He Hairdressing 9 q4 Module1 Cut Hair
He Hairdressing 9 q4 Module1 Cut Hair
He Hairdressing 9 q4 Module1 Cut Hair
Quarter 4 Module 1:
TLE – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 Module 1: Cut Hair
First Edition, 2021
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Quarter 4 Module 1:
Cut Hair
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you master in performing haircutting. The scope of this module permits
it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged
to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you
read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
What I Know
A. Direction: Identify the pictures below. Write your answer in your answer
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
B. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer
1. It is the bottom hole and, when properly fitted, should only go to, or
slightly over, the cuticle.
A. Thumb Hole C. Cutting Edge
B. Finger Tang D. Pivot
3. What is the other name of straight razor that is a versatile tool that
can be used for an entire haircut, or just for detailing and texturizing?
A. Thinning Scissors C. Clipper
B. Feather Blade D. Shear
5. It is a method of cutting or thinning the hair in which the fingers and
shears glide along the edge of the hair to remove length.
A. Slide Cutting C. Razor Cutting
B. Texturizing D. Notching
7. This type of haircut has a visual buildup of weight in a given area and
the ends of the hair appear to be stacked.
A. Graduated haircut C. Blunt haircut
B. Layered haircut D. Long Layered haircut
If you favor strong, healthy hair, a regular haircut should be a part
of your maintenance routine. Although you may have heard your hairdresser
tell you that it is a good idea to get one every six to eight weeks, there are
plenty of reasons that you should keep up with a trimming routine.
What’s In
What’s New
What is It
Capes and towels Mirror Razor Thinning
The Adjustment Knob, when tightened, pulls the blades together at just the
correct tension so that the hair does not fall or slide between the blades, and
it also allows the hair to rest on top of the blades so that when they are
closed the hair is cut on the desired line.
The Finger-Hole is where you place your ring finger. Do not use your middle
finger when cutting, only your ring finger should be placed in the ring finger-
The Thumb Hole is the bottom hole and, when properly fitted, should only go
to, or slightly over, the cuticle.
1. Open your right hand (left hand if you are left-handed) and place the
ring finger in the finger grip of the still blade and the little finger on the
finger tang (brace).
2. Place the thumb in the finger grip (thumb grip) of the moving blade.
3. Practice opening and closing the shears. Concentrate on moving only
your thumb. A great way to get the feel of this movement is to lay the
still blade against the palm or forefinger of your other hand to hold it
steady, while you move the other blade with your thumb.
During the haircutting process, you will be holding the comb and
shears at the same time. It is best to learn to hold both tools during the entire
haircut. Your cutting hand (dominant hand) does most of the work. It holds
the shears, parts the hair, combs the hair, and cuts the hair. Your holding
hand does just that: it holds the sections of hair and the comb while cutting.
The holding hand helps you maintain control.
Palming the shears. Remove your thumb from the thumb grip, leaving
your ring and little fingers in the grip and finger rest. Curl your fingers
in to palm the shears, which keeps them closed while you comb or part
the hair. This allows you to hold the comb and the shears at the same
time. While palming the shears, hold the comb between thumb, index,
and middle fingers.
The straight razor, or feather blade, is a versatile tool that can be used
for an entire haircut, or just for detailing and texturizing. Holding and working
with a razor feels very different from holding and working with shears. The
more you practice holding and palming the razor, the more comfortable you
will become with this tool. There are two methods for holding the razor for
Method A
1. Open the razor so that the handle is higher than the shank. Place
the thumb on the thumb grip, and the index, middle, and ring
fingers on the shank.
2. Place the little finger in the tang, underneath the handle.
3. When cutting a subsection, position the razor on top of the
subsection, the part facing you, for maximum control.
Method B
1. Open the razor until the handle and shank form a straight line.
2. Place the thumb on the grip and wrap the fingers around the
handle. Just as you need to be able to hold the comb and the
shears in your cutting hand while working, you also need to palm
the razor so that you can comb and section hair during a haircut.
Curl your ring finger and little finger to palm the razor. Hold the
comb between your thumb and the index and middle fingers.
Most accidents with razors happen when combing the hair, not
when cutting the hair, because of a loose grip when palming. Be
sure to practice keeping a firm grip on the razor with the ring and
little fingers, which keeps the open blade from sliding and cutting
your hand while you comb the hair.
