Chemiostry Sem - 1
Chemiostry Sem - 1
Chemiostry Sem - 1
Purpose and Structure of the Book
This book provides a comprehensive, thorough, and up-to-date application of Theory
Book on CHEMISTRY -I(CH-101 and CH-201) as per WBUT. Endeavour has
made to cover the syllabus exhaustively and present the subject matter in a systematic
and lucid manner. More than 100 Short and long answer type questions have been
incorporated in the text book for better understanding of the students and better
representation during examination. Most of the question has been taken from both
theory and practical related partWBUT, which should take students familiar with
the standard and trend of questions set in the examinations.
General Features of the Book Include:
• Simplicity of presentation of experiments
In teaching-learning process to make the book easily teachable and readiblewhy
choose complicated examples when simple ones are as instructive or even better
• Self-contained presentation
All formula, structures, grafics, figures are placed where it is exactly needed
would exceed the level of the book and a reference is given instead.
We express our sincerest gratitude and special thanks to our dear colleague Mr. Anu-
pam De, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Haldia Institute of Technology for his
constant support during writing this book.
We express our sincerest gratitude to our Prof. S.C. Bhattacharya, Jadavpur Univer-
sity, Prof. Pratik Sen, Jadavpur University, Dr. Dipak kumar Jana, Haldia Institute
We also thank our collogues: Dr.Sibaprasad Maity, Dr.Gora Das, Dr. Suparna Rana,
Dr. Diptangshu Chakraborty, Dr. Santanu Mishra, Dr. Rajib Kumar Dubey, Dr.
Soumitra Kar and Dr. Rajesh Das for their constant co-operation.
Finally we are thankful to our own family members for their constant inspiration and
We will appreciate any constructive criticisms for the improvement of the book from
the experts as well as the from the learners.
We thank the ....... Publishers ......... for their sincere care in the publication of the
P. K. Khatua
D. Pramanik
Book on Engineering Chemistry
For CH-101(ICE, AEIE, EE, ECE)
and CH-201(ME, PE, CHE, CE, CSE, ITE, BTE FTE)
1. Chemical Thermodynamics -I, Chemical Thermodynamics -II, Thermochem-
Concept of thermodynamic system: definition with example of diathermal wall, adiabatic
wall, isolated system, closed system, open system, extensive property, intensive property.
Introduction to first law of thermodynamics: different statements, mathematical form. In-
ternal energy: definition, Example, characteristics, physical significance, mathematical ex-
pression for change in internal energy, expression for change in internal energy for ideal
gas. Enthalpy: definition, characteristics, physical significance, mathematical expression
for change in enthalpy, expression for change in enthalpy for ideal gas. Heat capacity: def-
inition, classification of heat capacity (Cp and Cv ): Definition and general expression of
Cp − Cv . Expression of Cp − Cv for ideal gas. Reversible and irreversible processes:
definition, work done in isothermal reversible and isothermal irreversible process for ideal
gas, adiabatic changes: work done in adiabatic process, interrelation between thermody-
namic parameters (P, V and T), slope of P-V curve in adiabatic and isothermal process.
Application of first law of thermodynamics to chemical processes: exothermic, endothermic
processes, law of Lavoisier and Laplace, Hess’s law of constant heat summation, Kirchoff’s
law. 2nd law of thermodynamics: Statement, mathematical form of 2nd law of thermo-
dynamics (Carnot cycle). Joule Thomson effect and throttling processes; Joule Thomson
coefficient for ideal gas, concept of inversion temperature. evaluation of entropy: charac-
teristics and expression, entropy change in irreversible cyclic process, entropy change for
irreversible isothermal expansion of an ideal gas, entropy change of a mixture of gases.
Work function and free energy: definition, characteristics, physical significance, mathemat-
ical expression of ∆A and ∆G for ideal gas, Maxwell’s expression (only the derivation of
4 different forms), Gibbs Helmholtz equation. Condition of spontaneity and equilibrium
2. Reaction Dynamics
Reaction laws: rate and order; molecularity; zero, first and second order kinetics. Pseu-
dounimolecular reaction, Arrhenius equation. Mechanism and theories of reaction rates
4. Electrochemistry, Electrochemical cell
Conductance, conductance of electrolytic solutions, specific conductance, equivalent con-
ductance, molar conductance and ion conductance, effect of temperature and concentration
(strong and weak electrolyte). Kohlrausch’s law of independent migration of ions, trans-
port numbers and hydration of ions. Conductometric titrations: SA vs SB and SA vs WB;
precipitation titration KCl vs AgNO3 .
Electrochemical cell: cell EMF and thermodynamic derivation of the EMF of a Galvanic cell
(Nernst equation), single electrode potentials, hydrogen half cell, quinhydrone half cell and
calomel half cell (construction, representation, cell reaction, expression of potential, discus-
sion, application). Cell: Primary and secondary cell, storage cell, fuel cell (construction,
representation, cell reaction, expression of potential, discussion, application). Application of
EMF measurement on (a) Ascertain the change in thermodynamic function (∆G, ∆H, ∆S)
(b) ascertain the equilibrium constant of a reversible chemical reaction (c) ascertain the
valency of an ion.
5. Structure and reactivity of organic molecule
Electronegativity, electron affinity, hybridisation, inductive effect, resonance, hyperconju-
gation, electromeric effect, carbocation, carbanion and free radicals. Brief study of some
addition, eliminations and substitution reactions.
6. Polymerization
Concepts, classifications and industrial applications. Polymer molecular weight (number av-
erage, weight average. viscosity average: Theory and mathematical expression only), Poly
dispersity index (PDI). Polymerization processes (addition and condensation polymeriza-
tion), degree of polymerization, copolymerization, stereo-regularity of polymer, crystallinity
(concept of Tm ) and amorphicity (Concept of Tg ) of polymer. Preparation, structure and
use of some common polymers: plastic (PE: HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, UHMWPE)), rubber
(natural rubber, SBR, NBR), fibre(nylon 6.6). Vulcanization. Conducting, semi-conducting
polymers and doping.
7. Industrial Chemistry
Fuel: Primary and secondary fuel, Calorific value of fuels, HCV or GCV and LCV or
NCV and their relations, characteristics of fuel. Solid Fuel: Coal, classification of coal,
constituents of coal, carbonization of coal (HTC and LTC), coal analysis: proximate and
ultimate analysis. Liquid fuel: petroleum, classification of petroleum, refining, petroleum
distillation, thermal cracking, octane number, cetane number, aviation fuel (aviation gaso-
line, jet gasoline), bio-diesel. gaseous fuels: natural gas, water gas, coal gas, semi water
gas,bio gas.
8. Some common and important question and answer
9. Important charts and tables
10. Some important picture of equipments/aperatus
11. References
12. Appendix
1.1 First law of Thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.1 Concept of thermodynamic system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.2 Type of system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.3 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1.4 Steady state and equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1.5 State of a system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1.6 Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.1.7 Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.1.8 Reversible and irreversible process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.1.9 First law of thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.1.10 Internal Energy (E/U) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.1.11 Enthalpy or Heat content (H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.1.12 Joule’s Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.1.13 Heat capacity of gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.1.14 Value of CP − CV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.1.15 Joule-Thomson effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.1.16 Adiabatic relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.2 Second law of Thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
1.2.1 Carnot’s Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
1.2.2 Refrigeration cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.2.3 Entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.2.4 Calculation of entropy change of a system surrounding and universe
during some process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
1.2.5 Entropy and available work: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1.2.6 Work function(free energy; Helmholtz’s free energy)[F or A] . . . . . 47
1.2.7 Work function(free energy; Gibb’s free energy; Gibb’s potential; ther-
modynamic potential)[G] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
1.2.8 TdS relations: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
1.2.9 Gibbs-Helmholtz’s equation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
1.2.10 Equilibrium and spontaneity from the stand point of ’S’ and ’G’: . . 52
1.2.11 Maxwell relation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
1.3 Thermochemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
1.3.1 Concept of thermochemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
1.3.2 Heat of reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
1.3.3 Type of reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
1.3.4 Heat of formation(∆Hf ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
1.3.5 Heat of Combustion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
1.3.6 Heat of neutralization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
1.3.7 Heat of Solution (or Dilution) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
1.3.8 Integral heat of solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
1.3.9 Laws of Thermochemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
1.3.10 Kirchhoff’s equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
1.4 Numerical Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
1.4.1 Example solved question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
1.4.2 Objective type question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
1.4.3 Short answer type question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
1.4.4 Long answer type question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.1 Concept of chemical kinetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.2 On the basis of speed chemical reactions are three types- . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.3 Chemical reaction are mainly two types- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
2.4 Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
2.4.1 Unit of rate of a reaction: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.4.2 The rate of a chemical reaction depends upon this following factors- 80
2.5 Relation of rate with stoichiometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.6 Rate Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.6.1 Calculation of instantaneous rate of a reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.6.2 Calculation of average rate of a reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
2.6.3 Law of mass action : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.6.4 Order and molecularity of chemical reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.6.5 Difference between order and molecularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
2.7 Rate laws of zero, first and second order reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
2.7.1 Zero order reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
2.7.2 (A) First order reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
2.7.3 (A) Second order reaction (initial species are same) . . . . . . . . . . 90
2.8 Pseudo-Unimolecular Reaction or Pseudo-first order Reaction . . . . . . . . 93
2.9 Effect of temperature on reaction rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
2.10 Activation Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
2.11 Mechanism of Reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
2.11.1 Postulates of Collision theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
2.11.2 Postulates of transition state theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
2.12 Catalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4.1 Concept of electrochemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
4.2 Conductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
4.2.1 Specific conductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
4.2.2 Equivalent conductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
4.2.3 Molar conductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
4.3 Effect of temperature on equivalent conductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
4.4 Effect of concentration on equivalent conductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
4.5 Transport number and Ionic conductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
4.6 Mobility of H+ and OH− ions in aqueous solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
4.7 Kohlrausch’s law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
4.8 Conductometric titration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
4.8.1 Titration of a strong acid and strong base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
4.8.2 Titration of a weak acid and strong base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
4.8.3 Titration of a strong acid and weak base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
4.8.4 Titration of a weak acid and weak base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
4.8.5 Precipitation titration of KCl with AgNO3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
4.9 Electrochemical cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
4.10 Redox reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
4.10.1 Salt bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
4.11 General way to represent an electrochemical cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
7.7.2 A good petrol engine fuel is a bad fuel for diesel engine and vice versa 263
7.8 Aviation Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
7.8.1 Av gas or Aviation gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
7.8.2 Jet fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
7.9 Power Alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
7.10 Bio-diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
7.10.1 Flash point and ignition temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
7.11 Gaseous Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
7.11.1 Natural gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
7.11.2 Compressed natural gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
7.11.3 Liquified Petroleum Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
7.12 Synthetic Gaseous Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
7.12.1 Water gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
7.12.2 Producer gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
7.12.3 Coal gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
7.12.4 Semi water gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
7.12.5 Carburatted water gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
7.12.6 Bio gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
7.13 Numerical Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
7.13.1 Objective type question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
7.13.2 Short Answer type question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
7.13.3 Long Answer type question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Chapter 1
imaginary. The subject of any discussion is the system. So, any part of the universe which
is the subject matter of our studies is called a system. It may be the whole universe or any
small part of it.
Surrounding: Everything except the system of the universe is called surrounding. But
in thermodynamic sense surrounding is the area upto which the influence of the system
reaches. If any light is the system then theoretically the whole universe apart from the light
should be the surrounding but in thermodynamic sense the area upto which the light can
illuminate is the surrounding.
Universe: System + Surrounding = Universe
Let us see an example: a ice cube is added into a beaker of water; the ice will melt after
sometime. Here if we discuss about the melting of ice then the ice cube is the system and
the water of the beaker is the surrounding. On the other hand if take a few ice cube in a
small glass beaker and the beaker is placed inside a large beaker contain some amount of
water. In this case a same thing will happen; the ice cubes in the small beaker will melt
and the temperature of the water in the large beaker will decrease. Now if our discussion
is the cooling of the water in large beaker then it is the system and the ice cube in other
beaker is the surrounding. So, depending upon the interest or our aim of the experiment
the concept of system and surrounding may be reversed.
Wall: The imaginary or real partition between system and surrounding is called wall. If
the wall can pass energy (heat) through it then, it is called diathermal wall. If exchange of
heat is prohibited through it then, it is called adiabatic wall.
Open system
2) Closed system: If a system exchanges only energy not the mass with surrounding then
the system is called closed system. Example: Boiling of water in a close metal vessel. There
must be a diathermic wall which basically separates the closed system with the surrounding.
So, diathermic wall and close system is complementary by concept.
Closed system
3) Isolated system: If neither mass nor energy of a system can not exchanged with sur-
rounding then it is called isolated system. Example: boiling of water taken in a thermoflask.
So, there must be an adiabatic wall associated with isolated system. Perfect isolated system
and hence perfect adiabatic wall is an abstract concept.
Isolated system
1.1.3 Process
When some energy change takes place in a system we say a process has occurred.
A) If during the process temperature of a system remains unchanged then, the process is
called isothermal process. Here, dT = 0. Boiling of water at 1 atm. pressure occurs at
constant temperature 100o C and hence it is isothermal process. The most important point
of isothermal process is that as the temperature of the system is constant and hence there
must be an exact and equivalent amount of energy flow between system and surrounding
that any process can be occur at system. So, the systems own energy which is called internal
energy will be unchanged.
