Stakeholder-Oriented Valuation To Support Water Resources Management Processes
Stakeholder-Oriented Valuation To Support Water Resources Management Processes
Stakeholder-Oriented Valuation To Support Water Resources Management Processes
Leon Hermans
Daniel Renault
FAO Land and Water Development Division
Rome, Italy
Lucy Emerton
Danièle Perrot-Maître
World Conservation Union
Gland, Switzerland
Sophie Nguyen-Khoa
International Water Management Institute
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Laurence Smith
Imperial College London
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Acknowledgements vi
Summary vii
List of acronyms xi
1. Introduction 3
Water resources management and the need for valuation 3
Water valuation as a means to support stakeholders 4
Aim and scope of the report 6
Part II – Cases 15
Analytical challenge 54
Adaptive challenge 56
Participatory challenge 59
References 73
List of figures
List of tables
This publication reports on some first exploratory steps in using water valuation to move
from a sectoral to a functional perspective on water resources management, recognizing
the role of water resources as components of a more extensive set of interrelated
systems. As such, it builds on FAO Water Report No. 27 Economic valuation of water
resources in agriculture and the outcomes of the FAO/Netherlands Conference on
Water for Food and Ecosystems. Stakeholders are central in this publication, exploring
how water valuation can support stakeholders in managing their local water resources.
The empirical core of the present report is formed by three case studies in which a
stakeholder-oriented approach to water valuation has been explored.
The Tanzania case study is based on the written publications and fieldwork carried out
for the project “Water productivity for vulnerable groups in the Mkoji subcatchment”,
funded through the FAO–Netherlands Partnership Programme. This project was
implemented by FAO–AGLW and Sokoine University of Agriculture through the work
done by Professor Henry Mahoo and the other members of the Soil Water Management
Research Group. FAO’s input was coordinated by Gerardo van Halsema, who also
provided useful comments on earlier drafts of this publication.
The chapter on the Sri Lanka case was written by Laurence Smith and Sophie
Nguyen Khoa. It presents findings of the research on “Impacts of irrigation on inland
fisheries and their role in rural livelihoods” that both authors conducted together with
Kai Lorenzen. This research was made possible by the Department for International
Development (DFID) of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and
support from the Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture.
The chapter on the Cambodia case was written by Lucy Emerton. It is based on the
written publications and fieldwork carried out by Joanne Chong of IUCN’s Regional
Environmental Economics Programme for Asia. It reports on a study carried out
between August 2004 and January 2005 as part of the DFID-funded project “Integrating
wetland economic values into river basin management” and the UNDP/GEF funded
project “Mekong River Basin wetland biodiversity conservation and sustainable use
programme”, which IUCN is implementing in conjunction with the Mekong River
Thanks are due to the external reviewers, who took the time to read through an earlier
version of this report and provided useful feedback and constructive comments: Bruce
Lankford from the University of East Anglia (United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland), Petra Hellegers from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute
(LEI, Netherlands), and Hartmut Brühl, international consultant with the Technical
Committee of the Global Water Partnership. Any mistakes or omissions in the final text
remain solely the responsibility of the authors.
building on concepts such as total and full economic value, water accounting and the
water value flow concept. The total economic value and the similar full economic
value concepts are often used. The advantage of these frameworks is that they offer a
relatively straightforward procedure for aggregating different value components into
one overarching value. However, although the social and environmental values can be
captured conceptually in these frameworks, the emphasis in their use in practice is on
monetary expressions of producer and consumer values.
Furthermore, there are additional factors that complicate an accurate use of
valuation methods in practice. Among these are the cognitive, information and
knowledge constraints, which are an important factor in valuing interrelated and
partially overlapping water-related goods and services. Determining what it is that
stakeholders care about in a particular situation is already difficult, but assessing how
this is supported or impaired by different activities or policy alternatives is often almost
impossible. Causal relationships between interconnected and interdependent water uses
are difficult to establish, while the need to establish how values are affected by small
changes in dynamic water systems further complicates matters.
Thus, water valuation is difficult and fraught with uncertainties and results in value
estimates that are necessarily crude and inexact. Combining the analytical complexity
with the complexity caused by the involvement of different stakeholders in political
decision-making processes, clarifies why a comprehensive, complete and undisputed
valuation is virtually impossible to achieve. Therefore, valuation should use whatever
partial information is available or affordable to take forward processes of multiobjective
decision-making. In practice, it may be better to reach an agreement based on imperfect
value estimates rather than continuing theoretical disputes over the “real” value of water
This means that valuation should be viewed in a broader perspective, not solely
as an objective or neutral means to place a quantitative value on water resources.
Valuation may be biased and partial, but it can make an important contribution to
water resources management by offering a structured and transparent mechanism that
supports a multistakeholder dialogue, helping stakeholders to express their values and
to reach jointly a certain level of agreement on the use and management of scarce water
Realizing such a stakeholder-oriented approach to water valuation is not self-
evident. It requires stakeholders and experts to overcome several challenges throughout
the valuation process. Some of these challenges are related to strengthening the links
between water valuation as an analytical activity and water valuation as it is being done,
implicitly or explicitly, by stakeholders as part of their water resources management
process. These are central to this report, and three of these are identified here:
¾An analytical challenge, to broaden the scope of valuation to include economic,
social and environmental values, to provide insight into stakeholder-specific values
as well as relevant trends and dynamics. Transparent and valid assessments of a
diverse range of values are required, while still providing insight into the overall
¾An adaptive challenge, to adapt to the working conditions for local water resources
management in developing countries, requiring one to adapt valuation to the
existing institutional setup and to the available data, knowledge, expertise, time
and resources (and to the limitations thereof).
¾A participatory challenge, to embed water valuation in local stakeholder processes,
combining stakeholder judgement, local knowledge and scientific inputs, through
a process that is driven by stakeholders.
The practical implications of these challenges are explored through the use of three
cases in which valuation practitioners and stakeholder confronted these challenges
and developed some practical responses to address them. As these cases were done
independently from one another by different organizations, there are substantial
differences between them. The first case is located in the Mkoji subcatchment in
the United Republic of Tanzania and focuses on the value of water resources to
support different local livelihood activities in different locations while also meeting
environmental requirements. The second case concerns the Kirindi Oya basin in Sri
Lanka and focuses on the value of water resources to support different functions that are
potentially conflicting: irrigation and fisheries. The third case discusses water valuation
for the Stoeng Treng Ramsar site in Cambodia, focusing mainly on the in situ value of
water resources for the provision of various wetland goods and services that support
local livelihoods. The methodological approaches used in the three cases show a strong
convergence as they all emphasize the use of water valuation to support local stakeholders
in the context of IWRM, but their point of departure is somewhat different.
The differences in the cases reduce the possibilities for a detailed comparative
review of the valuation approaches used. However, the independence of the cases
makes a strong argument for the common elements and strategies that nevertheless
appear in them. Therefore, in-depth descriptions of these three cases are used to learn
about the strategies developed in practice and to extract some of the common features
and practical responses that were considered useful by those involved to address the
threefold challenge for water valuation. This is not to say that the lessons learned from
the cases offer the final answer to all valuation problems. Rather, they serve a purpose in
highlighting recent attempts in moving towards a more stakeholder-oriented valuation
approach. The observed responses have been framed as recommendations to consider
for future water valuation efforts:
¾Differentiate, providing insight in different value components and for different
stakeholders, within a loose overarching framework.
¾Focus on livelihoods as a driving force and integrating element.
¾Link valuation to possible solutions/alternatives.
¾Combine various methods, indicators and data to build a more complete picture.
¾Use an adaptive and learning approach, building confidence to take action.
¾Ensure links with existing institutions while building social capital.
¾Use tools and techniques for participatory analysis, with specific attention for
stakeholder representation.
¾Mix expert and stakeholder inputs.
¾Focus on use of participatory valuation to build agreement on actions.
¾Use methods with a certain degree of simplicity to facilitate participatory efforts
among broad groups of stakeholders.
These responses are based on an underlying perspective of water valuation as an
intrinsic part of a water resources management process. Together with the conceptual
approaches to IWRM and water valuation from literature, they can be moulded into
an outline of a stakeholder-oriented water valuation process. This process consists of
seven elements, which are linked to one another in a more or less logical sequence of
1. Identification of the main triggers for the process, problems to be addressed and
key stakeholders involved.
2. Identification of values at stake through a structured overview of stakeholders’
3. Assessment of values associated with these objectives for current practices.
4. Identification of possible solutions and the stakeholders that control them (or do
so in part).
5. Assessment of values associated with expected impacts of solutions.
6. Evaluation, refinement and negotiated choice of preferred set of solutions.
List of acronyms
Part I
Introduction and literature
One of the main questions today is how to best support stakeholders in managing their
water demands in a context of increasing competition and interdependency. This question
is especially significant for agriculture as it is the largest water user globally.
Chapter 1 introduces the role of water valuation in addressing this question. It takes
stock of existing approaches to water valuation, identifying the need to complement these
existing approaches with one where stakeholders have a more central role.
With this in mind, Chapter 2 reviews the relevant concepts from literature on water
resources management and water valuation. This results in the identification of three main
challenges that need to be addressed in order to embed water valuation more effectively in
the water resources management processes that are driven by stakeholders.
Chapter 1
Water valuation means expressing the value of water-related goods and services in
order to support their allocation and sharing. It covers both use and non-use values,
extractive and in situ use values, and consumptive and non-consumptive use values
(NRC, 1997; FAO, 2004). The notion of scarcity is central and this can refer to aspects
of water quantity or quality and can have both temporal and spatial dimensions. This
scarcity may be induced by limitations of the physical water resources, the means to
access them (related to financial, infrastructural and legal aspects), and by inadequate
management of the resource base (as may be the case for pollution affecting water
Chapter 2
Challenges for using valuation
to support water resources
IWRM as an ongoing process
The strategic planning cycle for water resources management
may have different problems and they may differ about the nature and importance
of problems. Water-related problems feature aspects of quantity, quality and
availability at specific times and at specific locations.
¾ Solutions – measures, strategies and actions to solve problems by closing the
perceived gaps. Solutions relate to problems and, thus, to stakeholders. Different
stakeholders will exercise control or partial control over different solutions.
Solutions may include: the construction and operation of physical structures
such as irrigation channels, weirs and sluices; the adoption of economic measures
such as charging for water use or pollution; and the putting in place of legal and
institutional arrangements.
Problems and solutions are the most basic substantive elements in a water resources
management process and there is likely to be a continuum between problems
and solutions. Solutions may turn into problems after they are implemented, or a
solution for one stakeholder may constitute a problem for another. For example, a
dam and reservoir might have been constructed as a solution to a past problem of a
lack of power-generating capacity and a need for improved irrigation water control.
