Power Car Question Bank 4
Power Car Question Bank 4
Power Car Question Bank 4
All questions carry 1 mark each. There is no negative mark. Attempt all 40 questions. Total marks-40
1. What is the current rating of Air circuit breaker (ACB) in LHB Powercar?
a) 800A b) 1000A c) 750A d) 415A
2. What is the current rating of disconnecting and earthing device in LHB AC coaches and Powercars?
a) 80A b)100 A c) 125 A d)200 A
3. According to Rule No. 55 of IE Rules, permissible variation in frequency of AC voltage and current is
a) +3%, -3% b) +10%, -10% c) +6%, -6% d) +5%, -3%
4. What is the rating of megger to be used while checking equipments working on 750 Volts?
a) 1000 Volts DC b) 500 V DC c) 500 V AC d) 1000V AC
5. What is the input Voltage of Regulated Battery charger (RBC) ?
a) 415 Volts, 3 phase, AC b)230V, 1 phase AC c)110 V, AC d) 110 V, DC
6. What is the current carrying capacity of Feeder contactors in LBH Powercars ?
a) 200 A b) 750A c) 415A d) 600A
7. Capacity of power transformer in LHB Powercar is?
a) 60kVA b)50kVA c)100 kVA d) 100VA
8. How many power transformers are available in LHB Powercar?
a) 1 b)2 c) 3 d) 4
9. How many Diesel tanks are there in LHB Power Cars?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
10. One kilowatt hour is equal to ____________ unit of energy.
a) 736 units b)745 units c) 1000 units d) 1 unit
11. Capacity of diesel Engine provided in LHB Powercar is?
a) 500kW b) 400kW c) 500BHP d) 496BHP
12. What is the capacity of Alternator in Powercar?.
a) 500kVA b) 400kVA c) 500kW d) 436kVA
13. LHB Powercar Alternator output Voltage is ?
a) 750V AC b) 415V AC c)230V AC d) 110V AC
14. When A feeder is ON from LSLRD, which feeder can be closed from Powercar, in case of emergency?
a) A feeder b) B feeder c) either A or B d) Neither A nor B
15. What is the tripping speed of over speed governor of Diesel Engine in LHB Powercars?
a) 1800 rpm b) 1000rpm c) 1500rpm d) 800rpm
31. kWh
32. HOG
33. AVR
34. NWP
35. WRA
36. MMR
37. FOL
38. EOG
39. MPCB
40. D & ED