B) If during the process there is no flow of heat energy between system and surrounding
then the process is called adiabatic process. Here, dQ = 0. So, in this scenario for the
process to occur the systems own energy will be changed and hence the temperature of the
system will change.
For a multi step process, each small step must be adiabatic for the entire process to be
defined as adiabatic. This means that each small step must not exchange heat energy with
the surrounding. The total heat change of a multi step process might be zero by absorbing
some heat in one step and releasing equivalent amount of heat in another step. But this is
not a adiabatic process as a whole.
In a adiabatic process, the presence of a diathermic wall is not always necessary; sometimes
a open/closed system may provide an adiabatic process. Sudden lowering of pressure of a
gas is associated with fall of temperature of the gas. This process happens so fast that the
gas molecule do not get a chance to absorb heat from the surrounding and hence it absorb
its own heat energy and so the temperature fall.
C) If during the process pressure of a system remains unchanged with surrounding, then
the process is isobaric process. Here, dP = 0.
D) If during the process volume of a system remains unchanged with surrounding, then
the process is isochoric process. Here, dV = 0.
E) If during the process initial and final state of a system is same or remain unchanged
with surrounding
H then, the
H process is cyclic process.
Here, dU = 0. So, dQ = W. In an isothermal process also dQ = W. However, in
isothermal process state changes from (P1 , V1 , T1 ) to (P2 , V2 , T2 ) and in a cyclic process
state remain unchanged. Also in isothermal process W 6= 0 but in cyclic process W may
or may not to be zero depending on whether forward and backward path is same or not.
Intensive and extensive properties: In classical thermodynamics we deal with only
the macroscopic properties of a sytem which include vlume, temperature, pressure, surface
tension, pH, conductance, heat capacity etc. These properties of a system can be devided
in two category: Properties which are independent of amount or mass are called intensive
properties. These are point properties and same at each point of the system and dependent
only on nature of substance. e.g. pressure of a gas,temperature, refractive index, dipole
moment, density etc.
Properties which are dependent on amount or mass are called extensive properties. These
are additive properties and obtained by summing individual point values of the system and
independent on nature of substance. e.g. mass, volume, any form of energy( internal energy,
enthalpy entropy) etc.
Ratio of two extensive properties is always an intensive property. To define a system, we
need both extensive and intensive properties.
Perfect differential
1.1.6 Energy
Energy is something which creates changes in a system when it enters into a system or leaves
the system. Among all forms of energy heat energy has a very unique or peculiar quality.
Any changes created by other energy are purely temporary but any changes created by heat
energy are permanent. It causes a distortion in shape of the system. During conversion of
heat to work the medium expands and so some heat is lost inducing unwanted work. Total
energy of a system is the sum of kinetic energy (Ek ), potential energy (Ep ) and internal
energy (U). When kinetic energy and potential energy are constant then change in total
energy is equal to the change in internal energy. Internal energy is a state function and it
is extensive property. U = f(P,T) or, U = f(V,T) or U = f(P,V).
1.1.7 Work
If any force acts on a system and the manifestation of the acting force is observable in the
surrounding then the effect of the acting force is defined as work. When the leaves of tree
is stand still then it is considered that air pressure is not doing any work; but when there
is undulation of the leaves we say that the air is blowing and some work is done by the air.
So here manifestation of wind is the undulation of leaves. Similarly falling of apple was the
manifestation of gravitational force. Any work is the products of two terms -
i) Intensity factor (I.F. means - amount of opposition) and
ii) Capacity factor (C.F. means - extent by which opposition is overcome).
Some example:
i) Internal work: During expansion of gas, melting of solids molecules separated one from
another by breaking different types interatomic and intermolecular forces. Here although
we can’t see the displacement but some work must be associated here. This type of work
is called internal work.
ii) External work: In thermodynamics we deal with external work mainly where manifesta-
tion of applied force is visible.
a) Work is not a property of any system; it is not present anytime in the system: it involve
only during the change of system through the displacement of boundary.
b) Work is a path function.
c) When the displacement occurs in the direction opposite to the direction of applied force,
then work is said to be done by the system and is given a negative (-Ve) sign and similarly
When the displacement occurs in the same direction of the applied force, then work is said
to be done on the system and is given a positive (+Ve) sign.
d) When work is done either on the system or by the system in a adiabatic condition then
obviously the systems own internal energy will be changed.
So, general expression of work is W = −Popp. ∆V and for any infinitesimal volume change
dw = −Popp. δV = −Pext. dV (opposing pressure can be termed as external pressure).
Change of volume which is finite or infinitesimal (∆V or dV), always refers the difference
between final volume (V2 ) and initial volume (V1 ); ∆V or dV = (V2 - V1 ).
So, during expansion of an ideal gas, the final volume (V2 )is always greater than initial
volume (V1 ); and hence the volume change (V2 - V1 ) is positive and the work (W) is
negative (-Ve). Hence expansion means work is done by the system and it is always negative
sign by convention.
Similarly, during compression of an ideal gas, the final volume (V2 )is always less than
initial volume (V1 ); and hence the volume change (V2 - V1 ) is negative and the work (W)
is positive (+Ve). Hence compression means work is done on the system and it is always
positive sign by convention.
According to new convention the sign is associated with the change of system’s internal
energy. When gas expands or work is done by the system, then internal energy of the
system will decrease and hence a negative sign will be associated with work done by the
system. Similarly when gas compressed or work is done on the system, then internal energy
of the system will increase and hence a positive sign will be associated with work done on
the system.
Now, for a multistep process where volume changes from V1 to V2 to V3 to V4 ........ to
Vn , the total amount of work will be expressed by W = W1 + W2 + W3 + ...... + Wn .
Irreversible process: If during a process difference between driving force and opposing
force is very high then the process occurs in one direction. Such a process occurs very quick,
intermediate steps are not seen and the system is never in equilibrium. The process is called
IRREVERSIBLE process. Example: Expansion of a gas against some constant decreasing
pressure (external) is an example of irreversible process.
Work done in Irreversible process: Let one mole of an ideal gas is taken in a cylinder
fitted with a weightless and friction less piston. The initial state of the gas is P1 , V1 and T1 .
External pressure also P1 . Now pressure is lowered constantly to P2 and kept at P2 , the
gas will expand till its pressure becomes also P2 . Let volume changes from V1 to V2 .
Z V2
WIRREV. = −P2 dV
= −P2 (V2 − V1 )
= −Pext. [Vf − Vi ]
This is the general and most common formula for any irreversible work.
Special case: A) If the process is isothermal and irreversible at the same time .
V2 =
and V1 = ; (for n mole gas)
Z V2
So, WIRREV.ISO. = −P2 dV
= −P2 (V2 − V1 )
= −P2 [ − ]
P2 P1
= −nRT[1 − ]
= −RT[1 − ](for 1 mole ideal gas)
B): If the process is irreversible and at the same time adiabatic.
V2 =
and V1 = ; (for n mole gas)
Z V2
= −P2 (V2 − V1 )
nRT2 nRT1
= −P2 [ − ]
P2 P1
P2 T1
= −nR[T2 − ]
P2 T1
= −R[T2 − ](for 1 mole ideal gas)
Reversible process: If during a process difference between driving force and opposing
force is infinitesimally then the process occurs in either direction. Such a process occurs
very slow, intermediate steps are seen and the system is in equilibrium. The process is called
REVERSIBLE process. Example: Expansion of a gas against some continuously decreasing
pressure (external) is an example of reversible process.
Work done in Reversible process: Let one mole of an ideal gas is taken in a cylinder
fitted with a weightless and friction less piston. The initial state of the gas is P1 , V1 and T1 .
External pressure also P1 . Now external pressure is lowered infinitesimally small to dP.
now, the pressure of the gas will be (P1 - dP) As a result volume of the gas is increased by
So, here work done
= −(P1 − dP)dV
Again, external pressure is lowered infinitesimally to 2dP and now, the pressure of the gas
will be
= (P1 − 2dP)
= − PdV
P1 V1
Z V2
= − PdV
This is the general and most common formula for any reversible work.
Special case: A) If the process is reversible and at the same time isothermal.
P =
Z V2
So, WREV.ISO. = − PdV
Z V2
= −nRT dV
V1 V
= −nRTln [As isothermal]
= −nRT
Special case: B) If the process is reversible and at the same time adiabatic.
From 1st law of thermodynamics-
dQ = dU + WREV.ADIA.
Or, 0 = dU + WREV.ADIA.
Or, WREV.ADIA. = − dU
Or, WREV.ADIA. = − CV dT
Or, WREV.ADIA. = − CV (Tf − Ti )
Or, WREV.ADIA. = CV (Ti − Tf )
Comparison of reversible and irreversible work:
Single stage expansion: Isothermal expansion of a ideal gas from a initial stage P1 , V1
to P2 , V2 . Now if Pext < Pint , the piston can be stopped by a set of stoppers at any stage
and when Pext = Pint , the piston will stop automatically.
So, the magnitude of the work done by ideal gas undergoes isothermal expansion at a single
|W | = Pext (V2 − V1 )
= P2 (V2 − V1 )( after expansion final pressure P2 = external pressure)
= P2 V2 − P2 V1
|W | = P(V − V1 ) + P2 (V2 − V)
= PV + P2 V2 − PV1 − P2 V
Infinitesimal multistage stage expansion: Let us consider an ideal gas expands isother-
mally from a initial stage P1 , V1 to a final stage P2 , V2 through an infinitesimal small steps
and during this process before any single infinitesimal small expansion the internal pressure
is just greater than the external pressure after that infinitesimal step the internal pressure
will be equal to the external pressure. So at each step the pressure difference between in-
ternal and external will be minimum (∆P). So the total work is the summation of the small
small work done at each infinitesimal step and hence we can represent the total work done
in an integration form like-
Z V2
|W | = Pext .dV
Now, Pext = Pint − ∆P
Z V2
Or, |W | = (Pint − ∆P).dV
Z V2 Z V2
= (Pint .dV) − ∆P.dV
V1 V1
Z V2
= (Pint .dV)( ∆P & dV very small and their product will be negligible)
Z V2
= .dV
V1 V
= nRTln
Single stage compression: Isothermal compression of a ideal gas from a initial stage
P2 , V2 to P1 , V1 . Now if Pext > Pint , the piston can be stopped by a set of stoppers at
any stage and when Pext = Pint , the piston will stop automatically.
So the magnitude of the work done by ideal gas undergoes isothermal compression at a
single stage-
W = − Pext (V1 − V2 )
= P1 (V1 − V2 ) ( after expansion final pressure P1 = external pressure)
= −( P1 V1 + P1 V2 )
W = − P(V − V2 ) − P1 (V1 − V)
= − PV + PV2 − P1 V1 + P1 V
Z V1
W = − Pext .dV
Now, Pext = Pint + ∆P
Z V1
Or, W = − (Pint + ∆P).dV
Z V1 Z V1
= − (Pint .dV − ∆P.dV
V2 V2
Z V1
= − (Pint .dV)( ∆P & dV very small, their product will be negligible)
Z V1
= − .dV
V2 V
= − nRTln
When we compare the magnitude of work between expansion and compression work, for
expansion work we will take a modulus value by ommiting the negative sign of the pressure;
but during compression as volume change is negative hence the work will automatically
be a positive value and hence no need to take modulus value. Total work in a isothermal
reversible expansion and compression is (initial and final state is same)-
Wexp. = − P2 (V2 − V1 )
Wcom. = − P1 (V1 − V2 )
Wtotal = Wexp. + Wcom.
= − P2 (V2 − V1 ) + (−)P1 (V1 − V2 )
= − P2 (V2 − V1 ) + P1 (V2 − V1 )
= (V2 − V1 )(P1 − P2 )
= + Ve value as V2 > V1 and P1 > P2
From this calculation it is clear that in a same cycle work done is zero if the cycle follow
reversibility but if it is irreversible we get some positive amount of work. So magnitude
of work is very much path dependent (reversible or irreversible) and hence work is a path
Among reversible or irreversible work which work is more? explain:
A) Graphically
Let us consider, A PV Isothermal plot of a gas expands from isothermally and adiabatically
from P1 , V1 to P2 , V2 state. The graph is represented below.
Z V2
|WREV. ISO | = PdV
= Area ACDE
Now, difference between work done isothermally-reversibly and work done isothermally-
From the graphical representation, area of rectangleACDE > area of rectangleBCDE So,
So, reversible work is greater than the irreversible work.
B) Mathematically:
If we consider the isothermal expansion work which is often termed as work done by the
system, then we can compare the reversible and irreversible work mathematically also. As
P1 − P2 P1 − P2
= nRT[ ] − nRT[ ]
P2 P1
1 1
= nRT[P1 − P2 ][ − ]
P2 P1
(P1 − P2 )
= nRT(P1 − P2 )[ ]
P1 × P2
= nRT(P1 − P2 )2 [ ]
P1 × P2
= Positive quantity
So, from mathematical representation as well as from mathematical explanation the re-
versible work is greater than the irreversible work for isothermal expansion.
