DLP Fire Drill, Earthquake, First Aide

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I.Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
a. Identify fire, earthquake and first aid.
b. Determine the different scenarios of possible hazards in a workplace.
c. Apply health and safety measures in a workplace.

II.Subject Matter
Topic: Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures
Learning Outcomes (LO) 3 Maintain occupational health and safety awareness.
Materials: Picture, Worksheet, Loptop, OHP,
References: K to 12 Learning Module Grade 7/8 Household Service Exploratory
CONTENT STANDARD: Demonstrate understanding on:
 Safety Measures

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routinary Activities

- Greeting’s ( Goodafternoon Class)

- Prayer
- Checking of attendance Good afternoon Ma’am
( the student will pray )
B. Review

Ok class, yesterday we already finish to

discuss the contingency plan and different
kinds of ppe.

C. Motivation

The student will identify the pictures show on

the power point presentation;
(student will answer based on their opinions)

Based from the pictures presented that you

have seen while ago, is connected in our
lesson for today

D. Lesson Proper

Our Lesson this afternoon is about maintain

occupational health and safety awareness .
Listened attentively because at the end of the
lesson you are going to:
a. Identify fire safety, earthquake
and first aid
b. Determine the different
scenarios of possible hazards in
a workplace
c. Apply health and safety

Ma’am This refers to precautions that are

What is Fire Safety? taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of a
fire that may result in death, injury, or
property damage.
Very good Ayana!

In our country, Fire Prevention Month is

being observed in March of every year led by
the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP). The
purpose of the month-long observance is to
heighten the fire safety consciousness of the
Filipino people and reduce incidence of fires
that result to property losses.

I have a question where do fire often start?

Student answer will be based on their opinion.

Excellent! Most fires start in the kitchen

because people are too negligent about loose
valves of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) tanks.

What do you think the other several causes of Ma’am Overheated appliances, Worn-out
fire? electrical connections, Left unattended lighted
candles, Overheated lights (Christmas light).

Why do we need to learned fire drill? ( student will state their own answer)

Fire drills are conducted at the frequencies

specified by the Fire Code and involve all of
the following activities and considerations:

• The fire alarm system is activated as

part of the drill
• Supervisory staff operates emergency
systems and equipment as they would
in the event of an actual fire.
• All supervisory staff that have specific
duties identified in the fire safety plan

What is Earthquake? Maam shaking and vibration at the surface of

the earth

There are following activities are to be

During the Earthquake

What should we do if we are inside the Maam Stay inside, Drop, cover and hold on
house,classroom or office?


Teacher demonstrate the drop, cover and Student follows!

Maam, Find a clear spot away from buildings,
How about in outdoors? trees, and power lines. Drop to the ground
until the shaking stops.

Maam, for Personal Safety

How About after the Earthquake? Expect aftershocks.
Check yourself for injuries.
Listen to a battery-operated radio or television
for the latest emergency information.
Check others for injuries. Give first aid where
appropriate. Do not move seriously injured
persons unless they are in immediate danger
of further injury.

Maam, give initial care for an illness or injury.

What is First Aid?
Maam, they should be watchful, resourceful,
What is the characteristics of a good first gentle, sympathetic, and gladsome.

Very good Hannah! Ma’am!

Who can give some General Directions for  Give immediate action.
First Aid?  Keep the victim on its position; if
possible lay him/her down.
 Assess the situation. Examine the
victim from injuries.
 Plan action to be taken. It involves
seeking expert assistance.

E. Abstraction

What is fire safety?

Where do often fire start?

What are the characteristic of a good first

F. Application

Directions: Identify the following sentences
on the circles and categorize them where they
Belong and put on the big boxes namely Fire
Drill, Earthquake Drill and First Aid.

1.Stay Inside
2. Assess the situation
3. Expect aftershocks.
4. Overheated
5. Appliances
6. Gladsome
7. Drop, cover, & hold on
8. Worn out electrical connections
9. Immediate Action
10. Gentle
11. Activated fire alarm system

Observe Silence as the activity go along.

IV. Assessment (1/4 sheet of paper)

Directions: Choose the best answer from the
choices given below after each sentence by
writing the letter on your answer sheet.
1. There are other several causes of fire, they
are as follows except from one.
a. Overheated appliances
b. Worn-out electrical connections
c. Lighted candles
d. Sudden surge of electricity
2. Fire drills are conducted at the frequencies
specified by the Fire Code and involve all of
the following activities except from one.
a. Fire alarm
b. Supervisory staff operates emergency
c. Shouting aloud
d. occupant’ participation is taken into
3. This refers to precautions that are taken to
prevent or reduce the likelihood of a fire that
may result in death, injury, or property
a. Fire Safety
b. Fire Drill
c. Earthquake
d. Earthquake Drill
4. It is the shaking and vibration at the
surface of the earth resulting from
movement along a fault plane or from volcanic
a. Shaking
b. Vibration
c. Earthquake
d. Volcanic Eruption
5. It is the provision of initial care for an
illness or injury. It is usually performed by
but trained personnel to a sick or injured
person until definitive medical treatment
can be accessed.
a. Sudden Aid
b. First Aid
c. Emergency Aid
d. Urgent Aid

G. Assingment



Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher TLE - Coordinator

Noted by:

Principal III

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