RINA FLOW Certification

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Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind

Turbine Installations
Effective from 1 August 2021

Via Corsica, 12 - 16128 Genova - Italy
Tel. +39 01053851 - Fax: +39 0105351000
E-MAIL info@rina.org - WEB www.rina.org
GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE RULES effective from 1/1/2021
Definitions: require the constant and continuous presence of the Surveyor. The
"Rules" in these General Conditions means the documents below Society may also commission laboratory testing, underwater
issued by the Society: inspection and other checks to qualified service suppliers, who
- Rules for the Classification of Ships or other special units; will carry out these duties under their responsibility. Survey prac-
- Complementary Rules containing the requirements for certifica- tices and procedures are selected by the Society based on its expe-
tion of products, plants, systems and other or containing the rience and knowledge and according to generally accepted
requirements for the assignment of additional class notations; technical standards in the sector.
- Rules for the application of statutory rules, containing the rules to Article 3
perform the duties delegated by Administrations; 3.1. - The class assigned to a Ship, like the reports, statements, cer-
- Guides to carry out particular activities connected with Services; tificates or any other document or information issued by the Soci-
- Any other technical document, as for example rule variations or ety, reflect the discretionary opinion of the Society concerning
interpretations. compliance, at the time the Service is provided, of the Ship or
“Services” means the activities described in Article 1 below, ren- product subject to certification, with the applicable Rules (given
dered by the Society upon request made by or on behalf of the the intended use and within the relevant time frame).
Interested Party. The Society is under no obligation to make statements or provide
“Society” or “RINA” means RINA Services S.p.A. and/or all the information about elements or facts which are not part of the spe-
companies in the RINA Group which provide the Services. cific scope of the Service requested by the Interested Party or on its
“Surveyor” means technical staff acting on behalf of the Society in behalf.
performing the Services. 3.2. - No report, statement, notation on a plan, review, Certificate
“Interested Party” means the party, other than the Society, having of Classification, document or information issued or given as part
an interest in or responsibility for the Ship, product, plant or sys- of the Services provided by the Society shall have any legal effect
tem subject to classification or certification (such as the owner of or implication other than a representation that, on the basis of the
the Ship and his representatives, the ship builder, the engine checks made by the Society, the Ship, structure, materials, equip-
builder or the supplier of parts to be tested) who requests the Ser- ment, machinery or any other item covered by such document or
vices or on whose behalf the Services are requested. information meet the Rules. Any such document is issued solely
“Owner” means the registered Owner, the ship Owner, the man- for the use of the Society, its committees and clients or other duly
ager or any other party with the responsibility, legally or contractu- authorised bodies and for no other purpose. Therefore, the Society
ally, to keep the ship seaworthy or in service, having particular cannot be held liable for any act made or document issued by
regard to the provisions relating to the maintenance of class laid other parties on the basis of the statements or information given by
down in Part A, Chapter 2 of the Rules for the Classification of the Society. The validity, application, meaning and interpretation
Ships or in the corresponding rules indicated in the specific Rules. of a Certificate of Classification, or any other document or infor-
“Administration” means the Government of the State whose flag mation issued by the Society in connection with its Services, are
the Ship is entitled to fly or under whose authority the Ship is governed by the Rules of the Society, who is the sole subject enti-
authorised to operate in the specific case. tled to make such authentic interpretation. Any disagreement on
"Ship" means ships, boats, craft and other special units, as for technical matters between the Interested Party and the Surveyor in
example offshore structures, floating units and underwater craft. the carrying out of his functions shall be raised in writing as soon
"Client" means the Interested Party and any other party who as possible with the Society, which will settle any divergence of
requires the Services. opinion or dispute.
3.3. - The classification of a Ship, or the issuance of a certificate or
Article 1 other document connected with classification or certification and
1.1. - The purpose of the Society is, among others, the classifica- in general with the performance of Services by the Society shall
tion and certification of ships and the certification of their parts have the validity conferred upon it by the Rules of the Society at
and components. the time of the assignment of class or issuance of the certificate; in
The Society: no case shall it amount to a statement or warranty of seaworthi-
- sets forth and develops Rules; ness, structural integrity, quality or fitness for a particular purpose
- publishes the Register of Ships; or service of any Ship, structure, material, equipment or machin-
- issues certificates, statements and reports based on its survey ery inspected or tested by the Society.
activities. 3.4. - Any document issued by the Society in relation to its activi-
1.2. - The Society also takes part in the implementation of national ties reflects the condition of the Ship or the subject of certification
and international rules and standards as delegated by various Gov- or other activity at the time of the check.
ernments. 3.5. - The Rules, surveys and activities performed by the Society,
1.3. – The Society carries out technical assistance activities on reports, certificates and other documents issued by the Society are
request and provides special services outside the scope of classifi- in no way intended to replace the duties and responsibilities of
cation, which are regulated by these General Conditions, unless other parties including, without limitation, Governments, design-
expressly excluded in the particular contract. ers, ship builders, manufacturers, repairers, suppliers, contractors
or sub-contractors, Owners, operators, charterers, underwriters,
Article 2 sellers or intended buyers of a Ship or other product or system sur-
2.1. - The Rules developed by the Society reflect the level of its veyed.
technical knowledge at the time they are published. Therefore, the These documents and activities do not relieve such parties from
Society, though committed, also through its research and develop- any fulfilment, warranty, responsibility, duty or obligation (also of a
ment services, to continuous updating, does not guarantee they contractual nature) expressed or implied or in any case incumbent
meet state-of-the-art science and technology at the time of publi- on them, nor do they confer on such parties any right, claim or
cation or that they meet the Society's or others' subsequent techni- cause of action against the Society. With particular regard to the
cal developments. duties of the ship Owner, the Services undertaken by the Society
2.2. - The Interested Party is required to know the Rules on the do not relieve the Owner of his duty to ensure proper maintenance
basis of which the Services are provided. With particular reference of the Ship and ensure seaworthiness at all times. Likewise, the
to Classification Services, special attention is to be given to the Rules, surveys performed, reports, certificates and other docu-
Rules concerning class suspension, withdrawal and reinstatement. ments issued by the Society are intended neither to guarantee the
In case of doubt or inaccuracy, the Interested Party is to promptly buyers of the Ship, its components or any other surveyed or certi-
contact the Society for clarification. fied item, nor to relieve the seller of the duties arising out of the
The Rules for Classification of Ships are published on the Society's law or the contract, regarding the quality, commercial value or
website: www.rina.org. characteristics of the item which is the subject of transaction.
2.3. - The Society exercises due care and skill: In no case, therefore, shall the Society assume the obligations
- in the selection of its Surveyors incumbent upon the above-mentioned parties, even when it is
- in the performance of its Services, taking into account the level of consulted in connection with matters not covered by its Rules or
its technical knowledge at the time the Services are performed. other documents.
2.4. - Surveys conducted by the Society include, but are not lim- In consideration of the above, and within the limits of liability
ited to, visual inspection and non-destructive testing. Unless other- under art. 5 below, the Interested Party undertakes to relieve and
wise required, surveys are conducted through sampling hold harmless the Society from any third party claim, as well as
techniques and do not consist of comprehensive verification or from any liability in relation to the latter concerning the Services
monitoring of each component of the Ship or of the items subject rendered, where these are attributable to the Interested Party.
to certification. The surveys and checks made by the Society, either Insofar as they are not expressly provided for in these General
on board ships or with remote techniques, do not necessarily Conditions, the duties and responsibilities of the Owner and Inter-
ested Parties with respect to the services rendered by the Society from the date on which the Services were performed or THREE
are described in the Rules applicable to the specific Service ren- MONTHS from the date on which the damage was discovered.
dered. Failure to comply with the above deadline will constitute an abso-
Article 4 lute bar to the pursuit of such a claim against the Society.Article 6
4.1. – Any request for the Society's Services shall be submitted in 6.1. - Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Rules or
writing and signed by or on behalf of the Interested Party. Such a with the Services of the Society, including any issues concerning
request will be considered irrevocable as soon as received by the responsibility, liability or limitations of liability of the Society, will
Society and shall entail acceptance by the applicant of all relevant be determined in accordance with Italian Law and settled through
requirements of the Rules, including these General Conditions. arbitration assigned to a board of three arbitrators who will pro-
Upon acceptance of the written request by the Society, a contract ceed in compliance with the Rules of the Chamber of National
between the Society and the Interested Party is entered into, which and International Arbitration of Milan. Arbitration will take place
is regulated by the present General Conditions. in Genoa, Italy.
4.2. – In consideration of the Services rendered by the Society, the 6.2. - However, for disputes concerning non-payment of the fees
Interested Party and the person requesting the service shall be and/or expenses due to the Society for Services, the Society shall
jointly liable for the payment of the relevant fees and costs, even if have the right to submit any claim to the jurisdiction of the Courts
the service is not concluded for any cause not pertaining to the of the place where the registered or operating office of the Inter-
Society. In the latter case, the Society shall not be held liable for ested Party or of the applicant who requested the Service is
non-fulfilment or partial fulfilment of the Services requested. In the located.
event of late payment, interest at the legal current rate increased In the case of actions taken against the Society by a third party
by 2% shall be paid. before a judicial Court, the Society shall also have the right to
4.3. - The contract for the classification of a Ship or for other Ser- summon the Interested Party or the subject who requested the Ser-
vices may be terminated and any certificates revoked at the vice before that Court, in order to be relieved and held harmless
request of one of the parties, subject to at least 30 days' notice to according to art. 3.5 above.
be given in writing. Failure to pay, even in part, the fees due for Article 7
Services carried out by the Society will entitle the Society to imme- 7.1. - All plans, specifications, documents and information pro-
diately terminate the contract and suspend the Services. vided by, issued by, or made known to the Society, in connection
The Society may withhold, suspend or withdraw any certificate, with the performance of its Services, will be treated as confidential
report or service in the event of non-payment of fees due to any and will not be made available to any other party other than the
member of the RINA Group by the Client in relation to the entire Owner without authorisation of the Interested Party, except as pro-
business relationship between any member of the RINA Group vided for or required by any applicable international, European or
and the Client or by any other companies belonging to the same domestic legislation, Charter or other IACS resolutions, or order
group as the Client. This also applies when the obligation to pay from a competent authority. Information about the status and
rests with a builder or with the Ship's previous Owner. validity of class and statutory certificates, including transfers,
For every case of termination or suspension of the contract, the changes, suspensions, withdrawals of class, conditions of class,
fees for the activities performed until the time of the termination or operating conditions or restrictions issued against classed ships
of the suspension shall be owed to the Society as well as the and other related information, as may be required, may be pub-
expenses incurred in view of activities already programmed; this is lished on the website or released by other means, without the prior
without prejudice to the right to compensation due to the Society consent of the Interested Party.
as a consequence of the termination or of the suspension. Information about the status and validity of other certificates and
With particular reference to Ship classification and certification, statements may also be published on the website or released by
unless decided otherwise by the Society, termination of the con- other means, without the prior consent of the Interested Party.
tract implies that the assignment of class to a Ship is withheld or, if 7.2. - Notwithstanding the general duty of confidentiality owed by
already assigned, that it is suspended or withdrawn; any statutory the Society to its clients in clause 7.1 above, the Society's clients
certificates issued by the Society will be withdrawn in those cases accept that the Society will participate in the IACS Early Warning
where provided for by agreements between the Society and the System which requires each Classification Society to provide other
flag State. involved Classification Societies with relevant technical informa-
Article 5 tion on serious hull structural and engineering systems failures, as
5.1. - In providing the Services, as well as other correlated infor- defined in the IACS Early Warning System (but not including any
mation or advice, the Society, its Surveyors, servants or agents drawings relating to the ship which may be the specific property of
operate with due diligence for the proper execution of the activity. another party), to enable such useful information to be shared and
However, considering the nature of the activities performed (see used to facilitate the proper working of the IACS Early Warning
art. 2.4), it is not possible to guarantee absolute accuracy, correct- System. The Society will provide its clients with written details of
ness and completeness of any information or advice supplied. such information sent to the involved Classification Societies.
Express and implied warranties are specifically disclaimed. 7.3. - In the event of transfer of class, addition of a second class or
Therefore, subject to what provided for in paragraph 5.2 below, withdrawal from a double/dual class, the Interested Party under-
and also in the case of activities carried out by delegation of Gov- takes to provide or to permit the Society to provide the other Clas-
ernments, neither the Society nor any of its Surveyors will be liable sification Society with all building plans and drawings, certificates,
for any loss, damage or expense of whatever nature sustained by documents and information relevant to the classed unit, including
any person, in tort or in contract, derived from carrying out the its history file, as the other Classification Society may require for
Services. the purpose of classification in compliance with the applicable
5.2. – Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraph 5.1 above, legislation and relative IACS Procedure. It is the Owner's duty to
should any user of the Society's Services prove that he has suffered ensure that, whenever required, the consent of the builder is
a loss or damage due to any negligent act or omission of the Soci- obtained with regard to the provision of plans and drawings to the
ety, its Surveyors, servants or agents, then the Society will pay new Society, either by way of appropriate stipulation in the build-
compensation to such person for his proved loss, up to, but not ing contract or by other agreement.
exceeding, five times the amount of the fees charged for the spe- In the event that the ownership of the ship, product or system sub-
cific services, information or opinions from which the loss or dam- ject to certification is transferred to a new subject, the latter shall
age derives or, if no fee has been charged, a maximum of one have the right to access all pertinent drawings, specifications, doc-
hundred thousand Euro. Where the fees charged are related to a uments or information issued by the Society or which have come
number of Services, the amount of the fees will be apportioned for to the knowledge of the Society while carrying out its Services,
the purpose of the calculation of the maximum compensation, by even if related to a period prior to transfer of ownership.
reference to the estimated time involved in the performance of the
Service from which the damage or loss derives. Any liability for Article 8
indirect or consequential loss, damage or expense is specifically 8.1. – RINA shall not be obliged to perform any obligation towards
excluded. In any case, irrespective of the amount of the fees the Client (including, without limitation, obligation to (a) perform,
charged, the maximum damages payable by the Society will not deliver, accept, sell, purchase, pay or receive money to, from or
be more than 1 million Euro. Payment of compensation under this through a person or entity, or (b) engage in any other act) if this
paragraph will not entail any admission of responsibility and/or would be in violation of, inconsistent with or expose RINA to
liability by the Society and will be made without prejudice to the punitive measures under any United Nations resolutions and/or
disclaimer clause contained in paragraph 5.1 above. under any laws, regulations, decrees, ordinances, orders,
demands, requests, rules or requirements of EU, United Kingdom,
5.3. - Any claim for loss or damage of whatever nature by virtue of and/or United States of America and which relate to foreign trade
the provisions set forth herein shall be made to the Society in writ- controls, export controls, embargoes or international boycotts
ing, within the shorter of the following periods: THREE MONTHS
(applying, without limitation, to the financing, payment, insur- pretation of the Rules); art. 4.2., (as far as the payment of the fees is
ance, transportation, delivery or storage of product and/or ser- also due for services not concluded due to causes not attributable
vices) hereinafter referred to as "Trade Sanctions". to the Interested Party); art. 5.1. (as far as the exclusion of liability
Recurring the above circumstances during the performance of the is concerned); art. 5.2.; art. 5.3.; and art. 6.1. (as far as the jurisdic-
contract, RINA shall be entitled at its sole and absolute discretion: tion of a Board of Arbitrators based in Genoa is concerned).
I) to immediately suspend payment or performance of the Services Article 11
which are the object of the contract until such time as the Trading 11.1. – RINA and the Interested Party shall promote safety, protect
Sanctions are in force; and/or human health and environment and create safe working condi-
II) to a full disengagement from the obligation affected by the tions for their personnel.
Trading Sanctions, in the event that the inability to fulfill the said 11.2. – The Interested Party shall guarantee that the working envi-
obligation persists until the term provided for the fulfilment here- ronment in which RINA’s Surveyor will be required to work is ade-
under, provided that where the relevant obligation relates to pay- quate, safe and in all respect compliant with the applicable
ments for activities and/or Services which have already been legislation and Rules and shall adopt all necessary measures to
delivered, the affected payment obligation shall remain only sus- mitigate and/or control any relevant risk.
pended until such time as the Trading Sanctions no longer apply to 11.3. – Furthermore, in accordance with the applicable legislation
the payment ; and/or and Rules, the Interested Party shall provide RINA with complete
III) to terminate the contract, without prejudice of the RINA’s rights and detailed information relevant to any actual or potential spe-
pursuant to article 4.3. cific risk existing in the work areas where the Surveyor will be
Article 9 required to operate and relevant to the performance of the Services
9.1. – Should any part of these General Conditions be declared as well as with any specific safety measure that RINA Surveyor is
invalid, this will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. requested to comply with.
11.4. – RINA reserves not to commence and/or to suspend the Ser-
Article 10 vices and/or to terminate the contract, claiming compensation for
10.1. – When the Society provides its Services to a consumer - i.e. any damage occurred, if it considers that the safety requirements
a natural person who does not act within the scope of his business listed in this article are not satisfactorily met.
or professional activity - the following provisions do not apply: art.
3.2. (as far as the Society is solely entitled to the authentic inter-
Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations



1 APPLICATION ................................................................................................................................................... 1

2 CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................................ 1

2.1 FOREWORD ..................................................................................................................................................... 1

2.2 CERTIFICATION TASKS FOR A FLOATING OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE INSTALLATION ............................................... 2
2.3 DOCUMENTATION FOR CERTIFICATION .............................................................................................................. 2
2.4 CONSTRUCTION DOSSIER ................................................................................................................................. 2
2.5 CERTIFICATION OF THE FABRICATION SURVEY ................................................................................................... 3

3 AMENDMENTS AND NOVEL TECHNOLOGIES .............................................................................................. 3

4 REFERENCE RULES FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................................... 3

4.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 3

4.2 GOVERNMENTAL RULES ................................................................................................................................... 3
4.3 OTHER RINA RULES AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS..................................................................................... 3
4.4 BASIS OF DESIGN FOR CERTIFICATION............................................................................................................... 5

5 RECOGNIZED CERTIFICATION SCHEMES .................................................................................................... 5


1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 6

2 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 WIND TURBINE ................................................................................................................................................ 6

2.2 ROTOR-NACELLE ASSEMBLY ............................................................................................................................ 6
2.2.1 Rotor .................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Nacelle-assembly ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 SUPPORT STRUCTURE ...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Tower .................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.2 Floating Support Structure .................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.3 Stationkeeping system ........................................................................................................................ 7
2.4 DESIGN LIFE .................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 LOCATION ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.6 WATER DEPTH ................................................................................................................................................. 7

3 FLOATING SUPPORT STRUCTURES CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................................... 7

3.1 COLUMN STABILIZED FLOATING SUPPORT STRUCTURE ..................................................................................... 8

3.2 SPAR TYPE FLOATING SUPPORT STRUCTURE ................................................................................................... 8
3.3 TLP TYPE FLOATING SUPPORT STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................... 8
3.4 DEGREE OF FREEDOM ..................................................................................................................................... 8

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations



1 SAFETY PHILOSOSPHY ................................................................................................................................ 10

1.1 STRUCTURAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................ 10

1.2 RISK EXPOSURE LEVELS ................................................................................................................................ 10
1.2.1 Determination of exposure level categories according to ISO Standard .......................................... 10
1.2.2 Determination of exposure level categories for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations ......... 10
1.2.3 Notional safety targets....................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 ROBUSTNESS REQUIREMENT .......................................................................................................................... 11
1.4 DESIGN ASSISTED BY MODEL TESTS................................................................................................................ 11
1.5 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 11

2 DESIGN PRINCIPLES ..................................................................................................................................... 11

2.1 METHODS OF ANALYSIS AND CALCULATION..................................................................................................... 11

2.1.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.1.2 Determination of loading effects ........................................................................................................ 11
2.1.3 Model tests ........................................................................................................................................ 11
2.1.4 Monitoring systems ........................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 DESIGN CRITERIA ........................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 12
2.2.2 Protection against accidental damage .............................................................................................. 12
2.2.3 Accessibility for inspection ................................................................................................................ 12
2.3 REASSESSMENT OF EXISTING STRUCTURES..................................................................................................... 13
2.4 STRUCTURE REUSE ........................................................................................................................................ 13

3 APPENDIX A3 – LRFD FORMAT BASIC PRINCIPLES ................................................................................. 13

3.1 WSD VS LRFD ............................................................................................................................................. 13

3.2 OUTLINE PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINATION OF THE PARTIAL SAFETY FACTORS ................................................ 14


1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................ 16

1.1 ENVIRONMENTAL PHENOMENA ....................................................................................................................... 16


2 WIND CHARACTERIZATION .......................................................................................................................... 17

2.1 WIND CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 17

2.2 WIND DATA.................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.1 Mean Wind Speed ............................................................................................................................. 17
2.2.2 Wind Modeling ................................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.3 Wind Speed Standard Deviation ....................................................................................................... 18
2.2.4 Turbulence Intensity .......................................................................................................................... 19
2.2.5 Stochastic Turbulence Model ............................................................................................................ 19
2.2.6 Extreme Wind conditions .................................................................................................................. 20
2.2.7 Wind shear ........................................................................................................................................ 21
2.2.8 Wind direction .................................................................................................................................... 21

3 WAVES CHARACTERIZATION ...................................................................................................................... 21

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


3.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 21

3.2 DETERMINISTIC DESCRIPTION OF WAVES ......................................................................................................... 22
3.3 STOCHASTIC DESCRIPTION OF WAVES............................................................................................................. 23
3.3.1 Significant wave height...................................................................................................................... 23
3.3.2 Peak period ....................................................................................................................................... 23
3.3.3 Power spectral density ...................................................................................................................... 23
4 CURRENT CHARACTERIZATION .................................................................................................................. 24

4.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 24

4.2 CURRENT DATA ............................................................................................................................................. 24
4.3 CURRENT MODELLING .................................................................................................................................... 24

5 WATER DEPTH INCLUDING TIDAL VARIATIONS ....................................................................................... 24

6 TEMPERATURE .............................................................................................................................................. 25

7 SEA ICE, ICE ACCRETION AND SNOW ........................................................................................................ 25

8 MARINE FOULING .......................................................................................................................................... 26

9 EARTHQUAKES .............................................................................................................................................. 26

10 OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................... 26

11 SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONS ........................................................................................... 27


1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 28

2 TYPES OF LOADS .......................................................................................................................................... 28

2.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 28

2.2 PERMANENT LOADS ....................................................................................................................................... 28
2.3 VARIABLE FUNCTIONAL LOADS ....................................................................................................................... 28
2.4 DEFORMATION LOADS .................................................................................................................................... 28
2.5 ENVIRONMENTAL LOADS ................................................................................................................................ 28
2.6 ACCIDENTAL LOADS....................................................................................................................................... 29
2.7 LOADS DUE TO CONSTRUCTION, TRANSPORTATION AND INSTALLATION ............................................................ 29

3 DETERMINATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL LOADS ....................................................................................... 30

3.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 30

3.2 WIND LOADS ................................................................................................................................................. 30
3.2.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 30
3.2.2 Aerodynamic loads generated by the rotor ....................................................................................... 30
3.3 WAVE INDUCED LOADS .................................................................................................................................. 30
3.4 CURRENT INDUCED LOADS ............................................................................................................................. 32
3.5 ICE LOADS ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
3.6 SEISMIC LOADS ............................................................................................................................................. 32
3.6.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 32

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


3.6.2 Design requirements ......................................................................................................................... 32

4 DETERMINATION OF LOADING CONDITIONS ............................................................................................ 34

4.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 34

4.2 DESIGN LOAD CASES .................................................................................................................................... 34
4.2.1 Basic DLCs Requirements ................................................................................................................ 34
4.2.2 Verification requirements for floating support structure and stationkeeping system ........................ 40
4.2.3 Partial Safety Factors applicable for DLCs ....................................................................................... 40
4.2.4 Additional DLCs for stationkeeping system ...................................................................................... 42
4.3 SURVIVAL LOAD CASES ................................................................................................................................. 42

5 APPENDIX A5 – AERODYNAMIC LOADS GENERATED BY ROTORS ...................................................... 43

5.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 43

5.2 AEROELASTIC LOADS CALCULATION ............................................................................................................... 43
5.2.1 Wind field modelling .......................................................................................................................... 43
5.2.2 Aerodynamic model........................................................................................................................... 44
5.2.3 Blade element momentum method ................................................................................................... 45
5.2.4 Beam theory ...................................................................................................................................... 46
5.2.5 Control system .................................................................................................................................. 46


1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 48

2 SELECTION OF STEEL MATERIAL ............................................................................................................... 48

2.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 48

2.2 TYPE OF MATERIALS ACCORDING TO STRUCTURAL CATEGORY ......................................................................... 48
2.3 STEEL PIPES.................................................................................................................................................. 49
2.4 WELDABLE STRUCTURAL STEELS .................................................................................................................. 49
2.4.1 General Requirements - Manufacturing procedure - Finishing grade and tolerance ........................ 49
2.4.2 Chemical Composition ...................................................................................................................... 49
2.4.3 Mechanical Properties ....................................................................................................................... 49
2.4.4 Additional Requirements ................................................................................................................... 50
2.4.5 Tests .................................................................................................................................................. 50
2.4.6 Material test certificates..................................................................................................................... 51
2.4.7 Material of existing structures ........................................................................................................... 51
2.5 FABRICATION AND WELDING ........................................................................................................................... 51

3 SELECTION OF CONCRETE MATERIAL ...................................................................................................... 51

3.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 51

3.2 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 51
3.2.1 Cement .............................................................................................................................................. 51
3.2.2 Aggregates ........................................................................................................................................ 51
3.2.3 Water ................................................................................................................................................. 52
3.2.4 Admixtures ........................................................................................................................................ 52
3.2.5 Reinforcing steel................................................................................................................................ 52
3.2.6 Prestressing tendons......................................................................................................................... 52
3.3 DURABILITY ISSUES ....................................................................................................................................... 52
3.3.1 Cement content ................................................................................................................................. 52
3.3.2 Water/cement ratio ............................................................................................................................ 52
3.3.3 Strength ............................................................................................................................................. 52
3.3.4 Temperature ...................................................................................................................................... 52

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


3.3.5 Freezing and thawing ........................................................................................................................ 53

3.3.6 Abrasion ............................................................................................................................................ 53
3.3.7 Concrete cover to reinforcement ....................................................................................................... 53
4 SELECTION OF MATERIALS FOR SOLID BALLAST .................................................................................. 53

4.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 53

5 SELECTION OF MATERIALS FOR THE MOORING SYSTEM ..................................................................... 53

5.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 53

5.2 SELECTION OF MATERIAL FOR CHAINS ............................................................................................................ 53
5.3 SELECTION OF MATERIAL FOR WIRE ROPES ..................................................................................................... 53

6 INSPECTION AND TESTING DURING FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION .......................................... 53

6.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 53


1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 54


2.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 54

2.2 SEMISUBMERSIBLE OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE ................................................................................................. 54
2.3 TENSION LEG (TLP) OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE................................................................................................ 55
2.4 SPAR OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE ..................................................................................................................... 56
2.5 MIXED CONFIGURATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 56
2.6 FLOATING SUPPORT STRUCTURES COMPARISON ............................................................................................. 56


1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................ 58

2 GLOBAL RESPONSE ANALYSIS METHODOLOGIES ................................................................................. 59

2.1 WAVE INDUCED MOTION RESPONSE ............................................................................................................... 59

2.2 GLOBAL LOADS AND RESPONSE ANALYSIS .................................................................................................... 59
2.2.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 59
2.2.2 Frequency Domain Analysis ............................................................................................................. 59
2.2.3 Time Domain Analysis....................................................................................................................... 59
2.3 FLOATING OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE INSTALLATION MODEL........................................................................... 60
2.3.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 60
2.3.2 Coupled Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 60
2.3.3 Interface with the Wind Turbine ........................................................................................................ 60
2.3.4 Undesirable effects............................................................................................................................ 60
2.4 AIR GAP........................................................................................................................................................ 61
2.5 MODEL TESTS ............................................................................................................................................... 61

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations



1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 62

2 PROVISIONS FOR STEEL STRUCTURES .................................................................................................... 62

2.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 62

2.1.1 Material properties and durability ...................................................................................................... 62
2.1.2 Accessibility for inspection ................................................................................................................ 62
2.2 STRENGTH DESIGN CRITERIA .......................................................................................................................... 62
2.2.1 Design Loading Conditions ............................................................................................................... 62
2.2.2 Resistance Factors............................................................................................................................ 62
2.2.3 Design Scantlings .............................................................................................................................. 62
2.3 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................. 63
2.3.1 Response evaluation ......................................................................................................................... 63
2.3.2 Methods of Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 63
2.4 STRENGTH ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................ 63
2.4.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 63
2.4.2 Structural components check ............................................................................................................ 64
2.4.3 Tower/Hull interface .......................................................................................................................... 64
2.5 FATIGUE ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................... 64
2.5.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 64
2.5.2 Design fatigue life requirement ......................................................................................................... 64
2.5.3 Fatigue sensitive components and connections ............................................................................... 64
2.5.4 Loading conditions ............................................................................................................................ 65
2.5.5 Fatigue methodology ......................................................................................................................... 65
2.5.6 Fatigue analysis ................................................................................................................................ 65
2.5.7 Evaluation of cycling loads effects .................................................................................................... 65
2.5.8 Cumulative damage evaluation and fatigue safety check ................................................................. 66
2.5.9 Fatigue assessment for prior service ................................................................................................ 67
3 PROVISIONS FOR CONCRETE STRUCTURES ............................................................................................ 67

3.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 67

4 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR GIVEN TYPE OF FLOATERS ......................................................................... 68

4.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 68


1 STATIONKEEPING CONCEPT SELECTION ................................................................................................. 69

1.1 MOORING SYSTEM SELECTION ........................................................................................................................ 69

1.2 ANCHORING SYSTEM SELECTION ................................................................................................................... 69

2 MOORING SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................ 70

2.1 DESIGN PRINCIPLES ....................................................................................................................................... 70

2.2 ENVIRONMENTAL FORCES AND FLOATING STRUCTURE MOTIONS ...................................................................... 70
2.3 GLOBAL DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR ....................................................................................................................... 71
2.3.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 71
2.3.2 Uncoupled Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 71
2.3.3 Coupled Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 71
2.4 SIMULATION OF FLOATING STRUCTURES DYNAMICS ......................................................................................... 71

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


2.4.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 71

2.4.2 Frequency domain analysis .............................................................................................................. 71
2.4.3 Time domain approach...................................................................................................................... 71
2.4.4 Combined time and frequency domain approach ............................................................................. 71
2.5 SIMULATION OF MOORING LINE RESPONSE ...................................................................................................... 72
2.6 STRENGTH ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................... 72
2.6.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 72
2.6.2 Mooring strength analysis conditions ................................................................................................ 72
2.6.3 Strength analysis based on time domain simulations ....................................................................... 72
2.6.4 Strength analysis based on combined time domain and frequency simulations .............................. 72
2.6.5 Strength design criteria for steel mooring lines and tendons ............................................................ 72
2.7 FATIGUE ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................................ 73
2.7.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 73
2.7.2 Fatigue analysis formulation ............................................................................................................. 73
2.7.3 Fatigue analysis procedure ............................................................................................................... 73
2.7.4 Fatigue design criteria for steel mooring lines and tendons.............................................................. 74
2.8 SYNTHETIC FIBER ROPE MOORING .................................................................................................................. 74

3 ANCHORING SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................... 74

3.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 74

3.2 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION ...................................................................................................................... 74
3.3 DESIGN PRINCIPLES ....................................................................................................................................... 75
3.3.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 75
3.3.2 Characteristic properties of soil ......................................................................................................... 75
3.3.3 Effects of pulsating loads .................................................................................................................. 75
3.3.4 Stability .............................................................................................................................................. 75
3.3.5 Settlements and displacements ........................................................................................................ 75
3.3.6 Slope stability .................................................................................................................................... 75
3.3.7 Hydraulic stability .............................................................................................................................. 75
3.3.8 Scour ................................................................................................................................................. 76
3.4 DRAG ANCHORS ............................................................................................................................................ 76
3.5 VERTICALLY LOADED DRAG ANCHORS ........................................................................................................... 76
3.6 GRAVITY ANCHORS ........................................................................................................................................ 77
3.7 CONVENTIONAL PILES ................................................................................................................................... 77
3.8 SUCTION PILES.............................................................................................................................................. 77

4 APPENDIX A10 – OFFSHORE PILE FOUNDATION DESIGN ...................................................................... 77

4.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 77

4.2 ANALYSES TO BE PERFORMED........................................................................................................................ 78
4.2.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 78
4.3 PILE DESIGN CRITERIA ................................................................................................................................... 78
4.4 PILE CAPACITY FOR AXIAL COMPRESSION ....................................................................................................... 78
4.4.1 Ultimate bearing capacity .................................................................................................................. 78
4.4.2 Skin friction and end bearing capacity of piles in clay soils (cohesive soil) ...................................... 79
4.4.3 Skin friction and end bearing capacity of piles in sandy and silty soils (cohesionless soil) .............. 79
4.4.4 Skin friction and end bearing capacity of piles grouted in rock ......................................................... 80
4.5 PILE CAPACITY FOR AXIAL PULLOUT LOADS .................................................................................................... 80
4.6 SOIL-PILE INTERACTION MODELLING ............................................................................................................... 80
4.6.1 Axial performance ............................................................................................................................. 80
4.6.2 Lateral performance .......................................................................................................................... 81

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


4.7 GROUP EFFECTS............................................................................................................................................ 84

4.8 PIPE WALL THICKNESS ................................................................................................................................... 84


1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 85

2 STABILITY IN SERVICE .................................................................................................................................. 85

3 INCLINING TEST/LIGHTWEIGHT CHECK ..................................................................................................... 85

4 RIGHTING MOMENT AND HEELING MOMENT CURVES ............................................................................ 85

5 INTACT STABILITY ......................................................................................................................................... 86

5.1 SURFACE UNITS AND COLUMN STABILIZED UNITS ............................................................................................. 86

5.2 SPAR UNITS ................................................................................................................................................... 87
5.3 TENSION LEG PLATFORMS .............................................................................................................................. 87

6 WATERTIGHT INTEGRITY ............................................................................................................................. 87

6.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 87

6.2 WATERTIGHT DOORS ..................................................................................................................................... 87

7 CLOSING APPLIANCES ................................................................................................................................. 87

7.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO INTACT STABILITY FOR SURFACE UNITS ................................................ 87

8 ICING ................................................................................................................................................................ 88

9 EFFECTS OF FREE SURFACES OF LIQUIDS IN TANKS ............................................................................ 88


1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 89

2 MACHINERY SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................................. 89

2.1 BILGE SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................................... 89

2.2 BALLAST WATER SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................. 89
2.3 VENTILATION ARRANGEMENT ......................................................................................................................... 89
2.4 AIR VENT & SOUNDING PIPE............................................................................................................................ 89
2.5 MOORING EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................... 89
2.6 DYNAMIC CONTROL SYSTEMS ......................................................................................................................... 89
2.6.1 Vertical control system ...................................................................................................................... 89
2.6.2 Control and sensors .......................................................................................................................... 89
2.7 DYNAMIC BALLAST CONTROL SYSTEM............................................................................................................. 89
2.8 DYNAMIC MOORING SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................... 90
2.9 WIND-DIRECTION FOLLOW-UP ......................................................................................................................... 90
2.10 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM AND BRAKE ......................................................................................................... 90

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


2.11 FIRE DETECTION & FIREFIGHTING SYSTEM ................................................................................................ 90

3 ELECTRICAL ................................................................................................................................................... 90

3.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 90

3.2 EXPORT ELECTRICAL CABLE SYSTEM ............................................................................................................ 90
3.3 LIGHTNING PROTECTION................................................................................................................................. 90


1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................ 92

1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 92

1.2 SPLASH ZONE DEFINITION .............................................................................................................................. 92

2 CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEMS......................................................................................................... 92

2.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 92

2.2 SELECTION CRITERIA ..................................................................................................................................... 92
2.3 PROTECTION BY COATING SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................ 93
2.3.1 Definitions .......................................................................................................................................... 93
2.3.2 Protection by coating ......................................................................................................................... 93
2.3.3 Protection by cladding or lining ......................................................................................................... 93
2.4 CATHODIC PROTECTION ................................................................................................................................. 93
2.4.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 93
2.4.2 Protection by sacrificial anodes ......................................................................................................... 93
2.4.3 Protection by impressed current ....................................................................................................... 94
2.5 CORROSION ALLOWANCE ............................................................................................................................... 94
2.5.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 94
2.5.2 Corrosion allowance for internal compartments ................................................................................ 94
2.5.3 Corrosion allowance for chains ......................................................................................................... 94
2.6 INSTALLATION AND TESTING OF EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SYSTEMS ................................................................... 95
2.6.1 General requirements........................................................................................................................ 95


1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 96

1.1 APPLICATION................................................................................................................................................. 96
1.2 PLANNING AND EXECUTION ............................................................................................................................ 96
1.3 DOCUMENTATION AND SUPERVISION ............................................................................................................... 96
1.4 ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 96
1.5 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................. 96
1.6 WEIGHT CONTROL ......................................................................................................................................... 96
1.7 FLOATING STABILITY ...................................................................................................................................... 96
1.8 MOORING SYSTEMS ....................................................................................................................................... 97
1.9 ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS ........................................................................................................ 97
1.10 INSTRUMENTATION................................................................................................................................... 97
1.11 EQUIPMENT FOR SPECIAL OPERATIONS ..................................................................................................... 97

2 LOAD TRANSFER OPERATIONS .................................................................................................................. 97

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


2.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 97

3 TRANSPORTATION ........................................................................................................................................ 97

3.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 97

3.2 TOWING OPERATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 98

4 OFFSHORE INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................................... 98

4.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 98

4.2 UNLOADING FROM TRANSPORT VESSEL .......................................................................................................... 98
4.3 POSITIONING, BALLASTING AND ANCHORING ................................................................................................... 98

5 CONSTRUCTION OFFSHORE ........................................................................................................................ 99

5.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 99

5.2 MATING ......................................................................................................................................................... 99
5.3 LIFTING ......................................................................................................................................................... 99

6 POWER CABLE LAYING ................................................................................................................................ 99

6.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 99

6.2 CABLE LAYING EQUIPMENT............................................................................................................................. 99

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 Application - Selection of material and extent of relevant

This document provides principles, technical inspection for fabrication;
requirements and guidance for the certification of - Characterization of design loads;
floating offshore wind turbine installations. - Structural design;
The wording ‘Certification’ as used in this Guide, - Mooring analysis and foundation design;
means that an item such as a system, equipment, - Durability;
structure etc. is designed, constructed and installed in - Transport and installation;
compliance with this Guide or other specified - In-service inspection,
regulations, as described in Clause 1.4.3. focused on the four common floater types that can be
This Guide is generally applicable to all types of used for wind turbines:
support structures and stationkeeping systems used - Spar;
for design of support structures, foundations and - Barge;
mooring systems of offshore floating wind turbines. - Tension Leg platform;
Different floater types can be considered, also - Semi-submersibile,
considering continuous technology development as sketched in the Figure 1.
underway, depending on specific farm site conditions This Guide is addressing site-specific design of the
and economical boundaries for the choice of the wind floating offshore support structures and relevant
turbine support structure. The optimal choice of the stationkeeping system for wind turbine installation,
floater is subject of concept selection and feasibility while it is not addressing the design of specific turbine
studies phases, out of the scope of the present Guide: components such as rotor, nacelle, generator and gear
however, since it is typically based on floating offshore box.
structures developed for the oil&gas industry, some This Guide do not apply to special components used
guidance, with relevant features comparison, is for industrial operations and to those components
reported in Section 7- Concept Selection. which are not essential for the integrity of the floating
Besides that, this Guide provides requirements for the unit, or the cables laid on the seabed, but considering
following topics: these systems to the extent of both the floater motion
- Design principles; analysis and the support structural design.

