Annual Report 2022-23
Annual Report 2022-23
Annual Report 2022-23
A Citizen-Centric Public Service
To transform the Public Service for efficient and effective service delivery
Citizen Focus
Contents ......................................................................................................................................................... iii
Tables ............................................................................................................................................................ vii
Figures .......................................................................................................................................................... viii
Acronyms..................................................................................................................................................... ix
Message From The Chairperson ............................................................................................................... xii
Preface ............................................................................................................................................................. xiv
Acknowledgement....................................................................................................................................... xvi
Composition Of The Commission ......................................................................................................... xvii
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................... xviii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………...1
1.1 Preamble ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Legislative Foundations of the Annual Report................................................................................ 1
1.3 Mandate and Functions of the Commission.................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 Constitutional and Statutory Mandate of the Commission ................................................ 2
1.3.2 Constitutional and Statutory Mandate of the Commission Over State Corporations ... 4
1.3.3 Protection of Public Officers................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Role of the Commission in National Development ....................................................................... 6
1. 5 Commission’s Planned Targets for the Year 2022/2023 .............................................................. 6
1.6 Organization of the Report................................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Establishment and Abolition of Offices in the Public Service................................................... 15
3.3 Appointment of Persons to Public Offices.................................................................................... 17
3.3.1 Advertisements for Job Vacancies ........................................................................................ 17
3.3.2 Recruitment ............................................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Exercise of Disciplinary Control...................................................................................................... 25
3.4.1 Processing and Determination of Discipline Cases........................................................... 26
3.4.2. Complaints Resolution .......................................................................................................... 26
3.5 Litigation Cases ................................................................................................................................... 27
3.6 Exits from the Service........................................................................................................................ 27
3.7 Promotion of Values and Principles of Governance in Public Service..................................... 29
3.7.1 Promotion of the values and principles................................................................................ 30
3.7.2 Evaluation and Reporting on Values and Principles .......................................................... 31
3.7.4 Monitoring and Evaluation of the Organization, Administration, and Personnel
Practices of the Public Service......................................................................................................... 32
3.8 Investigation of the Organization, Administration and Personnel Practices of the Public
Service .................................................................................................................................................. 32
3.9 Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Public Service....................................................................... 33
3.9.1 Performance Management in the Public Service ............................................................... 33
3.9.2 Human Resource Management Strategies............................................................................ 35
3.9.3 Technical Support .................................................................................................................... 37
3.10 Development of Human Resources .............................................................................................. 40
3.10.1 Skills Development in the Public Service .......................................................................... 40
3.10.2 Public Service Promotional Examinations ........................................................................ 40
3.10.3 Public Service Internship Programme (PSIP)................................................................... 41
3.10.4 Capacity Building for PSIP Mentors and Coaches ........................................................... 44
3.10.5 Digital Literacy Programme ................................................................................................. 46
3.10.6 Presidential Digital Talent Programme .............................................................................. 46
3.10.7 Public Service Emerging Leaders Fellowship Programme ............................................. 47
3.11. County Government Public Service Appeals ............................................................................. 51
3.12 Promotion of Ethical Conduct in the Public Service ................................................................. 51
3.13 Stakeholder Relations ....................................................................................................................... 52
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 56
4.2 Human Resource Management and Development ....................................................................... 56
4.2.1 Staffing ....................................................................................................................................... 56
4.3 Skills Development ............................................................................................................................. 61
4.4 Performance Management ................................................................................................................ 62
4.5 Terms and Conditions of Service..................................................................................................... 63
4.6 Collaboration, Cooperation and Partnership with Stakeholders, Regional and International
Bodies ................................................................................................................................................... 63
4.6.1 The World Bank ....................................................................................................................... 64
4.6.2 African Capacity Building Foundation ................................................................................. 65
4.6.3 European Union ....................................................................................................................... 65
4.6.4 The Commonwealth ................................................................................................................ 66
4.6.5 Mozilla Corporation................................................................................................................. 66
4.6.6 South Korea and Malaysia Cooperation .............................................................................. 67
4.6.7 Other Resource Mobilization Initiatives .............................................................................. 68
4.7 Office Space for Commission Staff ................................................................................................. 69
4.8 Research and Policy Analysis Activities .......................................................................................... 69
4.9 Information and Communication Technology .............................................................................. 70
6.4 Lessons ................................................................................................................................................. 78
6.5 Recommendation ................................................................................................................................ 78
6.6 Way Forward for Emerging Issues .................................................................................................. 79
Table 3-1: Establishment and Abolition of Offices in the Public Service ........................................ 16
Table 3-2: Appointments in State Departments by Gender ................................................................ 18
Table 3-3: Distribution of Nominees for Appointment to Constitutional Commissions and Other
offices ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Table 3-4: Positions Recommended in Public Universities ................................................................. 21
Table 3-5: Vice Chancellor Positions Interviewed in Various Universities ...................................... 22
Table 3-6: Posts Shortlisted for Various Universities ........................................................................... 22
Table 3-7: Promotions of Officers in State Departments.................................................................... 23
Table 3-8:Distribution of Discipline Cases by MDAs.......................................................................... 26
Table 3-9:Status of Complaints Received by the Commission ........................................................... 27
Table 3-10: Exits in MDAs by Type ........................................................................................................ 28
Table 3-11: Technical Support Provided to Public Institutions.......................................................... 37
Table 3-12: Social Media Feedback Analysis .......................................................................................... 54
Table 4-1: PSC Staff Designations and Grade Levels........................................................................... 57
Table 4-2: Staff Age Profile....................................................................................................................... 58
Table 4-3: Officers Appointed at the Commission ............................................................................... 59
Table 4-4: Officers on Secondment to the Commission...................................................................... 60
Table 4-5: Staff Seconded from Commission to Other Public Institutions ..................................... 60
Table 4- 6:Staff Exits at the Commission............................................................................................... 61
Table 4-7: Officers Serving on Local Contract Terms ......................................................................... 61
Table 4-8:Training, Workshops, Seminars and Conferences ............................................................... 62
Table 4-9: Performance of Targets by Budget Programmes ............................................................... 64
Table 5 -1: Comparative Budget Allocation by Economic Classification for FYs 2021/2022 and
2022/2023 (Ksh Millions) ........................................................................................................ 73
Table 5-2: FY 2022/23 Expenditure Analysis (Ksh Millions)............................................................. 73
Table 5-3: Summary of Budget Performance 2020/21 to 2022/23 (KShs. Millions)..................... 74
Table 5-4: Budget Allocation compared to Requirement for FY 2023/2024 .................................. 76
Table 6-1:Roadmap on the Way Forward ............................................................................................... 82
KNRA Kenya Nuclear Regulatory Authority
KRA Kenya Revenue Authority
KRAs Key Result Areas
KIMC Kenya Institute of Mass Communication
KUTRRH Kenyatta University Teaching Referral & Research Hospital
KUCCPS Kenya University & Colleges Central Placement Services
LAPSSET Lamu Port, South Sudan, Ethiopia Transport Corridor
LCDA LAPSET Corridor Development Authority
MCDAs Ministries, Counties, State Departments and Agencies
MDAs Ministries, State Departments and Agencies
MDIs Management Development Institutes
MHRMAC Ministerial Human Resource Advisory Committee
MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework
NACADA National Authority for the Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse
NG-CDF National Government Constituencies Development Fund
NIS National Intelligence Service
NCRC National Crime Research Centre
NLC National Land Commission
NMS Nairobi Metropolitan Service
NSSF National Social Security Fund
NYS National Youth Service
OAG Office of the Attorney General
P&SDT Performance and Service Delivery Transformation
PBB Programme Based Budget
PAIR Public Administration and International Relations
PDTP Presidential Digital Talent Program
PDU Presidential Delivery Unit
PE Personnel Emoluments
PFMR Public Finance Management Reform
PSASB Public Sector Accounting Standards Board
PSC Public Service Commission
PSEA Public Service Excellence Award
PSELF Public Service Emerging Leaders Fellowship
PSIP Public Service Internship Programme
PSOYA Public Servant of the Year Award
PSSS Public Service Superannuation Scheme
PSs Principal Secretaries
PWDs Persons Living with Disabilities
RRIs Rapid Results Initiatives
SACCO Savings and Credit Co-operative Society
SASRA Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority
SAGAs Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies
SLAs Service Level Agreements
SLDP Strategic Leadership Development Programme
SMC Senior Management Course
SO Strategic objectives
SPAS Staff Performance Appraisal System
SRC Salaries and Remuneration Commission
TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training
USF Universal Service Fund
VC Vice Chancellor
VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
VDS Vision Delivery Secretariat
VUCA Volatile Uncertain Complex and Ambiguous
The Public Service Commission Annual Report for the
Financial Year 2022/2023 covers a defining period of
transition to a new admin istration following the 2022
general elections. Change of administration following a
general election test both the stability and the
effectiveness of public service institutions. The
Commission, in execution of its mandate, played a pivotal
role in facilitating the new administration to navigate the
imminent challenges as well as opportunities, which come
with such transitions.
The Commission, while working closely with the institutions at the Center of Government,
established fit-for-purpose organizations capable of translating the Government’s transformation
agenda into programmes and activities that address the country’s development objectives and
citizens’ aspirations. The government has subsequently introduced a new development strategy,
the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) , which seeks to deliver results for the citizens
from a broad-based economic model.
Establishing new offices at the Center of Government and strengthening existing ones as a priority
as the new government settled in, was strategic. These institutions directly support the President’s
Agenda to provide the required leadership to plan, coordinate, monitor, and communicate key
priorities. They work directly with the Executive Office of the President to provide direction,
coherence and to ensure the delivery of priorities and results for citizens. In addition, the
Commission reviewed other existing institutions and structures and issued an advisory to the new
administration. The advisories facilitated the incoming administration to quickly settle and function
effectively by establishing formative systemic and structural enablers for a seamless transition from
the outgoing to the incoming administration. This process aided the new administration to quickly
identify and use the levers of public service to begin implementing its programmes without
unnecessary delays.
The theme of this report Towards Public Service Transformation demonstrates the Commission’s
institutional commitment to a strong and effective publi c service. The theme is in sync with the
Government’s development agenda which focuses on transforming systems, methods and processes
in the Public Service. This calls for the strengthening of public service institutions and the
enhancement of their policy development capacity to handle emerging administrative challenges. It
also aligns with the transformative agenda in the Commission’s Strategic Plan 2019 -2024, through
the implementation of four key broad strategies namely: service delivery transformation;
performance and productivity management; human resource management and development; and
promotion of good governance, constitutionalism, and compliance with the rule of law.
Internally, the Commission undertook a midterm review of its Strategic Plan 2019-2024 and
identified areas that needed attention. Some of these areas include systematic review of optimal
human capital needs and review of MDA structures to accelerate on-boarding of critical personnel.
These efforts are expected to provide requisit e tools and strategies in human and institutional
management to spur the country towards socio -economic growth and development. Additionally,
the Commission is in the process of developing a public service human resource master plan to
guide in the recruit ment, development and management of the human resources. The publication
of this report, therefore, presents an opportunity for the Commission to reflect on its performance,
challenges and lessons learnt in the execution of its mandate during the first ye ar of the current
I am, therefore, pleased to present the 2022/2023 Annual Report to the President, Parliament and
our public service audience as the basis of constructive feedback that informs improvements in the
discharge of the mandate of the Commission.
The 2022 /2023 Annual Report serves as an important
internal appraisal tool and public engagement mechanism
for the Commission. The report which is the fourth since
the launch of the PSC Strategic plan in 2019, outlines the
performance of the Commission on its operations,
financial statements, achievements, challenges, and
proposals on the way forward in the delivery of its mandate
as spelt out in Art icles 234, 155(3)(a), 158(2)(3) and (4),
171(2), 230(2)(b) and 236 of the Constitution.
The report highlights key strategic programmes undertaken by the Commission in the
implementation of its mandate. The Commission recorded a number of achievements in the past
year which were underpinned by the commitment to ensuring that service delivery responds to the
needs and expectations of citizens. Key achievements during the year under review included:
issuance of advisories on transition to new government; recruitment and deployment of high level
personnel to State Departments; review of organizational structures and staff establishment; review
of human resource instruments; establishment of public service l eadership capacity development
programme through the Public Service Emerging Leaders Fellowship Programme (PSELFP) ;
expansion of the Public Service Internship Programme (PSIP); promotion of more than 10,000
public officers; and Promotion of values and principles of governance and public service.
