3 (PDF) Imperium Conversion Script

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Preparing for the call

5-10 minutes before the call starts, be sure that you do the following

1. Be ready with their number, prepared to dial the exact moment the clock hits the the
time you’re due to call

2. Release any emotions and judgements you may have coming into the call. Clear your
mind and enter a tranquil state

3. Stop focusing on closing, focus on diagnosing. Remember, you are like a doctor,
diagnosing an issue before prescribing a solution

4. Remove ALL distractions. Turn off all noti cations, close tabs, close your email, turn
calendar reminders off, it should just be you, the phone & a notepad

5. Have a clean sheet of paper and a pen on your desk in front of you to write notes.

6. If the prospect lled out a survey, have their answers in front of you

7. Make sure you’re recording the call / are ready to hit the record button

8. Use headphones so you can talk with your hands

9. Make sure your environment is quiet and you will have no distractions (e.g. tell your
room mates to shut up, make sure you’ve been to the toilet, etc!)

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Section One - Micro Rapport

Hey Claire, how are you today?

How has your week been so far?

Great, well let’s jump in and get started, if you’re ready?

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Section Two - Agenda & Alpha Frame

OK, so what we’ll do here is I’ll start off by asking you some questions about your
business, your goals and that application you sent through. Then, if it sounds like
we’re a good t, I’ll explain our Program and how that works. Then at the end you
can decide if you want to be part of it or not

Them: OK, sounds good

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Section Three - Establish Primary Motive

OK, let’s get started

So Claire, can you tell me what motivated you to put this time aside and take this
call with me today

Sometimes this question will reveal the prospects motivation/desire which is what
we’re looking to root out and leverage. If you get this rst try, awesome. If not, use
these questions to dig deeper.

When you say ___, what do you mean exactly

Could you explain that in a little more depth

Why do you think this problem exists

Have you tried to already x this? If so, what have you tried

How long has this problem existed for?

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Section Four - Understand Where They’re At

OK, so what do you sell at your business

OK, and how do you structure your pricing? What prices do you charge

OK, out of all of your (products/services?), what would you want to sell the most of

OK, what does your ideal or dream customer look like

OK, and what are the key selling points about your business

OK, and what main problem are you solving for your customers

OK, what’s the sales process that takes someone from a stranger to a paying
customer with you?

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Section Five - Indirectly Cause Pain

OK, how are you currently getting customers

OK, do you know how much it costs you to get a new customer

OK, do you have a system or process in place to get customers on demand

OK, are you comfortable with how it’s going on this growth side of the business

OK, how much money are you making per month with this business at the moment

You must get a speci c monthly revenue gure before proceeding. Do not proceed
with the call until you have this. Getting this number is imperative to closing the
sale. It helps the prospect associate you & your offer with their income.

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Section Six - De ne Their Goal & Future Pace It

OK Claire, what is the 12 month goal for this business

OK, and how much money do you want to be making per month with this business,
12 months from now?

You must get a speci c dollar per month gure before moving forward. If they are a
bit scattered and don’t have a goal, spend some time de ning it with them (just
keep asking them questions, they need to be the one setting the goal or it won’t be
‘theirs’ to achieve).

OK, and what is your motivation for getting this business to $XX per month

OK, how would the business change if you got it to $XX per month?

OK, and how would getting to $XX have an impact on other areas of your life?

Your job here is to support them with their vision. Help them esh out their goal and
really make them see what’s possible and get them to picture what it would be like if
they were achieving their goal. Future pace their goals, dreams and desires

If they are aiming too low, ask some questions like

Do you think going beyond that is possible

Most people answer these question with their current problem in mind. If you really
did crack the marketing and solve this problem, what do you think would be

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Section Seven - Prospect Admits


OK Claire, so you’re currently making $XX/month and you want to get to $XX/
month. Tell me, what’s stopping you from doing this on your own?

The prospect should respond with 1 of 3 ‘defeat statements’ before you move


1. She can’t do it on her own / doesn’t have the knowledge

2. She wants to do it faster / get a shortcut

3. She wants to follow a proven system and be mentored by an expert

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Section Eight - Establishing

Conviction & Deep Emotion

OK Claire, so you’re currently making $XX/month. Why not just continue with what
you’re doing and stay where you are?