Figure 1: Floating Wind Turbine Concepts

2 Certification may ask RINA to perform one or more tasks from the
described ones, up to cover all the phases of a
2.1 Foreword platform’s project, including:
RINA may act as a Third Party providing a Certification - Basic design;
Service aimed to ensure the compliance of the design, - Front end engineering design;
manufacturing and construction of the whole floating - Detailed design;
offshore wind turbine installation, or material, - Manufacturing of materials;
components, piece of equipment thereof, with this - Supply of equipment;
Guide as well as with international standards, project - Fabrication;
specification or other documentation applicable for the - Transportation;
purpose. - Installation;
Through the execution of the certification services - Life extension.
described in the following [3.2], the installations owner

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


At the completion of the service, a final certification where the purpose of RINA is to ensure that the
document is issued, which, according to the scope of operations relevant to mobilization of the
work agreed upon the Parties (i.e. the installations construction yard, sea transportation and final
Owner and RINA), may be referred as Certificate of offshore installation of the platform are carried out
Conformity, Test Certificate, Certificate of Compliance, in compliance with applicable project documents
etc. and approved installation specifications and
The final Certificate is to address the following basic
The marine operations that can be subject of
certification are specifically addressed in Section 14
- Installations owner or contractor’s name; of this Guide.
- Item(s) subject of certification; The verification activities required for the
- Applicable regulation, standards and specification; certification are to be carried out through:
- Certification tasks performed; • Examination and approval of project
- List of examined project documents, tests documentation (drawings, specifications,
performed, where applicable, traceability manuals, etc.);
information, enclosures etc., • Visits to be performed before the operation;
• Attendance during its development.
in addition to other statements and information relevant
The certification is formalized through the release,
to the outcomes of the certification activities deemed in the different phases of development of the project
necessary by RINA or specifically required by the operation, of documents’ approval, inspection
owner, and agreed by the interested Parties, on a case- reports, statements of compliance and/or final
by-case basis. certificates, as required for stating that the design,
the planning and the execution of the complete
2.2 Certification tasks for a floating offshore offshore units installation or a single phase thereof,
wind turbine installation has been carried out in accordance with the
The term “Certification” is used as covering one or applicable requirements and approved procedures.
more of the following tasks relevant to the realization of Typical examples of Certificates released during the
a new floating offshore wind turbine installation: different phases of the installation of an offshore
- Certification of the project, wind farm are:
where a specific appraisal activity is performed by • Loadout Operation Approval Certificate,
RINA on the design documentation relevant to the • Seafastening Operation Approval Certificate;
project of a floating offshore wind turbine • Transportation/ Towage Operation Approval
installation, in order to verify and possibly certify the Certificate
compliance of that design with this Guide and/or • Structure Installation Approval Certificate.
other design standards and project requirements, if Specific certification activities may be also carried out
applicable; for existing installations, as required by the owner for
- Construction survey, applicable tasks, as well as for renewal, removal, reuse
where long term survey services, involving RINA or life extension of the floating support structures, when
personnel mobilized to construction sites, are needed.
carried out to verify and ensure that the fabrication
of the offshore units, or components thereof, is 2.3 Documentation for Certification
compliant with the approved design documents and Depending on the scope of work specifically required
applicable specifications for construction; long term for the certification, the document subject to RINA
survey means that the required RINA supervision of appraisal are to be agreed with the wind farm’s owner
the different items relevant to the units construction and clearly identified preliminary to the activities.
is to be performed by field surveyor(s) on the basis All the drawings or project documents describing the
of a Quality Control Plan, see [1.2.5], agreed installation or equipment in its essential aspects, with
between the parties and covering the critical stages respect to the certification scope of work, are to be
of the fabrication process. provided and approved for those aspects of the
- Vendor Inspection, expediting and auditing drawings/documents concerning the final compliance
services, with the applicable reference standards and safety
where short term activities, involving RINA targets.
personnel mobilized to supplier or vendor premises,
are carried out to verify and ensure the compliance 2.4 Construction dossier
of materials, components and equipment with the
technical requirements of the project. A construction dossier is to be made covering all the
- Certification of the marine operations and/or Marine aspects of the installation construction in order to
Warranty Survey services, collect relevant information to be eventually the main
reference for the certification of the fabrication.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


The construction dossier is also recommended to be Also, technology qualification procedures will be helpful
filed by the platform Owner, suitable for structural for the purpose of new concept acceptability and
modifications/repair intervention possibly rising during eventual certification.
the unit service life, as well as for extension life To this aim, reference can be made to the following
assessment. RINA documents:
The construction dossier should include the following:
a) Construction drawings as well as relevant material
certificates; RINA Guide for Technology Qualification
b) Descriptions of welding procedures and deposited GUI.16 Processes
materials employed and to be employed; RINA Guide for Approval In Principle of
c) Information relevant to performed tests and results; GUI.19 Novel Technologies
d) Restrictions or prohibitions regarding repairs or
e) Relevant final installation records (such as final
positioning, anchoring system installation records, 4 Reference Rules Framework
f) User’s manuals, if any; 4.1 Introduction
g) Spare parts list. The application of the principles and technical
requirements contained in this document is considered
2.5 Certification of the fabrication survey as part of the basis for obtaining RINA certification of
In order to carry out the supervision aimed at providing the structure.
the certification of the structures fabrication and/or The certification of an offshore wind turbine with RINA
installation in compliance with applicable drawings, or, more generally, any RINA act and decision does not
specification and procedures, following to the approval relieve the interested parties from their duty of
of reference documents, the involvement of RINA complying with any additional and/or more stringent
Surveyor(s), mobilized to construction and/or requirements issued by the competent Administration
installation sites, is required to verify and ensure the and the relevant provisions for this application.
project compliance with the established safety and
quality requirements. 4.2 Governmental rules
Such requirements are to be included in a Quality These guidelines are written for worldwide application.
Control Plan (QCP) describing all the National and governmental regulations may
fabrication/installation tasks in terms of activities to be supplement or overrule the requirements of this
carried out, items to be checked and tests to be standard as applicable.
performed along the construction sequences.
The QCP is to be prepared by the Owner, or its 4.3 Other RINA rules and International
Contractors, and shared with RINA preliminary to any Standards
construction phase in order to identify the specific tasks
For matters not expressly specified or modified by
that will be subjected to hold, witness or review activity
these guide, the applicable requirements of the
by the RINA surveyor.
relevant Chapters of the latest valid revision of the
following RINA Rules:
3 Amendments and Novel Technologies
The requirements specified in this Guide are aimed at
ensuring a safety level that is deemed acceptable in the RINA RES.17 Rules for the Classification of
Floating Offshore Units at Fixed
current practice established in the industry for design Locations and Mobile Offshore
of floating structures. Drilling Units
Alternative designs and arrangements from those
RINA REP.1to6 Rules for the Classification of
specifically addressed in these guidelines may be Ships
accepted, provided that it is documented that the level
are to be complied with.
of safety is at least as high as the one implied by the
Moreover, in the following Table 1 it is reported for
requirements of this Guide.
general reference a list of International Standards
Since design technology of offshore wind structures is including acceptable methods and useful guidance to
not only a complex technology but is rapidly evolving, supplement the contents of this Guide.
this Guide will be subject to review and updating as When applicable, detailed provisions are reported in
deemed necessary based both on experience and on the Guide with specific reference mentioned.
future development. The most updated revision of each reference document
is to be applied.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Table 1: Reference International Standards

Code Number Code Title

IEC EN 61400-3 Wind Turbines, Part 3: Design requirements for offshore wind turbines
IEC EN 61400-1 Wind Turbines, Part 1: Design requirements
EN 1993-1-1 Eurocode 3 – Design of Steel Structures – Part 1.1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings
EN 1993-1-6 Eurocode 3 – Design of Steel Structures – Part 1.6: Supplementary Rules for the shell
EN 1993-1-8 Eurocode 3 – Design of Steel Structures – Part 1.8: Design of joints
EN 1993-1-9 Eurocode 3 – Design of Steel Structures – Part 1.9: Fatigue
EN 1993-1-10 Eurocode 3 – Design of Steel Structures – Material toughness and through-thickness properties
EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical design – Part 1: General Rules
EN 1998-1 Eurocode 8 - Design of structures for earthquake resistance
EN ISO 19900 Petroleum and natural gas industries — General requirements for offshore structures
EN ISO 19901-1 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Specific requirements for offshore structures – Part 1:
Metocean design and operating conditions
EN ISO 19901-2 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Specific requirements for offshore structures – Part 2:
Seismic design procedure and criteria conditions
EN ISO 19901-4 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Specific requirements for offshore structures – Part 4:
Geotechnical and foundation design considerations

EN ISO 19901-5 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Specific requirements for offshore structures – Part 5:
Weight control during engineering and construction
EN ISO 19901-6 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Specific requirements for offshore structures — Part 6:
Marine operations
EN ISO 19901-7 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Specific requirements for offshore structures — Part 7:
Stationkeeping systems for floating offshore structures and mobile offshore units
UNI EN ISO 19904- Petroleum and natural gas industries — Floating offshore structures – Part 1 : Ship-shaped,
1 semi-submersible, spar and shallow-draught cylindrical structures
UNI EN ISO 19904- Petroleum and natural gas industries — Floating offshore structures – Part 2 : Tension Leg
2 Platforms
API RP 2T American Petroleum Institute – Recommended Practice for Planning, designing and
Constructing Tension Leg Platforms
API RP 2SK American Petroleum Institute – Recommended Practice for Design and Analysis of
Stationkeeping Systems for Floating Structures
BS 7910 Guide on methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in metallic structures
IMO International Maritime Organization – SOLAS 1974 and Following Amendments - Safety of Life
at Sea
NACE RP0176-83 NACE Standard Recommended Practice – Corrosion Control of Steel Fixed Offshore Platforms
BS 7361 British Standard Institute – Cathodic Protection Part 1. Code of Practice for Land and Marine
Marpol Agreement International marine regulations on trash and water effluents
ISO/PAS Ships and marine technology – Marittime port facility Security assessment and security plan
20858:2004 development

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


4.4 Basis of design for certification rotor, nacelle, assembly and tower), consisting of
The requirements of this Guide are to be applied modulus that include:
together with those of recognised design codes or - Design basis (prepared by manufacturer, including
standards for the certification purpose. design assumptions, specific standards, technical
In the case of discrepancies between the requirements requirements, etc.) evaluation;
of codes or standards used and those of this Guide, - Wind turbine evaluation;
RINA may accept the former provided that, in its - Type testing;
opinion, they ensure a global safety level equivalent to - Manufacturing evaluation;
or higher than that resulting from the application of this - Final evaluation,
Guide. Preference will generally be given to codes or while support structure design and manufacturing was
standards developed and used in the country where the an option (inside the type certification regime), a choice
wind farm is to be installed. addressed by onshore applications where fixed in land
Supplementary codes or standards used in the design foundation were considered not a critical issue.
are to be submitted to RINA for prior approval, and For offshore plants the support structure is an integral
listed in a document identified as Basis for Design of element of the whole system and critical to aspects of
the Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installation that will the installation, therefore the second type of
be basic reference for the certification of compliance of certification addressed by IEC 61400-22 – the Project
the project (see 1.2.2). certification – becomes suggestable.
The project certification encompasses the whole
5 Recognized certification schemes design plant, including the application of the site
specific conditions and the support structure.
Offshore wind turbines are typically designed
However also this type of certification, as originally
according to the safety classes introduced by IEC
addressed by IEC 61400-22, relies on IEC 61400-3 that
61400-3, Subclause 5.3.
is provided for fixed offshore wind turbine installations.
Wind turbine classes are defined in terms of wind
Floating support structures may have significant
speed and turbulence parameters (𝐕𝐫𝐞𝐟 and 𝐈𝐫𝐞𝐟 ). translational and rotational motions with respect to
Offshore wind turbines require wind turbine “class S” fixed offshore structures and these motions interaction
design, in which the design value shall be chosen by with wind and wind turbine operability are not covered
the designer and specified in the design documentation within the scope of the mentioned IEC certification
(ref. IEC 61400-3, Subclause 6.2). process.
For a given wind class, IEC 61400-22 addressed a first It is worth noting that the whole process is under review
type of certification, the type certification regime, which by IECRE (ref. IECRE OD 501 and OD 502), and a new
is strictly relevant to the wind turbine design (including IEC standard, addressing floating wind turbines
peculiarities, is underway.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 Introduction Therefore the definitions of the wind turbine

The single unit of a floating offshore wind farm is the components in [2.1] are reported for the purpose of this
floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT), defined as a Guide.
wind turbine with a floating support structure subject to
hydrodynamic loading (see Fig 1, where semi-sub 2 Definitions
floating installation is represented for instance).
2.1 Wind Turbine
Figure 1: Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Wind turbine generates electricity by harnessing the
Installation (semi-sub) power of the wind. The energy in the wind turns the
blades around a rotor, that is connected to the low-
speed shaft, which is the main. The drive train is made
of the gears and increases the rotational speed. The
high-speed shaft is connected to a generator that
creates electricity.
The power generated by a wind turbine is based on the
Rankine-Froude theory.

2.2 Rotor-nacelle assembly

The RNA is the part of a wind turbine carried by the
support structure and it includes rotor and nacelle.
The rotor is constituted by the blades (generally three)
and by the hub.
The nacelle, instead, is constituted by the turbine
elements which are not part of the rotor, ie the
In general, the OWT installation can be split into the two transmission unit (shaft, coupling, transmission, brake
following components: and generator) and the coating of the nacelle itself.
• The rotor-nacelle assembly;
• The support structure, 2.2.1 Rotor
for the main purpose of the assessment to the acting The rotor is the part of the wind turbine consisting of the
external loads, by considering however relevant blades and the hub.
interaction effects.
This Guide is addressing site-specific design of the 2.2.2 Nacelle-assembly
floating offshore support structures and relevant The nacelle-assembly is the collection of all
stationkeeping system, while it is not addressing the components above the tower that are not part of the
specific design of the rotor-nacell assembly (see also rotor.
[1.1]), to the extent that this system is not affecting the This includes, principally, the drive train (shafts,
response of the floating offshore wind turbine couplings, gearbox, generator and brakes) and the
installation to the exterenal environmental loads. nacelle enclosure.

Figure 2: Schematic representation of the rotor-nacelle group

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


2.3 Support structure cable laying, until the unit is ready to start its normal
It is the portion of the offshore wind turbine installation service operation;
made by the tower, the floating support structure and • Operation phase. This phase starts with completion
the stationkeeping system. of installation and ends with removal of the
2.3.1 Tower • Removal phase. This phase includes
decommissioning of the plant, removal of the
Structural component, which forms a part of the support
structure from its location at the end of its operation
structure for a wind turbine, usually extending from a
and final disposal.
section above the still water level to just below the
nacelle of the wind turbine.
2.5 Location
2.3.2 Floating Support Structure The geographical location where the floating offshore
wind turbine installation is finally installed to perform its
The floating support structure is the part of the offshore
design operation.
wind turbine installation that is specifically submerged
along the water depth, since it extends upwards from
the seabed, connecting the foundation to the tower. 2.6 Water depth
Different floating support structure concepts exist and The vertical distance from the sea bed to the minimum
they are further characterized in the following item [3]. water level taking into account the effects, combined as
necessary in the evaluation of the loads, of
2.3.3 Stationkeeping system astronomical, wind and pressure differential tides.
The stationkeeping system is the system designed to
maintain the floating support structure in a fixed 3 Floating Support Structures Characteristics
location. It includes the mooring lines or tendons, In the specific case of floating wind turbine installations,
depending on the floater’s type, and the anchoring the support structure is the floating body that is
foundation system, which is designed to transfer the designed to withstand the weight of the entire wind
mooring forces to the seabed. turbine.
The support structure may be classified based on the
2.4 Design life main approach adopted to answer the static stability
requirements in the rotational degrees of freedom
The period of time between the commencement of
(pitch and roll), for example how the structure
construction and removal or final disposal of the wind
counteracts the inclining moment due mainly to the
turbine installation, which may be subdivided into the
aerodynamic forces acting on the wind turbine.
following phases:
In the following Fig 3 an example of three main type of
• Construction phase. This phase includes
floating turbine concepts with relevant stability features
construction and assembly of the structure ashore
is provided.
or afloat;
In this guide four main types of floating support
• Transportation phase. This phase includes structures (see Fig 4), relevant to the actual state-of-
transportation of the structure or parts thereof, from
the-art, are considered:
the construction site to its final location;
• Barge
• installation phase. This phase includes possible
• Semi-submersible
marine operations relevant to the installation of the
• Spar
unit at its final location, such as submerging and
positioning of the floating structure, mooring system • Tension Leg Platform (TLP)
installation, anchoring, ballasting, arrangements of
nacelle, rotor, blades or other modular components,

Figure 3: Principal floating turbine concepts

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Figure 4: Types of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Structures

Further ‘mixed’ or innovative solutions may be TLP FOWT may be used at sites with shallower waters
considered, based on the criteria outlined in Section 1, sites (even shallower than 100m) depending on
[3]. relevant economics and suitability.
In any case the floating structures is to be kept in It is a positively buoyant compliant platform, vertically
position by the station keeping system provided by moored by tethers, maintained in tension by the excess
mooring lines or tendons and relevant foundation to buoyancy of the platform; as such, it is vertically
the seabed. restrained precluding motions vertically (heave) and
The choice of the support structure type is a function rotationally (pitch and roll), while it is typically compliant
of different parameters such as construction and in the horizontal direction permitting lateral motions (
installation costs, site environmental conditions (such surge and sway), even if some TLP systems may also
as water depth) etc. provide lateral restraint.
A TLP-type floating support structure mainly consists of
3.1 Column stabilized Floating Support a floating hull, a base anchored to the bottom (rest
Structure position), anchoring tethers (typically steel pipes, can
A column stabilized floating support structure mainly also be chain, synthetic, steel wire), which are usually
consists of a floating structure made by a topside deck from 3 to 6 per leg, that must remain in tension even
connected to the underwater hull by columns, when the platform is in the highest wave trough or
horizontally framed by bracings. earthquake (limited compression may be allowed for
The floating support structure depends on the ALS conditions provided instability to Mathieu
buoyancy of the columns for floating stability, in mechanism is not triggered). Typical heave periods are
addition to the contribution of lower hulls or footings. between 2 and 5 seconds and typical surge periods
The tower may be connected directly to the column or between 100 and 130 seconds.
to the topside deck structure.
3.4 Degree of Freedom
3.2 Spar type Floating Support Structure The degrees of freedom for a floating wind turbine is
A spar is a type of floating support structure (typically reported in Fig 5 (represented, e.g. for a spar-type
used for oil&gas production in very deep waters). floating support structure), where
It is a neutrally buoyant structure (which allows six- • Surge: Displacement along the longitudinal axis
degrees of freedom). Its concept is a deep draft, (along with the acting wind direction);
cylindrical tower designed to support the tower and any • Roll: Rotation about the longitudinal axis;
topside structure. Its buoyancy can support facilities • Sway: Displacement along the lateral axis;
above the water surface. It is anchored to the seafloor • Pitch: Rotation about the lateral axis;
by conventional mooring lines. • Heave: Displacement along the vertical axis;
The bottom of the cylinder includes a ballasting section • Yaw: rotation about the vertical axis.
with material that weighs more than water, ensuring the In general, among the different types of floating support
center of gravity is located below the center of structures, barges, semisubmersibles and spars are all
buoyancy. compliant with respect to the six degrees of freedom,
while TLPs are typically compliant for surge, sway and
3.3 TLP type Floating Support Structure yaw, and restrained for heave, roll and pitch.
A TLP is a type of floating support structure, introduced
for oil&gas production in deep waters, from 300 up to
1500 meters.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Figure 5: Degrees of freedom of Floating Wind Turbine Installation

Note – Alignment of surge, sway and heave with wind direction shown in the figure is not relevant for the correct definition of the
6-DOF coordinate system that is to be based on the floating body, equivalent to definitions relative to a ship

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 Safety Philososphy Three levels of exposure are determined (specifically

for oil&gas production platforms, ref. Subclause 6.6
1.1 Structural safety requirements ISO 19902:2007) in consideration of:
- Life safety categories:
Offshore wind turbine structures are to be realised so
– S1 : Manned non-evacuated;
as to ensure an acceptable level of safety with respect
– S2 : Manned evacuated (*);
to the life at sea, the prevention of environmental
pollution and possible major economic losses during all – S3 : Unmanned,
phases of the design life. - Failure consequence categories:
A support structure, and relevant stationkeeping – C1 : High consequences;
system, is considered to have an acceptable level of – C2 : Medium consequences;
safety when it is designed, constructed and maintained – C3 : Low consequences.
in compliance with the requirements of this Guide and (*) Note for the seismic structural assessment, where
with those of supplementary codes mentioned in applicable, S2 is to be reported as S1 (manned non-
Section 1. evacuated). Consequently, for the seismic risk
categories, manned platforms are all categorized with
1.2 Risk exposure levels exposure level L1.

In order to select the appropriate category for both life

1.2.1 Determination of exposure level
safety and failure consequence, the criteria applicable
categories according to ISO Standard
for oil&gas offshore platforms are those of ISO 19902,
According to a recognized risk based design Subclauses 6.6.2 and 6.6.3 respectively.
philosophy (see e.g. ISO 19902), offshore installations Three exposure levels are therefore determined as a
can be categorized by different exposure levels, combination of the two sets of categories as reported
according to which assessment criteria tailored to the in the following Tab 1:
intended service of the installation are determined.

Table 1: Exposure Level determination.

Consequence Category
Life Safety Category
C1 C2 C3
S1 L1 L1 L1
S2 L1 L2 L2
S3 L1 L2 L3

1.2.2 Determination of exposure level components the exposure level L2 is to be used as

categories for Floating Offshore Wind reference for the safety target.
Turbine Installations
In general: 1.2.3 Notional safety targets
• The applicable exposure level is to be determined A notional target safety kevel may be established as
by the owner prior to the design of a new offshore annual probability of failure of the entire structure,
installation (or the assessment of an existing one), being also the reference target safety level for
and the structure will be certified accordingly. individual failure mode, intended for use both in case of
• The assigned exposure level can be modified during local failure in hot spots and in case of failure with
the service life, following to modification in the system effects, such as failure in the weakest link of a
installation characteristics that affect life safety mooring line.
and/or consequence category. The notional annual probability of failure of 10-4 is the
For floating offshore wind turbine installations, being it target safety level for the structural design of floating
unmanned during severe environmental conditions and wind turbine support structures with redundant
the structural failure is unlikely to lead to unacceptable stationkeeping system. In case of non redundant
consequences for the environment, an exposure level stationkeeping system this target, which reflects a
L3 may be the general reference for targeting the safety commonly acceptable level of risk, is to be reduced to
(see 1.2.3) in the design of both the floating support 10-5.
structure and the stationkeeping system, provided that In practice, the target safety level is established to
this latter is a redundant system. For stationkeeping calibrate relevant partial safety factors when a LRFD –
systems without redundancy, in the design of their Load and Resistance Factors Design - format is
adopted for the structural design, as in general

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


foreseen in this Guide (apart from the case of mooring Four categories of limit states are typically considered
lines components where the WSD – Working Stress (see also ISO 19900):
Design - format is still custom normal practice). • Ultimate limit states (ULS), which generally
Example application of the LRFD method, compared to correspond to the resistance to maximum applied
the WSD method, with relevant general principles for actions;
partial safety factors calibration is further reported in • Serviceability limit states (SLS), which correspond
item [3]. to the criteria governing normal functional use;
• Fatigue limit state (FLS), which corresponds to the
1.3 Robustness requirement accumulated effect of repetitive actions;
In any case, above reported notional reference values • Accidental limit states (ALS), which corresponds to
are to be used for structures with some reserve situation of accidental or abnormal events.
capacity (i.e. structures with some ductility), correctly For each limit state, design situation shall be
designed and fabricated without systematic or gross determined and an appropriate calculation model shall
human errors. be established.
Gross human errors are to be coped with by the
application of an appropriate quality control plan and 2.1.2 Determination of loading effects
relevant third party inspections, to be applied during the The determination of forces, moments, stresses and
entire design and fabrication process of the offshore strains as well as the definition of corresponding limit
installation. values are to be based upon accepted principles of
This is indeed the main objective of the certification static analysis, dynamic analysis and strength of
activity, that is to provide for robustness against materials.
possible systematic errors in the design, particularly for The determination of loading effects is to be based on
novel floater concepts and technologies, whose design the theory of elasticity.
is not yet covered by standard practice. Methods based on the theory of plasticity will be
specially considered by RINA.
1.4 Design assisted by model tests Physical and mathematical models used to analyse the
Model tests are to be used in general to validate the structure and the idealisations of structures and of
analytical design methods and, more specifically, to loadings are to be deemed acceptable by RINA and are
validate software and checks for the floating wind to simulate and describe satisfactorily the behaviour of
turbine installation response to external actions whose the actual structure and the anticipated relevant
effects are not adequately covered by analytical environmental conditions.
methods. Possible effects of non-linearity in the geometry or
Design assisted by model tests is particularly materials which may significantly affect the safety of the
recommended for novel designs. structure are to be carefully considered.
The influence of geometrical imperfections on the
1.5 Functional requirements behaviour of the structure is also to be considered.
The serviceability of the platform, i.e. the aptitude of the The effects of cyclic loads, which may cause damage
platform to be properly operated in performing its due to fatigue, are to be determined in terms of
design service, may require special design criteria. magnitude and number of cycles; i.e. a long term
The Designer or the Owner may specify functional distribution analysis of alternate stress magnitudes on
requirements which are additional to those of this the basis of the stress fluctuation anticipated during the
Guide. design life of the structure.
The dynamic effects of cyclic loads, including motions
2 DESIGN PRINCIPLES and local vibrations caused by vortex shedding
phenomena, are to be considered.
Dynamic loading effects are to be determined using
2.1 Methods of analysis and calculation recognised methods of analysis and realistic
assumptions about wind loads, hydrodynamic and
2.1.1 General material properties and analytical models.
The safety verification of the wind turbine structure is to Linear and nonlinear loads and loading effects are to
be performed by checking that stresses and structure be taken into account.
dynamics do not exceed specified limit values.
For the structural capacity adequacy, it has to be 2.1.3 Model tests
verified that the stresses, generated by the different Tests on models which satisfactorily simulate the
loads acting on the offshore installation, are not behaviour of the platform or parts thereof, carried out
exceeding the resistance levels of the structural by recognised laboratories, may be used as an
components that are to be defined with reference to a alternative to or together with theoretical calculations.
specific set of limit states.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Such model tests may be required by RINA as a basis The design of the structure as a whole and of its
for approval of structural details for which adequate components is to be such that normal operational
analytical models are not available. condition is not impaired by structure motions and
Model tests can be used either as calibration of vibrations.
analytical predictions, or to determine those responses Structures which are subject to forces from mooring
not directly calculable. lines are to be designed to withstand the breaking load
When using results of model experiments which of such lines.
include either hydrodynamic or aerodynamic loadings, Due consideration is to be given to corrosion and
the following should be considered: adequate protection systems against corrosion are to
• possible errors due to scale effect (including effects be carefully examined in relation to the environmental
of Reynolds Number dependent viscous effects); parameters and expected service life.
• possible errors resulting from finite tank dimensions Secondary structures such as fenders, gangway
(wave reflection from side walls); ladders, etc. , if any, are to be designed so that possible
• possible errors resulting from limitations of the failure due to accidental overload will not result in
accuracy of modelling physical properties, damage to the main structure or injury to personnel.
parameters and dimensions; Structural connections and joints are to be designed,
• limitations on accuracy of experimental results due as far as practicable, to avoid complex structures and
to finite record lengths, finite sample rates and sharp section variations which may give rise to
numerical accuracy. dangerous stress concentrations.
Transmission of primary tensile stresses through the
2.1.4 Monitoring systems thickness of plates is also to be avoided as far as
Besides data measurements system relevant to te wind
Where this is not practicable, the use of plates with
turbine operational performance, a monitoring system
through thickness properties is generally
is recommended to be mounted on substructure in
order to gain significant information regarding the
Wind turbines support structures constructed to be
actual structural response of the installation, which
operated in locations where low temperatures may
significantly improve the structural reliability by
occur are to be designed to avoid configurations which
providing continuous data relevant to the actual
may give cause to ice accumulation on structures and
response of the structure.
Such monitoring system would be useful to provide
Possible impacts of floating blocks of ice against the
either an active control relevant to any occurred
structures located in the splash zone are also to be
significant variation in mass or stiffness of the structure
or, through adequate filtering evaluation, updated
Appropriate properties for steel material are to be
measures of the platform’s natural frequency, which, in
selected depending on the lowest operating
turn, is the basis for any further fatigue evaluation
temperature foreseen at installation site, regarding in
required for reassessment or extension life task.
particular material toughness and/or resilience to avoid
In addition to the structural monitoring system, a meteo
brittle fracture mechanisms in primary structures.
data measurement system may be considered as
The relevant requirements of the RINA Rules for ships
suitable to be installed on the support structure since
apply to secondary structures of typical naval design
the early phases of its operating life, capable to record
(tanks, deckhouses, etc.) which do not participate in the
meteorological and marine data, such as:
global strength of the hull and are subject to local loads
• Directional wave motion; only.
• Current velocity and direction;
• Sea level variation, 2.2.2 Protection against accidental damage
useful for a following revision of statistics of wave, wind
and current data with actual characterization of the The structural configuration is to be designed taking
meteomarine loads acting on the wind farm units. account of the possibility of accidental damage.
All the above is also recommended to facilitate possible In order to protect the structure against accidental
extension of the service life of the structures. damage, the following two principles are to be
2.2 Design criteria • Reduction in damage probability;
• Reduction in damage consequences.
2.2.1 General 2.2.3 Accessibility for inspection
Wind turbine structures are to be designed so as to The support structure is to be designed to minimise the
minimise their sensitivity to environmental factors and number of structural members which are not accessible
service loads, and to facilitate their construction and for inspection and repair.
inspection. For structural members which are not accessible for
inspection, RINA may specify additional more stringent

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


requirements concerning their strength (particularly Design) format, leading to the required safety level, in
with respect to the fatigue limit state) and the consideration of the uncertainties relevant to load and
maintenance of their original functional characteristics. resistance parameters affecting the design, by
introducing a common safety factor SF, greater than 1,
2.3 Reassessment of existing structures in the typical equation check:
An assessment of an existing floating wind turbine lim
installation is to be undertaken with relevant  (F)  adm =
certification if any of the following initiators are
triggered: where  (F) is the stress due to the application of the
• Changes from original design basis or from resulting loads, which are typically categorized for an
previously certified assessment basis; offshore structures in dead, live and environmental,
• Damage or deterioration of the primary structure, and adm is the allowable stress lim, i.e. the strength
due to an abnormal event, unpredictable at original
corresponding to a specific limit state, derated by SF.
design basis;
• Design service life exceedance, with particular This format is subject to criticism, particularly for non-
attention paid to time-dependant degradation elastic limit states, or for structural components
phenomena (i.e. fatigue and/or corrosion). stressed by loads of different randomness. A more
When an initiator is triggered, the reassessment rational approach would be the one able to characterize
process of the structure of an offshore platform is to be the specific probabilistic features of all the parameters,
carried out, based on the criteria used for the relevant to loads and resistance, eventually affecting
assessment of existing offshore steel structures (ref., the reliability of the structure. As mentioned above,
e.g., RINA Rules for Steel Fixed Offshore Platforms, loads may be categorized in:
Part B, Chapter 6) as applicable. - Dead loads (i.e. permanent gravitational loads);
- Live loads (i.e variable gravitational loads);
2.4 Structure reuse - Environmental loads (i.e. due to environmental
Structures that are to be removed or reused in a new loads such as wind, wave, current, earthquake,
location different than the original design site are to be etc.).
subject to a verification process that, in addition to the While the first two categories are of limited variability,
general requirements addressed by this Guide, is also the environmental load, of random nature, are highly
covering: aleatory, therefore an approach able to ‘weigh’ the
• Fatigue assessment for reused structures; different contribution, in terms of uncertainty, to the final
• Steel properties requirements in reused structures; safety level (or safety target) required for structures
• Inspection requirements for reuse and removal; designed to withstand these different load categories
• Removal and reinstallation requirements; (rather dominated by environmental loads to some
extent) would be more appropriate.
• Inspection and structural integrity management plan
at new location. Indeed the safety check is aimed at ensuring that, given
the jointly statistical distribution of load and resistance,
3 APPENDIX A3 – LRFD FORMAT BASIC see Fig 1, the probability of overcoming a given (for
PRINCIPLES instance, the strength) limit state is lower than the
prescribed safety target , established in terms of
3.1 WSD vs LRFD probability of failure pft.
The design format used in the offshore industry up to
the late 90s has been the WSD (Working Stress

Figure 1

Load S distribution
Resistance R distribution

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Since a fully probabilistic method is impracticable, it pf (via Φ that is the normal cumulative distribution
has been introduced in design codes a semi- function), and the limit state function (or safety check
probabilistic approach, where the safety target is equation) is represented as:
implicitly conferred by the adoption of partial load and M = g(x1,x2,…xn),
resistance safety factors (LRFD format), specifically
calibrated (via reliability methods) on respective
- M is the safety margin and
- xi are the random variables contributing to the
In a LRFD format the safety condition p ≤ pf is finally
different load and resistance parameters;
provided by the following typical check equation:
The limit state function g(.) is a function that provides
the relation between these parameters and the specific
S ( i iF ik)  Rk  
limit state under verification, maybe a ULS or a SLS
where S is the loads effect of the combined M > 0 is representing a safe condition, M < 0 a failure
characteristic loads Fik duly amplified by the partial condition and M = 0 is the limit state equation.
load factors i (i  1), and Rk is the characteristic value The partilal safety factors psf’si (or load and resistance
of the resistance, duly reduced by the partial resistance factors – LRF) are the factors that, when multiplying the
design variables xi, provide the required reliability level
factor  (  1).
In the case of the three load categories introduced
Then the limit state function may be reported as:
above, the equation check is typically written as:
g ( 1 x1 , 2  x 2 ,..., n  x n ) = 0
S (DD + LL + EE)  Rk Ri where  i are the psf’s and  xi are the average values
of the design variables.
where the resistance factor is introduced with a value According to a level 2 reliability method the reported
Ri 1, depending on the specific limit state under equation is representing a failure surface, which the
verification. different variables  i  xi belong to; in particular they
The partial safety factors are calibrated to the specific
uncertainty of the parameter they are applied to, represent the most probable failure point on that
eventually resulting in a more balanced and optimal surface:
design, with respect to the WSD method, since the xi
needed conservativity is distributed where appropriate, i =
i.e. where relevant uncertainties are more addressing
x i

the final design. where:

Each partial safety factor value, to be applied at a given  g 
design parameter, is to be calibrated on the uncertainty  '
  x i 
relevant to such a parameter (typically represented by
xi' = − i  and  i =
a statistical distribution coefficient of variation), with the 2
 
final purpose of duly contributing to the global safety
target of the structure, which is basically expressed as i  g xi' 

annual probability of failure (acceptable risk level
By introducing the definition of standardized normal
established by considering relevant failure
consequences, as discussed in Section 3, [1.2]), with
the notional values of, e.g., 10-4-10-5, reported in [1.2.3] xi −  xi
x'i = ),
for floating offshore wind turbine installations.
The partial safety factors calibration process is the i

background basis of any modern LRFD format design it is shown that:

codes (such as ISO, Eurocodes, API-LRFD, etc.) and 𝒙∗𝒊 = 𝝁𝒙𝒊 + 𝝈𝒙𝒊 𝒙′∗𝒊 = 𝝁𝒙𝒊 − 𝜶∗𝒊 𝜷𝝈𝒙𝒊
relevant features are outlined in the following [3.2]. 𝝈𝒙 𝒊
= 𝝁𝒙𝒊 (𝟏 − 𝜶∗𝒊 𝜷 ⋅ 𝒗𝒙𝒊 ) 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒙𝒊 =
𝝁 𝒙𝒊
3.2 Outline procedure for determination of the
Partial safety factors and the psf’s may be finally determined by:
The partial safety factors may be determined by a level
2 reliability method when the required safety level  i = 1 −  i   vx i
(safety target) for the check condition is expressed by
the following relationship: As shown in the formula (A.3), each psf i to be
pf = Φ(-β) applied to a given design parameter xi is a function of
the prescribed safety target , of the statistical variation
where β is the safety index corresponding to the given of that parameter (in terms of coefficient of variation vxi)

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


and sensitivity factors α*i that are calculated by R

 R = 1 −  R  vR = 1 −  vR
numerical reliability methods for the given failure
 R2 +  S2
For instance, in the case of linear limit state function, S
the equation:  S = 1 −  S  vS = 1 +  vS
g ( 1 x1 , 2  x2 ,..., n  x n ) = 0  R2 +  S2
may be written as  
Resulting in values R < 1 and S > 1, which can be
g ( x ) = a 0 +  a i xi
easily evaluated for given safety target and standard
deviations (representing their variability) of the two
i =1
a0 +  ai i  xi = 0
i =1
and the partial derivatives
xi' are independent of
xi , i.e:
= ai xi
xi =  xi x' i +  xi
(given that )

ai xi
i =1− n
   v xi
 (a 
i =1
i xi ) 2

For example, in the case of the simple linear function,

where the safety margin is represented by the
difference between the two parameters, global strength
S and global resistance R:

M = g (x1,x2) = R – S

Given the target

 and the two variables reported in
normalized form:
R − R S − S
R' = S'=
R S
M = R − S ' =  R R'+  R −  S S '−  S
M M
=R = − S
R' S '
R − S
R = ; S =
R +S
2 2
 R2 +  S2

The two relevant partial safety factors are obtained by:

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 General significant for the evaluation of the effects of the

environment on the structures.
1.1 Environmental phenomena In general, such parameters shall provide
characterization of (making also reference to ISO
The design of the floating wind turbine structure shall
19901-1, Subclause 5.1):
be based on site-specific external conditions, where all
• Extreme values of environmental parameters
environmental phenomena that may produce loads
corresponding to return periods appropriately longer
acting on the structure are to be considered.
than the time of exposure of the floating wind turbine
Such phenomena include wind, waves, currents, tides,
installation, or main component thereof, in a given
temperature, ice, marine fouling earthquakes.
design situation;
It shall be demonstrated that the offshore site-specific
• Operating environmental conditions which occur
external conditions do not compromise the structural
frequently during the service life of the floating wind
integrity of the wind turbine installation.
turbine installation;
For the determination and use of metocean conditions
to be used for design, installation and operation of • Long term statistical distributions of metocean
offshore structures general reference can be made to parameters affecting the structural response to time
ISO 19901-1, Metocean design and operating dependant limit state such as the fatigue limit state.
considerations. For a site-specific floating offshore wind turbine
The salinity and biological activity of the water are to be installation design for extreme, operating and
considered in the evaluation of marine fouling increase temporary conditions, environmental data shall
and in the choice of the protection system against basically include extreme events of 50-, 10- and 1-year
corrosion, where applicable. return period data for wind speeds, significant wave
For the sea bed and soil layers underneath, see height and current. A range of associated wave periods
Section 10, [3.2]. is to be given for each considered significant wave
Both winter storms and tropical cyclones (hurricanes or
1.2 Acceptability of the parameters defining the
typhoons), if any, are to be considered, depending on
design environmental conditions
regional climate of the site specific application.
The parameters defining the design environmental Guidelines
conditions for which the wind farm is to be certified are For tropical cyclone and hurricane provisions, to be
to be based, where possible, on significant statistical applied particularly in the US waters, consideration
information regarding the geographical areas where should be given to the conclusions and
the floating support structures are to be constructed, recommendations reported in the document
transported and installed; such statistics are to cover a Assessment of Offshore Wind System Design, Safety
sufficiently long period of time and to be supplied by and Operation Standard prepared by the National
recognised meteorological-oceanographic institutes. Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at U.S.
Floating support structures expected to be mass Department of Energy Office.
production units may be designed for a given
environmental class, meaning that similar As basis for the design of the floating wind turbine
environmental conditions are grouped based on an installation’s support structure and stationkeping
envelop of all wind and wave climates encountered in system, environmental data shall cover:
the region of application. • directional data and angular separation for extreme
In any case the stationkeeping system is to be values of wind, waves and current;
designed for the specific site interested by the mooring • wave scatter diagram assigning probability of
configuration (see Section 10). occurrence to all sea states, characterised by a
All data are to be supplied by recognised significant wave height and a wave period, which
meteorological-oceanographic institutes and are to be can be expected in the considered site of operation.
fully documented with the sources (measurements, The precision of the scatter diagrams is to be at
calculation by means of mathematical models) and least 10-5 corresponding to 20-years sea-state
estimated reliability of data. observations;
When the above-mentioned environmental parameters
• definition of any adopted parameter characterizing
are based on extrapolated data or on forecasting
sea-states and scatter diagrams;
methodologies other than those commonly used,
• waves, wind and current joint probabilities (including
sufficient theoretical information is to be supplied to
relative directions);
RINA in order to demonstrate their reliability.
• wave energy spectral shape formulation and
spreading function, for both wind driven sea and
1.3 Determining parameters relevant to the
swell (if any);
design environmental conditions
• wind spectrum and speed profile;
The environmental phenomena are to be described by • current speed and directional variation through the
those characteristic parameters which are most water depth;

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


• sea and air temperature; - Extreme wind conditions that are defined with a 1-
• ice, iceberg and snow (if any); year or 50-year recurrence period (ref. IEC 61400-
• salinity; 1, Subclause 6.3.2)
• marine growth; Normal wind conditions are representative of recurrent
• soil properties; loading conditions (normally used for fatigue loads)
• site seismicity; while extreme wind conditions characterize extreme
• ship traffic and presence of obstacles (such as design loads.
pipelines and disposed matter) within the area of
installation. 2.2 Wind data
The parameters describing the wind conditions are to
Guidelines be obtained on the basis of wind velocity statistical data
As part of site-specific environmental data (intensity and direction).
characterization for a floating wind structure, particular The typical parameters characterizing the wind climate
attention is to be paid to the characterization of the are:
correlation between wave data and wind data, to be • 𝐔𝟏𝟎 : the 10-minute mean wind speed (referred to
used for the fatigue assessment. That correlation may the conditions above mentioned).
be expressed in terms of the joint long-term probability • 𝛔𝐔 : the standard deviation of the wind speed.
distribution for the significant wave height HS, the peak The wind conditions include a constant mean flow
period TP (or the zero-upcrossing period TZ), the ten- combined, in many cases, with either varying
minutes mean wind speed U10, the standard deviation deterministic gust profile or with turbulence.
of the wind speed sU, and can be represented in the In all cases, the inclination of the mean flow with
form of a scatter diagram to be used for the spectral respect to a horizontal plane is zero.
fatigue analysis.
This scatter diagram is also to be defined by 2.2.1 Mean Wind Speed
considering the mean wave direction and the mean The wind spped at a height of 10 m above the mean
wind direction, being the misalignment between wind still water level is to be used as a reference.
and waves relevant for the aerodynamic damping Extreme values of gust and mean (sustained) wind
evaluation, affecting in turn the stress response. For velocities are to be expressed in terms of most
most modes of motion, aerodynamic damping is probable maximum values with their corresponding
significant only if the wave direction is in line with the recurrence periods.
rotor axis (which is usually in line with the mean wind
direction), that’s not the case for yaw motions, where Guidelines
aerodynamic damping remains high independently of When data regarding the variation of mean wind
the misalignment between wind and wave directions. velocity with height above the still water level (wind
speed profile) is not available, the following formula
Probabilistic methods for short-term, long-term and may be used:
extreme-value prediction are to be based on statistical 𝒛 𝟎.𝟏𝟐𝟓
distributions appropriate to the environmental 𝑼𝟏𝟎 ሺ𝒛ሻ = 𝑼𝟏𝟎 ሺ𝑯ሻ ൬ ൰
phenomena being considered. 𝑯
In which:
Shorter return periods may be considered for units with
𝑼𝟏𝟎 ሺ𝒛ሻ : 1-hour wind mean speed at a distance 𝒛
design life of 10 years or less.
above still water level, in m/s;
For transit conditions, wind speed and significant wave
𝑼𝟏𝟎 ሺ𝑯ሻ : 1-hour wind mean speed at a distance 𝑯
height of 10-year return period may be considered as a
above still water level, in m/s;
standard reference (see also Sec 5, [2.5]).
𝒛 : distance from still water level to the point where
For wind turbines located within a wind farm, local wake
effects due to the presence of other wind turbines are the wind velocity 𝑼𝟏𝟎 ሺ𝒛ሻ is to be calculated, in m;
to be considered. Low-frequency meandering wakes 𝑯 : distance from still water level to the point where the
are to be considered in particular by making reference wind velocity is 𝑼𝟏𝟎 ሺ𝑯ሻ, in m;
to IEC 61400-1 provisions.
2.2.2 Wind Modeling
2 Wind characterization The variation of wind speed in time shall be modelled
using an appropriate spectrum. Such spectrum shall
2.1 Wind Conditions reproduce mean and gust velocities and durations in
accordance with meteomarine data.
The wind regime for a wind turbine installation, 𝐔𝟏𝟎 varies from one 10-minute timeframe to the next
according to IEC 61400-1, Subclause 6.3 is to be and this variability can be represented in terms of a
characterized as follows: Weibull distribution.
- Normal wind conditions that are assumed to occur 𝐮 𝐤
more frequently than once per year during normal 𝐅𝐔𝟏𝟎 ሺ𝐮ሻ = 𝟏 − 𝐞−(𝐀
operation (ref. IEC 61400-1, Subclause 6.3.1);

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


The slope parameter 𝐤 and the scale parameter 𝐀 are 𝛕

site and height-dependent coefficients. 𝐮∗ = ඨ
Guidelines 𝐮∗ is the frictional velocity, 𝛕 is the surface
For onshore plants, the scale parameter 𝐀 at height shear stress at sea surface and 𝛒 is the air density.
𝐳 can be calculated as follows:
𝐳 Charnock’s formula can be applied to near-coastal
𝐳𝟎 locations provided that 𝐀𝐜 = 𝟎, 𝟎𝟑𝟒 is used.
𝐀 = 𝐀𝐇
𝐳𝟎 Charnock’s formula leads to the following expression
𝐳𝟎 is the terrain roughness parameter which is defined for the roughness parameter:
as extrapolated height at which the mean wind speed 𝟐
becomes zero (logarithmic variation with height 𝐀𝐜 𝛋 𝐔𝟏𝟎
𝐳𝟎 = ቌ ቍ
adopted). 𝐠 𝐥𝐧 𝐳
The sea surface roughness parameter is deeply 𝐳𝟎
analyzed in the following Clause G.2.2.2.
𝐀𝐇 is the scale parameter at a reference height 𝐇. The determination of 𝐳𝟎 and of the distribution of 𝐔𝟏𝟎
For engineering calculation, the following involves an iterative procedure.
approximation can be applied: Indicative values of the roughness parameter 𝐳𝟎 are
𝐳 𝛂 given in the following table.
𝐀 = 𝐀𝟏𝟎 ൬ ൰
𝛂 depends on the terrain roughness. A height
Terrain type 𝒛𝟎 [𝐦] 𝜶
dependent expression for 𝛂 is obtained if the
logarithmic and exponential expressions for 𝐀 given Open sea without
0,0001 0
above are combined. waves
Open sea with waves 0,0001-0,003 0,12
𝐥𝐧 ൮ 𝐇 ൲ 2.2.3 Wind Speed Standard Deviation
𝐳𝟎 For a given value of 𝐔𝟏𝟎 , the standard deviation 𝛔𝐔
𝛂= 𝐳 exhibits a natural variability of the wind speed from one
𝐇 10-minute timeframe to another, known as turbulence.
As an alternative to the previous expression for 𝛂, 𝛔𝐔 can be well-represented by a lognormal distribution:
values for 𝛂 are tabulated below (provided for onshore 𝐥𝐧 𝛔 − 𝐛𝟎
plants terrain type): 𝐅𝛔𝐮|𝐔𝟏𝟎 ሺ𝛔ሻ = 𝚽 ൬ ൰
Terrain type 𝒛𝟎 [𝐦] 𝜶 where 𝐛𝟎 and 𝐛𝟏 are site-dependent coefficients.