Notwithstanding the concerted efforts at mitigating and coping with the constraints , the
Commission still faced the following challenges: overlaps in scope of mandate in performance of
functions brought about by different enabling legislations; understaffing due to budget and office space
limitations; inadequate budgetary provisions and disruptions of activities caused by austerity
measures. While these challenges are significant, so too are the opportunities. At a time of profound
economic uncertainty, the Commission continues to reaffirm the criticality of strengthening
mechanisms through partnerships and collaborations with regional and international organizations
including continuous and deep engagement with top gov ernment leaders, peer to peer exchanges,
county governments and development partners on service delivery and human and financial
resource matters.
Ultimately, establishing a strong and effective public service to support the government's
transformative agenda will rely on initiatives and commitment of Commission stakeholders.
I wish to parti cularly recognize the concerted efforts and hard work that the secretariat task team
headed by Dr. Sylvester Obong’o (Director, Performance and Service Delivery Transformation) put
into this assignment, together with Mr. George Mukabi (Director, Board Management Services) and
Mr. Browne Kutswa (Task Team Convenor and Deputy Director, Public Communications). Special
recognition goes to Musa Cherogony (Deputy Director, Legal Services), Simon Mwangi (Deputy
Director, PSIP), John Muriungi (Deputy Director, Esta blishment & Management Consultancy
Services), Simiyu Njalale (Deputy Director, Finance), Daniel Oliech (Ag. Deputy Director,
Performance Monitoring & Evaluation), Rahma Hassan (Assistant Director, Research & Policy
Analysis), Phoebe Gor (Assistant Director , Performance Monitoring & Evaluation), Joseph Kenei
(Assistant Director, Planning), Alex Koros (Assistant Director, Monitoring and Evaluation), Carol
T. Wekesa (Assistant Director, Planning), Hannah Mwangi (Assistant Director, Recruitment and
Selection), Melda Mboya (Principal Office Administrator, EMCS), Pauline Muriuki (Principal Public
Communications Officer), Tom Muema (Senior Public Communication Officer) and Virginia
Asievera (Intern , Public Communication). Their unwavering commitment and teamwork is d uly
In addition, I acknowledge the contribution of Heads of Directorates and Sections for their
invaluable support during various stages of the preparation of this report . Finally, I extend my
appreciation to Commission staff who in one way or another worked towards the successful
development and publication of this Annual Report for the Financial Year 2022/2023.
It is my conviction that with the publicization of this report, the Com mission will achieves its intention
of reporting to the President and Parliament; and the citizens at large on its operations and activities.
This Annual Report covers the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. It is submitted to the President
and Parliament by the Public Service Commission as a statutory requirement under Article 254 (1)
of the Constitution and Section 90 of the Public Service Commission Act, 2017. Its thematic focus
Towards Public Service Transformation responds to the programs implemented by the commission during
the period under review facilitated the government's transformative agenda through the
establishment of strong, cap able and effective public service organizations. The report is an
accountability mechanism on how the Commission applied institutional means towards the
attainment of targets, results and outcomes under corporate and directorate level work plans.
Recommendations of the report form the basis for the Commission’s institutional improvement
strategy on how it delivers its mandate and executes its functions.
Data for the report were obtained through structured questionnaires completed by Commission
directorates providing information on how targets outputs, and results were achieved. Analysis of
trends is based on the administrative data compiled by directorates and functional units over the
2022/2023 FY.
The report is organized into six chapters. Chapte r one presents an introduction to the report
highlighting the preamble, the legal foundations of the report, the mandate of the Commission, new
judicial interpretations expanding scope of mandate, a highlight of the Commission’s contribution
to national development, and its planned targets for the 2022/2023 financial year. In chapter two,
the report situates this year’s theme, Towards Public Service Transformation , within the Commission’s
work over the preceding twelve months that contributed to the governm ent’s public service
transformation agenda. The chapter specifically outlines current strategies and planned programmes
on reform and transformation. Chapter three gives insight into how the Commission delivered its
mandate, outlining specific achievements in line with the targets set out in the 2022/2003 corporate
work plan. In chapter four, the report outlines the enabling factors that anchor the Commission’s
capacity to deliver on its functions. Chapter five presents a review on how financial resources were
applied to activities for results and the Commission’s proposal for subsequent budget cycles.
Chapter six outlines key lessons, challenges faced and recommendations
The Commission’s mandate of establishing offices and confirming people into those offices among
other functions, makes it a central player in realization of the government’s transformative agenda.
The Commission performed a number of critical functions to ensure continuity and establish a
strong foundation for efficient and effective service delivery for the incoming government.
Specifically, it undertook the following: prepared and issued a detailed advisory on government
transition; developed enabling pol icy, legal and regulatory frameworks; designed organizational
structures; recruited personnel including Principal Secretaries to lead key institutions; established the
Public Service Emerging Leaders Fellowship (PSELF) Programme for a new generation of ethical
public leaders; reinvigorated performance management for service delivery transformation;
implemented capacity building for transformation; introduced new policy and structural reforms;
promoted a performance excellence tradition in the public servi ce. Commission proposes the
following, measures towards structural and systemic consolidation of public service reform and
transformation agenda: Formative gap assessment; formalization of institutional framework for
reforms and transformation; design of erform and transformation programmes; budgets for reforms
and transformation; sector-wide technical capacity building for reform; reform leadership capacity;
and new focus on behavioural public service.
Establishment and Abolition of Offices in the Public Service:The Public Service Commission
established and re -organized numerous offices in the Executive as guided in the Executive Order
No. 1 of October 2022 and the Executive Order No. 1 of January 2023 and enabling legislation.
The outcome of the process was the alignment of MDAs and State Corporation functions and
processes with the national development goals and objectives. The main focus during the year under
review was also to facilitate the transition from the fourth to fifth administration.
Appointment of persons to public offices:The total number of new officers appointed was 1,331
which comprised 694 (52%) males and 637 (48%) females. PWDs were 13, constituting 1% of
officers recruited. The Commission recommended nominees for appointment to various
Constitutional Commissions and other offices. Names of nominees were forwarded to appointing
authorities for appointment. The Commission advertised, conducted interviews and recommended
candidates for appointment to 7 vacant positions of Vice -Chancellor, Deputy Vice -Chancellor,
Principal and Deputy Principal of 5 public universities. Names of interviewed candidates were
forwarded to the respective University Councils for appointment in consul tation with the Cabinet
Secretary for Education.
Exercise of Disciplinary Control:The Commission received 319 cases and determined 180 cases
from MDAs. The Commission also reviewed the Discipline Manual for the Public Service, and
disseminated for use, sensitized 4 MDAs on disciplinary process for officers in the public service
and iss ued an advisory on entitlement to terminal benefits. A total of 26 cases were heard and
Complaints Resolution: The Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ), also known as Office
of the Ombudsman, receives petitions and complaints from the public on various issues. Those
touching on public servants are forwarded to the Commission for resolution. In the review period,
the Commission received a total of 88 cases on complaints, of the complaints received 16 of them
were received from Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ) while 72 cases were lodged directly
to the Commission. Analysis reveals that out of the complaints processed, 34 cases were resolved
while 54 cases were ongoing by the end of the review period, translating to 39% and 61%
Litigation Cases: Public servants also who are dissatisfied with the manner the Commission
handles its internal processes, for instance, on disciplinary control, promotions, retirement, among
other actions, have the right to seek redress in courts of law. The number of cases filed against the
Commission were 99 while 42 judgments were delivered. Most of the cases emanated from the
exercise of disciplinary control, county appeals, establishment of offices and the exercise of the
Commission’s constitutional mandate.
Exits from the Service: Public servants exit service through resignation, termination, expiry of
contract, dismissal, death, retirement under the ‘50 Year’ Rule, attainment of mandatory retirement
age, medical grounds and abolition/re -organization of office. D uring the period, 2,123 officers
exited the service in 48 State Departments.
Promotion of National and public service values and principles: The Commission evaluated
477 MDAs out of a target of 525 MDAs on the status of compliance with values and princ iples
from six sectors; namely Constitutional Commissions and Independent Offices, Ministries and
Departments, State corporations and SAGAs, Statutory Commissions and Authorities, TVET
institutions and Public Universities, and overall, the response rate was 91%. The evaluation focused
on the extent to which public institutions mainstreamed the national values and principles of
governance and the values and principles of public service that were grouped in seven thematic
areas, namely: service delivery improvement; high standards of professional ethics; good
governance, transparency and accountability; performance management; equitable allocation of
opportunities and resources; public participation in policy-making; and efficiency, effectiveness and
economic use of resources and sustainable development. Unlike previously, the Commission
reached out to the citizens, as the primary consumers of public services, to provide feedback on
their levels of satisfaction with the services offered by the public service. T he overall compliance
level improved by two percent to 42% from the previous financial year meaning that the public
service has progressively improved on mainstreaming of values and principles in service delivery.
Investigation of the organization, adm inistration, and personnel practices of the public
service: Results under this function were attained through: (i) monitoring and evaluation of the
organization, administration, and personnel practices of the public service; and (ii) investigation of
the organization, administration and personnel practices of the public service.
County government public service appeals:The Constitution gives the Commission the function
and powers of hearing and determining appeals from County Government Public Service under
Article 234(2)(i). The PSC Act (2017) Section 85, 86, 87, 88 , and 89 provides the mechanisms and
processes used by the Commission to discharge this mandate. Further, the PSC (County Appeals
Procedures) Regulations, 2022 provides step -by-step proce dures for handling appeals. The
Commission heard and determined 257 appeals out of the 418 new and pending cases from the
previous Financial Year. The Commission also heard and determined 15 applications for review
out of the 15 pending applications for review.
20192024 and emerging service delivery priorities policy areas that back the Commission's
transformational agenda of creating a public service that prioritizes the needs of its citizens.
Terms and Conditions of Service: During the review period, Commission efforts at enhancing
its corporate-level terms and conditions included the following welfare programmes: processing and
submission of 20% employer pension contribution and group life insurance for 236 officers to the
PSC contributory pension scheme, amounting to Ksh 68 million; facilitated 11 officers to access
mortgage loans under PSC Mortgage Scheme, totaling Ksh 46 million; paid annual membership
subscriptions for 84 staff to various professional bodies, amounting to Ksh 359,044; renewed
comprehensive in-patient and outpatient medical insurance for Commissioners and Secretariat staff
with effect from October 2022 and February 2023 respectively, at a total cost of Ksh.70 million;
renewed Group Personal Accident Insurance and Work Injury Benefits Act cover with effect from
February 2023, at a cost of Ksh 11 Million; and provided Commissioners and Secretariat with
additional working tools and equipment.
Challenges: Impediments and constraints to the effective attainment of the Commission’s mandate
during the 2022/2023 FY included: Weak performance management system in the public service
leading to unsati sfactory service delivery to citizens; lack of a legal provision on enforcing the
Commission’s decisions related to county appeals; lack of uniform norms and standards in the
management of the human resource in the public service; skills management gaps in the public
service; and inadequate budgetary provisions and austerity measures.
approval for government training; preparation and dissemination of the discipline manual for the
public service; review of terms and conditions of service. Further, the C ommission provided in -
country technical support to MDAs and county governments and external technical support to peer
institutions from the African Continent.
Development of Human Resources: Results under this function were attained through: Skills
development in the public service; public service promotional examinations; Public Service
Internship Programme (PSIP); capacity building for PSIP Mentors and Coaches; and the Digital
Literacy Programme under the State Department for Early Learning and Basic Education;
Presidential Digital Talent Programme; and Public Service Emerging Leaders Fellowship
Human Resource Management and Development: As of June 30, 2023, the Commission had
244 officers constituting 60% of the authorized establishment of 412. Of the 244 staff, 48% were
female and 52% were male. Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) constituted 3%. Out of 244 officers,
57 were aged 50 years and above, which accounts for 45% of the Commission’s workforce. Staff
between the ages of 40 and 49 made up 32%, while those below 40 years old constituted 23%. To
enhance staffing levels, the Commission appointed a total of 14 officers across different c adres to
replace vacant positions resulting from natural attrition and other forms of exit. In the review period,
the Commission promoted two officers. Specifically, one officer was promoted from the position
of Clerical Officer to Senior Clerical Officer, PSC Scale 3, while one officer was promoted from
Support Staff to Senior Support Staff, PSC Scale 2.
