Where Does MV Scale?
Where Does MV Scale?
Where Does MV Scale?
In the novel, Nathan stated the gravity inversion was comparable to a black hole.
In the mlom show, the hollow earth produces energy comparable to super massive black holes,
pulsars and neutron stars. If we assume the hollow earth acts as a neutron star or pulsar, it
means the gravity inversion is close to if not higher than dwarf star level to large star level
The said energy produced from the hollow earth is gamma rays which scale to supernova or
higher, this being large star or higher.
A small energy leak from the hollow earth reaches around 30 exahertz which would produce
multi continental levels of energy, that would mean the entire hollow earth is producing dwarf
star levels of energy.
So overall the Hollow Earth scales to dwarf star level to solar system
All the titans are able to casually tank the hollow earth inversion, this includes the skull crawlers
to the weakest state of godzilla that we’ve ever t him in. He goes through the hollow earth
without even reacting to the inversion as if it’s nothing. And we have heavs who can casually tank
these levels of energy and Kong just destroys these with one hand.
We have multiple statements of the titans being able to destroy the earth which can tank the
multi continental to solar system levels of energy constantly spilling out (MV earth>hollow earth).
We also know that Godzilla’s energy reading is equal if not greater than the hollow earth energy
This is consistent to the fact that godzillas atomic breath is the strongest thing in the whole
It’s stated in promo material of gvk that king and godzilla are the strongest forces of nature
which would put the titans higher than the hollow earth. We also have gvk kong who in his
weakest state is able to destroy continents with his strength
We have the ion dragon which is able to threaten the entire planet
This scaling would put the titans relative to the hollow earth, which would make them dwarf star
to solar system level.
Now there are a plethora of sub atomic feats
And many times when titans have reacted to Godzilla’s atomic breath which is stated to be a
laser and radiation multiple times both of which are the speed of light. The feats of reaction here
are anywhere between 10% the sol to ftl. Kong being at the highest end and Ghidorah being
somewhere in the middle. These calcs should apply to any titan as they can fight each other
semi relatively speed wise.
MG was able to react to the atomic breath which is as fast as the sol.
And whenever mg fights them without the boosters, he is extremely slow in comparison to
godzilla and kong who were weakened at the time which should make both the titans 2x faster
than the speed of light in their f.p.
Since kong can percept blitz mg in reaction, we can use the perception blitz multiplier. The
difference is 6.87 times. This makes kong while in his weakened state, 6 times faster than the
speed of light. And when he’s at his full power, he’s around 13 to 14 times faster than the speed
of light.
DOES THIS APPLY TO EVERY TITAN? NOPE. But the titans should be in the same league as kong
in terms of reaction time, like around 6 times faster than light
If you don’t wanna use this statement, then we take the titans to be atleast baseline ftl which is
pretty consistent.
The reason I believe most people think of the titans as slow is because of their size. If you were
to replace for example kong in gvk with some random human guy, now imagine every scene in
gvk and replace kong with the human. You’ll see just how fast the titans are, covering building to
city block size distances in just secs. I know this example may be scuffed, but I think you get the
idea of how fast these titans.
(Remember that this was made using very consistent scaling and there will always be people who
will try to debunk scales they don’t like with terrible reasoning and say shit like “Godzilla was hurt
by a missile” and continue to provide bad reasoning and “debunk” the scale.) With that I
conclude the scaling of the MV.