Plane ice 0,00001 0 Guidelines

Coastal areas with onshore wind 0,001 0 The coefficient 𝐛𝟎 can be interpreted as the mean value
Open onshore country of 𝐥𝐧 𝛔𝐔 and 𝐛𝟏 can be interpreted as the standard
(without significant buildings and 0,01 0 deviation of 𝐥𝐧 𝛔𝐔 .
vegetation) The mean value 𝐄[𝛔𝐔 ] and the standard
deviation 𝐃[𝛔𝐔 can be calculated as follows:
G.2.2.2 Sea surface roughness parameter ሺ𝐛𝟎 + 𝐛𝟏 ሻ
𝐄ൣ𝛔𝐔 ൧ = 𝐞 𝟐

For offshore locations where the terrain consists of the 𝟐

𝐃ൣ𝛔𝐔 ൧ = 𝐄[𝛔𝐔 ]ට𝐞𝐛𝟏 − 𝟏
sea surface, the roughness parameter 𝐳𝟎 is not
constant, but depends on the wind speed, the height
over the sea surface, water depth and wave field. Since a lognormal distribution for 𝛔𝐔 conditioned by 𝐔𝟏𝟎
A widely used expression for the roughness parameter may underestimate the higher values of 𝛔𝐔 , a more
𝐳𝟎 of the open, deep sea far from land is given by appropriate distribution model for 𝛔𝐔 is reported by the
Charnock’s formula: following Frechet distribution of 𝛔𝐔 conditioned by 𝐔𝟏𝟎 :
ሺ𝐮∗ ሻ𝟐 𝛔𝟎 𝐤
𝐳𝟎 = 𝐀𝐜 𝐅𝛔𝐔|𝐔𝟏𝟎 ሺ𝛔ሻ = 𝐞−( 𝛔
𝐠 The distribution parameter 𝐤 can be solved implicitly
where: and the distribution parameter 𝛔𝟎 using Gamma
𝐠 = 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ሺ𝟗, 𝟖𝟏 𝐦/𝒔𝒆𝒄𝟐 ሻ function 𝚪.
𝐀𝐜 = 𝟎, 𝟎𝟏𝟏

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


𝟐 𝟐
𝐃ൣ𝛔𝐔 ൧ 𝚪 (𝟏 − )
𝐤 𝐍 Number of closest neighbouring wind turbines;
ቆ ቇ = −𝟏
𝐄ൣ𝛔𝐔 ൧ 𝟏 𝐦 Wӧhler (S-N fatigue) curve exponent corresponding
𝚪 (𝟏 − )
𝐤 to the material of the considered structural component
𝐄ൣ𝛔𝐔 ൧ (normally m = 3 for steel);
𝛔𝟎 =
𝟏 𝐯 Free flow mean wind speed at hub height;
𝚪 (𝟏 − )
𝐤 𝐩𝐰 Probability of wake conditions;
Based on boundary-layer theory, the mean value of the 𝐱 𝐢 Distance to the i-th turbine;
standard deviation 𝛔𝐔 can be derived for homogenous 𝐃 Rotor diameter;
terrain at height 𝐳. 𝐈𝐓,𝐰 Maximum turbulence intensity at hub height on
𝟏 the centre of the wake.
𝐄ൣ𝛔𝐔 ൧ = 𝐔𝟏𝟎 𝐀 𝐱 𝛋 𝐳
𝐥𝐧 If the wind farm consists of more than five rows with
𝐳𝟎 more than five turbines in each row, or if the distance
𝐀 𝐱 is a constant that depends on 𝐳𝟎 . between the turbines in the rows that are located
perpendicular to the predominant wind direction is less
A conservative fixed choice for 𝛔𝐔 is practical for design than three times the diameter, the increase in mean
purposes, thus a characteristic value can be estimated turbulence intensity is to be taken into account.
as: In this case the free flow turbulence 𝐈𝐓 is substituted
𝟏 with 𝐈𝐓 ∗ , where 𝐱 𝐫 is the distance within row and 𝐱 𝐟 is
𝛔𝐔,𝐜 = 𝐔𝟏𝟎 𝐳
𝐥𝐧 the distance between rows.

Characteristic standard deviation values shall be used 𝟏

𝐈𝐓 ∗ = ට𝐈 𝟐 + 𝐈𝐓 𝟐 + 𝐈𝐓
for the wind speed: 𝟐 𝐰
𝟎, 𝟑𝟔
𝐈𝐰 =
𝐔𝟏𝟎,𝟏𝟓 + 𝐚𝐔𝟏𝟎 𝟏 + 𝟎, 𝟎𝟖ඥ𝐬𝐫 𝐬𝐟 𝐯
𝛔𝐔,𝐜 = 𝐈𝐓,𝟏𝟓 𝐱𝐫
𝐔𝟏𝟎,𝟏𝟓 = 𝟏𝟓 𝐦/𝐬 𝐬𝐫 =
𝐈𝐓,𝟏𝟓 or 𝐈𝐫𝐞𝐟 (above mentioned) is the characteristic 𝐱𝐟
𝐬𝐟 =
value of the turbulence intensity at 15 m/s and 𝐚 is the 𝐃
slope parameter.
In addition to the turbulence in the direction of the mean
2.2.4 Turbulence Intensity wind (longitudinal), there will be turbulence also
(see also IEC 61400-1, Table1) laterally and vertically.
The turbulence intensity 𝐈𝐓 is defined as the ratio
between the standard deviation 𝛔𝐔 of the wind speed 2.2.5 Stochastic Turbulence Model
and the 10-minute mean wind speed 𝐔𝟏𝟎 . The spectral density of the wind speed process
The phenomenon of wind turbine influenced turbulence expresses how the energy of the wind turbulence is
is known as a wake effect. distributed between various frequencies. Spectral
Wake effect shall be considered when turbines are moments are useful for representation of the wind
installed behind other turbines with a distance of less speed process 𝐮ሺ𝐭ሻ.
than twenty times the rotor diameter. Frequently used models that satisfy the norm
requirements (ref. IEC 61400-1 Annex B) are the Mann
Guidelines uniform shear turbulence and the Kaimal spectrum and
The following method can be used to consider the wake the exponential coherence model.
The free flow turbulence intensity 𝐈𝐓 is modified by the Guidelines
wake turbulence intensity 𝐈𝐓,𝐰 to give the total The following expression is reported for the Kaimal
turbulence intensity 𝐈𝐓,𝐭𝐨𝐭 . spectrum.
𝐍 𝟒 𝐤
𝟐 𝐔𝟏𝟎
𝐈𝐓,𝐭𝐨𝐭 = ඩ(𝟏 − 𝐍 ∙ 𝐩𝐰 )𝐈𝐓𝐦 + 𝐩𝐰 ෍ 𝐈𝐓,𝐰 𝐦 ∙ 𝐬𝐢 𝐒𝐤 ሺ𝐟ሻ = 𝛔𝐤 𝟓
𝐢=𝟏 𝐟 𝐋𝐤 𝟑
൬𝟏 + 𝟔 ൰
𝐩𝐰 = 𝟎, 𝟎𝟔 𝐔𝟏𝟎
𝐱𝐢 𝐒𝐤 is the single-sided velocity components spectrum.
𝐬𝐢 = 𝛔𝐤 is the velocity component integral scale parameter.
𝐤 is the index referring to the velocity component
𝟏 direction (longitudinal, lateral, upward).
𝐈𝐓,𝐰 = ඨ + 𝐈𝐓𝟐
ሺ𝟏, 𝟓 + 𝟎, 𝟑 𝐬𝐢 ξ𝐯ሻ𝟐 𝛌 is the turbulence scale parameter.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


The turbulence spectral parameters are given for each 𝟐

velocity component k=1,2,3. 𝐮∗ 𝐮∗
𝐆= ඨቆ𝐥𝐧 ቆ ቇ − 𝐀ቇ + 𝐁 𝟐
𝛋 𝐟 𝐳𝟎
1 2 3 𝐀 = 𝟏, 𝟖
𝛔𝐤 𝛔𝟏 𝟎, 𝟖 𝛔𝟏 𝟎, 𝟓 𝛔𝟏 𝐁 = 𝟒, 𝟓
𝒇 = 𝟏, 𝟐 𝟏𝟎−𝟒 𝐫𝐚𝐝/𝐬
𝐋𝐤 𝟖, 𝟏 𝛌 𝟐, 𝟕 𝛌 𝟎, 𝟔𝟔 𝛌 𝒇 is the Coriolis parameter and it is referred to a latitude
of 55.5°.
The geostrophic wind speed 𝐆 is calculated explicitly
At any point in time, there will be variability in the wind
by the given formula when the true roughness 𝒛𝟎 and
speed from one point to another. The closer together
the corresponding 𝒖∗ are given.
the two points are, the higher is the correlation between
For this value of 𝐆, the same formula is used to
their respective wind speed. The wind speed will form
implicitly solve a new value of 𝒖∗ that corresponds to
a random field in space.
the desired new reference roughness 𝒛𝟎 .
A commonly used model for the autocorrelation
function of the wind speed field can be derived from the
When the friction velocities have been determined from
following exponential coherence model to account for
the wind speed data as described above, the
the spatial correlation structure of the longitudinal
corresponding velocity pressure 𝐪 is calculated.
velocity component.
𝐫 𝟏
𝐂𝐨𝐡ሺ𝐫, 𝐟ሻ = 𝐞
𝐮 𝐪 = 𝛒ሺ𝐮∗ ሻ𝟐

Where 𝐫 is the distance between the two points, 𝐮 is the The 𝐪 data are grouped into 𝐧 subrecords of a specified
average wind speed over the distance 𝐫, 𝐟 is the duration and the maximum value of 𝐪 in each of the 𝐧
frequency and 𝐜 is the non dimensional decay constant subrecords is extracted. When the duration is one year,
which reflects the correlation length of the wind speed these 𝐧 maximum values of 𝐪 constitute an empirical
field. distribution of the annual maximum velocity pressure.
The velocity pressure 𝐪 is expected to follow a Gumbel
2.2.6 Extreme Wind conditions distribution.
− 𝐚
The extreme wind conditions are normally referred −𝐞
𝐅(𝐪) = 𝐞
(according to IEC 61400-1, subclause 6.3.2) to a 50-
year return period.
The characterization of a 50-year wind speed requires The parameters 𝐚 and 𝐛 are determined fitting to the 𝐧
an extreme value analysis of available wind speed observations of the annual maximum velocity pressure:
data. 𝐛 is interpreted as the value of 𝐪 which has recurrence
It has been proven useful to carry out such an extreme period of one year.
value analysis on the frictional velocity pressures The value of 𝐪 that has a recurrence period of 𝐓 years
derived from the wind speed data, rather than on the can be found using the following formula, where 𝐓𝟎 is 1
wind speed data themselves. year.
For this purpose, the observed wind speeds 𝐮ሺ𝐳ሻ are 𝐓
𝐪𝐓 = 𝐛 + 𝐚 𝐥𝐧
transformed to friction velocity 𝐮∗ through the following 𝐓𝟎
inverse formula: The previous formula can be used to find the 50-year
𝛋 𝐮ሺ𝐳ሻ velocity pressure 𝐪𝟓𝟎 .
𝐮∗ = 𝐳 The corresponding 10-minute mean wind
𝐥𝐧 ( )
𝐳𝟎 speed 𝐔𝟏𝟎,𝐓 with recurrence period 𝐓 at height 𝐳 and
Von Karman’s constant 𝛋 = 𝟎, 𝟒 and neutral terrain roughness 𝐳𝟎 can be found.
atmospheric conditions are assumed.
𝟏 𝟐𝐪𝐓 𝐳
𝐔𝟏𝟎,𝐓 = ඨ 𝐥𝐧
Guidelines 𝛋 𝛒𝟎 𝐳𝟎
The friction velocities 𝒖∗ derived from the above When the wind speed with a 50-year recurrence period
transformation refer to the prevailing local is given, i.e. 𝐔𝟏𝟎,𝟓𝟎 , the wind speed with recurrence
roughness 𝒛𝟎 . period 𝐓 years can be found.
It is often desirable to transform the friction velocities to
data related to a reference roughness 𝒛𝟎 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓 𝐦, 𝐓
𝐔𝟏𝟎,𝐓 = 𝐔𝟏𝟎,𝟓𝟎 𝟎, 𝟓𝟕 + 𝟎, 𝟏𝟏 𝐥𝐧
which is different from the true local roughness ඩ 𝟏
parameter. 𝐩
This can be done by geostrophic mapping, thus utilising
the fact that the geostrophic wind speed 𝐆 is constant
and equal for every roughness 𝒛𝟎 .

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


𝐩 is the probability of no exceedances in 𝐓 years and 𝐧

is the number of exceedances per year, given by 𝐩 = 𝐠
(𝛄 − 𝛄) 𝟎, 𝟎𝟕
𝐞−𝐧𝐓 . 𝐓 𝐝
𝐑= 𝟐 𝟐
൬𝟏 + ൰
𝛛𝐮ഥ 𝛛𝐯ത 𝐁
൬ ൰ +൬ ൰
𝛛𝐳 𝛛𝐳
2.2.7 Wind shear 𝐓 Temperature
(see also IEC 61400-1, Subclause 𝛄 = −𝛛𝐓/𝛛𝐳 Lapse rate
Wind shear is defined as the variation of the wind 𝛄𝐝 ≅ 𝟗, 𝟖 Dry adiabatic lapse rate
speed with the height: it is important for large and
𝐠 Gravity acceleration
flexible rotors.
𝛛𝐮ഥ /𝛛𝐳 and 𝛛𝐯ത/𝛛𝐳 are the vertical gradients of the two
Guidelines horizontal average wind speed components 𝐮 ഥ and 𝐯ത
Wind shear profiles can be derived from logarithmic and 𝐳 denotes the vertical height.
model modified by a stability-corrected logarithmic
wind shear profile as follows. Finally, the Bowen ratio 𝐁 of sensible to latent heat flux
𝐮∗ 𝐳 at the surface near the ground can be approximated:
𝐮ሺ𝐳ሻ = ሺ𝐥𝐧 − 𝛙ሻ 𝐜𝐩 (𝐓ഥ𝟐 − 𝐓
ഥ𝟏 )
𝛋 𝐳𝟎 𝐁≈
𝛙 > 𝟎 for unstable conditions 𝐋𝐌𝐎 (𝐪ഥ𝟐 − 𝐪
ഥ𝟏 )
𝛙 < 𝟎 for stable conditions 𝐜𝐩 is the specific heat, 𝐓 ഥ𝟏 and 𝐓 ഥ𝟐 are the mean
𝛙 = 𝟎 for neutral conditions temperatures at two levels denoted 1 and 2, 𝐪 ഥ𝟏 and 𝐪 ഥ𝟐
The stability function 𝛙 depends on the non- are the average specific humidity at the same two
dimensional stability measure 𝛇 = 𝐳/𝐋𝐌𝐎 , where 𝐳 is levels and it is calculated as fraction of moisture by
the height and 𝐋𝐌𝐎 is the Monin- Obukhov length. mass.
for 𝛇 ≥ 𝟎
𝛙 = −𝟒. 𝟖 2.2.8 Wind direction
for 𝛇 < 𝟎 Transient wind conditions can occur when either the
𝛙 = 𝟐 𝐥𝐧ሺ𝟏 + 𝐱ሻ + 𝐥𝐧(𝟏 + 𝐱 𝟐 ) − 𝟐 𝐭𝐠 −𝟏 ሺ𝐱ሻ wind speed or the direction changes.
ቊ The following transient conditions are to be considered,
𝐱 = ሺ𝟏 − 𝟏𝟗, 𝟑 𝛇ሻ𝟏/𝟒
The Monin- Obukhov length 𝐋𝐌𝐎 depends on the heat if relevant, besides stationary wind conditions:
flux and on the frictional velocity 𝐮∗ . • Extreme of wind speed gradient, i.e. extreme of rise
Its value reflects the relative influence of mechanical time of gust;
and thermal forcing on the turbulence as follows: • Strong wind shear;
• Simultaneous change in wind direction and wind
Atmospheric conditions speed;
• Extreme changes in wind direction.
Strongly convective days -10

Windy days with solar heating -100 3 Waves characterization

Windy days with little sunshine -150 3.1 General

No vertical turbulence 0 Sea waves may be defined by means of design
deterministic waves having appropriate shapes,
Purely mechanical turbulence ∞ heights and periods, when the deterministic analysis is
used, or by means of power spectral density functions
Nights where temperature stratification slightly
dampens mechanical turbulence generation
>0 when the stochastic description of waves analysis is
Nights where temperature stratification severely used; this latter analysis is generally recommended for
>> 0 the proper representation of the wave climate affecting
suppresses mechanical turbulence generation
the design of an offshore floating unit.
If data for Richardson number 𝐑 are available, the In both the above-mentioned cases, the parameters
following relationships can be used to obtain the Monin- describing the design waves are to realistically
Obukhov length 𝐋𝐌𝐎 . represent the most unfavourable load conditions
𝐳 anticipated for the structure and are to be based upon
𝐋𝐌𝐎|𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐫 = reliable wave statistics relevant to the geographical
𝟏 − 𝟓𝐑 areas considered for the various phases of the design
𝐋𝐌𝐎|𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐫 = 𝐳 life of the structure.
The evaluation of the probability distribution of the
waves that the structure will meet during its life is to be
The Richardson number can be computed from
carefully considered to take account of possible fatigue
averaged conditions as follows.
effects on structural members and mooring system.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


3.2 Deterministic description of waves – the 50-yr wave height for the geographical areas
When the deterministic method of sea description is concerned;
used, the design waves are defined by means of the – the breaking wave height defined according to the
following parameters: wave periods and the water depth.
H : wave height, i.e. the distance measured vertically
between the crest and the trough of the wave, in m; Guidelines
T : wave period, in s; The diagram in Fig 1 is reported as general reference
L : wave length, in m; for definition of breaking wave height in relation to the
d : mean sea depth, in m. two driving parameters.
Where necessary, the shallow water effects are to be
taken into consideration. For the description of the wave profile and wave
According to IEC 61400-3, subclause 6.4, the marine particle kinematics the appropriate wave theory is to be
conditions to be considered for the design of the an used.
offshore wind structure are classified in:
– Normal marine conditions which will occur more Guidelines
frequently than once per year. The diagram in Fig 2 is reported as general reference
– Extreme marine conditions which are defined as from API-RP2A Standard Practice for steel fixed
having 1-year or 50-year recurrence period. offshore structures.
Therefore, in order to define the design extreme wave
height, the smaller of the following heights is to be
Figure 1: Breaking wave height

Figure 2: Ranges of validity for wave theories (from API-RP2A)

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


3.3 Stochastic description of waves However, a realistic value for the factor (1.86)
When the stochastic method of sea description is used, introduced in this relationship shall be assumed in the
the waves are analysed taking into account stationary design, where the 50-year maximum wave height is
irregular sea states described by the spectral power often estimated as a factor times the 50-years
density function. significant wave height.
The analytical expressions of the spectral power Indeed, the use of 1.86 is reported as non-conservative
density function of the sea states are to reflect the in deep waters.
shape and the width of the spectra given for the In offshore deep waters, i.e. the possible location for
geographical areas considered. floating wind farms, the factor introduced may reach a
According to the dynamic analysis method, the long value of about 2.0.
term sea behaviour is mathematically described by In shallow waters, the wave heights will be limited by
means of the occurrence probability of each short-term the water depth 𝐝, due to breaking of waves.
spectrum, i.e. by means of a distribution function of sea The maximum possible wave height at a water depth 𝐝
states. is approximately equal to 0.8d.
Generally, the distribution function is used in bi-
parametrical form (e.g. significant wave height Hs and 3.3.2 Peak period
peak period Tp), which may be obtained from wave The peak period 𝐓𝐩 is the period of the wave with the
statistics relevant to the geographical areas highest energy. The peak wave period is extracted from
considered. the spectra of the power density and it is correlated to
Wave energy directional distribution shall be the zero-up crossing period 𝐓𝐳 .
considered using an appropriate spreading function. Once the significant wave height 𝐇𝐒 is given, the zero-
A design sea state is described by: up crossing period 𝐓𝐳 is usually represented by a
– The wave spectrum 𝐒𝛈 shifted lognormal distribution and it is defined as the
– The significant wave height 𝐇𝐬 mean time interval between upward or downward zero
– The peak period 𝐓𝐩 crossings on a wave record.
The wave climate at a location can be considered
stationary within periods of typically 3 hours. 𝐥𝐧ሺ𝐭 − 𝛅ሻ − 𝐚𝟏
𝐅𝐓𝐳 ሺ𝐭ሻ = 𝚽 ቆ ቇ 𝐭≥𝛅
3.3.1 Significant wave height
𝐇𝐬 is a measure of the intensity of the wave climate and 𝚽 denotes the Gaussian distribution function. 𝐚𝟏 and 𝐚𝟐
is statistically defined as the average of the highest are function of 𝐇𝐒 and the shift parameter 𝛅 can be
one-third of the wave heights recorded during a sea approximated in seconds by 𝛅 ≈ 𝟐. 𝟐ඥ𝐇𝐬 .
Guidelines The peak period 𝐓𝐩 is related to the mean zero-
In deep waters, the sea elevation process 𝛈 is a crossing period 𝐓𝐳 of the sea elevation process:
Gaussian process and the individual wave height 𝐇
follows a Rayleigh distribution where 𝐇𝐬 is given and 𝛎 𝟓+𝛄
𝐓𝐳 = 𝐓𝐩 ඨ
is the spectral width parameter. 𝟏𝟏 + 𝛄
𝟐 𝐡𝟐
− 𝐓𝐩
ሺ𝟏−𝛎𝟐 ሻ𝐇𝐬𝟐 ‫ۓ‬ 𝟓 𝐟𝐨𝐫 < 𝟑, 𝟔
𝐅𝐇 ሺ𝐡ሻ = 𝟏 − 𝐞
ۖ ඥ 𝐇𝐬
The distribution of 𝐇𝐦𝐚𝐱 can then be approximated
ۖ 𝐓𝐩
using 𝐍 that denotes the number of zero-up crossing of ቆ𝟓,𝟕𝟓−𝟏,𝟏𝟓 ቇ 𝐓𝐩
𝛄= 𝐞 ඥ𝐇𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 = 𝟑, 𝟔 ÷ 𝟓, 𝟎
the sea elevation process in this period. ‫۔‬
𝟐 𝐡𝟐
ሺ𝟏−𝐯 𝟐 ሻ𝐇𝐬
ۖ 𝐓𝐩
−𝐍 𝐞 ۖ
𝐅𝐇𝐦𝐚𝐱 ሺ𝐡ሻ ≈ 𝐞 𝟏 𝐟𝐨𝐫 >𝟓
The expected value of the maximum wave height ‫ە‬ ඥ 𝐇𝐬
𝐄[𝐇𝐦𝐚𝐱 ] can be expressed as follows.
3.3.3 Power spectral density
ሺ𝟏 − 𝛎𝟐 ሻ 𝐥𝐧 𝐍
𝐄ൣ𝐇𝐦𝐚𝐱 ൧ ≈ 𝐇𝐒 ඨ The analysis of the distribution of the wave energy as
𝟐 a function of wave frequency for a time-series of
A first order approximation yields the following value for individual waves is referred to as a spectral analysis.
the spectral width parameter 𝛎 = 𝟎, 𝟒𝟑. The frequency content of the sea elevation process
With this value of 𝛎, the following relationship between characterized by an angular acceleration of 𝛚 can be
the significant wave height 𝐇𝐬 and the maximum wave represented by the power spectral density.
height The most frequently used spectra for wind generated
Hmax = 1.86 HS seas are the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum for a fully
can be obtained.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


developed sea, and the Jonswap spectrum for a means of an appropriate assessment of site-specific
developing sea. data.
The two spectra are related: Information on frequency of occurrence of total current
𝐒𝐉𝐒 ሺ𝐟ሻ = 𝐂ሺ𝛄ሻ ∙ 𝐒𝐏𝐌 ሺ𝐟ሻ𝛄𝛂 speed and directions at different depths for each month
where 𝛄 is the peak-shape parameter and 𝐂ሺ𝛄ሻ is the and/or each season is useful for planning operations.
normalising factor. The characteristics of the current profile over depth
The first factor increases the peak and narrows the depend on the regional oceanographic climate, in
spectrum; the second reduces the spectral density to particular the vertical density distribution and the flow
ensure that both spectral forms have the same 𝐇𝐬 . the of water into or out of the sea.
formulation has been chosen so that 𝜸 = 𝟏 recovers The current model can be defined as normal NCM
the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum. (Normal Current Model) or extreme ECM (ref. IEC
The Jonswap spectrum is formulated as follows: 61400-3, Subclause

𝟓 𝛚𝐓𝐩 −𝟓 −𝟓൬𝛚𝐓𝐩൰
−𝟒 4.2 Current data
𝐒𝛈 ሺ𝛚ሻ = ∙ 𝐇𝐬𝟐 𝐓𝐩 ∙ ൬ ൰ ∙ 𝐞 𝟒 𝟐𝛑 ∙ 𝐂ሺ𝛄ሻ The current velocity data (intensity, direction and
𝟑𝟐 𝛑 𝟐𝛑
𝟏 𝛚𝐓𝐩
𝟐 variation depending on the distance above the sea
− ൬ −𝟏൰
∙𝛄 𝟐𝛔𝟐 𝟐𝛑 bottom) relevant to the geographical areas considered
𝐂ሺ𝛄ሻ = 𝟏 − 𝟎, 𝟐𝟖𝟕 𝐥𝐧 𝛄 are to be deduced from reliable statistics.
‫𝟎ۓ‬. 𝟎𝟕 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝛚 ≤ 4.3 Current modelling
𝛔= When reliable data relevant to current velocity
‫𝟎۔‬. 𝟎𝟗 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝛚 > 𝟐𝛑
‫ە‬ 𝐓𝐏 variations versus the distance from the sea bottom are
not available, the following formulation may be used:
The JONSWAP wave spectrum normally
recommended for representation of wind-generated 𝒗ሺ𝒛ሻ = 𝒗𝒕𝒊𝒅𝒆 ሺ𝒛ሻ + 𝒗𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅 ሺ𝒛ሻ
waves may be inappropriate to some extent for floating where:
wind turbine structures design, whose motion in heave, 𝒛 𝟏⁄𝟕
𝒗𝒕𝒊𝒅𝒆 ሺ𝒛ሻ = 𝒗𝒕𝒊𝒅𝒆 ሺ𝒅ሻ ⋅ ( )
roll and pitch induced by swells of 20 to 25 seconds 𝒅
period may be significant. 𝒗𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅 ሺ𝒛ሻ = 𝒗𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅 ሺ𝒅ሻ ⋅ ( )
For floating wind turbine structures that are designed 𝒅
for an environment which includes swells, a two-
peaked spectrum (e.g. the Torsethaugen spectrum in which:
developed for the North Sea) is recommended for more 𝒗𝒕𝒊𝒅𝒆 ሺ𝒛ሻ, 𝒗𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅 ሺ𝒛ሻ : tidal current velocity and wind
appropriate representation of the power spectral generated current velocity at a
density. distance z above the sea bottom,
As an alternative, two JONSWAP spectra can be in m/s;
combined to represent wind-generated waves and 𝒗𝒕𝒊𝒅𝒆 ሺ𝒅ሻ, 𝒗𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅 ሺ𝒅ሻ : tidal current velocity and wind
swell, considering also, if possible, different directions. generated current velocity at the
still water surface, in m/s;
4 Current characterization 𝒛: distance from the sea bottom to the point where
the current velocity is to be calculated, in m;
𝒅: distance from the sea bottom to the still water
4.1 General surface, in m.
Sea currents may vary in space and time, they are The current velocity of the wave fluid particles above
generally considered as a horizontally uniform flow field the mean still water level is to be assumed equal to the
of constant velocity and direction, varying only as a velocity at the mean still water level.
function of depth. Unless indicated otherwise the wind-generated current
The following components of sea current velocity are to at still water level may be estimated as:
be considered (ref. IEC 61400-3, Subclause 𝒗𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅 ሺ𝒅ሻ = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏 ⋅ 𝑼𝟏𝟎
- Sub-surface currents; where 𝑼𝟏𝟎 is the 1-hour mean wind speed, in m/s,
measured at a height of 10 m above the still water level.
- Wind generated, near surface currents; In locations where the sea floor is subject to erosion,
- Near shore, wave induced surf currents (ref. IEC special studies on currents in proximity of the sea
61400-3 Annex C). bottom may be required.
The total current velocity is the vector sum of these
components. 5 Water depth including tidal variations
The designer shall determine whether sea currents The water depth at the final installation site of the
may be neglected for calculation of fatigue loads by floating structure shall be defined including variations
due to tides and storm surge.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


For the definition of the different levels of water depth most unfavourable effects in the range between the
to be considered in both design and operability of highest astronomical tide level, increased by the wind
offshore structures, general reference can be made to and pressure induced effects, and the lowest
Fig. 1 of ISO 19901-1. astronomical tide level.
The different contributions to the offshore site water
level definitions for the floating installation design are
reported in the following Fig 3 (with ref., e.g., to a TLP-
type floater).
The mean still water level to be used in wave load
calculations is defined as the level which produces the

Figure 3: water level definitions

Data relevant to the tide components are to be supplied 6 Temperature

by recognised meteorological-oceanographic Extreme values of temperature are to be expressed in
institutes. terms of the most probable highest and lowest values
In consideration of difficulty in the evaluation of tide and their corresponding recurrence periods.
components, where data directly applicable to the final Both air and sea temperature are to be considered.
location of the structure are not available, data The design temperature for the various components of
extrapolated from those for nearby locations may be the platform is to be assumed equal to the lowest daily
accepted. average air temperature or sea temperature,
depending on the position of the single components, for
Guidelines the geographical areas concerned.
Usually, by increasing the water level due to storm The lowest daily average temperature is defined as the
surge and tide, the hydrostatic loads and current loads lowest of the daily average temperature values
on the structure increase. However, it is possible that continuously recorded over a sufficient number of years
lower water levels imply the larger hydrodynamic loads. (at least 10), at a height of 10m above sea level for air
Also, the air gap decreases for higher mean water temperature and 1m below sea level for sea
levels. temperature.
With reference to the schematic layout of a TLP wind
turbine shown in Fig. 4-3 with respect to different water 7 Sea ice, ice accretion and snow
levels, when increasing water level, the loads in
(see also ISO 19901-1, Subclauses 10.4 and 10.5)
tendons get higher, which is an issue to be considered In the case of structures located in sea areas where ice
for the strength assessment of the tender. When the may develop or drift ice may be present, this
water level decreases, the tension decreases, which, in
environmental condition is to be considered.
combination to wave and relative motion of the floater,
To properly characterize the ice environmental
can cause slack in the tendons.
condition, particular consideration is to be given to the
The contribution of variation of the water level causing
following issues:
fatigue to the tendons and local connections to the a) ice concentration and distribution;
floater should also be considered, if significant. b) type of ice (ice floes, ice ridges, rafted ice, etc.);

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


c) mechanical properties of ice; In general, the site-specific seismic hazard assessment

d) ice drifting speed; can be carried out according to the provisions of Clause
e) ice thickness; 8 of ISO 19901-2, Seismic Design Procedures and
f) probability of incoming icebergs. Criteria.
The possibility of ice formation on the structure is to be The analysis of seismic characteristics of the location
duly considered with particular attention to ice is to include an evaluation of:
concentration, distribution and thickness, particularly a) characteristics of the ground motions anticipated for
where icing increase the loads acting on the structure. the design life of the offshore structure;
When relevant, snow accumulation shall be taken into b) allowable seismic risk in relation to the design
account in the design of the structure. operation;
c) ground instability due to liquefaction;
8 Marine fouling d) instability of the sea floor;
(see also ISO 19901-1, Subclause 10.1) e) proximity to faults.
Marine fouling on the submerged or wet part of the The input parameter characterization for seismic
structure is to be duly evaluated if significant for specific assessment is to be made for two levels of earthquake,
design topics (e.g. weight definition or wave loading defined according to ISO 19901-2, Subclause 6.1 as
effect); the evaluation is to be done on the basis of follows:
biological and environmental factors, relevant to the - Extreme Level Earthquake (ELE): The structure
water in the site considered, such as: shall be designed such that an ELE event will cause
a) salinity; little or no damage.
b) oxygen content; During an ELE event, shutdown of operations is
c) pH value; tolerable and the structure should be inspected
d) current; following to an ELE occurrence.
e) temperature. - Abnormal Level Earthquake (ALE): The structure
shall be designed such that overall structural
9 Earthquakes integrity is maintained.
The effects of earthquakes are to be considered when Considerable damage can be reached during an
wind turbine structures are installed in seismically ALE event but loss of life and/or major
active geographical areas. environmental damage is avoided.
An area is defined as seismically active on the basis of Return periods for both ELE and ALE events can be
its previous seismic history expressed in terms of assigned according to the exposure level (ref. Section
frequency of occurrence and magnitude of 3, 1.2.2), and target annual failure probabilities given in
earthquakes. ISO 19901-2, Subclause 6.4, possibly modified to meet
If an area is determined to be seismically active, more stringent regulation or regional requirements, if
earthquake loads are to be considered in the design, if any.
relevant. In general, other geologically induced hazards other
Assessment of seismicity can be of significant than earthquake-induced ground motions, such as
importance for deign of TLP structures. The sensitivity liquefaction, slope instability, faults, tsunamis, mud
to earthquakes is related to which modes of motion are volcanoes and shock waves are mentioned and briefly
restrained. discussed in ISO 19901-2.
All types of floaters may be impacted either as a When significant, they must be considered during the
function of ground motions on the anchors or by design of the specific floating wind turbine installation
associated sudden wave loading. and appropriately addressed by special studies.
For the purpose of structural design, the seismic In the case of floating structures installed in shallow
activity of an area may be expressed in terms of waters, the possibility of seaquake occurrence is to be
effective ground acceleration associated with a considered by evaluating the actual likelihood of
response spectrum or by means of a time history of the tsunamis affecting the location of the structure, being
ground accelerations of the earthquake assumed for the effects of tsunamis potentially critical for the
the design. stationkeeping system.
The most widely used input parameter for the seismic
verification of offshore structures is the design 10 Other environmental conditions
response spectrum, i.e. the spectral response Other environmental conditions such as:
associated to given level of peak ground acceleration
• Humidity;
(PGA), which shall be obtained from a site-specific
• Air density;
seismic hazard assessment.
• Solar radiation;
The site-specific seismic hazard assessment will
provide the response spectrum computed from a • Lightning (ref. Sec 12),
probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) by taking are to be considered if relevant for specific design
into account local soil conditions. topics.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


11 Surrounding environment conditions

The risk of ship collisions is to be addressed. Impact
velocities and ship traffic data should be included in
relevant risk analysis, if relevant.
The presence of pipelines, disposed matter, wrecks
and all other possible obstacles at the location is to be

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 Introduction - pretension of mooring lines, if any, independently of

In floating wind turbine structures design, consideration features relevant to their material, i.e. pretension of
is to be given to all loads which, during all the phases mooring line made by combination of chains and
of the design life, may influence the scantlings (both of steel wires or fibre ropes (even if not dominated by
the unit as a whole and of its structural members), and weight and subject to creep along time) is to be
the stationkeeping system design. introduced in the design as permanent load; it is
In particular the loads which the floating offshore wind anyway recommended to measure the actual mean
turbine installation will have to withstand in both pre- tension in a mooring line as installed for the purpose
service (i.e. during fabrication, load-out, transportation, of verification of the design assumption.
offshore installation and
commissioning/decommissioning (removal) phases) 2.3 Variable functional loads
and in-service (i.e. operation, maintenance and repair Functional loads include all the loads that occur during
phases) conditions are to be considered. the operation and normal use of the floating unit and
In the evaluation of loads, the increase in dimensions are loads that are variable (in terms of magnitude,
and mass of the structure due to phenomena relevant position and direction). They include:
to the surrounding environment, such as marine fouling - Actuation loads;
and ice accumulation, is to be considered. - Payload on access external and internal decks,
platforms and ladders;
Guidelines - Any equipment operational loads;
The joint wave and wind loads should be considered - Berthing loads from supply vessels during normal
for the design of the offshore floating structures service;
accounting for wind loads and their companion wave, - Weight of variable solid and liquid ballast, if any.
current and water level conditions. The characteristic values of functional loads are to be
Considering the size and type of the support structure assumed on the basis of the Designer's specifications.
and turbine, the relative magnitude of the wave loads Typically, payload acting on an offshore structure is not
can be the dominant effect on the floating structure. to be assumed less than:
Hydrodynamic loads can be the main cause of extreme - personnel spaces, accommodation spaces,
loads that should be investigated in coupled analysis. walkway areas: 4.5 kN/m2;
- working areas: 9.0 kN/m2;
2 Types of loads - storage areas: 13.0 kN/m2.
Maximum allowable values of functional loads and of
2.1 General the combination of such loads for any area or structural
Loads acting on the structures may be primarily component of the floating installation are to be anyway
grouped into the following six types: specified in the Operating Manual.
- Permanent loads; Loads due to mooring of supply units are to be
- Variable functional loads; maintained below the design value by the use of
- Deformation loads; operational procedures and/or devices aimed at
- Environmental loads; avoiding accidental overloads.
- Accidental loads;
- Loads due to construction, transportation and 2.4 Deformation loads
installation. These loads are due to deformations imposed, as
applicable, on the structures by:
2.2 Permanent loads - temperature;
These loads include the gravitational loads: - differential settlements of restraints;
- weight of the structure; - creep;
- weight of machinery and systems in permanent - shrinkage;
position; - prestress,
- weight of permanent solid and liquid ballast, if any; the latter threes applicable for concrete components of
- external hydrostatic pressure and buoyancy on the the installation (if any).
watertight underwater structures,
as well as pretension loads for the mooring system, 2.5 Environmental loads
which are to be treated as permanent loads. They are All the forces induced on the structure by the
dependent on the type of floating support structure and environmental conditions specified in Sec 4 are defined
can be grouped as: as environmental loads.
- pretension of tendons, used for TLP type floater, are Wind generated loads on the rotor and on the tower
to be considered permanent load, by introducing shall be taken into account. Wind generated loads on
relevant value, evaluated with respect to the most the rotor and tower consist both in wind loads directly
unfavourable water level, in the design; produced by the inflowing wind as well as indirect loads

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


that result from the wind-generated motions of the wind 2.6 Accidental loads
turbine and its operation. Loads whose intensity and recurrence period are
In light of that, even if this Guide is not specifically difficult to be defined belong to the group of accidental
covering the WT components design, aerodynamic loads.
loads generated by rotors are addressed in Sec 5, [5]. Examples of such loads are:
In order to design the structures, the statistical - loads from unintended collision by service vessels;
environmental conditions are to be split into two - explosion and fire loads;
reference conditions: - loads due to dropped objects;
- operating environmental conditions: the - unexpected pressure loads due to failure of active
environmental conditions within which the normal ballast system or unintended change in pressure
design service is performed. The recurrence period difference;
of such limiting condition is to be specified by the - accidental flooding;
Designer and recorded in the Operating Manual. - loss of mooring line or tendon;
The typical recurrence period generally assumed is - loads due to the Abnormal Level earthquake (ALE)
1 year; (see Sec 4, [9]).
- extreme environmental conditions: environmental The characteristic values of accidental loads are
conditions defined by the action on the floating subject to approval.
support structure of extreme loads; in typical
offshore structures design, the typical recurrence Guidelines
period assumed for extreme wave loading As regards collision loads, in absence of more refined
characterization is the 100-years value (i.e. the evaluation, the following formula may be used:
value with a probability of exceedance in the
distribution of annual maximum of wave height of 𝑭 = ൣ𝟐. 𝟓 ⋅ 𝑯⁄(𝒈 ⋅ 𝑻𝟐 ) + 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓൧ ⋅ 𝑷
0.01). In offshore wind farm standard practice, where:
extreme wind load effect is characterized by the 50- 𝐹 : collision load, in kN;
years value (i.e. the value with a probability of 𝐻, 𝑇 : maximum wave height and period for which the
exceedance in the distribution of annual maximum possibility of the collision is considered in m and in s
of wind velocity of 0.02, that is 98% quantile). respectively;
Characteristic values of environmental loads or load 𝑃 : weight of the unit which collides against the
effects, which are defined as the 98% quantile in the structure, in kN;
distribution of the annual maximum of the load or 𝑔 : gravity acceleration, in m/s2.
load effect, shall be estimated by their central
For construction, transportation, installation and
2.7 Loads due to construction, transportation
removal phases the recurrence period is to be
and installation
determined depending on the geographical area, the
season and the influence of environmental factors on Such loads act on the structure as a whole or on its
the safety of the operations. parts due to possible temporary operations, such as:
- lifting;
Guidelines - movement and handling onshore or onto floating
In particular, the recurrence period of the units;
environmental conditions to be assumed in the analysis - location on supports;
of the on bottom stability, as applicable depending on - assembly;
foundations type, during installation is to be - transportation on barges;
appropriately selected depending on the duration of the - towing of floating structure;
marine operation for final installation, the geographical - launching from barge;
area and the season considered. For instance, for fixed - upending;
offshore structure such period is not to be less than 10 - mooring;
years. - positioning in the location;
In general, for short-term operations or phases, the - ballasting and submerging;
characteristic values of loads are to be based on - anchoring and foundations installation;
reliable meteorological forecasts. - installation of the turbine, modular components, etc.
The simultaneous occurrence of various environmental - cable laying, etc.
loads is to be carefully considered in the design of the Construction and installation loads are to be
structure. determined taking account of static values of forces,
In general, seismic loads need not be considered as pressures, dynamic amplification factors, effects of
acting simultaneously with other environmental loads. working tolerances and the influence of environmental