Skills Development : Commissioners and Secretariat staff attended individual trainings, group
seminars, workshops, and conferences to enhance their ski lls, knowledge, and competencies.
Funding for these activities was sourced from the Commission’s training budget and financial
support from other agencies.
Recommendations: Arising from findings and lessons drawn, the report makes the following
recommendations towards improvement: Review of the performance management system f or
improved service delivery; strengthening the legal and policy framework for improved management
of the human resource in the public service; development and implement of mentorship and
volunteer programmes; strengthening of the internship programmes in the public service;
engagement with the national treasury and parliament for enhanced budget; development and
implementation of human resource management and development master plan; enhancing the
promotion of national and public service values and princip les and the adherence to ethical
standards; and a new focus on business process re -engineering to enhance service delivery across
the public service
1.1 Preamble
This Annual Report covers the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. It is submitted to the President
and Parliament by the Public Service Commission as a statutory requirement under Article 254 (1)
of the Constitution and Section 90 of the Public Service Commission Act, 2017. This year’s report
is significant in two ways. First, its thematic focus Towards Public Service Transformation responds to
the programs implemented by the commission during the period under review which facilitated the
government's transformative agenda through the establishment of strong, capable and effective
public service organizations. Secondly, and more significantly, it covers the Commission’s role and
contribution in managing a smooth transition in the public service for the new Government, which
came into office after the August 9 2022 General Elections. As a result, the report highlights key
advisories, activities and policies issued by the Commission to ensure that public service delivery
continued without disruptions during the transition.
Change of administration following a general election tests both the stability and the effectiveness
of public service institutions. This 2022/2023 report covers extensively, what the Commission did
to facilitate the new administration to navigate the immi nent challenges, which come with changes
in government. To the public service, the prospect of a new administration means potential changes
in government machinery, practices and personnel, as well as policy orientation. The seamless
transition that took p lace after the general elections therefore, speaks to among other things, the
success and effectiveness of the measures the Commission put in place that ensured continuity in
service delivery.
b) decisions, observations, findings, and recommendations with respect to any Constitutional
or statutory function of the Commission;
c) findings of an audit, investigation, evaluation, monitoring, inquiry, research or visits
undertaken by the Commission;
d) any information that is required by law to be reported on by the Commission;
e) issues the President or Parliament has, in writing, required the Commission to report upon;
f) impediments to the achievement of the objects and functions of the Commission under the
Constitution, the PSC Act, or any written law; and
g) any other information relating to the Commission's functions that the Commission considers
Both Article 254 (3) of the Constitution and Section 91 of the Act require the Commission to
publish and publicize the Annual Report submitted to the President and Parliament.
The Public Service Commission is established under Article 233 of the Constitution. It consists of
a chairperson, a vice chairperson and seven other members appointed by the President with the
approval of the National Assembly. The Commission’s role in pub lic service institutional
development and management is central not only to the government of the day but to the nation as
a whole. In view of its mandate, the Commission bears the responsibility for improving the
capability of the public service to provid e strategic and innovative policy advice that spur growth
and meet citizen expectations.
1.3.1 Constitutional and Statutory Mandate of the Commission
The functions and powers of the Commission are set out in Article 234 of the Constitution and
legislation as follows:
1. Subject to the Constitution and legislation: (i) Establish and abolish offices in the public
service; and (ii) Appoint persons to hold or act in those offices, and to confirm appointments;
2. Exercise disciplinary control over and remove persons holding or acting in those offices;
3. Promote the values and principles referred to in Articles 10 and 232 throughout the public
4. Investigate, monitor and evaluate the organization, administration and personnel practices of
the public service;
5. Ensure that the public service is efficient and effective;
6. Develop human resources in the public service;
7. Review and make recommendations to the national government in respect of conditions of
service, code of conduct and qualifications of officers in the public service;
8. Evaluate and report to the President and Parliament on the extent to which the values an d
principles referred to in Articles 10 and 232 are complied with in the public service; and
9. Hear and determine appeals in respect of county governments’ public service;
Further to Article 234, the Commission exercises powers and performs functions confe rred
under other Articles of the Constitution and national legislation, namely:
1. Nomination of persons to the Judicial Service Commission and Salaries Remuneration
Commission under Articles 171(2) and 230(2){b} respectively;
2. Recommendation of persons to be appointed as Principal Secretaries under Article 155 (3)
3. Receiving and processing petitions for the removal of the Director of Public Prosecutions
and recommending the appointment of a tribunal to investigate the complaints under Article
158(2) (3) and (4);
4. Receiving petitions for the removal of the Registrar and Assistant Registrars of political
parties in accordance with Section 37 of the Political Parties Act; and
5. Protection of public officers against victimization and discrimination while discharging their
duties in accordance with Article 236 of the Constitution.
6. Recruitment and selection of Vice Chancellors, Deputy Vice Chancellors of Public
Universities and Principals and Deputy Principals of Constituent Colleges, under the
Universities Act, 2012 (No. 42 of 2012) section 35(1) (a)(v) as amended in the Statute Law
(Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2018.
1.3.2 Scope of Mandate of the Commission
As provided for in Article 234 (3), the scope of the mandate of the Public Service
Commission applies to all public bodies and persons holding office in the public servicewith
the exception of the following offices:
a) State offices
b) An office of high commissioner, ambassador or other diplomatic or consular
representatives of the republic
c) An office subject to: (i) the Parliamentary Service Commission; (ii) The Judicial Service
Commission; (iii) the Teachers Service Commission; (iv) the National Police Service
d) An office in the service of a County Government, except as contemplated in Articl
e 234
(2) (i)
1.3.2 Constitutional and Statutory Mandate of the Commission Over State Corporations
Judicial interpretations play a big role in the way institutions execute their mandates especially with
regard to scope. Functions and mandates as stated in the Constitution are, by design, not very
detailed, leaving a lot of scope for interpretation which often lead to conflict among institutions. If
such conflicts end up in courts of law, it gives judges the opportunity to interpret law to settle
disputes arising from the interpretation of mandates between public bodies. Because of this role,
judicial interpretation can and has helped to clarify the mandate of the Commission on areas that
were previously contested and encroached upon by other institutions.
State Corporations and Public Universities are part of the public service and offices therein are
public officers. The Public Service Commission is the entity that is constitutionally mandated to
exercise oversight of the human resource functionality in the public service specifically over State
Corporations and Public Universities. Further, the Commission has the sole constitutional and
statutory mandate to establish and abolish offices within State Corporations and Public Universities.
The following court decisions have reiterated and affirmed the Commission’s mandate as outlined
1. Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Education and Allied Workers (Kudhehia Workers) vs
Salaries and Remuneration Commission [2014] eKLR:
2. Manyara Muchui Anthony -vs- Communications Authority of Kenya & 3 Others,
3. Consumer Federation of Kenya (COFEK) -vs- National Social Security Fund Board of
Trustees & 2 Others, [2022] eKLR, the Court of Appeal at Nairobi in Civil Appeal No.
E638 of 2014: The Public Service Commission -vs- Katiba Institute & Others,
4. Nairobi ELRC JR No. E013 of 2022
Republic vs Kenya Rural Roads Authority Ex - Parte Samson Nzivo Muthiani
Further the courts of competent jurisdictions have found and held that Section 5 (3) and 27 of the
State Co rporations Act are in conflict with Article 234 of the Constitution and the court in the
Manyara Muchui case (cited above) made reform proposal that the Commission and Attorney
General (AG) were to undertake including aligning the provisions of the State C orporation Act
which was enacted in 1986 to Article 234 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The Commission
forwarded its recommendations for amendment of the Act to the Attorney General and proposed
the creation of a multi-agency task force to carry out the reforms.
In exercise of its powers and functions in the public service, specifically in State Corporations and
Public Universities, the Commission guides the development of human resource policies, guidelines
and instruments.
indirectly through its role in hearing appeals. If it is found that a public servant was victimized, the
Commission can reverse such decisions. The appeals are captured under the discipline control
section of this report.
In addition to the Commission role in facilitating the government development agenda, the
Commission prepared and presented an ad visory on ten aspects of government transition. The
advisories facilitated the incoming administration to quickly settle and function effectively by
establishing formative systemic and structural enablers for a seamless transition from the outgoing
to the incoming administration. They helped the new administration to rapidly identify and use the
levers of public service to begin implementing its programmes without unnecessary delays.
billion to implement 235 targets during the review period. The Commission spent Ksh 2.4 billion
translating to a budget absorption rate of 97% after implementing 183 targets.
While the performance over th e period was generally good, the few targets that were not
implemented or partially completed was due to inadequate budget allocation occasioned by the
implementation of austerity measures.
Chapter Five highlights the financial resources allocated to the Commission, budget utilization
efficiency, funding gaps an d proposals on future optimal funding. The Chapter provides an
accountability mechanism on how institutional resources were applied in the discharge of core
mandates and functions. The Chapter further gives details of the Commission’s efforts at bridging
the financial resource gaps through alternative resource mobilization.
Chapter Six presents key achievements, challenges, lessons learned, and recommendations for the
future. Specifically, the recommendations present a basis for interventions towards im provements
on how the Commission delivers on its mandates. On the way forward, the Chapter proposes
priority interventions towards enhancement of institutional capacity, identifies actors and allocates
timelines for implementation.
2.1 Introduction
The theme for this year’s Annual Report, Towards Public Service Transformation , takes cognizance of
the Commission’s institutional and the government’s transformation agenda. It comes at a critical
phase as the Government marksits first year in office. In appreciation of the Government’s Bottom-
Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) the Commission reiterates its commitment to
establishing st rong, effective and capable public institutions as the basis of that envisaged
transformation. This c alls for leaders, managers, technical experts and front -line workers in the
right jobs, with the right skills and at the right time.
In its efforts to support the Government’s transformation agenda, the Commission implemented
programmes and activities a imed at: building a highly -skilled, agile and responsive public sector
workforce with appropriate roles for public servants and other service providers; development of
strategic foresight mechanisms to anticipate and address changing workforce requirements; ensuring
long-term institutional knowledge capacity and succession management; designing new human
capital systems consistent with merit -system and inclusivity principles, including modernizing
policies and practices for recruitment, retention, training, and development; and promoting career
progression among public servants to rise from the entry point to the highest grade.
Central to the Commission’s role in the realization of the government’s transformative agenda, is
its work in establishing strong, effective and capable public institutions as the foundation for
efficient and effective service delivery by the new government. In the discharge of this role, the
Commission undertook the following: issued a detailed advisory on government transition;
developed enabling policy, legal and regulatory frameworks; designed organizational structures; and
recruited personnel including Principal Secretaries to lead key institutions. In additio n, the
Commission issued policy guidelines on human Resources Management; Performance
Management; and establishment of structures, among others. Figure 2 -1 illustrates the functional
contribution of the Commission, the foundation on which the transformation is built.
Figure 2-1: The Role of PSC in Public Service Transformation
The advisory focused on the following seven areas which called for reforming and transforming the
way the public service works and delivers services to citizens: establishment of a fit -for-purpose
structure of a new government, recruitment and selection of principal sec retaries; review of
delegation instrument and vesting of the role of authorized officer; high
-level induction programme
for cabinet secretaries and principal secretaries; devolution and inter -governmental relations and
modalities for transition of staff from Nairobi Metropolitan Services; and the re-institutionalization
and re-invigoration of performance management, reform and transformation in the public service.
The review and the subsequent advisory was significant because the public service is a major actor
in the process of change of government and to ensure a smooth transition and success of the
reforms envisaged by the incoming government, the public service had to be reinforced.
Arising from the court judgements which have reaffirmed the Commission’s mandate over state
corporations, the Commission is undertaking a multi -sectoral mapping and review of the existing
policy and regulatory terrain to inform and anchor planned public se rvice transformation. Policy
and legal instruments form the basis for norms, standards, values, principles and the institutional
culture that drive the operations of public service organizations. The review of existing policies and
legislative terrain in the wider public service is aimed at informing the formulation of new enabling
policy and legal instruments or the review of existing ones to ensure that all institutions which are
constitutionally under the Commission’s jurisdiction are covered and served accordingly.