However, once in place, some negative impacts, e.g. on fisheries, may also have become
apparent, triggering a new process to identify mitigation measures and possibilities
for improvement. Something similar can be said for solutions to establish protected
areas that benefit nature conservation but that may create livelihood problems for local
Ultimately, water resources management should help stakeholders to address their
specific problems and to identify solutions that can help to improve their situation.
At any given point in time, a stakeholder may perceive certain problems and certain
solutions. These need to be articulated in the stakeholder process in order to win
sufficient recognition of perceived priority problems and support for the implementation
of favoured solutions. Both problems and solutions will be evaluated and prioritized,
selecting which problems to tackle first or which solution to implement. The main
stakeholders involved do this through a process of implicit or explicit valuation.
values; and (iii) making valuation outcomes available at the right time to be of use in
the water resources management process.
The aspect of short-term versus long-term values manifests itself in trade-
offs between short-term economic gains at the expense of long-term ecosystem
conservation. Generally, economists have dealt with this aspect through the use of
discount rates, which help to express values at a future time in terms of values at the
present time (FAO, 2004; NRC, 2004). However, this does not differentiate between
stakeholders’ values. Certain stakeholders may perceive risks and uncertainties in a
different way. Some stakeholders avoid risks in order to ensure that current values are
maintained for the future and are not jeopardized by their actions. Other stakeholders
are willing to take certain risks in order to have a potentially higher value in the future,
and still others deliberately opt for a “mining” approach, maximizing current values
at the expense of future values with a shift of activities in mind (e.g. farmers mining
non-renewable groundwater resources anticipating that future generations will work
outside the agriculture sector). These dimensions may be incorporated into water
valuation in different ways, including methods such as the use of a maximin rule
(this means maximizing minimum values when choosing between alternative policy
options and dealing with an uncertain future – it entails selecting the alternative
with the highest minimum value when expecting the worst case scenario for each
alternative), safe minimum standards or the application of the precautionary principle
(NRC, 2004).
Water values tend to fluctuate over time. Water systems are dynamic systems
in which the availability and demand for water fluctuates over time, resulting in
corresponding fluctuations in associated values. In areas characterized by a wet season
and a dry season, the value of a small amount of water may be very high in periods of
scarcity, while this value may be much lower at other times of the year. Moreover, for
agriculture, marginal values for crop growth or livestock production may be very high
when the available water resources are close to the minimum amounts of water needed
to avoid the loss of a harvest or cattle. This is what is called the short-term or tactical
value of water, which is usually much higher than the strategic value of water that
refers to the value of water on the moment prior to sowing, when farmers decide on
their cropping strategies (Tardieu and Préfol, 2002). The time dimension also relates to
periods when water is abundant, when floods add value periodically to floodplains or
when floods cause damage to infrastructure and agricultural land. Finally, fluctuations
in water values are also caused by the fact that the objectives of stakeholders (and their
relative importance) may change over time, e.g. in relation to economic cycles.
The perspective on water resources management as a process introduces a third
element of time. Valuation results need to be available at the right time in order to
help stakeholders in making the trade-offs they are facing, which may sometimes
require acute decision-making and urgent action. Valuation needs to be adaptive and
flexible, to meet the needs of the decision-making processes, which may sometimes be
unpredictable and capricious.
methods require considerable expertise and are quite difficult for ordinary users to
Thus, the social and environmental values can be captured conceptually in the
existing economic valuation frameworks through a certain “adjustment for societal
objectives”, as for the framework shown in Figure 3, or a “stage 2 policy impact
analysis” that examines the impacts of an economically efficient allocation on welfare
distribution, market failures and institutional aspects (Groom, Koundouri and
Swanson, 2003). However, the practical applications of these frameworks focus mainly
on the consumer and production values of direct and indirect uses to analyse economic
efficient allocation. The social and environmental values of water are treated as a
secondary step of, or an added component to, this economic valuation. The emphasis
is on the development and use of methods to assess the economic costs and benefits
of direct and indirect uses. The valuation of components related to social equity and
environmental sustainability receives much less attention even though it may well be
much more complex.
Furthermore, most practical applications of the existing economic valuation
frameworks seek to express all value components in a common unit of measure and,
generally, monetary units are used for this. This enables aggregate values or value
functions to be determined and relatively easy comparative analyses of the different
value components and water-using sectors. However, it can also put unnecessary
limits to water valuation, suggesting that ultimately the achievement of all objectives
can be measured meaningfully with a common denominator. For example, it ignores
the fact that food security and social equity refer to social objectives that are usually
considered important regardless of their virtual monetary value. While sometimes
closely related, social and economic values may also be fundamentally different. A
monetary expression of values is one aspect of valuation, useful to address objectives
of economic efficiency and producer and consumer values. However, water valuation
should also include values related to social and environmental objectives, expressed
in their own appropriate standards and units. Ultimately, the value of water valuation
may be to reframe a water resources management problem in terms of a multicriteria
decision-making problem rather than one of economic optimization.
Although social and environmental values can be included in the existing economic
valuation frameworks, the emphasis in practice is still on monetary expressions
of producer and consumer values. Therefore, it may be useful to complement
these economic valuation frameworks with valuation frameworks that recognize
environmental values and social values more clearly as separate values alongside
economic values. Such frameworks would: (i) recognize total economic value as one
element of total systems value (FAO, 2004); (ii) consider the total value to be a function
of ecological values, sociocultural values and economic values (De Groot, Wilson and
Boumans, 2002); or (iii) recognize the equal importance of economic, social and
environmental values as a triple bottom line (Christen et al., 2005). Figure 4 shows an
example of such a framework. Although developed for ecosystem functions, goods
and services, and, therefore, broader than just water resources management, it helps
to illustrate the points made in this section. In many cases, the result of applying such
frameworks is more likely to provide a picture of the diversity of values, resulting in
a “basket of value components” rather than one aggregated value or function (Burrill,
Framework for integrated assessment and valuation of ecosystem functions, goods and services
Ecosystem Based on
structure ecological
& process sustainability
Ecosystem Sociocultural making
goods values process to
Ecosystem & Based on equity Total determine
functions services and cultural value policy
perceptions options &
1. Regulation management
2. Habitat measures
3. Production Economic values
4. Information Based on
efficiency and
problems as well as the desirability of alternatives to solve these problems. In the water
resources management process, where different stakeholders have to reach agreement
on joint management strategies and actions, expressing values helps individual
stakeholders to evaluate different courses of action and supports communication and
negotiations among stakeholders.
Cognitive, information and knowledge constraints are often an important factor in
dealing with interrelated and partially overlapping water-related goods and services.
Expressing values is useful but also difficult. Determining what it is that stakeholders
care about in a particular situation is already difficult, but assessing how this is
supported or impaired by different activities or policy alternatives is often close to
impossible. Causal relations between interconnected and interdependent water uses
are difficult to establish, while the need to establish marginal values in dynamic water
systems further complicates matters.
Thus, water valuation is difficult, fraught with uncertainties (Costanza et al., 1997)
and results in value estimates that are necessarily crude and inexact (Gibbons, 1986,
Pagiola, von Ritter and Bishop, 2004). Combining the analytical complexity with
the complexity caused by the involvement of different stakeholders in capricious
decision-making processes clarifies why a comprehensive, complete and undisputed
valuation is virtually impossible to achieve. Therefore, valuation should use whatever
partial but accurate information is available or affordable to take forward processes of
multiobjective decision-making. Sometimes, it may be better to reach an agreement on
imperfect value estimates rather than continuing theoretical disputes over the “real”
value of water resources.
This means that valuation should be viewed in a broader perspective, not solely
as an objective or neutral means to put a quantitative value on water resources.
Valuation may be biased and partial, but it can make an important contribution to
water resources management by offering a structured and transparent mechanism that
supports a multistakeholder dialogue, helping stakeholders to express their values and
to jointly reach a certain level of agreement on the use and management of scarce water
resources (Moss et al., 2003).
14 Stakeholder-oriented valuation to support water resources management processes
Analytical challenge
Water valuation needs to provide transparent and reliable assessments of values that
are of importance to stakeholders. This requires that valuation cover economic, social
and environmental values. Values may differ between stakeholder groups and it will be
useful to complement insight into aggregated values for society as a whole with values
that are stakeholder specific. The time dimension is also important in expressing values,
dealing with long- and short-term values and periodic fluctuations. The challenge is
to address this need for diversity while still enabling stakeholders to comprehend the
overall picture, which is necessary for IWRM.
Adaptive challenge
Water valuation needs to be practically feasible. This means that it should be able
to cope with limits in available data, expertise and time as well as uncertainty and
knowledge gaps. Valuation should be able to cope with these gaps and limitations while
still supporting processes of multiobjective decision-making. Here again, there is an
important time dimension, as the timing of valuation processes should ideally match
that of the, at times unpredictable, stakeholder process. The challenge is to cope with
these various limitations while adapting to ongoing processes, incorporating a certain
degree of flexibility through the use of adaptive approaches that stress iteration and
Participatory challenge
Water valuation needs to be embedded in stakeholder processes. This means that it
needs to be participatory, combining subjective stakeholder judgements with scientific
inputs and more objective knowledge. It should cater to stakeholders’ information
needs, leaving them to decide which aspects of water resources and related goods and
services should be valued. The challenge is to implement valuation in a participatory
fashion to better support deliberation and learning, but also negotiating and making
harsh choices, confronting the full complexity of multiple uses, numerous stakeholders,
different perceptions, conflicting objectives and delicate power relations.
Part II
The next three chapters each present one case in which the people involved confronted
the three challenges identified in Part I and developed some practical responses to address
them. As these cases were done independently from one another and by different people
and organizations, there are substantial differences among them. The methodological
approaches used in the three cases show a strong convergence as they all emphasize the
use of water valuation to support local stakeholders in the context of IWRM, but their
point of departure is somewhat different.
Chapter 3 presents the case of the Mkoji sub-catchment in the United Republic of
Tanzania and focuses on the value of water resources to support different local livelihood
activities in different locations while also meeting environmental requirements. In this
case, a farming system and sustainable livelihoods approach provided the methodological
starting point.
Chapter 4 discusses the case of the Kirindi Oya basin in Sri Lanka and focuses on the
value of water resources to support different functions that are potentially conflicting:
irrigation and fisheries. The basis for the valuation methodology here was provided by the
principles of environmental impact assessment.
Chapter 5 discusses the case of the Stoen Treng Ramsar site in Cambodia, focusing
mainly on the valuation of insitu uses of water resources for the provision of various
wetland goods and services that support local livelihoods. This valuation process distinctly
featured different participatory rural appraisal methods.