Both the wide and fine teeth of the comb are regularly used when
cutting hair. The wide teeth are for combing and parting hair, while finer teeth
comb is to section hair before cutting. The finer teeth provide more tension,
and are useful when cutting around the ears, when dealing with difficult
hairlines, and when cutting curly hair.
fingers when you hold the subsection of hair between them. Consistent
tension is important for constant, even results in a haircut. Use maximum
tension on straight hair when you want precise lines. With curly or wavy hair,
less tension is better, because a lot of tension will result in the hair shrinking
even more than usual as it dries. Minimum tension should be used around the
ears and on hairlines with strong growth patterns.
Good posture and body position will help you avoid future back
problems and ensure better haircutting results.
Position the client. Make sure that your client is sitting up straight
and that her legs are not crossed. Remember, you can move the client
by turning the chair or raising/lowering of the chair, whichever gives
you the option of keeping your body in the same place, or by angling
the client’s chair so you can see what you are doing in the mirror.
Center your weight. Keep your body weight centered and firm. When
standing, keep your knees slightly bent rather than locked. Instead of
bending at the waist, try bending one knee if you need to lean slightly
one way or the other. When sitting, keep both feet on the floor.
Cutting over your fingers. This hand position is used most often when
cutting uniform or increasing layers.
Cutting below the fingers. This hand position is used when cutting a blunt
haircut or a heavier graduated haircut, it is customary to use a horizontal
cutting line.
1. Blunt
2. Graduated
3. Layered
4. Long Layered.
If you cut a blunt haircut with the head forward, you will make two
Blunt haircuts may be performed by either holding the sections between
the fingers or using the comb to hold the hair with little or no tension. If the
hair length is past the shoulders, sections need to be held between the fingers
with minimal tension.
For very long hair, it is often useful to have the client stand while you
sit on a cutting stool as you work. When cutting a blunt cut, be aware of the
crown area, sometimes called the danger zone, because this is where irregular
growth patterns are most often found. The crown can be challenging when
you are doing blunt haircuts. Look at the scalp to see the natural growth
pattern. You may want to cut this area at the very end of the haircut or cut it
slightly longer than the guideline. Once the hair is dry, you can see where it
falls, and then match the length to the guideline. Another danger zone is
around the ears. Because ears do not lie flat against the head, you need to
take special steps to keep an even cutting line. Always work with very little
tension or no tension around the ears unless you are working with shorter
layers. Blunt cuts can be designed with or without bangs (fringe), on straight
or curly hair, and with a short, medium, or long length.
3. Razor Cutting
A razor cut gives a totally different result than other haircutting
techniques. For instance, a razor cut gives a softer appearance than a shear
cut. The razor is a great option when working with medium to fine hair
textures. When you work with shears, the ends of the hair are cut blunt. When
working with a razor, the ends are cut at an angle, and the line is not blunt.
This produces softer shapes with more visible separation, or a feathered effect,
on the ends. With the razor, there is only one blade cutting the hair, and it is
a much finer blade than the shears. With shears, there are two blades that
close on the hair, creating blunt ends.
4. Slide Cutting
Slide cutting is a method of cutting or thinning the hair in which the
fingers and shears glide along the edge of the hair to remove length. It is useful
for removing length, blending shorter lengths to longer lengths, and
texturizing. It is a perfect way to layer very long hair and keep weight at the
perimeter. Rather than opening and closing the shears, you keep them
partially open as you slide along the edge of the section. This technique should
only be performed on wet hair with very sharp shears. There are two methods
of holding the subsection when slide cutting. It is important to visualize the
line you wish to cut before you begin. In one method, you hold the subsection
with tension beyond the cutting line. In the other method, you place your
shears on top of your knuckles, and then use both hands to move
simultaneously out the length to the ends.
