Photosynthesis Part 2

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Photosynthesis Part 2


Time: 121 minutes

Marks: 103 marks


Page 1 of 31
There is evidence that the first photosynthetic organisms were primitive water-dwelling
bacteria. The very first of these lived near the surface of the water in lakes and contained
a purple pigment that absorbed light most strongly in the green region of the spectrum.
Later, other bacteria evolved that lived on the top of sediment at the bottom of the lakes
(Figure 1). Gene mutations had enabled these bacteria to synthesise chlorophyll instead
of the purple pigment present in the bacteria living near to the surface. Chlorophyll
absorbs light most strongly in the blue and red regions of the spectrum (Figure 2).

Figure 1

Figure 2

(a) Describe how light energy absorbed by chlorophyll molecules is used to synthesise

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(b) Use Figure 2 to explain how natural selection would favour the evolution of
sediment-dwelling bacteria containing a different photosynthetic pigment from those
living near the surface of the water.











(Total 11 marks)

An investigation was carried out to find the effect of increasing carbon dioxide
concentration on the rate of photosynthesis in a particular type of plant. The graph shows
the results.

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(a) (i) In this investigation, temperature was kept constant. Explain why.



(ii) Suggest suitable units for measuring the rate of photosynthesis in this


(b) (i) Give the evidence from the graph that carbon dioxide is limiting the rate of
photosynthesis between A and B.



(ii) Explain the shape of the curve between B and C.




(Total 6 marks)

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The diagram shows the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.

(a) In which part of a chloroplast do the light-dependent reactions occur?


(b) Name the substances in boxes A, B and C.

A ________________________________

B _______________ + _______________

C ________________________________

(c) Use information in the diagram to explain

(i) the role of chlorophyll in photolysis;







(ii) how the energy of light is converted into chemical energy in the light-
dependent reactions.


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(d) In an investigation, single-celled algae were kept in bright light and were supplied
with carbon dioxide containing radioactive carbon atoms. After 300 seconds, the
carbon dioxide supply was turned off. The graph shows how the concentrations of
carbon dioxide, glycerate 3-phosphate (GP) and ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP)

(i) Explain why, between 0 seconds and 300 seconds, the concentration of
radioactive GP remained constant.







(ii) Explain why, between 300 seconds and 380 seconds, the concentration of
radioactive RuBP increased.


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(Total 15 marks)

The diagram shows the structure of a chloroplast.

(a) Label the diagram with an X to show where the light-dependent reactions take place
and with a Y to show where the light-independent reactions take place.

(b) The photolysis of water is an important part of the process of photosynthesis.

Describe what happens in the photolysis of water.





(c) ATP and reduced NADP are two products of the light-dependent reactions. Describe
one function of each of these substances in the light-independent reactions.

ATP _______________________________________________________________


Reduced NADP ______________________________________________________

(Total 5 marks)

(a) The table contains some statements relating to biochemical processes in a plant
cell. Complete the table with a tick if the statement is true or a cross if it is not true

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for each biochemical process.

Statement Glycolysis Krebs Light-dependent

cycle reaction of

NAD is reduced

NADP is reduced

ATP is produced

ATP is required

(b) An investigation was carried out into the production of ATP by mitochondria. ADP,
phosphate, excess substrate and oxygen were added to a suspension of isolated

(i) Suggest the substrate used for this investigation.


(ii) Explain why the concentration of oxygen and amount of ADP fell during the





(iii) A further investigation was carried out into the effect of three inhibitors, A, B
and C, on the electron transport chain in these mitochondria. In each of three
experiments, a different inhibitor was added. The table shows the state of the
electron carriers, W–Z, after the addition of inhibitor.

Electron carrier

A oxidised reduced reduced oxidised

B oxidised oxidised reduced oxidised

C reduced reduced reduced oxidised

Give the order of the electron carriers in this electron transport chain. Explain
your answer.

Order _______ _______ _______ _______

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Explanation ____________________________________________________


(Total 9 marks)

(a) Describe how NADP is reduced in the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis.





(b) In an investigation of the light-independent reaction, the amounts of glycerate

3-phosphate (GP) and ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) in photosynthesising cells
were measured under different environmental conditions.