Working closely with the executive and ministries, the Commission recruited for the new
government, top policy -level personnel to serve as Principal Secretaries, Chief Administrative
Secretaries and top-level government advisors in different sectors of the economy. The ascension
to office by the new administration raised the need for technical, auxiliary and personal staff for
incoming state officers including Cabinet Secretaries, Principal Secretaries and other top officials at
the centre of government. To regulate the number of auxiliary staff supporting the top officials, the
Commission issued policy direction on limits on the number of technical and auxiliary support staff
to which the new officials are entitled.
Programme is to build the next generation of public sector leaders capable of providing
transformative solutions to pressing policy issues affecting the public service. It seeks to mold young
public servants early in their careers into future leaders and instill values and principles of public
The program, currently in its second year, closes the gap in capacity building and ground public
servants in strong citizen-centric ethos. Notwithstanding the level of technical capacity investments
in the ability of personnel to effectively perform their roles and delivery on institutional functions,
public organizations still require leaders that midwife change for improvement. The main reasonfor
this is premised on the fact that leadership is located at the very apex of the strategic direction for
any organization, including those in the public service. Existing capacity and skills development in
the public service, including the Public Service Internship Programme (PSIP) as illustrated inFigure
To better serve their intended purpose, the Commission is currently working closely withthe Kenya
School of Government (KSG) and other public service Management Development Institutes
(MDIs) with a view to reviewing the curriculum of existinginduction programmes and management
and leadership programmes. The next frontier in this strategy is service-wide institutionalization of
an ethical public service culture and leadership capability development that is grounded on formal
policy and enabling regulatory framework.
2.2.5 Performance Management and Service Delivery Transformation
The Commission re -established the Performance Contracting Unit within the Office of the
President under the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary. This was a significant milestone raising
the profile and visibility of performance management in the public service as well as enhancing the
performance culture.
Consequently, structural reforms in the public sector, comprise measures that the Commission
undertakes from time to time to align and realign service delivery architecture and the institutional
and regulatory framework in which public organizations and publ ic officers operate arising from
changes in government or the environment. They are designed to ensure the public service is fit and
better able to realize its performance potential in a sustainable way. In this endeavour, the
Commission continues to wor k with public service organizations in participatory review of
regulatory and oversight policies and their operational structures with a view to improving how
institutions perform their functions.
2.2.7 Performance Excellence Tradition in the Public Service
In 2017, Public Servant of the Year Award was reviewed to expand scope and renamed the Public
Service Excellence Award (PSEA). In 2021, PSEA was entrenched through the Performance
Regulations 2021. The Public Service Excellence Award Scheme seeks to en trench recognition for
outstanding and exemplary performance by both individual employees and organizations. During
the year under review, PSEA was reviewed and redesigned for online submission of nominations
and evaluation by independent panels. The new m odel seeks to integrate performance excellence
awards in the public service performance cycle. From a reform perspective, it is expected that
recognition and reward for excellence elicits elevated morale and motivation among public and state
offices, inclu ding the institutions where they serve, to strive for transformation that drives high
Design of reform and transformation programmes: Different sectors of the public service
require varied sets of reforms as the basis of their transformation. In this regard, the Commission
has, in the process of discharging its core mandate on service delivery, c ommenced an initiative
aimed at a multi -sectoral approach to whole -of-government reforms. Examples of sectoral
segmentation would include public service reforms, health sector reforms, judicial reforms, energy
sector reforms, education sector reforms and devolution reforms, among others.
Budgets for reforms and transformation: Globally, and across sectors, reform and
transformation efforts and investments cost money. The underlying economic case for reforms and
transformation is the expectation that, ultim ately, they should be self -financing. This implies that
the resulting cost -savings and legacy economic benefits more than compensate for the costs of
implementing them. Making reform programmes sub -sector specific will thus be an important
starting point in targeting financing for efficiency and sustainability of gains.
Sector-wide technical capacity building for reform : Impactful reform programmes require
critical masses of technical personnel capacity to pivot implementation. This calls for appropriate
training programmes that foster a new behavioural and institutional orientation for reforms.
Investments in training pr ogrammes can be one effective approach to pre -empting possible
behavioural and systemic resistance to reforms.
Reform leadership capacity: Beyond the technical capacity for the institutionalization of reforms
and transformation in public service organiza tions, the design of new programmes should
specifically target the development of existing and new leadership capacity that will steer and
champion transformation in sectors of the public service and their organizations.
3.1 Introduction
The Public Service Commission, in the execution of its constitutional mandate, is dedicated to
building a public service that strives for excellence. The Commission exercises its powers and
performs its functions without fear, favor or prejudice. This is the fourth year of implementation
the Strategic Plan period 2019 -2024 and the Commission continuous to pursue its transformative
agenda to ensure it remains responsive to citizens’ expectations in the context of a shrinking
resource base and other emerging challenges. The mode of delivery of some of the services had to
be adjusted in some cases to ensure that citizens continue to be served efficiently and effectively
over the plan period. This chapter highlights the performance of the Commission in the de livery
of its mandate in the financial year 2022/2023.
Establishment and abolition of offices in the Public Service is one the core mandates of the
Commission. The function entails setting up of institutions in the Public Service in accordance with
the mandates spelt out in respective legal and policy instruments. The Commission established and
re-organized numerous offices in the Service as guided in the Executive Order No. 1 of October
2022 and the Executive Order No. 1 of January 2023 and enabling legislation. The outcome of the
process was alignment of MDAs and State Corporations functions and processes with the national
development goals and objectives. The process also facilitated transition from the fourth to the fifth
Execution of this mandate, was guided by various legal instruments which include the Constitution
of Kenya, Public Service Commission Act of 2017, Public Service Commission Regulations of 2020,
Guidelines on Establishment and Abolitions Offices of 2016, Guidelines on Development/Review
of Organization Structures of 2016, and the Guidelines on review of the Human Resource
Instruments for State Corporations.
Establishment and abolition of offices aims at reorganization and creation of new structures for
enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in delivery of goods and services to the citizens. Specifically,
the process focuses on: Aligning MDAs/Offices/State Corporations Organization Structures with
their core mandates and objectives.; determination of optimal staffing levels; designing MDAs
taking into account the scope of transfer of functions to devolved units; establishing appropriate
staff ratios between the cadres in technical and shared services ; leveraging technology in service
delivery. In the 2022/2023 Financial Year, the Commission reviewed and re -organized the
structures and staff establishments in 24 institutions in which 9,281posts were established as shown
in Table 3-1.
MDA & State Name Office
No. of Posts
The Commission is mandated to appoint persons in public offices in line with the provisions of Article
234(2) (a) (ii) of the Constitution and Part V of the Public Service Commission Act, 2017.
Appointments were done through recruitment and selection into new positions, redesignations and
promotions. The appointments were in line with the provisions of Article 232 (1) (g) (h) and (i) of the
Constitution on fair competition and merit as the basis of appointments and promotions,
representation of Kenya’s diverse communities and affording adequate and equal opportunitie s for
appointment and advancement at all levels in the public service.
Commissioners to ensure that potential ap plicants in all parts of the country get information on
available vacancies.
3.3.2 Recruitment
Recruitment and selection is a critical mandate of the Commission which aims at matching in -post
numbers to the establishment. Ultimately, this is expected to lead to improvements in performance
and productivity in the public service. Recruitment took the form of new appointments in MDAs;
appointments in Constitutional Commissions; and appointments in Public Universities.
State Departments Female Male Total
Infrastructure 2 1 3
Interior 521 891 1412
Irrigation 1 1 2
Labour 113 117 230
Lands 1 0 1
Lands 17 13 30
Livestock 1 0 1
Livestock 1 3 4
National Treasury 3 3 6
Petroleum and Mining 8 9 17
Planning 11 17 28
Public Works 4 5 9
Sports 3 1 4
State House 2 4 6
State House 2 1 3
Tourism 5 1 6
Trade 2 4 6
Transport 1 0 1
University Education 14 12 26
Vocational and Technical Training 6 0 6
Water and Sanitation 6 9 15
Wildlife 2 1 3
Youth 2 0 2
Total 930 1,351 2,281
Figure 3-1: Appointments Representation by Gender
c) Recommendation for Appointments to Public Universities
Section 35(1)(a) (v) of the Universities Act, 2012 amended through Statute Law (Miscellaneous
Amendments) Act No. 18 of 2018, mandates the Public Service C ommission to competitively
recruit and nominate persons for appointment by the University Council to the positions of Vice
Chancellor and Deputy Vice Chancellors of public universities; and Principals and Deputy Principals
of Constituent Colleges.
Table 3-5: Vice Chancellor Positions Interviewed in Various Universities
Institution Post No. of
Karatina University Vice Chancellor 1
Pwani University Vice Chancellor 1
Kisii University Vice-Chancellor 1
University of Eldoret Vice-Chancellor 1
Machakos University Vice-Chancellor 1
South Eastern Kenya University Vice-Chancellor 1
The Technical University of Kenya Vice-Chancellor 1
University of Kabianga Vice-Chancellor 1
Alupe University Vice-Chancellor 1
Tom Mboya University Vice-Chancellor 1
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Vice-Chancellor 1
Science and Technology
Tharaka University Vice-Chancellor 1
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Vice-Chancellor 1
Total 13
Institution Post No. of
Alupe University DVC (Academics, Research and Student 1
DVC (Administration, Finance and 1
JOOUST DVC (Academics, Student Affairs and 1
DVC (Academic, Research and Student
Tharaka University 1
Kenyatta University DVC (Research, Innovation and Outreach) 1
JKUAT DVC (Research, Production and Extension) 1
Laikipia University DVC (Administration, Finance and Planning) 1
DVC (Academic, Research and Student
Affairs) 1
Total 18
3.2.3 Promotions
During the period, 10,051 Officers in State Departments were promoted to various positions in
different cadres. Of these, 3,008 (30%) were female, 7,043 (70%) were male. Six PWDs were
promoted over the period (Table 3-7).
State Departments Female Male Total
Housing and Urban Development 2 4 6
ICT & Innovation 10 17 27
Immigration 8 8 16
Industry 2 4 6
Infrastructure 5 14 19
Interior & National Administration 20 29 49
Interior and National Administration 31 71 102
Labour 69 131 200
Lands 3 18 21
Livestock 5 8 13
Mining 1 3 4
National Treasury 9 17 26
Office of the Deputy President 2 0 2
Petroleum 8 59 67
Prisons 826 3,337 4,163
Public Service 4 5 9
Public Works 4 13 17
Regional Development 7 2 9
Roads 16 21 37
Shipping 2 1 3
Social Protection 35 51 86
Sports 3 1 4
State House 12 14 26
The National Treasury 0 1 1
Tourism 1 1 2
Trade 11 39 50
Transport 2 1 3
Treasury 72 128 200
Vocational and Technical Training 1,605 2,710 4,315
Water and Sanitation 2 9 11
Wildlife 2 4 6
Youth Affairs 0 1 1
Total 3,008 7,043 10,051
Out of the total promotions, 3,008 (30%) were female, 7,043 (70%) were male as shown on Figure
Figure 3-2:Promotions by Gender Representation
3.4.1 Processing and Determination of Discipline Cases
The Commission received 319 cases from various MDAs; out of which 180 cases were determined
as shown in Table 3-8.
In an effort to create awareness and streamline processing of discipline cases, the Commission
reviewed and disseminated the Discipline Manual for the Public Service, for use by MDAs. In
addition, the Commission sensitized four MDAs on disciplinary process as spelt out in the PSC
Regulations 2020 for officers in the public service and issued an advisory on entitlement to terminal
benefits. Further, the Commission heard and determined a total of twenty -six (26) cases in
accordance with the Fair Administrative Action Act, 2015.
were resolved; while 54 cases were ongoing by the end of the review period, translating to 39% and
61% respectively (Table 3-9).