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


3 Determination of environmental loads For slender cylindrical members, in addition to the

static wind loads, cyclic wind loads due to vortex
3.1 General shedding are to be considered.
Dynamic effects of gust wind are to be considered, as
Environmental loads are to be determined, based on
well as possible increase of wind velocity due to wind
the environmental data discussed in Section 4 relevant
flow through closely spaced members.
to the target region, by using analytical methods and For the determination of wind turbine loads the
simulation models appropriate for the type, size and following shall be considered:
shape of the structure as well as its expected response
- tower shadow and vortex shedding
- wake effects due to the presence of other turbines
Simulations for determination of environmental load
(wind farms);
effects involve combination of wind and waves, which
- aeroelastic effects (interaction between motion of
will require conversion of significant wave heights and
the turbine and wind field);
mean wind velocity from their respective reference
- influence of the control system of the wind turbine
period, typically different, to a common reference
(blade pitching and yaw of the rotor);
period equal to the selected simulation length. For
- turbulence and gusts;
instance, specific provisions for conversion for a
- damping.
simulation length of 1 hour are reported in IEC 61400-
3, Sect. 7.4.6.
3.2.2 Aerodynamic loads generated by the rotor
In order to appropriately capture effects associated with
the natural frequencies of floating support structures, a Aerodynamic loads can be static or dynamic and they
sufficient length of the simulations carried out for the are caused by the airflow and its interaction with the
environmental loads response analysis of the floater rotor, that is interaction with hub and blades
shall be ensured, i.e. typical duration of 10 minutes components of the wind turbine.
should be increased up to a minimum of 3 hours. Aerodynamic loads due to these effects are to be
Since wind cannot be considered stationary over time calculated using recognized methods and appropriate
scales as long as 3 hours, an appropriate number of numerical simulations, and included in the design of the
stationary wind analyses over shorter timespans can floating wind turbine installation if required for local
be carried out to eventually combine them in a proper components verification.
way. General features relevant to these aerodynamic loads’
Model tests are recommended and should be evaluation are reported in Sec 5, [5].
employed to validate design assumptions and
response analysis. 3.3 Wave Induced Loads
Wave induced loads are to be determined by means of
3.2 Wind Loads recognised techniques taking account of sea depth and
of the shape, dimensions, and type of the structure.
3.2.1 General The analysis of the loads induced by waves on the
structure is to be carried out in order to ensure a
The effect of wind on the above water parts of the
sufficiently accurate determination of the maximum
structure induces pressures and forces that are to be
loads through a sensitivity analysis on the wave
evaluated considering both sustained and gust
velocities of the wind.
Hydrodynamic coefficients used for the analytical
Theories, coefficients and calculations used for the
determination of wave loads may be taken from
evaluations of pressures and forces induced by wind
available published data, model tests or calculated with
are to be deemed acceptable by RINA.
recognised numerical tools. Values of these
As an alternative to the above calculations, the results
coefficients are, in any case, subject to approval by
of consistent model tests carried out by recognised
technological laboratories may be accepted.
When, in the case of structures of complex shape, the
For the static structural analysis of the support
analytical determination does not ensure sufficient
structure, wind loads calculated on the basis of the 1
reliability, the results of appropriate model tests are to
minute sustained wind velocity are to be used in
be used.
combination with maximum wave loads.
In the determination of wave loads the following
When wind loads due to 3 seconds gust wind velocity
components are to be considered:
are higher than those due to sustained wind loads
- forces due to wave velocity potential, which consists
combined with wave loads, loads due to gust wind are
of the incident potential, the diffraction potential and
to be considered.
the radiation potential;
When performing dynamic mooring analysis the wind
- wave drift forces;
shall be modelled according to the selected energy
- viscous damping and drag forces due to the effects
of boundary layer and vortex shedding;
- slamming loads.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Wave induced loads on slender structural members

with cross-sectional dimensions less than
𝐃 𝐇𝟐 𝟐 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝐡𝟐 [𝐤ሺ𝐳 + 𝐝ሻ]
න 𝐂𝐃 𝛒 𝛚 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝛚𝐭 |𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝛚𝐭| 𝐝𝐳
approximately 1/5 of the passing wave length may be −𝐝 𝟐 𝟒 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝟐 [𝐤𝐝]
predicted by Morison's equation. As mentioned above, Morison’s equation is valid when
the dimension of the structure D is small relative to the
Guidelines wave length L, 𝐃 < 𝟎, 𝟐 𝐋, and it is valid for nonbreaking
According to Morison’s equation, the horizontal force waves, i.e. when 𝐇/𝐋 < 𝟎, 𝟏𝟒.
acting on a vertical element 𝐝𝐳 of the structure at level The inertia force and the drag force can be expressed
𝐳 is expressed as follows. as follows.
𝐝𝐅 = 𝐝𝐅𝐌 + 𝐝𝐅𝐃 𝐅𝐌 = 𝐀𝐌 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝛚𝐭
𝐃𝟐 𝐃 𝐅𝐃 = 𝐀𝐃 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝛚𝐭 |𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝛚𝐭|
𝐝𝐅 = 𝐂𝐌 𝛒𝛑 𝐱ሷ 𝐝𝐳 + 𝐂𝐃 𝛒 |𝐱ሶ |𝐱ሶ 𝐝𝐳
𝟒 𝟐
𝐀𝐌 amplitudes of inertia force
𝐂𝐌 inertia coefficients (inertia force)
𝐀𝐃 amplitude of drag force
𝐂𝐃 drag coefficients (drag force)
𝐃 diameter of the cylinder 𝐀=
𝛒 water density
𝐇 𝐂𝐌 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐡𝟐 [𝐤𝐝]
𝐱ሶ horizontal wave-induced velocity of water 𝐃 𝐂𝐃 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐡[𝟐𝐤𝐝] 𝐤𝐝
൬ + ൰𝐀
𝟒 𝟐
𝐱ሷ horizontal wave-induced acceleration of water By calculating 𝐇/𝐃 and 𝐝/𝐋 it is possible to establish
whether the inertia force or the drag force is the
𝐀𝐰 wave amplitude dominating force.
Wave loads are strongly dependent on the water depth When the dimension of the structure is large compared
and it is important to consider effects of local variations to the wavelength, typically when 𝐃 > 𝟎, 𝟐 𝐋, Morison’s
in the water depth. equation is no longer valid, and the diffraction theory is
In particular, the appropriate wave theory to be used for to be applied.
deriving the velocity 𝐱ሶ and the acceleration 𝐱ሷ for the
boundary conditions ሺ𝐇𝐬 , 𝐓𝐩 ሻ of a given wave is Guidelines
determined in relation to the water depth. For a cylinder installed in water of depth 𝐝 and
When the first-order (or Airy) wave theory is applicable, subjected to a wave of amplitude 𝐀, this theory gives
the horizontal wave velocity and acceleration are the following maximum horizontal wave force 𝐅𝐱,𝐦𝐚𝐱 .
calculated as follows.
𝟒𝛒𝐠𝐀 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐡 ൣ𝐤ሺ𝐝 + 𝐀 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝛂ሻ൧
𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐡 [𝐤ሺ𝐳 + 𝐝ሻ] 𝐅𝐱,𝐦𝐚𝐱 = 𝛏
𝐱ሶ = 𝐀𝐰 𝛚 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝛚𝐭 𝐤𝟐 𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐡[𝐤𝐝]
𝛏 and 𝛂 are parameters tabulated in literature and 𝐀 is
𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐡[𝐤ሺ𝐳 + 𝐝ሻ] the wave amplitude.
𝐱ሷ = 𝐀𝐰 𝛚𝟐 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝛚𝐭
The vertical arm of the wave force 𝐅𝐱,𝐦𝐚𝐱 measured
𝛚 = 𝐠 𝐤 𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐡[𝐤𝐝] from the sea floor 𝐡𝐅 is calculated.
𝐤 wave number 𝐤𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐡[𝐤𝐝] − 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐡[𝐤𝐝] + 𝟏
𝐝 water depth 𝐡𝐅 = 𝐝
𝐤𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐡[𝐤𝐝]
The velocity and the acceleration in Morison’s equation
need to be taken as the resulting combined current and
For floating support structures consisting of both large
wave velocity 𝐱ሶ and acceleration 𝐱ሷ .
and slender members, a combination of diffraction and
The resulting horizontal force 𝐅 on the cylinder can be
Morison equation can be used to evaluate the
found by integration of Morison’s equation for value of
hydrodynamic loading. Appropriate model tests results
𝐱 from – 𝐝 (seabed) to 𝟎. or full scale measurements may also be used as a valid
𝐅 = 𝐅𝐌 + 𝐅𝐃 alternative.
The simultaneous effects of inertia forces and drag
𝐃𝟐 𝐇 𝟐 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝐡[𝐤ሺ𝐳 + 𝐝ሻ] forces are to be vectorially added taking account, when
𝐅 = න 𝐂𝐌 𝛒𝛑 𝛚 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝛚𝐭 𝐝𝐳 + applicable, of possible changes in water particle
−𝐝 𝟒 𝟐 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐡[𝐤𝐝]

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


velocity and acceleration due to the presence of the - static loads due to ice accumulation on
structure. superstructures;
When the cross-sectional dimensions of structural - impact loads due to impact of ice dropping during
members are comparable with member spacing, the thaw;
effects of hydrodynamic interaction are to be - forces acting on the structures subject to wind and
considered. wave actions due to increase of exposed areas
Wave loads are strongly dependent on the water depth caused by ice accumulation;
and it is important to consider effects of local and tidal - loads due to impact of ice floes against the
variations in the water depth. structures.
Wave force evaluation shall take into account shallow The impact loads due to ice floes are to be based on
water effects, which increase the current due to full scale measurements or on model tests or on
blockage effects, change the system natural frequency recognised theoretical calculation methods taking
determination due to nonlinear behaviour of moorings account of the nature of ice and its mechanical
and affect wave kinematics. properties, of the shape of structures which may be
For installation sites where the ratio of water depth to subject to ice impact and of the direction of ice
wave length is less than 0.25, non linear effects of wave movement.
actions are to be considered, by, e.g., modifying linear
diffraction theory to account for nonlinear effects or, 3.6 Seismic loads
alternatively, by performing model tests.
Wave slamming loads are to be considered for
3.6.1 General
structural components that are possibly subject to wave
slamming during transportation, installation and The effects of earthquakes are to be considered in the
operation. design of wind turbine structures located in seismically
Impact loads from waves on the structures are to be active geographical areas for the operation phase.
determined according to recognised theoretical Seismic loads may be required to be considered during
methods or from results of model tests. Possible the construction phase only in special cases.
dynamic amplification of such loads is to be carefully In general, two different levels of earthquake are to be
considered. considered (see Sec 4, [9]):
Breaking wave slamming loads are also to be - Extreme Level Earthquake (ELE);
considered if applicable. - Abnormal Level Earthquake (ALE).
The possibility of vortex induced cyclic loads is to be The structure is to have strength such that stresses
considered. induced by the ELE are kept within allowable limits and
Green water effects are to be considered, as sufficient ductility to ensure absorption and dissipation
applicable, for the strength of topside deck structure capacity of energy connected to the ALE and to prevent
and for the floating stability analysis. its final collapse.
Wave forces on mooring lines and/or tendons shall be
calculated using the Morison’s equation and 3.6.2 Design requirements
appropriate hydrodynamic coefficients, depending on a) Ground motion
the type of mooring line. The characteristics of ground motions used as a
basis for the seismic analysis of the structure are to
3.4 Current induced loads adequately represent the expected actual
Current induced loads on structural members consist conditions of the considered area in terms of
of drag forces to which the same considerations for intensity, frequency content and energy distribution.
wave loads apply. The effects of local soil conditions in amplifying or
When acting simultaneously, the combined effects of damping the ground motions and in altering the
current and waves may be evaluated within the field of frequency content are to be considered.
application of Morison's equation, by adding vectorially Ground motions may be described in terms of both
the current velocity to the water particle velocity due to response spectrum and time histories:
waves. - Response spectrum
The possibility of vortex induced vibrations and motions Standard response spectra generally
(VIV and VIM) on the structure and mooring lines is to recognised as being valid for the geographical
be considered. Vortex induced cyclic loads shall also area considered may be used.
be taken into account in fatigue assessment. The ground motion normally consists of three
components which are to be applied
3.5 Ice loads simultaneously, i.e. in the two horizontal
directions and in the vertical direction.
Ice loads are to be determined on the basis of statistics
When the response spectrum method is used,
relevant to the geographical areas considered.
the spectrum is to be fully applied equally along
Ice loads can include:
both principal orthogonal horizontal axes of the

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


structure and multiplied by 0.5 in the vertical The analysis is to consider at least three
direction. different sets of time histories to take account
When deemed necessary appropriate higher of the potential sensitivity of the structure
percentages are to be used. response to variations in the input motion.
When response spectra specifically valid for
the location concerned are not available, the b) Structural model.
response spectrum of accelerations shown in
Figure 5-1 may be used. The geometric-inertial representation of the
Such spectrum is normalised to a reference structure-soil-water system is to effectively model
horizontal acceleration and therefore it is the distribution of stiffnesses, masses and
necessary to multiply the values given in dampings.
Figure 5-1 by the effective soil acceleration In particular, as far as masses are concerned, in
(expressed as multiples of gravity acceleration addition to the mass of the structural members and
g), which depends on seismicity of the associated equipment, the mass of the liquids
structure site considered. contained in tanks and non-watertight tubular
The three curves in Figure 5-1 refer to three members located below the mean still water level is
different soil types: to be considered.
Curve A: rock - crystalline conglomerate or In general, a three dimensional model is to be used
shale-like material having shear wave allowing account to be taken of torsional responses
velocities in excess of 914 m/s; due to asymmetry in structure mass or stiffness
Curve B: shallow strong alluvium - competent distribution.
sands, silts and stiff clays having shear c) Response analysis.
strengths in excess of 72 kN/m2 limited to
When the response spectrum method is used, a
depths of less than 61 m and overlying rock-
number n of modes is to be considered such as to
like materials;
account for at least 90% of the total energy of all
Curve C: deep strong alluvium - competent
vibration modes of the system concerned.
sands, silts and stiff clays with thicknesses in
At least 6 modes having the highest energy content
excess of 61 m and overlying rock-like
are to be included among the above n modes.
Individual modal responses may be combined in the
The response spectrum shown in Fig. 5-1 is
design response intended as the square root of the
relevant to a modal damping (combination of
sum of the squares of the individual modal
structural and hydrodynamic damping
coefficients  equal to 5% of critical damping,
Other combinations of modal responses, more
generally used for jackets of fixed offshore
appropriate in the single instances, are to be
specially considered.
If values of modal damping  other than 5%
When the time history method is used, the design
are used, the spectral acceleration given in Fig.
response is to be calculated as the average of the
5-1 is to be multiplied by the following factor D:
log( 100 )
maximum values for each of the time histories
D=− considered.
log(20 )
For ELE design checks, stresses due to earthquake
which is appropriate for values of damping induced loads are to be combined with those due to:
between 2 and 10%. - gravity loads;
Characteristic values of effective soil - hydrostatic pressure;
acceleration of the site concerned are subject - hydrostatic buoyancy,
to approval by RINA. all increased.by a load factor equal to 1.1, while the
seismic action is to be increased by a load factor of
- Time history. 1.3.
If the time history method of analysis is used, For the ALE condition verification, all the factors can
the time histories used in each of the three be set equal to 1.
orthogonal directions mentioned under When required by the seismic characteristics of the
“ground motion” above are to be scaled as geographical location, the sea depth and the soil
specified in “response spectrum” above and properties, the effects of seaquakes and large
generated or modified so that their normalised deformations and instability of the seabed are to be
response spectra reasonably match the considered.
spectrum shown in Figure 5-1 in the frequency
and damping ranges of interest.
The phasing of each of the three time history
components may be different.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Figure 5-1: Seismic acceleration spectrum

4 DETERMINATION OF LOADING CONDITIONS acronyms and symbols reported in Table 5-1, besides
the notes reported at the bottom of Table 5-1 itself,
4.1 General general reference can be made to Section 7.4 of the
Standard IEC 61400-3, and, as applicable, to relevant
The floating offshore wind turbine installation is to be considerations reported from Clause 7.4.1 to Clause
analysed for the various loading conditions it will
7.4.8 of the same Standard for the different design
experience during its design life, in order to verify that
situations (specifically addressed by turbine condition,
relevant structures are able to withstand these loads
DLCs series from 1 to 8 respectively):
with appropriate safety margin.
1. Power production;
2. Power production plus occurrence of fault or loss of
4.2 Design Load Cases electrical network connection;
Load cases can be determined by combining the 3. Start up;
design situations relevant for the floating wind turbine 4. Normal shut down;
installation with applicable external conditions. 5. Emergency shut down;
Two classes of load cases are to be considered in the 6. Parked (standstill or idling);
design, to represent the proper loading conditions: 7. Parked plus fault conditions;
8. Transport, assembly, maintenance and repair.
a) Design Load Cases (DLCs), properly defined to
Thus, the following combinations are relevant for DLCs
assess the floating offshore wind turbine unit under
reported in Table 5.1:
the combination of the site-specific environmental
• Normal operation and normal external conditions;
conditions with the possible wind turbine operational
• Normal operation and extreme external conditions;
condition and the other applicable design conditions
that may occur during pre-service and operation life; • Fault situations and appropriate external conditions;
b) Survival load cases (SLCs) properly defined to • Transportation, installation and maintenance
verify the survivability of the stationkeeping system situations and appropriate external conditions.
and adequacy of air gap during environmental Table 5-1 serves as a basis. It is the duty of the
conditions more severe than the design extreme designer to apply it appropriately by taking into account
environmental conditions. possible factors, which can influence the involved wind
conditions and the magnitude of the loads, depending
4.2.1 Basic DLCs Requirements on the specific wind turbine design, such as:
- Disturbance of the wind flow due to the presence of
For the determination of Design Load cases (DLCs) to the tower;
be considered in the design of a floating wind turbine - Wake effects wherever the wind turbine is to be
unit, basic reference can be made to Table 5-1. located behind other turbines;
The DLCs specified in Table 5-1 are adapted from - Misalignment of wind flow with respect to the rotor
Table 1 “Design load cases” of the standard IEC axis;
61400-3, eventually modified to take into account the - Changes necessitated by floating wind turbines
peculiarities of the floating support, therefore, for development, in particular those reflecting that the

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


control system is used to keep the turbine in place - the Partial Safety Factors (PSFs for loads and
by minimizing excitation. resistance) when ultimate strength analysis is to be
Other design load cases may be considered to carried out; the partial load safety factors are then
represent situations that are realistic and relevant for provided differently for normal (N), abnormal (A),
site specific design, for instance to account for transport and erection (T) design situations: note
correlation between an extreme environmental event that in this Guide the ultimate strength assessment
and a fault condition of the wind turbine. associated to abnormal design situation has been
For floating offshore wind turbines that are to be characterized by ALS conditions. The specific
installed in ice infested offshore sites, appropriate values to be applied for the Partial Safety Factors
design load cases are to be considered for are reported in [4.2.3];
representing the effect of fast ice formation and moving or
ice. - the Fatigue Design Factor (FDF) (see Sec 9, [2.5.7]
In addition to basic DLCs defined in Table 5-1, the c) for Floating Support Structures and Sec 10,
requirements reported in [4.2.4] are to be considered [2.7.4] for Stationkeeping System) when the fatigue
for the stationkeeping system design. assessment is to be carried out-
For each design situation, either ultimate strength Along with the application of Table 5.1, the notes
analysis or fatigue strength analysis are to be carried reported in the bottom are to be considered.
out, as addressed in the second last column of Table
5-1, where the type of analysis is required for the limit
states introduced in Sec 3, [2.1.1], while in the last
column it is addressed the application of:

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Table 5.1- Design Load Cases

Wind & Wave Sea Water Type of

Design situation DLC Wind condition Waves Other conditions PSF
direction current level analysis
Power production vin ≤ vhub≤ vout jpd of Hs,Tp,vhub
vin ≤ vhub≤ vout Hs=E[HS|vhub]
MIS, wind
1.4 direction NCM MSL ULS N
vhub =vr ± 2 m/sec Hs=E[HS|vhub]
vin ≤ vhub≤ vout Hs=E[HS|vhub]
vin ≤ vhub≤ vout Hs=HS,SSS
NTM NSS Control system fault or loss
vin ≤ vhub≤ vout Hs=E[HS|vhub] of electrical power
Protection system or
2.2 COD, UNI NCM MSL preceding internal electrical ALS A
vin ≤ vhub≤ vout Hs=E[HS|vhub]
Power production
plus occurrence of EOG External or internal electrical
fault or loss of 2.3 vhub =vr ± 2 m/sec COD, UNI NCM MSL fault including loss of ALS A
electrical network and vout electrical network
Control, protection or
NTM NSS NWLR or electrical system faults
vin ≤ vhub≤ vout Hs=E[HS|vhub] ≥ MSL including loss of electrical
Transient condition between
2.6 MIS, MUL NCM MSL intact and redundancy check ALS A
vin ≤ vhub≤ vout Hs=E[HS|vhub]
NTM NSS Stationary redundancy check
vin ≤ vhub≤ vout Hs=E[HS|vhub] condition
2.8 MIS, MUL NCM MSL Leakage (damage structure) ALS A
vin ≤ vhub≤ vout Hs=E[HS|vhub]

Start up NWP NSS NWLR or

vin ≤ vhub≤ vout Hs=E[HS|vhub] ≥ MSL
3.2 vhub =vr ± 2 m/sec COD, UNI NCM MSL ULS N
and vout
Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


EDC MIS, wind
3.3 vhub =vr ± 2 m/sec direction NCM MSL ULS N
and vout change
vin ≤ vhub≤ vout Hs=E[HS|vhub] ≥ MSL
4.2 vhub =vr ± 2 m/sec COD, UNI NCM MSL ULS N
Normal shut down and vout
NTM Sea state corresponding to
4.3 Hs=maximum COD, UNI NCM NWLR ULS N
vin ≤ vhub≤ vout the maximum operating limit
operating limit
Emergency shutdown NSS
5.1 vhub =vr ± 2 m/sec COD, UNI NCM MSL ULS A
and vout
Parked (standstill or EWM ESS ECM
6.1 MIS, MUL 50-yr water ULS N
idling) vhub =k1 v10min, 50-yr Hs=k2 HS, 50-yr 50-yr current
EWM ESS ECM Loss of electrical network
6.2 MIS, MUL 50-yr water ULS A
vhub =k1 v10min, 50-yr Hs=k2 HS, 50-yr 50-yr current
EWM ESS ECM Extreme yaw misalignment
vhub =k1 v10min, 1-yr Hs=k2 HS, 1-yr 1-yr current
vhub≤ v10min, 1-yr jpd of Hs,Tp,vhub ≥ MSL
Parked plus fault EWM ESS ECM
conditions vhub =k1v10min, 1-yr Hs=k2 HS, 1-yr 1-yr current
vhub≤ v10min, 1-yr jpd of Hs,Tp,vhub ≥ MSL
Transient condition between
7.3 MIS, MUL intact and redundancy check ALS A
vhub =k1v10min, 1-yr Hs=k2 HS, 1-yr 1-yr current 1-yr water Level
EWM ESS ECM EWLR Stationary redundancy check
vhub =k1v10min, 1-yr Hs=k2 HS, 1-yr 1-yr current 1-yr water Level condition
7.5 MIS, MUL Leakage (damage structure) ALS A
vhub =k1v10min, 1-yr Hs=k2 HS, 1-yr 1-yr current 1-yr water Level
8.1 To be stated by manufacturer ULS T
Transport, assembly,
maintenance and 8.2 COD, UNI NWLR ALS A
vhub =k1v10min, 1-yr Hs=k2 HS, 1-yr 1-yr current
No grid during installation
8.3 MIS, MUL NCM period FLS
vhub≤ v10min, 1-yr jpd of Hs,Tp,vhub ≥ MSL F

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Notes to Table 5.1

• The DLC serial numbers has been adopted in line with IEC 61400-3;
• Similarly, the design environmental conditions referred in the Table for wind, wave, current and water level range are in accordance with metocean acronyms definitions
adopted from IEC 61400-3, and listed below for prompt reference:
COD Codirectional wind and wave direction SSS Severe Sea State
DLC Design Load Case ULS Ultimate Limit State check condition
ECD Extreme Coherent gust with Direction change UNI Uni-directional wind and wave direction
ECM Extreme Current Model N Normal condition
EDC Extreme Direction Change A Abnormal condition
EOG Extreme Operating Gust T Temporary condition
ESS Extreme Sea State jpd Joint Probability Distribution
ETM Extreme Turbulence Model Hs significant wave height
EWLR Extreme Water Level Range Hs,1-yr significant wave height with 1-year return period
EWM Extreme Wind speed Model Hs,SSS significant wave height of the severe sea state
EWS Extreme Wind Shear Tp peak period of the sea waves spectrum
FDF Fatigue Design Factor Hs=E[HS|vhub] expected significant wave height given a value of vhub
FLS Fatigue Limit State check condition vhub 10-minute mean wind speed at hub height
MIS Misaligned wind and wave direction v10min,1-yr 10-minute mean wind speed at hub height with 1-yr return period
MSL Mean Sea Level v10min,50-yr 10-minute mean wind speed at hub height with 50-yrs return period
MUL Multi-directional wind and wave vin cut-in wind speed
NCM Normal Current Model vout cut-out wind speed
NSS Normal Sea state vr rated wind speed
NTM Normal Turbulence Model vr ± 2 m/sec sensitivity to the wind speed in the range of speed (± 2 m/sec) to be analysed
NWLR Normal Water Level Range k1 simulation time scaling factor for 10-minutes mean wind speed
NWP Normal Wind Profile model k2 simulation time scaling factor for significant wave height
PSF Partial Safety Factor

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


• For the determination of the design environmental conditions reported in the Table 5.1, reference shall be made to what recommended in Sect 4 of this Guide;
• The DLCs considered in Table 5.1 are the ones applicable for the design of the floating support structure and its stationkeeping system, therefore DLC 1.1 reported
by IEC 61400-3 for the extrapolation of the extreme loads on the Rotor Nacelle Assembly of the wind turbine has not been reported;
• For the (ULS) Ultimate Limit State analysis, the most unfavorable directions of the wind and the waves are to be assumed;
• The effect of current has been introduced as a requirement for (FLS) Fatigue Limit State assessment (e.g. requirement of NCN for DLC 2.4 or DLC 4.1);
• Additional design load cases 2.6 and 7.3 are relevant to the transient condition between intact and damaged stationkeeping sytem, while additional design load cases
2.7 and 7.4 refer to the stationary situation after the loss of one mooring component of the stationkeeping system;
• Additional design load cases 2.8 and 7.5 are relevant to the situation where the structure is damaged;
• Additional design load case 4.3 refers to a situation where the safety limits of the control system are triggered, that is the normal shutdown procedure when the sea
state exceeds the maximum operational limit as defined in the Operating Manual. Upon requirements of the Operating manual, the emergency shutdown may need to
be considered instead of the normal shutdown;
• As regards to DLCs 6.1 to 6.4, DLCs 7.1 to 7.2 and DLCs 8.2 to 8.3, differently from what indicated by IEC 61400-3, where these DLCs are related to RNA’s reference
wind speed, in Table 5.1 site specific extreme value of the wind speeds with various return periods have been introduced for the environmental conditions definition.
• As discussed in Sec 8, [1], the simulation time duration may differ from the reference period of the wind speed and that of the significant wave height; therefore, for
those DLCs, as, e.g., DLC 6.1 or DLC 7.1, which require time domain dynamic analysis, two scaling factors, k 1 and k2, have been introduced in order to implement the
methodology recommended in [2.2.3] of Section 8.
• Where a wind speed range is reported in Table 5.1, wind speed leading to the most unfavourable response is to be considered;
• For the ULS condition analysis the effect of the environmental loading conditions prescribed for relevant DLCs in table 5.1 is to be combined with the effect of permanent
and variable loads, as applicable, to evaluate the most severe local and global effects on the floating support structure and/on the stationkeeping system;
• The return period for design environmental conditions to be used for DLCs 8.1 to 8.3 is to be in compliance with the provisions indicated in [2.5] (return period for
temporary phases), if not otherwise specified by an installation operational plan that shall be ensured, at Owner responsibility, to be in compliance with the environmental
conditions used in the design;
• As mentioned in [3.6.1], the seismic assessment, if applicable, is relevant to specific DLCs, which are to be analyzed in the design of the floating support structure and
stationkeeping system, independently of consideration of extreme environmental condition

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


4.2.2 Verification requirements for floating According to the same table, for each design
support structure and stationkeeping situation, a partial safety factor (PSF) is to be
system associated among normal (N), abnormal (A),
For each DLC indicated in table 5.1 the type of analysis transport and erection (T) design situation.
is reported as ULS or FLS. In general, the partial safety factor is introduced,
ULS is the ultimate load strength analysis to be used in and calibrated accordingly (see also Section 3, [A3])
structural assessment against acceptance criteria to account for:
pertaining to the yielding and buckling of the floating - the variability in loads (ref. IEC 61400,
support structure component. Subclause and materials (ref. IEC
The DLCs indicated with ULS are further classified as 61400, Subclause characterization;
N representing normal design conditions, which are - the uncertainties in the analysis methods;
expected to occur frequently during the design life of - the importance of structural components with
the floating wind turbine unit. The corresponding respect to the consequences of failure (i.e. their
operational mode of the turbine is in a normal state of exposure category, see Section 3, [1.2 and. IEC
function or with minor faults. 61400-3, Subclause 7.6).
A representing abnormal design conditions, which are Provided that the partial safety factors for loads and
less likely to occur than normal design conditions. They materials to be used for the ultimate strength
typically correspond to design conditions with severe analysis of the RNA (not specifically covered by this
faults that result in activation of system protection Guide) of an offshore wind turbine shall meet the
measures. requirements of IEC 61400-3, Subclauses 7.6.1 and
T representing the design condition relevant to the 7.6.2, for the partial safety factor to be used for the
temporary phases, including load-out, transportation, ultimate strength analysis in normal (N), abnormal
installation and in-service maintenance of the floating (A), transport and erection (T) design situations of
wind turbine structure an offshore wind turbine installation, general
Depending on the type of support structure – i.e. barge, reference can be done to IEC 61400-3, Subclauses
spar, TLP, etc. – different checks are to be carried out. 7.6.2, while specific safety factors for the fatigue
Specific provisions are reported in Sec 9, [4]. check are provided in IEC 61400-3, Subclauses
FLS denotes the fatigue analysis to be carried out in 7.6.3.
the structural assessment for the verification of fatigue In the different design checks ULS is to be
performance, along the service life, of fatigue-sensitive considered to reflect the ultimate limit state
components of the floating support structure or its corresponding to maximum load resistance (or
stationkeeping system. ultimate strength capacity) corresponding, e.g. to:
Relevant provisions are reported in Sec 9, [2.5] and - loss of structural resistance due to yielding or
Sec 10, [2.7] for fatigue assessment of floaters and buckling of steel material;
stationkeeping system respectively. - loss of structural capacity due to brittle fracture;
- loss of global stability of the structure, or part
4.2.3 Partial Safety Factors applicable for DLCs thereof, as a rigid body, due to overturning or
a) Partial Load factors for strength checks (ULS and capsixing;
ALS) - loss of capacity due to the effect of cyclic loads;
In general, the effect of the prescribed - loss of capacity due to excessive deformation,
environmental load is to be combined with the effect which can occur in both (N) and (T) design
of permanent and variable loads producing the most situations.
unfavorable effect on the item subject of verification. Accidental limit State (ALS) conditions are to be
For each design case reported in Table 5-1, the verified for (A) design situations, corresponding to a
assessment of the load effect in any component of damaged condition or in the presence of abnormal
the wind turbine floating installation subject to the environmental conditions.
corresponding environmental loads combination is For the combination of the DLCs introduced in table
to be carried out according to the LRFD method 5-1 for the design of floating wind turbine
(see Section 3), where the combined load effect of installation, the Partial Load Safety Factors reported
simultaneously applied load process is evaluated by in Table 5-2 are to be applied, for the different
the application of different partial load factors, categories of load,, for the different design
typically assigned for the different categories of situations and limit states considered in Table 5-1.
loads (see [2]): The table provides five sets of load factors to be
- Permanent (gravity) loads used when characteristic loads or load effects from
- Variable functional loads different load categories are combined to form the
- Environmental loads design load or the design load effect for use in
- Deformation loads design. The load factors apply to the in service
- Prestressing loads phase as well as to the temporary phases: for these
latter the set T is generally the applicable one for

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


marine operations, with due consideration made to component under assessment. For some
the relevance of the environmental load. components of the stationkeeping system other
For analysis of ULS in N design situations, relevant safety factors requirements may apply as
sets reported in the Table 5-2 are to be used when specifically recommended for their checks from
the characteristic environmental load is established design codes that may be actually used for design,
with reference to 50-yr return period. where the WSD format is adopted. in particular for
The load factors reported in Table 5-2 are generally design of components and anchor foundation for
applicable for all types of floating support structures mooring lines. Specific safety factor requirements
and their stationkeeping system. are given in Section 10 and overrule the load factors
The environmental load factors depend on the of Table 5-2.
exposure categories assigned for the structural

Table 5.2- Load Partial Safety Factors to be applied for Design Load Cases of Table 5-1

Load type
Permanent Variabl Environmental Environmental E Deformation Prestressing
Design situation Limit state G eQ E for L2 exposure D (2)
for L3 (1)

N (3) ULS 1.25 1.25 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.9/1.1

N (4) ULS 1.25 1.25 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9/1.1

N (5) ULS 1.0 (6) 1.0 1.35 1.55 1.0 0.9/1.1

A ALS 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.15 1.0 0.9/1.1

T ULS 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 0.9/1.1

Notes to Table 5.2

(1) For exposure categories see [1.2.2] of Section 3. For prompt reference, it is reminded that for floating offshore wind turbine installations, if
they are unmanned during severe environmental conditions and the structural failure is unlikely to lead to unacceptable consequences for the
environment, an exposure level L3 may be the reference for the design of both the floating support structure and the stationkeeping system,
provided that this latter is a redundant system. For stationkeeping systems without redundancy, in the design of their components the exposure
level L2 is to be used.
(2) In addition to the factors for the load categories already introduced, when a prestressing load P is to be considered in the design situation, a
PSF of 0.9 or 1.1 is to be applied as the most unfavourable for the design condition under verification.
(3) Set of partial load factors to be applied for Normal design situations of structures where permanent load or variable load is dominating.
(4) Set of partial load factors to be applied for Normal design situations of structures where permanent load or variable load is dominating and
variable functional load is correlated to environmental loads (e.g. Q from both impact).
(5) Set of partial load factors to be applied for Normal design situations of structures where environmental load is dominating.
(6) It is assumed that tight weight control of the structure is performed for floating structures. If sensitivity studies show excessive dynamic
excitations, the load factor for permanent load shall be varied between 0.9 and 1.1.

b) Partial Resistance Factors for strength checks (ULS Resistance factors gR introduced in the strength
and ALS) equation checks for ALS conditions are to be set
A resistance factor gR is to be introduced in the equal to 1.0.
LRFD format here adopted for design checks to c) Partial Safety factors for fatigue checks (FLS)
particularly account for: Load factors gi for FLS checks are to be set equal
Possible unconservative deviations in the to 1.0 for all load categories, while it has to be
resistance of material; introduced in relevant checks a DFF, to be applied
Model uncertainties in the formulations used for to the calculated characteristic damage.
determining the structural resistance, Relevant values of DFFs are reported in Sec 9,
Therefore, the value of gR is dependent on the [2.5.8] for floating support structure, and Sec 10
specific limit state formulation of the check equation [2.7.4] for stationkeeping system.
under consideration; relevant recommendations are The environmental load factors depend on the
reported for ULS design checks in relevant sections exposure categories assigned for the structural
for design of floating support structure and component under assessment. For some
anchoring system. components of the stationkeeping system other
safety factors requirements may apply as
specifically recommended for their checks from

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


design codes that may be actually used for design, regions where strong winter storms or tropical cyclones
where the WSD format is adopted. in particular for (hurricanes or typhoons) are not rarely to occur
design of components and anchor foundation for The probability of joint occurrence of environmental
mooring lines. Specific safety factor requirements parameters is to be taken into account for establishing
are given in Section 10 and overrule the load factors survival metocean condition, which are to be
of Table 5-2. introduced in Survival Load Cases (SLCs).
SLCs are to be eventually used for further strength
4.2.4 Additional DLCs for stationkeeping assessment of the stationkeeping system and the
system evaluation of green water effects on the floater and
The DLCs reported in Table 5.1 are also provided for relevant equipment.
the design of the stationkeeping system, as applicable, In particular the maximum return period (n years) of the
but additional load cases should be considered, storm wind condition (and corresponding sea state, sea
whenever relevant to the integrity of that system. current and water level) that the turbine blades can
In particular additional DLCs are to be considered withstand without damages is to be defined in order to
depending on the possible effects on the mooring carry out the assessment for the two design conditions
system of: reported in the following Table 5-3: for both design
- the global yawing moment on the floating support condition the hull of the floater is to maintain its
structure that may arise following to unbalanced structural integrity.
rotor aerodynamic loads caused by the shade or The effect of the prescribed environmental load is to be
wake effect of neighbouring floating offshore wind combined with the effect of permanent and variable
turbines; loads producing the most unfavourable effect on the
- the vortex induced motion of the submerged floating items subject of verification (i.e. stationkeeoing system
structure, as well as the VIV (vortex induced or air gap), with the safety factors applicable for SLCs
vibration) fatigue effects, generated by the site reported in Table 5-4.
specific current conditions; Additionally, for TLP type support structures, both the
- significant motion on the foundation system of the minimum tendon tension assessment (ref. slack check)
mooring line, or tendon, induced by earthquake or and the possible ‘one-tendon removed’ design
fault displacement. condition are to be carried out for the SLCs reported in
Table 5-3.
4.3 Survival Load Cases
Survival metocean conditions should be established for
the design of wind turbine offshore installation in
Table 5-3 - Survival Load cases

Wind & Wave Sea Water

Design situation SLC Wind condition Waves
direction current level
blades vhub= k1 v10min, n-yr Hs = k2 Hs, n-yr n-yr current n-yr water level
Parked RNA, One or SUWM SUCM
more damaged S.2 MIS, MUL 500-yr
vhub= k1 v10min, 500-yr Hs = k2 Hs, 500-yr 500-yr water level
blade(s) current

Symbols in Table 5.3

SUWM Survival Wind Model Hs,n-yr significant wave height with a return period of n years
SUSS Survival Sea State Hs, 500-yr significant wave height with a return period of 500 years
MIS Misaligned wind and wave direction vhub 10-minute mean wind speed at hub height
MUL Multi-directional wind and wave v10min,n-yr 10-minute mean wind speed at hub height with n-yr return
MIS Misaligned wind and wave direction v10min,500-yr 10-minute mean wind speed at hub height with 500-yrs
return period
SUCM Survival Current Model n-yr Maximum return period (in years) of the wind condition that
the turbine blades can withstand by remaining intact, or
500 years, whichever is less
SUWLR Survival water Level Range k1 simulation time scaling factor for 10-minutes mean wind
Hs significant wave height k2 simulation time scaling factor for significant wave height

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Table 5.4- Load Partial Safety Factors to be applied for Survival Load Cases of Table 5-3

Load type
Environmental Environmental E Prestressing
Design situation E
Permanent Variabl for L2 exposure Deformation [see note (2)
G eQ for L3 [see note (1) D table 5-2]
exposure Table 5-2]
[see note (1)
Table 5-2]

S.1 and S.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.25 1.0 0.9/1.1

5 APPENDIX A5 – AERODYNAMIC LOADS 5.2 Aeroelastic loads calculation

GENERATED BY ROTORS The purpose of an aeroelastic analysis is to solve the
equations of motion for a given arbitrary set of forces
5.1 General acting on the structure and for forces generated by the
The aerodynamic load is determined as function of the structure itself.
average wind speed and turbulence across the rotor The general formulation of the differential equations of
plane, the rotational speed of the rotor, the air density motion contains the vector 𝐱 and its derivatives, the
and the aerodynamic shapes of the wind turbine, mass matrix 𝐌, the damping matrix 𝐂, the stiffness
including the aeroelastic effects. matrix 𝐊 and the force vector 𝐅 acting on the structure
The wind velocity conditions at a blade cross section varying with time.
are illustrated in Figure 5.1. 𝐌𝐱ሷ + 𝐂𝐱ሶ + 𝐊𝐱 = 𝐅
The necessary model elements for the aeroelastic load
Figure A5.1: “Wind velocity at a blade cross calculation are:
section” 1. Wind field modelling
2. Aerodynamic model
3. Blade element momentum method
4. Beam theory
5. Control system modelling

5.2.1 Wind field modelling

The wind field contains the longitudinal, transversal and
vertical wind velocity components and it is divided into
a mean wind field and a fluctuating wind field.
For wind turbines, spatial variations in the turbulence
must be considered, and three-dimensional wind
simulation is required.
The first purpose is to predict time series of the wind
speed in a number of points in space across the rotor
disc of a wind turbine.
In order to predict the wind field in a number of points
𝐕𝟎 is the wind velocity perpendicular to the rotor plane. in space, the spatial coherence of the wind field must
When the wind passes through the rotor plane, this be properly accounted for.
wind speed becomes reduced by an amount of 𝐚𝐕𝟎 due There are two models available for generating a
to the axial interference. synthetic wind field over a rotor disc.
Thus, a blade element at a distance 𝐫 from the rotor Veers model by Sandia
axis will be moving at a speed 𝛚𝐫 in the rotor plane. It uses a circular grid in the rotor plane and it is based
When the wind passes through the rotor plane and on a single point spectral representation of the
interacts with the moving rotor, a tangential slipstream turbulence and a coherence function.
wind velocity 𝐚′ 𝛚𝐫 is introduced. A Kaimal formulation is chosen as the spectral model
The resulting relative inflow wind velocity that the rotor and an exponential Davenport coherence model is
blade will experience comes out and is denoted 𝐖. used.
This resulting relative wind velocity gives rise to
aerodynamic forces on the blade, respectively lift and
drag force, 𝐅𝐋 and 𝐅𝐃 .

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


𝟔, 𝟖
𝐋𝐢 Figure A5.2: “Wind resulting force”
𝐒𝐢 ሺ𝐟ሻ = 𝛔𝟐𝐢 𝐔
𝐟𝐋 𝟑
(𝟏 + 𝟏𝟎. 𝟐 𝐢 )
−𝐜𝐢 𝐟
𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐢 ሺ𝐫, 𝐟ሻ = 𝐞 𝐔

𝐢: velocity components ሺ𝐮, 𝐯, 𝐰ሻ

𝐟: frequency
𝐫: distance or spatial separation
𝐋: integral length scale of the turbulence component
𝛔: standard deviation of wind speed component
𝐜: coherence decay factor

- Mann model by Risø 𝟏

𝐅𝐋 = 𝐂 𝛒 𝐜 𝐖𝟐
𝟐 𝐋
It applies a quadratic grid and it is based on a spectral 𝟏
𝐅𝐃 = 𝐂𝐃 𝛒 𝐜 𝐖 𝟐
tensor formulation of the atmospheric surface layer 𝟐
turbulence. The aerodynamic drag force 𝐅𝐃 on the tower and the
The model has been developed with reference to nacelle can be calculated based on the projected area
onshore wind turbines and specifically for 𝐀 perpendicular to the flow as follows:
homogeneous terrain and the parameters used are: 𝐅𝐃 = 𝟎, 𝟓 𝛒 𝐀 𝐕𝟎𝟐 𝐂𝐃
mean wind speed 𝐔, height above terrain 𝐳 and The lift and drag coefficients 𝐂𝐋 and 𝐂𝐃 are defined
roughness length 𝐳𝟎 . Relevant considerations for using the chord length 𝐜 of the airfoil.
offshore site are to be applied. The lift and drag forces are functions of the:
The turbulence intensity 𝐈𝐓 , defined from the standard • Inflow angle α (between the wind direction and the
deviation of the longitudinal wind velocity 𝛔𝐮 , is usually blade axis);
measured by means of an anemometer. • Airfoil shape;
𝐈𝐓 = • Reynolds number Re = cW/ν, in which ν is the
This measurement corresponds to vectorial summation kinematic viscosity.
of the longitudinal and transversal wind velocity To describe the physics in a mathematical way, the
components. wind turbine rotor can be considered as a disc, which
is able to absorb energy from the wind by reduction of
5.2.2 Aerodynamic model the wind speed as shown below.
Figure A5.3: “Wind speed reduction”
Aerodynamic theory performs quantitative predictions
of the forces set up by the airflow on the rotor.
The overall 3D-flow on a rotor is a very complex,
unsteady flow depending on many variables such as
wind speed, wind shear, atmospheric turbulence, yaw
angle, rotational speed, rotor radius, overall layout of
the rotor blade and the airflow properties.
For calculation of aerodynamic forces on a rotor blade,
it is used the so-called “blade element momentum”.
The resultant force 𝐅 is decomposed into two
components 𝐅𝐋 perpendicular to the direction of the
resulting relative wind velocity 𝐖 and 𝐅𝐃 parallel to this

𝐂𝐋 increases linearly with 𝛂 up to 𝛂𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥 after which the

profile stalls.
For greater value of 𝛂, 𝐂𝐋 reaches a maximum value
followed by a decrease for further increases in 𝛂.
𝛂𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥 characterizes the stall phenomenon, a nonlinear
phenomenon that results in a dramatic loss of flow

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


attachment and airflow lift when a limiting inflow angle angular velocity of the rotor, the expressions for the
has been reached. thrust and the torque can be rewritten.
Two-dimensional wind tunnel calculations are used to 𝐮 𝟏 𝐮𝐰
𝐚=𝟏− 𝐚′ =
obtain the coefficient values in the pre-stall region. 𝐕𝟎 𝟐 𝛚𝐫
▪ Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) 𝐝𝐓 = 𝟒𝛑𝐫𝛒𝐕𝟎𝟐 𝐚 ሺ𝟏 − 𝐚ሻ𝐝𝐫
▪ 2D wind field model 𝐝𝐐 = 𝟒𝛑𝐫 𝟑 𝛒𝐕𝟎 𝛚 ሺ𝟏 − 𝐚ሻ𝐚′𝐝𝐫
▪ Measurments and estimations At this point, it is necessary to make an initial choice for
𝐚 and 𝐚’, for example 𝐚 = 𝐚’ = 𝟎.
The flow angle ∅ is the angle between the rotor plane
Figure A5.4: “Lift and drag curves” and the direction of the relative wind velocity 𝐕𝐫𝐞𝐥 on the
rotating blade, shown in Figure A5.5.

