EL - European Trail

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E U RO P E A N T R A I L ( S TA R T A M S T E R D A M W I N T E R 2 3 / 2 4 )
2 3 D AY S

This epic 23 day trail through Europe balances all

the sightseeing icons with unexpected marvels and
underrated destinations. From walking the cobbled
streets of Michelangelo's Florence and seeing Paris
lit up at night, to a sobering W W2 education in
Poland and bunking down amid snow-capped
mountains in the Swiss Alps, this is a barnstorming
European best-of. Because we don't want you to
miss out on the unmissable.




The adventure of a l ifeti m e ki cks off today. Meet up w ith your

new Contiki fam i ly i n London tow n before hitting the road to

Am s terdam .


Shortly before w e fi nd our ferry for France, w e' l l be taking in

the E nglis h coas tli ne beauty of the White Cliffs of Dover.

They ow e their gorgeous nes s to thei r com pos ition of chal k -

you' re learning and w e haven' t even left the UK!


O ff the ferry w e arri ve in the port tow n of Calais - French

s oil! We travel north vi a Belgi um before

reaching.. .Am s terdam !


Toni ght, the fam ed-for-fun Am s terdam is ours to explore.

Firs t fil l up on your included group dinner, then an

undis guis ed Red Light Dis trict & pl enty of bars are there for

the curi ous .




Via Hos tel Am s terdam (or s im ilar)

Included Experiences

Marvel at the White Cli ffs of Dover

Free Time Add-ons

Get the Best View of Amsterdam

There's no be er way to start your time in the capital city

than with an exclusive entrance into Europe's highest

swing. An unrivalled panoramic view of Amsterdam's

historic centre, unique Dutch landscape, & famous

canals which belong to the UNESCO world heritage list.

Be amazed by this vibrant city while you swing back &

forth 100 metres above the ground then enjoy a cocktail

at the top.

€ 23



Am s terdam is cute as a button & s ure to w i n your heart w ith

its canal s , obs cure m us eum s & a café culture li ke no other.

Today us e your tim e to get local, bar hop, m us eum craw l,

and s ee w hat other tas tes take your fancy, thi s place is

fam ous for pancakes , fri tes and s o m uch m ore.


Breakfas t


Via Hos tel Am s terdam (or s im ilar)

Free Time Add-ons

Highlights of Amsterdam Canal Cruise

Floating down Amsterdam's canals by night is the

perfect way to finish o ff your trip. Cruise past historic

buildings & the eye-opening Red Light District. The

cruise gives you a di fferent take on one of Europe's

ho est creative capitals!

€ 23

Clogs, Edam and Dinner Experience (MAKE TRAVEL

MATTER® Experience)

Join local Dutch farmers to get an insight into how clogs

and Edam cheese are made. A er a demo and a tasting

sesh (of the cheese, that is), we'll enjoy a traditional

Dutch dinner in a restored cheese-making barn.

€ 38



Am s terdam , i t' s been lovely, but today' s agenda i s onto the

autobahn and on the fas t-track to uber-cool Berlin.


O n the w orld m ap of party vibes , Berli n has a gold s tar.

We' ve got tw o ni ghts to expl ore every inch of this i conic ci ty,

and w e' ll kick i t off w i th a bit of a tour of the city and its

troubled but fas ci nati ng pas t. O nce w e' ve gotten acquai nted

w ith the key s ites , you' ll have s om e free tim e to dis cover the

city. Berlin has s o m uch to offer the hungry travel ler, from

the s om ber icons like the Holocaus t m em orial to s ide s treets

w ith hi dden cafes and s hops . And if you' re not s ure w here to

s tart, your Tri p Manager can alw ays point you in the ri ght

directi on.


Breakfas t, Dinner


A&O Berl in Mitte (or s im il ar)

Included Experiences

Browse East Side Gallery

Tour Berlin



Get into the m ood of expl oration. Berl in has s o m uch to

offer the hungry travell er, from the obvious icons l ike

Checkpoint Charl ie to all the obs curi ties tucked aw ay in the

s ide s treets . Today w e’l l em bark on an Alternative Berl in

w al king tour, taking us to all the ci ty ’s hi ps ter haunts and

his torical hots pots .


