Chương Trình THPT L P 11 - Unit 1
Chương Trình THPT L P 11 - Unit 1
Chương Trình THPT L P 11 - Unit 1
How many people are there in your family?
1. Read and fill the family member to the 3. Answer the questions. Then ask your
“Family Tree”. friends.
2. Complete the table.
⁉️What do your parents do?
brother sister father
r Do you have any brothers or sisters?
wife son daughter
d How many relatives do you have? Who are they?
niece nephew cousin children
parents uncle aunt Do the people in your family have the same jobs?
Male and
Male Female
Female Should people from one family have the same work
profession? Why/ Why not?
mom dad parents
4. Work in pair. Describe a person in your
I’m going to talk about my father.
He is 53 years old. He has a short
3. Fill in the blank the correct answer.
black hair. He is shorter than me.
Your mom is your father’s _____. He is retired.
Your _____ is your children’s grandfather.
Your _____ is your cousin’s daughter.
Your cousin’s son is your _____. I’m going to talk about my little
Your mom and dad is your _____. sister. She study in primary school.
She is 9 years old. She has a long
black hair. She is very smart.
Grammar: Modals Obligation, necessity and advice
1. Read the examples. Which sentences are absolutely necessary and which are not necessary
but it is a good idea.
1. He have to focus on the lesson. 4. You should study more to get better score.
2. We don't have to stay late at work tonight. 5. You shouldn't lie to your parents.
3. The family must always be together.
2. Then complete the rules with the verbs in the examples.
1. You are sick (go to the doctor) 4. Complete the text with the modals in the
You should go to the doctor. box.
2. He drank a lot (drive)
don’t have to have to
mustn’t ought to shouldn’t
3. I have my own lunch (make lunch for me)
I belong to a photography club and it's very
interesting. We use all kinds of cameras, some old
4. We are studying (shout)
and some new. There's a darkroom for people who
work with black and white film. You _____ pay for
5. The students are in an exam. (use phone) darkroom time when you book it because it's quite
popular and people get annoyed if it's booked and
6. It is cold outside. (wear a cardigan) then not used. You _____ wear old clothes in the
darkroom because you'll probably make marks on
7. I am fine (worry about me)
You _____ buy special equipment, you can borrow it, people. Of course, you _____ really photograph
but _____ you borrow anything without signing for it. people without asking permission, but usually they
I've got some great pictures from a trip we took to a don't mind if you ask politely.
mountain village, including some wonderful photos of
Have your parents ever reminded you to go to bed early?
1. Read quickly the tittle of the article. What topics do you think it will discuss?
How to get to sleep Looking at your phone
How much sleep you need Reading a book at bedtime
The true meaning of dreams
A. ______ C. ______
All devices' screens give out a large amount of blue light. So, it's clear you shouldn't use your phone or tablet before
That isn't a problem unless you want to go to sleep. This you go to sleep. Why not leave your phone in another
blue light affects the body's production of the sleep room? You mustn't worry about your friends. Nothing on
hormone, melatonin, which can change your sleep social media is so important that it can't wait a few hours!
patterns, or circadian rhythms. So it isn't just getting to You should rediscover paper books and enjoy feeling tired
sleep that becomes hard, but the quality of your sleep also and sleepy before bedtime rather than wondenng why you
suffers. The result is that you can wake up several times best friend hasn't liked your photo! How will you wake up?
during the night, and have difficulty getting up in the You don't have to use the alarm on your phone. Go and
morning. buy yourself an old-fashioned alarm clock!
B. ______ D. ______
Sleep is food for the brain, so not sleeping well can be a The negative effects that screen time is having Sleep has
serious problem for anyone, but is especially bad for been in the news a lot recently, so manufacturers of
teenagers, because their brains are still developing. When smartphones and tablets have added a feature to their
you don't sleep well, it can be difficult to concentrate at devices that can help reduce these. Most new phones
school, which makes it harder to learn and get good have a night-time setting that changes the colour of the
grades. It can also affect your mood, making you feel sad screen so that it gives out less blue light. So, if you really
or anxious. can't avoid going onto social media at bedtime, you ought
to think about turning on this setting on your phone.
2. Matching the titles to paragraph A-D. There are one extra that you don’t need.
1. What are technology companies doing about this?
2. The dangers of not getting a good night's sleep.
3. What you should eat before you go to bed.
4. How to reduce your screen time.
5. The science of sleep and technology use.
3. Read the article again. Then answer these questions.
How long teenager have to sleep a night?