Note that proper selection of values for the

aerodynamic coefficients is a very important step in the
design analyses of a wind turbine.
The norm IEC 61400-3 requires that the load model
used to predict loads for design verification of wind Figure A5.5: “Pitch angle”
turbines be validated for each design load case.
This validation of the load prediction is to be based on ሺ𝟏 − 𝐚ሻ𝐕𝟎
a representative comparison between measured and 𝐭𝐚𝐧 ∅ =
ሺ𝟏 + 𝐚′ ሻ𝛚𝐫
predicted loads on a similar wind turbine.
The local inflow angle is 𝛂 = ∅ − 𝛉, where the pitch
angle 𝛉 is the local pitch of the blade relative to the rotor
5.2.3 Blade element momentum method
plane. It is possible to transform 𝐂𝐃 and 𝐂𝐋 coefficient
Using this method the flow area swept by the rotor is to normal and tangential ones.
divided into a number of concentric ring elements and 𝐂𝐍 = 𝐂𝐋 𝐜𝐨𝐬 ∅ + 𝐂𝐃 𝐬𝐢𝐧 ∅
there is no radial dependency between them. 𝐂𝐓 = 𝐂𝐋 𝐬𝐢𝐧 ∅ + 𝐂𝐃 𝐜𝐨𝐬 ∅
Each ring is divided into a number of tubes, which are The solidity 𝛔 is defined as the fraction of the cross-
independent. sectional area of the annular element that is covered by
The wind speed is assumed uniformly distributed over the blades. It depends on the radius and on the number
each ring element. of blades 𝐁.
The forces from the blades on the flow through each 𝐜ሺ𝐫ሻ𝐁
ring element are assumed constant and it is equal to 𝛔ሺ𝐫ሻ =
assuming that the rotor has an infinite number of 𝟏
blades. 𝐚=
𝟒 𝐅 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝟐 ∅
The thrust on the ring element 𝐓 of radius 𝐫 and ൬ + 𝟏൰
thickness 𝐝𝐫 from the disc defined by the rotor is: 𝟏
𝐝𝐓 = 𝟐𝛑𝛒𝐮ሺ𝐕𝟎 − 𝐮𝟏 ሻ𝐝𝐫 𝐚′ =
𝟒 𝐅 𝐬𝐢𝐧 ∅ 𝐜𝐨𝐬 ∅
𝐕𝟎 is the wind speed before the rotor. ൬ − 𝟏൰
𝐮𝟏 is the wind speed in the wake behind the rotor. 𝟐 𝐁 𝐑−𝐫
− ∙
𝐮 = ሺ𝐕𝟎 − 𝐮𝟏 ሻ is the wind speed through the rotor 𝐅 = 𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐬 ൬𝐞 𝟐 𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐧 ∅ ൰
𝟐 𝛑
plane. 𝐅 is known as Prandl’t tip loss factor.
When the tangential wind speed at radius 𝐫 is zero If 𝐚 and 𝐚’ deviate significantly from the values
upstream of the rotor and 𝐮𝐰 in the wake, the torque 𝐐 assumed for the calculations go back to where the
on the ring element is defined. values were initially assumed and use the new value
𝐝𝐐 = 𝟐𝛑𝐫 𝟐 𝛒𝐮𝐂𝛉 𝐝𝐫 to calculate the flow angle ∅.
This iterative procedure needs to be repeated until a
By introducing the axial induction factor 𝐚 and the convergent set of values for 𝐚 and 𝐚’ results.
tangential induction factor 𝐚’, where 𝛚 denotes the

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Note that the momentum theory breaks down when 𝐚

becomes greater than 0,3. The angle 𝛂 between the reference axis 𝐗’ and the
Whenever 𝐚 > 𝐚𝐜 and 𝐚𝐜 ≈ 𝟎. 𝟐 Glauert’s correction can principal axis 𝐗 can be calculated with the following
be applied and 𝐚 is replaced with the following value: formula where [𝐄𝐃𝐗′ 𝐘′ ] is the deviation moment of
𝟏 inertia and [𝐄𝐈𝐗′ ] and [𝐄𝐈𝐘′ ] are the bending stiffness
𝐚 = ሺ𝟐 + 𝐊ሺ𝟏 − 𝟐𝐚𝐜 ሻ +
𝟐 properties about the 𝐗’ and 𝐘’ reference axes,
−ඥሺሺ𝐊ሺ𝟏 − 𝟐𝐚𝐜 ሻ + 𝟐ሻ𝟐 + 𝟒ሺ𝐊𝐚𝟐𝐜 − 𝟏ሻሻ respectively.
𝟒 ∙ 𝐅 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝟐 ∅ 𝟏 𝟐 [𝐄𝐃𝐗′ 𝐘′ ]
𝐊= 𝛂 = 𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐧
𝛔𝐂𝐍 𝟐 [𝐄𝐈𝐘′ ] − [𝐄𝐈𝐗′ ]
When a convergent set of 𝐚 and 𝐚’ is determined the [𝐄𝐃𝐗′ 𝐘′ ] = න 𝐄𝐗 ′ 𝐘 ′ 𝐝𝐀
Glauert’s correction can be used to calculate the local 𝐀
forces on a rotor blade at distance 𝐫 from the axis of
[𝐄𝐈𝐗′ ] = න 𝐄𝐗 ′ 𝟐 𝐝𝐀
rotation. 𝐀
The normal and tangential forces per unit of length are 𝟐
expressed below. ൣ𝐄𝐈𝐘′ ൧ = න 𝐄𝐘 ′ 𝐝𝐀
𝟏 𝐕𝟎𝟐 ሺ𝟏 − 𝐚ሻ𝟐
𝐅𝐍 = 𝛒 𝐜 𝐂𝐍
𝟐 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝟐 ∅ The bending stiffness about the principal axes can be
now computed as follows.
𝟏 𝐕𝟎𝟐 ሺ𝟏 − 𝐚ሻ𝛚𝐫ሺ𝟏 + 𝐚′ ሻ
𝐅𝐓 = 𝛒 𝐜 𝐂𝐓 [𝐄𝐈𝐗 ] = [𝐄𝐈𝐗′ ] − [𝐄𝐃𝐗′ 𝐘′ ] 𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝛂
𝟐 𝐬𝐢𝐧 ∅ 𝐜𝐨𝐬 ∅
The procedure is repeated for all ring elements [𝐄𝐈𝐘 ] = [𝐄𝐈𝐘′ ] − [𝐄𝐃𝐗′ 𝐘′ ] 𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝛂
modelled and the result consists of distributions along Since present wind turbine blades are usually relatively
the rotor blade of the normal and tangential forces per stiff in torsion, the torsional stiffness is usually
unit of length. neglected.
In structural modelling and analysis, it is important to
5.2.4 Beam theory be aware of the flutter phenomenon, which may result
Since rotor blades are slender, they, from a structural from coupled torsional and flapping motion.
point of view, can be considered beams and the “beam Low ratios of torsional and flapwise frequencies and
theory” can be thus applied. high tip speeds indicate rise of flutter.
For analysis of a rotor blade by means of beam theory,
the following definitions relating to the blade profile are 5.2.5 Control system
needed: A control system is usually provided to keep the
• The elastic axis is perpendicular to the section and operating parameters of the wind turbine within
intersects the section in a point where a normal specified limits.
force will not give rise to bending; The operating parameters are usually controlled by
• The shear centre is the point where an in-plane monitoring their current values and/or their first or
force will not rotate the profile in the plane of section. second derivatives; a regulation algorithm can be set
The two in-plane principal axes are mutually up and coded for use together with an aeroelastic code
perpendicular and both cross the elastic axis. for load prediction.
The principal axes are defined by the phenomenon that The mechanical power of the wind turbine can be
if a bending moment is applied about one of them, the expressed as a dependent on 𝐂𝐩 which is a function of
beam will only bend about this axis. the pitch angle 𝛃 and of the tip speed ratio 𝛌 = 𝛚𝐑 𝐑/𝐮,
Applying a bending moment about any other axis will where, 𝛚𝐑 is the angular frequency of the rotor and 𝐑
induce bending, also about another axis than the one is the rotor radius.
corresponding to the applied moment. 𝟏
𝐏 = 𝛒𝐀𝐮𝟑 𝐂𝐩 ሺ𝛃, 𝛌ሻ
Figure A5.6: “Beam theory axes” The pitch angle 𝛃 and the rotor speed 𝛚𝐑 are the two
parameters that can be used for the control of the
The control of the turbine can be based on one of the
following two approaches:
• Optimize the power below the nominal power by
choosing β equal to its nominal value βopt and
keeping λ constant at its optimal value λopt . λ cannot
be controlled directly, since u is hard to measure,
therefore ωR is used as parameter to control the

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


• Limit the power by keeping it as close as possible to

the nominal power.
By means of the pitch and speed regulation of the
turbine, changes in the aerodynamic power are
absorbed as changes in the angular velocity of the rotor
instead inducing changes in the torque which is
transferred to the gearbox.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 Introduction Guidelines
Materials deemed appropriate by RINA with regard to (Ref. ISO 19904-1, Clause 9.9.3)
workmanship procedures and service conditions are to Transmission of tensile action effects through the
be used for the construction of the wind turbine support thickness of a plate should be avoided as far as
structures and its stationkeeping system. practicable, particularly in primary structural
Relevant material specifications are to be provided for components. In cases where such actions cannot be
all structural materials intended for use in the avoided, the specification for the material shall include
construction of the floating wind turbine installation, guaranteed through-thickness properties.
considering all design phases and associated Workmanship procedures and welding processes shall
operating conditions. be such that the properties and soundness of base
materials and of the welded joints are consistently
2 Selection of steel material uniform. Relevant fabrication and welding
specifications and procedures are to be approved by
2.1 General RINA.
In general, within the established limits of application,
The specification of selected steel material used in weldable steels that meet the requirements of RINA
each part of the floating wind turbine installation is to Rules for Floating Offshore Units at a Fixed Location
be submitted to RINA for approval. and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (RINA RES17) Part
In selection of the appropriate steel properties for a D Materials and welding, are acceptable.
given structural component, the following topics are to As an alternative, also recognized by ISO 19904-1,
be considered, but not limited to: Clause 9.9.2, steel properties shall comply with the
- Consequences of failure (importance of the design class (DC) approach addressed by ISO 19902;
component for global unit safety); in light of that, steel characteristics required in [2.4] for
- Presence of stress variation and/or stress the different classes, according to structural categories
concentration; described in [2.2] are acceptable for structural
- Susceptibility to corrosion; application.
- Susceptibility to collision; Approval of other types of steel with respect to
- Minimum operating air and/or water temperature, chemical composition and mechanical properties is
In addition to the basic considerations relevant to stress given by RINA on the basis of the specification of steel
level and component thickness. properties, applicable technological instructions and
In particular, the recommendations referred to in this acquired experience.
Guide apply to materials with a maximum thickness of Unless otherwise stated, manufacturing, testing,
70 mm. If thickness is greater than 70 mm, the installation and use of materials are to comply with the
materials are to be approved by RINA with the requirements specified in the relevant Parts of the
necessary modifications on a case-by-case basis. above mentioned RINA Rules RES17 or RINA Rules
For the determination of appropriate steel material for Ships, REP4, Part D, materials and welding, as
grade selection, special attention is to be paid to all applicable.
design situations in the life of the floater, since some
conditions, different than the ones addressing the 2.2 Type of materials according to structural
material selection for the operational phase, may category
govern the requirements, such as design temperature
or the stress level during marine operations. Materials for structural use are to be selected following
When specifying the properties required for a steel to two methods defined in ISO 19902, Clause 19.
material, they are to include mechanical, chemical and These methods are generally referred to as:
manufacturing properties, as well as indications of a) Material category (MC) approach
relevant tests, including non-destructive tests. b) Design class (DC) approach.
The following properties are to be considered, but not These two methods are mutually exclusive and once
limited to, as applicable depending on specific design one of them is selected it is not interchangeable at any
requirements: stage with the other. The flow chart of the selection
- Steel chemical composition and resistance; process is given in ISO 19902, Figure 19.1.1.
- Mechanical resistance; Steels are to be selected as belonging to a strength and
- Ductility properties; toughness class for the purpose of material selection
- Toughness properties (with respect to operating and use in offshore structures:
temperature); - Strength groups are defined by a range of yield
- Through-thickness properties (as applicable); strength, determined by tensile testing (ref. [ 2.4.3]);
- Corrosion resistance; - Toughness classes are determined by the ability of
- Fire resistance; steels to achieve a minimum Charpy V-Notch (CVN)
test energy at a specified minimum temperature.
- Weldability.
Toughness becomes more important as the
magnitudes of varying actions increase and as the

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


criticality of the structure increases. The LAST Expanding process (UOE) is acceptable. Spiral welded
(lowest anticipated service temperature) is to be pipes are not allowed. The accepted steel production
considered in accordance with applicable regulatory processes are basic oxygen and basic electric arc
requirements in the region of application; in lack of furnace.
more appropriate determination, suggested values Pipes fabricated according to ASTM A53/A53M may be
of LAST for some areas are given in A. of purchased, provided that they satisfy all the
ISO 19902. Minimum toughness requirements for requirements of this Guide.
structural steels are defined in Table 19.4-1 of ISO
19902. 2.4 Weldable Structural Steels
Following the Material Category approach (MC) the
steel are to be selected on the basis of the designed 2.4.1 General Requirements - Manufacturing
yield strength and toughness level in combination with procedure - Finishing grade and tolerance
the structure exposure level (see Section 3, 1.2.1).
An appropriate material category can be selected The steel is to be made by basic oxygen or basic
according to the following recommendation in electric arc furnace process. All steels are to be fully
compliance with ISO 19902, Annex C Par. C1 (Note: killed and made by fine grain practice.
only L2 and L3 are to be considered provided the Supply conditions of steel plates sections and hollow
conditions introduced in Section 3, [1.2.1]: welded and seamless pipes are to be specified by the
• MC1: this category is to be generally applied for
Intermediate or finished products, produced by the
exposure level L1 structures.
continuous casting route shall be examined for centre
• MC2: this category is to be generally applied for
line segregation in accordance with the manufacturer's
exposure level L2 structures.
procedures and as agreed by the purchaser. This does
• MC3: this category is to be generally applied for not apply to seamless hollow sections.
exposure level L3 structures.
The minimum rolling reduction ratio of material made
The required toughness class is determined by ISO
by continuous casting for plate is to be 4:1 except for
19902 Table C.1 of the Annex C according to the piling where it is to be 3:1.
following guidelines:
a) Type of component;
2.4.2 Chemical Composition
b) The material category (MC) of the structure;
c) The steel group, which is based on SMYS (specified The chemical composition for all the steel grades
minimum yield strength) as shown in Table 6-1, determined by ladle analysis is to comply with the
where the SMYS is previously defined along with values of applicable specification for the steel
the thickness by design analyses.
Commonly used specifications for steel plates, steel
The Design Class (DC) approach for selecting the
shapes and steel tubulars are listed in Annex C and
appropriate material strength group and toughness
Annex D of ISO 19902 within the context of the MC or
class is based on a component’s criticality rating: DC1
DC approach respectively.
to DC5, being DC1 the most critical.
In case that EN10225-4 is applied, relevant Table 4 is
If the DC approach is selected the provisions of ISO
to be considered for plates, Table 6 for sections and
19902 Annex D applies. In particular the required
Tables 8 and 10 for hollow welded and seamless
toughness class may be selected according to Table
D.3 of such Standard.
The actual specified chemical composition of each type
of steel is to be submitted by the Manufacturer to RINA
2.3 Steel pipes
for approval.
Pipes fabricated according to API 5L may be Sampling and preparation of samples for the
purchased, provided they satisfy all the requirements determination of steel composition shall comply with
of this Guide. Pipes shall be of quality PSL2 ordered for ISO 14284.
offshore service, in accordance with Annex J of API 5L Tolerances of product analysis, regarding composition
(with exception of grade A25), and may be seamless or of ladle analysis, are to comply with international
longitudinally welded with SAW procedure up to a standards recognised by RINA.
maximum diameter of 508mm (20"). For ladle analysis determined for each cast, the values
Welded and seamless pipes shall undergo non- reported by the steel manufacturer shall apply. Product
destructive examination according to the requirements analysis shall be supplied by the steel manufacturer
of this Guide. The mechanical properties of the finished when required by RINA.
products are to be in accordance with the requirements
of API 5L and the impact test requirements reported in 2.4.3 Mechanical Properties
[2.4.3] of this Guide.
Pipes for structural components are to be supplied in Steels are grouped according to the SMYS (Specified
the normalised, quenched and tempered, TMCP or Minimum Yield Strength) level as presented in the
normalised rolled condition. U-Ing, O-Ing and following Table 6-1 according to ISO 19902 Table 19.3.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Table 6-1 - Steel grades allowed according the minimum values may be required to be 35% and 25%,
SMYS respectively.

Steel Group SMYS range requirements 2.4.4 Additional Requirements

Additional requirements are to be considered with
I From 220 MPa to 275 MPa
reference to EN-10025 and EN-10225 Section 13
II > 275 MPa to 395 MPa
Generally the following is to be satisfied:
III > 395 MPa to 455 MPa • For plates and hot rolled sections fabricated in
accordance with EN 10025-2-3-4 the options of
IV > 455 MPa to 495 MPa section 13 with a possible exclusion for:
o EN-10025-2 options 3-5--11-22-20 EN-10025-
V > 495MPa 3-4 options 2-5-9-11a-13-14-30.
In case that European Specification is applied, the • For plates and hot rolled sections fabricated in
SMYS requirements are to be selected according to EN accordance with EN 10225 options 2-6-7-9-10-11-
10225-4 (Tabs 5a-5b-5c-5d-7-9-10) and EN10025-2 12-13 (for quality Z).
(Tab 7-8-9), where the SMYS is defined for different The Designer shall indicate for each of the above
product thickness and grade. specified options whether the requirements is selected
Minimum toughness requirements are to comply with or not and to document a rational for the exclusion.
those indicated in Table 19.4-1 of ISO 19902:2007, in Design is to cover the following additional
consideration of the recommendations specified in its requirements:
Clause 19.4. • Steel for quality Z for thickness above 50mm is to
Correlation of steel groups and toughness class for be produced with special manufacturing process
steel plates, structural steel shapes and structural steel including vacuum degassing, desulphurisation and
pipes to US or European Specifications is introduced calcium treatment;
by ISO 19902:2007 in Table C2, C3, C4 or D4, D5, D6 • Steel EN-10225 for quality Z is to be additionally
respectively. tested in accordance with EN-10164 Class Z35 and
In case that European standards are applied, Charpy proving al least 80% of the specified ultimate
V-notch impact test requirements are to comply with strength;
the values of the EN10225-4 (Tabs. 5a-5b-5c-5d are to • A restricted Ladle and product analysis are to be
be considered for plates, Tab. 7 for sections and Tabs. agreed at the time of the order for steel when design
9-10 for hollow welded and seamless respectively) and class DC1 and DC2 (defined as ISO 19902) and Z
EN10025 (Tabs. 7-8-9). These tables are to be applied quality (defined as EN10025 and 10225) are
both for the requirements of minimum energy (J) and selected. The content of P and S is to be agreed at
tests temperature. Different Charpy V-notch properties the time of the order;
other than those specified may be accepted by RINA • Plates EN-10025 of quality Z and thickness higher
according to equivalence criteria and based on the than 50 mm to be ultrasonically tested on the edges
results of alternative toughness tests. in accordance with EN-10160 and applying
Additional toughness tests may be required by RINA acceptance criteria S1/E2 for quality Z and S0/E1
for materials to be applied in severe conditions (e:g. for other plates;
high mechanical loads, low temperature) for special • Hot rolled sections are to be inspected in
components. RINA may request the submission of accordance with EN-10306 with quality class 1.2
some or all of the results of tests performed. and 2.1 for design class DC1, DC2 and DC3;
Tests are to be performed in compliance with EN 10225 • Steel plates for quality Z are not allowed to be
10.2.5 or recognised international standards; testing repaired by welding.
conditions and extension are to be approved by RINA.
Assessment of the mechanical properties including 2.4.5 Tests
CV-N Impact tests may be required even after "stress Tests are to be performed on the material upon
relieving heat treatment", depending on the application. delivery.
Testing temperature requirements may be increased Inspection and testing procedures are to comply with
by RINA for structural parts submitted to post-weld EN 10225 paragraphs 9 and 10 and with ISO 10025
stress relieving heat treatment par. 8-9-10. In addition, a check of the properties on
When improved deformation properties perpendicular separate samples submitted to the same treatment
to the surface are required (see EN 101649), the may be requested for materials that are intended to be
average value of the reduction in area on tensile test post-weld heat treated.
specimens obtained in perpendicular direction with The type of check required is to be specified by the
respect to the surface direction is not to be lower than purchase order and agreed with RINA. If no check is
25% and the minimum value is to be not lower than specified, RINA reserves the right to subsequently
20%. In particular circumstances, the average and request the check according to the alternative specified

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


in above mentioned standards (EN 10225 and ISO should be sufficient to provide adequate workability
101025). with a low water/cement ration so that the concrete can
be completely compacted with the available means.
2.4.6 Material test certificates It is essential that the concrete be as dense as
Structural steel materials for components design class possible, so all components design and detailing
DC1, DC2, DC3 and DC4 are to be provided with should be such as to make it easy for concrete to be
material test certificate EN-10204 type 3.2. Other steel compacted around reinforcement and into corners of
materials are to be provided with material test molds and forms.
certificate EN-10204 type 3.1. The structural form and the shape of elements of the
structure are of major importance. After a long period
2.4.7 Material of existing structures of use, slender prismatic members and angular
structures are more prone to trouble than smooth flat
Assessment of structural steel materials of existing or curved wall areas. Corners should be rounded or
structures is to be performed by RINA for compliance modified with splays.
with the requirements of the present Section of this Special attention should be given to methods of curing
Guide. and their duration. It may be necessary to insulate the
Steel materials manufactured, tested and certified in concrete so that it is maintained at a suitable
accordance with other internationally recognized temperature, or so that the rate of evaporation of
standards are evaluated by RINA on the basis of their moisture from the concrete surface is kept acceptably
equivalence with these Rules. Deviations from the low, or both.
Rules are considered by RINA on the basis of Construction and supervision must be such as to
documented engineering justifications provided by the ensure a consistently high standard of workmanship.
Owner, the Designer or the Manufacturer. Final proof
of structural integrity and fitness-for-purpose for
3.2 Material requirements
desired life extension is to be considered the general
basis for approval.
3.2.1 Cement
2.5 Fabrication and welding Cement should be ordinary, rapid-hardening or
Fabrication of steel structures is to be carried out in sulphate-resisting Portland cement, or blended cement
accordance with relevant provision of RINA Rules containing granulated blastfurnace slag or pozzolana,
RES17 and RINA Rules REP2. and should comply with the relevant standards.
Structural welding is to be undertaken by properly In the submerged and less exposed atmospheric
qualified welders utilizing weld consumables and zones, ordinary Portland cement will normally prove
welding procedures approved by RINA or equivalent satisfactory. In the splash and more exposed
Recognized Classification Society. atmospheric zones, there is a greater risk of attack on
the concrete by the sulphates in sea water, but
3 SELECTION OF CONCRETE MATERIAL experience indicates that with the high quality concrete
normally used in sea structures, good long-term
durability is obtained using cements with C3A contents
3.1 General up to 12%.
For the selection of concrete materials reference can Cements which are not the Portland family, or which do
be made to NS 3473.E latest edition, which is not contain a major proportion of Portland cement
particularly devoted to the marine environment. should only be used after consideration of their special
The present paragraph provides a short summary characteristics. Such cement should not be mixed with
focusing on issues which typically pertain to possible Portland or Portland-based cements.
concrete components of the floating offshore structure. High alumina cement should not be used.
For all design purposes the designer should anyway
refer to the specific standard adopted for these 3.2.2 Aggregates
components, by considering that, notwithstanding the Aggregates may be natural sand and gravel, crushed
fact that concrete structures have been proven rock, lightweight aggregates or other materials which
serviceable for many years in a marine environment, have been accepted for use by testing and/or
this environment is, in principle, hostile to concrete with experience.
reference to some durability issues. Aggregates likely to undergo physical or chemical
One of the main characteristics influencing the changes or to react with the cement are to be avoided.
durability of concrete is its permeability. With strong, Aggregates should be of rough cubic or spherical
dense aggregates, a suitably low permeability is shape. They should be of consistent quality and
achieved by having a sufficiently low water/cement grading.
ratio, by ensuring complete compaction of the concrete Marine aggregates should not be used unless the
and by using proper curing methods to ensure chloride salt content is at an acceptable level and
complete hydration of the cement. The cement content

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


unless the aggregate has a sufficiently low shall • freezing and thawing;
content. • prevention of chemical
deterioration of concrete;
3.2.3 Water • prevention of corrosion of
Water should be clean and free from harmful matter. embedded steel.
Wherever possible, it should be obtained from a public Atmospheric zone: that part of the structure above
supply. Sea water should not be used in reinforced, the splash zone. For structural
prestressed or other structural concrete. components above the splash
zone, selection of concrete
3.2.4 Admixtures materials should be undertaken
Air-entraining agents, workability aids and retarding with respect to:
agents may be used provided that suitable precautions • freezing and thawing;
are taken and it can be shown by tests that the product • prevention of corrosion of
to be added will produce the required effect without in embedded steel;
any way changing the other qualities required in the • fire hazards.
concrete or damaging the steel.
Calcium chloride or admixtures or pigments containing 3.3.1 Cement content
more than 0.1% chloride ion shall not be used A minimum cement content of 400 kg/m3 should be
used for concrete in the splash zone. Elsewhere the
3.2.5 Reinforcing steel minimum cement content of reinforced or prestressed
Plains bars, deformed bars and welded fabrics may be concrete should be 320 kg/m3 where the maximum size
used provided that details of their size, mechanical of aggregate is 40 mm, or 360 kg/m3 where the
properties and, if required, bond properties are maximum size of aggregate is 20 mm.
supplied by the manufacturer. Cement content in excess of 500 kg/m3 should not be
used unless special consideration has been given to
3.2.6 Prestressing tendons the increased risk of cracking due to drying shrinkage
in thin sections, or to thermal stresses in thicker
Prestressing tendons may be in the form of wires, bars,
strand, or stranded cables of high strength.
The conventional yield stress (or proof stress), the
3.3.2 Water/cement ratio
resistance to fracture and the elongation should be
guaranteed by steel manufacturer. For high-quality concrete of low permeability, the
water/cement ratio should be less than 0.45 and
3.3 Durability issues preferably 0.40 or less subject to the attainment of
adequate workability.
For durability, three zones of exposure should be
3.3.3 Strength
Submerged Zones: that part of the structure below the
splash zone. For structural For concrete directly exposed to salt water or salt-water
components in the submerged spray, the minimum characteristic cube strength at 28
zone, selection of concrete days should be 40 N/mm2. For concrete protected from
material should be undertaken direct exposure to the marine atmosphere, the
with respect to: minimum characteristic cube strength at 28 days
• prevention of chemical should be 30 N/mm2.
deterioration of concrete; Where severe scouring actions is to be expected, the
• prevention of corrosion of minimum characteristic cube strength at 28 days
embedded steel; should be increased to 45 N/mm2.
• abrasion.
Splash Zone: that part of the structure subject to 3.3.4 Temperature
repeated wetting by sea water and Where the minimum dimension of concrete to be
drying, see 1.2 of Section 13 for placed at one time is greater than 600 mm and
relevant definition. This zone may especially where the cement content is more than 400
be taken as that the wave with a kg/m3, the use of cement with a slower release of heat
statistical return period of six of hydration or other methods to reduce the
months, when superimposed on the temperature or to remove evolved heat should be
highest and lowest levels of spring considered.
tides. For structural components in In cold weather, precautions should be taken to prevent
the splash zone, selection of frost damage to the concrete.
concrete material should be
undertaken with respect to:

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


3.3.5 Freezing and thawing behaviour, in order to avoid effects compromising the
Where freezing of the hardened concrete may occur, global stability of the unit, e.g. liquefaction of saturated
air-entraining agents should be used to entrain sands.
controlled amounts of air to improve its resistance to
Attention should be given to the appropriate pore size MOORING SYSTEM
distribution of the entrained air and the spacing
between pores in the hardened concrete. Sufficient 5.1 General
frost resistance is normally obtained with an average The components of the individual mooring line or tether
air content in the fresh concrete of 4% to 7% for natural shall match one another in order to avoid the
aggregates of nominal maximum size varying from 40 introduction of adverse effects, such as fatigue damage
to 10 mm respectively. or corrosion, in the mooring or tendon system.
3.3.6 Abrasion 5.2 Selection of material for chains
If severe scouring action due to pebbles, sand or silt is Mooring chains and connecting links are to be
expected, the coarse aggregate used in the concrete manufactured in accordance with appropriate rules for
should be at least as the material causing abrasion and offshore mooring chains, as indicated in appendix
the fine aggregate content of the mix should be kept as A.11.1.3 of ISO 19901-7.
low as possible.
5.3 Selection of material for wire ropes
3.3.7 Concrete cover to reinforcement
Mooring wire ropes and end sockets should comply
For heavy concrete structures, with a wall thickness of with the requirements of ISO 19901-7, Clause 11.1.2
0.50, or more, and subject to marine environments, and are to meet material, fabrication, and testing
concrete cover to the reinforcement and prestressing requirements in accordance with appropriate
tendons should be related to the zone of exposure as recognized rules for offshore mooring wires, as
follows: indicated in appendix A.11.1.2 of ISO 19901-7.
• in the submerged zone, the nominal cover to the
principal reinforcing steel and prestressing tendons 6 INSPECTION AND TESTING DURING
should be not less than 60 mm and 75 mm FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION
• in the splash zone, and in the atmospheric zone
subject to salt-water spray, the nominal cover to the 6.1 General
principal reinforcing steel and prestressing tendons General reference is made, in the following, to ISO
should be not less than 75 mm and 100 mm 19904-1 Clause 9.11.2, reported as follows:
respectively. Quality control inspection and testing shall be
For thinner-walled structures and for structures which performed to ensure compliance with the fabrication
are not subject to the conditions given in the point specifications.
above, the concrete cover to the principal Relevant consideration should be given to the
reinforcement should be not less than: importance of structural connection when determining
• 1.5 times the nominal maximum size of aggregate, the extent of the quality control, inspection and testing
or to be performed.
• 1.5 times the maximum diameter of the Inspection procedures shall ensure that fabrication,
reinforcement including any repairs is undertaken in compliance with
whichever is greater. drawings specification and procedures.
Where special protection, such as polymer Inspection undertaken during fabrication shall, as a
impregnation of the concrete cover or permanent minimum, include the following:
applied coatings, is used, the concrete cover may be - qualification and acceptance of fabrication
reduced below that given above. procedures;
- qualification and acceptance of relevant personnel;
- material quality;
4 SELECTION OF MATERIALS FOR SOLID - dimensional control (including alignment);
BALLAST - preparatory work (e.g. assembly and fit-up);
- welding;
- non-destructive examination;
4.1 General - repairs;
Materials used for permanent ballast for stability - corrosion protection systems.
purpose in internal compartments of a floating offshore
wind turbine installation are to be carefully selected and
evaluated regarding their durability and long term

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 Introduction wind farms. General considerations on hydrodynamics

The choice of floating versus fixed support structure for are made to provide an understanding of structural
an offshore wind turbine unit has been considered for response to sea environmental loads.
new wind farm projects depending on site water depth.. Thus, buoyancy, mooring and ballast stabilized support
In general, floating support structures should be the structures are briefly discussed, based on
most cost-effective solution for sites with water depth characteristics and concepts used in the oil-and-gas
larger than 100m. The transition depth with respect to industry since it provided the basis for most of the
fixed support is in the order of 50-100 m. information that currently applies to offshore floating
There are several configurations of floating structures platforms.
to support wind turbines at sea. Considering the newer field of wind power, additional
The different typologies for floating wind turbines aerodynamic loading signifies that the behaviour of
support structures, and relevant stationkeeping similar platform types will differ in between the two
technologies (mooring lines, tethers, anchors), are industries.
based on the state-of-the-art consolidated for the Consequently, the knowledge needs to be updated and
offshore oil and gas industry, in the development of response models used in the offshore industry re-
spar, semisubmersible, and TLP platforms in particular. evaluated to focus on the combination of the
However, while the typologies are similar, the hydrodynamic loading with aerodynamic loading.
structures themselves are different and have different
needs. 2.2 Semisubmersible offshore wind turbine
Indeed, whereas oil and gas industry require bigger but Semisubmersible have been used by oil and gas
fewer structures, offshore wind will require installation industry since the 1960s. They have been proven
of a large number of smaller structures, which impacts suitable in terms of stability in waves, particularly
greatly on the design, fabrication, installation, and against heave and pitch motion.
operational characteristics of the structures. Besides the acting loadings, the platform size differs
The configuration of the floating support platform shall between the offshore wind and oil gas industry.
anyway contribute to achieve the required platform- Anyway, this platform type is considered one of the
tower-turbine system stability. main concepts for design of floating support structure
As introduced in Sec 2, [3], in this guide four main types for offshore wind turbines.
of floating support structures (see Fig. 2-4), relevant to The semi-submersible concept is made of columns,
the actual state-of-the-art, are considered: which provide the main volume under water, and
• Barge : Buoyancy stabilized connecting members, which provide structural integrity
• Semi-submersible : Buoyancy stabilized to the system as a whole.
• Spar : Ballast stabilized The oil-and-gas industry uses large volume pontoons
• Tension Leg Platform (TLP): Tension legs stabilized under the water and columns through the water level to
As introduced in the list, structures may be grouped into carry the deck. Passing to wind turbine platforms, this
three general categories based on the physical concept evolved to suit new specific needs.
principle that is used to achieve static stability. Since the payload of the wind turbine is lower and the
Semi-submersibles and barges are examples of required deck space is consequently reduced, the
“buoyancy stabilized” structures as they depend on the volume of the platform is reduced as well, to get
volume of the submerged body. economic feasibility.
The tension leg platform (TLP) is not stable without its Thus, the platform offers relatively small water plane
mooring setup, which classifies it as a “mooring area. The number of columns of wind turbine support
stabilized structure”. structures changes, e.g., to three columns. Also, the
SPARs are column-like structures that require heavy distance between columns is reduced, with increasing
ballasting at the bottom of the platform to overcome stiffness, with positive effect on the single offshore unit
tipping. Barge-type platforms behave similarly to semi- structural integrity demand.
submersibles as they both depend on buoyancy Being a buoyancy stabilized platform, which floats
combined with catenary mooring. semi-submerged on the surface of the sea whilst
However, the barge has a larger waterplane area while anchored to the seabed with catenary mooring lines, it
the semi-submersible mainly utilizes columns. possibly achieve stability through the use of distributed
Semi-submersibles, TLPs, and SPARs general buoyancy, by taking advantage of weighted water
characteristics are discussed in the following [2]. plane area for righting moment; a semi-sub platform
often requires a large and heavy structure to maintain
2 Main offshore wind turbine platform stability, but a low draft allows for more flexible
concepts: from O&G to wind application and simpler installation.
Wind turbines with a semi-submersible support have
the peculiarity of being able to be constructed and
2.1 Introduction
commissioned near the coast and then transported to
This item introduces the structures designed for the offshore installation site. The columns may be
supporting the turbine assembly of floating offshore braced, where the introduction of bracings increases

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


strength but introduces fatigue issues; that’s the reason that are main feature of the TLP concept. Due to its
why there are ‘braceless’ semisubmersible projects. resistance to motions provided by this extra stiffness,
TLP was considered the most favorable solution for
Fig 7: Semi-submersible concept steady production in deep waters. However, mooring-
related complications arise.
This type of platform is stabilized by the tension forces
that are generated vertically in the legs, consisting of
tether lines, due to the difference between the
buoyancy and the platform total weight, difference that
It is maintained in the order of 25%.
For offshore wind turbine support structures, the TLP
concept (Fig. 7-2) may be broadened, to include
different types of tether, stationkeeping arrangement
and constraint in more/all degrees of freedom. In any
case it consists of a central structure, sufficiently
slender to reduce the hydrodynamic load, on which the
tower with the turbine is mounted; some arms, or
pontoons, extend from the main body supporting the
tendons, or tethers, connected to the seabed by piles
Fig. 7-1 shows the schematic layout of a semi- or gravity foundations.
submersible wind turbine (with possible clump masses The tendons are tensioned to provide stability. The
added to the mooring lines for the second number of arms and the angle between them may vary,
configuration). usually being three or four. An option may be to have a
Semi-submersible floater stability is improved by configuration with a rigid cross-members made by the
increasing the wet surface area. pontoons.
In general, they consist of 3 or 4 slender columns The use of the pontoons helps to reduce the size of the
connected by pontoons and bracings. The righting central column and therefore the hydrodynamic
moment depends on the area concerned by each loading.
column and the distance between the same columns, The structure would not be kept afloat because of the
and proportionally increases as the distance between lack of buoyancy provided by the volume of the
the center of gravity and the center of buoyancy platform. By increasing the weight of the platform,
increases; in any case, for the semi-submersible, the aimed at submerging the platform deeper, extra
greatest contribution to the stability is given by the stiffness is provided by increasing the tension of the
configuration and surface conferred in design to the mooring lines. Consequently, roll, pitch, and heave
columns. become highly restricted, such as TLP platforms
To increase the wet surface means to increase the behave like a fixed structure in these motions.
hydrodynamic forces and consequently the demand on For wind turbine TLP offshore structures, the tendons
structural capacity, as well as to increase the distance have to be able to contrast the aerodynamic forces
between the columns means greater stiffness coming from the topside in addition to wave exciting
requirements for bridges and bracings. forces. Considering the wave loads on the main body,
Regarding stability, semi-submersibles are stable to the volume of the column is lower than buoyancy
heave: the total weight of the structure is offset by the stabilized platforms, then the loads by incoming waves
buoyancy. If the platform moves downwards, the are reduced.
volume of the added part of columns submerged apply TLP design must have good coupling between the
a pushing force, bringing the platform to the initial platform and the mooring system. While TLP provides
position. the rigidity for efficient operation of wind turbines,
Pitch and roll are stabilized by the action of the righting installation and maintenance complexity shows to be
moment. To stabilize yaw, surge and sway, it is its primary shortcoming.
required the contribution of the mooring lines. The The installation of the tendons system is normally one
mooring line thus contribute to stability, as well as of the critical aspects in the realization of this type of
containing the slowly motions, where the surge and structure: a system is to ballast the structure prior to
sway frequencies are much lower than the wave transport to site, installation and remove ballast in
frequencies. Even the yaw can have its own frequency connection with the installation of the tension legs . In
much lower than the wave frequency region. this case, it is appropriate to study in depth the stability
during all temporary phases, since it is possible that the
2.3 Tension leg (TLP) offshore wind turbine metacentric height of the system is negative, or that the
structure is not stable without the tendons.
The oil-and-gas industry initially developed TLP The TLPs once installed have limited movement, with
concept as a cost-effective way of exploiting deep the obvious advantage of a good operation for varying
waters. TLP stability is provided by taut mooring lines, wind regimes.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


recovery yaw moments appropriate in combination with

However, since the rigidity (which should be high masses 'clump' introduced, as to increase the tension,
enough to withstand the high hydro and aerodynamic in the mooring lines.
loads) is mainly due to the tension in the legs, it must The slender cylindrical column is susceptible to vortex-
be ascertained that do not generate phenomena of induced vibrations (VIVs. As the cylinder heaves, it
resonance with respect to the elastic response of the creates vortices that alter the pressure distribution
column and to the dynamics of the rotor. along the surface, and the flow becomes irregular. This
Anchors gravity or suction piles may be used to secure pressure change leads to low-frequency vortex-
the tendons on the ground of the sea bottom. induced vibrations, causing higher mean current forces
and leading to fatigue.
Fig. 7-2 : TLP concept The spar can be also adopted in moderate water depth,
e.g. 100-150m, if appropriate considerations are made
in the design regarding the stationkeeping system.
The limitation in the use of the spar in more shallow
waters strongly depends on the size of the turbine.