Litigations arise when the general members of the public or public servants who are dissatisfied with
the process the Commission used when exercising its Constitutional mandate, go seek redress in a
court of law. During the 2022/2023 financial year, the number of cases filed against the Commission
were 99, while 42 Judgments/Rulings were delivered. The cases emanated from the exercise of
disciplinary control, county appeals, establishment of offices, and the exercise of the Commission’s
constitutional mandate.
retirement under the ‘50 Year’ Rule, attainment of mandatory retirement age, medical grounds and
abolition/re-organization of office. During the period under review, 3,005 officers exited the service
Table 3-10: Exits in MDAs by Type
State Department
Age Grounds
50 Year Rule
Transfer of
End of
ASALs 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 7
Attorney General and
Department of Justice 2 45 0 0 0 0 0 47
Basic Education 0 183 0 0 0 0 0 183
Broadcasting and
Telecommunications 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 7
Cabinet 0 15 1 0 0 0 0 16
Cooperatives 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 8
Correctional Services 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 20
Crop Development 4 86 8 0 0 0 0 98
Culture & Heritage 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9
Defence 4 74 3 0 0 0 0 81
Devolution 4 7 0 0 0 0 0 11
EAC 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5
Economic Planning 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 11
Energy 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 14
Environment 0 33 1 0 0 0 0 34
Fisheries, A&B Economy 0 42 4 0 0 0 0 46
Foreign Affairs 0 23 5 0 0 9 0 37
Gender Affairs 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 9
Higher Education 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Housing 1 39 6 0 0 0 0 46
ICT 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3
Immigration 1 33 12 0 0 0 1 47
Industrialization 0 9 2 0 0 0 0 11
Infrastructure 0 45 0 0 0 0 1 46
Irrigation 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 20
Kenya Prisons 50 156 84 6 132 1 8 437
Labour 1 35 2 0 0 7 3 48
Lands 1 47 7 1 0 0 0 56
State Department
Age Grounds
50 Year Rule
Transfer of
End of
Livestock 1 270 11 0 1 0 0 283
Mining 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
National Treasury 2 106 2 0 0 0 0 110
Office of the Deputy President 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 6
Petroleum 0 19 4 0 0 0 0 23
Public Service 0 6 0 0 0 2 0 8
Public Works 0 125 11 0 0 0 0 136
Regional Development 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 14
Social Protection 0 52 6 16 0 0 3 77
Sports 3 8 0 0 0 0 0 11
State House 0 8 8 0 0 21 2 39
Trade 0 15 2 0 0 0 0 17
Transport 0 5 2 0 0 2 0 9
University Education 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5
Vocational and Tech . Training 1 81 3 0 0 0 0 85
Water 1 41 0 0 0 0 0 42
Wildlife 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3
Youth 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6
Interior and Admin. Services 6 754 10 1 0 0 0 771
Shipping & Maritime 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 84 2,506 198 24 133 42 18 3,005
Article 234 (2)(c) mandates the Commission to promote the values and principles in Articles 10 and
232 of the Constitution throughout the public service. The national values and principles of
governance in Article 10 bind all State organs, State officers, public officers and all persons
whenever they apply or interpret the Constitution; enact, apply or interpret a ny law; or make or
implement public policy decisions. Under Article 232, the Values and Principles of public service
apply to public service in all state organs in both levels of government; and all state corporations.
They aim at entrenching high standards of professionalism in the public service.
National Values and Principles of Governance provide the basis for judgement about what is
important for a country to succeed in its development. They are key in promoting productivity and
fostering unity, stability and national identity. Effective public management also requires that public
service delivery is conducted within a framework guided by clear values and principles transformed
into actions.
(ix) Enhanced service delivery improvement in the public service through enhancement of
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and other innovations in service
delivery; migration of business processes to e -government; utilization of social media
platforms for service delivery; publishing and publicizing of client service charters;
automation of public services; translation and transcription of documents;
implementation of excellence and award schemes; and collaboration and partnerships with
county governments; and
(x) Undertook evaluation on compliance with constitutional requirements regarding annual
reports on values and principles and general compliance with existing legislation, policies
and regulations.
President William Ruto addressing dignitaries and other guests during the Commissioning of Cohort V Interns and
Launch of the 2021-2022 Values Report at KICC, Nairobi, on 31st March, 2023.
good governance, transparency and accountability; performance management; equitable allocation
of opportunities and resources; public participation in policy-making; and efficiency, effectiveness
and economic use of resources and sustainable development. Unlike previously, the Commission
reached out to the citizens, as the primary consumers of public services, t o provide feedback on
their levels of satisfaction with the services offered by the public service.
The overall compliance level of 42% was an improvement of 2% from the previous year. This
points at the need for government -wide deepening of mainstreaming of the values and principles
in service delivery. Thereafter, the report was submitted to the President and Parliament in
December 2022 in compliance with Article 234(2)(h) and Section 64 of PSC Act 2017. The report
findings were also disseminated to MDAs and appropriate guidelines provided for the
implementation of the report recommendations.
The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) function evaluates the implementation of the delegated
authority to ensure compliance with applicable legislation, policies and guidelines. The
Commission undertook the following activities:
a) Quarterly M&E in all State Departments that include recommendations on:
i). Implementation of an average of 96% of PSC and 78% MHRMAC decisions at the end
of a reporting quarter.
ii). Confirmation in appointment of officers whose probationary service period of 6 months
had lapsed within the reporting quarter.
b) Annual compliance audits in all the State Departments to ascertain implementations of PSC
decisions and the delegation instrument as per the laid down rules and regulations.
c) Audited the recruitment process under delegated authority in State Departments to ensure
compliance with the existing legislations and guidelines.
d) Payroll audits in three State Departments to assess whether salary and allowances paid to
employees as well as deductions recovered from their gross pay, payment exceptions, and tax
exemptions are p rocessed in compliance with the existing legal regulatory framework and
other administrative guidelines
Article 234 (2) (d) mandates the Commission to investigate, monitor and evaluate the organization,
administration and personnel practices of the public service. In line with this function, the
Commission carried out investigations in various institutions in the Service. Further, the
Commission in compliance with orders issued by the Employment and Labour Relations Court:
a) Communication Authority of Kenya (CAK):
Article 234(2) (e) of the Constitution and Section 62 of the Public Service Commission Act, 2017,
confers upon the Commission a critical oversight function of ensuring that the Public Service is
effective and efficient. Pursuant to this Function, the Commission has: implemented various
performance management approaches; worked in concert with other agencies of government to re-
institutionalize capability and effectiveness of service delivery to ensure that organizations are fit for
purpose and outcomes are desirable by citizens; offered technical support to agencies and developed
human resource strategies that ensure that the Public Service is citizen-centric.
identifying and implementing programs and services that will meet those needs; ensuring that
policies, strategies, and services are aligned; supporting accountability, both within the organization
and to the public; and encouraging citizens get involved in the government’s decision -making
processes. The Commission has adapted various performance management tools and is
implementing legislation intended to improve service delivery, enhance accountability for results
and clarify roles and responsibilities of agencies and individuals as follows:
The Commission developed a concept note on Integrating Performance Management in the Public
Service. This is intended to so lve the challenges of defragmentation in performance management
disciplines, processes, systems, tools, people, organizational constructs, enabling technology and
information flow. The need for integration has further been exacerbated by the inconsistencie s
between the relevant legislations and policies. Therefore, to accelerate the realization of the desired
performance management outcome in public service, it is critical that an Integrated Performance
Management (IPM) approach be implemented. This integration seeks to: Harmonize all
performance management policies across the public service; Align current pieces of legislation and
regulations anchoring performance management; Provide government wide framework for
standardization of performance management measurements, evaluation and reporting; Establish an
institutional framework and structure for the effective coordination of performance management
function in the public service; and integrate performance management systems in the public service.
The Citizen Service Delivery Charter (CSDC) is a performance management tool that the
Commission is in the process of finalizing its development. It is a response to the quest for
delivering quality services to the citizens. The proposed CSDC will help reinvigorate the contract
between citizens and the government as it will outline the services offered by the government,
service standards that underpin those services and clarify the level of public services citizens can
expect. It will also set out the commitment to provide timely and effective service to the citizens.
The Commission has reviewed institutional service charters from various public organizations to
identify gaps and propose interventions for effective implementati on. The review revealed lack of
coherence, consistency and standardization in terms of lead time in service delivery and user charges.
The CSDC will prescribe minimum service delivery standards which will be used as a yardstick to
determine citizen service delivery satisfaction levels. The Charter will act as an accountability tool
that will contribute towards an efficient and effective Public Service.
The Commission developed draft guidelines on Service Delivery Standards aimed at infusing sector-
wide uniformity and consistency in the way public organizations deliver services to citizens and
agencies. The guidelines will: Provide a mechanism for addressing the disconnect between citizen
expectations and the qu ality of public services; Facilitate institutions to develop service delivery
standards that meets the constitutional threshold; Provide a step -by-step procedure for the
development of service delivery standards; Spur service-wide uptake of service delivery standards;
Establish a regulatory compliance oversight mechanism for service delivery standards; and Outline
a formal mechanism for designing and undertaking monitoring and evaluation and reporting on
service delivery standards by public organizations.
The Commission in collaboration with the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary reviewed the
guidelines on Performance Contracting for the year 2023/2024 (19th cycle). This is a Performance
Management tool to guide development of Contracts by MDAs. The guid elines incorporate key
aspects necessary in identification of performance indicators and targets within government
i). The Commission issued a Circular to Authorized Officers and directed them to undertake an
audit of academic and professional certificates of all officers appointed in the preceding ten
years in Ministries, Departments and Agencies including State Corporations. The purpose
of the exercise was to ascertain that certificates held by officers employed in these
institutions were authentic and legally obtained. The institutions were also directed to
continuously validate academic and profess ional certificates prior to appointments and
promotions and file the same through the Compliance and Quality Assurance quarterly
(M&E) and Annual reports to the Commission.
ii). The Commission also issued a Circular to Public and Private Universities, as well as
Polytechnics and Technical Training Institutes to submit; lists of graduands in the last ten
years for use in validating certificates; lists of graduands in the preceding academic year and
provide access and credentials for online verification of prospective candidates academic
and professional certifications.
Section 37 (4)(e) of the PSC Act 2017 stipulates that remuneration should reflect the salary and
allowances appreciable to filling of vacancies. The Commission continued to receive requests
for retention of higher salaries following appointment of officers to positions with lower
remuneration than previously earned. To address the challenge of determining the requests in
an objective and harmonious manner, the Commission issued a circular to guide and clarify
circumstances under which requests for retention of salaries ‘personal to self ’ would be granted.
The Commission issued a Circular on the requirementson nominations and approval of training.
The circular provided guidelines on identification, nomination and sponsorship for training of
public officers. The circular further clarified on use of certificates obtained through training
without formal approval for training.
The Commission issued a revised guide on handling disciplinary cases in the public service. The
review was necessitated by the need to incorporate the provision of the Public Service
Commission Act 2017 and Public Service Commission Regulations 2020. The objective of the
Manual is to guide and ensure consistency in the discharge of disciplinary control in the Service.
Review of Terms and Conditions of Service entails initiation for review; receipt and analysis of
requests in relation to existing terms and in compliance with applicable legislations and policies.
During the year in review, the Commission undertook the following related activities:
i). Initiated review of Remuneration and Benefits for the position of Chief Administrative
Secretary to SRC;
ii). Collaborated with SRC in undertaking a Job Evaluation exercise for the role of Chief
Administrative Secretary (CAS) and the attendant remuneration structure; and
iii). Contributed to the review of specific allowances in the service by the SRC.
The Commission provided technical support to agencies at both country and Continental levels on
various Human Resource issues touching onits mandate. The main areas of support were on human
resource management policies and procedures, organization design and development, career design,
recruitment and selection, terms and conditions of service, performance management, values and
principles of public service, among other areas. This support was undertaken through peer learning
on mandate innovations, leveraging on technologies, round table discussions and on -site training.
Technical support was provided to MDAs, County Governments and delega tions within Africa as
The Commission provided technical support to MDAs and County Governments on various
Human Resource issues touching on their mandates. The main objective of these interventions is
to ensure t hat counties and other public institutions have adequate capacity to manage their
employees and institutions within uniform norms and standards, as envisaged applicable legislation.
Table 3-11 provides a breakdown of institutions and the nature of technical support provided.