Figure 1 shows the effect of reducing the carbon dioxide concentration on the
amounts of glycerate 3-phosphate and ribulose bisphosphate in photosynthesising

Figure 1

(i) Explain why there is twice the amount of glycerate 3-phosphate as ribulose
bisphosphate when the carbon dioxide concentration is high.



(ii) Explain the rise in the amount of ribulose bisphosphate after the carbon
dioxide concentration is reduced.

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(c) Figure 2 shows the results of an experiment in which photosynthesising cells were
kept in the light and then in darkness.

Figure 2

(i) In the experiment the cells were supplied with radioactively labelled 14CO2.
Explain why the carbon dioxide used was radioactively labelled.



(ii) Explain how lack of light caused the amount of radioactively labelled glycerate
3-phosphate to rise.





(iii) Explain what caused the amount of radioactively labelled glucose to decrease
after the light was switched off.



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(Total 8 marks)

The graph shows the absorption of different wavelengths of light by three photosynthetic
pigments in a red seaweed.

(a) (i) Describe what the graph shows about the properties of chlorophyll a.



(ii) Describe the part played by chlorophyll in photosynthesis.







(b) The red seaweed lives under water at a depth of 2 metres. Suggest an advantage to
the red seaweed of having other pigments in addition to chlorophyll a.



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(Total 6 marks)

The diagram shows the energy flow through a freshwater ecosystem.
All units are kJ m–2year–1.

(a) Name

(i) process A;


(ii) the group of organisms represented by box B.


(b) Calculate the percentage efficiency with which light energy is transferred to energy
in producers. Show your working.

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Answer ____________________

(c) Describe the effect of light energy in the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis.





(d) If a plant is kept in the dark it is still able to produce carbohydrates, as long as it is
provided with two products of the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis. Give
the name of these products and explain their function in the light-independent
reaction of photosynthesis.

Name _____________________________________________________________

Function ___________________________________________________________


Name _____________________________________________________________

Function ___________________________________________________________

(Total 10 marks)

The diagram shows a summary of the light-independent reaction of photosynthesis.

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(a) (i) Complete the boxes to show the number of carbon atoms in the molecules.

(ii) In which part of a chloroplast does the light-independent reaction occur?


(iii) Which process is the source of the ATP used in the conversion of glycerate
3-phosphate (GP) to triose phosphate?


(iv) What proportion of triose phosphate molecules is converted to ribulose

bisphosphate (RuBP)?


(b) Lowering the temperature has very little effect on the light-dependent reaction, but it
slows down the light-independent reaction. Explain why the light-independent
reaction slows down at low temperatures.




(Total 7 marks)


Page 14 of 31
Gas exchange in an aquatic plant was investigated by placing shoots in tubes containing
bromothymol blue indicator solution. Bromothymol blue indicator is yellow below pH 6,
green between pH 6.1 and 7.5, and blue at pH 7.6 and above. Into each of four tubes, A,
B, C and D, 10 cm3 of bromothymol blue solution were placed. Each tube was closed with
a bung and left for 10 minutes. Similar-sized shoots of an aquatic plant were then placed
into each of tubes A, B and C. The tubes were treated as shown in the diagram.

They were then placed at equal distances from a 60 watt lamp and left for one hour.

The table shows the initial and final colours of the indicator in the four tubes.

Tube Treatment Initial colour of Colour of indicator

indicator after one hour

A Uncovered Green Blue

B Covered with black paper Green Yellow

C Covered with muslin Green Green

D Uncovered Green Green

(a) Explain the results for

tube A;



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tube B;





tube C.





(b) (i) Explain how the results from tube D help to confirm that the explanations for
the other tubes are valid.



(ii) Explain why all the tubes were placed the same distance from the lamp.


(Total 6 marks)

The percentage of light absorbed by an aquatic plant was measured when it was exposed
to different wavelengths. The rate of photosynthesis was also measured at each
wavelength of light. The results are shown in the graph.

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(a) Describe and explain the relationship between light absorption and the rate of
photosynthesis for the wavelengths of light between 410 nm and 500 nm.