Fig. 7-3 : Spar concept

2.4 Spar offshore wind turbine

A spar buoy is a cylindrical ballast stabilized structure
which gains its stability from having the center of gravity
lower in the water than the center of buoyancy.
This type of platform achieves stability by using ballast
weights in the low part of the floater which creates a
righting moment and high inertial resistance to pitch
and roll, and usually enough draft to offset heave 2.5 Mixed configurations
motion. Some of floating offshore turbine projects have
In general, a spar platform is ballasted with concrete or proposed alternative solutions possibly combining
water in the lower compartments of the column. This different basic configurations of floaters, thus obtaining
lowers the center of gravity and increases the distance hybrid solutions to capture, in principle, the specific
between the center of buoyancy and the same center benefits of each solution and cope with the challenges
of gravity. The tower and the turbine are placed on top and requirements of which the production of wind
of the spar. energy offshore is evolving.
Increased metacentric height helps increase the Any alternative or combined solution candidate for
stability of the structure. The roll and pitch stabilizing effective design should be preliminary subject to a
moment are directly related to the metacentric. feasibility study involving appropriate motion response
Heave is controlled by the submerged part. The control analysis and relevant model tests.
of yaw and sway motions requires rigid mooring lines,
fixed with an arm, for example a horizontal bar. 2.6 Floating support structures comparison
Regarding to yaw, there is no excitation of For general reference, in the following Table 7-1,
hydrodynamic type of this motion, instead generated by relevant advantages and disadvantages have been
the wind load, then counteracted by the mooring lines, reported for the three possible floating support
which, for the purpose, have to be connected to the structures.
slender column by arms.
A further option is to have the lines in the so-called
'delta' configuration. This configuration provides

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Table 7-1 : Advantages and disadvantages of three types of floating wind platforms

Type Advantages Disadvantages

Spar buoy— • Simple design facilitating serial • Constrained to deep water
ballast stabilized fabrication processes locations
• No active ballast required • Offshore installation of WT – costly - requires
• Excellent stability dynamic positioning vessels and Heavy-lift
• Large draft limits ability to tow the structure
back to port for major repair
Tension leg platform • Low structural mass • High loads on the mooring and anchoring
(TLP)—mooring line • Onshore turbine assembly system
stabilized • No active ballast required • Challenging installation process
• Excellent stability
Semi-submersible • Flexible application due to the ability • High structural mass to provide sufficient
platform—buoyancy to operate in shallow waters buoyancy and stability
stabilized • Low installation vessel requirement— • Complex steel structures with Possible
only basic tug boats required for significant number of welded joints (fabrication,
installation quality control and fatigue issues)
• Onshore turbine assembly • Potentially costly active ballast systems
• Easy to access for port-side major

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 GENERAL written for the oil&gas industry, from which the different
Global analysis of the floating offshore wind turbine unit typologies of floating structures for wind application
intended as a system is necessary to determine the have been adopted to a larger extent (ref. Sec 7).
global effects of the environmental conditions, In particular, the following provisions are to be
eventually combined with other loads according to the specifically considered for the global analysis of floating
DLCs and applicable considerations of Section 5 on its wind turbine structures:
primary components, such as the tower, the hull - P-D effects due to floater heel or trim, as
structure of the floater, the stationkeeping system and generated by significant weight of the RNA, with
the export electrical cable. relevant evaluation of environmental global
Global performance analysis is therefore introduced in bending and shear forces applicable to tower and
this Section to address the specific verification issues substructure;
relevant to the Floating Support Structure and the - Particular loads relevant to the specific type of
Stationkeeping System, covered in the following floating structure, such as:
Sections 9 and 10 respectively. • Global bending and shear of ship-shaped;
The combination of the floating structure, • Splitting forces for semi-submersibles;
stationkeeping system and export electrical cable is a • Global bending of spars;
complex integrated system responding to the • Ringing of slender hulls due to wave or wind
environmental actions (wind and waves in particular), dynamic loads.
Therefore the global analysis of the floater cannot be Moreover, particular attention is to be paid to:
separated from the analysis of the stationkeeping - Meteomarine conditions characterization, with
system, and overlaps substantially with the mooring appropriate consideration of joint occurrence of
analysis issue, covered by Sec 10, [2]. wind, wave, current and water level variation;
For floating offshore wind turbine installations, the - Appropriate evaluation of dynamic interaction
typical action effects controlling the floater’s overall effects among the wind turbine (RNA) and the
geometry and configuration, as well as the design of floater and, in turn, among the floating support
the stationkeeping system, include: structure and the stationkeeping system and/or
- Six degree-of freedom motions response of the the export electrical cable;
floating support structure; - Assumed duration of the time simulation
- Deck level and tower base level accelerations for required to adequately capture the statistics of
determination of relevant inertial loads for structural the response, with particular reference to the
design; issue of time scale difference between wind
- Tower top level accelerations for RNA verification; speed (typically 10 minutes) and storm waves (3
- Minimum and maximum mooring lines and tendons hours).
tension as well as export electrical cable axial With regards to this latter issue, by making also
forces; reference to Table 5-1 of Section 5, for the DLCs
- Global structural forces and moments on the requiring time domain dynamic simulation for the
floating structure; combined extreme wind and storm waves, the duration
- Hull hydrodynamic pressure loads for floater hull of the time simulation may differ from the reference
structural design; period for the two relevant characteristic environmental
- Clearance between passing wave crest elevation parameters (i.e. the 10-minute wind speed and the
and possibly affected structures or equipment (such significant wave height). Two scaling factors k 1 and k2
as the rotor blades) not designed for wave impact, (see Notes to Table 5-1) are therefore to be introduced
for required air gap evaluation; in relevant DLC to take that time-scale difference into
- Dynamic amplification effects (resonance peaks) account.
evaluation. With reference to IEC 61400-3, Section 7.4.6, k1 = 0.95
The representative values of the above mentioned for the 10-minute wind speed and k2 = 1.09 for the
action effects may be obtained as outcomes of global extreme (50-yr return period) significant wave height
dynamic analyses and/or model tests, as introduced in are indicated as values to be used if one hour is the
[2.5]. actual simulation time duration, as recommended.
For a general comprehension of the global analysis However, for floating wind turbine installation, different
effects on given offshore floater types, general simulation time duration may be more appropriate,
reference can be made to the applicable provisions of depending on specific floater design and site
the following standards: conditions. Therefore, TDA, as introduced in following
- ISO 19904-1: 2019 for semi-submersibles, ship- [2.2.3], are to be carried out for a sufficiently long time
shaped and spars; to achieve stationary statistics, particularly for low
- API RP2T for TLPs, frequency response adequate characterization.
provided that the distinctive load and response Multiple realizations of the same conditions may be
characteristics of the floating wind turbine structures necessary to generate appropriate data for the
are taken into account, since these standards are statistical analysis, as recommended in [2.2.3].

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


2 GLOBAL RESPONSE ANALYSIS structural assessment, are often not governed by the
METHODOLOGIES maximum wave height and associated wave period:
2.1 Wave Induced Motion Response waves with shorter period often give the highest
The following three categories of response are response, for instance the periods that give maximum
normally significant to characterize the wave induced split forces between the semi-sub or TLP columns.
motion of a floating offshore wind turbine installation:
- First Order Motions: motions relevant to the six 2.2.2 Frequency Domain Analysis
degrees of freedom, introduced in Fig. 2-5 of Frequency domain analysis (FDA) refers to the solution
Section 2, at wave frequencies; of the equations of motion of a floating wind turbine
- Low Frequency Motions: motions induced by low installation by harmonic analysis or by Laplace and
frequency components of second order wave Fourier transformations.
forces; These motions can be particularly significant The outcomes of a FDA are relevant to the variables of
in correspondence of the proper (natural) frequency interest, such as floater motion and accelerations, as
of the floating installation and can address the well as mooring line maximum and minimum forces,
design of the stationkeeping system which are obtained in terms of amplitude and phases
- Steady (mean) drift: mean wave drift force and as functions of frequency via relevant response
yawing moment induced by the steady component spectra.
of the second order wave forces. The use of a FDA to evaluate the wave frequency
For the TLP type support structure, high frequency response is implying a linear system approach where
heave, roll and pitch may also be significant, strongly the linear wave theory is required, but alternative
dependent on different non-linear excitation methods may be applied to evaluate the effects of finite
mechanisms. amplitude waves.
All the three types of responses can be evaluated by A low frequency motion analysis is to be performed to
appropriate numerical motion analyses or model tests. determine the combined effect of wave drift forces and
wind spectrum.
2.2 Global Loads and Response Analysis Damping values assumed in the analysis are to be
accurately evaluated and documented.
2.2.1 General High frequency springing response, if relevant, is to be
A stochastic methods approach, either in the frequency evaluated in the FDA.
or the time domain, is required to evaluate the global
response of a floating offshore wind turbine installation 2.2.3 Time Domain Analysis
subject to irregular sea states and random winds. Since the FDA is a linear approach, unable to capture
Both frequency domain- or time domain- analyses are significant non-linearities in the response of a floating
part of a complex process eventually aimed at carrying wind support installation to both aerodynamic and
out the structural assessment of the installation: for hydrodynamic loads, a more appropriate tool used for
instance, spectral-based stochastic stress analyses the dynamic response simulation of that unit is
are not able to establish proper correlation between involving a time domain analysis (TDA), while the FDA
external loads and internal stress; the stochastic is anyway considered for the evaluation of the
approach can provide extreme values for the variables hydrodynamic coefficients used as inputs in the TDA.
of interest, but without information relevant to phase THE TDA consists of a numerical solution of the rigid
relationships; one way to retain the phase information body equations of motion for the wind turbine floating
is to use a ‘design wave (quasi-static or time-domain) unit, including its stationkeeping system, subject to the
approach’, in which the extreme values computed from external environmental conditions (wind, waves and
the spectral response analysis are used to identify one current in particular).
or more design waves. This method is recommended Since in the direct numerical integration of the
in the oil&gas industry for optimal structural design of equations of motion any nonlinear effect (such as drag
offshore floating structures (see API RP2T) as, by induced forces, transient motions, finite wave
using the design wave approach, the simultaneity of amplitude effects, nonlinear characteristics of the
responses of global and local action effects can be mooring system) can be directly included, TDA is the
accounted for. preferable approach for global response analysis of a
With the Design Wave Approach, the peculiarities of floating wind turbine installation.
the stochastic approach are maintained provided that From a TDA, the most probable extreme of the required
the ‘design waves’ are calibrated on the extreme response is to be predicted by using appropriate
stochastic values of pre-determined critical response distribution curves fitted to the simulation outcomes, or
parameters, compatible with the specific structural other recognized statistical techniques.
configuration. TDAs are to be carried out by a multiple realization of
Particularly, for both semi-submersibles and TLPs the same conditions, able to generate adequate data
support structure, it has to be considered that the for the statistical analysis, and for a suitable timeframe,
maximum responses, to be determined for the

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


able to achieve the stationary statistics for the members, and imposing the structure’s wave-
response, in particular for the low frequency response. frequency (and low-frequency when applicable)
For the TLP type floater, specific guidance, in order to motion response as forced dynamic excitation.
properly consider in the TDA the significant ringing
(high frequency vertical vibrations induced by impulsive 2.3.2 Coupled Analysis
loading) and springing effects (high frequency vertical In a coupled analysis all interactions between floating
vibrations due to cycling loading or resonance effects), structure motions and slender structure response is
is reported in the API RP2T Recommended Practice. accounted for by making a model of the whole system,
including hydrodynamic action modulses for slender
2.3 Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installation components or motion suppression devices (e.g.
Model heave plates). In particular there is no need for
assessment of the low frequency damping from the
2.3.1 General slender members as this contribution is accounted for
The analytical models are to properly include by their relevant dynamics.
description of geometry, masses and loading
conditions so as to adequately predict load effects, 2.3.3 Interface with the Wind Turbine
displacements and motions due to local and system The coupling of the aerodynamic behaviour of the wind
effects, taking into consideration their dependency turbine with the hydrodynamic of the floating structure
from time, drag loads, inertia loads and damping. is to be carefully investigated.
Because of the significant interaction in the global Any software tool used for this purpose shall be
response among the RNA, the floater and the validated against proper model or full scale tests.
stationkeeping sytem (and, to some extent, the export During the operational phase of the unit, the global
electrical cable) an integrated – coupled – model, motion of the floater is affected to some extent by the
including all these components, is recommended. rotating turbine. Therefore a control system is to be
As an alernative, uncoupled models for the 6-DOF rigid provided for the floater aimed at, when operating,
body floating support structure and for the slender limiting its motions and accelerations, significantly
components (mooring lines or tendons, electrical reduced by, e.g., roll and pitch wind damping effects.
export cable) dynamics - where the floater’s motions The control system is made by software and algorithms
are introduced as boundary conditions - may be designed according to the specific outcomes of model
accepted, provided that coupling effexts are tests and advanced analysis.
appropriately taken into account. A sufficient air gap shall be ensured between the crest
Any analytical tool or software used for the dynamic of the design maximum wave height and the lowest
analysis and global system response has to be shown blade tip position of the wind turbine installed on the
as being capable of considering in a proper way all the floater. Relevant clearance, calculated with due
interactions relevant to the system components and the consideration of the wave process and floater
external loads, and properly validated for the purpose, dynamics, shall be ensured by considering an
against industry-recognized software, applicable for allowance of at least 1m.
similar conditions, and/or model tests (see [2.5]). When an integrated (coupled) model is created for the
2.3.1. Uncoupled Analysis global performance analysis of a floating wind turbine
Uncoupled analysis is possibly used to evaluate the installation, coupling effects among the responses of
system response of a floating offshore structure (ref. the turbine RNA, the floating support structure, the
ISO 19904-1 Sect. 8.6) by a two-step approach: stationkeeping system and the export electrical cable
- In the first step, the floater structure’s rigid body can be taken into account at every time instant (i.e.
response to static, low-frequency and wave- each incremental analysis time step). A more realistic
frequency environmental actions is computed. The simulation of the effects of a turbine control system and
mooring system and other slender or ‘flexible’ turbine’s operating conditions can also be achieved by
components (such as the exporting electrical cable) an integrated model.
are represented by their static restoring force
characteristics and a constant low-frequency 2.3.4 Undesirable effects
viscous damping., whose evaluation is of Non linear mechanisns can trigger action effects
paramount importance for the determination of the interacting with particular natural frequencies of the
low-frequency floating structure motion analysis. global system normally not excited by wave frequency
The contributions from current direct action on actions. As these resonant effects are often present in
mooring and other slender members may be conjunction with low damping levels, particular
represented by a constant external action on the attention is to be paid in the model to eventually predict
structure. these effects.
- In the second step, the moorings and other Being the amplitude of the response at resonance very
exporting lines are analysed, considering both wave sensitive to the damping estimates, the use of model
and current induced actions on the slender tests is particularly recommended to consider these

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


complex situations and to eventually validate the 2.5 Model Tests

analytical computations. Estimates of the system response to be used for the
For slender components, Vortex Induced Motion or design under the prescribed environmental conditions
Mathieu Instability effects may typically occur as the can be obtained by model tests.
result of large heave motion if the natural period of Model tests can also be used either to validate
heave is approximately equal to either the half of the analytical predictions or to determine response not
natural period of roll or the half of the natural period of directly reliably calculable, particularly for an innovative
pitch. Mathieu Instability effects have been also design.
recognized for floater concepts with abrupt changes in Model tests and numerical simulations are to
water-plane stiffness and metacentric height. complement each other.
In order to verify that effects like Mathieu Instability or When comparing the results of model tests with
Vortex Induced Motion are not affecting the response analytical predictions, the following potential source of
of the floating wind turbine installation, or are discrepancies should be considered (ref. also ISO
containable, relevant model tests are recommended. 19904-1):
- Scale effects, such as those affecting Reynolds
2.4 Air Gap number, fluid interface and turbulence;
Similarly to what prescribed in [2.3.4] for the required - Viscous effects (Reynolds number-dependent fluid
clearance between blades and passing waves, also for drag and lift components);
the topside deck and tower structures, if they are not - Wave reflections from side walls, induced by
specifically designed for direct impact of waves, radiated and reflected incident waves;
appropriate clearance is to be ensured with respect to - Limitations in the accuracy of modelling physical
the design maximum wave height, for all afloat modes and geometrical parameters;
of operation. - Assumptions made in the analytical model and
A minimum air gap of 1.5m is to be provided between numerical simulation, particularly for mooring
the 50-yr maximum wave elevation (above the highest system response and impact loads assessment.
still water level) and the lower edge of the floater
structures not designed for wave impact, by taking into
account wave run up effects and floating structure
Under the survival load cases (SLCs introduced in Sec
5, [4.3]) the air gap is not to be lower than zero.
The required air gap can be calculated either by
appropriate global performance analysis or, preferably,
by model tests.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 INTRODUCTION Sec 5, [4.2] in their most unfavourable combination that

This section is providing general guidance on structural may be reasonably anticipated.
strength analysis and verification of floating support Representative values of actions in the LRFD format
structures constructed in steel (item [2]) based on the shall be increased by the load factors reported in Table
Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) format, 5-2 of Section 5.
while [3] is covering concrete structures.
The Working Stress Design (WSD) format may be 2.2.2 Resistance Factors
alternatively used, provided that it is supported by Resistance factor R for the ULSs are to be applied
appropriate reference rules and standards according to relevant codes and checks adopted for the
consolidated for the design practice of specific floating structural component checks, as indicated in [2.4.2].
support structures and the format is applied for the Design against FLS is based on a format which makes
whole design of the structures, without mixing LRFD use of an overall Design Fatigue factor (DFF) to be
and WSD provisions. In addition to what reported in applied to a cumulative damage, evaluated according
[A3.1], for background information on the peculiarities to the recommendations reported in [2.5.7] c) and
and similarities of the two formats reference can be relevant Table 9-1.
made to Clause A.9.7.1 of EN ISO 19904-1. Unless otherwise specified, material factor for the ALS
Special considerations with reference to given type of and SLS are to be taken as R = 1.0.
floating support structure are reported in [4].
The structural design is to be based on the general 2.2.3 Design Scantlings
requirements and guidance concerning loads and
The definition of design scantlings for a floating
global behaviour reported in Section 5 and Section 8
structure as reported by ISO 19904-1, Clause 9.3 is
In particular the loading conditions described in [4.2] of
a) When assessing global hull girder properties:
Section 5 are to be applied.
- For strength design, design scantlings shall be
defined as the as-built scantlings, or those
intended for such purposes, with 50% of
corrosion additions/allowances deducted;
2.1 General - For fatigue design, design scantlings shall be
defined as the as-built scantlings, or those
2.1.1 Material properties and durability intended for such purposes, with 25% of
Steel structures of the wind turbine floating supports corrosion additions/allowances deducted.
are to be manufactured by materials selected on the b) When assessing local properties (e.g. plates,
basis of the requirements of Sec 6, [2]. stiffeners, girders):
Structures of the wind turbine floating supports are to a. For strength design, design scantlings shall be
be protected from corrosion by coating or other defined as the as-built scantlings, or those
protection measures, whose design, covering the intended for such purposes, with full corrosion
expected service life of the structure, may be carried additions/allowances deducted;
out according to recognized international standards b. For fatigue design, design scantlings shall be
such as NACE SP0176 and SP00108, in line with the defined as the as-built scantlings, or those
applicable requirements of Section 13. intended for such purposes, with 50% of
corrosion additions/allowances deducted.
2.1.2 Accessibility for inspection
In the design of the hull of the floating support structure, When computing bending stresses on ordinary
appropriate consideration is to be given to providing stiffeners, side plating and on girders, the effective
access for inspection, for both the phases of fabrication sectional area is to be calculated in accordance with
and service. "effective width" concepts reported by RINA Rules
Particular consideration is to be given to accessibility, REP2.
for surveys expected after construction, for those The effect of notches and other structural details which
structural details that may considered, based on may cause stress concentrations is to be carefully
experience and design considerations, more critical for taken into account in the design of structures.
the fatigue and corrosion issues. For structural members within the "splash zone" as
defined in 1.2 of Section 13, the thickness reduction
2.2 Strength design criteria due to corrosion is to be considered. The amount of
such reduction is to be decided case-by-case
2.2.1 Design Loading Conditions depending on the characteristic environmental factors,
the materials used and the arrangements adopted for
The stresses on steel structures of the unit are to be
corrosion prevention
evaluated assuming the design loadings specified in

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


For elements located above the mean still water level, effectiveness, this shall be considered in the model.
the above-mentioned reduction may be shortened up When the accuracy of deflections is important, this
to zero, provided that in the Operating Manual must be reflected in the model as well.
periodical maintenance of the splash zone protective In general, the response of a floating support structure
coating is foreseen and shown suitable for preventing can be considered as being driven by two categories of
coating deterioration and the protective coating is not response:
subject to removal risks due to impacts or abrasions. – global response, relevant to a global analysis, also
addressed in Section 8, which require a global
2.3 Structural analysis structural model that simulate the effects of global
actions on the structure, evaluate the structural
2.3.1 Response evaluation response of the primary structure and identify
controlling load cases for the local analysis models,
The floating support structure is to be investigated with
relevant to the following
respect to the following possible effects:
– local response, relevant to analyse the effects on
– material yielding and ductile fracture;
the structure of local actions such as hydrostatic
– overall or local buckling; pressures, tank pressures and concentrated
– fatigue; actions.
– brittle fracture; For specific requirements and guidance to be applied
– excessive deformations; for global and local models reference can be made to
excessive vibrations. ISO 19904-1 Sections 9.4.2 and 9.4.3 respectively.
Calculations relevant to structural analysis are to be In any case, each model extent should be defined such
performed for all the design phases of the structure. as proper actions and appropriate boundary conditions
Structural analysis shall include consideration of are included to reflect correct interfaces modeling.
actions occurring at interfaces of all relevant topside
and mooring systems. 2.4 Strength assessment
The effects of the actions factored according to table 5-
2 of Section 5, derived from an analysis including the
DLCs provided by Table 5-1 of Section 5, are to be 2.4.1 General
used to check the adequacy of all the components of Structural design checks are to be carried out and
the floating support structure. properly documented for verification of all the floating
The following limit states are specifically to be support structure components, as well as local
evaluated: structures capacity and integration with main hull
• yielding (ULS), according to the provisions of [2.4]; structure
• global and local buckling instabilities (ULS), Particular attention is to be paid with respect to local
according to the provisions of [2.4]; strength and performance along the service life of the
• fatigue failure (FLS) , according to the provisions following components:
of 2.5, – structure supporting mooring system components,
in addition to the ALS checks applicable to the floater which shall withstand, as a minimum, the action
design, in accordance with relevant DLCs provided by corresponding to a mooring line loaded to its
the mentioned Table 5.1. minimum breaking strength;
– scantlings associated with structural discontinuities
2.3.2 Methods of Analysis and major changes of cross section;
– structures immediately surrounding large openings,
Linear elastic and/or non-linear structural models may
if any. At openings, continuity of primary longitudinal
be used to determine response for ULS design checks.
components shall be maintained as far as
Both non-linear structural models and simplified
practicable, and reduction in hull section modulus
methods (depending on the extent of the accidental or
shall be minimized and compensated for;
abnormal event) may be used to determine response
for ALS design checks. – thickness of internal structure in location susceptible
Parts of the structure consisting of slender components to excessive corrosion;
should be analysed by a 3-D space frame model to – details of the ends and intersections of components
determine internal forces and moments for structural and associated brackets;
members and joints checks. The effects of joint – shape and reinforcement of slots and cut-outs for
eccentricity and flexibility, when significant, is to be internals;
accounted for. – Elimination or closing of weld scallops associated
Parts of the structure consisting of large-volume with butt welds;
components such as plate and shell structures should – Toes of ‘softenong’ brackets used to reduce the
be analysed by a 3-D shell model, in combination with effects of abrupt changes of section or structural
frame models as appropriate. Where plate and/or shell discontinuities.
panel buckling can reduce cross-sectional

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


2.4.2 Structural components check – Relative deflections in all three translation directions
Design of structural members of the floating support (for instance hull deflections acting on tower
structure is to be carried out for providing adequate supports);
scantlings with respect to representative values of – As-built deflections from fabrication tolerances at
structural strength. hull/tower interface;
Design of plating and stiffened panels is to be carried – Maximum angles of inclination, for both the intact
out in general for providing their minimum scantlings and damaged conditions;
with respect to yield strength. – Effects from green water and wave slamming
The representative value of yield strength may be taken effects;
as the nominal value from the requirements of RINA – Second-order (P-D) bending effects;
Rules REP2 or the nominal value taken from the – Local dynamic effects induced by wind turbine-
standard to which the material is specified. Relevant induced vibration or vortex shedding.
tensile tests should be carried out in accordance with In particular the tower structural design and relevant
the Standard referenced in the material specification to interface assessment shall be based on a dynamic
validate the nominal value of yield strength assumed in analysis of the tower that can be carried out by a modal
the design. analysis, where the eigenvalues (eigenfrequencies) of
Shear yield strength may be taken as (1/ξ𝟑 ) times the the tower shall be calculated based on a structural
yield strength. model considering the entire floater. The proper
Plates are to be checked against buckling stability. (natural) frequency of such a system shall be then
Buckling strength shall be based upon RINA Rules compared to the critical ranges of turbine operation
REP2 or equivalent Recognized Classification Society (1P, 3P, etc.).
(RCS) code formulation; any design format utilized for
structural members in compression shall take into 2.5 Fatigue assessment
account that local or overall elastic buckling can occur
before the component reaches its design strength. 2.5.1 General
Relevant requirements for minimum thickness and/or
Cyclic loads (due, for instance, to wave and/or wind
design of a flat plate or a cylindrical shell structure can
loads) can cause cumulative damage in the materials
be found in RINA Rules REP2 Part B, in addition to the
of the structural components, eventually leading to
applicable requirements of ISO 19904-1, Clause 12.3
structural failure by fatigue.
and Clause 13.3, for semi-submersibles and spars
This item is relevant to the fatigue assessment that is
respectively, or API RP2T for TLPs, with appropriate
to be performed to verify adequate capacity against
values of material factors to be introduced accordingly,
cyclic loading, mainly due to waves, for the floating
if a LRFD format has been adopted in the design, or,
support structure.
alternatively, the safety factors reported in relevant
For fatigue analysis of the RNA and tower, mainly
provisions for the WSD approach.
caused by wind, general reference can be made to IEC
For design of tubular members and relevant
61400-3, Subclause 7.6.3 for RNA, and IEC 61400-1,
connections, resistance factor and member strength
Subclause 7.6.3, for the tower.
capacity equation checks may be determined
according to ISO 19902 for fixed offshore structures.
For the design of non-tubular beams, columns and 2.5.2 Design fatigue life requirement
structural members with other types of sections within The design life of any structural member subject to
the scope of the EN 1993-1-1, buckling and strength fatigue assessment is to be not shorter than that of the
checks capacity equations may be determined based anticipated service life of the floating offshore wind
on the relevant requirements. In case that EN 1993-1- turbine installation, normally not less than 20 years,
1 is used, relevant material factors m0 = m1 = 1.10 are times the safety factor for fatigue life, i.e. Fatigue
to be used. Design Factor DFF of Table 9-1.

2.4.3 Tower/Hull interface 2.5.3 Fatigue sensitive components and

In general the design of the RNA support (tower)
structural arrangements may be carried out according The fatigue analysis is to be mainly performed for
to the principles and criteria provided by IEC 61400-3, structural components on which stress concentrations
considering the site-specific environmental conditions are expected.
and the applicable DLCs , for the same limit states as Particular attention is to be paid to structural members
for the hull structural design. and connections that are difficult to inspect along with
Special consideration for RNA tower structural design the service life of the installation or structural parts
is to be given to the issues relevant to the interface with where the influence of cyclic loads on the corrosion
the floating support structure, such as: may be significant.
– Inertia components caused by global rigid motion;

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Both inspectability and corrosion protection issues are As regards to the two formats mentioned for the
to be considered in setting the DFF to be used (see specific assessment of the structural detail, the method
Table 9-1). based on the S-N curves (Miner’s rule) is considered
The following components are known to be particularly the standard design practice whereas fracture
sensitive to fatigue action for floating offshore mechanics analysis (FMA) methods are employed to
structures from the industry practice (ref. ISO 19904-1 quantify fatigue lives of structural details for special
Clause 10.13): cases. For FMA applications reference can be made to
– Foundations of equipment subjected to high cyclic BS 7910.
loads, such as mooring winches, chian stoppers
and, for the present subject, the foundation for the 2.5.6 Fatigue analysis
wind tower; Fatigue analysis shall proceed as a series of spectral
– Structural details at interface of the mooring system fatigue analyses (SFA), linearized as necessary to
with the main hull structure; cover different operating conditions, as described in the
– Main hull shell, bottom, decks; following.
– Main hull longitudinal and bracket connections to Any resonant rigid body response is to be accounted
transversa frames and bulkheads; for in the structure’s motion analysis.
– Openings in main hull. Special consideration of further dynamic or non-linear
For the fatigue assessment of the mooring systems and effects due to e.g., slamming or turbine vibrations are
their point of attachment to the floating support to eventually be taken into account by involving time
structure, reference can be made to ISO 19901-7 as domain analysis, if possible.
applicable. Relevant model tests may be used in this respect or in
lieu of an analytical fatigue assessment, if it is shown
2.5.4 Loading conditions that they are suitable for the specific design situation.
Fatigue analyses are to be carried out by using an input For any structural detail subject to fatigue assessment,
capable to describe the cyclic loads in the long term, a set of spectral fatigue analyses is to be performed
i.e. representing the loading history of the floating according to the following main steps, any analysis
support structure during both pre-service (if significant) carried out on an appropriate structural model,
and in-service phases. representing given operating conditions to which the
Appropriate scatter diagram, loading spectra or time detail can be exposed throughout its planned service
series may be used depending on the methodology life:
used for the fatigue assessment. – evaluation of the cycling loads effects by
The loading conditions for the fatigue assessment are determination of distribution of stress ranges for
to be in accordance with Section 5, specifically the each modelling configuration;
DLCs reported in Table 5-1, where the type of analysis – determination of fatigue resistance;
is indicated as ‘F’ in the last column, as a minimum set – calculation of expected damage accumulation and
of load cases, to be further implemented by fatigue fatigue design life.
local analysis for structural details that can be
anticipated as fatigue sensitive, depending on the type 2.5.7 Evaluation of cycling loads effects
of floater. A detailed evaluation of the cycling loads effects
The load factors are to be taken as 1.0 for all the DLCs involves a further number of steps, which can be
used in the fatigue assessment. generally described as:
– Environmental loading data characterization;
2.5.5 Fatigue methodology – Structural modelling;
Fatigue analysis can be performed using different – Hydrodynamic analysis;
methods, mainly in the frequency (linearized spectral – Response amplitude operators determination;
analysis) or time (non-linear time domain analysis) – Determination of stress range at given location (hot
domain. spot stress range), prone to fatigue damage
Further, the verification criterion in a given structural accumulation.
detail depends on the methods of analysis, of which For further description of any of these steps, general
two different categories exist, i.e.: reference can be made to ISO 19904-1 Clauses from
– methods based on fracture mechanics; 10.4 to 10.8, by highlighting that some of these steps
– methods based on the evaluation of the cumulative can be typically performed in connection with other
damage based on S-N curves. main aspects of the floating support structure design
For offshore floating structures, the spectral method is process.
the most relevant and recommended one, however, The cumulative damage at a given location of a
where non-linearities dominate, it is necessary to resort structural detail (or connection) is commonly
to time domain methods, which can, in turn, allow the determined using the Palmgren-Miner rule and it
development of linear empirical results that can be requires knowledge of the following main factors:
incorporated into a spectral method. – Stress range at that location;

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


– Number of applied cycles of a particular stress In the rain-flow counting method, the stress history
range magnitude; is first converted into a series of peaks. This method
– Fatigue resistance of the material. is not restricted to high-cycle fatigue but can also be
a) Stress range at a location used for low-cycle fatigue where strain range is the
A global analysis model is normally used to important parameter. The resulting stress range
determine nominal stress ranges in the vicinity of distribution from cycle counting by the rain-flow
the location. method is represented as a matrix with one row for
Nominal stresses are determined based on the each mean stress level and one column for each
section properties of the component under stress range. Each element of the matrix will contain
consideration, then the ‘hot spot’ (or geometric) the number of stress cycles associated with a
stress is determined at specific locations of the particular stress range and a particular mean stress.
connection by multiplying the nominal stress by the c) Fatigue resistance
appropriate Stress Concentration Factor (SCF) and Fatigue resistance is to be characterized by using
then combining the axial-, in-plane bending- and recognized methods such as the method based on
out-of-plane bending-stress components, fatigue tests (S-N curves).
accounting for any phase differences. The S-N curve is established through numerous
Consideration should be given to the inclusion of the sample tests with different load ranges, resulting in
additional stress intensity effects due to the gross pairs of stress range S and a number of stress
geometry of the joint (e.g. stress raising from cycles N to failure at that given stress range.
presence of holes or local through-wall bending Suitable S-N curves may be selected, with particular
effects). attention being paid to the application and
The SCF generally depends on the structural local limitations of these curves, by RINA Rules
and global geometry. Appropriate values of SCFs, RES17/E, as applicable, or recognized RCS for
consistent with the assumptions made to the fatigue assessment of offshore floating structures,
relevant S-N curve (see [2.5.7] c)), may be derived where characteristic S-N curve for typical structural
from FEA, laboratory tests or empirical parametric detail categories (typically depending on global and
formulae based on such methodologies. local geometry, and relevant fabrication issues) are
b) Stress range counting and distribution provided for the application:
Execution of the fatigue assessment by the SFA – In air;
method ([2.5.6]) results in a stress transfer function – In seawater without corrosion protection;
for each critical detail or location under – In seawater with cathodic protection.
consideration; by applying, for wave induced fatigue The application of the S-N method shall account for
for instance, the wave spectrum representing each the effect of coatings, the presence of corrosion
design sea states (from the scatter diagram, with protection measures and large plate thickness, as
given Hs and Tz, and relevant number of cycles n), appropriate, in addition to the consideration of the
the stress spectrum for any of such short-term specific type of metallic material (that is affecting the
conditions can be determined for each critical detail slope – provided by the m parameter – of the ‘curve’
or location. – represented as a straight line in the adopted
Where the short-term response is narrow-banded, logarithmic format) for which the S-N curves have
the stress range may be assumed to follow a been derived.
Rayleigh distribution. This assumption is commonly
used, being conservative (ref. ISO 19904-1). 2.5.8 Cumulative damage evaluation and fatigue
More general examples relevant to the assessment safety check
of the distribution of stress ranges and number of The cumulative damage is commonly determined using
cycles are reported in A.10.9 of ISO 19904-1. the Palmgren-Miner rule, according to such a rule, the
A rain.flow counting method can be used to deal accumulated damage 𝐃 can be predicted as follows.
with the combination of low-frequency and wave- Given a specified stress range 𝐒, the S-N curve gives
frequency stress cycles. the number of cycles 𝐍 to failure. The accumulated
More in general, the cycle counting methods are
damage 𝐃 can be interpreted as a sum of partial
used to establish distributions of stress ranges from
damage owing to load cycles at various stress ranges,
a stress history. Several methods may be used,
regardless of the sequence in which the load cycles
among them:
– Peak counting 𝐤
– Range counting 𝐧ሺ𝐒𝐢 ሻ
– Rain-flow counting 𝐢=𝟏
𝐍ሺ𝐒𝐢 ሻ
These three counting methods give the same result In which 𝐧 denotes the number of stress cycles of
for a pure sinusoidal stress history and for an ideal stress range 𝐒 in the lifetime of the structure, and 𝐍 is
narrow-banded stress history. the number of cycles to failure at this stress range.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


The sum is overall damage D in a sufficiently fine At the request of the Owner, RINA reserves the right to
discretization of the stress range distribution into 𝐊 accept permissible values of the cumulative damage
blocks of constant range stress cycles. higher than those listed above.
𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐍 = 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐊 − 𝐦 ∙ 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝑺 Dry access in the table 9-1 refers to fatigue sensitive
𝐊 Empirical material constant determining the level of locations where the possibility for close visual
the S-N curve inspection and repair in dry and clean condition is
𝐦 Slope of S-N curve effective, otherwise the DFF shall be that appropriate
for underwater access or not accessible.
The total damage is the cumulative damage in service Where crack propagation is likely from a location with
plus the cumulative damage arising from other phases a given degree of accessibility for inspection and repair
in the life cycle, i.e.: to a location more difficult to access, the latter shall
address the choice of the appropriate DFF.
𝐃𝐓𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 = (෍ 𝐃𝐢𝐧−𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐬 + ෍ 𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐬 ) ∗ 𝑫𝑭𝑭
Along with the application of the DFF reported in Table
≤𝟏 9.1, any other load and resistance factor adopted in the
where LRFD format for the FLS are to be set equal to 1.0.
𝐃𝐓𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 is the total accumulated damage ratio throughout
the life-cycle; 2.5.9 Fatigue assessment for prior service
∑ 𝐃𝐢𝐧−𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐬 is the accumulated, unfactored, Fatigue requirements in relation to aged and/or reused
damage ratio during the in-place operational phases; structures for floating offshore application are
∑ 𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐬 is the accumulated, unfactored, damage addressed in Clause 14 of ISO 19904-1.
ratio during other phases in the life cycle; When fatigue is assessed for prior service and an
DFF is the Design Fatigue factor, a safety factor to be inspection history is available, previous fatigue
applied in accordance with the following assessments may be updated based on the outcomes
considerations. of the inspections campaigns carried out during the
The safety factor DFF depends on the location of the occurred service; a reliability based fatigue analysis
structural detail and on the accessibility for inspection may be used for the updating of the fatigue response
and repair, in addition to the importance of the detail to account for the findings of the inspections, whether
with respect to the global integrity of the structure, defects have arisen or not, see also Clause 14.4 ISO
being it critical when the failure of the structural 19904-1.
component would result in substantial consequences
as rapid loss of the whole integrity of the installation, as 3 PROVISIONS FOR CONCRETE STRUCTURES
well as significant economic effects (in terms of costs
due to repair and downtime of the plant), these latter
3.1 General
particularly when a common type of detail subjected to
similar action effects is used extensively throughout the For design and verification of structural parts made of
structure. concrete, reinforced concrete or prestressed reinforced
Minimum requirements for the design fatigue factors concrete, it is recommended to make reference to
are reported in the following Table 9.1, based on the appropriate international rules, such as EN 1992-1-1 or
main assumptions that the floating structure is NS 3473.E latest editions, which are specifically
unmanned and inspections are carried out at intervals dedicated to offshore applications, for the typical
of maximum 5 years. requirements reported for design of concrete
structures, as, but not limited to, the following:
Table 9.1 – Design Fatigue factors DFFs – Material requirements for concrete manufacturing
(Cement, water, aggregates, additives (if any),
reinforcement steel);
Degree of accessibility for inspection and – Concrete mix design and testing;
Importance repair – Design parameters selection for RC and PRC
design and relevant testing;
Not Underwater Dry – Strength and ductility requirements;
accessible access access – Durability requirements and relevant checks;
– Extent of cracking and deformation limit states.
Non-critical 3 2 1 Special attention is to be paid to appropriate reference
standards and actual applicability of reported
Critical 5 3 2 requirements (particularly for concrete manufacturing
and durability issues) when reinforced lightweight
Reductions in the factors presented in Table 9-1 for concrete structures are designed.
inspectable joints may be used, provided an
appropriate in-service inspection strategy is adopted.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations




4.1 General
The maximum responses in a semi-sub, as well as in a
TLP, are often not governed by the maximum wave
height and associated wave period.
In the design of a semi-submesible floating suport
structure consideration should be given to the most
critical response to waves that is the one corresponding
to periods giving the maximum split forces between
The verification of a semi-submersible floating support
structure in the survival conditions relevant to parked
turbine (DLCs 6.1 to 6.4 in Table 5-1 of Section 5)
should be carried out on the basis of a full spectral load
analysis, able to provide appropriate consideration of
the following responses in the hull structure:
– Split forces (both transverse and longitudinal or
oblique sea, if applicable);
– Torsional effects (in diagonal or near-diagonal
TLPs and their tendons are to be verified against both
maximum and minimum water levels. Particular
attention is to be paid to the connections between
tendons and the hull and between tendons and their
anchoring points.
For specific isssues relevant to the design of TLPs
reference should be made to API RP2T.
It has to be highlighted that one tendon failure may be
critical for the whole structure, therefore the floating
support structure shall be checked for the loss of one
tendon in ALS condition, where minimum tension in at
least three corner groups of tendons shall remain non-
negative, and steel tendons components and jonts are
to be verified against fatigue failure with a DFF equal to
10 if not inspectable during the service.
For spars floating support structure the coupling
between the yaw and pitch motions shall be
considered; heave response is in general not as
relevant as pitch and roll, however possible resonant or
near resonant heave motion occurrence shall be
investigated by model tests.
In case that devices for coping with vortex induced
undesired dynamics, e.g. spirals, have been attached
to the spars hull, relevant increase in hydrodynamic
loading is to be introduced in the analysis.
When passing waves are present, simple Archimedes
principles are not applicable for buoyancy calculation
on spars floater: for this floater the total buoyancy effect
shall be calculated by pressure integration over all wet
surfaces of the submerged body and validated,
particularly for deep spar system, by model tests.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 STATIONKEEPING CONCEPT SELECTION used for the mooring line, need investigation through
comparative analysis.
1.1 Mooring system selection There are three main types of mooring system: a
catenary system, a taut leg, and a tension leg type.
The selection of the mooring system configuration is
A preliminary comparison, in terms of general
the most important step In the preliminary stages of
advantages/disadvantages relevant to these three
design of the floating system as it significantly types of mooring system, is reported in the following
addresses the response to external loads. Table 10-1.
The choices among different types of mooring systems
for a floating support structure, as well as the materials

Table 10-1 Alternative mooring configurations

Item Advantages Disadvantages

Catenary mooring system • Simple low-cost anchors • Large footprint (long mooring lines)
• Easy installation • Ballast or wide buoyancy distribution is
• Suitable for shallow waters needed
• Increased floater platform dynamics
Taut leg system • Provides good lateral and vertical restraint • Expensive anchors
• Suitable for shallow to moderate depths • Large footprint in deep water
• Each anchor must be able to restrain the
entire structure
• Difficult deployment

The TLP concept mitigates the first order heave, roll, In fact, as restoring forces are mainly due to lines’
and pitch motions, although the lateral motion can be weight, this mooring system requires relatively large
considerable and restraint relies on the preload in the weights in intermediate waters, respect to tensioned
tensioned cables. The requirement of rotational rigidity mooring lines, whose restoring forces are due to the
to support the wind turbine is likely to preclude the axial stiffness of lines.
catenary system; the application to deep water may
rule out the use of the taut leg system. 1.2 Anchoring System Selection
Floating Offshore Wind Turbines are generally moored Several types of anchors can be used in conjunction
by catenary or tensioned lines, depending on water with one or more mooring systems:
depth. The first ones are the most common choice for
anchoring large floating installations in high sea depths.

Table 10-2 Alternative anchoring configurations

item advantadges disadvantages

Gravity anchor • Suitable for any soil condition •Large quantity of material and ballasts
provided bottom is flat required, especially with tension leg mooring
• No surface preparation required
Suction Piles • Tested in offshore industry •Suitable soil conditions only
•Specialized equipment needed
Driven Piles •Tested in offshore industry •Suitable soil conditions only
•Can resist considerable lateral tension •Specialized equipment needed
Plate anchors •Suitable with catenary system •Suitable soil conditions only
•Not suitable for TLP-type uplift requirements
Gravity anchor with suction •Reduced lateral movement (“creep”)
embedment or skirt plates

The following Table 10-3 is reported as a general guide Note

for matching the considered types of mooring and The Table is reported for general addressing, not
anchoring. including all possible anchor types but a few traditional
As a basic rule, in the case of catenary mooring, all anchor types while other types (e.g. drilled or screwed
kinds of anchors can be applied. For taut moorings, piles) as well as newer technologies (micropiles) may
inclined or vertical, the vertical forces should be be considered as possibly resulting as an appropriate
considered with extreme care, because it is usually the choice (e.g. micro-piles, drilled pile anchors, etc.)
critical parameter.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Table 10-3 mooring and anchoring solutions

Type Ancor Gravity anchors Drag anchors Driven Piles Suction Piles Plate anchors Screw piles
Catenary Applicable but Recommended Applicable but Applicable but not Applicable but not Applicable
not the best (1) not the best the best choice the best choice but not the
choice choice best choice
Taut Leg Applicable but Not recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Applicable
not the best (2) (3) (3) (3) but not the
choice best choice
Vertical Applicable but Not recommended Applicable but Applicable but not Recommended Applicable
not the best (2) not the best the best choice but not the
choice choice best choice
(1) Among all the options to moor a structure, and if a catenary system is selected, the best option is a traditional anchor due to its low
(2) In the case of taut systems, it is necessary to have anchors that withstand vertical loads, this is the reason why traditional anchors are
not applied
(3) When a taut system is applied, the best choices are piles, suction piles and plate anchors.