5. Scissor-Over-Comb
Scissor-over-comb, also known as shear-over-comb, is a barbering
technique that has crossed over into cosmetology. You hold the hair in place
with the comb while using the tips of the shears to remove length. This
technique is used to create very short tapers and allows you to cut from an
extremely short length to longer lengths. In most cases, you start at the
hairline and work your way up to the longer lengths. Best to use technique
on dry hair, because you can see exactly how much hair you are cutting—and
helps you maintain control. Lift (elevate) the hair away from the head using
the comb and allow the comb to act as your guide. Do not hold the hair
between your fingers. Let the shear and comb move simultaneously up the
head. It is important that one blade stays still and remains parallel to the
spine of the comb as you move the thumb blade to close the shears. Try to
cut with an even rhythm. Stopping the motion may cause steps or visible
weight lines in the hair. Practice moving the comb and scissors
simultaneously, keeping the bottom blade still and opening and closing the
shears with your thumb.
The basic steps when working with the scissor-over-comb technique are
summarized below;
a) Stand or sit directly in front of the section you are working on. The area
that you are cutting should be at eye level.
b) Place the comb, teeth first, into the hairline and turn the comb so that
the teeth are angled away from the head.
c) With the still blade of the scissor parallel to the spine of the comb, begin
moving the comb up the head, continually opening and closing the
thumb blade smoothly and quickly.
d) Angle the comb farther away from the head as you reach the area you
are blending to avoid cutting into the length (weight).
6. Texturizing
Texturizing is a technique often used in today’s haircuts. Texturizing is
the process of removing excess bulk without shortening the length. It can also
be used to cut for effect within the hair length, causing wispy or spiky results.
The term texturize should not be confused with hair texture, which is the
diameter of the hair strand itself. Texturizing techniques can be used to add
or remove volume, to make hair move, and to blend one area into another. It
can also be used to compensate for different densities that exist on the same
head of hair. Texturizing can be done with cutting shears, thinning shears, or
a razor. There are many texturizing techniques, and several of them will be
explained in this section. You will need to practice all the techniques so that
you can use them to create specific effects as needed.
interior of the section, rather than at the ends. It works
well on curly hair, where you do not want to add too many
layers, but instead want to release the curl and remove
some density.
g) Removing weight. You can use the razor to thin out the
ends of the hair. On damp hair, hold the section out from
the head with your fingers at the ends. Place the razor flat
to the hair, 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 centimeters) away from
your fingers. Gently stroke the razor, removing a thin
sheet of hair from the area. This tapers the ends of the
section. This technique can be used on any area of the
haircut where this effect is desired.
Scissor-over-comb with thinning shears. Practicing the scissor-over
comb technique with the thinning shears is a good way to master this
technique. This is useful for blending weight lines on fine textured hair
and on thick and coarse textured hair that is cut very short, especially
at the sides and the nape. This will help the hair lie closer to the head.
Free-hand slicing with razor. You can also use free-hand slicing on
the ends of the hair to produce a softer perimeter or to create separation
throughout the shape. In this case, hold the ends of a small piece of
hair in your fingertips. Beginning about 3 inches from your fingers, slice
down one side of the piece toward your fingers.
Razor-over-comb. The comb and the razor are used on the surface of
the hair. Using the razor on the surface softens weight lines and causes
the area to lie closer to the head. This is used mainly on shorter
haircuts. To perform this technique, place the comb into the hair, with
the teeth pointing down, a few inches above the area on which you will
be working. Make small, gentle strokes on the surface of the hair with
the razor. Move the comb down as you move the razor down. This is a
great technique for tapering in the nape area or softening weight lines.
Shampoo Shampoo Spray bottle Towels Wide-tooth
and cape with water comb
3. Escort the client back to the styling chair. Secure a neck strip around
the client’s neck. Place a cape over the neck strip and fasten in the
back. Fold the neck strip down over the cape so that no part of the cape
touches the client’s skin.
5. To find the natural part, comb the hair back from the hairline and push
the hair gently forward with the palm of the hand. Use the comb and
other hand to separate the hair where it parts, or, if the natural part
does not work for your finished style, part it the way the client will be
wearing it.
6. This haircut will use a four-section parting. Take a center part that runs
from the front hairline to the nape, dividing the head in two.
7. Find the apex of the head. Take a parting that runs from the apex to
the back of the ear on both sides and clip. You have now divided the
head into four sections.