(b) Give one dependent variable you could measure in order to determine the rate of
photosynthesis in an aquatic plant.


(c) Use the graph to identify the range of wavelengths of light that would be green in

Give a reason for your answer.

Wavelengths __________ to __________ nm

Reason ____________________________________________________________


(d) A suspension of chloroplasts was isolated from an aquatic plant and a reagent was
added. The reagent is blue when oxidised and is colourless when reduced.

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(i) The suspension of chloroplasts in blue reagent was exposed to sunlight. The
blue colour disappeared. Use your knowledge of the light-dependent reactions
of photosynthesis to explain why.





(ii) Another suspension of chloroplasts was set up as before. Small quantities of

ADP and phosphate ions were added and then the tube was exposed to light.
The blue colour disappeared more quickly. Explain why.




(Total 9 marks)

Tomato growers have increased the yield of fruit from 100 to 400 tonnes per hectare by
growing the tomato plants in automatically heated glasshouses and enhancing the carbon
dioxide concentration. To control the nutrient supply to the roots, the plants are grown
without soil in plastic troughs, as shown in the diagram.

(a) Explain how enhancing the carbon dioxide concentration helps to increase the yield.


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(b) Maintaining a high temperature in a glasshouse in winter, when the light intensity is
low, may reduce the yield. Explain how.





(c) Tomato fruits have a high percentage of water. When making tomato ketchup, it is
more economical to use fruits which have a low percentage of water. Growers can
reduce the water content of the fruit by adding sodium chloride to the nutrient
solution in the plastic trough.

Explain how adding sodium chloride can reduce the water content of the fruit.




(Total 6 marks)

(a) (i) Give two products of the light-dependent stage of photosynthesis.

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

(ii) The products of the light-dependent stage are used in the light-independent
stage of photosynthesis. What are these products used for?



(b) The graph shows the rate of uptake or release of carbon dioxide by a plant at
different light intensities.

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Explain the rate of carbon dioxide exchange at point X.




(Total 5 marks)

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Mark schemes

(a) Excitation of chlorophyll molecule / electrons / energy of (pairs of)
electrons raised to higher energy level;

Electron(s) emitted from chlorophyll molecule;

Electron(s) to electron transport chain;

Loss of energy by electron(s) along electron transport chain;

Energy lost by electron(s) is used to synthesise ATP;

From ADP + Pi;

“By electrons” need not be stated in each marking point if it
can be reasonably inferred that the candidate is referring to
max 5

(b) Little green light reaches bottom as absorbed by surface dwellers / water;
Red and blue not absorbed and so penetrate;
Variation in pigments of sediment dwellers;
Bacteria with chlorophyll at an advantage as chlorophyll absorbs red and blue;
(Survive to) reproduce in greater numbers and pass on advantageous
alleles / genes in greater numbers / increase in frequency of advantageous
alleles in subsequent generations;
Increase in frequency / numbers of bacteria with chlorophyll;

(a) (i) temperature also affects photosynthesis / rate of reaction; need to ensure the
effect of only one variable is being observed;

(ii) CO2 used / O2 produced / sugar produced / increase in mass;

per unit of time;
accept any volume or mass unit; per time unit;)
(allow one mark for indicator of photosynthesis – second
mark is for time element)

(b) (i) as carbon dioxide increases, rate of photosynthesis increases;


(ii) carbon dioxide not limiting photosynthesis / another factor / named

factor limiting;
explanation for named factor;

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(a) Grana / thylakoids / lamellae;

(b) A = oxygen / O2
B = ADP and phosphate / Pi / phosphoric acid / correct formula;

(c) (i) Absorbs light / energy;

Loses electrons / becomes positively charged / is oxidised;
Accepts electrons from water / from OH– which causes more water
to dissociate / pulls equilibrium to the right;

(ii) Electrons raised to higher energy level / electrons excited;

Use of electron carriers / cytochromes / acceptors;
For production of ACT
[REJECT ‘energy production’]

(d) (i) GP formed from RuBP + CO2;

GP → TP / sugar-phosphate / sugar / to RuBP;
GP formed at same rate as it is used;

(ii) No CO2 to combine with / not enough CO2 to combine with RuBP
RuBP not changed into GP / TP RuBP reformed from GP / TP;

