SAS UQ Answer May 2019
SAS UQ Answer May 2019
SAS UQ Answer May 2019
0 3 0
x t dt < ,
The Power of the CT signal found by P= lt
T 2T
1 t3 1 2T 3
1 1 T2
x t dt = lt
T 2T T 2T
T lt lt
for the Given signal, P= lt t dt = lt
T 2T 3
T T T 2T 3 T 3
The Signal is neither Energy nor power signal.
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ii) x[n] = u[n-2] –u[n-5]
Given signal, x n u n 2 – u n 5 1, n=2,3,4
The Energy of the DT signal is,
E= x(n) < ,
for the Given signal
4 4
E= 1 1 1 1 1 3 joules <
2 2
Q1 c) Check whether the following signals are periodic or not. Give reasons. Find the
fundamental period in case periodic
2 3
j n j n
i) x[n] = e 3
e 4
j n
The given signal in the form of e ,
Two Complex exponential signals, let N 1 is the period of 1 signal and N 2 is the period of 2 signal
1 N 1 2 m 2 N 2 2 m
2 3
From the Given signal 1 = and 2 =
3 4
1 N 1 2 m
2 3
N 1 2 m N 1 m for the value of m=1, N 1 3
3 1
2 N 2 2 m
3 8
N 2 2 m N 2 m for the value of m=3, N 2 8
4 3
Fundamental Period =LCM(3,8) =24
ii) x(t) = 2cos(4πt) + 3sin( 2 t) (2marks)
The given signal in the form of cos(t + ),
In CT signals Cos and sine signals always periodic, but if two signals combined together
the ratio of their periods should be ratio of integers or rational numbers
let T1 is the period of 1 signal, T2 is the period of 2 signal,from the given signals,
1 4 2 2
2 F1 =4 2 F2 2
F1 =2 F2 =
1 2 T 2
T1 T2 , the ratio of T1 and T2 1 is not a ratio of integer,
2 2 T2 4
So it is not a periodic signal.
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Q1. d)Let x(t)=u(t-3) - u(t-5) and h(t)=e-3tu(t)
i) Compute y(t)=x(t)* h(t)
ii) Compute g(t)=dx(t)/dt * h(t)
Given x(t)=u(t-3) - u(t-5) and h(t)=e-3tu(t)
(2 marks)
y(t) = x(t)*h(t)= x( )h(t )d
h( ) x(t )d
u ( )[u (t 3) u (t 5)]d
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ii) Compute g t dx t / dt * h t
dx(t )
Given x(t)=u(t-3)-u(t-5), = (t-3)- (t-5), h(t)=e 3t u(t) (2 marks)
dx(t )
y(t)= * h(t ) (t-3)- (t-5) * e 3t u(t) =e 3(t 3) u(t-3)-e 3( t 5) u(t-5)
Q2.a) Derive Synthesis and analysis Equation for continuous time Fourier Series.
k= T j(k-n)ωo t
ake dt
k=- 0
j(k-n)ωo t
dt = T, k=n
0, k≠n.
the equation (1) reduces to
-jnω t
x(t) e o dt= a n T
1 -jnωo t 1 -jkωo t
T0 x(t) e dt by replacing n by k we get a k x(t) e
dt -----(2)
k= jkωo t
x(t) = a e ------(3) (3 marks)
k=- k
Equation 2 is called analysis equation 3 is called synthesis equation
2.b) Each of the two sequences x1(t) and x2(t) has a period T=4, and the corresponding
Fourier series coefficients are
x1(t) ak x2(t) bk
where a0= 1/2a1= 1/2a2= a3=1 and b0= b1= b2= b3=1. Using the multiplication
property Determine the Fourier series coefficient ck for the signal g(t)= x1(t) x2(t)
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Given T=4, Let a0 = 1
from the given condition a1 = 2, a2 = 2, a3 = 1
and b 0 = b1 = b 2 = b3 = 1
using multiplication property, x1 (k)x 2 (k)= al bk l al bk l (5 marks)
l l 0
a b
l 0
l k l a0bk a1bk 1 a2bk 2 a3bk 3
iv) x[n] has minimum power period among the set of signals satisfying the
preceding conditions
1 5 j
Given N=6, wkt, a k x[n]e N
N n0
1 5 1 1
from the fact2, x[n] 2 and from a k ,a 0
6 n0
x[n] 2
6 3
x[n] 1 1
from the fact3,
2 2
1 7 j 1 7 j
kn kn
ak x[n]e N
x[n]e 6
6 n2 6 n2
2 2 2
j j j
1 this is possible when k=3, when k=3, e =e j n = 1
kn n kn 3n n
6 6 6
e =e
1 7 j 1 7 1
x[n] 1
a3 6 n
6 n2 6 n2 6
From parsevals relations, the average power
p ak ,from the fact 4, p is minimised by choosing a1 a 2 a 4 a 5 0
5 2 2
1 1
so,x[n] = a k e 1 , to find x[n], put n=0,1,2,-1,-2
j kn j 3n
a 0 a 3e
N n 6
(4 marks)
k 0 3 6
1 1 1 1 1
x[0] = , x[1] = , x[-1] = , x[2] = , x[-2] = sketching (1 mark)
3 6 6 2 2
2.d) State and prove parsevals theorem for discrete time periodic signal
The parsevals relation states that the average power in a signal is equal to the sum of
individual components of the normalized fourier series approximation.