OK, and how is struggling with this business having an impact on you?

OK, and when do you want to x this problem?

OK, I understand you want to x this now, but what is is your level of commitment to
making it happen

These questions will bring up some deep emotions. I’ve had people cry when
answering these questions. Whether it’s paying for a relatives medical bills, a
phobia of failure, or a ruined marriage, there is always a powerful reason behind
why someone wants to change and grow their business

THINK - We all have deep set desires and reasons for wanting to grow. Mine used
to be insecurity, being terri ed of ‘an average 9-5’ and jealousy of successful
friends. I would’ve done anything to satisfy these desires. You must root these
reasons out and let the emotions associated with them bubble up from the
subconscious. People aren’t going to buy because you use a pixel or have the
latest copy. They’ll buy because they have very solid reasons for growth.

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Section Nine - Statement of

Con dence & Permission To Explain

OK Claire, well I can say with a lot of con dence that we can de nitely help with

Would you like me to explain how?

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Section Ten - State Your Expertise

Well, over at [YOUR COMPANY], our area of expertise is in helping _____ get more
_____. We do this by ________.

The ideal ____ for us to work with is typically making between $XX and $XX per
month, with a goal of getting that to somewhere between $XX and $XX. And the
main problem we help them solve to get there is customer acquisition, so it seems
to me like you’re a damn good t for what we do

When you state your expertise & who you help, you want to say it in such a way
that the client thinks ‘damn, that’s my situation’ or ‘well this seems like a pretty good
t’. It should sound perfect for them.

As we progress through sales training, we will show you how to write this statement
out for your niche. You want to write yours out, then practise it until it’s smooth,
clear and delivered with serious con dence

If you do this right, the prospect will put 2 and 2 together and believe that you must
be the expert to help them.

When you nish stating your expertise, just shut up.

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Section Eleven - Vaguely Pitch Your


If done correctly, your prospect will now ask what you have to offer or ‘how do you
do that’. When they ask you need to pitch what you have in a clear way that does
NOT solve their problems

This is when you pitch what you do and how it works. This MUST be vague and it
MUST be HIGH LEVEL speech. DO NOT talk about the features, processes or
anything like that. PITCH THE ENDS, NOT THE MEANS. If you sell features, you’ll
trigger ‘feature focus’ in your prospects brain, which is not what you want to do. You
must keep them focused on the OUTCOME, not the means of achieving it

You must write your own script. Write it out, perfect it, practise it and get the delivery

3 rules: Keep it vague, keep it short (2 mins or less) and NEVER talk about price

After you’ve said this piece, it’s vital that you SHUT UP.

Next, your prospect will start asking you questions about how your system works.
They will continue asking questions until they have a clear understanding of how it
works and more importantly, how it will work for them. By letting them ask
questions, we are building out their dream offer and covering all the information
they need to make a decision. You must let your prospect pull information from you.

You should answer their questions clearly & concisely, then shut up and wait for
their next question. When answering do not divert the conversation or tangent. Stay
focussed and keep your eye on the prize.

After a while, your prospect will have asked all the questions they have regarding
the offer. Then, they will ask you for the Price…

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Section Twelve - Leveraging Incentive

Based Pricing

“Well our fee for building and managing this for you is $1,500 per month and there is a setup
fee of $2000, but what we’ve found over the past few years of doing this is that people who
make quick decisions always turn out to be the best clients for us and we get them the best
results, so for those reasons we have something called incentive based pricing, where if you
make a decision to move forward on the call with me today, I’ll waive the $2,000 setup fee
and it’s just $1,500 per month.” THEN SHUT UP!

This SILENCE here is the most crucial part of your entire call. You MUST not cave in and
you MUST remain silent until the prospect speaks. Sometimes this silence is longer than
1-2 mins.

We’re waiting for them to say they want to move forward, like this

“What’s the next step? | OK, let’s do it? | Where do we go from here?

When they are ready to move forward say

“Great! Well we can get you started right now if you want?”

(OK well how do we do that… OK how do we do the payment… Words like this….)

Well we can process credit card over the phone if that works for you

(OK cool…. Or words to this effect)

So is that VISA or MASTERCARD, collect the details and KABOOM! CLOSED!

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