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Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

An Artificer Archetype - 5e
Shape your wishes as you will, give your dream's images life. Masterpiece
What can you imagine? That is what you can create. As a Medium construct, unaligned
sculptor you can give your mind's desires palpable form and,
even better, give them purpose. Armor Class 13 + your proficiency bonus
You are a creator in every sense, a maker of life, a god in Hit Points 11 + (1d8 + 3) per artificer level after
the eyes of your creatures. Your creations are an extension of 1st.
your mind, they obey and follow. You shall never lack help in Speed 30ft.
Damage immunities psychic and poison.
the direst hours, or companions in the darkest paths. Condition immunities poison and sleep.
Sculptor Spells
A type of artist that is ready in advance? Yes, that exists. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 11 (0) 1 (-5)
prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as
shown in the Sculptor Spells table. These spells count as
artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the Actions
number of artificer spells you prepare. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 + your proficiency
to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit (1d6 + 3 + your
Sculptor Spells proficiency bonus)
Artificer level Spells
3rd earth tremor(xge), shield
5th heat metal, shatter Shapes from the Mind
9th erupting earth(xge), meld into stone As you perfect your craft, fragments of your mind can take
palpable form.
13th stoneshape, stoneskin Starting at 6th level, you learn how to sculpt tiny magic
17th animate objects, creation shapes during a short or long rest. These shapes are a
reflection of your state of mind at the time they are made.
Masterpiece You can have only one shape at any time. The shape must
As your craftsmanship evolves, its fidelity to your own be placed in a surface before it becomes active and can be
imagination becomes hightened and you perfect your art to placed in any unoccupied square within your reach as a
the point it turns into an extension of your own mind. bonus action.
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to create a masterpiece. A The sculpted shape must have one of the following traits:
sculpture so true to your mind's wishes it comes to life. Frightening: the form embodies terrible thoughts your
Crafting a masterpiece requires a creature to be built from mind keeps at bay. Perhaps a nightmare you never forgot, or a
any raw material of your preference, as long as you can give it trauma so deep it has haunted you for years. Your sculpture
form. The masterpiece is friendly to you and your becomes a beacon of dread. It can be activated as an action
companions (assuming you are friendly to yourself and and, once active, emanates a dread aura for one minute. Any
companions) and lasts until you create another one or until it enemy who starts its turn at (or enters) a 30ft radius from the
is destroyed. figure must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw or become
In combat, the masterpiece shares your initiative count. It frightened for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, an
obeys verbal commands from you (no action required). If you affected creature can make a Wisdom Saving Throw. After
don't command it, it defends itself but otherwise takes no any success on a Wisdom Saving Throw against this feature
action. The masterpiece uses the Masterpiece Stats Block the effect of this sculpture ends for that creature and it
below. becames immune against it for one hour. After the end of the
effect the shape looses this property.
Magical Link Absorbing: deep thoughts of emptiness, loneliness or even
You are bound together, master and creature. Your fatigue can lead to shapes that seek to draw energy from
connection surpasses reality. their sorrowdings. Your sculpture becomes a beacon of
Starting at 6th level, when you cast a spell or a cantrip your magical thirst. Once it is placed while within 30ft of the
masterpiece's attacks count as magical for the purpose of shape you can cast Counterspell as a 3rd spell slot without
overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks using a spell slot and not necessarily knowing the spell. After
and damage. This lasts until the beginning of your next turn. using this feature the shape is destroyed.
While within 30 feet of you, spells you cast with range self Insufferable: when anxious and obsessive, your thoughs
affect your crature as well. If the spell or effect has a duration take on a spiral shape that gets projected into your sculpture.
other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the masterpiece if The piece becomes filled with intricate patterns and a heavy
it moves further than 30 feet away from you and will not aura that makes its sorroundings hard to bear. You can
affect the masterpiece again, even if it returns to you before activate it as an action. When you do so, for one minute the
the duration expires. terrain becomes difficult to any enemy within 60 feet from
the shape. This feature can be used three times before the
shape loses this property.