Now, heat (Q) and work (W) is not a state function and hence their cyclic integral individ-
ually can not be zero.
dQ = Q
dW = W
So for a cyclic process, Q + W = 0
or, Q = − W
Any of the above equation can be stated as 1st law of thermodynamics. Which implies
i) If Q is positive then W is negative; so if system absorbs heat then an equivalent amount
of work will be done by the system.
ii) On the other hand if q is negative then w is positive; so if some work is done on the
system then an equivalent amount of heat will be released by the system
H at surroundings.
iii) From 1st law the concept of internal energy can de defined. As, (dQ + dW) = 0 and
both heat and energy is not a state function but the cyclic integral of their summation is
zero, then the summation must represent a state function and which is internal energy (U).
So, dU = dQ + dW; and U = f(T, P); U = f(T, V) and U = f(V, P).
Law of conservation of energy: For an isolated system, both q and w is zero and hence,
∆U = 0, so change of internal energy of an isolated system is zero. This is called law of
conservation of energy. In other format this can be stated as-
i) Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed.
ii) When some forms of energy disappear, an exactly equivalent amount of energy of some
other form makes it appearances.
iii) Total energy of the universe is constant.
iv) Energy of an isolated system is constant.
Each of the above statement speaks about the conservation of energy that is why first law
of thermodynamics regarded as law of conservation of energy.
dU = dQ + dW
Or, dU = dQ − P.dV
At constant volume dV = 0
Hence dU = dQV
When a system undergoes any change at constant volume, the heat involve in that process
is the change of its own internal energy.
H = U + PV.
dH = dU + PdV + VdP
At constant pressure, dHP = dU + PdV
From 1st law, dU = dQ + dW
Or, dU = dQ - P.dV as dW = - P.dV
Or, dU + PdV = dQ
Now, dHP = dQ
Joule’ experiment
In Joule’s experiment two interconnected bulbs has been taken with a stopcock attached in
the connecting tube. One of the bulbs is consist of a gas at low pressure (i.e. ideal gas) and
the other bulb is evacuated. The whole set-up is dipped in water taken in a thermostat and
a very sensitive thermometer is placed. The stopcock is now opened and the gas expands
and spreads into the other bulb. This is a expansion against zero opposing pressure. There
is no change in temperature.
Here work done by the gas is ZERO (0), as opposing pressure is ZERO (0). As there is no
change in temperature in thermometer, so we can say that there is no heat transfer between
water and gas bulb. So heat change is also ZERO (0).
Now from the 1st law-
dU = dQ + dW
= 0+0
= 0.
Now internal energy (U) is a state function and U = f(V, T).
So, an exact differential can be written as-
dU dU
dU = ( )T dV + ( ) dT
dV dT V
dU dU
0 = ( )T dV + ( ) . 0 ( dT=0 and dU=0)
dV dT V
Or, ( ) dV = 0.
dV T
Now, the gas has expanded and hence there is a certain change is volume or dV 6= 0
hence, ( dU )T = 0.
So, change of internal energy with respect to volume at constant temperature is zero.
CV = ( )
dT V
CV . dT = dU
CV . dT = dU
∆U = CV .(T2 − T1 )
Again, CP = ( )
dT P
CP . dT = dH
CP . dT = dH
∆H = CP .(T2 − T1 )
1.1.14 Value of CP − CV
A) For ideal gas: To find out the relation between CP and CV , we know internal energy
is a state function and we can write -
Differentiating partially,
δU δU
dU = ( ) dT + ( )T dV (1.1)
δT V δV
δU δU
dQ - PdV = ( ) dT + ( )T dV (1.3)
δT V δV
Dividing each term of 1.3 by dT at constant pressure(P) and making some rearrangement
dQ dV δU dT δU dV
( )P − P( )P = ( )V ( )P + ( )T ( )
dT dT δT dT δV dT P
dV δU dV
Or, CP − P( ) = CV + ( )T ( )
dT P δV dT P
δU dV
CP − CV = P[1 + ( )T ]( )
δV dT P
This is general relation between CP and CV and it is valid for any gas ideal or real.
i) For Ideal gas:
( ) = 0
δV T
So, CP − CV = P[ 1 + 0 ]( )
dT P
CP − CV = P( )
dT P
We know, PV = RT for one mole ideal gas. Differentiating T at const. pressure P
we get-
P( ) = R
dT P
So, CP − CV = R; ( for 1 mole ideal gas)
and CP − CV = nR; ( for n mole ideal gas)
H2 and He show a cooling effect. H2 and He are wormed up. Later experiment revealed
that any gas can be heated, cooled or its temperature remain same or unchanged during
throttling. This change of temperature of the particular gas will depend on experimental
temperature (T).
i) If there is no change of temperature, then the experimental temperature is called inver-
sion temperature(Ti ).
ii) If T < Ti , then there will be cooling effect and
iii) If T > Ti , then there will be heating effect.
PV vs P curve PV vs P curve
Joule and Thomson took a long tube at the middle of which there is a porous plug
pocked with cotton wool. There are two pistons at the two end of the tube. Both end
consists of same gas but different pressure P1 and P2 (P1 > P2 ). The whole experiment
was performed inside a adiabatic jacket (dQ=0).
Same gas is throttled to the other side and pushes the piston by a volume V2 .
so, change of volume is (V2 - 0)= V2 .
If, U1 and U2 are internal energies before and after throttling, then,
dQ + dW = dU
Here, 0 + (- P2 V2 + P1 V1 ) = (U2 - U1 )
Or, U1 + P1 V1 = U2 + P2 V2
Or, H1 = H2
As enthalpy is not change during throttling so, J-T expansion is ISO-ENTHALPIC in na-
ture though internal energy change.
µJ-T = ( )H .
To find an expression for µJ-T , we write-
On partial differentiation -
δH δH
dH = ( ) dP + ( )P dT (1.4)
δP T δT
dH = 0; and also ( ) = CP
δT P
So, equation 1.4 will be
0 = () dP + CP dT
δP T
δH dT
or, 0 = ( )T + CP ( )
δP dP H
dT 1 δH
( )H = − ( )
dP CP δP T
where b is Vander Waals repulsion constant. This is expression for Joule-Thomson co-
Following cases can be considered.
a) When T = (Ti ) = ( 2a ); µJ-T = ( dT )H = 0
Rb dP
so throttling at this temperature will not produce any temperature change. This tempera-
ture is called inversion temperature(Ti). So. Inversion temperature is the temperature at
which J-T co-efficient µJ-T = 0
b) When T > Ti > ( 2a ) i.e. b > ( RT
2a ); µ dT
J-T = ( dP )H = - Ve, but in J-T experiment dP
is always - Ve, So dT must be + Ve.
0 - PdV = CV dT
CV dT + PdV = 0
Or, CV dT + dV = 0
Or, CV dT + ( CP − CV ) dT = 0
dT dV
+ (γ − 1) = 0
Integrating we get,
dT dV
+ (γ − 1) = Const
Or, lnT + (γ − 1)lnV = Const
Or, lnTV(γ−1) = Const
Or, TV(γ−1) = Const
(γ−1) (γ−1)
i.e. T1 V1 = T 2 V2 = Const
All these three relation are valid for ’REVERSIBLE PROCESS’ only.
Prove dY for PV adiabatic are steeper than isothermal:
(A) Grafically:
In PV isothermal expansion:
A) Drop in pressure try to increase in volume.
B) Temperature has no role(as isothermal)
In PV adiabatic expansion:
PV = Const.
Or, PdV + VdP = 0
Or, VdP = −PdV
dY dP P
slope of isothermal = −
dX dV V
For adiabatic case-
PVγ = Const.
= Const.
γ−1 γ
Or, PγV dV + V dP = 0
Or, Vγ dP = − P γ Vγ−1 dV
Or, dP = − γ dV
dP P
Or, = −γ
dV V
The reserver at high temperature called source and the reserver at low temperature called
All these statements harps in the same tune which is ”ENERGY FLOWS DOWN THE
Engine: engine is a device which converts heat to work. Every engine must work in a cyclic
process. In a cyclic process there are forward and backward path. In forward path engine
does work and work is done on the engine in the backward path. Let an engine absorbs
Q1 heat and does work W1 . Then to take in back to the initial state we are to do some
work(say W2 ) on the engine . Let Q2 heat is rejected by the engine. So,
work obtained per cycle = |W1 − W2 | = |Q1 − Q2 | < Q1 (1.5)
So, second law can also be stated as-
”An engine working in a cyclic process work obtained is always less than heat absorbed per
Q: State second law of thermodynamics in two different forms and prove that
they are of same meaning.
Clausious stated second law as ”heat cannot flow spontaneously from low to high temper-
ature”. Kelvin stated second law as ”heat cannot be completely converted to work in a
cyclic process”. In order to prove that above two statements are same let us consider two
reservoir one at high temperature (T1 ) another at low temperature (T2 ).
Let, our engine obey Kelvin’s statement but disobeys Claudius statement. So, it took Q
heat from HTR and gave less work (W1 ). So, (Q − W1 ) heat is rejected at LTR. The engine
which disobeys Clausius statement can pass this heat from LTR to HTR without requiring
any work. So,
net work obtained per cycle = (W1 + 0) = W1
heat loss by source(HTR) = Q − (Q − W1 )
= W1
This is going against Kelvin’s statement. So we see that if Clausius statement is disobeyed,
Kelvin’s statement also disobeyed. Hence the two statements are same.
a) Let initial state of the engine is (P1 , V1 , T1 ). It is kept over source at T1 . External
pressure is decreased infinite simmaly small, gas expands. Heat absorbed equivalent to
work done (as it is a case of isothermal dU = 0). The process is repeated till we reach
(P2 , V2 , T1 ). This is an isothermal reversible expansion. If Q1 heat is absorbed from the
source and W1 work done by this engine then-
Q1 = W1 = RT1 ln (1.6)
W2 = CV (T1 − T2 )
The adiabatic wall is removed. The engine is isothermally reversibly compressed to such a
volume V4 that on subsequent adiabatic reversible compression we can reach initial stage.
Here work done on system is W3 and heat rejected = Q2 .
Q2 = W3 = RT2 ln
W4 = CV (T2 − T1 )
W = W1 + W2 + W3 + W4
V2 V4
= RT1 ln + CV (T1 − T2 ) + RT2 ln + CV (T2 − T1 )
V1 V3
V2 V4
= (RT1 ln + RT2 ln )
V1 V3
V2 V3
= RT1 ln − RT2 ln
V1 V4
From BC adiabatic,
(γ−1) (γ−1)
T1 V2 = T 2 V3
From AD adiabatic,
(γ−1) (γ−1)
T1 V1 = T 2 V4
Replacing V V1
V3 by V2 in total work expression, we get
V2 V1
Wtotal = (RT1 ln − RT2 ln )
V1 V2
V2 V2
= (RT1 ln − RT2 ln )
V1 V1
Wtotal = Rln (T1 − T2 ) (1.7)
So, from equation 1.6 and 1.7 we can write,
efficiency,(η) =
Rln V
V1 (T1 − T2 )
RT1 ln V
T 1 − T1
T 1 − T2
Wtotal = Qtotal
= (Q1 − Q2 )
So, efficiency (η) =
Q1 − Q2 T1 − T2
= =
Q1 T1
This is expression for a efficiency of Carnot’s engine. So we see that efficiency of an engine
does not depends on engine materials (i.e. the nature of the gas). It simply depends on
temperature difference between source and sink. The greater is the difference greater is
the efficiency. Theoretically an engine will be 100 percent efficient when temperature of
the sink T2 is 0K. But that is never possible. So 100 percent efficient engine can never be
Q2 = Q1 + W
Heat extracted
efficiency of refrigerator(ψ) =
Work done
Q1 Q1 T1
= =
W Q2 − Q1 T2 − T1
1.2.3 Entropy
(A) Concept of entropy:
Entropy S is mathematically defined as-
S = dS =
It is a state function extensive property and perfect differential. Calculation shows that
entropy of a system increases during heating, expansion, fusion, sublimation and vaporiza-
tion. Now, heating increases kinetic motion i.e., randomness. Expansion brings indiscipline,
fusion, sublimation and vaporization brings disorder. So entropy measures randomness, in-
discipline or chaos and disorder. Calculation also shows that entropy of the universe is
always increasing. If we look at the nature we shall see that it has a tendency to increase
chaos. Thus if a perfectly cleaned room is kept under lock and key it automatically becomes
uncleaned and dirty. Calculation also shows that increase in entropy decrease efficiency of
an engine. if indiscipline enters a system its work performing ability will decrease. Actually
every substances have some inherent irregularities at any temperature, entropy measures
this. The irregularities increase with temperature and decrease on cooling. A pure sub-
stance becomes perfectly order at absolute zero. So entropy becomes zero at absolute zero.
At TK, if S is the entropy of the substance the unavailable energy is TS. Thus entropy is
best defined as the capacity factor of unavailable energy.
(B) dQrev. is path dependent and hence not a state function; but, T is
path independent and hence state function - explain.
From frits law we know that -
dQrev = CV dT + RT
to understand whether dqrev is path dependent or not, let us we integrate it
dQrev = CV dT + RT
Or, dQrev. = CV dT + R T
Result of the integration of the second term of R.H.S depends on path i.e. whether T is
constant or not.So,dqrev is path dependent and hence it is not a state function. However-
dQrev dV
= + R
dQrev dT dV
Or, = CV +R
Result of the integration of each term of the R.H.S has only one variable and so result
depends only initial and final state. hence, So, Trev is path independent and state function.