Breakfas t


A&O Berl in Mitte (or s im il ar)

Free Time Add-ons

Historical Walking Tour

Discover the history of 20th century Berlin with our Local

Guide & get up close to notorious Third Reich spots. Get

the low-down on Hitler 's last days at the site of his

underground bunker & learn about Goebbels, the

sinister spin doctor at the former Reich's Propaganda

Ministry. You'll hear about East German communism

before making a sobering visit to the Holocaust


€ 11

Discover the Culture of Kreuzberg

You can put down the history books & discover the most

important historical and cultural aspects of Kreuzberg

for yourself. Tour includes a delicious dinner.

€ 29



"More city hangs " you' ll al l s cream i n unis on as w e m otor

out of Berlin, hi gh on l ife & s till w anting m ore. Si nce you

as ked s o ni cel y, let us pres ent you w ith P rague, the darli ng of

E urope.


A drive from Berl in to P rague w oul d not be com plete w i thout

s topping i n Dres den. Des troyed by Worl d War II, the rebuilt

tow n is now a s ym bol of res il ience, s oaked in the rebirthed

beauty of an O pera hous e, the dom ed Frauenkirche, & the

Royal Res i dence.


O n arrival in the com pact & lovable city of P rague, w e' l l get

out and go exploring, s eeing cas tles and cathedral s and

learning of Bohem i an Ki ngs and gothic his tory.


Breakfas t, Dinner


P lus P rague (or s im il ar)

Included Experiences

See Dresden highlights

Tour Prague on foot

Free Time Add-ons

Pivo & Pubs

To be in Prague is to be in Beer Heaven - or in Czech,

'Pivo' Heaven, & it wouldn't be a thorough visit to the

biggest beer drinking country in the world without

tasting some of the famous, unique & interesting brews.

On this tour you are not only tasting the beers, but also

Czeck-ing out some of Prague's interesting pubs guided

by a local beer enthusiast to help you understand just

how important beer is to the Czech's & why.

€ 26



With a ful l day to l oiter, expect an enti re photo album of

Gothi c archi tecture, m arket anti ques & you cheers -i ng beer;

not to m enti on li fe! Tonight, you coul d s ee yours el f s pending

the eveni ng i ndulging in traditional Cz ech cuis i ne w hile

adm iri ng the local fol kl ore dancers as the s un goes dow n on

the ' Ci ty of a Thous and Spires .


Breakfas t


P lus P rague (or s im il ar)

Included Experiences

Prague’s iconic landmarks

Free Time Add-ons

Traditional Czech Evening

In the heart of Prague, you'll get up close to Czech

culture with a live music performance & traditional

dancing. Try out the hearty local dishes, like di ff erent

dumplings, as you test the local wine & beer. This is the

perfect chance for a festive night out with the group, so

make sure you get some pointers from your Trip

Manager & keep it going with a night out, Prague style.

€ 32



Today w e exchange the Cz ech Republ ic for Aus tri a, w avi ng

goodbye to pretty P rague know ing that cultured Vi enna is

com i ng right up.

Kutna Hora

Before Vienna w e' ll be s toppi ng i n the Bohem ian city of

Kutna Hora, rem em beri ng that Bohem ia is the nam e of the

place and not a nod to the fas hi on s ens e of the people that

live there. Make the l ocal Sedlec O s s uary chapel a high

priority, i t' s decked out and furnis hed in the bones of over

40,000 .. . hum ans . E eep!


Aus tria, w e have arrived! And w e' re ready to get s trai ght into

your m us ical l egacy. P ut your nam e next to the opti onal

clas s i cal night out in one of the city ’s im perial palaces , you

w il l not regret it.


Breakfas t


A&O Vienna Hauptbahnhof (or s im il ar)

Included Experiences

Visit Kutná Hora (Home of the Bone Church)

Free Time Add-ons

A Classic Night Out € 33

Habibi & Hawara Dinner (MAKE TRAVEL MATTER®


Dine at Habibi & Hawara, a private initiative in the city of

Vienna for a diverse and colourful meal. Their mission is

to hire sta ff with refugee and migrant backgrounds to

train them with the relevant skills to become successful

entrepreneurs of their own.

