Item - Crimson King

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Crimson King Companion Item:

Weapon (longsword) As you gain experience your companion

item grows and evolves with you.
Rare, Very Rare, Legendary
Very Rare Crimson King:
(requires attunement)
+1 Enhancement. This item is now s a +1
This longsword is etched with crimson runes, roses and emits weapon, providing a +1 bonus to attack and
a faint, eerie crimson glow. When you hit a creature with an damage rolls when wielded.
Dungeons and Daphgar

attack using this cursed blade, you can invoke the Crimson
Rot curse upon the creature. Ongoing Infection: This abilities damage
increases to 2d4/2d6 damage.
The DC for saves for abilities and spells using this
Crimson Rot. item increases to 17 or your spell save DC,
whichever is higher.
Activation: Once per long rest, when you hit a
creature with this sword, you can choose to afflict Legendary Crimson King:
the target with the Scarlet Rot curse. The target
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC +2 Enhancement. This item is now s a +2
15) or become infected. weapon, providing a +2 bonus to attack and
damage rolls when wielded.
Initial Damage: On a failed save, the target takes
an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. Ongoing Infection: This abilities damage
increases to 2d6/2d8 damage.
Ongoing Infection: At the start of each of the
target's turns, it takes 1d4 necrotic damage for 1 The DC for saves for abilities and spells using this
minute. If the target is under half of its hit point item increases to 19 or your spell save DC,
maximum, this damage increases to 1d6. whichever is higher.

Weakening: The target has disadvantage on

Strength and Constitution checks and saving
throws while infected.

Spread: If the infected creature ends its turn

within 5 feet of another creature, the second
creature must make a Constitution saving throw or
start suffering from Scarlet Rot as well, though at
half the initial and ongoing damage rates.

Cleansing: The infection can be ended early by a

spell or effect that removes disease or by finishing a
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short or long rest.

Curse of Thirst:
The sword's power comes at a cost. Each time you
activate the Scarlet Rot curse, you suffer 1 level of
exhaustion. This represents the sword's draining
effect on its wielder.

Required Reading:

Ensure to discuss Crimson King with your

Dungeon Master to make sure it is well-suited for
your game and provides a balanced and enriching

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