(a) On diagram, correctly labelled:

Light-dependent: granum / thylakoid membranes – labelled ‘X’

Light-independent: stroma – labelled ‘Y’;

(b) Any two from:

(Water) forms H+ / hydrogen ions and electrons / e– ;

O2 / oxygen formed; [NOT ‘O’, NOT ‘O–’]

(Light) excites electrons / raises energy level of electrons / electrons to

chlorophyll / to photosystem;
max 2

(c) (ATP) Provides energy for GP → TP / provides P for RuP / TP → RuBP;

(Reduced NADP) Provides H / electrons for GP → TP / reduces GP to TP;


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(a) x;
x x ;

x x

(b) (i) pyruvate / succinate / any suitable Krebs cycle substrate;


(ii) ADP and phosphate forms ATP;

oxygen used to form water / as the terminal acceptor;

(iii) Y X W Z;
order of carriers linked to sequence of reduction / reduced
carriers cannot pass on electrons when inhibited;

(a) electrons;
from chlorophyll / photolysis;

(b) (i) RuBP combines with carbon dioxide to produce 2 x GP;


(ii) less used to combine with carbon dioxide /

less used to form glycerate 3-phosphate;

(c) (i) used in photosynthesis allows detection of products;


(ii) ATP and reduced NADP not formed;

GP is not being used to form RuBP / is being formed from RuBP;

(iii) used in respiration / formation of starch / cellulose;


(a) (i) pigment reflects / does not absorb green or yellow or orange;
pigment absorbs blue or violet;
pigment absorbs red;
(accept correct wavelengths instead of colours)
(any 2 for 1 mark)

(ii) light (energy) absorbed by chlorophyll;

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raises energy level of electrons / electrons are excited / emitted;
ATP formed;

(b) more wavelengths / colours absorbed;

more (efficient) photosynthesis can occur at these depths / low light intensities
more (efficient) photosynthesis can occur when some wavelengths are not

(a) (i) respiration;

(ii) decomposers;
(accept bacteria / fungi)

(b) × 100 = 5.14 / 5.1%;

(correct answer = 2 marks)
(principle: energy in producers ÷ energy of light absorbed = 1

(c) excites chlorophyll / electrons;

release electron(s);
2 max

(d) reduced NADP;

reduces GP / to change GP to TP;
provides the energy to reduce GP / convert GP to TP / TP to RuBP /
provides phosphate to convert TP to RuBP;

(a) (i) RuBP – 5; GP – 3; TP – 3; Glucose – 6;
(all correct = 2 marks; 3 or 2 correct = 1 mark)

(ii) stroma;

(iii) light-dependent reaction / (photo)phosphorylation;

(accept photolysis)

(iv) 5 out of 6 / 83% / equivalent;


(b) enzymes involved / not a photochemical reaction;

slow rate of enzyme / chemical reaction at low temperature /

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less kinetic energy / fewer collisions;

(a) adding CO2 decreases pH / makes more acid
OR removing CO2 increases pH / makes more alkaline;
(credit anywhere but do not credit this mark if
stated that oxygen is an alkaline gas)

rate of photosynthesis > rate of respiration in A;

respiration only in B;
rate of photosynthesis = rate of respiration in C;

(b) (i) shows that indicator alone does not change colour in light;

(ii) so that all tubes receive same amount of heat


(a) the more light absorbed, the greater the rate of photosynthesis;
light provides the energy for light dependent reactions / photolysis /
light independent reactions / production of reduced NADP /
exciting electrons in chlorophyll;
(do not give credit if energy is used in photosynthesis)

(b) count the number of bubbles / measure the volume of gas / measure the
change in pH / carbon dioxide / hydrogen carbonate ions;
(credit oxygen produced)

(c) 530 – 630 nm;

(any values within this range)

limited absorption of light / (green) plants reflect green light /

limited photosynthesis at these wavelengths of light;
(allow references to no light absorbed or no photosynthesis)

(d) (i) chlorophyll excited / reduced NADP formed;

electrons from chlorophyll / reduced NADP changes the dye colour;