€ 32



A w hol e day l ies ahead to uncover the ethereal Aus trian

capi tal. O ur Trip Manager w il l uncover the his torical heritage

of Schönbrunn P alace, the State O pera Hous e and the gothic

St. Stephen’s Cathedral. And once you' ve s een all that, you' ll

have a bit of free tim e to check out art gal leri es and l ocal

coffee hous es , m aybe even try a s l ice of the fam ous Sacher



Breakfas t, Dinner


A&O Vienna Hauptbahnhof (or s im il ar)

Included Experiences

Get to know Vienna



Ris e up travell ers and s tart practici ng your P ol is h

pleas antri es , w e' ll be in Krakow l ater today s o they m ay com e

in handy.


Today w e w il l change pace once w e cros s the border, as w e

drop to an unfam i liar and s oberi ng level by vi s iting the

concentrati on cam p m em ori als of Aus chw itz & Birkenau.

Learning and grow i ng is w hat w e travell ers do.


Then afterw ards its onto the city of Krakow , w hich i s now

know n for i ts s al t m ining heri tage and tales of m ythical

dragons . Rel ax toni ght as w e have all day tom orrow to

expl ore.


Breakfas t


Ibis budget Krakow Stare Mi as to (or s i m i lar)

Included Experiences

See Auschwitz Concentration Camp

DAY 10


A Jew is h Q uarter, a jaw -dropping cas tle & m us eum s aplenty

are jus t s om e of the rel ics found in the relati vel y untouched

Krakow . The UNE SCO Worl d Heritage-li s ted centre s houl d

occupy your free ti m e.


Breakfas t


Ibis budget Krakow Stare Mi as to (or s i m i lar)

Included Experiences

Introduction to Kraków

Free Time Add-ons

Traditional Polish Pierogi Evening

Hungry? Take a step back in time this evening by

indulging in traditional Polish favourites. Stroll to

Europe's largest Medieval town square, Rynek Glowny,

where we se le in for the night at a centuries-old

restaurant. This isn't a meal for the faint-hearted so

make sure you've got an empty stomach! You'll indulge

in all the delicious specialities that the Polish are famous

for, including scrumptious pierogi, all washed down with

a few drinks.

€ 35

DAY 11


Alpine s cenery and traditional vi ll ages w il l m ake our

departure from Krakow m ore m anageable. P articul arly w ith

the know ledge that w e have Budapes t com ing up i n the eve.

Banská Bystrica

P as tel painted and m anicured to perfection, Bans ka Bys trica

is a l unch break that w il l charm you to no end. Bei ng i n

Slovakia, it' s als o your chance to brag 3 countri es in one day

- you craz y globetrotter you.


Wel com e to Hungary! Com i ng in at num ber 3 on our li s t of

countries ticked off through the day. From the m om ent w e

arrive i n the river s plit city, you' l l unders tand w hy w e needed

a couple of nights here. Was te no tim e getting invol ved w i th

Budapes t by joining the opti onal river cruis e and dinner.


Breakfas t


Wom bat' s Hos tel (or s im il ar)

Included Experiences

Tour Banská Bystrica

Free Time Add-ons

Budapest River Cruise with Dinner

Take in a di ff erent view of the “Paris of the East” from

the river Danube while cruising past night-time

Budapest. Our Local Guide tells you about Hungary's

heyday when the Austro-Hungarian Empire was

dominant & points out the city's important buildings

from this period, which are lit up for the night. Try some

Hungarian specialities like goulash & enjoy some drinks.

€ 50

DAY 12


The day i s yours to tackle Budapes t how ever you s ee fit. After

al l the travell ing w e' ve done, you' ve probably earned yours elf

an afternoon s oaking in the ci ty' s fam ous outdoor therm al

pools s et am ongs t Art Nouveau archi tecture. Bl is s ed out in

Budapes t - there' s an ins ta caption for you. If gardens ,

fountains , pool s and ruins are the call of your day, put

Margaret Is l and top and centre of your to do li s t.


Breakfas t


Wom bat' s Hos tel (or s im il ar)

Free Time Add-ons

Szechenyi Baths & Walking Tour

With a local guide take a walk through the Jewish

Quarter of Budapest & hear the stories of this area; You

will see the former Ghe o where Synagogues,

monuments & kosher restaurants can be found before

relaxing in Szechenyi Baths. Szechenyi Baths thermal

spring is one of the deepest & warmest in the city.

€ 35

DAY 13


This m orning w e s ay goodbye to the ci ty of Budapes t and

head s outh to Sloveni a! Though the nam e Ljubljana m ight

not be as w el l know n as Budapes t, that does n' t dim i ni s h its

del ight as a E uropean ci ty. In fact, i ts undis covered charm is

al l part of the fas ci nation. ..