Part II: Cases
Chapter 3
Valuation to support local water
resources management in the
United Republic of Tanzania
Context of the valuation project
In the United Republic of Tanzania, some areas face severe situations of water scarcity
as water demands have been increasing, particularly for hydropower and agricultural
production: “Past uncoordinated planning for water use, inadequate water resources
data, and inefficient water use have resulted into water use conflicts between the energy
and irrigation sectors, between irrigation and the water ecosystems, hydropower and
the ecosystem, and between upstream and downstream users.” (Tanzania National
Water Sector Development Strategy 2005–2015). In order to address these problems,
the Government has developed a new policy and legal framework and it has embarked
on important institutional reforms. Responsibilities for water resources planning and
management are being transferred from the national level to local levels, through river
basin water organizations and water users associations (WUAs). These decentralized
management structures are still being formed and/or strengthened, working towards
increased involvement of local stakeholders in the process of IWRM.
The water scarcity concerns and water-use conflicts acknowledged in the national
policy documents are visible in the Mkoji subcatchment (MSC), a rural area in the
southwest of the country. Here, the local water resources are increasingly under
pressure and new water management structures are being shaped. In the MSC, water
valuation was done as part of an effort to enable the local stakeholders to engage
in a process towards implementing IWRM principles, based on a solid background
analysis of the linkages between local conditions and the value of water, with specific
attention for vulnerable groups. This should support the local stakeholders in coping
with their current water scarcity problems within the context of the ongoing process
of institutional reform. The project was carried out between June 2003 and January
2004 and is reported in more detail elsewhere (FAO, 2005; Hermans, Van Halsema and
Mahoo, forthcoming).
Main stakeholders involved in water resources management in the MSC
Stakeholders Involvement in water resources management (concern or authority)
Upper zone (irrigating) Depend on water for year-round farm production as main source of food and income
Middle zone paddy farmers Depend on water for paddy rice production and/or dry season irrigation; increasing
competition over water for paddy and for irrigation
Lower zone pastoralists Depend on water for rainfed agriculture and to raise their cattle; dry season pasture
grounds and water resources are becoming scarce
District councils Regional-level government, responsible for rural development in their regions, including
agriculture. Main districts involved: Mbeya Rural and Mbarali
Water user associations Platform for local water users to manage their water resources and lowest level water
management institutions in the United Republic of Tanzania
Rufiji Basin Water Office Responsible for water allocation and regulation within Rufiji river basin, including
administering water rights, user fees and conflict resolution
National park officials Responsible for protection of national parks from illegal activities (grazing)
Environmental NGOs (WWF) Interested in environmental protection and nature conservation, especially in downstream
Ministry of Water and National-level government institution responsible for water policy and strategy and for
Livestock Development livestock development, involved mainly through district councils
Ministry of Agriculture and National-level agency responsible for agricultural development, involved mainly through
Food Security district councils
Chapter 3 – Valuation to support local water resources management in the United Republic of Tanzania 19
and are supposedly represented in various ways in official water resources management
processes. The government agencies and institutions are expected to watch over their
interests as part of the broader general public interest. Some villagers or water users have
also organized themselves through local institutions such as village water committees,
irrigation associations, WUAs, farmer field schools (FFSs) and farmers’ cooperatives.
Generally, the level of organization tends to be better in the upper parts of the MSC,
with a low degree of local organization among the lower zone pastoralists.
of water resources and their associated values. This livelihoods framework enabled
a structured assessment of the local livelihoods based on different types of capital
(natural, physical, human, financial and social), institutional mechanisms, external
shocks and trends, and resulting livelihood strategies.
Seasonal water availability in the Mkoji subcatchment
Wet-season uses Dry-season uses
Upper Middle Lower Total Upper Middle Lower Total
Water use
Agriculture (excluding rice) 10.8 12.3 19.4 42.5 7.5 4.9 12.4
Paddy rice 14.6 20.5 35.1
Livestock MSC* 0.2 0.3 1.0 1.5 0.3 0.5 0.4 1.1
Migrated livestock* 0.1 0.3 2.0 2.4
Brick-making 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2
Domestic 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.9 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.9
Natural vegetation 208.5 506.8 725.7 1 441.0 8.6 15.2 2.4 26.2
Total seasonal use 219.9 534.3 766.7 1 521.0 17.0 21.4 4.9 43.2
Total seasonal rainfall 604.3 1 051.4 808.0 2 463.7 15.6 6.4 0.5 22.5
* Livestock water-use figures here are related only to direct drinking needs. Hence, they do not reflect the true total water use.
Overview of different value components in the project area
Economic values Social values Environmental values
Economic crop water productivity in different zones Food security in different zones Environmental base-flows
Economic value across water-using sectors Access to drinking-water Environmental changes
Income derived from water-related production activities Conflicts over water
Chapter 3 – Valuation to support local water resources management in the United Republic of Tanzania 21
US$/m 3
productivity was assessed on the 0.15
from livestock together with estimates Note: US$1 = TSh1 030 for reference year 2003.
possible for most households to pay such prices for their domestic water all year round
(see section on the social value of water for details on income levels). This indicates a
discrepancy between the households’ willingness to pay and their ability to pay.
The high value of livestock water productivity is explained by the high market value
of cattle and the fact that the productivity estimates are based only on water withdrawal
for direct consumption, excluding the water needed to produce the food for the cattle.
The exact economic water productivity for livestock in agropastoral farming systems
is difficult to estimate owing to the relations and overlaps between different water-
using activities. Livestock consumes a considerable amount of water through the water
embedded in its fodder, but simply accounting all this embedded water as livestock
water consumption misses the point that livestock may graze on crop residues that
would otherwise be lost. Complications are not confined to the MSC as cattle herds are
taken outside the MSC in the dry season to graze in wildlife parks, where they compete
for water with the wildlife. It also means that the migrated cattle import a considerable
amount of “virtual” water from outside the subcatchment.
Percentage of income derived from water-related production activities
Irrigated Intermed. Rainfed Livestock- Total sum Total for poor
agriculture agriculture (paddy) agriculture keeping households
Upper Zone 45 0 44 1 90 50
Middle Zone 6 39 24 23 92 75
Lower Zone 0 9 19 69 96 92
Chapter 3 – Valuation to support local water resources management in the United Republic of Tanzania 23
Access to drinking-water
A special concern is the availability of domestic water in the lower zone in the dry
season, when the water situation is critical and water availability is reduced to a level
that makes it difficult to meet even basic household water needs. People from lower
zone households often have to travel long distances to obtain drinking-water in the dry
season. This seriously threatens the health of lower zone households and reduces the
availability of human capital in the dry season.
Water-related conflicts in different zones of the Mkoji subcatchment
Upper zone Middle zone Lower zone
Typical Upstream – downstream conflicts Conflicts within and between Conflicts among cattleholders over
conflicts within and between irrigation irrigation schemes. Conflicts grazing lands. Conflicts of lower
schemes between irrigators and zone cattleholders with water users
cattleholders or authorities in other zones
Occurrence In dry season In dry season, and at the onset In dry season
of the wet season (peak)
Severity Low - Usually solved informally or High - Several court cases High – mostly with middle zone
through irrigation committee reported, sometimes violent over water and pasture; observed: a
fights lack of local-level conflict resolution
24 Stakeholder-oriented valuation to support water resources management processes
flow requirement could not be assessed for the MSC within the time, resource and
information constraints of the current project. However, as the streams used to be
perennial, it is safe to assert that at least a constant minimum flow is required in the
MSC throughout the year. In the MSC, increased river abstractions in recent years
have affected existing base-flows; in the lower zone, there is no water flow in the dry
season. This indicates that the current practices have a negative value for sustaining the
existing environment.
The lack of base-flows is also apparent further downstream of the MSC in the
drying up of the Great Ruaha River. As mentioned above, this causes environmental
and economic problems that receive a lot of attention at national level, where restoring
the environmental base-flow for the Great Ruaha River has been given priority.
As a consequence, pressure is put on upstream water users, including the MSC, to
use less water. Moreover, measures have been taken to protect wildlife through the
establishment of game reserves, which affects communities in the MSC directly.
techniques to promote water conservation and increase crop water productivity. The
option of shifting to crops with lower water requirements was also identified.
The assessment of the social values associated with the current water resources
management arrangements indicated the need for improvements, for example to reduce
conflict and to ensure equal access to water resources for livelihood activities. Related
to these social values, options were identified to increase fairness and equity and to
ensure that water management practices would not lead to social instability. These
included a review of the existing system of water rights allocation and management, as
well as the continued formation of local WUAs throughout the MSC as a platform for
dialogue and negotiation.
Furthermore, the valuation results also suggested the usefulness of options that
at first sight do not seem directly related to water management but that nevertheless
could be linked to the water valuation study as they could help farmers to generate
more value per unit of water. These options included increasing farmers’ access to
storage facilities and low-cost farm inputs, such as agrochemicals, and supporting
farmers’ associations. In particular, rice producers associations that coordinate the joint
marketing of rice may benefit the region. If farmers can agree on a system to share the
benefits of coordinated marketing, they can increase their income and income stability
as compared with the existing competitive model that is conflict-prone and adds social
risk factors to the already significant natural risk factors.
All the stakeholders participating in the workshop were asked to identify the measures
that were feasible for them to initiate and that they would commit themselves to. A
distinction was made between short-term and long-term measures in order to ensure a
balance between long-term sustainability and much needed short-term improvements.
Most stakeholders were willing to commit themselves to the implementation or further
exploration of some of these options, especially the construction of small dams and the
provision of training at various levels.
the representation of local water users through WUAs and their catchment-level apex
body. For the districts, this was done through generating input that could be taken up
in the district agricultural development plans, which should be established on the basis
of local input.
Through involving stakeholders throughout the MSC, the valuation process also
supported the start of an organization process among those stakeholders that had
previously not organized themselves to deal with water management issues. This was
especially important for the lower zone pastoralists, to ensure that their voices would
also be heard in the debate over water resources management in the MSC in addition
to those of the better organized upstream farmers’ communities. The solutions that
resulted from the valuation process made very clear that a minimum level of local
organization would be a precondition for the successful implementation for all of
In conclusion, there are ample indications that the valuation process followed in
the MSC made a useful contribution to helping local stakeholders manage their water
resources. The explicit identification and establishment of links with the existing
institutions and planning processes are believed to be crucial and useful to ensuring
that the valuation process is indeed linked to decision-making by local stakeholders.
This is important not only in order to ensure an institutional anchorage of the valuation
process and its outcomes, but also to support the development of new, and the
functioning of existing, institutional structures by offering stakeholders a structured
process for communicating and reflecting upon the different values involved in
managing local water resources.