(ii) ADP and phosphate needed to produce ATP / ATP is a product of

the light dependent reactions;
ADP levels are a limiting factor;
(must explain the idea of limiting factors – do not credit
answers like more ADP causes more photosynthesis)

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(a) rate of photosynthesis increased;
normal atmospheric concentration a limiting factor / more / faster
production of biomass or sugars / more products of photosynthesis
transported to fruits;

(b) (increased temperature) increases rate of respiration;

rate of photosynthesis too low to replace respiratory loss

(c) lower water potential of nutrient solution;

less water absorbed into roots (by osmosis);
(not: water lost from roots)

(a) (i) Reduced NADP;

Accept oxygen/O 2

(ii) (To incorporate carbon dioxide) to make sugars/glucose/fructose;

Accept ‘to fix carbon dioxide’
Accept correct biochemical answers
Accept provide energy to make sugars

(b) Change (in CO2 exchange) due to photosynthesis;


Plants carry out photosynthesis and respiration;


At X (rates of) respiration and photosynthesis same;

2 max

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Examiner reports

(a) Nearly all candidates were able to described photophosphorylation accurately and
many scored full marks.

(b) A good number of candidates recognised the benefit of sediment-dwelling bacteria

being able to absorb wavelengths of light that were not absorbed by the surface-
dwelling bacteria. However they often then went on to suggest that the bacteria with
this ability would out-compete the surface dwellers, rather than sediment dwellers
without the ability to synthesise chlorophyll. As a result, some of the points they
made about the process of natural selection were in the wrong context.

(a) (i) Many candidates realised that temperature would have an effect on the rate of
reaction. The idea that only one variable should be changed was well known.
However, weak candidates suggested the need for fair testing without further

(ii) This was poorly done with many strange responses. Most could give a unit of
time but only the best gave a unit of volume or mass as well. Several
suggested ‘arbitrary units’ as the answer.

There was also confusion about which gas was produced.

(b) (i) There were many excellent answers here, with most candidates scoring the

(ii) Most candidates identified that this was due to a limiting factor but only the
better candidates gave sufficient detail to achieve two marks.

(a) Thylakoids or grana were well known as the site of the light-dependent reaction.

(b) Most recognised that, in the diagram showing the light-dependent reaction,
substance A was oxygen, B was ADP + phosphate and C was reduced NADP. One
problem arose with abbreviations – while ‘Pi’ is a suitable abbreviation for inorganic
phosphate, ‘P’ (unqualified) is not as it is the chemical symbol for phosphorus.

(c) With respect to the role of chlorophyll in photolysis, better candidates were able to
explain how the loss of electrons from chlorophyll, promoted by the absorption of
light energy, meant that the chlorophyll molecule was ready to receive electrons
from OH– ions and hence cause more water to dissociate. Many forgot to explain
that chlorophyll actually absorbed light and examiners were left to deduce this from
its described effect on the chlorophyll’s electrons.

It was evident that many candidates were conversant with the principles of electron
excitation by light energy and knew that the electrons could then be passed down a
series of electron-carriers, releasing energy to drive the synthesis of ATP.

(d) Those with a thorough knowledge of the parts of the Calvin cycle which involved
RuBP, carbon dioxide, GP and TP had little problem in applying it in this section. In
(i), the main point omitted was that, to keep its concentration constant, GP would

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have to be produced at the same rate as it was converted to something else. In (ii),
many realised that, with no carbon dioxide to combine with, RuBP would no longer
be converted to GP and so the concentration of RuBP would increase. Some gave
the extra detail that RuBP would continue to be formed from GP (perhaps noticing
on the graph the fall in concentration of the latter).

(a) Most correctly identified the site of the light-dependent reaction as being in the
granum and the light-independent reaction in the stroma of the chloroplast. A
substantial minority did, however, reverse these, with some labelling the starch
grain, an oil droplet or even the chloroplast envelope as one of the sites.

