DLP Fire Drill, Earthquake, First Aide
DLP Fire Drill, Earthquake, First Aide
DLP Fire Drill, Earthquake, First Aide
I.Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
a. Identify fire, earthquake and first aid.
b. Determine the different scenarios of possible hazards in a workplace.
c. Apply health and safety measures in a workplace.
II.Subject Matter
Topic: Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures
Learning Outcomes (LO) 3 Maintain occupational health and safety awareness.
Materials: Picture, Worksheet, Loptop, OHP,
References: K to 12 Learning Module Grade 7/8 Household Service Exploratory
CONTENT STANDARD: Demonstrate understanding on:
Safety Measures
III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities
C. Motivation
D. Lesson Proper
What do you think the other several causes of Ma’am Overheated appliances, Worn-out
fire? electrical connections, Left unattended lighted
candles, Overheated lights (Christmas light).
Why do we need to learned fire drill? ( student will state their own answer)
What should we do if we are inside the Maam Stay inside, Drop, cover and hold on
house,classroom or office?
Who can give some General Directions for Give immediate action.
First Aid? Keep the victim on its position; if
possible lay him/her down.
Assess the situation. Examine the
victim from injuries.
Plan action to be taken. It involves
seeking expert assistance.
E. Abstraction
Directions: Identify the following sentences
on the circles and categorize them where they
Belong and put on the big boxes namely Fire
Drill, Earthquake Drill and First Aid.
1.Stay Inside
2. Assess the situation
3. Expect aftershocks.
4. Overheated
5. Appliances
6. Gladsome
7. Drop, cover, & hold on
8. Worn out electrical connections
9. Immediate Action
10. Gentle
11. Activated fire alarm system
G. Assingment
Noted by:
Principal III