Protective: when feeling fierce, strong willed, secure or Luck favors the bold: Hoping for the best could bend faith
confident your sculpture takes encouraging and protective to your will. It has happend before. You carve your luck with
forms, maybe a token that reminds you of your father's care your own hads. For the duration of the feature each member
or an animal whose strenght you relate to. You can activate it of your party, including you, can reroll an Attack roll, Ability
as an action and when you do so the shape emanates a check, or Saving Throw. The new roll must be used. The
protection aura tha lasts one minute. While active, you and feature can only be used once for each member until you
your allies within 30 feet from the shape gain a bonus to AC make this carving again.
equal to half your proficiency. At the end of the effect the Master and student: You carve precisely an image of how
figure is destroyed. to do something with such accuracy and didactic that for the
Vicious: when feeling particularly cruel towards enemies, duration of the feature you and your party have proficiency in
perhaps vengeful or mean, the shape takes vicious forms that a skill of your choice (the skill that you chose to portrait).
embody these offensive thoughts. You can activate it as an
action and when you do so it emanates a vicious aura for one Complex Mind
minute. While active, you and your allies within 30 feet from Not just your mind's main wishes are being translated into
the shape gain a bonus damage equal to your proficiency. At your sculpture, but some of its underlying desires also come
the end of the effect the figure is destroyed. along.
Starting at 15th level, when you create a shape during your
Lure of Beauty short rest, you can give it two traits instead of only one.
Your art is so true to your desires and your habilities are so
heightened by your mastery that the masterpiece you create Immortality
shows a beauty that surpasses what is merely visible. You masterpiece becomes a testimony to the immortality of
Starting at 9th level you can use your action to make your your art.
masterpiece radiate this unearthly beauty to enlure enemies. At 15th level, it gains damage resistance to bludgeoning,
They just can't stop themselves from looking. It is piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks. It has
unexplainable, so enticing it can not be from this world! immunity to charming, exhausted, frightened, paralyzed and
Any enemy in a 30ft radius from your masterpiece when petrified conditions.
first seeing it must make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a
failed save, the enemy becomes charmed for one minute, Ressurection
becoming incapacitaded and with a speed of zero. When a piece of art truly reaches its perfection it becomes
The effect ends for an affected creature if they are attacked indestructible, it can never cease to be. It retakes form in
or if someone else uses an action to shake the creature out of thousands of millions of ways. A sculpture can be destroyed
its stupor. but it will resurrect as another sculpture, as a song or a
After using this feature, you must finish a long rest to use it paiting. It has transcended its body, it has become an idea.
again. At 15th level, when your masterpiece is destroyed you can
either reforge it as an action, restoring the masterpiece hit
Gift of Inspiration points to full or, alternatively, as a reaction gain one extra
You were blessed with so much talent and imagination it spell slot of your highest spell level. This spell slot lasts until
would be wrong not to give back to the universe. A gift so you use it or finishes your next long rest.
great is meant to be shared. After you use this feature, you can't use this feature again
Starting at 9th level you learn how to use your resting time until you finish a long rest.
to create beatiful carvings that can be given as tokens of
inspiration for your friends and allies. After finishing a long
rest you can create a carved gift whose feature will affect Note About Complex Mind
your party until you finish the next long rest. You must choose When you use a feature that destroys the shape
one of the features bellow. made, the remaining feature gets lost as well.
Fast as the wind: Wishing for the partie's fast and sure
arrival to its destination you carve waves, wind vanes, maybe
your conception of a hurricane. For the duration of the
feature you and your party speeds increase by 10 feet and the
travel speed gets doubled.
Heros of the ages: Imagining a bright and heroic future
you carve your idea of courage as a form. For the duration of
the feature you and your party have advantage on Saving
Throws against being frightened.
Mithridatism: Self administrating non-lethal amounts of
poison can make one resistant to its harm. You steal this
wisdom from ancient beings, and carving snake shapes or
perhaps scorpion-like images you can borrow this power. For
the duration of the feature you and your party have resistance
against poison damage.

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