(b) Most knew what was meant by the photolysis of water, but many failed to gain
marks through imprecision – ‘hydrogen’, ‘H’, ‘H2’ could not be regarded as
synonymous with hydrogen ions; other imprecise symbols included ‘e’ for electrons
and ‘O’ or ‘O–’ for molecular oxygen. While candidates are generally at liberty to use
chemical symbols in their answers, it is their responsibility to ensure that these are
correct. Thus, ‘H2O → H+ + e– + O2’ was quite acceptable for 2 marks, even without
being correctly balanced. Some candidates also knew that light excited electrons or
that they were transferred to a photosystem.

(c) Precise answers were required in this section giving the specific roles of ATP and
reduced NADP in particular reactions. Answers such as ‘ATP is used to change GP
to TP’ were regarded as imprecise, whereas ATP providing energy to drive this
conversion, and reduced NADP supplying hydrogens for it, were acceptable.

Although this question produced a wide range of marks, few candidates gained maximum
marks, often due to an inadequate explanation in part (b) (iii).

(a) Few candidates obtained all four marks. Most candidates gained two marks, usually
for identifying where NADP is reduced and where ATP is produced. A common error
was to indicate NAD is reduced in the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis.

(b) (i) Most candidates incorrectly suggested glucose as a substrate for this
investigation. However, there was a significant number of correct answers
usually suggesting pyruvate or acetylcoenzyme A.

(ii) Many candidates referred to the phosphorylation of ADP to produce ATP but
the fate of oxygen was less well known. A common misconception was to
suggest that oxygen is used in the production of carbon dioxide.

(iii) Although some candidates gave the correct order of the electron carriers,
many candidates got the order the wrong way round. Very few candidates
could provide an adequate explanation although there were some excellent
exceptions to this. It was not uncommon for candidates to simply describe the
electron transport chain in mitochondria.

There were very few maximum marks in this question with most candidates scoring three

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or four marks.

(a) This provided the most readily available marks with most candidates appreciating
the role of excited electrons from chlorophyll and / or water in reducing NADP.

(b) In part (i), although candidates realised that GP was produced from RuBP and
carbon dioxide only the better candidates appreciated that 2GP were formed. Many
candidates gained a mark in part (ii) for explaining that less RuBP would be used as
there was less carbon dioxide to react with.

(c) In part (i), many candidates simply stated that carbon dioxide could be ‘traced’
without indicating that it would be used to form photosynthetic products. In part (ii),
many candidates did not link the lack of both ATP and reduced NADP to the rise in
GP but gained one mark for realising that it was still being formed from RuBP. Very
few candidates referred to the use of glucose e.g. in respiration or in the formation of
starch. Most candidates stated glucose was not being formed without explaining the
decrease in its level as shown on the graph.

Most candidates scored at least half marks, but only a small minority gained full marks.

(a) (i) Most candidates scored a mark, although many just mentioned one colour or
wavelength, or referred to wavelengths at either end of the spectrum without
specifying what they were.

(ii) Many candidates scored all three marks. There were many vague references
to the light dependent reaction without giving any detail and also many who
described the whole of the LDR. A significant number of candidates confused
chlorophyll and chloroplasts. Many candidates referred to light from the sun
hitting chlorophyll with no mention of absorption, or stated that chlorophyll
becomes excited.

(b) Many candidates correctly referred to the pigments absorbing more wavelengths of
light, but few of these developed their answer to explain the importance of this in
terms of more efficient photosynthesis.

(a) Most candidates were able to identify process A as respiration and the group of
organisms represented by box B as decomposers. Common incorrect answers
included ‘consumers’ and ‘detritivores’.

(b) The calculation was performed well with most candidates realising that to work out
the percentage efficiency, the energy in the producers had to be divided by the
energy they had absorbed. However, the main error was understanding ‘standard
form’; the number 1.7 x 106 caused problems, with students finding it difficult to work
out how many zeros should be placed after the decimal point.

(c) It was pleasing to see so many candidates realising that the effect of light energy
was to excite electrons in chlorophyll but few gave any more information as to what
happened to the electron once excited. Vague answers were seen with reference to
the production of carbon dioxide and glucose.

(d) Some candidates could name the two end products of the light-dependent reaction
as reduced NADP and ATP, but only the very best could explain their function. Usual
mistakes were writing reduced NAD or just NADP.