2 MOORING SYSTEM The governing case for ultimate strength mooring

design is normally reported in 50-year environmental
2.1 Design principles conditions where the turbine is in parked condition, but
Mooring analysis shall be performed to assess the conditions with maximum turbine thrust are to be
reliability of the mooring design in relation to strength verified as well.
and fatigue. In the mooring line design load evaluation, the following
The maximum design condition is defined as that effects are to be taken into account and sensitivity
combination of wind, waves, and current for which the analysis are to be performed:
mooring system is designed. – installation tolerances;
Mooring systems shall be designed for the combination – chain length/pretension tolerances;
of wind, wave, and current conditions causing the – chain corrosion;
extreme mooring loads in the design environment, for – marine growth;
each mooring line. – water depth (tide/bathymetry) variation;
In general a 50-year design environment is used and – waves period variation;
the following cases are analysed: – seabed friction variation.
– 50-year wave with associated wind and current; Modal analysis shall be performed on all lines.
– 50-year wind with associated wave and current; Vortex induced vibrations and motions shall be
– 50-year current with associated wave and wind. accounted for both strength and fatigue assessment.
The most severe directional combination of wind, wave,
and current are to be selected, consistent with the site's 2.2 Environmental forces and floating structure
environmental conditions. motions
Depending on the type of floating structure and Environmental exciting forces can be categorized
mooring system, the global response to environmental according to the following distinct frequency bands:
loading can be dominated by low frequency or wave – steady loads such as wind, current, and drift mean
frequency motions (see Section 8). wave forces. These forces are constant in
Therefore, most severe mooring loads can occur for magnitude and direction for the duration of interest;
seastates that differ from the specified return period – low frequency cyclic loads (such as slow varying
maximum condition. drift forces or long-period variations in wind
For the design assessment, the tension in a mooring strength);
line can be considered as the sum of two components: – wave frequency cyclic loads with typical periods
the mean tension and the dynamic tension. ranging from 5 to 30 seconds. Wave frequency
The mean tension is defined as the mean part of the cyclic loads result in wave frequency motions;
50-years value of the line tension and is caused by
– high frequency actions, typically below 5 seconds.
pretension and mean environmental loads from static
Surge sway and yaw natural periods usually are within
wind, current and wave drift.
the low frequency bands, while heave, roll and pitch
The dynamic tension is defined as the dynamic part of
natural periods can fall in the wave frequency or high
the 50-year value of the line tension and is caused by
frequency bands (TLP structures usually have
oscillatory low-frequency and wave-frequency effects.
resonance periods between 2 and 5 seconds).

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


A preliminary investigation of the natural periods of all approximation and therefore may not yield consistent
six degrees of freedom of the moored structure shall be results.
performed in order to assess in which frequency band All the three approaches have limitations (see Section
they occur and the corresponding wave energy 8). The approach selected for the mooring design
associated. should be verified by model test data, full-scale test
The mooring system and support structure should be data, or a different analytical approach.
designed so that the natural periods of the whole
system occur in frequency ranges where the exciting 2.4.2 Frequency domain analysis
forces energy is as low as possible. Frequency domain analysis refers to a solution of the
equation of motion by methods of harmonic analysis of
2.3 Global dynamic behaviour methods of Laplace and Fourier transforms.
This technique requires linear equations of motion.
2.3.1 General Nonlinear effects such as viscous damping, drag loads,
The forces acting on the system are usually a function time varying forces (such as restoring force due to the
of both time and floater position. In the attempt to variation of the immersed structure geometry with
separate the forces into separate terms to allow a surface elevation) are approximated through a
simple solution, a number of assumptions and linearization process. In some cases, such linearization
linearizations are usually made. can lead to excessively simplified models and
To represent the system behaviour two types of erroneous results.
analyses are available (see also Section 8):
– uncoupled; 2.4.3 Time domain approach
– coupled. Time domain analysis allows taking into account
changing boundary conditions and nonlinear forcing
2.3.2 Uncoupled Analysis and stiffness functions. The simulations must be
The model can be limited to a rigid structure and carried out for a length of time sufficient to achieve
exclude mooring displacements, based on the stationary statistics. The main disadvantage is the
assumption of no interaction between mooring and the extensive computational time required.
floating structure dynamic response. In this approach the forcing functions include the mean,
When using this approach, the validity of this low frequency, and wave frequency forces due to wave,
assumption shall be demonstrated. wind and current.
Decoupled analysis is applied to compute the system Time histories of all system parameters (structure
response using a two-step approach: displacements, mooring line tensions, anchor loads,
etc.) are available from the simulation, and the resulting
– Rigid body floater motions are computed in the first
time histories are then processed statistically to yield
step and include static low frequency (LF) and wave
expected extreme values.
frequency (WF) environmental loading. The
mooring system is represented by the static
2.4.4 Combined time and frequency domain
restoring force characteristics.
– Dynamic slender structure analysis is considered in
the second step by using the floater motions To reduce the complexity and computational effort
calculated in the first step as forced boundary associated with the full-time domain simulation, a
displacements. Wave and current loading on the combined time and frequency domain approach is
mooring system is also included. often undertaken. Time and frequency domain
solutions for mean loads, wave and low frequency
2.3.3 Coupled Analysis motions can be combined in different ways. In a typical
approach, the mean and low frequency responses
In this type of calculation the model couples the
(floater displacements, mooring line tensions, etc.) are
dynamics of floater and mooring and coupling effects
simulated in time domain while the wave frequency
can be taken directly into account. This approach gives
responses are solved separately in frequency domain.
dynamic equilibrium between the forces acting on the
The frequency domain solution for wave frequency
floater and the slender structure response at every time
responses is processed to yield either statistical peak
values or time histories, which are then superimposed
on the mean and low frequency responses.
2.4 Simulation of floating structures dynamics When using this approach, it shall be clearly
demonstrated that first order (wave frequency) motions
2.4.1 General of the floater are not affected by the mooring system.
Simulation of floating structure dynamics can be
performed using a frequency domain or time domain
approach or a combination of the two. All three
approaches include certain techniques of

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


2.5 Simulation of mooring line response where the parameters m, p and q are depending on
Mooring line response is to be analysed through a fully specific project conditions. Several 3-hour simulations
nonlinear time domain dynamic analysis as this kind of with different random seeds or an equivalent long
analysis accounts for: simulation should be run in order to provide a good
– time varying effects due to mass, damping, and fluid statistical evaluation and confidence.
– nonlinear effects such as: 2.6.2 Mooring strength analysis conditions
• nonlinear stretching behaviour of the line; Mooring analysis is to be carried out for the following
• changes in geometry. The geometric conditions.
nonlinearity is associated with large changes Intact condition, that is the condition in which all
in shape of the mooring line; mooring lines are intact;
• fluid loading. The Morison equation is most Damaged condition, that is the condition in which the
frequently used to represent fluid loading floater oscillates around a new mean position after one
effects on mooring lines; mooring line breakage;
• bottom effects. In many mooring designs, a Transient condition, that is the condition in which the
considerable portion of the line is in contact floater is subjected to transient motions after one
with the seafloor. The interaction between the mooring line breakage.
line and the seafloor is usually considered to
be a frictional process and is therefore 2.6.3 Strength analysis based on time domain
nonlinear. In addition, the length of grounded simulations
line constantly changes, causing an This approach requires a time domain mooring analysis
interaction between this nonlinearity and the computer program, which solves the general equations
geometric nonlinearity. of motion for the combined mean, low, and wave
The time-varying fairlead motions are calculated from frequency responses of the floater and mooring lines.
the floater's surge, sway, heave, pitch, roll, and yaw A significant advantage of this approach is that low
motions. frequency damping from the floater and mooring lines
Finite element dynamic models shall be used to predict are internally generated in the simulation. Also the
mooring line responses to the fairlead motions, coupling between the floater and the mooring system
hydrodynamic loading and seabed interaction. can be fully accounted for.
Statistical fitting techniques and repetition of the
2.6 Strength Analysis simulation are required to establish reasonable
confidence in the predicted extreme response (see
2.6.1 General [2.6.1]).
Strength analysis shall be performed to ensure that line 2.6.4 Strength analysis based on combined time
tensions are within allowable values when the system domain and frequency simulations
is subject to extreme environmental loading.
Sufficient clearance should be ensured in order to In this approach wave frequency motions are
avoid interference with other structures. calculated in the frequency domain from the floater’s
A short-term analysis of the most critical cases is to be motion RAOs and the wave spectra, while mean and
considered for the computation of the mooring loads. low frequency motions are calculated solving the
The design load cases to be considered for the equations of motion in the time domain.
stationkeeping system strength assessment are those Wave frequency motions can be combined with the low
of Table 5-1 of Section 5, as well additional load cases, frequency motions in two ways:
as applicable, according to [4.2.4] of Section 5. – frequency domain solution of wave frequency
The stationkeeping system is also to be designed motions is transformed to a time history, which is
against the SLCs indicated in Table 5-3 of Section 5. added to the mean and low frequency floater
The characteristic value of mooring load to be displacement to arrive at the combined floater
considered for the strength assessment is the displacement;
maximum expected value for 3 hours return period in – mean and low frequency motions time histories are
the most critical situation; a 3 parameter Weibull statistically analyzed to determine the peak values,
distribution may be used in order to fit the distribution which are then combined with the peak values of
of the “maxima between two mean-up-zero-crossing”. wave frequency motions to arrive at maximum
The 3 parameter Weibull cumulative distribution offset.
function is represented by the following formula:
  x − m p  2.6.5 Strength design criteria for steel mooring
W ( x ) = 1 − exp −    lines and tendons
  q  
  The maximum tension of a steel mooring line or a
tendon shall not exceed relevant allowable tension

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


limits, which are normally expressed as a percentage set equal to 1.0 (since in this case a WSD is being
of the minimum breaking strength (MBS) of the mooring used).
component. SFs are reported in Table 10-4 for the two sets of
Specifically, the allowable tension limits may be loading conditions applicable to stationkeeping system
assumed as equal to the given MBS value divided by (DLCs and SLCs) and for the design condition
the applicable safety factor SF reported in Table 10-4, (intact,damaged or transient) of the stationkeeping
provided that all the partial safety factors for load system, which is to be differently considered whenever
effects from all load categories (DLCs and SLCs) are redundant or not.

Table 10-4 – Safety factors for allowable tension in mooring lines or tendons

Loading case Stationkeeping System Mooring strength analysis Safety factor

condition (see 6.2)
Intact 1.67
Design (DLCs table 6x) Redundant Damaged 1.25
Transient 1.05
Non.Redundant Intact 2.0
Survival (SLCs table 6y) Redundant or Non-Redundant Intact 1.05

These criteria are intended for moorings which are Ni : number of cycles to failure at normalized
properly maintained and inspected. For tension range i as given by the appropriate T-
recommendations relevant to applicable allowances for N curve.
corrosion and abrasion of steel mooring lines reference T-N curves for various mooring components should be
can be made to the API RP2SK Standard. based on fatigue test data for these components and a
Additional strength design requirements for tendons regression analysis.
made up of steel pipes are to be in accordance with API 2.7.3 Fatigue analysis procedure
RP2T. In particular tendons are to be verified against The fatigue assessment shall be carried out according
slack (i.e. shall remain in tension) for any of the design to the procedure and methods outlined in Sec 9, [2.5]
condition relevant to ULS (DLCs corresponding to U in by specifically considering:
Table 5-1).
– The stationkeeping system is to be considered
intact in global performance analysis for the fatigue
2.7 Fatigue Analysis design load cases.
– The long-term environmental events may be
2.7.1 General represented by a number M of discrete
Fatigue life estimates are made by comparing the long- environmental states. Each environmental state
term cyclic loading in a mooring line component with consists of a reference direction and a reference
the resistance of that component to fatigue damage. seastate characterized by significant wave height,
For mooring systems, a T-N approach is to be used, peak spectral period (or equivalent), spectral shape,
which gives the number of cycles to failure for a specific current and wind velocities and directions.
mooring component as a function of constant – A time domain approach is usually adopted for the
normalized tension range, based on the results of analysis of each environmental state.
experiments. – Because full time domain simulations can require a
Fatigue analysis shall take into account: big computational effort the time required to perform
– tension-tension fatigue (T-T); all the M simulations can be huge. Provided that the
– bending-tension fatigue (B-T); yaw motion (i.e. variation from the mean) of the
– free bending fatigue. structure is negligible and that the mooring system
response to low frequency (LF) and wave frequency
2.7.2 Fatigue analysis formulation (WF) forces can be considered uncoupled,
mean+LF and WF contributions can be addressed
The Miner’s Rule is used to calculate the annual
separately and then added to give the total damage.
cumulative fatigue damage ratio D:
ni • Fatigue damage due to mean and low frequency
D= contributions is to be calculated through a time
domain simulation for all M cases, associating to
each case the specific probability of occurrence.
ni : number of cycles per year within the tension
• Maximum expected values are to be calculated
range interval i.
by the Weibull distribution assumption (see

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


• For each case the mean heading is stored so 2.8 Synthetic fiber rope mooring
that the wave heading (wave direction with In case that components of the stationkeeping system
respect to the structure) probability of are made of, or incorporating, synthetic fibre ropes,
occurrence can be calculated. relevant requirements, as applicable, with particular
reference to:
• Fatigue damage due to wave frequency
– Fiber rope mooring analysis;
contribution is calculated performing time
– Fatigue analysis;
domain or frequency domain simulations for all – Creep analysis;
Hs-Tp couples of the scatter diagram and for the – Design criteria;
selected number of wave headings, “fixing” the – Model testing,
mooring system yaw angle and associating to can be found in Clause 14 of ISO 19901 Part 7,
each heading-Hs-Tp case the respective Stationkeeping systems for floating offshore structures
probability of occurrence. and mobile offshore units.
Mooring line diameter reduction due to corrosion and Moreover, since synthetic fibre rope mooring
wear shall be taken into account for fatigue analysis. technology is rapidly evolving, a specific qualification
process for novel fibre ropes intended to use is to be
2.7.4 Fatigue design criteria for steel mooring performed in accordance to RINA technology
lines and tendons qualification procedure (ref. Sec 1, [3]), or other
recognized qualification procedure, covering, but not
The calculated fatigue life of the mooring line or tendon limited to, the following aspects:
is not to be less than the design service life of the – Rope strength;
mooring system times the Design Fatigue Factor DFF
– Tension-elongation properties;
reported in Table 10-5 by considering that:
– Fatigue resistance;
– DFFs reported in Table 10-5 are assumed on the
– Rope protection;
basis that the steel mooring lines or tendons are not
accessible for inspection and repair along with their – Torque properties,
service life. In case that a dedicated inspection plan as applicable.
is provided and effective for the appropriate
management of the specific fatigue issue (e.g. by 3 ANCHORING SYSTEM
scheduling close Non Destructive Examination for
fatigue prone components of the mooring system) 3.1 General
the DFFs for Redundant and Non-Redundant This item is relevant to the requirements for
system may be decreased up to minimum values of geotechnical foundation design of the anchoring
2 and 3 respectively; system that transfer the loads from mooring lines or
– The design service life of a given mooring tendon of the stationkeeping system (designed in
component may be reported as being lower than the accordance with [2]) to the seabed soil.
one of the floating support structure, provided that a For overall considerations relevant to the foundation
plan including appropriate substitution of the given design of floating offshore structures reference can be
mooring component is effective and managed made to Subclauses 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 of ISO 19901-4.
during the service.
Minimum set of DLCs for fatigue assessment is 3.2 Geotechnical investigation
specified in table 5-1 of Section 5 where F is reported General requirements for shallow geophysical
in last column. investigation and identification of hazards are provided
Additional requirements of [4.2.4] of Section 5 are to be in ISO 19901-4, Subclause 6.2.
considered when appropriate, particularly with regards The design of the anchoring system is to be based on
to VIV fatigue. information taken from the actual offshore location of
For the tendon, the unfactored damage accumulated the wind farm, considering an investigation area of
during a single extreme environmental event with a sufficient extent to cover the possible final positioning
return period of 50 years is to be evaluated as of the installations, including tolerances due to
additional verification, and it is to be less or equal to uncertainties relevant to final marine operation.
0.02, independently of fatigue damage accumulation The investigation on location is to be sufficiently
due to long term environmental loads. extensive to include all the soil layers and rock deposits
which may influence the behaviour of the anchoring
Table 10-5 – Design Fatigue Factors for allowable system.
tension in mooring lines or tendons The investigation is to supply data for the classification
and description of deposits and parameters to be used
Stationkeeping System DFF
in the check calculations for the involved soil layers.
Redundant 5
The investigation may be carried out by one or a
Non-Redundant 10 combination of the following principal methods:

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


– geophysical methods; properties because of seismic actions is to be taken

– in situ tests; into consideration (see also [3.3.7]). Such deterioration
– borings with sampling for laboratory tests. generally results in a reduction of shear strength of soil,
The results of investigation on location are to be which is to be considered in the design.
submitted to RINA for consideration and should
– information on when the investigation was carried 3.3.4 Stability
out and by whom; The stability should be analysed for shallow
– comprehensive description of equipment and foundations ensuring equilibrium between design
procedures used for in situ and laboratory actions and design resistance. The principles are
investigation; described in Subclauses 7.1 and 7.2 of ISO 19901-4,
– results of the above investigation; considering that main requirements for stability
– critical examination of possible sources of errors analysis are the following:
and limitations in the applicability of the results. – an effective stress stability analysis based on
As applicable for the wind farm installation site, a sea effective strength parameters of the soil and realistic
bed investigation is to be carried out for the purpose of estimates of the pore water pressures in the soil.
revealing the presence of natural obstacles (rocks, Such method requires laboratory shear tests with
deposits, etc.) or other types of obstructions (anchors, pore pressure measurements;
wrecks, etc.), the soil waviness height and the possible – total stress stability analysis based on total shear
occurrence of sand dune displacements or sea bed strength of the soil evaluated on representative soil
alterations. samples which are to be subjected, as far as
practicable, to the same loading conditions as
3.3 Design principles corresponding elements in the soil.

3.3.1 General 3.3.5 Settlements and displacements

The design of anchoring system is aimed at preventing In the evaluation of settlements and displacements, the
failure of the foundation bearing capacity and loss of following aspects are generally to be considered:
mooring for the components of the stationkeeping - initial and secondary settlements;
system of the floating wind turbine installation. - differential settlements;
The possibility of excessive deformations is to be - permanent horizontal displacements;
independently evaluated. - dynamic motions due to load fluctuations.
Any type of analysis shall take into account risk of scour The evaluation of settlements may be essential for the
(see 3.3.8). design of foundation piles.
The calculations are to cover both the installation and The tilt of the floating support structure consequent to
operation phases, as applicable. differential settlements of the stationkeeping system,
due to variations in the soil characteristics and/or
3.3.2 Characteristic properties of soil preferential direction of application of external loads, is
The characteristic properties of each layer of soil are to not to exceed the tilt which can be allowed for the
be carefully evaluated on the basis of the results of in operability of the wind turbine.
situ and laboratory tests (see 3.2), taking into account Settlements and displacements topics for shallow
the stress conditions in the sample during the tests and foundations are reported in Subclause 7.8 of ISO
of the actual stress conditions in the layer considered. 19901-4.

3.3.3 Effects of pulsating loads 3.3.6 Slope stability

Where deemed necessary, the influence of load The analysis of slope stability, if applicable, is to
fluctuations on the soil properties is to be evaluated. consider the natural slopes, those due to the
The effects of wave induced forces are to be installation or the presence of the anchoring system,
considered for the following conditions: the possible future variations of existing slopes during
– a design storm during the installation phase and the the design life and the effects of wave loads on the sea
consolidation period; bed.
– the 50-year storm; The slope stability is to be carefully evaluated in the
– the cumulative effect of several storms, including presence of layers of soft clays and loose deposits of
the 50-year storm. silt or sands as well as in seismically active geographic
Realistic assumptions are to be made regarding the areas.
duration and intensity of such storms.
3.3.7 Hydraulic stability
In the case of units installed in seismically active In the case of installations whose foundations are on
geographical areas, the possible deterioration of soil soils subject to erosion and softening (reduction in the

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


modulus of elasticity due to fluctuating loads), if – Ff is the holding power on the mooring line on the
relevant for the actual anchoring system, the following seabed, which can be calculated as:
aspects are to be analysed:
– reduction of soil bearing capacity due to hydraulic Ff- = f *Ls* Wsu
gradients and seepage forces; where Ls is the length of the mooring line on the
– formation of piping channels and consequent seafloor and f is the coefficient of friction of the mooring
erosion in the soil; line on the seafloor.
– local surface erosion in areas under the foundation Appropriate selection of f is to be documented, based
due to hydraulic pressure variations resulting from on experience, proven data and/or applicable
environmental loads. recommended practice. For instance, the values
reported by API RP2SK may be adopted (i.e., for a
3.3.8 Scour chain, 1.0 and 0.7, for static and sliding condition
respectively, whereas corresponding values of f for a
The effect of scour around the anchor foundation is to
wire rope are 0.6 and 0.25 respectively).
be taken into account, particularly for anchors with
exposed parts above the seabed, such as pile or – Wsu [N/m] is the submerged unit weight of the
suction anchors, unless it can be proved that the mooring line;
foundation soil is not subject to scour for the expected – dw [m] is the water depth at final deployment site;
range of water particle velocities. – gd is the Factor of safety for the anchor holding
To prevent the effects of scour, one of the following capacity; reference values of d are reported in
measures is to be taken: Table 10-6.
– materials placed around the interested area as early
as possible after the installation; Table 10-6 –Factor of safety d for Drag Anchors
– foundation system designed considering all holding capacity
materials which are not resistant to scour as having
been removed;
– direct inspection of sea bed close to the foundations Design
and provision of suitable means to quickly stop the Loading Stationkeeping condition of the
development of any scour detected. cases characteristics Stationkeeping
Materials placed on the sea bed to prevent scour are to System
have adequate weight and dimensions, such as the
ones that are not subject to removal by current action Intact 1.5
and the ones that prevent soil erosion without impairing Redundant
Damaged (one
the draining of overpressure caused on the layers by DLCs 1.0
line broken)
the loads imposed.
Non-redundant Intact 1.8
3.4 Drag Anchors
Actual drag anchor holding power can be reliably SLCs Any Intact 1.05
determined only after anchor deployment and load
testing, since it depends on the specific type of anchor
and relevant characteristics, such as penetration and The above reported formulation and numbers are valid
openings of the flukes, depth of burial, final dragging provided that
soil behaviour and other uncertain parameters that – The total mooring line length Lt for a catenary
affect the Ultimate Holding Capacity parameter, UHC, mooring system with drag anchors is as long as not
which is to be referred to in the design, for comparison to provide angle between the mooring line and the
with the acting anchor load. seabed in any design condition;
An estimation of UHC for anchor design shall be based – The length of the mooring line on the seafloor Ls is
on the performance data for a given anchor type – not to exceed 20 percent of Lt.
among a wide variation of anchor characteristics - and
site-specific soil properties, provided the required value 3.5 Vertically Loaded Drag Anchors
that is to be determined based on maximum design The holding capacity design documentation of vertical
mooring line or tendon loads Td derived from the loaded drag anchors (VLAs), possibly used in a taut
dynamic analyses described in [2.6], for the applicable line mooring system, with an angle of approximately 35
DLCs and SLCs recommended in Sec 5. to 45 degrees between the sea floor and the mooring
The maximum design anchor load Fd may be then line, is to be submitted to RINA for review, based on the
calculated by the following relationship: adopted VLA geotechnical and structural design
properties, by including evaluation of the ultimate
Fd = (Td – Ff- Wsu*dw ) *d
holding capacity and anchors burial depth beneath the
where: sea floor, as well as fatigue assessment of the anchor

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


and the connectors joining the anchor to the mooring depth by the application of under pressure, suction, by
line. pumping out the water within the pile closed
Reference values of gd applicable for VLAs are compartments.
reported in the following table 10-7: They are normally used in clays where it is easy to
Table 10-7 - Factor of safety d for VLAs holding trigger the suction within the pile due to low
capacity permeability of the soil.
The typical configuration consist of a stiffened
Design cylindrical shell with open or closed top.
Loading Stationkeeping condition of the Final anchor resistance is a function of soil properties,
cases characteristics Stationkeeping mainly the undrained shear strength, and is composed
System by a horizontal and a vertical comnponents, whose
coupling, under combined horizontal and vertical loads,
Intact 2.0
is to be carefully evaluated since it has been shown that
Redundant the coupling may reduce the vertical and horizontal
Damaged (one
DLCs 1.5 resistance at failure, and the resulting final resistance
line broken)
is lower than the mere vectorial sum of the uncoupled
Non-redundant Intact 2.4 maximum vertical and horizontal resistance.
When suction piles are used as foundation of the
SLCs Any Intact 1.05 stationkeeping system of the floating wind turbine
installation, relevant geotechnical holding capacity
3.6 Gravity anchors evaluation and structural design – carried out in
accordance with appropriate criteria from recognized
When gravity anchors are used for foundation design international standards or codes - are to be submitted
of the stationkeeping system, relevant geotechnical to RINA for review, to demonstrate their adequacy to
and structural design, based on recognized withstand in service and installation loads, by taking
international standards and applicable rules, is to be into account that the failure mechanism in the clay
submitted to RINA for review. around the pile may be different than those applicable
Consideration should be given to the following aspects: for long slender conventional piles and may depend,
– The capacity against uplift of a gravity anchor is to besides the soil properties, on different factors such as
be appropriately evaluated (in principle it has not to the load inclination and relevant point of application
be greater than the submerged mass of the anchor); (the padeye for the mooring line connection can be at
– For gravity anchors constructed with steel skirts the top or at an intermediate level, depending on the
aimed at penetrating in the seabed soil, the specific application), the ratio among depth and
contribution to the bearing capacity from soil diameter of the pile and whether its top section is open
frictional resistance along the skirts vertical surfaces or closed.
may be included, but only as additional capacity for Fatigue and installation analyses of the suction piles
withstanding the dynamic component of the acting are also to be submitted to RINA for review.
load, and with appropriately conservative
assumption regarding the required friction 4 APPENDIX A10 – OFFSHORE PILE
mechanism properties; FOUNDATION DESIGN
– The risk of scour is always to be considered for
gravity anchors, in accordance with what reported
in [3.3.8]. 4.1 General requirements
In the offshore practice the type of pile foundation
3.7 Conventional Piles differs since the installation method:
Conventional piles anchors may be used to provide – driven piles;
both uplift and lateral capacity required by vertical and – drilled and grouted piles;
horizontal components of the mooring line tension. – belled piles;
The analysis and design of such piles can be – vibro-driven piles;
performed in accordance to the applicable – suction piles.
requirements used in the recommended practice for Detailed description of pile foundations is given in
piles design of foundation of fixed offshore units, as Subclause 17.2 of ISO 19902:2007.
reported in item [4]. General requirements are reported in Subclause 17.3
of the ISO 19902:2007. The design strength of coupled
3.8 Suction Piles structure/soil design model are to be in accordance
with the criteria defined below or according to an
Suction piles are vertical cylindrical section piles, with
applicable international standard to be adopted in
larger diameter and shorter length with respect to
accordance with RINA.
conventional piles, with open or closed top, installed by
self-weight penetration and penetrated to the targets

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


4.2 Analyses to be performed The axial pile capacity shall satisfy the following
conditions, as per Equations (17.3-1) and (17.3-2)
4.2.1 General of ISO 19902:2007:

The foundation pile is to be analysed on the basis of 𝑃𝑑,𝑒 ≤ 𝑄𝑑,𝑒

acting loads transmitted by the stationkeeping system
𝑃𝑑,𝑝 ≤ 𝑄𝑑,𝑝
relevant to the applicable loading conditions.

4.3 Pile design criteria Where the subscript ‘e’ means the design actions
for the extreme conditions and the subscript ‘p’
represents the design actions for the permanent
In the design of piles for foundations it is necessary to
and variable actions or operating situations
take account of the method used for their installation.
according to the applicable DLCs.
Where the transfer of loads from one pile to another or The design bearing capacity of piles is to be limited
from a pile to the foundation soil is achieved by to penetrations which have proved to be
grouting, the surfaces are to be free from rust scales or consistently obtained by experience; before
other imperfections which may reduce the capacity of installation, alternative solutions are also to be
load transfer. foreseen to be applied where design penetration
cannot be obtained.
The design pile penetration is to be sufficient to provide
adequate capacity to withstand the design 4.4 Pile capacity for axial compression
compressive and tensile loads.
The foundation capacity is to be verified by the 4.4.1 Ultimate bearing capacity
following two strength assessments, depending on the The characteristic ultimate bearing capacity of pile Q,
steps of the load transfer path generated from the in kN, is given by the equation:
structure to the soil. = +
a) Pile strength
The pile strength shall be carried out according to
the applicable Design Loading Conditions (DLCs). Qs : characteristic total skin friction resistance
of pile, in kN, due to external and/or internal friction
Internal pile forces to be checked are the ones due
contribution. Equal to:
to the design actions according to the applicable
DLCs using a coupled structure/soil non-linear   

foundation model. Take care to consider the column Qp : characteristic total end bearing capacity
buckling effect on the pile in which case the lateral of pile, in kN:
restrains of the soil is inadequate. 𝑞 𝐴𝑝
b) Pile axial resistance fi : unit skin friction capacity in the i layer, in
The axial pile capacity is to be defined, in kN/m2;
accordance with Equations (17.3-1) and (17.3-2) of Asi : external side surface area of pile in the i
ISO 19902:2007, as: layer, in m2;
q : unit end bearing capacity of pile, in kN/m2;
𝑄𝑑,𝑒 = Ap : gross end area of pile or annulus area of
𝛾𝑅,𝑃𝑒 pile (it depends on the presence or not of the plug), in
𝑄𝑟 m2;
𝑄𝑑,𝑝 =
𝛾𝑅,𝑃𝑝 De : pile end external diameter, in m;
where: Di : pile end internal diameter, in m;
Qd,e : extreme design axial pile capacity; In determining the ultimate bearing capacity of piles,
Qd,p : design axial pile capacity for permanent consideration is to be given, when appropriate, to the
and variable actions or operating situations; weight of pile-soil plug system and to hydrostatic uplift.
Qr : representative value of the axial pile The contribution of the total end bearing capacity (Qp)
capacity as determined in 4.4; and of the internal friction (Q’s) shall not be considered
γR,Pe : pile partial resistance factor for extreme both together.
conditions (γR,Pe = 1.25); If the pile is driven up to the target penetration depth,
γR,Pp : pile partial resistance factor for permanent the axial force shall not exceed the sum of the external
and variable actions or operating situations (γR,Pp = friction contribution (Qs) and the internal friction
1.50). contribution (Q’s) and the total end bearing capacity
acting only on the pile wall annulus, or the sum of the
external friction contribution (Qs) and the end bearing

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


capacity (Qp) acting on the total end bearing area, Table 4.1 – Unit skin friction capacity f as a
whichever is lesser. function of the undrained shear strength of the
For open-ended pipe piles plugged, the total end clay soil c
bearing capacity, Qp, shall not exceed the sum of the c (kN/m2) f (kN/m2)
end bearing capacity of the internal plug and the end
 f=c
bearing on the pile wall annulus.
In computing the design actions in compression on the
  =   – ------ 
pile, the weight of the pile is to be considered.  
Where a pilot hole is drilled, its end bearing area is to
 f = 0,5 c
be discounted in computing the area Ap.
As a rule, for pile-bell systems the skin friction
resistance of a portion of pile above the bell-shaped
area having length of 3 pile diameters is to be The pile capacities computed above represent the
neglected. If the pile-bell system is driven with a pilot long-term capacities. The axial capacity immediately
hole, the area of the hole should also be discounted in after installation of piles is usually lower. The set-up of
computing the total bearing area of the bell. piles passes through the initial change of undisturbed
soil condition due to the driven phase which generates
If the pile is laterally loaded by cyclic loads and
pore overpressures. After that pure overpressures drift
deformations imposed on the soil are rather high
to dissipate and the soil drift is dependent on the
(higher than the quantity yc defined in §4.6.2), the
development of pore pressures during installation
friction resistance relevant to those layers of soil
phases and its consequent dissipation. The shortly
affected by such deformations is to be reduced or
application of design actions are important design
consideration to be done in light of the lower axial
capacity of pile immediately after installation.
4.4.2 Skin friction and end bearing capacity of
piles in clay soils (cohesive soil)
4.4.3 Skin friction and end bearing capacity of
piles in sandy and silty soils (cohesionless
a) For piles driven through clay, the unit skin friction soil)
capacity f is generally not to exceed the values
given in Table 5.1 as a function of the undrained
shear strength of the clay soil, c. The unit skin friction capacity f, in kN/m2, of piles driven
For piles driven in undersized drilled holes or jetted in sandy and silty soils, except carbonate sands and
(drilled by jetting of fluid under pressure) holes and gravels, may be determined by the following equation:
for drilled and grouted piles in normally consolidated =   
clay soils, f values are to be determined by reliable where:
methods based on the evaluation of soil disturbance K : coefficient of lateral soil pressure (ratio of
resulting from installation. horizontal to vertical normal effective stress);
In any case, the values given in Table 5.1 are not to
po : effective overburden pressure of soil around pile
be exceeded.
at the depth in question, in kN/m2;
For drilled and grouted piles in over-consolidated
clay soils, f values may exceed those given in Table  : friction angle between the soil and pile wall, in
4.1. degrees.
In this case, careful consideration is to be given to K coefficient varies between 0,5 and 1 with the increase
the strength of the soil-grout and grout-pile skin of the grade of sand density (the growth is not linear).
interfaces also in relation to the amount and quality In particular for open-ended piles driven unplugged, it
of drilling mud used. is appropriate to assume K as 0.8 for both tension and
compression loadings. When piles are plugged or
b) The unit end bearing capacity of piles in clay soils q, close-ended the K coefficients may be assumed as 1.0.
in kN/m2, may be determined, in general, by the The values of friction angle  depend on the angle of
equation: internal friction of soil  in degrees and if other data are
𝑞 = 9𝑐 not available Table 4.2 may be used.
For close-ended or fully plugged open-ended piles
Special consideration is to be given where the value values of “K tg" may be increased by 25%.
of the shear strength of the soil in layers under the For long piles f may not indefinitely increase linearly
end of piles changes in an uneven way. with the overburden pressure po. In such case it is
appropriate to limit f to the limiting skin friction values
flim given in Table 4.2, dependent on the angle of
internal friction of soil  in degrees.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


f values from the above equation may be adopted even and an appropriate bearing capacity factor, but in
for open-ended piles driven unplugged in drilled and any case it is not to exceed 10000 kN/m2. Another
grouted holes. detailed method to define the end bearing capacity
For piles driven in undersized drilled holes or jetted is given in the paper “Grouted piles in weak
holes, f values are to be determined by reliable carbonate rock” by A.F. Abbs and A. D. Needham.
methods based on the evaluation of soil disturbance presented at 17th Offshore Technology
resulting from installation and are not to exceed those Conference, Houston 1985 (OTC Paper number
for driven piles. 4852)
The unit end bearing capacity of piles q, in kN/m2, in
sand and silt soils, except carbonate sands and 4.5 Pile capacity for axial pullout loads
gravels, may be determined by the following equation: The ultimate axial pullout capacity of pile is not to
q = po Nq exceed the total skin friction of pile Qs.
where: The effective weight of the pile, including the soil plug
Nq : bearing capacity factor; and hydrostatic uplift, is to be considered.
po : effective overburden pressure of soil around pile For clay soils, the unit skin friction capacity f is to have
at the depth in question, in kN/m2. the same values given in [4.4.2].
Nq values depend on the angle of internal friction of soil For sandy and silty soils, the same considerations
 in degrees, in accordance with data given in Table given in [4.4.3] are applicable, except that K = 0,5 is to
4.2. be used.
For deep foundations q values may be lower than those For rock, see [4.4.4].
given above. The safety factors applicable to the ultimate axial
For layered soils, Nq may be limited to values lower pullout capacity of pile are to be the same as those
than those given in Table 4.2 and are to be determined given in [4.3].
on the basis of considerations regarding the local soil
conditions. 4.6 Soil-pile interaction modelling
The capacity of the pile as defined in the previous
Table 4.2 – Foundation characteristics as a paragraph represents the resistance parameter of this
function of soil type foundations type.
The behaviour of soil around piles is dependent upon
SOIL TYPE  (°)  (°) Nq many variables (e.g. type of soil, pile characteristic,
installation method, and applied actions). The
Clean sand 35 30 40 114.8 occurrence of these variables should be considered in
soil-pile interaction modelling.
Silty sand 30 25 20 95.7
4.6.1 Axial performance
Sandy silt 25 20 12 81.3 The axial resistance of the soil for pile compression is
provided by a combination of axial soil-pile adhesion
Silt 20 15 8 67.0 and associated shear transfer along the sides of the
pile, and end bearing resistance at the pile tip. The
relationship between mobilized soil-pile shear transfer
Alternative method, based on CPT (cone penetration and local pile displacement at any depth is described
test) results, could be used to evaluate the skin friction using a t-z curve. Similarly, the relationship between
and end bearing capacity as defined in the Annex A.17 mobilized end bearing resistance and axial tip
of ISO 19902:2007. displacement is described using a Q-z curve.
The pile foundation is to be designed to resist the static
4.4.4 Skin friction and end bearing capacity of and cyclic axial actions.
piles grouted in rock (t-z) curves - axial shear transfer curves
Various empirical and theoretical methods are
a) The unit skin friction capacity f, in kN/m2, of grouted
available for developing curves for axial shear transfer
piles in rock may theoretically have an upper limit
and pile displacement as referenced in the Annex
equal to the shear strength of the rock or of the
A.17.7.2 of the ISO 19902:2007. Curves developed
grout. Actually, the f value may be considerably
from pile load tests in representative soil profiles or
reduced in relation to the installation procedure and
based on laboratory soil tests that model pile
to the type of rock or of drilling fluid used.
installation can also be justified. In the absence of more
An upper limit of f value for this kind of pile may be
definitive criteria, the t–z curves recommended in in
given by the allowable bond stress between the pile
Subclause 17.7.2 of the ISO 19902:2007.
wall and the grout.
(Q-z) curves – end bearing resistance-displacement
b) The end bearing capacity of the rock is to be
determined from the shear strength of the rock itself

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


The characteristic end bearing capacity is to be b) For stiff clay soils (i.e. when c > 96 kPa according to
determined as described in [4.4.4]. ISO 19902:2007 Subclause 17.8.4), and for static
In the absence of more definitive criteria, the loads, the same considerations in item a) above are
prescriptions described in Subclause 17.7.3 of the ISO applicable.
19902:2007 are recommended for both sands and Instead, for cyclic loads a sharp deterioration of soil
clays. characteristics occurs due to high deformations,
which result in considerable reduction of
4.6.2 Lateral performance representative lateral capacity, pr.
The behaviour of the soil-pile system subjected to
lateral loads is to be analysed on the basis of realistic Figure 4.1 – (p-y) curve for soft clay soils
relationships which relate the deformations to the soil
Such relationships, generally represented by (p-y) (soil
reaction lateral deflection) curves, are characteristic of
the type of soil, pile dimensions and loading application
conditions (static, cyclic or impact loads).
The (p-y) curves may be constructed using the results
of laboratory tests on soil samples; the influence of
scour in proximity to the sea bottom and the
disturbance caused by pile installation on the soil
characteristics are to be taken into account.
In the absence of criteria which are more appropriate
to the individual practical cases, the (p-y) curves may
be constructed according to indications given in the

(p-y) curves for clay soils

a) For soft clay soils, the (p-y) curve for the layer of soil
located at a depth z, in m, from the sea bottom may
be represented by the broken line shown in Figure
4.1, generated by the values specified in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 – Coordinates of points for (p-y) curve for soft clay soils (ref. Figure 5.1).

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


(See also Table 17.8-1 of ISO 19902:2007)

Static load or short term action
Point p / pu y / yc

1 0 0
2 0,5 1,0
3 0,72 3,0
4 1,00 8,0

5 1,00 
Cyclic load for z  zR

Point p / pu y / yc

1 0 0
2 0,5 1,0
3 0,72 3,0

45 0,72 
Cyclic load for z  zR

Point p / pu y / yc

1 0 0
2 0,5 1,0
3 0,72 3,0
4 0,72 z / zR 15,0

5 0,72 z / zR 
Note 1:
yc, in m, is given by the following equation:
yc = 2,5 · c · D
D : pile diameter, in m;
c : strain which occurs at one half the maximum stress on laboratory
undrained compression tests of undisturbed soil samples ;
zR : depth of reduced strength zone, in m, given by the following formula:
= ---------------

------- +

 : effective specific gravity of soil (in water), in kN/m 3;
c : undrained shear strength of soil, in kN/m2;
J : empirical coefficient, whose values are between 0,5 and 0,25 (in the absence
of reliable information, 0,25 is to be used);
pu : ultimate soil resistance, in kN/m (force/unit length of pile), given by the following
=  ------  +   
 
=   

ordinates of the points u, m and k, which may be

(p-y) curves for sand soils computed as follows:
The (p-y) curve of the layer located at depth z is as
shown in Figure 4.2 generated by abscissa and point u:

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


 –
= ------------------
 = ------ ( ) –

 =  Therefore, the abscissa and ordinate of point k are:


where: =  ----------- ( )
  
D : pile diameter, in m;
=   (  )
A : empirical coefficient according to Figure 5.3;
pc : to be taken equal to pcs if z  zt or equal pcu if For some combinations of the parameters involved, the
z > zt , in kN/m: K value may result in a deflection yk greater than ym, in
𝑘0 𝑧 tan Ф sin 𝛽 which case the parabolic portion of the (p-y) curve is to
𝑝𝑐𝑑 = 𝛾 [ be omitted.
tanሺ𝛽 − Фሻ cos 𝛼
tan 𝛽 Note:
+ ሺ𝐷
tanሺβ − Фሻ (1) The initial modulus of subgrade reaction represent the soil in the
+ 𝑧 tan 𝛽 tan 𝛼ሻ Winkler method. It consider the soil as equivalent spring and K
+ 𝑘0 𝑧 tan 𝛽 ሺtan Ф sin 𝛽 represent the stiffness of the spring.
− tan 𝛼ሻ − 𝑘𝑎 𝐷] Figure 4.2 – (p-y) curve for sand soils.
𝑝𝑐𝑠 = 𝐷 𝛾 𝑧 [𝑘𝑎 ሺtan8 ሺ𝛽 − 1ሻ + 𝑘0 tan Ф tan4 𝛽]

In any case, it could be useful consider the pc as the

minor value between 𝑝𝑐𝑠 and 𝑝𝑐𝑑 in order to avoid the
overestimate of the lateral resistance as defined in
Subclause 17.8.6 ISO 19902:2007.
zt : depth below soil surface to bottom, obtained
when pcs is equal to pcp, in m;
 : effective specific gravity of sand (in water), in
 : angle of internal friction of sand, in degrees;

 : , in degrees;

+ ---- Figure 4.3 – Empirical coefficient A as a function
 : , in degrees;
of z/D.
ko : 0,4;
Ф ሺ1−sin Фሻ
ka : tg 2 (45 − ) = ሺ1+sin ;
2 Фሻ

point m:

 = ------ ( )

 = (  )

being B an empirical coefficient according to Figure 5.4.

point k:
determined by the intersection of the two lines given by the
= (  )

= (  )
K : initial modulus of subgrade reaction depending Figure 4.4 – Empirical coefficient B as a function
on the grade of sand density, given in Table 5.4 (1): of z/D.
= --------


= ---------------

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


p : external perimeter of the group, in m;

Di : diameter of the i-pile, in m;
N : number of the piles.
Such a reduction is required in any case for sandy soils,
while it may be neglected for clay soils when the ratio
of the minimum spacing of piles to the pile diameter
exceeds the value 0,785 (N0,5 + 1).
If R > 1, is to be assumed R = 1.