Chapter 4
Valuation for improved
management of irrigation
and fisheries in Sri Lanka
Context of the valuation project
Fisheries are the exploitation of living aquatic resources (mainly fish but also
invertebrates and some insects) held in some form of common or open access
property regime (in contrast to aquaculture, which implies active husbandry and
private ownership of stocks). This case concerns artisanal inland fisheries and refers to
freshwater systems that include rivers, lakes and wetlands, as well as brackish lacustrine
and estuarine systems. Such fisheries often contribute significantly to incomes and food
security in rural areas. Although there are exceptions, the combination of open access
and low costs can make fishing an important activity for poor people.
The development and operation of irrigation systems can have a range of impacts
on fisheries. Changes in flow patterns, size and connectivity of aquatic habitats, and
water quality can affect species diversity and productivity. Changes in the physical
accessibility or rights of access to waterbodies can affect who is able to benefit from the
resource and when. Healthy and productive fish stocks depend on particular quantities
and seasonal timing of flows in rivers and into waterbodies. Thus, trade-offs can arise
between the consumptive use of water for agriculture and the conservation or provision
of non-polluted instream flows, or inflows to and resident volumes of waterbodies and
wetlands (Nguyen Khoa and Smith, 2004). Although non-consumptive users of water
(apart from incremental evaporation when retained specifically for a fishery), fisheries
can thus preclude or constrain other water uses.
Although change is almost always detrimental to aquatic biodiversity, some water
management actions can be neutral or beneficial for fishery production and livelihoods.
For example, reservoirs, canals and drains can frequently compensate for aquatic
habitat modification or loss by supporting productive fisheries, and loss of livelihoods
in fishing may be compensated by improved opportunities in farm production or in
farm and other labour markets. Thus, there is considerable complexity and a range
of possible trade-offs and complementarities between irrigated farming and fisheries.
There is potential for fisheries to coexist with irrigation systems, contributing to
the overall productivity of water use, to the livelihoods and food security of rural
communities, and to the sustainability of land and water management.
This case study explores the scope for achieving such aims for the Kirindi Oya
Irrigation and Settlement Project (KOISP) in Sri Lanka, the approaches that may be
needed, and the positive role that stakeholder valuation of competing water uses can
play. It arises from work done to develop and test an approach to deal with the linkages
between irrigation development and fisheries (Nguyen Khoa, Smith and Lorenzen,
2005a, 2005b). The KOISP was selected because important fisheries existed within the
catchment but significant negative project impacts and competition for water between
farming and fishing had not been mitigated or resolved. Secondary data on the project’s
performance and the fisheries were also available, and the logistics, scope and duration
of the assessment matched the resources available.
28 Stakeholder-oriented valuation to support water resources management processes
Stages of the valuation approach for fisheries in the Kirindi Oya catchment
Definition of key issues Screening and scoping
Validation of key issues and
identification of potential Identification
mitigation/enhancement of key issues and values
Stakeholder analysis
Identification of interest, ASSESSMENT
relative importance and METHODOLOGY
influence of stakeholders Defined for each issue/value
between required
and available data
Biophysical impacts
ASSESSMENT Mapping of change in aquatic
. and rapid field appraisal
Ecological assessment
Discussion and validation of Fish production impacts
preliminary results MITIGATION/ENHANCEMENT Estimates based on comparative
Selection of mitigation and empirical data for habitat types
enhancement measures
Socioeconomic impacts
SCENARIOS Based on available data and
WORKSHOP 4 Establish various scenarios
Final workshop at local level rapid appraisal.
Identification of scenarios
Institutional assessment
TRADEOFF ANALYSIS Based on available data and
WORKSHOP 5 AND key informants
Final workshop at national level RECOMMENDATIONS
Trade-off analysis
fora for participation and facilitated interaction between experts, stakeholders and
policymakers. They were interspersed with research activities including the collection
and review of secondary information, consultation with key informants, and field
surveys. A knowledge base was assembled by a multidisciplinary team of specialists
(fisheries ecology and management, irrigation engineering and management, and rural
development economics) and this was used to support the analyses conducted with
stakeholders at the workshops.
Chapter 4 – Valuation for improved management of irrigation and fisheries in Sri Lanka 31
List of workshop participants and their respective affiliations
Stakeholder Organization Positions of participants
Villagers 8 villages Community leaders
District level 3 divisional secretariats within the lower river basin Divisional secretaries
Irrigation Management Division Project manager (KOISP)
Fisheries Assistant director & fisheries inspector
Department of Agriculture Assistant director
Central Environment Authority Environmental officers
Coastal Conservation Department Director of Coastal Resources
Development Division
Southern Development Authority District director
Farmer societies (2)* Chairpersons
Provincial level Department of Irrigation Chief irrigation engineer (Southern)
Department of Wildlife Conservation Assistant director (Southern)
National level** National Aquatic Resources Research Development Agency Researchers
National Aquaculture Development Authority Extension officers
University of Kelaniya Researchers
Water Resource Secretariat Officer
* Farmer societies were not represented at the first workshop.
** Stakeholders from the national level doubled their representation at the final workshop.
The preliminary assessment of probable impacts on fisheries for the KOISP was
paralleled by, and completed through, a stakeholder analysis. This analysis included
initial determination of both likely impacts that affected the values of importance for
different groups and the role or influence of those groups in relation to decision-making
and management. The screening stage considered whether the possible impacts on fish
production, livelihoods and biodiversity that had been identified justified further
assessment. Given limited resources, it is never possible to investigate all possible
impacts for all relevant values in detail, and the scoping stage refined the decision to
proceed by defining the key issues to be addressed and depth of data collection and
analysis needed for each.
Establishment of contact with and participation by all relevant stakeholder groups
was also completed during this stage. Thus, the workshop at the scoping stage involved
reaching agreement on the key issues, their mechanisms and their urgency, and on the
locations and groups most affected. The following activities in the valuation process
then focused on these key issues through comparison of the current “with project”
situation with its reconstructed pre-project state. Such analysis led to identification of
mitigation and enhancement measures specified in the form of management options
that could be compared and appraised by workshop participants.
Key informant interviews were conducted in the eight villages. The respondent was
a leader of the community and in most cases of the village fishing society. Information
was collected about the fishery, village economy and local labour market. Attention
focused on the proportion of households engaged in fishing and its relative importance
compared with other employment. Ad hoc early morning interviews of fish traders and
fishers were also conducted when fish catches were being returned to shore.
Five of the eight villages were identified as representative of the most important
fisheries and project impacts. These covered the head reservoir and largest existing
tanks (3 villages) and the coastal lagoons affected by drainage inflows (2 villages). In
these villages, households for which fishing was a significant full-time or part-time
activity were interviewed to provide more detail on the contributions of fishing to
livelihoods and the impacts of both the irrigation scheme and a recent severe drought.
Two poor, two middle-income and two rich households were interviewed in each
village, with selection being based on a simple wealth ranking conducted with the key
Secondary data sources included project evaluation reports, other relevant studies
and locally available statistics. Information was also gained from key informants in the
Division Secretariat and wildlife, fisheries and irrigation departments, and from their
participation in workshops.
Analytically, a composite approach evolved that made selective use of a range
of methods. Changes in aquatic habitats and their connectivity were assessed using
standard topographic maps and participatory mapping exercises to compare the current
and pre-project situations. Fisheries production estimates for the pre- and post-project
habitats were derived from existing local survey data for the reservoir and lagoon
fisheries. Comparable data from other Asian regions were used for the pre-project river
floodplain and for flooded rice fields. All production estimates were cross-checked
with consumption and market estimates and validated by presentation to stakeholders.
Using a livelihoods framework (Smith, Nguyen Khoa and Lorenzen, 2005), the socio-
economic analysis used data from the household interviews, stakeholder knowledge
and secondary information to assess the resource endowments, vulnerability and
livelihood strategies of affected households. Key factors in the policy and institutional
environment and recent trends in these and the rural economy were also considered.
Four workshops were held in the project area, plus a final one conveniently
accessible to the national capital (Figure 9). This was the minimum needed for the
assessment of impacts, but further sessions were needed to complete the design and
selection of mitigation and enhancement measures and to plan their implementation.
All the workshops involved 20–25 participants representing the selected communities
and agencies (Table 7). The exception to this was the final workshop, which lacked
adequate national-level representation from the Irrigation Department despite
its location. This highlighted the fact that participation from the highest levels of
government can be difficult to include in such processes even though it may ultimately
be essential for effective decision-making.
Impact of the KOISP on production potential and monetary value of fisheries
Before KOISP After KOISP
Waterbody Catchment area Production Value Catchment area Production Value
(ha) (tonnes/year) (SLRs1 000) (ha) (tonnes/year) (SLRs1 000)
Floodplain 6 200 124 50 0 0 0
Lagoons 1 500 150 225 1 500 150 60
Head reservoir 0 0 0 3 200 1 344 538
Tanks 1 608 1 013 405 1 608 1 013 405
Small tanks 300 189 76 200 126 50
River 0 35 14 0 0
Total 9 608 1 511 769 6 508 2 633 1 053
Change -3 100 1 122 284
Note: 1999 has been used as reference year with an exchange rate of US$1 = SLRs70.
Source: Nguyen-Khoa, Smith and Lorenzen, 2005a.
years. At the time of the study, actual production was much lower than that shown in
Table 8. This emphasized the fact that conflicts over water resources in the reservoirs
and lagoons were the main issues of concern to stakeholders, rather than the overall
impacts of construction of the project itself.
An indication of the value of various waterbodies to support fisheries as a livelihood
activity in various locations was obtained by assessing the number of households
engaged in fishing full time and part time in different villages. Only 5–15 percent
of households in villages near to the tanks and head reservoir fished these regularly
(Table 9), but more than half of these were landless or marginal farming households for
whom fishing was the primary source of livelihood. The remainder were both farmers
and fishers, for whom fishing was an important supplementary source of food and
In villages near the coast, 7–30 percent of households had been regularly engaged
in fishing from the lagoons (Table 9), with up to 400 households relying primarily on
shrimp fishing in the early 1990s (IIMI, 1995). Fishing was the main source of income
for 88 percent of all households that fished in that district, with farming and fish
retailing as the main alternatives. In addition, some households engaged in fishing on a
part-time basis, and many “non-fishing” households fished in the lagoon for their own
consumption only. The average monthly income in 1996/97 for full-time lagoon fishing
households was reported to be three times that of non-fishing households in the same
area (Kularatne, 1999).
At the time of the study, fish stocks and catches in the tanks and lagoons had
declined to a level at which fishing had become only a livelihood of last resort for those
Value of fishing as a livelihood activity: proportion of households in surveyed villages engaged in fishing,
Village Location in Fishery No. of No. of fisher % of households
catchment households households (full- engaged in
and part-time) fishing
Ranawaranewewa upper catchment small tanks 196 15 8
Kudagama 1 new command area new reservoir 240 15 6
Bandagiriya old command area ancient tank 1 500 200 15
Malakapupathana old command area ancient tank 282 17 6
Nadiganwila banks of Kirindi Oya ancient tanks and river 265 30* 11
downstream of reservoir
Pallemalala near coast lagoon 350–388 102** 25
Udamalala near coast lagoon 435 30 7
Sippikulama near coast lagoon 450 140** 30
Mainly opportunistic and “leisure” fishing in the river.