Support Provided Institution/County
Support Provided Institution/County
· Communication (KIMC)
· Kenya Vision 2030
· Konza Metropolis
· Mathari Teaching and Referral
· National Council for Persons with
· Disabilities
· National Council for Population
and Development
• Performance Management; and Development of Strategic Kenya University & Colleges Central
Plan Placement Services (KUCCPS)
• Executive Recruitments Kenya Tourism Board
• Performance Management Nakuru County Executive
3.10 Development of Human Resources
Human Resource Development (HRD) is a crucial aspect of public service which is the development
and nurturing of the skills, knowledge, and abilities of public servants to improve their performance
and productivity. The mandate of developing human resources in the public service is provided for
in Article 234 (2) (h) of the Constitution and operationalized through Section 56 of the Public
Service Commission Act, 2017. Training and development programmes are designed to improve
Human Resource M anagement practices which will enhance employee performance, boost
productivity, reduce turnover and generally improve organizational culture. In the execution of this
function, the Commission has formulated and implemented two major human resource
development strategies namely: Skills Development in the Public Service and the Public Service
Internship Programme (PSIP).
The proficiency examination is for Clerical Officers working in Ministries, Departments and
Agencies who are at the entry level. In the year in review, 956 candidates registered for the
examination held in September 2022. Out of the total number of registered candidates 805
passed, 137 were referred, while 14 candidates did not show up for the examination.
is funded by the Government of Kenya through the National Treasury with an annual allocation of
Ksh. 1 billion to cater for the interns’ monthly stipend. The rate of stipend during the year in review
was Ksh. 25,000 per month, subject to statutory deductions.
At the end of the reporting year, the programme ha s benefitted over 15,000 youths. In the
2022/2023 financial year, the Commission appointed 3,902 under cohort 5, from all the 290
constituencies in the country and deployed them to over two hundred and fifty (250) MDAs. The
Commission organized and conduct ed an induction programme for the interns, after which they
were commissioned to join the MDAs at a ceremony presided over by His Excellency the President,
Dr. William Ruto, on 31st March, 2023.
(R-L) President William Ruto, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and the
Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Public Service, Gender and Affirmative Action Aisha Jumwa following proceedings during the
Commissioning of interns under the Public Service Internship Programme Cohort V and Launch of 2021-22 Values
Report at KICC on 31st March, 2023
President William Ruto, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and the
Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Public Service, Gender and Affirmative Action, PSC Cha irperson, CEO, and
Commissioners in a group photo during the launch of the values reportat KICC on 31st March, 2023
PSC choir performs during the State function at the KICC COMESA grounds on 31 March 2023 during the
Presidential launch of PublicService Internship Programme Cohort V and 2021-22 Report at KICC on 31st March,
3.10.4 Capacity Building for PSIP Mentors and Coaches
During internship, the interns are assigned mentors and coaches to ensure that they are appropriately
guided to ena ble them to take responsibility for their own learning, self -management and
development in order to work towards achieving their full potential. These mentors and coaches
are drawn from the institutions that host the interns, and the Commission has a respo nsibility to
equip them with the necessary skills, knowledge and attitude to embrace and guide the mentees. In
the year under review, the Commission trained over 200 line managers from the MDAs on coaching
and mentorship, as part of its capacity building s trategy for deepening and institutionalizing the
internship programme. The number of officers trained was in addition to 380 others trained in the
previous financial year.
The programme has had a tangible impact on the youths who, resulting from the skills and the
experience gained, are able to competitively secure formal employment both in private and public
institutions. Others have gone into the national leadership space at fairly high levels. The
programme also enables the public service to build on human resource capacity and utilize the
talents, creativity and innovation brought by the youths into the service thus leading to efficient and
effective service delivery to the public.
PSC Chairman Amb. Anthony Muchiri addressing mentors during the opening of the second cohort of mentorship
training at the Pride-Inn Hotel, Machakos county
PSC Vice Chairperson Charity Kisotu presents a certificate to one of the participants of the PSIP mentors and
coaches training at the Pride-Inn Hotel, Machakos. Looking on is Deputy Director HRMD, PSIP, Simon Mwangi
Deputy Director, Human Resource Mgt & Development, PSIP, Mr. Simon Mwangi addressing participants during
the Phase II Capacity Building for Mentors and Coaches in Ministries, Departments and Agencies at the Pride-Inn
Hotel, Machakos County
Deputy Director Ethics & Governance, Mr Wesley Kipng’etich presents a paper on “Values, Ethics and policy framework on
Mentoring and Coaching” at the Pride-Inn Hotel, Machakos County
The programme has transformed teaching and learning through integrating technology in the
learning environment, preparation of schemes of work, provision of class support and training of
primary school teachers in use of digital literacy devices like the PSIP programme, the DLP has
assisted in youth employment and empowerment, networking and exposure to the job market, as
well as gaining skill the programme.
Programme is implemented by ICT Authority on behalf of the Ministry of Information
Communication Technology and provides internship to ICT graduates or Engineering for a period
of one year.
The Programme is implemented through collaboration with the private sector under the Public
Private Partnership (PPP), where the government teams up with the private sector to provide
training and certification, on the job coaching and mentorship and in the development of
innovations that are geared towards scaling up service delivery. Thus, the trainees are given
opportunities in both the public and privat e sector, to practice ICT skills, learn to manage ICT
related projects and gain experience. Over the years the program has had a tangible impact on
several youths and in support for service delivery.
The First cohort of 51 Fellows under the PSELF programme graduated on 21st April 2023 after a
year of rigorous training and practical work. The second Cohort of 65 PSELF fellows from 46
counties were competitively recruited in April, 2023.
PSELF Cohort II fellows pause for a group photo during an excursion at Titi Ndogo check point of Mount Kenya
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi issuing Graduation Certificate to Ms Sharon Chepkirui during the First
Graduation Ceremony of the Inaugural Cohort of the Public Service Emerging Leaders Fellowship (PSELF) - 9th June
2023, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi
Graduands following proceedings during the First Graduation Ceremony of the Inaugural Cohort of the Public Servic
Emerging Leaders Fellowship (PSELF) - 9th June 2023, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi
PSC CEO Dr Simon Rotich welcomes the Prime Cabinet Secretary as Vice Chairperson Charity Kisotu looks on
during the First Graduation Ceremony of the Inaugural Cohort of the Public Service Emerging Leaders Fellowship
(PSELF) - 9th June 2023, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi
Commissioner Mary Mwiandi welcome s the Prime Cabinet Secretary as CEO Dr Simon Rotich looks on during the First
Graduation Ceremony of the Inaugural Cohort of the Public Service Emerging Leaders Fellowship (PSELF)- 9th June 2023,
Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi
Director Performance Mana gement and Service Delivery Transformation making a presentation during the final
segment of PSELF at the Methodist Resort and Conference Centre, Nairobi from 14 November 2022
3.11. County Government Public Service Appeals
The Constitution under Article 234(2)(i) mandates the Commission to hear and determine appeals
from County Government Public Service. The PSC Act (2017) Section 85, 86, 87, 88 and 89
provides the mechanisms and processes used by the Commission in the discharge of this mandate.
Further, the PSC (County Appeals Procedures) Regulations, 2022 provides the procedures of
handling the appeals. In the financial year under review, the Commission heard and determined
257 appeals out of the 418 new and pending cases from the previous financial year. In addition, the
Commission heard and determined all the 15 applications for review received.
The Public Officer Ethics Act (POEA), 2003 makes it a mandatory requirement for public officers
to make financial disclosures of themselves, their spouse(s) and dependent children. The
administration of wealth declarations is regulated under Legal Notice No. 53 of 8th April 2016 which
provides for procedures for the declaration of income, assets and liabilities. Public officers are
required to uphold the values of good governance, accountability, transparency and integrity
Public officers are also required to submit initial declarations within 30 days of an appointment,
every two years from 1st November, of the declaration year and final declarations within 30 days of
exiting the service. The declaration of income, assets and liabilities is an overt statement by a public
official to be accountable for the management of public resources placed under their charge while
in service. It is a tool which is used by agencies investigating corruption in instances where a public
officer’s net-worth is disproportionate to the earnings.
The Public Service Commission administrative procedures for declaration of income, assets and
liabilities, requires that the Authorized Officer institute disciplinary action against officers who do
not submit their declarations within the stipulated timelines. The current reporting period was not
a biennial declaration period. However, there were 981 initial declarations, 506 final declarations and
33 declaration records were retrieved to various government investigation agents.
3.13 Stakeholder Relations
The role of stakeholders is critical to the fulfillment of the Commission’s mandate. Over the years,
the Commission has continued to establish, maintain and deepen mutual relations with its
stakeholders and sought to satisfy their expectations in relation to its mandate.
The Public Service Commission’s Strategic Plan 2019– 2024 and the Communication and Branding
Strategy 2020 – 2024 outlines who the Commission’s stakeholders are and indicates the significance
of the relationship in the realization of the Commission’s vision and mission.
In a bid to maintain mutual working relation s with its broad stakeholder family, the Commission
conducted sensitization workshops, advocacy and outreach activities, leading to increased
awareness, visibility and buy -in for its programmes. The activities were carried out under various
categories, namely exhibitions and symposia, media relations and publicity, sensitization workshops,
benchmarking and peer learning, and feedback management.
The fiscal year 2022/23 was a critical one for the Commission in regard, to transitioning the
public se rvice from the previous administration and aligning the public service to the
transformation agenda of the new Kenya Kwanza Government. Through the media and other
channels, the Commission ensured transparency in dealing with issues of high public interest
through clear and timely communication, as required under the Access to Information Act and
the PSC Act, thereby fostering a stronger connection between the Commission and the public.
During this period, the Commission received considerable media attention with major print and
electronic media outlets giving it prominence in their coverage. Out of the 108 media channels,
coverage on digital platforms stood at 44%, television stations at 31% while print media were
third with 26%. In summary, the Commission mandate and main activities were mostly covered
by digital media platforms in the year 2022/23.
The notable Commission activities that attracted wide public interest and media coverage were
the recruitment exercise for the Principal Secretaries; Recrui tment of Chief Administrative
Secretaries; Recruitment of interns under the Public Service Internship Programme (PSIP);
Presidential Launch of the 2021-2022 Status of Compliance with the Values and Principles of
Articles 10 and 232 of the Constitution and commissioning of the 5th Cohort of interns under
the Public Service Internship Programme; and Inauguration of the Selection Panel for
recruitment of candidates for appointment as Director of Public Prosecution.
Commission-related social media content reached 7.2 million users across Twitter and Facebook
with a total of 199 posts made on the two platforms. The posts attracted 14,145 comments and
reactions, out of which 7,593 (54%) were from users expressing their dissatisfaction with the
commission services. On the other hand, 6560 of the comments (46%) were general and they
included compliments and issues unrelated to the posts. The major issues raised were in the
following categories; Jobs/Applications: 2,815 (20%), Public Service Internship Programme 2,928
(21%), Technical Issues: 1,851 comments (13.0%).
a) Facebook
The Commission made a total of 106 posts on its Facebook Page, Public Service Commission of
Kenya, during the year. With a cumulative reach of 507,518 users, a 15% increase compared to
the previous financial year. In total, the posts attracted 10,247 comments/reactions.
b) Twitter
The PSC twitter account, @PSCKenya, stood out as the platform that reached out to a larger
number of users compared to the Commission's Facebook page during the 2022/23 fiscal year.
The twitter account reached 6.7 million users according to the Twitter Analytics report.
The complaints were largely on the following issues: Appeals; Interviews; Jobs (Applications,
Appointments, Deployment); Re -designations and Servi ce Transfers; Promotions; Internship;
Proficiency Examinations; Retirement; Technical Challenges; and follow up on unresolved
issues that have taken beyond the 14 -day stipulated period in law. The Commission addressed
729 of the issues raised conclusively while 12 cases are in the process of being resolved.
b. Newsletter
The Commission publishes a periodic e -newsletter - P S C N e w s, t o e n h a n c e i n t e r n a l
communication and information sharing. The newsletter is circulated to the PSC commission
board and secretariat and other stakeholders. During the year, the Commission published and
circulated seven editions of the e-newsletter.
4.1 Introduction
The Commission's capacity and capability is crucial for fulfilling its mandate and delivering services
in the public service. The capacity impacts directly on its ability to deliver quality services promptly,
and thus the need for a skilled and well-trained staff. By nurturing competent staff, the Commission
can deliver high -quality services, ultimately enhancing its reputation and building trust among
citizens. In line with the 3rd year of the Strategic Plan 2019 -2024, the Commission implemented
various initiatives aimed at improving internal capacity to deliver on its mandate.