Aes theti cal ly w onderful and fi lled w i th youthful m oods ,

Ljubljana i s one to love for i ts off the touris t trail vibes and

cas ual attitude. Wi thout a lis t of m onum ents to ti ck off,

you' re free to get coz y i n a cafe and lap up the endles s local

feels .


Breakfas t


Ljubljana Res ort (or s im il ar)

Included Experiences

Get to know Ljubljana

DAY 14


E ver the advocates of a bal anced hol iday, today w e' re tradi ng

in the obs cure unknow n for the gl obal ly adored hot s pot of

Venice. Whoop!


Yes , it' s as cute as you im agine. Yes , you' l l feel li ke you' re

part of an Ital ian fai rytale. Yes , you are actuall y hanging out

in the gondol a cl ad floati ng city of Venice! A pri vate boat

ride, gothi c archi tecture and a w eb of lanes to explore w i ll

keep your day fil led quite nicely.


Breakfas t


Anda Venice Hos tel (or s im il ar)

Included Experiences

Cruise on a Motoscafo to Venice

Explore Venice on Foot

See canals and gondolas

Free Time Add-ons


Sit back & watch the city open up from the canals in a

gondola. From magni ficent palazzi looming in the

distance to the locals' laundry strung across the

backwaters, Venice's charm gets you at every turn.

€ 26

Traditional Tastes of Venice

Eating the true Venetian way - our local expert will take

you bar hopping, sampling various cicche i (Venetian

style tapas) & wines at a host of locations o ff the beaten

track. Get a real insight in to local life & the fl avours of


€ 38

DAY 15


Farew ell floating city, but Italy, w e' re not done w ith you yet,

our next des tination the E ternal Ci ty is jus t around the



The afternoon w ill reall y take i t up a notch as w e uncover

Ital ian icons in the country' s capi tal of Rom e as you get a

glim ps e of i t' s gl ory by ni ght. Gel ato, piz z a and anci ent

m onum ents - perfecto!


Breakfas t


The Yell ow (or s i m i lar)

Included Experiences

Tour Rome on Foot

Free Time Add-ons

Rome Pasta Cooking Class & Dinner

It's time to cook like a true Italian. This unique cooking

experience o ff ers you the opportunity to learn how to

make traditional pastas, then relax & indulge in a three-

course meal. Learn, laugh, drink & most importantly, eat!

€ 49

DAY 16


Rom e w as n' t bui lt i n a day but w e s ure can try and s ee it all

in one day! Snap pink az aleas by the Colos s eum , throw coi ns

in fountains and s i p es pres s o i n a pretty s treet w atching

Ital ian li fe fl oat by.


Breakfas t


The Yell ow (or s i m i lar)

Free Time Add-ons

Emperors & Gladiators inc Colosseum

Wander through the ruins of the ancient Roman

Empire's political heart, while our Local Guide peels back

the layers of history & reconstructs the past. From the

assassinations at the Forum to the bloody ba les in the

Colosseum, learn how the roots of Western culture

started here.

€ 45

DAY 17


We m ay be hitti ng the road agai n, as w e have one m ore city

in Ital y to l us t over…


For thos e of you not fam ili ar w ith the w hole Fl orence deal,

w e have tw o w ords for you: i t' s heaven. Florence, the capital

of Tus cany, is m ore proof that Italy has s o m any great pl aces

packed into one s m all region. P otter al ong the River Arno, be

totall y Tus can w i th another drop of Chi anti w ine, and take in

the beauty of the city and i ts protruding Duom o Cathedral .

We have al l day tom orrow to let the explorations continue.


Breakfas t


Hos tel 7 Santi (or s i m ilar)

DAY 18


Today is a perfect balance of guided w i s dom , food and free

tim e to roam . Take the opportunity to expl ore s treets

burs ting w i th heri tage and del icious flavours as you expl ore

the l ocal m arkets and dow n s om e gelato. Tonight you can

choos e to end your Tus can love affair at an opti onal dinner.