H dQrev
(C) In a cyclic process explain - T =0
Let us consider a carnot’s cycle. In first step Q1 heat is absorbed reversibly by the system
at T1 ; in the second and forth step no heat exchange took place. In third step Q2 heat is
rejected reversibly at T2
rev = + 0 + (− 2 ) + 0
T T1 T2
Q1 Q2
= −
T1 T2
From carnot’s cycle -
Q1 − Q2 T1 − T2
Q1 T1
Q T2
Or, (1 − 2 ) = (1 − )
Q1 T1
Q T2
Or, 2 =
Q1 T1
Q Q1
Or, 2 =
T2 T1
rev = 0
so, for a Carnot’s cycle,
= 0
Cyclic process
Any arbitrarily cycle can be broken down to a number of Carnot’s cycle. If for a single
Carnot’s cycle
= 0
We see that Trev is a state function, perfect differential and extensive properties. hence,
it poses all the properties poses by thermodynamic parameter like U and H. Let us call it
ENTROPY(S). So entropy is mathematically defined as -
S= dS =
During calculation of entropy change we are to ignore the path of transformation, simply
we considered initial and final state and find out T ; ASSUMING THE PATH IS
(D) Entropy change during heating or cooling of a solid or liquid Let m gram of
a solid or liquid of specific heat s is heated from T1 to T2 . The entropy change -
Z S2 Z T2
dS =
S1 T1 T
Z T2
T1 T
Z T2
= ms
T1 T
Or, S2 − S1 = ∆S = m.s.ln
Putting, V = RT
= CV lnT + Rln + Constant
= CV lnT + RlT + RlnR − RlnP + Constant
= (CV + R)lnT + RlT − RlnP + Constant
Expression (1.8) and (1.9) are for absolute entropy. These expression do not help us to
know ’S’ as we does not know the value of constant. In fact it was one time thought that
absolute entropy can never be known. But now, with the help of statistical thermodynamics
and also from third (3rd) law of thermodynamics absolute entropy has become known.
(G) Entropy change during transition of states Transition(melting, boiling, sublima-
tion, allotropic transformation) occurring at normal temperature are reversible process. So
heat absorbed during such transition
(dT) = Qrev
∆S =
T2 . Had backward path ever been reversible; then the system would have rejected Q2 heat.
Now, in path AB
∆SSystem = + 1 and ∆SSurrounding = − 1
T1 T1
In path BA
Q Q∗
∆SSystem = − 2 and ∆SSurrounding = + 2
T2 T2
Surrounding is so vast in comparison to system that all changes of surrounding are reversible.
It is a quasi static process.
So, So,
Total ∆ SSystem = + 1 − 2 = 0
T1 T2
total ∆ SSurrounding = − 1 + 2 = +Ve
T1 T2
∆SUniverse = +Ve
∆SSystem = msln
(T1 − T2 )
= msln[1 − ]
(T1 − T2 )
= −ms
= − ve.
During cooling,
T2 < T 1
But, Surrounding is so vast in comparison to system that all changes of surrounding are
(T1 − T2 )
∆SSurrounding = ms = +ve.
Now, ∆SUniverse = ∆SSystem + ∆SSurrounding
T 1 − T2 T1 − T2
= − ms + ms
T1 T2
1 1
= ms(T1 − T2 )[ − ]
T 2 T1
= (T1 − T2 )2
T1 T2
= + ve
∆SUniverse = + ve
(D) Free expansion of an ideal gas(irreversible): Let, one mole of an ideal gas
expanded freely(against a zero pressure)from volume V1 to V2 . Such a process is both
isothermal and adiabatic.
∆SSystem = Rln
= + Ve
As, V2 > V1
∆SSurrounding = 0
∆SUniverse = + ve
(E) Free mixing of gases (irreversible): When two different gases at same initial
pressure mixup then process is called free mixing. Let, nA moles of A gas and nB moles of
B gas both at same initial pressure P are allowed to mix up freely. Also let, in the mixture
there partial pressures are PA and PB respectively.
Before mixing entropies of A and B were-
∆SSurrounding = 0
∆SUniverse = + ve
At a glance-
Above results indicates that in any reversible process entropy of universe increases. Now all
natural process are spontaneous and hence irreversible. So entropy of the universe is always
increasing. Some times first and second laws are jointly stated as - ”while total energy of
the universe is constant, total entropy of the universe is continuously increasing”
A Carnot’s engine first works between T1 and T. It takes Q heat and gives W1 work.
T1 − T
W1 = Q
= Q(1 − )
The same engine now operates between T2 and T. It takes Q heat and it will gives less W2
T2 − T
W2 = Q
= Q(1 − )
Amount of work that becomes unavailable, = W1 − W2
= Q[1 − −1+ ]
T1 T2
= Q[ − ]
T2 T1
1 1
= TQ[ − ]
T2 T1
In case I entropy of engine at source,
In case II entropy of engine at source,
Excess entropy in case II,
∆S = −
T2 T1
1 1
= Q[ − ]
T2 T1
unavailable work, = T∆S
Since an engine convert 100 percent heat to work at 0K, so at any temperature TK the
amount of unavailable work = (S − S0 )
S is the entropy at TK and, S0 is the entropy at 0K
from 3rd law of thermodynamics we know that S0 = 0 for pure substance in perfectly crys-
talline system. So unavailable work = TS [at TK]
This is called work function;free energy or more accurately Helmholtz’s free energy. It is
symbolized as F or A. So-
F = (U - TS)
F is a state function, perfect differential and extensive property. To understand the clear
meaning of F let us differentiate it-
Now, we know
dQrev. = dU + Wmax.
dS =
Or, dQrev. = TdS,
dU = TdS − Wmax.
Or, dU − TdS = −Wmax.
dF = −Wmax. − SdT
Or, − dFT = Wmax.
Above equation indicates that decrease in work function at constant temperature gives us
maximum obtainable work from the system. A system may change its state in different
path or many paths. As F is a state function so, -dF is same in each path. However work
obtained will be equal to -dF ONLY WHEN THE PATH IS REVERSIBLE.
This is called work function;free energy or more accurately Gibb’s free energy. It is sym-
bolized as G. So-
G = (H - TS)
G is a state function, perfect differential and extensive property. To understand the clear
meaning of G let us differentiate it-
Now, we know
H = U + PV
Or, dH = dU + PdV + VdP
dQrev. = dU + Wmax.
dS =
Or, dQrev. = TdS,
dU = TdS − Wmax.
Now, Wmax. includes all type of reversible work, which may be mechanical, electrical etc.
but PdV is only reversible mechanical work. So, Wmax. − PdV = Wnet. work. Above
equation indicates that decrease in Gibb’s potential at constant pressure and temperature
gives us obtainable net work from the system. A system may change its state in different
path or many paths. As G is a state function so, - dG is same in each path. However work
obtained will be equal to Wmax. ONLY WHEN THE PATH IS REVERSIBLE.
− dFT = − Wmax.
− dGP,T = Wnet.
dQ = dU + PdV
dQrev. = TdS
H = U + PV
Or, dH = dU + PdV + VdP
Or, dH = TdS - PdV + PdV + VdP
F = U - TS
Or, dF = dU - TdS - SdT
Or, dF = TdS - PdV - TdS - SdT
G = H - TS
Or, dG = dH - TdS - SdT
Or, dF = TdS + VdP - TdS - SdT
The equations are considered most important as they have deduced without any precondi-
tion. Hence, they are applicable towards any substance.
So, from equation (1.16),
dF = − PdV − SdT
Or , − = S
dG = VdP − SdT
Or , − = S
So, entropy is the decrease in work function or Gibb’s potential per degree raised in tem-
perature at constant volume or pressure respectively.
G2 = H2 − TS2
G1 = H1 − TS1
G2 − G1 = H2 − H1 − (TS2 − TS1 )
Or, ∆G = ∆H − T(S2 − S1 )
dG2 dG1
Or, ∆G = ∆H − T[−( )P + ( ) ]
dT dT P
Or, ∆G = ∆H + T [G2 − G1 ]P
∆G = ∆H + T [∆G]P (1.18)
Similarly it can be deduced,
∆F = ∆U + T [∆F]V (1.19)
Equation (1.18) and (1.19) are called Gibbs-Helmholtz equation. They have a wide appli-
(A) Gibbs-Helmholtz equation from first principle:
Let us consider a Carnot’s engine working between TK and (T - dT)K. Also let it takes
dQrev. heat from source and gives dWmax. work. Then from Carnot’s cycle-
dWmax. dT
dQrev. T
Or, dQrev. = T (Wmax. )
Again from first law, dQrev. = dU + dWmax.
So, T Wmax. = dU + dWmax.
Or, d(−Wmax. ) = dU + T (−Wmax. )
This is the Gibbs-Helmholtz’s equation from first principle.
(B) Integrated from of Gibbs-Helmholtz’s equation:
Gibbs-Helmholtz’s equation is-
∆G = ∆H + T [∆G]P
∆G ∆H 1 d
= + [∆G]P
T2 T2 T dT
∆G 1 d ∆H
− + [∆G]P = − 2
T2 T dT T
d ∆G ∆H
Or, [ ] = − 2
dT T P T
Z ∆G2 Z T2
= − 2 dT
∆G1 T1 T
Z T2
∆G2 ∆G1 ∆H
− = − 2 dT
T2 T1 T1 T
dS + dS/ = 0
dS + dS/ > 0
dS + dS/ ≥ 0 (1.20)
Let, during the process system absorbed dQ heat from surrounding at TK. Then we can
always write-
dS/ = −
So, equation (1.14) will be, dS − ≥ 0
dQ = dU + PdV
= CV dT + PdV (1.22)
( ) = T
δS V
Differentiating with respect to V at constant S we get-
δ δU δT
( ) = ( )S
δV δS δV
δ2U δT
or, = ( )S
δVδS δV
( ) = −P
δV S
Differentiating with respect to S at constant V we get-
δ δU δP
( ) = −( )V
δS δV δS
δ2U δP
Or, = −( )V
δSδV δS
As U is a perfect differential, so-
δ2U δ2U
δVδS δSδV
And hence,
δT δP
( )S = −( )V
δV δS
We Know that,
dH = TdS + VdP
( ) = T
δS P
Differentiating with respect to P at constant S we get-
δ δH δT
( ) = ( )S
δP δS δP
δ H δT
Or, = ( )S
δPδS δP
( ) = −V
δP S
Differentiating with respect to S at constant P we get-
δ δH δV
( ) = ( )P
δS δP δS
d H δV
Or, = ( )P
δSδP δS
As H is a perfect differential, so-
δ2H δ2H
δPδS δSδP
And hence,
δT δV
( )S = ( )P
δP δS
We know that,
dF = - PdV - SdT
( ) = −P
δV T
Differentiating with respect to T at constant V we get-
δ δF δP
( ) = −( )V
δT δV δT
δ2F δP
Or, = −( )V
δTδV δT
( ) = −S
δT V
Differentiating with respect to V at constant T we get-
δ δF δS
( ) = −( )T
δV δT δV
d2 F δS
or, = ( )T
δVδT δV
δ2F d2 F
δTδV δVδT
And hence,
δP δS
−( )V = −( )T
δT δV
δP δS
OR, ( )V = ( )T
δT δV
We know that,
dG = VdP - SdT
( ) = −V
δP T
Differentiating with respect to T at constant P we get-
δ δG δV
( ) = ( )P
δT δP δT
δ G δV
Or, = −( )P
δTδP δT
( ) = −S
δT P
Differentiating with respect to P at constant T we get-
δ δG δS
( ) = −( )T
δP δT δP
δ2G δS
Or, = ( )T
δPδT δP
As G is a perfect differential, so-
δ2G δ2G
δTδP δPδT
And hence,
δV δS
( ) = −( )T
δT P δP
δT δP
( )S = −( )V (1.25)
δV δS
δT δV
( )S = ( )P (1.26)
δP δS
δP δS
( )V = ( )T (1.27)
δT δV
δV δS
( )P = −( )T (1.28)
δT δP
1.3 Thermochemistry
1.3.1 Concept of thermochemistry
Thermochemistry deals with heat changes associated with various physical and chemical
transformation. The main aim of study in this chapter is the change of heat energy during
various process.
Thermochemical equation: In a typical thermochemical equation we need to use the physi-
cal states of all reactant and products also.
∆H = HProduct − HReactant
= (UP + PVP ) − (UR + PVR )
= (UP − UR ) + (PVP − PVR )
= ∆U + nP RT − nR RT
= ∆U + (nP − nR )RT
= ∆U + ∆nRT
Where, ∆n = Difference in number of moles of gaseous products and reactants.