Few fishing during prevailing drought.
given to the needs of the poorest sections of communities and that the livelihood
contributions provided to them by the reservoir and lagoon fisheries should be restored
and sustained if possible. The second was that it was both imperative and possible to
improve water-use efficiency within the catchment in order to better meet the needs of
both fishing and farming, the achieving of a more optimal allocation of water between
these two uses being seen as having the potential to raise the aggregate benefits from
water use in the scheme.
Stakeholders agreed that fishery interests should be considered in irrigation water
management and suggested that fishers be represented at the seasonal planning meetings
that determine irrigation allocations. It was recognized that further awareness creation
and accompanying institutional measures would be required to support this initiative
and to improve the planning and management of irrigation. Similarly, it was recognized
that more empirical research is needed to develop improved management regimes
for the reservoirs and lagoons. A set of scenarios capturing possible management
options was developed with the workshop participants and initial selection of the
most appropriate and feasible options was made based on the priorities and values
of stakeholders. Through this process, a consensus emerged that a combination of
improved and better integrated water management measures across the catchment was
most likely to deliver preferred outcomes and a more equitable distribution of benefits
from water use at a feasible cost.
issue at the time of the assessment. Ultimately, there was agreement that attention
should focus on the following issues:
¾ declining dry-season water retention in the reservoirs;
¾ inflow of drainage water into the lagoons;
¾ conflicts between fishers and farmers over the management of the reservoirs and
¾ weak linkages between fishery institutions and irrigation institutions;
¾ reduction in river flow and floodplain habitat.
This selection was contingent on the values and priorities of stakeholders, and
technical specialists working alone would have determined priorities differently.
For example, fisheries experts initially prioritized the potential biodiversity and
productivity losses resulting from reduced river flow and floodplain habitat, whereas
local stakeholders were most concerned with the negative impacts for livelihoods
arising from reduced fish production in the pre-existing reservoirs and lagoons.
Investigation of the former confirmed that the river floodplain was not an important
fishery, while the latter were unanticipated impacts of the scheme’s modes of operation
and water management rather than its construction.
Stakeholders had less interest in a scientific evaluation of what the impacts of project
construction had been but wanted to address problems constraining more productive
and sustainable use of water resources. They focused on the competing values of
alternative water uses as encapsulated in the following questions:
¾ Were fisheries of sufficient value to justify water retention in reservoirs and
consequent loss of irrigated area and/or crop yield?
¾ Could negative impacts on the lagoons be mitigated at an acceptable cost?
¾ Could the livelihood opportunities provided by both irrigated farming and fishing
be sustained and enhanced?
Thus, the need to resolve conflicts between fishing and farming interests and
to address institutional factors that determined patterns of resource use and the
interventions of the relevant government agencies was paramount. Conflicts of interest
were identified that initially appeared irreconcilable. However, the stakeholder process
through which they were investigated and analysed demonstrated the potential to
evolve solutions. It was notable that the needs of fishers gained weight in this process
compared with the prior situation. Simply initiating or improving the representation
of fishers in negotiations with farmers and other water users was useful to correct
past sources of bias and neglect. This showed how stakeholder-oriented valuation can
provide the means to discover and compare competing perspectives and to empower
those otherwise neglected.
Stakeholder involvement was a prerequisite in this case for a valuation that was
genuinely holistic and inclusive. Although aggregate net impacts on potential fishery
productivity were positive for the KOISP, stakeholder involvement from different
communities and the use of multiple valuation criteria prompted an assessment of
impacts that was disaggregated spatially across the catchment and by socio-economic
group; for example, assessment for both reservoir and lagoon fishers (Nguyen Khoa,
Smith and Lorenzen, 2005a and 2005b). In turn, this led to further identification of
opportunities for the mitigation of negative impacts and the enhancement of positive
The results of the study were also action-oriented and practical. Here again,
stakeholder involvement was a prerequisite as it was inherent in the process that
the valuation moved beyond a point-in-time evaluation of project impacts to the
development of options for improved water management. At first, the remedial
measures proposed by stakeholders tended to lack creativity with a tendency to
focus on engineering measures to divert drainage flows or drain the lagoons that had
already proved unsuccessful or would be too costly for implementation. Then, as
Chapter 4 – Valuation for improved management of irrigation and fisheries in Sri Lanka 37
understanding and consensus grew, there was innovation in recognition of the potential
benefits of integrated combinations of measures, addressing interacting effects that
might otherwise impede effectiveness, and improving the institutions central to water,
land and fisheries management.
The action-orientation of the approach meant that identification of “institutional
uptake pathways” was part of the process, and this helped to ensure the relevance of the
outcomes. For example, it was identified that there were current opportunities to address
the lack of linkages between fisheries and irrigation management by emphasizing this
in the national IWRM policy that was under preparation. Similarly, awareness of the
socio-economic importance of fisheries was raised among national-level policy-makers.
For example, a member of the Water Resource Secretariat requested guidance on how
better to address fisheries for the purposes of improving water management policy.
Strong interest in continued use of the approach was demonstrated by the reactions of
workshop participants and responses to workshop evaluation questionnaires (Nguyen
Khoa, Smith and Lorenzen, 2005a).
Representation from diverse stakeholder groups, i.e. communities, researchers and
government agencies, was necessary not just from the stand-point of ownership and
equity issues, but also because knowledge and perception of impacts differs between
groups. There is a risk that stakeholders will introduce a bias or misinformation.
However, combining technical expertise with knowledge from stakeholder groups can
minimize this and ensure adequate and objective coverage of issues. This combination
of expert analysis and local knowledge was a major strength of the approach. Despite
this, uncertainty inevitably remains inherent in the prediction or evaluation of complex
and variable phenomena that involve interactions between biophysical, economic and
social systems. Stakeholder-oriented valuation can provide a useful first stage in the
identification and prioritization of key processes and issues, and appropriate use of
sensitivity analysis can be helpful where there is uncertainty. Where resources are
available, more rigorous valuation studies to quantify the trade-offs between fishing
and farming could then be well targeted before decisions are made. However, unless
the objective of sustaining fisheries were to be reversed, it would be more important
to proceed with an iterative and adaptive approach to system improvements, one well
informed by monitoring and selective valuation studies where appropriate.
Chapter 5
Valuation of aquatic resource use
at the Stoeng Treng Ramsar site,
Context of the valuation project
Wetlands in Cambodia are vital to the livelihoods of millions of Cambodians, and
particularly the food security of many of the rural poor. There are many stakeholders
involved in the management of these precious resources. They include government
agencies across different sectors and at different levels, private businesses, international
and local NGOs, and the local communities whose livelihoods depend on wetland
resources. However, in Cambodia, there are a number of barriers to effective wetlands
management. These include:
¾ lack of coordination between different sectoral approaches;
¾ weak policy frameworks and unsupportive economic environments;
¾ inadequate information base on which to base wetland policy, planning and
management decisions;
¾ inadequate human and technical resources;
¾ lack of options for resource use by local communities.
The Mekong Wetlands Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use Programme
(MWBP) is a partnership between the four governments of the Lower Mekong
(Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Thailand and Viet Nam) implemented
through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), World Conservation
Union (IUCN) and the Mekong River Commission (MRC), supported by the Global
Environment Facility (GEF). The MWBP aims to overcome the barriers described
above by promoting an integrated cooperative approach to wetlands management at
regional, national and local levels. To this end, it is working with national and local
stakeholders to develop wetland planning and management mechanisms.
A key aspect of the MWBP is the application of valuation tools and techniques to
support wetlands management for poverty alleviation outcomes at four demonstration
sites. An essential first step is to understand the in situ value of water in wetlands to
provide ecosystem goods and services to local communities. This chapter describes a
participatory valuation study carried out between August 2004 and January 2005 at the
Stoeng Treng Ramsar site in Cambodia, one of the four demonstration sites. The study
aimed to provide guidance for the use of valuation methodologies to support wetlands
management for poverty alleviation outcomes. In particular, it aimed to examine how
community-based forms of water resources management could strengthen wetland
conservation and sustainable development in Veun Sean, a small village in the Stoeng
Treng Ramsar site. More details can be found in the report by Chong (2005).
Community fisheries management: summary of key actors
Actor Description
Villagers Depend on the fisheries resource for food and income. Fisheries provide food
security when the staple crop, rice, is threatened. Some are reported to be
involved in illegal fishing, or have been forced to sell to commercial fish-buyers
at reduced prices.
Community Fisheries Committee Receives training from the CEPA and is charged with communicating to and
encouraging the villagers to maintain the fisheries resource. First in reporting
line when a villager sights illegal fishing.
Culture and Environment Cambodia-based NGO that supports community fisheries management in
Preservation Association (CEPA) villages within the site.
Provincial Fisheries Office (PFO) Has the legal authority to detail fishers accused of conducting illegal activities.
Reportedly underresourced. Some provincial fisheries officers reportedly
conduct unregulated fee extraction from fishers near Stoeng Treng throughout
the year.
Department of Environment (DOE) Pending enabling legislation, the DOE (and not the PFO) has responsibility over
the management of resources, including community fisheries, within the site. In
practice, the PFO has greater influence than the DOE.
Ramsar Rangers Within the site, DOE Ramsar Rangers have the authority to detain individuals
accused of conducting illegal activities, including illegal fishing. In practice, the
Ramsar Rangers lack training and equipment, and their pay is often delayed.
Provincial governor As the fisheries law and subdecree have not been passed yet, the support of
a provincial governor can influence the extent to which line agencies support
community fisheries.
Commune Council Can report to the police if illegal fishing is sighted. Also involved with planning
and prioritization of village-level projects, and the negotiation with line
departments and NGOs to support these projects.
The term “community fishery management” was introduced officially into the
fisheries policy dialogue in October 2000, when fishery policy reforms commenced
under Prime Minister Hun Sen. One of the main stated objectives of government
fishery reform is to improve food security and reduce poverty among locally-
dependent fishers. The main elements of the reforms included:
¾ release of 56 percent of fishing lots to “community fisheries”;
¾ elimination of tax on middle-scale fisheries;
¾ drafting of a community fisheries subdecree, which is intended to provide a
framework within which community fisheries can be established.
Private fishing lots have never been officially established in Stoeng Treng province
(although illegal licensing has occurred), reflecting the recognized importance of the
region as a spawning ground for many fish species. Nevertheless, many of the broader
issues and policy impacts that affect community fisheries throughout Cambodia are
also relevant to areas in Stoeng Treng. They include a lack of knowledge or clear
specification of roles and responsibilities of government officials at various levels, and
a lack of political or legal recognition of community fisheries.