9. With the client’s head upright, comb the subsection in a natural fall
from scalp to ends. With your dominant hand, comb the subsection
again, stopping just above the cutting line. Make sure the comb is
horizontal and just above the cutting line (desired length). Cut the
subsection straight across against the comb, remembering to keep your
shears horizontal and parallel to the floor. Repeat on the left side, using
the length of your first subsection as a guide. Check to make sure your
cutting line is straight before moving on. You have now created your
guideline for the entire haircut.
10. If the hairline lies down nicely, an alternate way of cutting a blunt line
in the nape is to comb down the subsection and hold the hair against
the skin with the edge of your nondominant hand. Cut the guideline
below your hand, making sure that your shears are horizontal and
parallel to the floor.
11. Returning to the right side, take another horizontal parting, creating a
subsection the same size as your previous subsection. As a rule, you
should be able to see the guideline through the new subsection. If you
cannot see the guide, take a smaller subsection. Comb the hair down
in a natural fall and cut the length to match the guide. Repeat on the
left side.
12. Continue working up the back of the head, alternating from the right
section to the left section, using ½-inch subsections.
13. When you reach the crown area (danger zone), pay close attention to
the natural fall of the hair. Comb the hair into its natural falling position
and cut with little or no tension to match the guide. You have now
completed the back of the haircut.
14. Now move to the sides of the haircut. Beginning on the right side, take
a horizontal parting and part off a portion from the back area, and use
it to cut the side guideline to match in length. This will help you
maintain consistency with the blunt line when connecting the back to
the sides. Be sure to take a subsection that is large enough to give you
an even amount of hair at the cutting line, allowing for the ears sticking
out. Comb the hair from scalp to ends, release the subsection, and allow
the hair to hang in a natural fall. Using the wide teeth, place the comb
back into the subsection just below the ear. Slide the comb down to just
above the cutting line. Holding the comb parallel to the floor, cut the
hair straight across just below the comb, connecting the line to the
back. Repeat on the left side.
15. When working on the right side, your shears will be pointing toward the
back. To maintain consistency in your line, take smaller subsections,
connecting at the ear first, and gradually moving forward with the line
until you reach the face.
16. An alternative approach for cutting the right side is to turn your wrist
so that your palm is facing upward, and your shears are pointed toward
the back of the head. This requires that you position your body slightly
behind the section you are working on, with your elbow straight down.
Either method gives a consistent result in your line.
17. Before moving on, check that both sides of the haircut are even. Stand
behind the client and check the lengths on both sides while looking in
the mirror. Make any needed adjustments.
18. Continue working up the right side with horizontal partings, until all
the hair has been cut to match the guide. When cutting the hair that
falls along the face, make sure to comb the hair so it lies on the side,
not the front, of the face. Repeat on the left side.
19. Now, move directly in front of your client to cut the bangs (fringe) area.
Begin by parting the hair down the middle and, using your cutting
comb, find the apex of the front of the head. Make a triangular parting
from the apex to the center of each eye. Leave a ½-inch subsection at
the forehead and clip the rest of the hair back. Now, ask your client to
close her eyes and, using your cutting comb, comb the section to the
bridge of the nose and cut the bang (fringe) guideline. Next, part off ½-
inch subsections and, without tension, cut to match the guideline
length. Continue in this manner until the bangs are completely cut.
20. Sweep up cut hair from the floor and dispose of properly.
21. To get a true reading of the haircut, it is best to perform a smooth blow
dry, with very little lift at the scalp.
22. Once the haircut is dry, have the client stand. Check the line in the
mirror. You should see an even, horizontal line all the way around the
head. This is the time to clean up any hair at the neckline and check
where the hair falls when dry. Use the wide teeth of the comb to connect
the crown area. If this section was left longer during the haircut, now
is the time to connect it into the line.
You will need all the following implements, materials, and supplies:
Cutting cape Cutting or Haircutting Neck strip Sectioning
styling comb shears clips
Sectioning Shampoo Shampoo Spray bottle Towels
clips and cape with water
1. Drape your client for a shampoo.
3. Escort the client back to the styling chair. Secure a neck strip around
the client’s neck. Place a cape over the neck strip and fasten in the
back. Fold the neck strip down over the cape so that no part of the cape
touches the client’s skin.
4. Detangle the hair with the wide-tooth comb.
5. This haircut will use a six-section parting. Begin with a part from the
front hairline just above the middle of each eyebrow back to the crown
area, and clip the hair in place.