I) If, ∆n = 0; ∆H = ∆U
II) If, ∆n > 0; ∆H > ∆U
III) If, ∆n < 0; ∆H < ∆U
Sometimes we defined a term standard heat of formation (∆H0f ). It is the heat of formation
when reactants and products are in their standard states. Standard states indicate that
the substance should at one atmosphere pressure (sometimes partial pressure in case of
mixture); temperature may be anything else. However, when no physical state is mentioned
the temperature is considered 298K by convention. It is arbitrarily assumed that elements
will have zero enthalpy in the standard state. Then
1 3
∆H0f (NH3 ) = H0NH − H0N − H0H
3 2 2 2 2
∆H0f (N2 O) = H0N O − H0N − H0O
2 2 2 2
Thus standard heat of formation of a substance becomes equal to its standard enthalpy
of products. These values can be used for comparison. Once these values were used to
calculate and bond dissociation and bond energy.
H+ (aq) + OH− (aq) = H2 O(l)
So, in every case of acid base reaction the enthalpy change (∆H = −13.7 K.Cal) is same.
When either acid or bases are weak or both are week, the value of enthalpy change differ
and this is due to some heat is spent in causing dissociation of weak electrolytes.
I) C(s) + O2 (g) = CO(g); heat change = ∆H1
II) CO(g) + O2 (g) = CO2 (g); heat change = ∆H2
III) C(s) + O2 = CO2 (g); heat change = ∆H3
Initial pressure (P1 )=10 atm and final pressure (P2 ) = 1 atm.
As it is assumed that the gas behaved ideally so at isothermal condition both ∆U
and ∆H is zero.
So the amount of work done in irreversible process is 540 cal and amount of heat
transferred = 540 cal. (w = - q)
Wrev = − nRTln( )
= −1 × 2 × 300 ln ( )
= −1381.5 cal
= −1.38 K. cal One mole of a gas expanded against 2 atm constant pressure from 10 lit to 30 lit.
Calculate the amount of work done. (1 lit-atm = 101.3 J)
Ans. Initial volume (V1 ) = 10 lit and the final volume (V2 ) = 30 lit.
So, work done under 2 atm constant pressure will be = 2 × (30 − 10)lit-atm
= 40 lit-atm
= 40 × 101.3J
= 4052 J
= 4.05 KJ A sample of gas at initial temperature 1000 C expanded from 2 lit to 4 lit in a adi-
abatic reversible manner. Calculate the final temperature when the heat capacity
at constant volume is 5 cal.deg.−1
Initial temperature (T1 )= 1000 C = 373K; Initial volume (V1 )= 2 lit; Final volume
(V2 ) = 4 lit.
(P2 V2 − P1 V1 )
Now in a adiabatic reversible process work done ; =
(γ − 1)
(16 × 3.8 − 4 × 10)
(1.4 − 1)
= 52 lit.-atm.
= 52 × 101.3J
= 5.27 KJ A heat engine operating in reversible cycle between 2270 C and 270 C absorbs 600
cal. of heat from higher temperature reservoir per cycle. Calculate the amount of
heat rejected at lower temperature reservoir, efficiency of the engine and work done
by the engine.
Ans. T2 = 227 + 273 = 500 K; T1 = 27+273 = 300 K; q2 = 600 cal.
Now from carnot engine’s efficiency expression,
(T2 − T1 ) (q1 + q2 )
T2 q2
T1 q
1− = 1+ 1
T2 q2
300 q1
− =
500 600
q1 = −0.6 × 600 cal
= −360 cal
(T2 − T1 )
The efficiency of the engine is (η) =
(500 − 300)
= 0.4 64 gm of oxygen gas is heated from 270 C to 3270 C and the volume of the gas is
doubled. Calculate the molar entropy change. What was the value of molar entropy
change if the same expansion happened at i) constant temperature ii) at constant
volume. (CV = 5 cal. deg.−1 )
Ans. The number of moles of oxygen gas is = 32 = 2 mole.
T2 = 327 + 273 = 600K; T1 = 27 + 273 = 300K
T2 V2
∆S = nCV ln( ) + nRln( )
T1 V1
600 2V
= 2 × 5 × ln( ) + 2 × 2 × ln( )
300 V
= 10 ln(2) + 4 ln(2)
= 6.93 + 2.772
= 9.7 cal.K−1 .mol−1
−1 −1 −1 −1
So molar entropy change =( 9.7
2 ) cal.K .mol . = 4.85 cal.K .mol .
∆ST = nRln( )
= 2 × 2 × ln( )
= 4 ln(2)
= 2.72 cal.K−1 .mol−1
∆SV = nCV ln( )
= 2 × 5 × ln( )
= 10 ln(2)
= 6.93 cal.K−1 .mol−1 At NTP, 5.6 lit of oxygen gas are mixed with 16.8 lit of nitrogen. Calculate the
entropy change and molar entropy change.
Ans. At N.T.P. 5.6 lit ogygen gas contain 22.45.6 = 0.25 moles of oxygen.
Similarly, 16.8 lit nitrogen gas contain 16.8
22.4 = 0.75 moles of nitrogen.
Mole fraction of oxygen = (0.25+0.75) = 0.25.
Mole fraction of nitrogen = (0.25+0.75 = 0.75.
Now entropy change for mixing,
∆S = − nRΣ(Xi lnXi )
= −1 × 2 × (0.25 ln0.25 + 0.75 ln0.75)
= −2 × (−0.35 − 0.22)
= 2 × 0.57
= 1.14 cal.deg.−1 Calculate the change in free energy when 10 moles of an ideal gas is compressed
from 1 atm to 0.1 atm at 270 C
At constant temperature the entropy change (∆ST ) = nRln( )
= 10 × 2 × ln( )
= - 92.1 cal.K−1 .mol−1
Now, ∆G = ∆H − T∆S
At constant temperature, ∆H = 0
So, ∆G = − T∆S
= - (- 300 x 92.1) cal.mol−1
= 27603 cal
= 27.6 K. cal
H2 (g) + O2 (g) = H2 O(l)
when, ∆H0 and ∆S0 is 50 KJ. mol−1 and 70 J K−1 mol−1 respectively.
1.4. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 69 The enthalpy of formation of NH3 (g) at 270 C is -220 KJ mol−1 . Calculate the ∆Hf
at 770 C. The heat capacity of N2 (g), H2 (g) and NH3 (g) is 35 J K−1 mol−1 , 20 J
K−1 mol−1 and 40 JK−1 mol−1 respectively.
Ans. The balanced chemical equation for formation of ammonia will be
40 20
(∆CP ) = ( − 35 − )JK−1 mol−1
2 3
= - 21.33 JK−1 mol−1
Now, ∆H0 (300K) = - 220 KJmol−1
According to Kirchoff’s law ∆H2 = ∆H1 + ∆CP (T2 − T1 )
Or, ∆H350 = ∆H300 + ∆CP (350 − 300)
= - 220000 − (21.33 × 50)
= - 221066 Jmol−1
= - 221.1 KJmol−1 At constant pressure the sum of internal energy and pressure-volume product is
called (June-2014)
a) entropy
b) enthalpy
c) heat supplied
d) none of the above.
Ans. enthalpy. If a system interacts with the surrounding by exchanging energy only, then it is
called as (June-2013)
a) open system
b) closed system
c) isolated system
d) none of these.
Ans. closed system. The sum of internal energy and pressure volume product is called. (Dec-2012)
a) entropy
b) enthalpy
c) heat supplied
d) none of these.
Ans. heat supplied. Entropy of the universe is(Dec-2012)
a) decreasing
b) increasing
c) remaining constant
d) dependent on conditions.
Ans. increasing. Human body is thermodynamically an example of (June-2012)
a) an open system
b) an isolated system
c) a closed system
d)none of these.
Ans. an open system. For a reaction to proceed spontaneously, we must have(June-2012)
a) ∆G < 0
b) ∆G > 0
c) ∆G = 0
d) None of these.
Ans. ∆G < 0. During free mixing, entropy of the surrounding(Dec-2011)
a) remains unchanged
b) increases
c) decreases
d) cannot be predicted.
Ans. unchanged. Which of the following is correct?(June-2011)
a) ( dG )P = - S
b) ( dA )T = P
c) ( dG ) = V d) ( dG )T = V
dT P dT
Ans. ( dG )P = - S.
dT The Joule-Thompson expansion is (June-2011)
a) isoentropic
b) isothermal
c) isoenthalpic
d) isobaric.
Ans. isoenthalpic.
b) open system
c) isolated system
d) none of these.
Ans. open system. In the process of melting ice at -150 C(June-2010)
a) ∆G < 0
b) ∆G = 0
c) ∆G 6= 0
d) ∆G > 0
Ans. ∆G > 0 One mole of an ideal gas expands isothermaly, until its volume is doubled. What
is the change in Gibbs energy ∆G, for the process?(June-2010)
a) Rln 21
b) Rln2
c) RTln 12
d) RTln2.
Ans. RTln 21 . If the enthalpy of reactant is less than that of product then(June-2010)
a) the reaction is exothermic
b) heat is evolved
c) the reaction is endothermic
d) none of these.
Ans. the reaction is endothermic. (a) Define Joule-Thomson coefficient and inversion temperature explaining heating
and cooling condition.
(b) Define free-energy[G] and entropy and write their physical significance.(June-
Cv Define an adiabatic process and show that for a reversible adiabatic process V(T) R
= constant.(June-2011). Prove that maximum work can be obtained from isothermal reversible process.
(b) Prove that adiabatic PV-curve is more steeper than isothermal PV-curve. (a) Prove that for an adiabatic reversible process, PVγ = constant.
b) Show that for an ideal gas Cp − Cv = R , where the notations have their usual
significance.(June-2012). Show that Joule-Thompson effect is an isoenthalpic process. Explain the condition
of heating and cooling.(June-2012). (a) One mole of an ideal gas is allowed to expand against a piston that supports
0.4 atm pressure. The gas expands suddenly from the initial pressure of 10 atm to
final pressure of 0.4 atm. The temperature is kept constant at 00 C. Calculate Q,
∆U, ∆H and W.
(b) Show that the work done in isothermal and reversible process is maximum.
(c) Show that the decrease in Gibb’s free energy at constant temperature and pres-
sure is equal to the total work over and above the mechanical work.
(d) Derive Kirchoff’s equation related to variation of enthalpy change with temper-
ature. (a) What is a Carnot cycle ? Obtain the expression for the efficiency of a reversible
Carnot engine and starting from this expression state an appropriate statement of
the second law of Thermodynamics. (a) Show that the magnitude of the reversible work done is greater that the mag-
nitude of the irreversible work done during isothermal expansion of an ideal gas.
(b) Calculate the work done when one mole of a real gas at 00 C expands adiabati-
cally and reversibly from 1 Lit to 10 Lit. (Given γ = 53 )
(c) State and explain Hess’s law. (d) Calculate the heat of formation of ammonia.
Given : NH3 + 34 O2 → 21 N2 + 32 O2 ; ∆Hc = −90.6 k. cal mole−1
H2 + 12 O2 → H2 O∆Hc = −68.3 k. cal mole−1 Write notes on any three of the following : (b) Clausius-Clayperon equation (a) What is a Carnot cycle ? Obtain the expression for the efficiency of a reversible
Carnot engine and starting from this expression state an appropriate statement of
the second law of themodynamics.
(e) What is inversion temperature? (a) For any adiabatic process prove that TVγ−1 = constant.
(c) Drive Kirchhoff’s equation related variation of enthalpy change with tempera-
α2 VT
Cp − Cv = (Symbols have usual significances ).
β Write short notes on any three of the following : (c) Gibbs-Duhem equation for a
two component system
Chapter 2
2) Moderate reaction: Those reactions which occur in not so fast or not so slow that
is moderate period of time say some minutes to some hours is called moderate reaction.
Examples are-
a) H2 O2 → H2 O + O2
b) CH3 COOC2 H5 + H2 O → CH3 COOH + C2 H5 OH
3) Very slow reaction These reaction occur with a long period of time, say some years
to few years is called very slow reaction. Examples are- rusting of iron
Fe + H2 O2 + CO2 + O2 → Fe(OH)HCO3
2) Reversible reaction: There are some reactions which occur in both direction; that
means reactant converted to product and after certain time product converted to reactant
back. At that time the rate of change in concentration of the reactant will equal to the
rate of change in concentration of the product. In this reaction the concentration of the
reactants and product does not change with time but both forward and backward reaction
occurs in same rate. In this state the reaction is called equilibrium reaction. So equilibrium
reaction is dynamic in nature and not static. If the above chemical reaction occur in a close
2.4. RATE 79
2.4 Rate
Thus rate of a chemical reaction is the ratio of change of concentration (∆C) of either
reactant or product with time (∆t).
So, the rate of reaction can be defined as increased in concentration of product per unit
time or decrease in concentration of reactant per unit time. Hence when we express a
reaction rate with respect to change of concentration of product, we will use a positive sign
as concentration is increasing for product and similarly we will use negative sign for a rate
expression with respect to reactants as the concentration of the reactants decrees with time.
unit of concentration
Thus, unit of rate of reaction =
unit of time
= mol.lit−1 .sec−1
N2 + 3H2 2NH3
So, two molecules of ammonia is formed from one molecule of nitrogen and three molecule
of hydrogen. From this chemical equation we can say that consumption of hydrogen is three
times of nitrogen-
d[H2 ] d[N2 ]
= 3
dt dt
1 d[H2 ] d[N2 ]
3 dt dt
Now as both nitrogen and hydrogen are reactants in this reaction and their concentration
is decreasing with time, we will use a negative sign in their rate expression.