Pavg = ak (1 mark)
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The average normalised power of a periodic waveform of x(n) is
1 N 1
Pavg = x[n]
N n 0
x(n) = x(n)x * (n), x * (n) is the complex conjucate of x(n)
2 2
jk n jk n
k=N-1 N k=N-1 * N
x(n)= a e ,x (n)= a k e
k=0 k k =0
jk n
1 N 1
1 N 1 k=N-1 * N
Pavg = x[n]x [n]
x[n] k=0 ake change the order of summation
N n 0 N n0
jk N n
1 N 1 k=N-1 * 1 N 1
Pavg = x[n]x [n] a k x[ n]e
N n 0 k=0 N n0
k=N-1 k=N-1 2
Pavg = a *a a (3 marks)
k=0 k k k=0 k
Q.3 Find whether the following systems are linear, time-invariant, causal and stable
i) y(t)= cos(x(t))
ii) y(n)=log|x(n)|
i) y(t)= cos(x(t))
a) Linearity says that response to a weighted sum of input signals is equal to the
weighted sum of the outputs corresponding to each of the individual input
For an input x1(t), the corresponding output y1(t)= cos(x1(t))
For an input x2(t), the corresponding output y2(t)= cos(x2(t))
Weighted sum of outputs,
ay1(t)+b y2(t )= acos(x1(t))+b cos(x2(t))----------------------------------(1)
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d) The output is a finite value between -1 to 1 it is a stable system (1 mark)
ii) y(n)=log|x(n)|
a) Linearity says that response to a weighted sum of input signals is equal to
the weighted sum of the outputs corresponding to each of the individual input
For an input x1(n), the corresponding output y1(n)= log|x1(n)|
For an input x2(n), the corresponding output y2(n)= log|x2(n)|
Weighted sum of outputs,
ay1(n)+b y2(n)= alog|x1(n)|+b log|x1(n)|----------------------------------(1)
Output due to weighted sum of inputs,
y(n)=T[ax1(n)+b x2(n)]= log| ax1(n)+b x2(n))|--------------------------------(2)
1 and 2 are not equal, the system is non-linear system, log|a|+log|b|≠log|a+b|
(1 mark)
b) Time invariance says that if any change in the time at the input , same change in
time should occur at the output.
Given output y(n)= T[x(n)]= log|x(n)|
Output due to delayed input, y(n-τ)= T[x(n-τ)]= log|x(n-τ)|-----------(1)
Output is delayed by ‘τ’ y(n-τ)= log|x(n-τ)|--------------------------(2)
Equation 1 and 2 are equal so it is time invariant system (1 mark)
c) System is said to be causal system, the output at any time depends on past and
present values of the system not on the future values of the system.