6. Establish another part from the crown area where section one ends to
the back of each ear, forming side-sections two and three. Clip these
sections in place.
7. Part the hair down the center of the back to form sections four and five.
8. Take a horizontal part from one ear to the other across the nape area
about 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) above the hairline. This section (six) is
your horizontal guide section.
9. Establish your guideline by the right side of the guide to the desired
length. Use a horizontal cutting line parallel to the fingers. Cut the left
side of the nape section the same length as the right guideline.
10. Working upward in the left back section, measure, and part off the first
horizontal section approximately 1-inch wide.
12. Proceed to cut the entire horizontal section by parting off vertical
subsections and cutting in the same manner. Check each section
vertically and horizontally throughout the haircut. Each completed
section will serve as a guideline for the next section.
13. Beginning at the center, create another vertical subsection that extends
down and includes the previously cut strands. Comb the hair smoothly
at a 45-degree elevation to the head.
14. Hold the fingers and shears at a 90-degree angle to the subsection and
cut. Cut the entire horizontal section this way. Make sure the second
section blends evenly with the previously cut section.
15. Continue taking horizontal sections throughout the right and left back
sections and follow the same cutting procedure. The hair will gradually
become longer as it reaches the apex. For example, if your nape guide
was 2½-inches (6.25 centimeters) long, your upper crown section will
be approximately 6-inches (15 centimeters) long.
16. Cut the crown. Maintain the length in the upper crown by holding each
vertical subsection throughout the crown area at a 90-degree angle
while cutting. After checking the back and crown for even blending,
proceed to the left side section.
17. Establish a narrow guide section on the right side at the hairline
approximately ½-inch wide. Cut side guideline to match the length in
the nape. Move to the left side of the head and establish a matching
guideline there.
18. This will help you to be sure that both side sections will be the same
length when the right-side section is cut later.
19. To cut the next section, establish a ½-inch parting that curves and
follows the hairline above the ear back to the nape section. Smoothly
comb the section, including the side guideline and part of the nape
20. Holding the hair with little or no tension, cut the hair from the nape
guide to the side guide. Note that the fingers are held at a slight angle
to connect the two guides.
21. Establish a horizontal section on the side, taking hair from the side and
the crown area. The width of this section will vary because of the
irregular hairline around the ear. This is how you will blend the side
and back sections of the cut.
22. To begin cutting the side section, start at the ear, part a ½-inch vertical
subsection (include the underlying guideline and a small portion of the
nape section), and cut section.
24. When the left side section is complete, the hair in the uppermost part
of the section should be the same length as that in the upper crown
area. In the final 1-inch section, comb the vertical subsections and hold
them at a 90-degree angle to the head. Position your fingers at 90
degrees to the head and cut parallel to your fingers. Check the
completed section horizontally to make sure the ends are even.
25. Move to the right side of the head and cut the hair in the same manner
as you did on the left side, using the previously established guide. Once
the back and both sides are complete, move to the bang and top areas.
26. You can create a variety of bang (fringe) designs by cutting the bang
length close to that of the side guideline. Create a bang guide section
along the hairline about ½-inch wide.
27. Starting at the center part and working on the left side of the forehead,
cut to the desired length.
28. Bring down another ½-inch section and cut this subsection of the bang
section at a low elevation, to the guideline.
29. Now take a vertical parting along the hairline that connects the
guideline from the bang and the guideline from in front of the ear. Slide
your hand slowly, keeping both guidelines in your grasp, and stop when
you have only about a ¼ inch of both guidelines in your hand.
Connecting the two guidelines will determine the angle of the cut.
Complete the guideline on both sides of the head.
30. Using the guideline, you established in step 23, take ½-inch
subsections, and cut the top section at a 45-degree angle, blending with
the sides.
31. Finish the top section by taking ½-inch vertical subsections parallel to
the center part. Hold the hair up from the head at a 90-degree angle.
Include hair from the crown and bang area and cut to blend the section
with the two pre-cut sections. Continue cutting in this manner until the
remainder of the top section is cut. Hold the hair up from the head at a
90-degree angle and check the completed cut. Trim any uneven ends.
The bang guide gradually increases in length to the pre-established
length in the top and crown areas.