1 d[H2 ] d[N2 ]
− = −
3 dt dt
2.6. RATE LAW 81
On the other hand rate of formation of ammonia is twice the rate of consumption of nitrogen.
d[NH3 ] d[N2 ]
= 2
dt dt
1 d[NH3 ] d[N2 ]
= −
2 dt dt
aA + bB = cC + dD
The rate expression with respect to each substrate will be like this
Let in a chemical reaction, after 5 minutes the concentration of the reactant is 50 ML−1
and after 15 minutes the concentration of the reactant is 30 ML−1 . So, the change in
2.6. RATE LAW 83
aA + bB + cC → products
The experimentally derived rate law can be written as,
Rate = (− ) ∝ CpA CqB CrC
(− ) = k.CpA CqB CrC
Where CA , CB and CC are the concentration of substrate A, B and C respectively at a
time t and k is rate constant of the reaction. Now, if the concentration of all reactants are
unity, i.e; 1 mole.lit−1 , then-
So, rate constant is the rate of a reaction where concentration of al reactants are unity.
Though rate of any reaction depend upon many factor but rate constant depends only on
order of the reaction with respect to A, B and C respectively. The overall order of the
reaction will be expressed as-
order(n) = p + q + r
So overall order of a reaction is the sum of all powers or exponent on the concentrations
term used in a rate expression. Importantly order of a reaction has no relation with the
stoichiometry of the reactants or products of a balanced chemical equation. Order is purely
an experimental fact and it can be zero, any integer, fraction or negative value. Generally
common chemical reactions are zero to third order maximum. Order of a chemical reaction
gives some idea about the reaction mechanism.
Molecularity of a reaction is the sum of the reacting particle take part in the reaction.
Basically the sum of the stoichiometric number of the reactant molecules of a balanced
chemical reaction is called molecularity. It is always a positive integer and never be zero or
fraction. Molecularity do not give any idea about the mechanism of the reaction.
For a chemical reaction like , aA + bB = cC + dD
molecularity = (a + b)
For an elementary reaction order = molecularity but for a complex reaction they differ. For
a multistep reaction, the order of the whole reaction will be the order of the slowest step as
slowest step is the rate determining step.
2HI → H2 + I2
Rate = k[HI]2
For this reaction the order and the molecularity is same.
2N2 O5 → NO2 + O2
Rate = k[N2 O5 ]
For this reaction the order and the molecularity is not same.
− α C0A
Or, − = kC0A (k is the rate constant)
−dCA = kdt
Z C Z t
− = k dt
(C )0 0
−[CA − (CA )0 ] = kt
Or, CA = (CA )0 − kt
(CA )0 − CA
Or, k =
Hence, from the above equation we can say that unit of a zero order rate constant
unit of concentration
= = mol.lit−1 .sec−1
unit of time
If we plot the rate expression in a graph CA vs t, we will get a straight line with a negative
slope (-k) and it will cut y axis at (CA )0 .
As the rate for any zero order reaction does not change with change in the concentration
of reactants so, a plot of reaction rate vs time for zero order reaction will be parallel to X
Half life of a zero order reaction: Half life (t1/2 ) can be defined as the time when then
concentration of a specific substrate of a reaction will be half of it’s initial concentration.
(C )0
So, when t = t1/2 , then CA = A 2
(CA )0
= (CA )0 − kt1/2
(CA )0
kt1/2 = (CA )0 −
(CA )0
t1/2 =
A plot (CA )0 vs t1/2 will give a straight line passing through origin with a slope 1 .
− α CA
− = kCA (k is the rate constant)
= −kdt
Z C Z t
− = k dt
(C )0 CA 0
lnCA − ln(CA )0 = −kt
Or, lnCA = ln(CA )0 − kt
If we plot this rate expression in a graph lnCA vs t, we will get a straight line with a
negative slope (-k) and it will cut y axis at-
ln(CA )0
or, ln A = −kt
(CA )0
= e−kt
(CA )0
CA = (CA )0 e−kt
If we plot this rate expression in a graph CA vs t, we will get an exponential decay graph
and the graph will touch x axis only when the reaction will complete. From the above
equation we can see that only at t =α, CA will be zero or the reaction will complete.
Hence we can say that first order reaction will never complete or will be completed at
infinite time and hence the decay graph line will never meet x-axis. Rate constant:
We derived the first order rate law and from this rate expression first order rate constant
can be derived.
When t = t1/2 ; then, CA = A )0 So, the expression of half life will be
(CA )0
ln = ln(CA )0 − kt1/2
(C )0
Or, kt1/2 = ln(CA )0 − ln A
Or, t1/2 =
Or, t1/2 =
So, from the above equation we can say that half life of a first order reaction is independent
of concentration.
(B)Another expression for first order reaction: Sometimes, the first order rate law
can be expressed in other format where the initial concentration of reactant is ’a mol/litre’
and at any time t, the concentration is (a-x) mol/litre where x is the amount of reactant al-
ready reacted at time t. So, the first order rate law can be written by replacing CA = (a-x)
and (CA )0 = a
ln(a-x) = ln a − kt
Or, kt = ln
1 a
Or, k = ln
t a-x
2A → Product
If this reaction follow a second order rate law, then we can write a rate expression-
− α C2A
where, CA is the concentration of the reactant A at time t.
Or, − = kC2A (k is the rate constant)
− 2 = kdt
Z C Z t
Or, − 2 = k dt
(C )0 C A 0
1 1
Or, − = kt
CA (CA )0
1 1
Or, = + kt
CA (CA )0
If we plot this rate expression in a graph C1 vs t, we will get a straight line graph with a
slope (k) and it will cut y axis at (C 1 ) .
Rate constant:
We derived the second order rate law and from this rate expression second order rate
constant can be derived.
(CA )0 − CA
= kt
CA .(CA )0
1 (CA )0 − CA
Or, k =
t CA .(CA )0
So, unit of rate constant k will be-
unit =
= mol−1 .lit.sec−1
(C )0
So, when t = t1/2 , then CA = A 2
So, the expression of half life will be
2 1
− = kt1/2
(CA )0 (CA )0
Or, = kt1/2
(CA )0
Or, t1/2 =
2.(CA )0
Like the first order rate law, second order rate law can be expressed in other format where
the initial concentration of reactant is ’a mol/litre’ and at any time t, the concentration is
(a-x) mol/litre. Where. x is the amount of reactant already reacted at time t.
So, the first order rate law can be written by replacing CA = (a-x) and (CA )0 = a
1 1
− = kt
a-x a
Or, = kt
1 x
Or, k =
t a(a-x)
(B)Second order reaction (initial species are different) Let us see, another type of
second order reaction:
A + B → Product
The initial concentration of A and B is a and b mol/lit respectively. At any time t, x mol/lit
of each reactant have converted to product. So, at time t, the remaining concentration of
A and B is (a-x) and (b-x) mol/lit respectively. Now with respect to product concentration
(x mol/lit), the second order rate of the above reaction can be written as-
= k(a-x)(b-x)
Or, = kdt
Z x Z t
Or, = k dt
o (a-x)(b-x) o
−1 x 1
Z Z t
Or, [ − ]dx = k dt
a-b o (a-x) (b-x) o
Or, [ln(a-x) − ln(b-x)]x
o = kt
Or, ([ln(a-x) − lna] − [ln(b-x) − lnb]) = kt
1 (a-x) (b-x)
Or, [ln − ln ] = kt
a-b a b
1 b(a-x)
Or, ln = kt
a-b a(b-x)
1 b(a-x)
Or, k = ln
t(a-b) a(b-x)
ln b(a−x)
a(b−x) Vs initial concentration for second order reaction
(− ) = k.CαA CβB CγC
Where CA , CB and CC are the concentration of substrate A, B and C respectively at time
t and k is rate constant of the reaction. Now overall order of the reaction will be
order(n) = α + β + γ
Now if the concentration of any two reactants among the three reactants are so high that
during the course of reaction their concentration change is negligible, then their concen-
tration will not have any effect to the rate of the reaction. Hence the rate will depend
only upon the concentration of one reactant whose concentration change is significant. This
reaction is called pseudo unimolecular reaction. In the above reaction, let us see that the
concentration of B and C is unaltered during the reaction and hence their concentration
change will be considered as unity. So, the above rate expression will look like
(− ) = k.CαA
This is the unimolecular reaction rate expression. If α = 1, then it will be a pseudo
first order reaction. Example: Acid catalysed hydrolysis of ester in aqueous medium and
decomposition of sucrose in acid medium
In both the reaction water is used in large excess and hence it’s concentration change is
negligible. So, these two are pseudo unimolecular reactioN.
Temperature coefficient =
Where, kt and kt+10 is the rate constant of a chemical reaction at t0 C and (t + 10)0 C
respectively. Generally 250 C and 350 C temperature have been selected for this purpose.
Arrhenius proposed an empirical formula that correlates rate constant of a chemical reaction
(k) with temperature at (T) Kelvin also known as Temperature dependent rate equation.
k = A.e−Ea /RT
Where, k is the rate constant of a reaction at T Kelvin; A is a constant called pre-exponential
factor or sometime called frequency factor; Ea is activation energy and R is universal gas
constant. By taking natural logarithm, the above reaction can be written as
lnk = lnA −
k2 Ea 1 1
ln = [ − ]
k1 R T1 T1
From this equation the value of activation energy (Ea ) can be determined.
Ea1 = EX − ER
and , Ea2 = EX − EP
Now, if Ea1 < Ea2 , then the reaction will be exothermic reaction or heat will be released
during reaction. if Ea1 > Ea2 , then the reaction will be endothermic reaction or heat will
be absorbed during reaction.
According to transition state theory, reacting molecules are transformed into interme-
diate high energy state which is called transition state or activated complex. Now to form
activated complex, reacting molecules must approach each other and during this approach
constant continuous changes happens in bond length, bond angle of the reacting molecules
and hence energy level increases.
The activated complex is a loose association of multiple reacting molecules. In activated
complex both the bond breaking and new bond forming happens simultaneously.
The activated complex is unstable as it is highest energy state in the course of total reaction.
Activated complex finally breaks into products.
2.12. CATALYSIS 97
2.12 Catalysis
Some substrate can change the rate of a chemical reaction but they remain unchanged after
the reaction is known as catalyst and the process is known as catalysis. Catalyst take part
in chemical reaction but their chemical composition remain unchanged after the reaction,
sometimes their physical state may be changed. If a catalyst enhance the rate of a reaction,
is known as positive catalyst and if it retards the rate then it is known as negative catalyst.
Positive catalyst: Potassium chlorate(KClO3 ) liberates oxygen on thermal decomposi-
tion but the reaction rate is slow but in presence of manganese dioxide (MnO2 ) the rate
enhances and hence manganese dioxide acts as a positive catalyst in this particular reaction.
Negative catalyst: Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 )is slowed down in pres-
ence of platinum (Pt) or concentrated sulphuric acid and hence platinum or concentrated
sulphuric acid acts as negative catalyst here.
Auto catalyst: If the products of a chemical reaction is act as catalyst an it catalyzed the
reaction the the reaction is called auto catalyzed reaction and the produced compound is
called auto catalyst.
SO2 (g) + O2 (g ) −−−−−→ SO3 (g)
2CO(g) + O2 (g ) −−−−−→ 2CO2 (g)
H2 SO4 (l)
CH3 COOC2 H5 (l) + H2 O(l ) −−−−−−−→ CH3 COOH + C2 H5 OH
2H2 O2 −−−−→ 2H2 O + O2 (g)
SO2 (g) + O2 (g ) −−−−→ SO3 (g)
N2 (g) + 3H2 (g ) −−−−→ NH3 (g)
Step 1 R + C k1 I
Step 2 I −→ P+C
So it is a first order reaction. Rate constant (k)= 2.5 ×10-2 min−1
1.5 ×10
Or, rate constant is 1.66 × 10−2 min−1 A first order reaction is 20% complete in 10 minutes. Calculate the time taken by
the reaction to go to 80% completion.
Ans. The general rate law expression for a first order reaction is CA = CA0 e-kt .
Where CA is the concentration of the reactant at time t and CA0 is the concen-
tration of the reactant at time zero. When the reaction is 20% completed then
80% reactant remain unchanged and hence the concentration of the reactant (CA )
will be 80% of the initial concentration (CA0 );
CA = C
5 A0
SO, C = CA = CA0 e-kt
5 A0
Or, = e-kt
Or, ln( ) = k.10
Or, k = (1/10).ln ( ) = 2.23 × 10−2 min.−1
Now, when the reaction is 80% completed then 20% of the reaction left; which
indicates that (1/5)CA0 reactant left.
So, ( )CA0 = CA0 e-kt
ln ( ) = −k.t
ln 5 = kt
ln 5
Or, t =
(2.23 × CA0 e-kt 10-2
= min = 72 min.
(2.23 × 10−2 ) Show that the reaction time for a first order reaction for 75% conversation is twice
the time for 50% completion.
Let us consider t75 and t50 is the time for 75% and 50% completion of the reaction
respectively. Now, when 75% reaction completed, 25% reaction left and hence the
2.13. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 103 The half life of a first order reaction is 15 minutes. Calculate the rate constant
and the time taken to complete 80% of the reaction.