The community fisheries subdecree is a key piece of legislation that could
potentially support community-based fishery management through defining the role,
responsibilities and relationships between villagers, NGOs and government agencies
involved with the management of the resource (Table 11).
Participatory valuation methods used
Activity Groups Outputs
Resource mapping mixed Households mapped
Resources and infrastructure mapped
Resource uses and key activities discussed
Flow diagram mixed Benefits from wetlands
river and wetland uses and Food resources
benefit flows Market linkages
Sources of income and expenditure
methodology was applied in order to analyse the value of wetland resources to the
1. Identify different wetland resource values through PRA group activities (resource
flow diagram and the relative rating of wetland values).
2. Design and apply a household survey that includes collection of quantitative
information about the fisheries resource (which had been identified throughout
group activities as an important resource).
3. Estimate the monetary value of the fisheries resource.
4. Compare the relative ratings of other components of the wetland resource to the
fisheries resource, to estimate the monetary value of other wetland resources.
The assessment team, which varied between three and five members, conducted the
activities outlined below. The outputs of many of the activities listed in Table 12 do
not necessarily relate directly to calculating the monetary value of the wetlands and
fisheries resource. Understanding the linkages between households, stakeholders and
the resources is vital to the evaluation of why the wetland resources are important to
the village and, ultimately, to assess whether there is potential for valuation techniques
to be used in planning processes affecting wetlands in the Stoeng Treng Ramsar site.
benefit flows and market linkages,
including: fishing, fish spawning,
Households waterbird hunting, water for cooking
Traditional Events
Health Support
Committee and drinking, irrigating cash crops,
PBC – Planning and transport. The group agreed that
& Budgeting
Comm. fish, a valuable source of nutrition and
Village Head income, was the “most important”
VDC – Village
Devt. Committee
wetland resource.
Agriculture Commitee
Committee Commune Head
Seasonal calendar of activities for men’s group, Stoeng Treng
Men’s group Season
Activities Wet Cold Hot
Cropping – bean, corn, others
Hunting wildlife from forest – snake,
turtle, rabbit and deer
Cogon grass harvest and weaving
Collecting resin (NTFP)
Collecting rattan, bamboo, vines for
fishing gear
Drinking wine – during ceremonies
Collecting traditional medicines
Collecting timber, bamboo and rattan
for house construction
Boat-making and repair
Caring for children
Travelling to market
Seasonal calendar of activities for women’s group, Stoeng Treng
Women’s Group Season
Activities Wet Cold Hot
Upland rice cultivation
Lowland (paddy) rice cultivation
Vegetable planting
Livestock raising
Collecting water
Collecting fuelwood
Cooking and washing
Caring for children
Lowland rice harvest
Upland rice harvest
Cogon grass harvest and weaving
Harvesting vegetables
Planting tobacco
Collecting tobacco
across seasons – wet, dry cold, and dry hot – using piles of 1–10 beans (Tables 13 and
14). It was evident that the key factor influencing the timing of activities across the
seasons is rice-growing, which is driven by seasonal differences in weather. The wet
season, when most rice cultivation occurs, is the busiest time of year for both men and
Wealth ranking
Wealth ranking was conducted in order to gain an understanding of villagers’
perceptions of wealth characteristics and to provide information so that further
activities could assess the linkages between wetland resources and poverty. A group
of six individuals (three men and three women) were selected with assistance from
the village chief. The group discussed the different characteristics of different “wealth
groups”, and then categorized individual households.
A measure of wealth identified consistently by all members of the group was a
household’s ability to grow sufficient rice to meet the needs of the family throughout
46 Stakeholder-oriented valuation to support water resources management processes
Wealth ranking for Stoeng Treng
Rich Medium Poor Very poor
Motorboat Motorboat Rowboat Small cottage
Rice mill Medium house with tin Small house with grass roof Small or no paddy fields
Television Buffalo (1) Small chamkar, some left fallow
Buffalo (2–3)
Many buffalo Fewer paddy fields than Sickness
Less paddy fields than rich medium households
Many paddy fields Many children
Rice shortage for 9 months
Large house with tin roof Rice shortage for 10 months
Rice shortage for 6 months
Chicken and ducks (2–3)
Always enough food Work as labourer on others’
Pigs (1–2)
Small chamkar fields, some land
Many pigs (5)
Chicken and ducks (3–4) left fallow
Fish and hunt to earn money to
Many ducks and chicken
Chamkar fields (1–2) Borrow rice from relatives or buy rice
Enough rice to sell rice bank, or buy rice from
No debt Chicken and ducks (2–3)
No debt
Some skills No knowledge or skills
No knowledge or skills
Many chamkar fields
Knowledge and skills
4 households 14 households 10 households 8 households
the year (Table 15). Rich families were identified as growing sufficient or excess rice,
medium families as facing “rice shortage” for six months, and poor and very poor
families for nine or ten months. Rice shortages are widespread and faced by the
majority of households. During this activity, the group noted that, in response to rice
shortages, poorer households generated income to purchase rice by selling fish and
Relative ratings
The rating exercises were linked directly to demonstrating relative values of the wetlands
and fisheries resources. The approach undertaken reflected the experiences drawn from
previous activities. Ratings were conducted using piles of one to five beans.
Wetland values were first identified in the wetland resource flows diagram. A variety
of wetland values were identified. Many of these values represented consumptive use
of wetland resources, e.g. fishing, traditional medicines and wildlife. Other values
related specifically to consumptive or non-consumptive uses of water, e.g. drinking,
washing, irrigation and transportation. The results in Figure 12 show that the group
unanimously rated fish as “five”, representing the highest level of relative importance.
The results from ratings of food
FIGURE 12 sources suggest that, in Veun Sean,
Relative ranking of wetland values for Stoeng Treng the types of food consumed are
not related strongly to the level of
poverty. Independently of the level
Cooking and drinking of wealth, most people noted that
Transportation rice was a staple and that fresh fish
Construction sand and rock and prahoc (preserved fish) were
Aquatic animals
also very important. However, a key
Waterbirds difference is that poorer households
Reptiles suggested that aquatic animals were an
Traditional medicines
important source of food because they
Floodplain rice cultivation were readily available the entire year,
Dolphins whereas wealthier groups could choose
Recreation not to consume aquatic animals.
0 1 2 3 4
5 Ratings of sources of income
revealed that poorer households have
Chapter 5 – Valuation of aquatic resource use at the Stoeng Treng Ramsar site, Cambodia 47
Household surveys
Eight of 36 Veun Sean households were surveyed individually. The survey was pre-
tested twice and the final survey conducted with four households from “poor” and
“very poor” wealth categories, and four households from “medium” and “rich” wealth
categories. The purpose of the survey was to cross-check the information gained from
group activities, to gain further quantitative information about the value of the wetland
resource, and to investigate participation in and awareness of community fishing
activities. Key types of information included:
¾ household information – names, children, ages, school attendance, reasons for
moving to Veun Sean, observations about household size, condition and building
¾ fishing – activities, fish catch quantity and location, fish consumption;
¾ expenditure on rice and other main goods;
¾ income from selling fish and from other activities;
¾ community fishery participation and perceptions.
There are many challenges associated with obtaining specific information from
a household survey owing to varying interpretations of questions and biases in
responses. These were overcome by applying a semi-structured approach to household
surveys, and by encouraging flexible questioning and discussions. The survey outcomes
confirmed that the fisheries resource is more valuable to poorer households because of
its importance as a source of income (Table 16).
Wetland values in Stoeng Treng
Ratings Value Description of value
Fishing 1 700 000 The fisheries resource is a vital source of food and income. Particularly for poorer
households, who do not grow sufficient rice and need to purchase rice each year,
food security depends on income earned from fishing.
Washing 1 700 000 As Veun Sean has only one well, the majority of households draw water directly
Cooking and 1 700 000 from the Mekong River for washing, cooking and drinking. Few households own
drinking water filters and sometimes it is difficult to collect fuelwood to boil drinking-water.
Transportation 1 360 000 Veun Sean is not serviced by roads connecting to other villages or communes. As fish
catch, cash crops, and wildlife are sold and medicines and rice purchased at Veun
Kham and Stoeng Treng markets, Veun Sean villagers rely on the river as a transport
Construction 1 020 000 Rocks and sand for construction are extracted from river bed.
Fuelwood 1 020 000 Fuelwood is collected from near the banks of the river.
Aquatic animals 680 000 Wetland wildlife such as small aquatic animals, waterbirds and turtles are a vital
Waterbirds 680 000 source of food and income. Some poorer families, who lack access to land, boats or
fishing equipment, are particularly reliant on wetland wildlife for nutrition.
Reptiles 680 000
Irrigation 680 000 Some vegetable crops are irrigated by fetching water from river.
Traditional 680 000 Traditional medicines are collected from the flooded forests. Most families resort to
medicines conventional medicine only when traditional treatments fail, but for many, medicine
is a significant expense. Conventional medicines are often ineffective because
households lack access to medical care – they diagnose symptoms themselves,
resulting in improper use of medicines.
Floodplain rice 340 000 Most rice is not floodplain, but rainfed.
Dolphins 340 000 The group did not describe clearly why dolphins were important.
Recreation 340 000 Swimming.
Total 12 900 000 About US$3 000/household/year.
Note: US$1 = CR4 000.
Chapter 5 – Valuation of aquatic resource use at the Stoeng Treng Ramsar site, Cambodia 49
coping with periods of external stresses and shocks, the conservation and maintenance
of wetland resources is vital to all the households of Veun Sean. However, it is equally
critical to consider access to these fisheries and other wetland resources. The poorest
households have limited access to land, labour, transport to markets, health care, and
alternative sources of income. They are particularly dependent on fisheries resources
on an “as needs” basis in order to generate income to purchase rice.
In addition to providing day-to-day resources on a routine basis, wetlands are also
vital to ensuring that households can cope with external stresses and shocks, such
as harvest failures, livestock disease, droughts, floods, and civil and political unrest.
Where stresses affect productive activities such as cultivating rice and raising livestock,
these can be substituted to a certain extent by collection and capture of wild resources
such as fish, wildlife and aquatic animals.
All the households in Veun Sean, but particularly the very poor, are vulnerable to
pressures that limit their capacity to cultivate land to grow rice and produce, such as
the ongoing stress of limited access to land, or shocks such as drought, livestock death,
and human illnesses. For example, rice-growing is a key economic activity, and “rice
shortage” (the inability to be self-sufficient in rice production because of lack of access
to labour or land) is a major pressure facing most households. For these households,
access to wetland resources is vital on a year-to-year basis, and more so when they face
other stresses such as poor health and drought.