Breakfas t


Hos tel 7 Santi (or s i m ilar)

Free Time Add-ons

Welcome to Florence Walking Tour

Traveling on foot provides for a pace that opens your

eyes to various hidden treasures that you would have not

have seen otherwise. With a local guide you'll be taken

on a walking tour to find out the hidden stories of


€ 10

Tuscan Evening

Wind down with an aperitivo & take in the scenery of the

Tuscan hills. You'll enjoy some live local music & the local

Chianti wine. In true Italian fashion, our warm hosts will

load your table with a feast of antipasto, followed by a

house speciality & something 'dolce' for dessert.

€ 49

DAY 19


Hopeful ly by now you are head to toe in fres h l eather, you' ve

eaten your bodyw ei ght in antipas to, and you' re feel ing fres h

as a dais y and ready to farew el l Fl orence.


No trip around E urope i s com plete w i thout s eeing the

w orld' s m os t fam ous #Aw kw ardLean, the Leani ng Tow er of

P is a. O nce you' ve got that perfect s nap of you holdi ng the

thing up li ke you' re Arnol d Schw arz enegger, w e' ll be on the

fas t-track to the Sw is s Al ps .

Swiss Alps

Bunking dow n am id fai rytale s now capped m ountai ns tonight

s how s how far w e' ve com e s i nce golden Florence thi s

m orni ng, and that right there is the m agi c of E urope.

Tom orrow w e' ll s et out to explore this m agical l and of

chees e, chocolate and w atches .


Breakfas t


Adventure Hos tel Interlaken (or s i m ilar)

Included Experiences

Visit Pisa (for that epic sel fie)

Free Time Add-ons

Swiss Fondue

Dip into a Swiss tradition, gather around a pot full of

delicious melted cheese and dunk until your hearts


DAY 20

Swiss Alps

O pen the w indow of your room & drink i n the incredi ble vi ew

- if you can find w ords or photos that do i t jus ti ce, w e

appl aud you! If you' re feel ing audaci ous , opt to take a trip to

a Sw is s m ountai n w i th your travel crew , or feel free to

expl ore thi s clas s ic E uropean adventure tow n.


Breakfas t


Adventure Hos tel Interlaken (or s i m ilar)

Free Time Add-ons

Swiss Paragliding

Take o ff from the side of a mountain & soar over this

stunning region in an adrenaline-pumping tandem

paraglide. Flying with an experienced, professional pilot

also gives you a chance to grab some great photos on

the way!

€ 150

Jungfrau Mountain

Journey to the ‘top of the world’ as you take a cog train &

Cable Car up Jungfrau Mountain in the Swiss Alps

€ 160

DAY 21

Swiss Alps

O ut w i th the alti tude, in w ith the inner-city P aris i an bl is s .

O nce w e' ve cros s ed the border out of Sw i tz erland w e w il l be

coas ting through the pretty w i ne producing region of

Burgundy before our arrival i n P ari s .


P as s i ng through the gorgeous Burgundy regi on, w e' l l reach

P aris and enjoy an included di nner before a chance to

expl ore the gli ttering city of lights .


Breakfas t, Dinner


Jo& Joe (or s im ilar)

Included Experiences

A twilight tour of Paris

DAY 22


Stock up on perfum e at the Fragonard P erfum ery. E s peciall y

given the greatl y di s counted pri ces and authentici ty of

buying i n France. Later you can m oan over haute couture you

can' t afford, adm ire the Notre Dam e Cathedral w hi ls t

juggl ing coffee and crêpes , & get arts y at the m any

m us eum s of the Louvre. Jus t don' t w ear yours el f out, you w il l

probabl y w ant to get involved w i th dinner and a cabaret

s how . With your las t night l oom i ng, m ake i t one to

rem em ber in the city of li ghts .


Breakfas t


Jo& Joe (or s im ilar)

Included Experiences

Visit a French perfumery

Free Time Add-ons

Parisian Farewell Dinner

Finish o ff your trip with a night to remember right in the

heart of Paris. This typical French bistro dishes up a

three-course meal & some local wine plus loads of

atmosphere & is the perfect place to toast your trip

before you say farewell to your travel buddies.

€ 38

DAY 23


Soak up your l as t dos e of P aris and feel the as toni s hm ent of

how m uch you' ve s een on this tri p. And how cl os e you' ve

grow n to your loved-up Conti ki col lecti ve.




What a journey, i f you' ve chos en to end your tri p on arrival i n

London s ay a fond farew el l to the rem ainder of your group

as you w rap up the journey on arrival .


Breakfas t


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