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(a) Many candidates completed this very well. On the other hand, weaker candidates
often appeared simply to guess wildly, and quite often the number of carbon atoms
in glucose was completely inaccurate, with ‘one’ being a surprisingly common
answer. In part (i), many could not work out that triose phosphate must have three
carbon atoms. The proportion of the triose phosphate molecules converted to
ribulose bisphosphate was the least well done part of the question.

(b) There were many good answers gaining both marks, but some, such as ‘enzymes
are less efficient’, were too vague. Misconceptions that were quite common included
‘enzymes are denatured at low temperatures’, and the idea that the light-
independent reaction takes place at night after the daytime light-dependent reaction

Whilst a full range of marks was seen on this question, marks of seven or eight were
comparatively rare. Most candidates scored between three and five marks.

(a) Whilst most candidates recognised that the experiment was about the effect of light
intensity on the rate of photosynthesis, many candidates did not appreciate that the
addition or removal of carbon dioxide would affect the colour of the indicator. Only
the best candidates compared rates of respiration and photosynthesis in tube A. A
large proportion of candidates ignored the uptake of carbon dioxide in tube A and
looked for an explanation in terms of alkaline properties of oxygen. With tube B,
many saw that photosynthesis had stopped but either ignored respiration, or stated
that the plant had switched to respiration. There was quite a large proportion of
correct answers with regard to tube C.

(b) In part (i), weaker candidates gave vague answers about a ‘control experiment’. A
large number gained the mark by making reference to proving that the plant caused
any changes. Only a small minority answered in terms of showing that light did not
affect the indicator. In part (ii), very few correct answers were seen. Weak
candidates thought that this would make it ‘a fair test’. Most candidates thought that
it was to give equal light intensity to each tube but very few mentioned heat or

(a) Most candidates identified the relationship between light absorption and the rate of
photosynthesis, but very few went further to give a valid explanation that referred to
light energy as being the cause of this relationship. Incorrect responses to this
question commonly included references to the wavelength of light instead of a
variable given in the question’s stem or they provided literal descriptions about the
shape of the curves. An incorrect answer describing the percentage of absorbed
light always being higher than the rate of photosynthesis was not uncommon.

(b) This was usually answered correctly, but measuring the production of carbon dioxide
rather than measuring how much of it is taken up by a plant was a common error.

(c) Most candidates knew that plants reflect green light, but only a small proportion
correctly translated this understanding into a valid range of wavelengths using the
graph. In this respect, candidates tended to have a weak appreciation of how to use
graphs to communicate their understanding of a biological principle.

(d) This proved to be extremely difficult for nearly all candidates and it did not seem to
be a good discriminator between candidates of different levels of ability. Those who

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could explain processes involved in the light-dependent reaction picked up a mark in
part (i) for chlorophyll losing electrons or for the production of reduced NADP. Very
few went further and used these electrons to reduce the dye. In part (ii), many
candidates explained that ADP and Pi were needed for ATP production, but hardly
any linked this back to the question and discussed why the process occurred more
quickly when the concentration of these substrates was increased.

(a) Most recognised that the rate of photosynthesis would increase, and quite a few
mentioned that carbon dioxide concentration would normally be limiting. Very few
gave a clear link to increased yield, often only making a vague statement, such as
‘there would be more food for growth’

(b) Several noted that respiration would increase, but few pointed out that faster use of
respiratory substrate would reduce the amount available for growth or that the rate
of photosynthesis would be too low to replace the respiratory loss.

(c) Most candidates appreciated that the sodium chloride would lower the water
potential in the solution, although some assumed that it would be taken up to the
fruits. Only the better candidates who had thought about the information given
suggested that the rate of water uptake would be reduced; most assumed a net
loss, which would not only reduce yield but also kill the plants.

(a) About half of the candidates obtained both marks here and almost all obtained at
least one mark. The commonest errors were NAD or NADP, rather than reduced
NADP and water.

(b) About half of the candidates scored one mark here. Those who failed to score
usually had the products being used to attach carbon dioxide to something.

(c) This proved to be an A grade discriminator, with under ten percent obtaining two

It was apparent that very few candidates clearly grasp that plants respire all the time
(which produces carbon dioxide) and carry out photosynthesis in light (which uses
carbon dioxide).

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