Teenage Pregnancy

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made by: Group 5

Pregnancy itself is already talking about having a great responsibility, but teenage pregnancy means
a greater responsibility. Teenage pregnancy is a problem globally, but most commonly in indigent
and belittled countries. Here in the Philippines, teenage pregnancy should be seriously looked upon
and be a concern. According to the United Nations Population Fund, the Philippines that has the
second highest pregnancy rate in ASEAN, which is 56%, with one out of ten births are from ages
below 19. “At least 59 percent of Filipinos believed that early teenage pregnancy is the most
important problem women face today”, quoted in an article by Krissy Aguilar (2021) proving that it
is a major difficulty that our country is facing, with women seeing it as a problem themselves. If we
are to prevent teenage pregnancy, there is a need to take an action on the proper implementation of a
well built law with a strong foundation regarding this issue. There are different factors that can be
associated to the increase of teenage pregnancy in our country. That being early marriage, lack of
education, sexual violence, and much more. Then causing teenage pregnancy and having a variety of
negative effects such as rejection, hindrance to education, pregnancy and childbirth complications,
unsafe abortion, maternal and child mortality, and violence and early marriage, being both a cause
and a effect. It is significant due to the fact that not only the mother is at risk but also the child that
she is bearing, affecting them both in many ways. Therefore, the first proposal on to taking action
concerning teenage pregnancy is education. Lack of education is one of the causes of this problem,
specifically, sexual education. Thus having proper education within the concept of reproduction,
including puberty, contraceptives, abstinence and the consequences of teenage pregnancy, will make
young teens become fully aware of these information. Teaching and stressing contraceptives and
sexual abstinence as a pregnancy prevention method can also remind them of what they should and
should not do. If adolescents are conscious about such topics and how to deal with them, the less the
probability of them to end up in those types of situations. Although, many children, significantly in
the Philippines, do not have the privilege to education. Meaning many individuals lack the awareness
of teenage pregnancy. Adolescents will learn proper education on reproduction and relative topics, if
they have the opportunity to learn. Hence, education should some how be distributed to all, giving
everyone, or every young adolescent a right to education. It may start small with a community of
people gathered to voluntarily teach children across the country, and can develop into educational
programs, some focusing on sexual education, to help those who can not afford to even attend a
public school. Slowly but surely, adolescents can learn, and through this, they can raise their
awareness about sex-ed, and teenage pregnancy. For the second proposal in resolving this issue, it
focuses on protection. This concerns those who have been sexually abused resulting into teenage
pregnancy, and young women who should be protected from sexual abuse in the first place.
According to research, 7000 children are abused every year in our country. Republic Act 11930, or
the Anti-Online Sexual Abuse or Exploitation of Children (OSAEC) and Anti-Child Sexual Abuse or
Exploitation Materials (CSAEM) is said to ‘ensure the protection of every child against all forms of
sexual abuse and exploitation, especially those committed with the use of information and
communications technology.”, despite this republic act existing, it still fails to execute it’s purpose to
protect adolescents from this kind of abuse. If this issue was solved, teenage pregnancy rates will
decrease. Meanwhile, individuals who have experienced teenage pregnancy should also be given
their protection and should be assisted according to what they need. For instance, if a young
adolescent were to experience it, it would be a hindrance to their education or their path in life, they
would need to be assisted so they can resolve their life for the upcoming future. Lastly, the third
proposal would focus on parents and their role in their children’s life. Parents are the role models of
their offspring. According to article 220, chapter 3 of the family code of the Philippines, “parents
possess what a child lacks in maturity, experience and capacity for judgement required for making
life's difficult decisions”, denoting that the way the child acts as they grow up is based on the parent
and how they raised their child. If a child is raised with correct discipline and guidance, they will
grow up to have those positive traits. The role of a parent is crucial since they are the first people
whom the child will learn from, therefore it is their responsibility to guide and teach their children
properly, and as the time comes, they need to teach them to be aware of reproduction and the
prevention of teenage pregnancy.

In conclusion, teenage pregnancy is a pressing issue in the Philippines, with a high pregnancy rate
and a significant proportion of births occurring to mothers under the age of 19. If this problem
continues on, we would face a higher rate of teenage pregnancy. There's a lot negative consequences
of teenage pregnancy such as obstacles to education, complications during pregnancy and childbirth,
unsafe abortion, maternal and child mortality, and the perpetuation of violence and early marriage. If
we manage to solve this problem in our society, then it will decrease the rates of teenage pregnancy.
On top of that, by taking meaningful action, we can protect the well-being of both young mothers and
their children, ensuring a brighter future for all.

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