Given output y(n)= T[x(n)]= log|x(n)|
At n=1,-1,0 ,y[n]= log|x(n)|output at anytime depends on present input, so it is
causal system
d) If x[n] is finite y[n] is also finite so it is a stable system (1 mark)
Q3 b) Find the Causality and Stability of the following Signals
i) h(t)=e-2tu(t-1) ii) h(n)= e-6|n|
i)h(t)=e-2tu(t-1) (2 marks)
for stability
h(t )dt <
2 t
Given impulse response h(t) = e u (t 1), To find stability h(t )dt should be finite value
e 2t 1
e u (t 1)dt= e dt=
2 t 2 t
h(t )dt , so stable system
1 2 1 2
ii) h(n)= e-6|n| (2marks)
for a stable system h ( n ) <
Given impulse response h[n] = e
6 n
To find stability h( n)
should be a finite value
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h( n) e
= e6 n e 6 n e6 n e 6 n for infinite series a n =
6 n
0 1 0 n0 1 a
1 1 e 6 1
e 6 n +1-1 e 6 n e 6 n -1 e 6 n 6
1 6
1 0 0 0 1 e 1 e 1 e 1 e 6
1 e 6
, so stable system
1 e 6
Q3.c) Determine the Fourier Series coefficient for the given signal
x(t ) 1 0 t 1,ωo 2
-jkωo t k= jkωo t
a k x(t) e dt, x(t)= a e
T0 k= - k
-jkωo t
ak t e dt,{T 1} (2 marks)
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Given N=5 , a 0 3, a 2 a*2 e j / 4 , a 4 a*4 2e j / 3
4 j25 2 n -j25 2 n j25 4 n -j25 4 n
a e
j kn
x[n] k
a2 e a2 e + a0 a4 e a4 e
k 4
4 j25 2 n -j25 2 n j25 4 n -j25 4 n
ak e
j kn
x[n] N
e j / 4 e e j / 4 e + 3 2e j / 3 e 2e j / 3 e (2 marks)
k 4
4 8
x[n] 3 2cos n 4cos n , in terms of sine
5 4 5 3
4 8
x[n] 3 2sin n 4sin n
5 4 2 5 3 2
4 3 8 5
x[n] 3 2 sin n 4sin n (2 marks)
5 4 5 3
Q4 a) Derive the DTFT synthesis and analysis equation for a discrete time aperiodic
Let us consider a aperiodic signal x[n] of finite duration from –N1 to N1,
x[n] = 0 |n| > N1, we can construct a periodic signal x[n] for which x[n]) is one
if we choose the period N is very large, x[n] is identical to x[n]. The fourier series
representation of periodic signal x[n]
~ k= N jk 2N n 1 N1 ~ -jk 2N n 2
x[n]= a e
, a k x[n]e ,o = ,
k=- N k N N N 1
When N increases x[n]=x[n] so a k can be written as
1 -jk
a k x[n]e N n , define the envelope X(e j ) of Na k
N n
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Let X(e j ) x[n]e
j n
---------(1) (4marks)
The equations 1 & 2 are called F.T pair, the equation 2 is called synthesis equation and 1 is
called analysis equation. X(ejω) is called spectrum of x[n]. the fourier transform gives the
frequency components of the time domain signal.
Q4b) Explain Time shifting property of CTFT
-jωt 0
X(jω) is the fourier transform of x(t) , e X(j ) is the fourier transform of x(t-to).
-jωt 0
x(t) F.T X(jω) , x(t-to) F.T e X(j )
FT x(t-t o )
-jω t
o )e dt
e +e-j e j t d
1 1 1
j t
x(t)= X(j )e d 2cos e j t d j
2 - 2 - 2 -
j (t+1)
j (t-1)
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Q5a) . Find the Inverse Laplace transform of X ( s ) for the following
( s 5)( s 3)
ROCs i) -5 < Re(s) <3 ii) Re (s) > 3 iii) Re(s) < -5
X (s)
( s 5)( s 3)
1) -5<Re(s)<3 2) Re(s)>3 3) Re(s)<-5
1 A B A( s 3) B ( s 5)
X (s) =
( s 5)( s 3) ( s 5) ( s 3) ( s 5)( s 3)
1 1
A( s 3) B ( s 5) 1, by solving A=- , B
8 8
1 1
X (s) 8 8 , (3 marks)
( s 5) ( s 3)
Case1 -5<Re(s)<3, ROC >-5 that is positive sequence, ROC <3 implies negative side sequence
Take inverse transfrom using standard laplace transforms
1 1
x(t)=- e3t u (t ) e 5t u (t ) (1 mark)
8 8
Case2 Re(s)>3, this is possible when both sequences are positive sequence
Take inverse transfrom using standard laplace transforms
1 1
x(t)= e3t u (t ) e 5t u (t ) (1 mark)
8 8
Case3 Re(s)<-5, this case is possible when both sequences are negative sequences
1 1
x(t)= e 5t u (t ) e3t u (t ) (1 mark)
8 8
Q5b) State and Explain any three properties of Region of convergence for z transforms
The Region of convergence (ROC) is the set of points z in the complex plane, for which the
summation is bounded (converges) i.e. range of values of z over which X(z) converges.