The half life (t 1 ) expression of a first order reaction is , t 1 = 0.693 ; where k is the
2 2 k
rate constant.
k = min−1
= 4.62 × 10−2 min−1
(Rate constant) When the reaction is 80% completed, 20% of the reaction is left.
Hence, The base catalysed hydrolysis of methyl acetate is 20% completed at 10 minute.
Considering a second order rate law obeying by equimolecular amounts of the es-
ter and base, calculate the half life. Calculate the activation energy of a reaction whose rate constant is doubled when
T is increased from 300 K to 310 K.
The rate of a chemical reaction and temperature is related by the Arrhenius equa-
tion; lnk = lnA − RT Ea , where k is the rate constant, A is frequency factor or
pre-exponential factor, Ea is the activation energy and T is the temperature in
Kelvin. Now, lnk = lnA − Ea Ea
R 300 and ln2k = lnA − R 320 So,
Ea 1 1
ln2k − lnk = ( )[ − ]
R 300 320
Ea 20
Or, ln2 = ( )[ ]
R (300 × 320)
(0.693 × 2 × 300 × 320)
Or, Ea = cal
= 13305.6 cal
= 13.3 The rate constant of a reaction at 300K and 310K are 4.5 × 10−5 sec−1 and 9 ×
10−5 sec−1 respectively. Evaluate the activation energy and the pre-exponential
factor. What is the order of the reaction?
If, rate constant of a reaction is k1 and k2 at T1 and T2 Kelvin, then-
k2 Ea 1 1
ln( ) = ( )[ − ]
k1 R T1 T2
9.0 × 10−5 Ea 1 1
So, ln( −5
) = ( )[ − ]
4.5 × 10 R 300 310
Ea 10
Or, ln2 = ( )[ ]
R 300 × 310
(0.693 × 2 × 300 × 310)
Or, Ea = cal
= 12889.8 cal
= 12.9
Now, ln(4.5 × 10−5 ) = lnA −
Or, lnA = ln(4.5 × 10−5 ) +
= ln(4.5 × 10−5 ) +
(300 × 2)
= 10 + 21.5
= 31.5
Or, A = e31.5
= 4.8 × 1013 A first order reaction completed 50% at 40 minute (270 C) and. At 100 C increased
temperature it take 10 minute to complete 50%. Find out the rate constant at
both temperature and the activation energy.
The time taken for 50% reaction completion is the t 1 of the reaction. So, at 270 C
the t 1 is 40 min. Now, for a first order reaction, t 1 = where, k27 is the rate
2 2 k27
constant at 270 C .
So, k27 =
= min−1
= 1.73 × 10−2 min−1 The half life of a first order reaction is 25 minute. Calculate the rate constant,
fraction of reactant left over after 90 minute and time taken to complete 75% of
the reaction.
The half life of a first order reaction = 25 minute So, rate constant
k =
= minute−1
If, N0 and N are the initial percentage and percentage after 90 minutes then
fraction of reactant left over after 90 minute -
2.303 N0
t = log
k N
2.303 × 25 100
Or, 90 = log
0.693 N
90 × 0.693
Or, = log 100 − log N
2.303 × 25
Or, 1.083 = 2 − log N
Or, − 0.917 = 2 − log N
Or, N = 10−0.917
Or, N = 8.26%
2.303 N0
t = log
k N
2.303 100
Or, t = log
k 25
2.303 × 25
Or, t = log 100 − log 25
Or, t = 83.08(2 − 1.397)
Or, t = 83.08(0.602)
Or, t = 50.01 minutes The activation energy for a chemical reaction is 120KJ.mol−1 . At 300K, the rate
constant is 10mol−1 .lit.sec−1 . What is the value of rate constant at 400K?
According to Arrhenius equation, lnk = lnA − RT Ea ; where k is the rate constant,
A is pre-exponential factor, Ea is the activation energy and T is the temperature
2.13. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 107 The half life of given reaction is doubled when the initial concentration is doubled.
What is the order of a reaction.
For an nth order reaction the relationship between half life(t 1 ) and the initial con-
centration (CA0 ) of reactant is given by- t 1 = (C )(n−1) where K is a constant.
If initial concentration is doubled then,
2t 1 =
2 [2CA0 ](n−1)
2t 1 [2C ](n−1)
2 A 0
Or, =
t1 K
2 [C (n−1)
A0 ]
Or, 2 = [ ](n−1)
Or, 2(1 − n) = 2
Or, 1 − n = 1
Or, n = 0 In a second order reaction, the initial concentration of the reactant is 2 moles.lit−1 .
The reaction is found to 20% complete at 40 min, Calculate the rate constant of
the reaction, half life and the time required to 80% complete.
The general rate expression of a second order reaction is
1 1
− = kt
C A C A0
where CA is the concentration of the reactant at time t and CA0 is the concen-
tration of the reactant at time zero and k is the rate constant. After 40 mins. the
So, the rate constant of the reaction is 2 × 10−3 mole−1 .lit.min−1 . Half life t 1 of a
second order reaction
Or, t 1 = min = 250 min.
2 2 × 2 × 10−3
So, the half life of the reaction is 250 min. The time to complete 80% of the
80% complete; hence 20% is incomplete. So, CA=20%CA0=(1/5) CA0
1 1
1 C A0 − = kt80
C A0
5 1
Or, − = kt80
C A0 C A0
Or, = kt80
C A0
Or, 80t = min.
2 × 2 × 10−3
= 1000 min.
So, the rate constant of the reaction is 2 × 10−3 mole−1 .lit.min−1 . Half life t 1 of a
second order reaction
Or, t 1 = min. = 250 min.
2 2 × 2 × 10−3
2.13. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 109 For a reaction 2A+B → Product, it was found that doubling the concentration
of both reactant increases the reaction rate by sixteen fold. But on doubling the
concentration of B alone, the reaction rate increases by four fold. What is the
order of the reaction with respect to A?
Let us consider, the order of the reaction with respect to A and B is m and n
respectively. So, we can write The half life of a first order reaction is 20 minutes. The time required for 75%
completion of the reaction is(June-2014)
a) 30 minutes b) 40 minutes c) 50 minutes d) 60 minutes.
Ans.d) 60 minutes For a reaction A−→B, both change in enthalpy (∆H ) and change in entropy (∆S
) are positive. The most favourable condition for the reaction is (Dec-2011)
a) low pressure b) high pressure c) low temperature d) high temperature.
Ans.d) high temperature. If infinite time is required for completion of a chemical reaction, then order of the
reaction is
a) zero b) first c) second d) third.
Ans.b) first The minimum amount of energy possessed by the reacting molecules to produce
effective collisions is called
a) threshold energy b) internal energy c) activation energy d) kinetic energy.
Ans.c) activation energy The half-life period of a reaction is found to be directly proportional to the initial
concentration. The order of the reaction is( Dec-2010)
a) zero b) one c) two d) three.
Ans.a) zero If the rate of a reaction becomes twice for every 100 C rise in temperature, by what
factor does the rate of the reaction increase when temperature is raised from 300 C
to 800 C ?
a) 16 b) 32 c) 64 d) 128.
Ans.b) 32 The half-life period of a reaction is found to be directly proportional to the intial
concentration. The order of reaction(June-2010) is
a) zero b) one c) two d) three.
Ans.a) zero The dimension of rate constant of a second order rate equation is (June-2012)
a) mole litres−1 b) molelitres−1 s−1 c)mole−1 litress−1 d) mole−1 litres−1 .
Ans.mole−1 litress−1 (a)Write down the Arrhenius equation for the temperature dependence of specific
rate and explain the term used. (b)What is the unit of frrquency factor for a first
order reaction? (c) Plot k vs 1/T and explain the significance of the slope of the
plot. (June-2013) State and explain Arrhenius equation. What is the significance of activation en-
ergy ? How can it be determined ? 2 + 2 + 1(June-2013) (a)What is pseudo-unimolecular reaction ? Give one example. (b) Deduce the ex-
pression for the rate constant of a first order reaction. Show that half-life period
of a first order reaction is independent of the initial concentration.2 + 3(June-2012) (a) State the difference between order and molecularity of a reaction.(b) A first
order reactionhas rate constant equal to 1.25 × 10−4 sec−1 at 298 K and 8.5 ×
10−4 sec−1 at 318 K. Calculate the activation energy of the reaction. (c) State the
assumption of collision theory reaction rate. 3+4+4(June-2014) What are the basic postulates of transition state theory ? 3( June-2013) (a) What do you mean by the activation energy of a reaction ? How does the rate
constant of a chemical reaction depend on the temperature ? (b) Calculate the
activation energy of a reaction whose rate constant is doubled when temperature is
increased from 200 K to 300 K.(c) Show the influence of a positive catalyst on the
activation energy of a reaction in the energy profile diagram. 3 + 4 + 3(Dec-2012)
112 CHAPTER 2. CHEMICAL KINETICS Write notes on any three of the following :(f) Order and Molecularity of the reac-
tion. Write down Arrhenius equation for the activation energy of a reaction. Plot lnk
vs 1/T and write the significance of the slope. 3(June-2012) Write notes on any three of the following : (f) Homogenous catalyst. 5(Dec-2011) Deduce the expression for the rate constant of a second order reaction where the
initial concentrations of the two reactants are same. 5 (b) Write down Arrhenius equation for the temperature dependence of specific
rate and explain the terms used. 5( June-2011) (c) What is meant by pseudo-first order reaction ? Show how can you arrive at
the rate equation for a pseudo first-order reaction as a special case of second-order
reaction kinetics. 2+3 (a) Distinguish between Order and Molecularity. (b) A first order reaction is never
complete. Justify. (c) What is activation energy ? Write down its physical sig-
nificance. (d) Write the main features of Transition State theory.(e) Write down
Arrhenius equation for the temperature dependent on specific rate. Plot log K
vs 1/T and explain the significance of the slope of the plot. 2 + 3 + 3 + 4 +
3(Dec-2010) Consider a 1st order reaction A → B, where A is reactant and B is product. As-
suming a is the initial concentration of the reactant and x is the concentration of
the product after time t, show that half-life decomposition period of the reaction
is independent of a. 4 State the differences between molecularity and order of a chemical reaction.3 The half-life period of the decomposition of a compound is 5 min. If the initial
concentration is halved, the halflife period is reduced to 25 min. Find the order
of reaction. 4
Chapter 3
Solid compounds have different characteristic in shape and size from liquid or gas. Solids are
rigid, malleable, incompressible due to the absence of translational and rotational motion
of the atoms, molecules and ions.They have definite malting point. On heating, the kinetic
energy of the constituent starts vibrate on the equilibrium or mean position and after
a certain limit the vibration energy becomes more than the binding energy among the
constituents, as a result the solids get melt. The melting point of ionic solids are higher
than amorphous solids due to strong electrostatic force of attraction among the opposite
ions in case of ionic solids. So solids are generally two types-
1) Crystalline solid
2) Amorphous solid
1) Crystalline solid:The main criteria of a solid to be crystalline is, ion constituents are
arranged in a regular three dimension fashion to get a particular geometry. It have sharp
melting point and called anisotropic solid. But, due to presence of thermal vibration of
the constituent in the crystalline solid the arrangement pattern of the constituent is seldom
perfect. Due to presence of thermal vibration of the constituents, some impurities and
defects in crystalline solid influence different chemical properties of solids.
2) Amorphous solid: An amorphous solid is any noncrystalline solid in which the atoms
and molecules are not organized in a definite lattice pattern. Such solids include glass,
plastic, and gel. An amorphous does not have a definite geometric or crystalline shape. It
is a solid in which there is no long-term order in the positions of the atoms. Most classes of
solid materials can be found or prepared in an amorphous form. Solids and liquids are both
forms of condensed matter; both are composed of atoms in close proximity to each other.
Vacancy defect Interstitial defect: The interstitial defect in crystal occurs due to missing of
constituent atoms or molecules from their intrinsic/own crystal point and shifted to inter-
stitial position in the crystal lattice.
The void space present in between the crystal points in the crystal is called interstitial po-
sition. As some extra constituent atoms or molecules are present in the interstitial position
in the crystal the density of solid increases due to such type of interstitial defect.
Interstitial defect
The above all defects are found in case of non-ionic crystalline solid.
Presence of stoichiometric defects in ionic crystal but electrical neutrality is present are
mainly two types-
i) Schottky defect
ii) Frenkel defect Schottky defect:This type of crystal defect was discovered by German scien-
tist Schottky in 1930. This is basically vacancy defect and it is found mainly in MX type
(as NaCl) of ionic crystal. If any number of cations are missing from the cationic point and
to maintain the electrical neutrality same number of anions are missing from the anionic
point in ionic crystal lattice, then Schottky defect arises. The missing ion pairs are found
on the crystal surface. Such type of missing of pair of opposite ions create holes in crystal
The electrical neutrality as well as stoichiometric ratio is maintained in such type of defect.
Due to missing of ion pairs from the crystal lattice (actually present at the outer surface of
the crystal) the density of Schottky defected crystal always less than the ideal crystal.
The schottky defect is found in those ionic crystals which have-
i) High coordination number ii) size of cation and anion are approximately same. Examples:
NaCl, KCl, CsCl, KBr etc.