32. Once the cut is completed, use your hands to put the hair into place.
Blow dry the haircut and view the design, movement, and ends to be
sure they are evenly blended.
3. Escort the client back to the styling chair. Secure a neck strip around
the client’s neck. Place a cape over the neck strip and fasten in the
back. Fold the neck strip down over the cape so that no part of the cape
touches the client’s skin.
5. This haircut will use a five-section parting. Begin with a part from the
front hairline just above the middle of each eyebrow back to the crown
area and clip the hair in place. Establish another part from the crown
area where section one ends to the back of each ear, forming side
sections two and three. Clip these sections in place. Part the hair down
the center of the back to form sections four and five.
6. To create the guideline, take two partings ½ inch (1.25 centimeters)
apart, creating a section that runs from the front hairline to the bottom
of the nape. Comb all other hair out of the way.
7. Beginning at the crown, comb the section straight out from the head,
keeping your fingers parallel to the head form, and cut to the desired
length. Continue working forward to the front hairline, making sure to
stand to the side of the client.
8. Continue cutting the guideline from the crown to the nape, rounding off
any corners as you go along and making sure that your fingers are
parallel to the head form.
10. Work through the client’s right side first. Take a vertical parting that
begins at the crown and connects with the guideline, creating a vertical
section that ends at the hairline. Keep the sections small to maintain
control. Beginning at the crown and using the previously cut guideline,
comb the new section to the guide, and elevate the hair straight out
from the head, with no overdirection. Cut the line by keeping your
fingers parallel to the head and matching the guideline.
11. Continue working with a traveling guideline to the back of the ear.
Repeat on the left side. When working on the left side of the back, shift
your hand position so that you are now holding the section with the tips
of your fingers pointing upwards and the tips of your shears pointing
downwards. Part from the front of the ear to the front of the other ear,
including the top and side areas.
12. Now move to the side and top section. Take a section at the front
hairline above the ear and begin to blend the top with the side section.
13. Continue cutting until the top and side sections are blended.
14. Cut the top area using vertical partings. Using the previously cut center
section as a guideline, connect to the crown, holding each section
straight up at 90 degrees from the head, making sure not to over direct
the hair.
15. Cross-check the top, using horizontal partings and elevating the hair
90 degrees from the head.
16. Now move to the right side. Work from the back of the ear toward the
face, using vertical sections, and connect to the previous section at the
back of the ear and the top. Comb the hair straight out from the head
at 90 degrees, removing any corners as you go. Repeat on the left side.
Cross-check the side sections.
17. Cross-check the side sections, using horizontal partings and combing
the hair straight out at 90 degrees.
18. Comb the hair down. Note the soft perimeter and rounded head shape.
19. Blow dry and style the haircut using a vent brush to encourage
20. Blow dry and style the haircut using a vent brush to encourage
You may view this link for additional information:
3. Escort the client back to the styling chair. Secure a neck strip around
the client’s neck. Place a cape over the neck strip and fasten in the
back. Fold the neck strip down over the cape so that no part of the cape
touches the client’s skin.
1. Ergonomic factors
Ergonomics is the science that designs the work organization,
environment, and equipment with the aim of adapting them to the worker.
The term ‘ergonomic factors’ generally refers to situations where there is misfit
(physical and cognitive) between the worker and the working environment.
Lack of ergonomics in work design could result in physical discomfort,
persistent pain in parts of the body or physical and mental exhaustion. The
physical symptoms usually arise from constant and repetitive movements of
various parts of the body or, alternatively, from holding awkward postures
(sustained or constrained).
2. Hazardous substances
the hairdressing profession involves, for instance, hair shampooing and
working with (cutting, setting, etc.) wet hair.
5. Electrical risks
A hairdressing salon is equipped with a variety of electrical devices.
These devices are usually used in the proximity of wet conditions and, if they
are not cared for, there will always be the danger of electric shocks. For this
reason, maintenance of electrical equipment is vital. Proper organization in
this respect entails that footstools, equipment, coat hangers, product
displays, magazine racks, etc. do not obstruct free passage. In addition, to
prevent trips care must be taken so that electrical cables or cords do not cross
the salon’s floor.