Properties of ROC
1. The ROC of X(z) depends only on |z| = r and therefore consists of a ring in the z-plane
centered at the origin.
2. ROC does not contain any poles.
3. If x[n] is of finite duration, then the ROC is the entire z-plane except possibly z = 0
and/or z = ∞.
4. If x[n] is a right-sided sequence, and if the circle |z|=r in the ROC, then the ROC |z|>r
then the ROC is the outside of a circle centered at the origin. Example x[n]=anu[n]
gives X(z)=z/z-a with roc |z|>a
5. If x[n] is a left-sided sequence and if the circle |z|=r in the ROC, then the ROC 0<|z|<r
is the inside of a circle centered at the origin. Example x[n]= -anu[-n-1] gives X(z)=z/z-
a with roc |z|<a
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6. If x[n] is a two-sided sequence, and if the circle |z|=r in the ROC then the ROC
consists of a ring includes the circle |z|=r. Example x[n]=a|n| has z transform
z z
X ( z) with ROC a<|z|<1/a
z a z 1/ a
Q5c) Find the Lapalce Transform and ROC for the following
i) x(t)=e-2|t| ii) x(t)=e 3t u (t ) e5t u (t )
i) x(t)=e-2|t|
x(t) = e-2|t|
X(s) = x(t)e-st dt e-2t e-st dt e 2t e-st dt e -2t e -st dt
- - 0
e-(s+2)t (3marks)
= e -(s-2)t
dt e
( s 2) t
dt =
- 0 ( s 2) ( s 2) 0
1 1
X(s) = , ROC Re(s) > -2 and Re(s) < 2, -2<Re(s)<2
( s 2) ( s 2)
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Q6 a) Determine the inverse z transform of
1 z 1 z 2
X ( z) ,
1 1 1 1
(1 2 z )(1 z )(1 z )
1) if |z|<1/2 2) if |z|>2 3) if 1<|z|<2
1 z 1 z 2
X ( z) , multiply NR and DR by z 3
(1 2 z 1 )(1 z 1 )(1 z 1 )
z z z
3 2
z ( z 2 z 1)
X ( z)
1 1
( z 2)( z )( z 1) ( z 2)( z )( z 1)
2 2
X ( z) ( z 2 z 1) A B C
( z 2)( z )( z 1) ( z 2) ( z 1) ( z )
z 1 1
2 2
X ( z) A B C z z 1
z ( z 2) ( z 1) ( z ) ( z 2)( z 1 )( z 1)
2 2
1 1
A( z 1)( z ) B ( z 2)( z ) C ( z 1)( z 2) z 2 z 1,
2 2
by solving A=2, B=-2, C=1
X ( z) 2 2 1
z ( z 2) ( z 1) ( z 1 )
2z 2z z
X ( z) (5 marks)
( z 2) ( z 1) ( z 1 )
Case1 if |z|<1/2 this case is possible if entire signal is anticausal i.e. all are negative side sequences
x[n]=-2(2) nu ( n 1) 2(1) n u ( n 1) ( ) nu ( n 1)
Case2 if |z|>2 this case is possible if entire signal is causal i.e. all are positive side sequences
x[n]=2(2) nu (n) 2(1) n u (n) ( ) nu (n)
Case3 if 1<|z|<2 this case is possible if signal is non causal i.e.
ROC >1 so z=1/2 and z=1 are positive side sequences and z=2 is negative side sequence
x[n]=-2(2) nu ( n 1) 2(1) n u (n) ( ) nu (n) (3 marks)
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Q6. b) Find the DTFT of the Sequence
x[n] =-anu[-n-1]
Given x[n] = -a nu[ n 1]
For the Given signal x[n] = a n n 0
a n n<0
Fourier Transform of the signal x[n], X(e j ) x[n]e
j n
n n
e j n
n n 1 n n n
a a
X(e ) = -a u[ n 1]e
j n j n
j n j n (3 marks)
n n e n 1 e n 1 a
n e j n n
e j
1 a e j e j
X(e )
1 1 1 1 1
n 1 a n0 a e j a e j a e j e j a
cos j sin cos j sin
X(e j ) (3 marks)
cos j sin a cos a j sin
Q6c) Explain time domain aliasing with neat sketches (6 marks)
When the sampling rate ‘Fs’ exceeds the nyquist rate ‘Fs>2Fh’ all replica of X(f)
involved in the construction of Xδ(f) move further apart and there is no problem in
recovering the original signal x(t) from its sampled version x δ(t). This is known as over
sampling. Where Fh is the maximum frequency of the signal.