For many households in Veun Sean, the pressures of poor health, drought and rice
shortages appear to reinforce each other. Poor health limits households’ capacity to
work on the land, resulting in low rice yields, which are further lowered by drought.
This emphasizes the importance of owning buffalo to assist in rice-growing. However,
during periods of drought, buffalo are more likely to suffer sicknesses and die.
Furthermore, when faced with rice shortages, households must spend their income on
rice and may face difficulties in purchasing buffalo or health services.
Part III
Towards a stakeholder-oriented
valuation process
The descriptions of the three cases in Part II are used to learn about the responses
developed in practice to confront the three challenges for stakeholder-oriented water
valuation that were identified in Part I. The differences between the cases somewhat reduce
the possibilities for a detailed comparative review of the valuation approaches used, but
their independence makes a strong argument for the common elements that nevertheless
appear in these different cases. This is not to say that these cases effectively address all the
valuation problems identified in Part I, but they serve a purpose in highlighting recent
attempts in moving towards a more stakeholder-oriented valuation approach.
Chapter 6 describes the responses to the three challenges for stakeholder-oriented
water valuation that emerge from the cases.
Chapter 7 merges these practical responses from the cases with the concepts from
literature on IWRM processes to provide an outline of a stakeholder-oriented water
valuation process. This should provide a basis to support future use and further
development of a stakeholder-oriented approach to water valuation. The chapter ends
with the identification of some remaining questions and directions for such future work.
Chapter 6
Responses to the challenges
for stakeholder-oriented
water valuation
Challenges and observed responses
Observed stakeholder-oriented response Expert-oriented approach1
Analytical challenge
Differentiate within an overarching framework Aggregate within an overarching framework
Focus on livelihoods as a driving force and integrating Focus on water as resources to be valued in integrated
element water resources management
Link valuation to possible solutions/alternatives Valuation of water resources in current situation
Validate accuracy and robustness through triangulation Rely on statistical analysis to validate accuracy
and other techniques
Adaptive challenge
Combine various methods, indicators and data to build a Collect data as complete as possible for input into
more complete picture integrative economic methods
Use an adaptive and learning approach Authoritative calculations by experts
Ensure links with existing institutions while building social External information input (independent or for client
capital organization)
Participatory challenge
Use tools and techniques for participatory analysis (with Limited participation – passive or by consultation (surveys,
specific attention for stakeholder representation) willingness to pay)
Mix expert and stakeholder inputs Expert inputs dominate
Focus on use of participatory valuation to build Focus on accurate values for given point in time and on
agreement on actions theoretic optimum
Use methods accessible to a wide range of stakeholders Concerns over validity and accuracy demand use of
to facilitate participatory effort complex methods
Expert here refers to a valuation expert, whose expertise is the use of economic valuation methods. Stakeholders are also experts,
but of a different kind.
54 Stakeholder-oriented valuation to support water resources management processes
This report has described three pilot cases that have been implementing a more
stakeholder-oriented approach to water valuation than is used conventionally, and in
which stakeholders and experts facing the above challenges have formulated practical
responses. Although the characteristics of each case are different, they provide useful
lessons for future applications of stakeholder-oriented water valuation. Table 18
compares the responses that emerge from the stakeholder-oriented case studies with
the expert-oriented approach that has to date been dominant in water valuation. The
responses in Table 18 are categorized under the challenges they address. The three
challenges are closely related and they sometimes require integrated rather than
separated responses. Nevertheless, most responses put a certain emphasis on one of the
three challenges, enabling some degree of categorization. The remainder of this chapter
discusses the responses in more detail.
Differentiating within an overarching framework
It has been argued in Chapter 2 that, although economic, social and environmental
values can be aggregated into a full economic value or value function, it may be more
appropriate to provide a picture of the diversity of values. The cases confirm this and
show that there is no urgent need to bring the different value components all under a
common heading.
This does not mean that all efforts towards integration should be given up in
favour of a fragmented approach. A more loose integration of values is possible, using
an integrating framework to ensure that the main value components are covered as
well as some of the important relations between them. For this, existing analytical
frameworks can be used, such as the sustainable-livelihoods analysis framework or the
IWRM framework used in the Tanzania case. Methodological frameworks can also be
used, such as the framework for EIA used as a starting point for the Sri Lanka case.
In addition to these frameworks, analytical tools such as objective trees or hierarchies
and means–objectives networks (Keeney, 1994a), causal-relations diagrams (Eden,
1989; Bots, van Twist and van Duin, 2000) and basic multicriteria analysis methods,
such as score cards or impact tables, provide useful support in structuring values and
objectives. Whatever the framework selected, it is essential to ensure that the relevant
values and the related objectives of all involved stakeholders are identified.
A looser and more pragmatic type of integration, ensuring that the valuation
encompasses the main sectors and disciplines, makes an integrated approach easier to
realize in practice, targeting different needs. Aggregating everything into one overall
value means missing the opportunity to identify specific measures to meet the specific
values of different stakeholders. Rather, insight into disaggregated values is essential
because different stakeholders have different perspectives on the value of water. Values
can be assessed for stakeholder groups at different locations (as in the Sri Lanka
and Tanzania cases), for different sectors or water users, such as fishers, irrigators,
livestock-keeping and drinking-water (the Sri Lanka and Tanzania cases), for different
wealth classes (all three cases) and for accessibility of water resources (the Sri Lanka
case). Other distinctions that may be relevant are gender, cultural groups (immigrants,
and indigenous population), age groups, etc.
resources management is necessary to ensure that these goals are realized, but at the
same time, water is just one factor in a larger system.
On the local level, there will be little room to improve water management within
existing livelihood patterns where one does not also address factors such as education,
land tenure, financial assets, transportation infrastructure, market barriers, etc. For
example, in the Tanzania case, there is great potential to improve the productivity
of water uses by the poorer households, whose limited access to production capital
keeps them trapped in a vicious cycle of low-input – low-output livelihood activities
with significant production risks. Important bottlenecks for these households are the
limited access to: natural resources, such as irrigable land and water, human capital and
labour (especially at peak periods); physical production capital, such as agrochemicals
or livestock; and social capital, such as membership of local societies and associations.
Merely addressing the water constraints without addressing the others will not be
sufficient to enable any structural changes.
A similar example can be drawn from the Cambodia case, where the pressures of poor
health, drought and rice shortage appear to reinforce each other for many households
in Veun Sean. Poor health limits households’ capacity to work on the land, resulting in
low rice yields, further lowered by drought. This emphasizes the importance of owning
buffalo to assist in rice-growing. However, when faced with rice shortages, households
must spend their income on rice and may face difficulties purchasing buffalo or health
services. In these cases, the wetlands provide a last resource for livelihoods. However,
also in this case, merely ensuring wetland conservation will not break the vicious cycle
of poverty for the poor households.
All three cases underscore the importance of the broader livelihood context for local
water resources management to ensure the relevance of the valuation process. The use
of a sustainable-livelihoods analysis framework, such as described by Ellis (2000)
and Nicol (2000), enables a more structured inclusion of livelihood aspects in water
valuation. These frameworks help to screen out issues of more and of less relevance
and provide the connecting tissue for the expression of a range of water-related values.
The focus on livelihoods is not only present in the cases discussed here, but also in one
of the few known tools for assessing social values of water, the Water Poverty Index
(Sullivan and Meigh, 2003).
and discussing strategies for improved water resources management. For example,
the knowledge that fisheries from the Stoeng Treng wetland in Cambodia constitutes
almost 80 percent of the total annual income for the poor households provides a good
argument for the protection of the wetland. However, it is not sufficient to identify
how such wetland protection should be shaped and how it could be balanced with the
need for social and economic development. For this, it needs to be complemented with
the insight into the underlying dynamics provided by the PRA outcomes.
This means that it is necessary to extend the water valuation to cover solutions
analysis, starting with the identification of possible solutions. An assessment of current
values associated with different water uses or in different dimensions can help to
identify key areas to focus on. Furthermore, reviewing the objectives and their relations
to the different stakeholders may help to identify possibilities for improvement or areas
where there may be room for flexibility – areas that have a relatively low score on
certain value dimensions and a relatively high score on others. If one has used a certain
livelihoods analysis framework, then the mechanisms and elements in this framework
can also provide useful starting points for the identification of possible solutions.
Possible solutions can be of a physical nature, such as reservoirs, channels and diversion
structures, but they may also use economic incentives or market mechanisms for water
allocation, as well as institutionalized allocation procedures. A long list of measures can
be compiled by collecting the suggestions from stakeholders and experts.
In using water valuation to support the identification and evaluation of possible
solutions, determining the proper relative values is more important than estimating
absolute values. Priority areas to address are those where value scores are currently
relatively low compared with other areas, whereas the prioritization of solutions can be
done using ordinal rather than absolute scales, i.e. ranking possible solutions in order
of preference.
Combining various valuation methods, indicators and data
Indicators are the way by which values can be observed and measured in practice.
Which indicators are required depends on the stakeholders’ values. Thus, the specific
sets of value indicators are likely to differ on a case-by-case basis. Nevertheless, the
case experiences suggest that certain indicators are generally likely to be included in
these case-specific sets: economic water productivity; food security or nutritional water
productivity; and a qualitative indicator that links water resources to the livelihood
activities that matter for local households. The latter also suggest the usefulness of
indicators that cannot be meaningfully expressed as output for a specific unit of water
quantity but that nevertheless can be traced back to the availability of a certain amount
Chapter 6 – Responses to the challenges for stakeholder-oriented water valuation 57
systems is not sufficient to allow for 100-percent certainty. Whatever measure experts
think is the best to improve water resources management, they can always be wrong and
find that these measures have unintended side-effects. Furthermore, both ecosystems
and social systems are dynamic systems, changing continuously. Therefore, what may
have been appropriate or acceptable at one point in time, may be problematic at a later
stage. This means that: (i) all decisions are based inevitably on knowledge that is less
than perfect and necessarily include a certain level of uncertainty; and (ii) decision-
makers and experts should realize that they need to revisit their initial decision or
analysis and that it may be necessary to adjust – or fine-tune – their activities according
to new developments, new insights and new preferences.
The main aim of water valuation is not to find the “true” value or the “right” answer
to a problem but rather to help stakeholders reach a point at which they feel confident
to take action (Eden, 1989). Building confidence and capacity for people to take
informed action means that iteration and overlap of activities can be a helpful strategy
for communication and learning, not necessarily a waste of resources for duplicating
efforts. In the Tanzania case, some data collection and analysis activities covered similar
topics, and during the final stakeholder workshop, a problem analysis was again done
even though it had already been part of comprehensive assessment. Nevertheless, this
iteration was useful to ensure that everyone had a similar understanding of the main
problems and the logic of the process, as well as to further sharpen the picture of
stakeholders’ values and what drives their water uses.