4.8 Pipe wall thickness

a) The D/t ratio of pile diameter to thickness is to be
such as to preclude the possibility of occurrence of
local buckling during the installation operations and
the operation life of the foundation.
b) In general, the pile wall thickness is not constant for
the entire length of the pile, but varies with the
anticipated stress level, which is normally highest in
the portion close to the sea bed. It is recommended
that the heavy wall thickness of the pile is extended
Table 4.4 – Initial modulus of subgrade reaction as for a reasonable length to take account of the two
a function of grade of sand density. possibilities of not achieving the foreseen
penetration or of being compelled to exceed it in
order to reach a layer with high bearing capacity.
DENSITY K (kN/m3) c) It is recommended that the end of the pile is
provided with a driving shoe having a thickness
loose 5400
increased by 50% in respect of that mentioned in
item a) above.
medium 16300
For detailed information on pipe wall requirements ,
reference can be made to Subclause 17.10 of ISO
dense 33900 19902:2007

4.7 Group effects

The axial and lateral bearing capacity of a group of
piles depends on several factors such as pile
characteristics, type and strength of soil, sequence of
soil layers, pile installation method, etc..
The knowledge on this subject is rather limited and
therefore the strength calculation of the group is to be
carried out on the basis of conservative assumptions,
due consideration being given to the possibility that the
actual spacing of piles is less than that assumed for the
design due to a non-perfect installation.
First of all the group effects have to be considered
where piles spacing are less than eight diameters.
Where more reliable data are not available, the
following considerations are applicable:
a) the end bearing capacity of the group in
homogeneous soils may be taken equal to the sum
of the single pile contributions;
b) the skin friction capacity of the pile group is to be
taken equal to the sum of the single pile
contributions multiplied by a reduction factor R,
given by the following formula:
= ---------------------

 

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 General requirements to attain an acceptable similarity of weight or centre

This section provides general requirements for stability of gravity to warrant a waiver of the inclining test.
for maintaining the normal operation of a unmanned b) special designs, provided that:
floating wind turbine unit. For the purpose of this item – detailed list of weights and the positions of their
all references are made to RINA rules for the centres of gravity is submitted;
classification of ships. – lightweight check is carried out, showing
accordance between the estimated values and
2 Stability in Service those determined adequate stability is
The floating wind turbine unit shall have positive demonstrated in all the loading conditions
stability during operation at the wind speed that reported in the trim and stability booklet.
produces the largest rotor thrust. For units which have undergone work of minor
The floating structure shall also be capable of importance and for which the weights and the centres
maintaining stability during standstill of the wind turbine of gravity of shipped and unshipped loads are known,
in severe storm conditions. These conditions shall be the new displacement and centre of gravity obtained
defined in consistence with the metocean conditions of from calculation carried out on the basis of the original
the target environmental data. The procedures data are deemed satisfactory.
recommended and the approximate length of time The results of the inclining test, or those of the
required, considering both operating conditions and lightweight survey together with the inclining test
transit conditions, shall be contained in the stability results for the first unit should be indicated in the
manual. operating manual.

3 Inclining test/Lightweight check 4 Righting moment and heeling moment curves

An inclining test should be required for the first unit of Curves of righting moments and of wind heeling
given design, when the unit is as near to completion as moments similar to figure 11-1 with supporting
possible, to determine accurately the light ship data calculations should be prepared covering the full range
(weight and position of centre of gravity). of operating draughts, including those in transit
RINA may allow a lightweight check to be carried out in conditions, taking into account the maximum loading of
lieu of an inclining test in the case of: materials in the most unfavourable position applicable.
a) an individual unit, provided basic stability data are The righting moment curves and wind heeling moment
available from the inclining test of a unit which is curves should be related to the most critical axes.
identical by design and a lightweight check is Account should be taken of the free surface of liquids
in tanks.
performed in order to prove that the sister unit
Where equipment is of such a nature that it can be
corresponds to the prototype unit. The lightweight lowered and stowed, additional wind heeling moment
check is to be carried out upon the unit's completion. curves may be necessary and such data should clearly
The final stability data to be considered for the unit indicate the position of such equipment. Provisions
which is identical by design in terms of displacement regarding the lowering and effective stowage of such
and position of the centre of gravity are those of the equipment should be included in the operating manual.
prototype. Whenever, in comparison with the data Heeling moment may be determinate from wind tunnel
or wind basin tests on a representative model of the
derived from the prototype, a deviation from the
unit fitted with a realistic wind turbine operating in an
lightship displacement exceeding 1% or a deviation appropriate wind environment at its designed torque
from the lightship (where lightship is the loading. Alternatively, turbine manufacturers certified
displacement of a unit in tonnes without variable data for the thrust loading from their turbine at different
deck load, fuel, lubricating oil, ballast water, fresh operating speeds may be used for the turbine wind
water and feedwater in tanks, consumable stores, heeling component.
and personnel and their effects) longitudinal centre Such heeling moment determination should include lift
and drag effects at various applicable heel angles.
of gravity exceeding 0,5% of length is found, the unit
In case model test for a specific unit or comparability
is to be inclined. Extra care should be given to the model test results are not available Pt E, Ch 6, Sec 3
detailed weight calculation and comparison with the par 3 of RINA Rules for Floating offshore Units and
original unit of a series of column-stabilized, MODU (RES 17/E) may be used.
semisubmersible types as these, even though
identical by design, are recognized as being unlikely

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Figure 11-1: Righting moment and heeling moment curves

5 Intact Stability a) in a geographic location where weather conditions

annually or seasonally do not become sufficiently
5.1 Surface units and column stabilized units severe to require a unit to go to severe storm
The stability of a unit in each mode of operation is to condition, or
meet the following criteria (see also Fig 11-1). b) where a unit is required to support extra deckload
a) For surface units the area under the righting for a short period of time that falls well within a
moment curve to the second intercept or period for which the weather forecast is favourable.
downflooding angle, whichever is less, is to be not The geographic locations, weather conditions and
less than 40% in excess of the area under the wind loading conditions in which this is permitted are to be
identified in the Operating Manual.
heeling moment curve to the same limiting angle; Alternative stability criteria may be considered by the
b) For column-stabilized units the area under the Society provided an equivalent level of safety is
righting moment curve to the angle of downflooding maintained and if they are demonstrated to afford
is to be not less than 30% in excess of the area adequate positive initial stability. In determining the
under the wind heeling moment curve to the same acceptability of such criteria, the Society may consider
limiting angle. at least the following and take into account as
c) The righting moment curve is to be positive over the
a) environmental conditions representing realistic
entire range of angles from upright to the second
winds (including gusts) and waves appropriate for
world-wide service in various modes of operation;
d) A check is to be carried out to assess that the lesser
b) dynamic response of a unit. Analysis is to include
of the downflooding angle and the second intercept
the results of wind tunnel tests, wave tank model
angle is not greater than the following angles:
tests, and non-linear simulation, where appropriate.
– the angle for which the stresses of whichever
Any wind and wave spectra used is to cover
primary structural element become excessive;
– the limit angle for which lashes of loads on the sufficient frequency ranges to ensure that critical
decks are calculated. motion responses are obtained;
It is to be possible to achieve the severe storm c) potential for flooding taking into account dynamic
condition without the removal or relocation of solid responses and wave profile in a seaway;
consumables or another variable load. However, the d) susceptibility to capsizing considering the unit's
Society may permit loading a unit past the point at restoration energy and the static inclination due to
which solid consumables would have to be removed or
the mean wind speed and the maximum dynamic
relocated to go to severe storm condition under the
following conditions, provided the allowable KG response;
requirement is not exceeded:

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


e) an adequate safety margin to account for arrows indicating the direction in which the operating
uncertainties; gear is to be operated.
f) equivalent damage and flooding criteria. Watertight doors may be of the hinged type if they are
always intended to be closed during navigation.
5.2 Spar units Such doors are to be framed and capable of being
secured watertight by handle-operated wedges which
For spar units the metacentric height GM shall be equal are suitably spaced and operable at both sides.
to or greater than 1.2 m.
7 Closing appliances
5.3 Tension leg platforms
For tension leg platforms only stability during transfer
7.1 General requirements related to intact
operation shall be verified. During operation the COG
stability for surface units
shall be identified and the shift of its position shall be
calculated based on maximum and minimum allowable Even if not applicable, Load lines are anyway
tendon tension. suggested to be assigned to surface units as calculated
under the terms of the 1966 Load Line Convention and
6 Watertight Integrity all the conditions of assignment of that Convention.
Where it is necessary to assign a greater than minimum
freeboard to meet intact requirements or on account of
6.1 General any other restriction imposed by RINA, Regulation 6(6)
The number of openings in watertight subdivisions is to of the 1966 Load Line Convention is to apply. When
be kept to a minimum compatible with the design and such a freeboard is assigned, seasonal marks above
proper working of the unit. Where penetrations of the centre of the ring are not to be marked and any
watertight decks and bulkheads are necessary for seasonal marks below the centre of the ring are to be
access, piping, ventilation, electrical cables, etc., marked. If a unit is assigned a greater than minimum
arrangements are to be made to maintain the watertight freeboard at the request of the owner, Regulation 6(6)
integrity of the enclosed compartments. need not apply.
Where valves are provided at watertight boundaries to In cases of small notches or relatively narrow cut-outs
maintain watertight integrity, these valves are to be within the hull in open communication with the sea, the
capable of being operated from a pump-room or other volume of the cut-out is not to be included in the
normally manned space, a weather deck, or a deck calculation of any hydrostatic properties. If the cut-out
which is above the final waterline after flooding. In the has a larger cross-sectional area above the waterline
case of a column-stabilized unit this would be the at 0,85 D than below, an addition is to be made to the
central ballast control station. geometric freeboard corresponding to the lost
Valve position indicators are to be provided at the buoyancy. This addition for the excess portion above
remote-control station. the waterline at 0,85 D is to be made as prescribed
All surface type units, excluding therefore column below for wells or recesses. If an enclosed
stabilized units, are to be fitted with a collision superstructure contains part of the cut-out, deduction is
bulkhead. to be made for the effective length of the
Sluice valves, cocks, manholes, watertight doors, etc. superstructure.
are not to be fitted in the collision bulkhead. Where open wells or recesses are arranged in the
Elsewhere, watertight bulkheads are to be fitted as freeboard deck, a correction equal to the volume of the
necessary to provide transverse strength and well or recess to the freeboard deck divided by the
subdivision. waterplane area at 0,85 D is to be made to the
freeboard obtained after all other corrections, except
6.2 Watertight doors bow height correction, have been made. Free surface
The net thickness of watertight doors is to be not less effects of the flooded well or recess are to be taken into
than that of the adjacent bulkhead plating, taking account in stability calculations.
account of their actual spacing. Narrow wing extensions at the stern of the unit are to
Where vertical stiffeners are cut in way of watertight be considered as appendages and excluded for the
doors, reinforced stiffeners are to be fitted on each side determination of length (L) and for the calculation of
of the door and suitably overlapped; cross-bars are to freeboards. RINA is to determine the effect of such
be provided to support the interrupted stiffeners. wing extensions with regard to the requirements for the
Watertight doors required to be open at sea are to be strength of unit based upon length (L).
of the sliding type and capable of being operated both
at the door itself, on both sides, and from an accessible 7.2 General requirements related to intact
position above the bulkhead deck. stability for column stabilized units
Means are to be provided at the latter position to The hull form of this type of unit makes the calculation
indicate whether the door is open or closed, as well as of geometric freeboard in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter III of the 1966 Load Line

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Convention impracticable. Therefore, the minimum

freeboard of each column-stabilized unit is to be
determined by meeting the applicable requirements for:
a) the strength of the unit's structures;
b) the minimum clearance between passing wave
crests and deck structure; and
c) intact stability requirements.
The minimum freeboard is to be marked in appropriate
locations on the structure.

8 Icing
Icing formation adversely affect the stability of the unit
therefore it can be calculate in accordance with Pt B,
Ch 3, Sec 2, [6] of RINA Rules REP2.

9 Effects of free surfaces of liquids in Tanks

For all loading conditions, the initial metacentric height
and the righting lever curve are to be corrected for the
effect of free surfaces of liquids in tanks therefore it can
be calculate in accordance with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [4]
of RINA Rules REP2.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 General requirements order to allow the passage of air or liquid so as to

This section provides a guide for the design and the prevent excessive pressure or vacuum in the tanks or
installation of various machinery and electrical systems compartments, in particular in those which are fitted
on a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine. For the purpose with piping installations.
of this item all references are made to RINA rules for Their open ends are to be so arranged to prevent the
the classification of ships. free entry of sea water in the compartments.
Air vent and sounding pipe are to be designed
2 Machinery Systems according to the requirements listed in Pt E, Ch 19, Sec
3, [3.1.6] as far as applicable.
2.1 Bilge system
2.5 Mooring equipment
An efficient bilge pumping system shall be provided,
A mooring system is to be designed to minimize its
capable of pumping from and draining any watertight sensitivity to environmental factors and to operational
compartment other than a space permanently demands and to make its construction and inspection
appropriated for the carriage of fresh water, water
ballast, fuel oil or liquid cargo and for which other
Mooring equipment, such as chains, winches and
efficient means of pumping are to be provided, under
windlasses, chain stoppers, fairleads and systems for
all practical conditions. An automatic Bilge level
tensioning the mooring lines, are to be designed in
detection and associated control of pumps may be accordance with RINA Rules (Pt. F, Ch 13, Sec 21) as
provided (System category II, Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 3). far as applicable.
Bilge system is to be designed according to the
requirements listed in Pt E, Ch 19, Sec. 3, [2] except
2.6 Dynamic control systems
para [2.2.5].
The positioning of the floating offshore wind turbine
2.2 Ballast Water System may be automatic controlled through a dedicated
control system, acting on the mooring and the ballast
All tanks intended for ballast water are to be provided water systems.
with suitable filling and suction pipes connected to In particular the vertical distance from the sea level and
special power driven pumps of adequate capacity.
the wind turbine orientation against the wind direction
Suctions are to be so positioned that the transfer of sea
can be automatically adjusted.
water can be suitably carried out in the normal
operating conditions of the unit.
2.6.1 Vertical control system
A Ballast transfer valves remote control system may be
provided (System category II, Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 3). Vertical control system is to be designed to act
Ballast systems may be powered by bilge systems or contemporary both on the ballast system and the
by compressed air systems. Ballast systems shall mooring equipment to achieve the desired height of the
provide capability to ballast and de-ballast all ballast turbine compared to the sea waterline.
tanks except those that are used as permanent Vertical control system is to control the floating offshore
ballast tanks only. Ballast system is to be designed wind turbine movement along its vertical axis based on
according to the requirements listed in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec the specific operating limits.
10, [7] as far as applicable. Operating limits of each floating offshore wind turbine
are under the Manufacturer responsibility.
2.3 Ventilation Arrangement
2.6.2 Control and sensors
Spaces containing main and auxiliary machinery are to
be provided with adequate ventilation. Control systems and sensors are to be designed and
Machinery spaces are to be sufficiently ventilated so as selected according to the requirements listed in Pt C,
to ensure that when machinery or boilers therein are Ch 3, as far as applicable.
operating at full power in all weather conditions, Control systems are to be designed to operate in fully
including heavy weather, an adequate supply of air is unmanned mode for an unlimited period of time.
maintained to the spaces for the safety and comfort of
personnel and the operation of the machinery. 2.7 Dynamic ballast control system
The ventilation is to be so arranged as to prevent any The dynamic ballast control system is to be designed
accumulation of flammable gases or vapors. to allow the automatic operation of pumps and valves
Means are to be provided to verify the minimum oxygen of the system.
level inside the compartment. Dynamic ballast control system shall include ballast
water tanks level sensors, draft sensor and/or motion
2.4 Air vent & sounding pipe reference unit.
Air pipes are to be fitted to all tanks, double bottoms, Ballast system auxiliaries are to be designed and
cofferdams, tunnels and other compartments which are arranged to operate as an unmanned system.
not fitted with alternative ventilation arrangements, in

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


2.8 Dynamic mooring system Battery chargers are to be designed according to the
The dynamic mooring system is to be designed to allow requirements Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 7, [2].
the automatic operation of winches or heave UPSs are to be designed according to the requirements
compensation system to adjust the unit draft Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 7, [3].
automatically. Batteries and electric circuits are to be designed and
Dynamic mooring system includes the sensors (e.g. protected according to the requirements of Pt C, Ch 2
load sensors and/or motion reference unit) to detect the Sec 3.
tensions acting on the mooring lines. Electrical system is to be suitably designed to reduce
Mooring system auxiliaries are to be designed and to the minimum possible the electrical power
arranged to operate as an unmanned system. consumption when the unit is in unmanned conditions.
Battery system is to be charged from shore power;
2.9 Wind-direction follow-up alternatively, charge power may be supplied by the
wind generator provided that the system is adequately
Wind-direction control system, if any, allows the upper
electrically protected, and adequate safety and
part of the floating offshore wind turbine to rotate along
reliability levels are ensured.
its vertical axis based on the specific operating
Spaces containing main and auxiliary machinery are to
be provided with adequate lighting.
Operating limits of each floating offshore wind turbine A dedicated FMEA study of electrical and control
are under the Manufacturer responsibility. systems, air compressed systems, hydraulic systems
is to be provided.
2.10 Transmission system and brake A dedicated Risk Assessment is to be provided for the
The gearing system of a floating offshore wind turbine wind farm. The analysis should include:
allowing its rotation along its vertical axis, is to be - electrical systems,
designed according to the requirements listed in Pt C, - electronic systems,
Ch 1, Sec 6 and Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11 as far as applicable. - auxiliary systems,
A reliable blocking device is to be provided to block the - mechanical systems,
turning system for maintenance purpose. - air compressed systems,
The blocking device is to be manually controlled and - hydraulic systems,
not depending on a source of energy to remain blocked - fire detection & firefighting system,
and it shall allow the safe removal of the electrical - field environmental conditions,
motor and its mechanical transmission. - operating limits of the whole unit.

2.11 Fire detection & Firefighting System 3.2 Export Electrical Cable System
The unit is to be provided of a reliable fire detection The installation and connection of exporting electrical
system and a fixed fire-fighting system. cable is to be according to the requirement of Pt C, Ch
Fire detection system and fire-fighting system are to be 2, Sec 12 as far as applicable.
provided with a dedicated power supply. Sub marine power cables are to be in compliance with
The operation of the fixed fire-fighting system, and its the standard IEC 63026.
automatic activation, is to be combined with the fire
detection system. 3.3 Lightning protection
Fire detection and fire-fighting system is to be designed
General information relevant to the lightning
according to the requirements listed in Pt C, Ch 4 as far
phenomenon and the processes involved when
as applicable.
lightning interact with wind turbine are provided by IEC
61400-24, Annex A.
3 Electrical
Lighting Protection Levels from I to IV are to be
considered with reference to IEC 62305-1.
3.1 General For each LPL a set of maximum and minimum lighting
A main source of electrical power of sufficient capacity current parameters is fixed (ref. IEC 61400-24, Table 1
to supply all electrical/electronic devices needed for the and Table 2).
proper operation of the unit shall be provided. The goal of any lightning protection system is to reduce
The main source of electrical power may consist in the hazards to a tolerable level, which is based on an
batteries backed-up with shore power connection. acceptable risk if human safety is involved.
Storage batteries of the lead-acid or nickel-alkaline The lightning protection is furthermore a precaution
type are to follow the requirements of Pt C, Ch 2, Sec against economical losses due to damage and loss of
7, [1]. revenue.
Storage batteries other than Lead-acid or alkaline Guidance on how to make a simple lightning exposure
batteries is allowed subject to the compliance of the assessment for individual wind turbines, and how to
battery system and its installation to the requirements extend it to groups of WT and wind farms is given by
given in Pt C, Ch 2, App 2. IEC 61400-24, Subclause 7.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


Lightning protection and verification for the floating

wind turbine installation is to be carried out, for the
following components:
- Blades, which are the most exposed parts of the
- Nacelle;
- Tower;
- Mechanical drive train;
- Yaw system;
- Electrical and control systems,
in compliance with the applicable requirements of IEC
An efficient earthing system for the wind turbine is also
to be provided, to disperse lightning currents and
prevent damage to the wind turbine, in accordance to
IEC 61400-24, Subclause 9) requirements.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 General Structures above the splash zone are normally to be

This section provides principles, technical protected by painting.
requirements and guidance for the corrosion protection Metallic surfaces below the splash zone, including
of the structural components of the floating offshore surfaces of embedded members (such as piles, skirts,
wind turbine installation. etc.), are to be protected by a cathodic protection
system or by impressed current.
1.1 General requirements Possible internal surfaces of structures exposed to sea
water are to be protected, as far as applicable, both by
All steel structures are to be protected against
a cathodic system and by coating.
corrosion in relation to adopted materials, service
In any case, the use of impressed current is to be
conditions and expected operating life.
avoided in spaces where the water change is inhibited
For reinforced concrete, or prestressed reinforced or considerably restricted.
concrete, structures, the steel reinforcements are to be Protective systems other than those above may be
covered and surrounded by high-quality, well
accepted at the discretion of RINA.
compacted, homogeneous concrete layer, that is to be
adequately provided by taking into account the target
2.2 Selection criteria
adopted for the crack width limit state verification.
The corrosion protection systems adopted, their Besides general aspects, such as:
design, the relevant materials used and the - contingent local requirements;
manufacturing and installation procedures are subject - type and severity of foreseen corrosion;
to approval by RINA according to the certification - design service life (including possible lifetime
purpose. extension, if required);
Special consideration is to be given to the protection of - accessibility for inspection and maintenance;
steel members that are difficult to inspect or repair after - suitability, reliability and availability of different
installation and of those members located in techniques for corrosion control,
particularly aggressive environments, such as the the selection and design of the specific corrosion
splash zone. protection system is to be based, at least, on the
following parameters, depending on the location and
1.2 Splash zone definition function of the different components of the offshore
For external surfaces of the floating support structure,
- parameters characterizing the sea water and sea
the splash zone is that portion of the structure between bottom environment:
the following heights measured from the sea bottom:
• temperature;
- the water level on the floater corresponding to
maximum tide in combination with the deepest • oxygen content;
operational draft plus the crest elevation of the 1- • chemical composition;
year return period significant wave height, and plus • resistivity;
the foundation settlement, if applicable; • pH value;
- the water level on the floater corresponding to
• sea current velocity;
minimum tide in combination with the lower
operational draft minus the trough depth of the 1- • erosion due to suspended solids;
year return period significant wave height, and plus • biological activity.
the foundation settlement, if applicable. - parameters affecting the environment of the internal
For heave restrained floaters, such as TLPs, the splash surfaces:
zone is that portion of the structure between the • humidity;
following heights measured from the sea bottom: • condensation;
- sea depth plus the maximum tide and 65% of the
wave height having recurrence frequency equal to • temperature;
0.01; • properties of electrolytes;
- sea depth minus the minimum tide and 35% of the • corrosivity of substances which may be present.
above wave height. - parameters relevant to surfaces to be protected:
• shape;
2 Corrosion protection systems • location;
• effects of damage due to corrosion;
2.1 General
• possibility of inspection and repair.
Special corrosion protection systems are to be - parameters relevant to interface with export
provided for structural steel members in the splash electrical cable:
zone in addition to possible increase in thickness at
• effect on corrosion rate on the structural
design stage accounting for expected corrosion rate
(see [2.5]). interface of the floater unit at the attachment
point of the power cable

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


2.3 Protection by coating systems - type and trademark of cladding or lining;

- resistance to pollutant elements;
2.3.1 Definitions - service temperature, pressure, partial pressure or
Coating is made by thin (<1mm) single or multiple
- resistance to mechanical damage;
organic or metallic layers, applied by spraying,
- possibility of repairs during construction, installation
brushing or dipping; and service;
Cladding, lining and wrapping are corrosion protective - procedure and directions for the application.
layers (≥1mm) applied in order to avoid wave action
erosion (for the submerged structure or piping) or
2.4 Cathodic protection
fouling and external corrosion.

2.3.2 Protection by coating 2.4.1 General

The design of all components to be paint coated shall Cathodic protection is applicable to the submerged and
take into account the need of easing both the initial the buried zones. Cathodic protection may be realized
application and following maintenance. by:
Approval of protective coating systems will be granted - galvanic (sacrificial) anodes,
on the basis of information relating to: - impressed current (IC) from one or more rectifiers.
- type and trademark of coating;
- adhesion and resistance to sea water; 2.4.2 Protection by sacrificial anodes
- service temperature; Approval of sacrificial anode protection systems is
- resistance to ageing; based on examination of information relating to:
- resistance to mechanical damage; - area of surfaces to be protected;
- resistance to deterioration caused by cathodic - electrical connections;
overprotection; - density of protective current;
- compatibility of different types of coatings applied; - total number, distribution and characteristics of
- possibility of repairs during construction, installation anodes;
and service; - method of calculation used for the determination of
- procedure and directions for the application. the number and size of anodes to be fitted;
The preparation of surfaces and the application of - anode installation;
coating are to be performed when the surface - monitoring system.
temperature exceeds the dew point by at least 3°C, or The cathodic protection system is to supply a current
when the relative humidity of the air is below 85% or as sufficient to maintain the potential values given in Table
recommended in the Manufacturer's specifications. 13-1 at all points of surfaces to be protected.

2.3.3 Protection by cladding or lining

Protection by cladding or lining systems is to be carried
out on the basis of information relevant to:

Table 13-1: Potential, in volts, for cathodic protection

The design current density is to be based on the Metallic structures which do not belong to the floating
environmental service conditions of the structure. support structure of the installation but are electrically
The presence of stray currents (induced by welding connected to it are to be considered in the design of the
processes by connection between structural members cathodic protection system.
of different material etc.) and their possible influence on The required potential is to be maintained for the whole
the cathodic protection system are to be carefully design life of the structure.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


The potential difference with close circuit V and the The structure is to be provided with suitable
electrochemical efficiency of sacrificial anodes are to instrumentation for measuring of the potential.
be documented by appropriate tests. The electric current generator is to be tested to check
Each anode is to be capable of delivering the total that electrical connections are adequate and no
protective current (protective current density per total damage has occurred during the installation.
surface to be protected). Cables and electrical connections are to be carefully
The method of calculation of the current delivered by inspected to detect possible insulation defects, which
each anode is to be submitted to RINA for approval. are, in any event, to be properly repaired.
The anodes are to be located so as to give a uniform Anodes are to be inspected to check that their shape
current distribution over the whole steel structure. and material are in accordance with design
The lifetime T of an anode, in years, is to be determined specifications.
by the following formula:
Mr 2.5 Corrosion allowance
T= f C
where: 2.5.1 General
M : net mass of the anode, in kg; A corrosion allowance (i.e. steel thickness increase to
r : anode efficiency; compensate for the effect of metal loss by corrosion on
l : mean current output during the lifetime T, in structural integrity) can be used alone or in combination
A; with a coating to maintain the structural component or
f : utilisation factor, to be taken equal to 0.8; the pressure equipment with the required safety margin
C : theoretical current output of the anode, against expected corrosion rate. The extra thickness
defined as the mean current output in one year accounting for any corrosion allowance at design stage
per unit mass of the anode, in (A*year)/kg. is to be determined taking expected corrosivity, design
For guidance, the following maximum values of anode service life and maintenance measures into
efficiency r are given: consideration.
– for slender anodes: 0.9
– for other shapes of anodes: 0.8. 2.5.2 Corrosion allowance for internal
The anode core and supports are to be designed so as compartments
to ensure the anode integrity during all phases of the Internal compartments not protected by coating require
design life of the structure. corrosion allowance to be considered in steel plating
A permanent monitoring system is to be installed for design, by assuming a corrosion ratio value generally
measuring the potential at locations where inspection depending, in addition to the steel characteristics, on:
is impracticable. - Level of sealing (provided by welding) in the
An effective electrical connection is to be provided compartment;
between anodes and the structure to be protected; - Level of humidity and oxygen in the compartment;
welded connections are recommended for this - Maintenance measures and inspection time
purpose. intervals;
In positioning the anodes, due regard is to be given to - Type of ballast (liquid and/or solid).
structural points while direct connections to areas In case a control system by exclusion of oxygen is
subject to high stress level are to be avoided. adopted as a reliable measure against corrosion in
Welding between anodes and structural members is to internal compartments of the floating support structure,
be carried out according to procedures which comply no corrosion allowance is required.
with those adopted for the fabrication of the structural For solid ballast used in internal compartments, e.g., of
members themselves. spars, the solid ballast shall not contain sulphides.

2.4.3 Protection by impressed current 2.5.3 Corrosion allowance for chains

The corrosion protection system by impressed current Corrosion allowance for chains used as mooring lines
is to be carried out based on information relating to: is to be provided by an increase in the chian links
- area of surfaces to be protected; diameter; minimum values for such corrosion
- electrical connections; allowance are to be taken depending on a corrosion
- current density; ratio value (in mm/year) that can be assumed based on
- general arrangement; site-specific conditions or values typically reported by
- anodes, anode shielding, rectifiers, cables, cable recognized international standards for steel offshore
connections and electrical circuits; mooring systems, specifically provided for the different
- monitoring system. parts of the mooring line (i.e. splash zone, catenary,
The anodes of the system are to be located and bottom).
shielded so as to give a uniform current distribution of
all surfaces to be protected.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


2.6 Installation and testing of effectiveness of

the systems
2.6.1 General requirements
After each cathodic protection system has been put into
operation, testing is to be carried out to ensure that the
steel structure potential is within the required range.
This testing is to be carried out within:
- one year for sacrificial anode systems;
- one month for impressed current systems.
The test equipment and procedure, as well as the
number of measurements of the potential to be carried
out, are to be approved by RINA.
The reference electrode is to be positioned as close as
possible to the surface point selected for the

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


1 General requirements 1.3 Documentation and supervision

Marine operations are to be carried out in accordance
1.1 Application with approved procedures and under RINA
This Section applies to all marine operations necessary supervision.
for the construction, transportation and installation of The procedures and the main supporting documents
the offshore wind turbines, including their towers, their for the operation design and planning are to be
floating support structures and their station-keeping included in the "Marine Operation Manual" and should
systems, limited to those aspects of such operations be prepared and submitted for RINA approval
which may influence the safety of the whole structure sufficiently in advance prior to the start of the
or of some of its components. operations.
As "Marine Operation" it is meant whatever activity The "Marine Operations Manual" is to include a
performed in marine environment in order to transport, detailed description of the operations and cover all the
install or remove the offshore wind turbines, including main aspects of operations, both for normal and
the engineering design and planning of the activity emergency conditions, such as:
itself. - organisation and communications;
As the requirements of this Section cover various types - data and characteristics of vessels;
of structures and several types of operations, it is - systems and equipment involved;
understood that the various provisions are to be applied - limitations imposed by:
when appropriate in relation to the type of structure and - environmental conditions
operation concerned. - structural strength
Procedures and solutions other than those specified in - hydrostatic stability;
this Section will be specially considered on a case by - operational procedures;
case basis. - monitoring systems;
- contingency measures.
1.2 Planning and execution For further recommendations relating to documentation
requirements, general reference can be made to
All marine operations are to be based, as far as Clause 6.5 of ISO 19901-6.
practicable, on well-proven technologies and
performed by qualified personnel.
1.4 Environmental actions
Planning of the marine operations is to be undertaken
by considering that the installation of a floating offshore Characteristic parameters relating to the design
wind turbine unit pertaining a large wind farm involves environmental conditions for the start and the execution
a logistic study that is to be carried out before relevant of single operations are to be specified in the "Marine
installation of the units, and, as such, is main part of the Operations Manual" and submitted to RINA.
operation planning. Acting loads and their effects during marine operations
For instance, inshore storage premises for the are to be determined in accordance with requirements
fabricated units may be required, when, e.g., the of Section 4, [5] of this Guide.
installation is dependent on preinstalled anchoring
components or when final offshore positioning and 1.5 Structural analysis
installation is subject to appropriate weather forecast. Analysis of the structure in the floating condition, or
In addition to the logistic study, as part of the operations during launching, float-off, lifting, upending and other
planning, appropriate site surveys, relevant to seabed transportation/transit modes, is to be performed in
topography and bathymetry, covering the whole accordance with the requirements of this Guide (Sec 9
transportation route between the inshore storage site in particular) and/or applicable parts of ISO 19904-1
and the wind farm site, are to be carried out to provide and ISO 19902 (Clauses 12 and 22), depending on the
reliable information applicable for the anchor type of floating support structure.
installation and for the maximum allowable draught
during the floating units’ transportation. 1.6 Weight control
The marine operations for transport and installation are Marine operations are particularly sensitive to the
to be carried out in accordance to best practice and weight of the items to be moved and installed. A careful
recognized international standards applicable for the activity of weight control is to be put in place, according
specific type of offshore installation. to Clause 8 of ISO 19901-6.
General reference, for planning and execution of the
marine operations relevant to offshore platforms to be 1.7 Floating stability
installed in fixed locations, can be made to ISO 19901-
6, as far as applicable. The requirements of this item apply to a floating system
which may consist of the floating support structure and
any wind turbine components, support and
arrangements that can be present, being constructed
onshore, during sea transportation.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


The floating system is to have sufficient stability and All instruments used are to be tested and calibrated
reserve of buoyancy during all stages of marine prior to the start of operation, to the satisfaction of
operations. RINA.
The following requirements are to be complied with in
all installation phases: 1.11 Equipment for special operations
- the actual metacentric height of the system is to be Systems and equipment used for special operations
at least 1 metre; such as structure mating, installation of modules, etc.
- the heel of the floating system due to the extreme are to be thoroughly specified so as to permit the
wind which is compatible with the carrying out of proper carrying out of operations and the evaluation of
operations, towing and mooring loads is not to loads imposed on the structures.
exceed 5 degrees; The following documentation is to be submitted to
- the floating system is to be capable of withstanding RINA:
accidental rapid increases in loading during transfer - description of the equipment;
of heavy loads. - general arrangement and layout plans;
The requirements of the above items may be waived in - strength calculations;
special cases provided that adequate measures are - material specifications;
taken which ensure the same degree of safety. - tests and certifications;
Before starting any operation during which stability may - construction and installation specifications.
be critical, a stability test may be required in
accordance with procedures previously agreed with 2 Load transfer operations

1.8 Mooring systems 2.1 General requirements

The mooring system, used to maintain the structure or A load transfer operation includes all the activities
the transportation and installation vessels in the necessary to move a structure from one supporting
required position during the marine operations, is to be condition to another.
designed to withstand all the relevant design loads. Such operations may be performed by means of lifting,
Mooring equipment must be properly sized, according pushing, pulling or ballasting variations of floating units.
to Ch. 13 of ISO 19901-6, and based on the weather Where the operation involves the use of barges or other
limits assumed for the operations and stated in the similar floating units, a mooring system is to be
"Marine Operations Manual". arranged to provide a stable support base and to
achieve the necessary positioning accuracy of the
1.9 Electrical and mechanical systems barge. The buoyancy and stability of the barge are also
to be analysed to check that supporting conditions are
The structure is to be equipped with all systems satisfactory for all the stages of the operation.
necessary to keep it under complete control during the The tolerances on supports, skidways, etc. are to be
marine operations, with particular care to those such that overstresses on the structure due to
sensitive aspects, such as position, inclination, draft, ineffective restraint conditions are avoided during all
motion, etc., that could impair the installation stages of the operation.
completion. Load out operations are to be planned and executed
Depending on the nature and complexity of the according to Clause 11 of ISO 19901-6:2009, as
operations, a separate study may be required for the applicable.
purpose of selecting the most suitable system to
ensure safe operation. 3 Transportation
Systems are to be designed, constructed and installed
in compliance with the applicable requirements of RINA
Rules and other recognized standards. 3.1 General
This item covers the operations necessary for
1.10 Instrumentation transportation of the structure or parts thereof from the
To keep the structure under effective control during place of construction or assembly to the final location.
construction, adequate instrumentation may be The following topics are to be considered:
required to monitor: - the structure transported;
- environmental conditions; - the sea-fastening arrangements;
- loads and deformations; - the floating unit or vessel structure;
- ballast and stability conditions; - the towing arrangements;
- heel, trim and draft; - any other additional arrangement used.
- dynamic motion; For instrumentation systems, see [1.10].
- clearances (against seabed, surrounding objects, Transport operations are to be planned and executed
etc.). according to Clause 12 of ISO 19901-6 and RINA
All essential instruments are to be duplicated.

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


“Rules for the Marine Operations related to the Sea equipment used are to be checked, special attention is
Transport of Special Cargoes”, as applicable. to be paid to the evaluation of the dynamic loads.
Another option is launching the structure from the
3.2 Towing operations transport barge. In this case, launch ways and rocker
Motion responses of the towed unit are to be analysed arm arrangements are to be designed and checked
in relation to the environmental conditions and loads with regard to their suitability and structure strength.
specified in Sections 4 and 5. The launching design is to be such that the stresses
Towing arrangements and pulling force (tug bollard imposed on the structure will not exceed the allowable
pull) are to be such that the steering of the towed unit limits at any time.
is ensured under adverse sea, wind and current The structure prepared for launching is to be provided
conditions and in restricted waters. with sufficient reserve buoyancy to compensate
Towing arrangements are to be so designed that failure possible inaccuracies in the calculation of weights and
of the towed unit will not occur due to possible buoyancy.
overload. It is to be verified that the support structure will behave
The effects of towing force, wind, ballasting operations, in a stable manner during and after launching and
etc. on the trim/heel of the structure are to be taken into upending phases, and that sufficient bottom clearance
consideration. is ensured to prevent impacts and grounding.
Provisions are to be made for reliable weather Environmental loads and relevant load cases to be
forecasting prior to and during the transportation. considered in the installation engineering are to cover
The allowable environmental conditions to start the the requirements for structural strength, hydrostatic
operations are to be determined on a case-by-case stability and on-bottom stability, when applicable.
4.3 Positioning, ballasting and anchoring
4 Offshore installation The support structure is to be positioned within the
arranged area. Where the sea bed has been specially
4.1 General prepared, the tolerance in positioning is to be
determined on the basis of the extent and nature of the
The operations necessary for the offshore installation preparation.
of the structure may consist of float-out, lift-off, When required, ballasting of the support structure is to
positioning, mating and anchoring. be carried out under continuous control. The influence
Installation operations are to be planned and executed of possible inaccuracies in the evaluation of water
according to Clauses 17 and 18 of ISO 19901-6:2009 depth, the topography of the sea bed and obstructions
as applicable. thereon is to be carefully considered.
For floating support structures with deep draught, such The ballast system is to permit the safe lowering of the
as spars, which are transported to the offshore site in support structure down to the required final draft. The
horizontal position, upending operation is also to be ballasting process is to be reversible during critical
considered. stages of the above operations.
Where the installation operations may cause the Operational aspects for ballasting and grouting are to
overloading of structural components, the effects of be considered, as well as the operational aspects for
such overloading are to be monitored and controlled. mooring line installation, anchor installation and hook-
As regards the general requirements for the installation up of mooring lines to floating support structures.
instrumentation, the provisions in [1.10] apply. Final anchor holding capacity is to be field tested,
The instrumentation used for the control of the structure according, e.g., to API RP2SK Section 7.4.3
during the installation may include devices suitable for requirements. Test loading of each mooring line is to
measurement of draft, penetration/settlement, be carried out after the mooring system is deployed.
inclination, ballast levels and parameters relating to In field validation of the minimum soil penetration depth
environmental conditions. for each type of anchors set as requirement at design
stage is to be performed.
4.2 Unloading from transport vessel When conventional piles or suction piles are included
Where a structure is to be floated out from a barge or in the foundation of the floater’s station-keeping
transport vessel, the unit is to be provided with suitable system, pile installation operations are to be planned
arrangements for the operation. The float out Is and performed so as to match the soil mechanical
generally performed by ballasting the barge, therefore properties required by relevant design. Suitable
the unit shall have adequate ballasting system, stability instruments are to be provided for recording of required
properties and all other necessary features to be pile penetration.
operated as semisubmersible vessel. The sequence of installation operations is to ensure
Alternatively, the structure can be lifted off and lowered sufficient stability of the structure during the whole
onto the water by means of heavy lift cranes or strand duration of the installation.
jack towers mounted on barge or vessel. The
effectiveness and the structural strength of the

Guide for Certification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Installations


5 Construction offshore installation and protection of relevant power cables,

which are typically composite cables incorporating both
5.1 General power conductors and optical fiber packages.
The installation, and relevant protection, of such
The construction offshore includes the operations
cables, require a high degree of expertise for the
necessary for the completion of the floating wind
planning and execution of offshore operations, by
turbine installation after it has been fixed to the sea including the preparation of a Cable Transport and
bed. Installation Method Statement, drawings, analyses and
calculations, related to:
5.2 Mating - cable load-out;
Mating between the wind turbine and the support - cable transport;
structure can be carried out either onshore or at - pull-in operations;
offshore site, that is following to the sea transportation - seabed preparation and trenching;
of the floating support structure. - cable lay;
Also, the offshore mating between wind turbine and - landfall installation;
support structure can be performed either before or - cable lay monitoring and post lay survey;
following to the hook-up of the floating support structure - cable cutting method;
to its station-keeping system. - cable protection system installation.
When carried out offshore, the geometrical tolerances Proper engineering analyses are to be developed in
on wind turbine components to be installed (nacelle, order to demonstrate that the cable structural limits
rotor blades, structural parts of the supporting tower, defined by its manufacturer (maximum allowable
etc.) are to be carefully determined prior to the tension, minimum allowable bending radius, etc.) are
commencement of each operation. not exceeded during the installation.
After the installation of each part, it is to be verified that Similar engineering analyses are necessary to verify
the actual restraint condition complies with the design the adequacy of the mooring arrangement or DP
condition. capabilities of the vessels, as well as any other possible
critical aspect that could affect the operation result.
5.3 Lifting For specific provisions relevant to the execution of
It is to be verified that the components to be lifted have laying, burial and pull-in of subsea power transfer
sufficient structural strength for the operation. Special cables, appropriate reference can be made to the
attention is to be paid to the evaluation of the dynamic provisions of ISO 29400, Clause 20.
effects of loads.
For all lifting operations, the effectiveness and the 6.2 Cable laying equipment
structural strength of the equipment used are to be The cable laying equipment commonly consists in
considered. several parts mounted on the laying vessel, such as:
Such equipment may consist in: - Carousels;
- Vessel or barge mounted cranes; - Reel supports and drive systems;
- Rigging system (slings, shackles, spreader frames, - Conveyors;
etc.). - Tensioners;
The mooring arrangement or DP capabilities of the Over boarding chutes.
vessels involved in the lifting (heavy lift vessel, cargo The structural design and the mechanical capabilities
barge, etc.) are to be checked against the design of these pieces of equipment are to be checked through
environmental actions. dedicated engineering analyses, to demonstrate their
When the crane is operating from a jack-up vessels, adequacy for the specific situation (cable features,
site-specific assessment and soil bearing verification water depth, etc.).
shall be performed, to ensure the crane vessel stability In addition, the main mechanical components should
under the specific spud support conditions. be subjected to overload testing before the operations.
Bumpers and stabbing guides installed to ensure a
smooth gradual placing of lifted parts are to have
adequate strength and be so built that accidental
overloads do not lead to damage to primary structures.

6 Power cable laying

6.1 General requirements

The linking of the wind farm turbines to the offshore
substation(s), carried out by array cables, and the
linking between offshore substations and the onshore
grid, carried out by export cables, require the


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