When the sampling rate ‘Fs’ is less than the nyquist rate ‘Fs<2Fh’ the sampled
signal the spectrum X(f) overlap each other. This is due to under sampling. In this case, the
frequencies X(f) reflected into the lower frequencies in Xδ(f). The phenomenon of a High
frequency component in the spectrum of original signal x(t) to the lower frequency in the
spectrum of its sampled version xδ(t) is called aliasing effect or aliasing error.
Drawback of Aliasing
The original signal x(t) can’t be recovered exactly from the sampled version xδ(t) and
the information lost in sampling process itself.
To avoid Aliasing
Prior to sampling a Lowpass Pre alias filter is used to attenuate the high frequency
components the signal that lie outside the band. Once the filter it, the filter signal is
sampled at a rate slightly higher than the nyquist rate.
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Q7 a)Consider a system with impulse response h[n]= 3nu[n]. Determine the output
of the system at n=5,10 for the input x[n]=u[n]
Given input is unit step
Step response of Discrete time system, s(n)= h(n)
x(t ) t 0 t 1,ωo
2-t 1 t 2
a k is the FS coefficient of x(t), bk is the FS coefficient of dx(t)/dt
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1 -jkωo t
T0 x(t) e dt
1 t 2 t2 1 1
1 2
1 1 1
1 2
1) a 0 = tdt+ (2 - t)dt = 2t 4 2 2 (2 marks)
2 0 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 2
From the graph
dx(t ) 2
1 0 t 1,ωo
dt 2
-1 1 t 2
-jk t 1 -jk t 2
1 -jk t -jk t 1 e
T 1 2
1 dx(t ) -jkωo t
e dt e dt 1e dt
-jk -jk
T 0 dt 2 0 2 0 1
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x(n) is sum of all these equations
in more Compact form x(n)= x(k) (n k) . This equation represents the input sequence
as a linear combination of shifted impulses where the weights are x(k).
Let h(n-k) denote the response of the linear system to the shifted unit impulses. Let
y(n) be the output of the system
y(n)= x(k)h(n k)
h(n) response to the δ(n), h(n-1) response to the δ(n-1)
y(n)= x(k)h(n k) x(n) h(n)
This equation referred as convolution sum i.e the response of an LTI system to an
arbitrary input in terms of the impulse responses.
-jkωo t e-jkωo t
ak e dt = -
To jkωo To
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2 e jkωo T1 e-jkωo T1 2sinkω T sinkωo T1
ak = o 1
kωo To 2j kωo To k
sin( k / 2)
for To 4T1 , a k for k 0, a k 0 for k even, (4marks)
1 1 1
ao , a1 a -1 , a 3 a -3 and so on
2 3
n 5 n 5
1 e
j 6
1 aN
X(e j ) = e j n j n
for finite series, a k =
1 a
= (4marks)
n 0 n0 1 e k=o
n 5
X(e j ) = e j n 1 e j e j 2 +e j 3 +e j 4 +e j 5
n 0
n 3 n 3
1 2 e 4
j 4
1 aN
X(e j ) = 2n e j n j n
1 2e j 1 a
= for finite series, a = (4marks)
n 0 n0 k=o
n 3
X(e j ) = 2n e j n 1 2e j 4e j 2 +8e j 3
n 0
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Q8b) Find the Inverse Laplace transform of X ( s )
s ( s 2)
X (s)
s ( s 2)
1 A B A( s 2) Bs
X (s) =
s ( s 2) s ( s 2) s ( s 2)
1 1
A( s 2) Bs 1, by solving A= , B
2 2
1/ 2 1/ 2
X (s) (4 marks)
s ( s 2)
1 1
x(t ) u (t ) e 2t u (t ) (2 marks)
2 2
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