Adaptive management also means that it might be necessary to revisit the initial
choices and adjust the activities as the valuation progresses. In the Sri Lanka case,
the stakeholder process was monitored and evaluated continuously in order to allow
for learning throughout the process and to be able to adjust it as necessary. Room
for flexibility and for re-thinking initial options has to be built into the design of
any stakeholder-driven valuation process in order to allow participants to identify
knowledge gaps and research needs as the process progresses. This extends into the
activity of implementing measures and solutions, where valuation cannot rule out all
uncertainty. This suggests the usefulness of combining analysis and reflection with the
implementation of pilot projects where possible.
institutions were identified, but it also appeared that households rarely had contact
with provincial government agencies and that many working committees within the
village, established previously by NGOs, were inactive. The described participatory
approach to water valuation could strengthen the commune council development
planning process, supporting the local communities to establish five-year development
and investment plans.
Using available tools and techniques for participatory analysis with specific
attention for stakeholder representation
A stakeholder approach to valuation requires stakeholder involvement throughout the
process. This involvement can be supported by tools for participatory problem analysis,
especially visual modelling and diagramming tools. This gives local stakeholders “a
share in the creation and analysis of knowledge, providing a focus for dialogue which
can be sequentially modified and extended” (FAO, 1997; for overviews of participatory
methods and tools, see also: Pretty, 1995; World Bank, 1996; IAC, 2005). In the
Cambodia case, the tools for PRA provided the methodological starting point for the
valuation. In this case, use was made of participatory resource mapping, construction
of web diagrams, flow diagrams, seasonal calendars of activities, and participatory
wealth ranking. In the Sri Lanka and Tanzania cases, focus group discussions and
workshops also provided important inputs for the analysis, using participatory tools
to discuss priorities and assess values.
In using tools for participatory analysis, the representation of stakeholders deserves
specific attention in order prevent a small group of stakeholders from dominating
participatory processes. Among the stakeholders that risk being underrepresented
are the poor and vulnerable groups, who usually are not part of any of the traditional
institutions and who are likely to have difficulties in finding the time and resources
needed to attend participatory sessions and meetings. Other stakeholders that risk
being underrepresented include private-sector companies or government agencies
whose role in water resources management is not reflected in any of the existing water
institutions although they have an important influence on, or stake in, water resources
Therefore, identifying and selecting organizations and stakeholder representatives is
an essential part of a water valuation process. This should be done proactively, i.e. not
just advertising the opportunity to participate, but actively seeking out the key interest
groups and making sure that they are contacted, briefed and represented adequately
(followed by capacity building where necessary). A stakeholder or actor analysis that
supports the identification of the main stakeholders and their interests, influence and
importance provides useful analytical support for such a proactive approach (Grimble
and Chan, 1995; Hermans, 2005). The Sri Lanka case provides an example of this with
regard to fisheries interests.
Once a participatory process has been initiated and the participation of a broad
basis of stakeholders has been secured, attention needs to be given to the possibilities
for stakeholders to actually voice their concerns and ideas during the process. In
stakeholder meetings, attention needs to be given to the use of discussion techniques
that allow all participants to express their view. If such aspects of empowerment and
participation are not addressed consciously, participatory water valuation may turn
into just another vehicle for ruling elites to exercise their power. Throughout the
process, a continuous monitoring of the process and role of stakeholders is required
in order to ensure that stakeholder participation remains balanced and that the process
continues to focus on issues that are relevant to stakeholders.
60 Stakeholder-oriented valuation to support water resources management processes
come into play. Powerful stakeholders are likely to use their power in the choice for a
set of actions, and in dealing with this, truly neutral choices hardly seem possible.
The evaluation and negotiation activities have not been executed in the cases although
a start has been made using various techniques. In the Sri Lanka case, specific attention
was given to the identification of mitigating measures, to ensure that a larger range
of environmental, social and economic benefits would be delivered and that packages
of measures could be identified that met the interests of various stakeholders. In the
Tanzania case, there was a remarkable consensus on the usefulness of certain measures
as well as on the issues to be addressed. This included small-scale charco dams, training
and education of water users, and a review of the existing system of water rights. This
offered a good basis for further action and implementation. However, hard choices will
be inevitable, especially regarding water rights, as not all stakeholders will have had
the same “ideal” system in mind for the allocation of a water rights system. Agreement
over such hard choices seems unlikely unless compensation measures are put in place.
Chapter 7
Towards a framework
for stakeholder-oriented
water valuation
The stakeholder-oriented valuation process in the cases
Elements in the process Tanzania case Sri Lanka case Cambodia case
1. Problems and Increasing water shortages Impacts of irrigation Pressures on local wetland, putting
stakeholders in the subcatchment, rehabilitation project on at risk habitats of several globally
especially in the lower fisheries and conflicts over threatened species and local
zone, affecting livestock water for farming and livelihoods for villagers.
and crop production. fishing.
Downstream problems
with wildlife conservation
and hydropower
2. Goals and objectives Preserve or enhance Preserve or enhance local Protect habitats, globally
at stake livelihood opportunities livelihoods and food threatened species and migrating
(mainly crops and security, with specific focus fish species in larger Mekong
livestock). on role of fisheries. system.
Equitable distribution of Biodiversity conservation Poverty alleviation, protect natural
water resources. (secondary here to resource base for local livelihoods,
Enhance food security. livelihoods and food especially for vulnerable groups.
Conservation of security). Food security.
existing flora and Traditional values (medicine).
fauna, maintenance of Promote public health.
environmental base-flow
for downstream wetlands.
3. Value associated Values increasing in dry Value to support fishery Values for livelihoods,
with these objectives season and when moving production of 2 633 tonnes/ transportation, etc. Value estimate
for current practices downstream; social year equivalent to of wetland assets some US$3 000/
values “higher” than US$14 300 (in 1999), but household/year (in 2004). Values
economic values. Latter important differences across increase for poor households. For
ranges from < US$0.05 to locations. Value of fisheries very poor, wetlands have high value
almost US$1/m3 (in 2003). as social safety net for poor. as key source for nutrition. Values
Environmental values of deep pools as conservation areas
threatened downstream. and traditional fishing grounds
may conflict. Value for diversified
livelihood and thus increased
4. Possible solutions Small dams for water Improved management of .... (protect wetlands, recognizing
storage, training of water drainage flows, seawater their biological importance and
users, strengthening flows and lagoon water local-level dependencies on and
user platforms, review levels, water savings for access to resources for livelihoods).
water rights, “non- farming, minimum levels
water” related measures to conserve sustainable fish
(marketing associations, stocks.
harvest storage facilities,
5. Values associated Generally only positive Potential social and -
with expected impacts on values expected economic benefits.
impacts of solutions – indicating also lack
of sufficiently detailed
7. Implementation, - - -
monitoring and
Note: Different reference years have been used in the different cases, affecting the monetary values shown.
main analytical output associated with each element and the issues that help to increase
the link between these analytical outputs and the stakeholder process.
Table 20 contains the critical elements that should be part of any sound stakeholder-
oriented valuation process, be it as a logical sequence or in a more haphazard way. The
elements are discussed in more detail below. More details on strategies and specific
tools to support this valuation process can be found in the discussion of responses to
challenges in Chapter 6.
66 Stakeholder-oriented valuation to support water resources management processes
Critical elements in stakeholder-oriented valuation processes
Element Analytical output Link to stakeholders
1. Problems and Overview of main problems that need to be Identify who are affected by problems or
stakeholders addressed. solutions, what stakeholders have capacity to
contribute to or obstruct problem solving. Identify
one/two “lead” stakeholders.
2. Main values at stake Overview of main objectives involved, Ensure that the main objectives of all stakeholders
structured in overarching framework. are considered. Clarify link between stakeholders
and identified objectives.
3. Values associated Set of value indicators and a baseline Provide insight into values per stakeholder (group)
with current practice assessment of the existing situation using to see whose values are catered for, whose values
these indicators. need to be improved, etc.
4. Possible solutions List of possible actions, as concrete as Review the stakeholders to be responsible
possible, to support realization of objectives and/or whose cooperation is necessary for
– screened for feasibility and acceptance. implementation of each action.
5. Expected impacts of Overview of expected impacts of possible Assess impacts on values of importance to
solutions on values solutions (combinations of actions) on main different stakeholders. Clarify stakeholder roles in
objectives. implementation, including financing.
6. Selection of solution Agreed solution: set of actions and time Provide insight into impacts per stakeholder: who
frame for implementation. benefits, who suffers? Identify compensation
and mitigating measures that contribute to a fair
balance of costs and benefits among different
7. Implementation, Implementation of agreed actions and (This is only possible where implementation
monitoring and regular monitoring of impacts, covering key has support of critical mass of stakeholders,
evaluation indicators. who should also agree on and contribute to
monitoring and evaluation procedures.)
Assessment of the values associated with identified objectives for current practices
– indicators and baseline valuation
An assessment of the values associated with the existing situation, a “baseline
valuation”, should be done in order to identify the seriousness of problems and to help
prioritize them. If one does not know where one stands on the aspects that matter, it
will be hard to see in what areas improvements are most needed and whether proposed
measures indeed lead to significant improvements. This baseline valuation should
cover all the relevant values, using the objectives and their indicators that have been
identified by the stakeholders. The identification of objectives and indicators and the
baseline valuation are likely to be part of an iterative process. New information may
come up during the process that points to the existence of an additional objective. It
may not be possible to assess some of the identified indicators with the available data
and expertise and additional indicators may be identified once one looks into the data
and the details.
The baseline valuation should include not only a “snapshot” of the current situation,
but it should also identify the main trends and dynamics. Where water scarcity is a
major concern, a water balance (estimate) is an essential part of this baseline valuation,
providing an indication of the severity of the water scarcity problems.
many instances. Therefore, it should again be stressed that the process and the elements
outlined here are ideal types. Consciously addressing the presented elements is likely
to help improve the role that valuation can play in supporting local stakeholders to
manage their water resources, but one should be careful not to let theory obstruct
practical progress.
Waiting until all stakeholders agree on all things will make progress virtually
impossible. Therefore, it may be wise to “move on” with a process even where not
all stakeholders are yet participating or agreeing. One can always come back to initial
decisions or elements through iteration in a later phase of the process, and certain
stakeholders may decide to join the process later on, when it has gained sufficient
momentum. It is difficult to give specific guidelines for the decision either to move
on or to continue with efforts to persuade additional stakeholders to come on board.
A critical mass of stakeholders needs to be on board in order to allow the process to
proceed. However, it is impossible to say at the outset when it would be acceptable
to continue even if certain stakeholders are not yet, or are no longer, supporting the
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