7. Fire risks
8. Psychosocial factors
It is essential for you to keep in mind that when you are cutting hair,
accidents can happen. You will be handling sharp tools and instruments, and
you must always protect yourself and your client by following the proper
precautions. Always palm the shears and the razor when combing or parting
the hair. This keeps the points of the shears closed and pointed away from
the client while combing and prevents you from cutting yourself or the client.
Palming the shears also reduces strain on the index finger and thumb while
combing the hair. Do not cut past the second knuckle when cutting below
your fingers, or when cutting palm-to-palm. The skin is soft and fleshy past
the second knuckle and is easy to cut. When cutting around the ears, take
extra care not to accidentally cut the ear. Cuts on the ears can produce large
amounts of blood! When cutting the bangs (fringe), or any area close to the
skin, balance the shears by placing the tip of the index finger of your left hand
(your right hand if you cut left-handed) on the pivot screw and the knuckles
of your left hand against the skin. This helps prevent clients from being
accidentally poked with the shears if they move suddenly. This also helps to
balance your shears and cut a cleaner line. When working with a razor, learn
with a guard. You should never practice holding, palming, or cutting with the
razor without a guard unless directed and supervised by your instructor. Take
extra care when removing and disposing of the razor blade. Discard used
blades in a puncture-proof container.
What’s More
I have realized that _________________________________________________
I will apply _________________________________________________________
What I Can Do
Instruction: PRACTICUM
3. Place your written report and pictures on your portfolio (long folder).
Submitted on time, ready made without parent’s signature. With 3-4 errors. Has good
40 workmanship in general appearance, correct procedure with PPE but the area is
Submitted but not on time, not clean, not attractive and without parents signature. With
30 more than 5 errors. Have no good workmanship in general appearance and procedure
was not followed. No PPE and the area is cluttered.
Late, and incomplete. With or without parents signature. Has no good workmanship in
20 general appearance and procedure was not followed. No PPE and the area is cluttered.
10 Not submitted. No assignment. No performance.
1. Ergonomic factors are those that can impede work practices and
promote stress include bullying, sexual or racial harassment,
intimidation, threats, verbal abuse and, in extreme situations, physical
2. Psychosocial factors generally refer to situations where there is misfit
(physical and cognitive) between the worker and the working
3. Bacteria, viruses, and fungal spores that causes infections and diseases
are examples of biological factors.
Answer Key
5. Manipulation
7. A
4. Hair Elevation
6. C 3. T
3. Blunt Cutting
5. A 2. F, Ergonomic Factor
2. Hair Sectioning
4. D 1. F, Psychosocial Factor
1. Haircutting
3. B B.
2. C What’s New
1. A 10. F
B. 9. I
8. K
8. Spray Bottle 7. E
7. Neck Strip 6. B
6. Sectioning Clips 5. D
5. Rat Tail/Comb 4. J
4. Shear 3. H
3. Cape 2. A
2. Thinning Scissors 1. C
1. Razor A.
What I Know
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McFadden, John; White, Jonathan M.; White, Ian R.; Goossens, Ann; Menné,
Torkil; Lidén, Carola; Johansen, Jeanne D. (2012). "Self-testing for contact
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industry-led screening programme". Contact Dermatitis. 66 (6): 300–
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Alexandra Tunell, How to Get Hair Dye off Your Skin, Harper's Bazaar, Oct 2,
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Gera, R.; Mokbel, R.; Igor, I.; Mokbel, K. (2018). "Does the Use of Hair Dyes
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the Literature". Anticancer Research. 38 (2): 707–
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Farooque, Sannia; Rose, Paul M.; Benohoud, Meryem; Blackburn, Richard S.;
Rayner, Christopher M. (2018). "Enhancing the Potential Exploitation of Food
Waste: Extraction, Purification, and Characterization of Renewable Specialty
Chemicals from Blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum L.)" (PDF). J. Agric. Food
Chem. 66 (46): 12265–12273. doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.8b04373. PMID 30412401.
Rose, Paul M.; Cantrill, Victoria; Benohoud, Meryem; Tidder, Alenka; Rayner,
Christopher M.; Blackburn, Richard S. (2018). "Application of Anthocyanins
from Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) Fruit Waste as Renewable Hair
Dyes" (PDF). J. Agric. Food Chem. 66 (26): 6790–
6798. doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.8b01044. PMID 29808681.
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