The Commission strengthened its internal capacity through optimizing existing human resources,
secondment of officers from other MDAs,recruitment, promotion and engagement of staff on local
agreement terms in order to carry out its mandate effectively. Additionally, the Commission
implemented various training and capacity building programs to ensure its staff are skilled and well
trained in order to improve their performance and productivity
4.2.1 Staffing
As at 30 th June, 2023, the Commission had an In -Post of 245 officers constituting 56% of the
authorized establishment of 434. Of the 245 staff, 48% were female and 52% were male. Pe rsons
With Disabilities constituted 3%. The distribution of staff by designation, salary scale, and gender is
shown in Table 4-1.
Designation Salary Number Gender Proportions
Male % Female %
Deputy Director 7 21 17 81.0 4 19.0
The age distribution of the Commission staff indicates that 109 officers were aged 50
years and above, accounting for 44% of the Commission’s workforce. Staff between the
ages of 40 and 49 made up 33%, while those below 40 years old constituted 23%. In
terms of gender distribution, male officers accounted for 128 (53%), while female
officers made up 117(47%). The distribution of staff by age and gender is presented in
Table 4-2.
b) Appointments
To enhance staffing levels, the Commission appointed a total of 14 officers across different cadres
to fill vacant positions resulting from natural attrition and other forms of exit. The details of those
appointed at the Commission are presented in Table 4-3.
c) Promotions
To address succession gaps and motivate staff, the Commission promoted two officers. Specifically,
one officer was promoted from the position of Clerical Officer to Senior Clerical Officer, PSC Scale
3, while one officer was promoted from Support Staff to Senior Support Staff, PSC Scale 2.
d) Secondment
In the public service, two types of secondments can occur. An organization can either send its staff
out or receive from other public organizations. When they receive, this can be termed as inward
secondment and when they send it can be termed as outward secondment. Through staff
secondment, employees have the opportunity to temporarily work in different institutions in the
public service. This allows officers to gain new skills, broaden their perspectives, develop a deeper
understanding of different areas of work and provide them with valuable learning experiences.
Inward secondment: In the review period, the Commission received eight officers
from MDAs under this arrangement as indicated in Table 4-4.
Table 4-4: Officers on Secondment to the Commission
PSC Designation MDA Seconded From No. of Officers Gender
Scale Female Male
PSC 3 Senior Clerical Officer - 1 0 1
State Department for
Judicial Service 1 1 0
PSC 4 Senior Management Analysts Labour & Skills Development 1 0 1
Outward secondment: During the period, three (3) Commission staff were on
secondment in other public organizations as indicated in Table 4-5.
Exit from the service can occur through retirement, resignation, contract termination, abolition of
office, government reorganization, death and dismissal. In the review period, eight officers exited
the Commission as shown in Table 4-6.
Total 4 4 8
The Commission leverages the skills and knowledge of officers serving under Local Agreement
Terms to enhance internal capacity, improve efficiency, and accomplish specific objectives. In the
review period, the Commission engaged 8 officers under local agreement terms, as outlined in Table
4.3 Skills Development
Commissioners and Secretariat staff attended individual trainings, group seminars, workshops, and
conferences to enhance their skills, knowledge, and competencies. Funding for these activities was
sourced from the Commission’s t raining budget and financial support from other agencies. Table
4-8 presents training activities attended by officers in the review period.
4.4 Performance Management
Performance Targets: The Commission’s annual targets were derived from the Strategic Plan 2019-2024
and emerging policy areas prioritized for implementation through the Annual Work Plan. The
targets were in line with the Commission's transformative agenda of a citizen-centric public service
delivery approach and facilitating effective delivery of public services. The targets were carried out
through four budget programs:
An analysis of the performance targets shows that out of the 235 activities planned for
implementation, 183 targets were implemented at different levels, while 52 targets were not
implemented. Specifically, 38 targets were implemented. Under the Budget Programmes of: Human
Resource Management and Development, 10 targets were fully implemented, 6 ongoing while 5
were not implemented; Governance and National Values, 27 targets were fully implemented, 8
ongoing while 12 were not implemented; Performance and Productivity Management 3 targets were
fully implemented, 3 ongoing while 1 was not implemented; and General Administration, Planning,
and Support Services 88 targets were fully implemented, 38 ongoing while 34 were not
implemented. Table 4.9 below outlines performance of targets by budget programmes.
Table 4-9: Performance of Targets by Budget Programmes
4.6.1 The World Bank
a. Governance for Enabling Service Delivery and Public Investment in Kenya (GESDEK)
Governance for Enabling Service Delivery and Public Investment in Kenya (GESDEK) is a
Programme-for-Results (PforR) co-financed by the Government of Kenya, World Bank and
French Development Agency (AFD). The objective of the programme is to ensure a public
financial system that promotes transpa rency, accountability, equity, fiscal discipline and
efficiency in the management of public resources for improved service delivery and economic
development. The Resources are coordinated by the National Treasury through the Public
Finance Management Reforms (PFMR) Secretariat.
The Commission received financial support to the tune of Kshs.18.9 million in FY 2022/23
through the GESDEK Programme in addition to GOK budget support. This supported
priority Commission activities including Development of a Standa rdized Citizen Service
Delivery Charter, Development of the Human Resource Master plan and Integration of
Performance Management in the Public Service.
structures; and implementing the county integrated performance management framework.
This KRA will also support insti tutionalization of environmental and social safeguards
functions; leadership, and governance training for senior county officials; and TA, and
capacity building.
PSC’s Finance, Planning and Resource Mobilization Director Njoroge Maina (right) explains a point to the EU
team John Mungeri and Alexandre Boron, left and second left respectively.
4.6.4 The Commonwealth
With the support of the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation (CFTC), the Commission
benefitted from a Leadership Development Training Programme for the Commission Board. The
training was held at Sarova Woodlands Hotel in Nakuru from 27 th to 30th June 2023. The objectives
of the programme were to enable the Commissioners to: Reflect on leadership, understand how to
lead so as to enhance people's performance and support them to navigate through shocks, change
and disruption; Help build broader strategic mi ndset, improve innovation and performance, and
ensure resilience and sustainability; Take a holistic approach to ethical values and to institutionalize
integrity in the management and decision-making in the public service; and Strengthen all aspects of
corporate governance.
In addition, the Commission engaged the Commonwealth for further technical assistance in offering
a similar leadership development programme to the 65 fellows under Cohort 2 of the Public Service
Emerging Leaders Fellowship (PSELF) p rogramme. Other areas of technical assistance under
consideration by the Commonwealth include an exchange programme arrangement, and a learning
development programme for the Commission Board in the UK.
Collaboratively co-create to optimize and promote the use of Mozilla’s Firefox mobile Browser for
E-Citizen services; Collaboratively develop and adopt digital training and competency on privacy and
security e.g., lean data framework, data governance, and cybersecurity; Collaborate/co -create on
automation of the wealth declaration process; Co -create on the Commission’s online interview
process, and Capacity building of the Commission’s ICT team on Mozilla open-source products, and
any other technological innovations that would improve the Commission’s public service delivery.
In addition, Mozilla Corporation agreed to support the Commission in the development of a new
website. This project is ongoing and is expected to be completed and commissioned during the first
six months of 2023/24 financial year.
4.6.6 South Korea and Malaysia Cooperation
The Commission undertook study visits to South Korea and Malay sia to explore opportunities for
collaboration and networking with relevant institutions and identify processes in public service
management which can be adopted in the Kenyan context. During this Mission, the Commission
sought to establish cooperation with various institutes in public sector leadership development and
education, training, academic research and public sector human resource development. It was
proposed that the Commission undertake a closer and more detailed study of the recruitment system
and Malaysian New Performance Management System with a view to adapting and implementing a
similar system in Kenya. It was also proposed that the Commission finalize and sign MOUs with
relevant institutions which is critical in ensuring that the Commission benefits from the abundant
resources and the rich experience of the two countries.
Commissioners Dr. Joyce Nyabuti and Amb. Salma Ahmed with Kenya’s Ambassador to Republic of South Korea
Mwinzi Mwende (centre) in her office in Seoul when they paid her a courtesy call during the Commission’s
benchmarking tour on public sector management and performance improvement initiatives
PSC Commissioners Amb. Salma Ahmed and Dr Joyce Nyabuti (3rd and 4th from right respectively) together with
senior PSC secretari at staff pose for a photo with officials from the Department for Public Service Management,
Putrajaya, Malaysia
April 2023 during which possible areas of partnership and cooperation were explored. The
Commission identified appropriate programmes offered by the Singap ore Cooperation
Programme for the commissioners and staff. The programmes include Innovations in
Governance and Strategic Leadership and Public Governance. The programme is scheduled
to commence in FY 2023/2024.
Left- PSC Chairperson Amb. Anthony Muchiri exchanging business cards with the Deputy Secretary, Asia-Pacific, Mr. NG
Teck Hean at the Commission House, Nairobi
Construction of additional office space on the fifth floor of the Old Commission Building was
completed during the year in order to address the shortage of office accommodation. This has
partially helped to decongest the existing offices and provide working space for new staff. The new
office floor has 16 adequately furnished offices that are o ccupied by 30 officers providing three
service categories namely administration, EMCS, PM&SDT, and the Citizens Service Delivery
Contact Centre. More office space is still required to accommodate new officers considering the
expanded mandate of the Commis sion that now includes recruitment for universities top
management and also TVET institutions.
a) Research Policy and Strategy was developed to guide research activities at the Commission.
The policy guides and defines research standards and procedures for collecting, retaining,
securing, and sharing research data at the Commission for the purposes of service
b) Employee Satisfaction Survey (ESS) was conducted so as to gauge the effectiveness of the
interventions on staff satisfaction levels.
c) Conducted phase II evaluation of the three human resource policies namely;
Decentralization of Human Resource Functions, May 2014; Human Resource Planning and
Succession Management Strategy for the Public Service, May 2017; and Performance
Rewards & Sanctions Framework for the Public Service, May 2016. The review
documented the process of key policy areas in human resource management, and provided
recommendations. It broadly identified challenges, limitations and successes encountered
in the implementation of the policies.
d) conducted a citizen satisfaction survey with the aim of assessing the level of citizen
satisfaction with service delivery.
e) Developed a Stakeholder matrix which mapped out key institutions that could support the
Commission’s research initiatives. It provides opportunities to institutions to leverage other
players in delivering on their mandate. The mapping and identification of institutions has
enabled the unit to have a list of partners to engage with whenever need for consultations
4.9 Information and Communication Technology
The Commission undertook various interventions to improve the internal business processes and
service delivery efficiency through ICT integration. Specifically, the following activities were
5.1 Introduction
Allocation of Commission funds was guided by its 2022/23 Corporate Work plan which derives
its activities and targeted outputs from the PSC Strategic Plan 2019 -24. The financial state ment
serves a critical accountability purpose in outlining how the Commission applied its institutional
means to programmes and activities, establishes the overall efficiency in budget utilization, and
makes proposals for the subsequent budget cycles.
The Commission was allocated Ksh. 2.48 billion broken down to Ksh 2.45 billion for Recurrent
and Ksh 26.3 million for Development Estimates in the 2022/23 financial year. This allocation
translates to a budgetincrement of Ksh.87.29 million when compared to the FY 2021/22 allocation
of Ksh.2.39billion. The Recurrent budget allocation constituted 99 per cent of overall Commission
funding. Personnel Emoluments (PE) budget of Ksh.1.77 billion constituted 71% of t he total
budget comprising Ksh.895 million for Commission staff and Ksh 922 million for PSIP stipend.
The remaining allocation of Ksh.456 million (18%) was earmarked for core Commission mandate
programmes. The Commission Development budget of Ksh 26.3 mill ion (1%) was entirely
allocated to construction of additional offices on the rooftop, 5th floor, of the old Commission
building to address inadequate office accommodation. Instances of negative growth in budget
estimates are a result of budget cuts under a usterity measures which explains the Commission’s
need for improvements to budget allocation. The FYs 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 comparative
budget allocations are presented in Table 5-1.
