.8 % concentration of oxygen,
further suggesting unfamiliarity with tabulated data. Candidates who recognised the
table as relating to active transport, were generally able to produce a convincing
interpretation of the figures. Others frequently suggested that potassium ions were
used as a respiratory substrate, or combined with ADP to produce ATP.
(b) An understanding of water potential should have resulted in candidates being able
to interpret the graph, even if they experienced difficulties with understanding the
ratio on the y-axis. They should also have appreciated that the x-axis represented
sucrose concentration, not time.
(i) Evidence that this was not the case came from the many who suggested that
the length of the potato remained the same at a concentration of 0.5 mol dm–3,
presumably identifying the point where the graph levelled out.
Essays remain extremely variable in quality. For some candidates they provided the
saving grace and did much to redeem the limited quality of the two structured questions.
Others proved themselves unable to recall basic A-level knowledge, and produced
superficial and poorly constructed accounts. The biggest single factor in limiting the marks
awarded was undoubtedly the ability to base the essay on appropriate, detailed biology.
Thus, for example, many of the essays on bacteria ignored the detail of genetic
engineering, nutrient cycles and cellulose digestion which form a major part of the A-level
specification and, instead, centred their essays around such topics as yoghurt and cheese
production. Essays generally met the requirements for breadth although some devoted so
much time to scene setting and significance that they left themselves little time to consider
more fundamental issues. There is little doubt that plans would have helped here but
these were often conspicuous by their absence. Given the pressure of writing under
examination conditions, the quality of written communication was usually sound, often
better than that displayed by the same candidates in Questions 1 and 2. The use of
technical language, however, was less impressive and a lack of understanding of the
terms “ion” and “bacteria” provided an obvious handicap.
Certain topics lent themselves to excellent accounts of how inorganic ions are used
physiologically - nerve impulses, nephron function, absorption in the intestine, root
pressure and guard cell activity. These topics enabled candidates to demonstrate what
they knew and how well they understood the processes concerned. There were many
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detailed and accurate accounts concerning the roles of sodium and potassium ions in the
transmission of nerve impulses and of calcium ions in synaptic transmission. Less able
candidates sometimes confused the roles of the ions or the parts played by diffusion and
active transport. The movement of ions in the counter-current mechanism of the loop of
Henle also appeared frequently, but here confusion over detail was more apparent.
The identity of inorganic ions and their names produced problems for some in describing
the role of ions in the synthesis of biologically important molecules. Phosphorus, for
example, was commonly identified as the ion important in the synthesis of ATP and
phospholipid. This lack of understanding occasionally led to much irrelevance, especially
where discussing hydrogen bonding in DNA, or the importance of carbon, oxygen and
hydrogen in macromolecules.
The role of hydrogen ions gave scope for some sound biological detail in descriptions of
the role of reduced coenzymes in photosynthesis and respiration. Few candidates
considered the importance of hydrogen ions in changing the pH environment of enzymes,
but many discussed the buffering effect of haemoglobin when describing the transport of
carbon dioxide as hydrogencarbonate in the blood.
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