Table 5-1: Comparative Budget Allocation by Economic Classification for FYs 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 (Ksh
Budget Item Approved Baseline Estimates Variance/
Estimates FY FY 2022/2023 Growth
GROSS RECURRENT 2,372.17 2452.46 80.29
AIA -1.00 -18.00 -17.00
Net Recurrent 2,371.17 2434.46 63.29
Compensation to Employees (PE):
1,809.70 -39.15
PSC Secretariat (Including Pension &
809.70 894.66 84.96
PSIP (Interns stipend) 1,000.00 922.12 -77.88
At the start of the financial year, the Commission was allocated Ksh 2.58 billion to fund 235 planned
activities in the Annual Work Plan. However, due to budget realignment, the budget was revised
downwards by Ksh 103.38 million to Ksh 2.478 billion. This budget reduction adversely affected
the implementation of 107 planned activities, of which 52 were not implemented.
From the revised approved budget of Ksh 2.478 billion, the Commission’s actual expenditure for
the period was Ksh 2.402 billion, translati ng to 97% absorption rate. The gross recurrent
expenditure was Ksh 2.452 billion, while the actual recurrent expenditure was Ksh 2.381 billion,
accounting for 97% of the allocated funds. The allocation for development expenditure was Ksh
26.30 million, whi le the actual expenditure was Ksh 20.3 million, accounting for 77% of the total
approved funds. Table 5 -2 presents a detailed analysis of the expenditure.
Table 5-2: FY 2022/23 Expenditure Analysis (Ksh Millions)
Budget Item Printed Supplementary Approved Total Balance Absorption
Estimates Estimates Estimates Payments Rate
GROSS RECURRENT 2,555.84 -103.38 2,452.46 2,381.81 70.65 97%
A-I-A -1.00 -17.00 -18.00 -14.49 -3.51 80%
Net Recurrent 2,554.84 -120.38 2,434.46 2,367.32 67.14 97%
Compensation to Employees 1,868.06 -51.28 1,816.79 1,807.14 9.64 99%
PSC Secretariat (Including 868.06 26.60 894.66 894.09 0.58 100%
Pension & Gratuity)
PSIP (Interns stipend) 1,000.00 -77.88 922.12 913.06 9.06 99%
The Commission’s total recurrent and development budget absorption rates for Financial Years
2020/2021; 2021/22 and 2022/23 were 98%; 96% and 97% respectively. The absorption trend over
the years demonstrates timely implementation of planned programmes. However, the under -
absorption for development budget in FY 2022/23 was largely due to lack of exchequer provision.
The comparative budget performance for the Medium Term (2020/21 to 2022/23) by economic
classification is presented in Table 5-3.
Item Approved Allocations Actual Expenditures Absorption %
Net Recurrent 2,176.7 2,371.17 2,452.45 2,136.2 2,287.61 2,376.45 98.1 96.44 96.89
Acquisition of Non- 19.3 19.3 26.3 19.3 6.49 20.38. 100 33.6 77.49
Financial Assets
Development 19.3 19.3 26.3 19.3 6.49 20.38 100 33.6 77.49
TOTAL 2,196.0 2,391.47 2,478.75 2,155.5 2,294.10 2,396.83 98.2 96.3 96.69
The Commission continues to mobilize support to increase its resources by engaging the National
Treasury, National Assembly, through the resource bidding initiative at Sector Working Group and
development partners. The Commission enhanced implementation of its activities through the
following support initiatives:
i). The World Bank -supported Programme to strengthen Governance for Enabling Service
Delivery and Public Investment in Kenya (GESDeK) allocated the Commission Ksh 18.91
ii). Konza Technopolis Dev elopment Authority donated 2 Idea Hubs for Video Conferencing
Solutions, and 50 Desktop computers for the ICT training center as part of the Jitume
iii). The National Treasury granted the Commission an AIE of Ksh 38m, while ABSA bank
contributed Ksh. 6m to defray the costs incurred during the commissioning of Cohort 5 of
the PSIP interns and Cohort 2 under the PSELF by H.E. the President on- March 31, 2023.
iv). The Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation (CFTC) mounted a four -day
Leadership Development Training Programme for the Commission Board.
5.7 Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ended June 30, 2023
The Commission's financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, will be submitted to
the Auditor General by September 30, 2023. This is in accordance with Section 81(3) of the Public
Financial Management Act, 2012, and Section 90(2)(a) of the Public Service Commission Act, 2017.
5.8 Proposals for Subsequent Budget Cycle
Implementation of the Constitutional and legislat ive mandate of the Commission requires
commensurate funding to fully discharge these responsibilities. During the period under review, the
Commission undertook a mid-term review of its Strategic Plan (2019-2024) to align it with prevailing
realities focus ing on transformation of public service and creation of a citizen -centric service
orientation. However, implementation of the Strategic Plan has been constrained by inadequate
Consequently, the Commission continues to engage the National Treasury, National Assembly and
the Sector Working Group to bridge the funding gap. In addition, the Commission will also pursue
various funding opportunities through engagement with development partners on collaboration,
financial and technical support. As present ed in Table 5 -4, the Commission's budget allocation for
the FY 2023/2024 was Ksh 3.72 billion against a resource requirement of Ksh 4.42 billion which
represents a 16% budget deficit.
Table 5-4: Budget Allocation compared to Requirement for FY 2023/2024 (Ksh Million)
Description Surplus/
Requirement Allocation Allocation (%)
6.1 Introduction
The Commission made remarkable achievements in the discharge of its mandate during the year
under a fairly constrained resource environment. Despite the resource challenges, the Commission
played its role effectively in midwifing the transition to a new ad ministration in line with its
constitutional mandate and ensuring an uninterrupted delivery of services to the citizens.
Making the public service more efficient and effective and able to cope with emerging challenges
remains a key priority. As demonstra ted under the activities reported, the Commission's
transformation agenda seeks to address impediments to service delivery and make appropriate
adjustments to respond to the changing environment including recruitment and retention of talent.
It is expected to support modernization of the public service that requires employees to deliver
services through the most efficient and effective means to meet citizens expectations.
6.2 Achievements
a) Issued advisories on transition to the new government, covering key areas of public service
management including organizational structures, human resource and transition of staff in
the top-level offices to facilitate seamless transition
b) Successfully undertook the recruitment process for top level public service offices. These
included Principal Secretaries, Chief Administrative Secretaries, Vice Chancellors and
Principals of various universities and constituent colleges, Governor and Deputy Governor
of the Central Bank of Kenya and Chairperson EACC.
c) Provided technical support to other Constitutional Commissions and Independent Offices.
The support included provision of secretariat services to eslection panels for recruitment of
a commissioner of the National Police Service Commission, Director of Public
Prosecutions and Chairperson Commission on Revenue Allocation.
d) Recruited 2,281 officers in various Ministries/State Departments comprising of 1,
351 (59%)
males and 930 (41%) females. 13 PWDs were also considered constituting 1%.
e) Promoted 10,051 Officers in Ministries/State Departments into various positions in
different cadres. Of these, 3,008 (30%) were female, 7,043 (70%) were male and six PWDs.
f) Reviewed and re -organized structures and staff establishment in 24 institutions in which
9281 posts were established to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in delivery of goods and
g) Recruited 3,902 under PSIP and deployment to 250 institutions, t he highest since the
inception of the Program
h) In addition to 380 mentors and coaches trained in the previous year, the Commission has
trained 200 more in the period under review.
i) PSELF graduated 51 fellows and recruited the second cohort of 65 from 46 counties.
j) Hearing and determination of 257 appeals from County Government Public Services.
6.3 Challenges
In spite of these significant achievements, the Commission still faces a number of challenges which
hamper its smooth operations. These include:
Encroachment of the Commission mandate: Notwithstanding the constitutional mandate of the
Commission, due to the expansion in public service institutions, there are overlaps in the
performance of functions to the extent that some institutions are encroachi ng on the Mandate of
the Commission. This is often caused by the existence of different instruments that can be used to
assign organizations mandate and functions. These instruments include; the Constitution, Acts of
Parliament and the Executive Order.
Financial Constraints : The mandate and functions of the Commission require a significant
increase in budget support way above the current allocations.
Human Resource Constraints : human play a key role in determining the extent to which an
institution can deliver on its mandate.
Limited Office Space: Similarly, due to the limited office space, the Commission has not been able
to recruit optimum level of staffing requirement.
Diversity and inclusion limitations: Low response by PWDs, minority and marginali zed groups
to advertisements for vacancies in the public service declared by the Commission undermines the
Commission’s efforts to reach the required threshold for inclusivity.
6.4 Lessons
From the findings detailed in the report, the following lessons were drawn:
Resources for functions: Adequate financial and human resources remain critical to performance.
Substantial additional financial resources will therefore be necessary to enable the Commission
deliver on its expanding mandate that includes regulatory oversight over State Corporations.
Need for whole-of-government approach: Owing to the interlinkages in the discharge of roles and
functions of different public institutions, a whole-of-government model is important to ensuring all
parts of the system function optimally.
Incremental approach to reform and transformation : Whereas public sector reforms and
transformation programmes are ultimately self-financing, the significant amount of public resources
required for their initial implementation call for their objective prioritization, sequencing and phasing.
6.5 Recommendation
Mandate conflict resolution: With regard to overlapping mandates, the Commission proposes to
use existing mechanisms more robustly for consultations and work closely with the institutions at
the Centre of Government in a whole of government approach. This will help clarify which
institutions hold primary mandates and how functions are delivered.
Financial resource mobilization: The Commission is cognizant of the shrinking public sector
resource base within an environment of increasing demands. Whereas the Commission will continue
to lobby for more resource allocation by the National Assembly, it is intensifying its resource
mobilization activities beyond the government. The Commission is currently at various stages of
discussions with development partners with a view to seeking their support.
The Commission’s role in the establishment of strong, efficient and effective public institutions is
central to national development. In this regard, PSC remains committed to the fulfilment of this
role and the discharge of its mandate as enshrined in the Constitution to ensure efficient and effective
citizen-centric service delivery. The Commission’s effort at addressing some of its major constraints
call for working closely with core public sector actors towards solving challenges with financial
resources and overall institutional capacity for delivery. Table 6-1 outlines some of the key emerging
issues, proposes interventions and allocates responsibilities and timelines for action.
Table 6- 1:Roadmap on the Way Forward
Emerging Issue Proposed Way Forward Lead Actor/s Timelines for Action
1. Inadequate Legal provisions 1.1 Miscellaneous amendment to the PSC Chair PSC, Attorney General December 30, 2023
to enforce Commission’s Act and Regulations to strengthen
decisions, advisories and enforcement for compliance
1.2 Review of PSC Act and Regulations to April 30, 2024
explicitly provide for full scope of
December 30,2023
1.3 Fast-tracking the enactment of the
Public Service Human Resource
Management Bill which will provide
the management mechanism for
human resource in the entire public
service similar to the PFM Act
2. Encroachment of 2.1 PSC to work with relevant sector actors Office of DP, Office of PCS, December 30, 2023
Commissions Constitutional to set up a sector working group that is CS Public Service, Head of
mandate by other public responsible for review of mandate Public Service, Attorney
bodies disputes that arise in the public service, General, Chair PSC
from time -to-time, and arbitrating on
amicable resolutions. Agenda Initiator: Chair
2.2 Inter-Agency forum should have
requisite technical, legal and
Emerging Issue Proposed Way Forward Lead Actor/s Timelines for Action
administrative anchoring to ensure
3. Inadequate internal human 3.1 Commission Board has established a Chair PSC, Chair of Internal October 30, 2023
resource capacity special committee responsible for Restructuring Committee,
undertaking a review of the PSC CEO PSC
organizational structure
4. Inadequate funding of 4.1 Undertake a rapid audit of its actual Chair PSC, CEO PSC, December 30, 2023
Commission activities scope of mandate and workload levels Chairs of Parliamentary
for directorates. Committees on Labour,
Budget and Appropriation,
4.2 Restructure the Commission Finance and National
Secretariat to a fit-for-mandate Planning, Administration and
organization. Internal Security, The
National Treasury
4.3 Engage the relevant Committees of
Parliament on budget allocation
scaling to match Commission
functions. In line with the principle of
resources following functions.
Emerging Issue Proposed Way Forward Lead Actor/s Timelines for Action
5. Inadequate Office Space for 5.1 Short Term Chair PSC, CEO PSC, December 30, 2023
Directorates, Staff and The National Treasury,
Operations i. Mobilizing additional budget for Ministry of Lands
office space rentals.
ii. Renting of additional office space