Schottky defect
The number of schottky defect (NS ) present per cc is given by-
NS = N × e 2KT
Frenkel defect
/ 1 −
NF = (NN ) × e 2KT2
one end to another end as a result the electricity is conducted throughout the crystal.
ii) The dielectric constant of the crystal increases as in Frenkel defect the cation occupy the
interstitial site causing closeness of similar charge.
Difference between Schottky defect and Frenkel defect defect:The point defect in ionic crystal is due to i) the
change in stoichiometric ratio from their normal crystal geometry or ii) the ratio of cation
and anion in the crystal is differ from the ratio directed by the chemical formula of the
compound is called non-stoichiometric defects.
Due to such defect though there is difference in the number of cation and the anion but the
crystal carry electrical neutrality. Some times this type of compound is called Barthollied
(by the name of scientist Barthollet) compound. Examples:
Non-stoichiometric defects is found in ionic crystal due to excess or deficiency of metal ions.
Non-stoichiometric defects are two types-
1) Metal excess defects
2) Metal deficiency defects
1) Metal excess defect: The metal excess defect arises due to two following: Anion vacancies or F centers: When any constituent anion is missing
from its own lattice point of an ionic crystal and to maintain the electrical neutrality the
vacancy of the lattice point is filled up by an electron then the defect is called anion vacancy
or F center.
M + X− → M+ X− + e−
Anion vacancy also called F-center because F is taken from the German word Fabre which
means colour. These F-center are associated with the colour of the compound and the
intensity of the colour increases with greater f-center. F-center crystals are paramagnetic in
nature due to presence of unpaired electron in the vacant site. When any light fall on the
F-center it absorb light energy and the electron promoted from valence band to conduction
band becomes photo conductors actually it is n-type semiconductor. Again, any heat fall
on the F-center it absorb heat energy and it becomes thermal conductor.
Question: The colour of NaCl is white, it becomes yellow when heated with Na
vapour. Why?
The metal Na atom get deposited on the surface of the NaCl crystal . The Cl− ions now
move into the surface and combine with metal atom form NaCl leaving e− as-
The electron in the F-center absorb light fallen on it and get excited. During transition of
electron from higher level to the ground level it radiate energy and we see the complemen-
tary yellow colour.
Question: The colour of KCl is white, it becomes lilac when heated. Why?
Excess cation occupying interstitial sites. Sometimes the constituent anion converted
to gas by leaving electron and the electron occupy the interstitial site of the crystal. These
type of formation of gas by constituent anion and hence excess of cation which occupy the
interstitial site of the crystal causing the constituent cation excess in the crystal is called
metal excess defect. In this case the electrical neutrality of the crystal is maintained also.
From the figure it is clear that though the crystal is electrically neutral, there is number
of cation less than anion. Such type of metal deficiency defect(due to cation vacancy) is
found in those ionic crystal which have different oxidation state. Examples are FeO, NiO,
FeS etc.
From the figure it is clear that though the crystal is electrically neutral, there is number
of cation less than anion. Such type of metal deficiency defect(due to cation vacancy) is
found in those ionic crystal which have different oxidation state. Examples are FeO, NiO,
FeS etc.
Extra anion in the interstitial site In such type of metal deficiency defect extra anions
or negative charges occupy in the interstitial site and to maintain the electrical neutrality
the nearest neighbour cation reached to higher oxidation state by gaining excess positive
charge then the defect is called metal deficiency defect. Normally, due to large size of anion
or negatively charged ion, it is very difficult to fit them in the interstitial site in ionic crystal.
From the figure it is clear that though the crystal is electrically neutral, there is number
of cation less than anion. Such type of metal deficiency defect(due to cation vacancy) is
found in those ionic crystal which have different oxidation state. There is no example of
such compound.
Importance of Metal deficiency defects:
i) Due to absence of cation in the crystal or cation vacancy provide positive hole. Due
to presence of these holes an electron may be transferred in a particular direction in the
structure at the same time the positive hole migrate to the opposite direction of the electron
flow produce p-type semiconductor.
ii) Due to absence of cation on the surface or cation vacancy provide the characteristic to
3.4 Doping
The process by which small amount of foreign materials are introduced in pure crystal as
impurities to brings defect in crystal called doping.
The small amount of foreign materials are called substitutional impurity which (atoms or
ions) are introduced in pure crystal and they replace the atoms or ions from their lattice
point the foreign impurities .
On the other hand the impurity (atoms or ions) which occupy the interstitial site in crys-
tal, are called interstitial impurity and the solid crystal is called interstitial solid solution.
Examples are:
i) Na+ ion is replaced by Sr+2 if small amount of SrCl2 is added in molten NaCl is and
allowed to crystallization. In this case to get electrical neutrality each two Na+ ion is re-
placed by one Sr+2 ion from the crystal. In the crystal one Sr+2 ion occupy the lattice
point of one Na+ ion and lattice point for other Na+ ion is vacant. So cation vacancy in
the crystal is equal to the doped Sr+2 ion.
ii)Ag+ ion is replace by Cd+2 if small amount of CdCl2 is added in molten AgCl is and
allowed to crystallization. In this case to get electrical neutrality each two Ag+ ion is re-
placed by one Cd+2 ion from the crystal. In the crystal one Cd+2 ion occupy the lattice
point of one Ag+ ion and lattice point for other Ag+ ion is vacant.So cation vacancy in the
crystal is equal to the doped Cd+2 ion.
Electrical property of solid: On the basis of electrical conduction solid can be divided
in to three category-
i) Conductors
ii) Semiconductors and
iii) Insulator
i) Conductors: The solid materials through which electricity can pass easily are called
conductors. Metals are very good conductor of electricity. Silver metal is the best con-
ductor among the metals. The free electrons present in the metal are responsible for the
conduction. For this reason metals are also called electronic conductor. Copper(Cu), Alu-
minium(Al), Platinum(Pt), Gold(Au) etc.areexamples of conducting materials. The normal
value of electrical conduction of the metals are in the order of 108 ohm−1 .m−1 .
ii) Semiconductors:The solid materials through which electricity do not pass easily are
called semiconductors. Their electrical conducting power in between good conductors and
insulator. These materials are called semiconductor. Germanium(Ge), Silicon(Si) met-
als and some other metal oxides like Cu2 O, CuO, Fe2 O3 , FeO and Cr2 O3 are examples
of semiconductors. The normal value of conductivity of semiconductors are in the order
104 ohm−1 .m−1 .
iii) Insulator: The solid materials through which electricity do not pass are called insu-
lator. Their electrical conducting power is really zero. Wood, bricks, some plastics, rubber
and Mica etc. are examples of insulators. The normal value of conductivity of insulators
are less than 10−20 ohm−1 .m−1 .
Band theory: Metals are usually crystalline with common coordination number twelve
(12). Actually the metals atoms are linked by a special type of bonds known as metallic
bond. In metal the atoms loose the valence shell electrons and become positive charge. The
released electrons are not bound up with any particular metal ion, means the matrix of
positive ions remains embedded in a sea of mobile electrons. The band theory explains the
position of these mobile electrons and the process of electrical conduction. In crystal, when
they occupy a definite positions, the electrons are subjected to a non-uniform electric field.
The electrons may now take position in the band.The band however non-continuous, but
separated by forbidden zones.
In metals, due to high coordination number, valence shell electrons are not sufficient for
pairing with all surrounding atoms to form covalent bonding. Hence, the lower bands are
filled up first but the upper band are farthest from from the nucleolus and they are empty
or partially filled due to insufficient electrons. The lower energy band is called valence band
3.4. DOPING 125
and the upper energy band is called conduction band. The metallic bond structure can be
explain by the help of molecular orbital theory. In case of metallic compound molecular
theory is called band theory. According to molecular orbital theory, two molecular orbital
are formed by the combination of two atomic orbital. Out of these two molecular orbital
the energy of one orbital is lower than the energy of each atomic orbital, which is called
bonding molecular orbital. The other molecular orbital have higher energy than the atomic
orbital and called antibonding molecular orbital.
The electrical conduction in metals will takes place when the valence shell is partly full,
or the valence and conduction bands are overlap. In case of valence shell is completely
filled and there is overlap between valence band and conduction band on application of a
potential, the valence band electron will not move and acceptance of electrons will also be
forbidden. In such case the partially filled or unfilled electrons in the conduction band may
shift to a slightly higher level in the same band. Thus there becomes a possibility of the
transfer of electrons from one atom to another atom, which will lead to electrical conduction.
Metals are good conductor electricity and the electrical conduction of the metals are in the
order of 108 ohm−1 .m−1 .
In case of insulator every atoms is covalently linked with the nearest surrounding atoms and
hence the valence band is completely filled and perturbation within the band are imposable
with an appreciable difference in energy gap (band gap) between the valence and conduction
Electrons therefore cannot be promoted and if very high electrical potential be applied
there will be rupture of the crystal instead of conduction. The normal value of conductivity
are in the order 10−22 ohm− .m− .
In case of semiconductor a small amount of electric current can flow at room temperature
and the normal value of conductivity of semiconductors are in the order 102 to10−9 ohm−1 .m−1 .
With rise in temperature the electrical conduction of semiconductor increases due to tran-
sition of electron from valence band to the conduction band.
3.5 Semiconductor
Semi-conductors are solid metal having electrical conducting power in between metal con-
ductors and insulator.
conduction without any external materials called intrinsic semiconductor. This type of con-
duction is called intrinsic conduction as it can be introduced in the crystal with out adding
any external materials. Conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors being very low, they have
no practical use. However their conductivity can be increased by adding an appropriate
amount of impurity.
3.6.1. n-type semiconductor: Here n stands for negative. n-type semiconductors are
obtained due to metal excess defect or by adding trace amount of group 15 elements
[like phosphorous(P), Arsenic(As), Antimony(Sb)] having electronic configuration
ns2 np3 to extremely pure silicon or germanium by doping. The valency of Germa-
nium(Ge), Silicon(Si) is 4. Each Germanium(Ge), Silicon(Si) atom in the crystal is
attached with 4 atom of respective metal by 4 covalent bond. When an element of
group 15 (let As) is added to germanium (group 14) crystal, keeping the same crys-
tal structure, some of the atoms of germanium are replaced by arsenic. In such case
four electrons out of 5 valence electrons of impurity element (let P) is used in form-
ing covalent bonds to 4 atoms of germanium while the fifth electrons remains unused.
This extra electron can serve to conduct electricity as in case of metals. Here group
15 element (P, As, Sb, Bi) is called donor. As a result germanium containing im-
purities of arsenic, it is arsenic doped germanium which exhibit fairly high electrical
conductivity. Silicon doped with a group 15 element (P, As, Sb, Bi) is called an
n-type semiconductor. Here n standing for negative since electrons are used for the
conduction of electricity.
3.6.2. p-type semiconductor: Here p stands for positive. p-type semiconductors are ob-
tained due to metal deficiency defect or by doping with impurity atoms containing
less electron (element of group 13) than the parent insulator to the lattice of an in-
sulator. On adding trace amount of group 13 elements [like boron(B), gallium(Ga)
or indium(In)] having electronic configuration ns2 np1 to extremely pure Silicon or
germanium by doping. The valency of Germanium(Ge), Silicon(Si) is 4. Each Ger-
manium(Ge), Silicon(Si)atom in the crystal is attached with 4 atom of respective
metal by 4 covalent bond. When an element of group 13 (let In) is used in forming
covalent bonds to 3 atoms of germanium while there is a short of electron to form
4th bond to the neighbour germanium indium atoms are not able to fully satisfy the
tetra valency of germanium because they have one electron less than germanium.
Hence some of the sites which were normally occupied by the electrons, will be left un-
occupied. This gives rise to electron vacancies, commonly known as positive holes, because
the net charge at these site is positive. On application of the electric field, electrons from
adjacent sites move into the positive holes resulting in the formation of new positive holes
and thus this phenomenon continues and current is carried through out the crystal lattice.
Here group 13 element (B, Al, Ga, In) is called acceptor. Thus doping of germanium crystal
with boron, indium and Gallium increase the conductivity of germanium. Since the current
in this case is carried due to the migration of positive holes, this type of conduction is called
p-type semiconductor..
Difference between p-type and n-type semiconductor:
p-type semiconductor n-type semiconductor
1. These are the intrinsic 1. These are the intrinsic
semiconductors which or pure crystalline which
have been doped by a have been doped by a
trivalent element like Boron trivalent element like arsenic
2. In these semiconductors, 2. In these semiconductors,
conduction is mostly conduction is mostly
by transfer of positive hole by transfer of free electrons
3. Such type of 3. Such type of
semiconductors is produced semiconductors is produced
due to metal deficiency defect due to metal excess defect
4. In these semiconductors, 4. In these semiconductors,
there is excess of electrons 4. there is excess of holes
5. In these semiconductors, conduction 5. In these semiconductors, conduction
is due to positive electric charge is due to negative electric charge
6. In these semiconductors, conduction 6. In these semiconductors, conduction
is increase with rise in temperature is increase with rise in temperature
n-p-type semiconductor.
Ans.b) n-type semiconductor F-centers are found in some crystals due to a) electron trapped in cation vacancy
b) electron trapped in anion vacancy c) presence of interstitial cation d) none of
Ans.b) electron trapped in anion vacancy Which of the following metal containing compounds can show metal deficiency
defects ?
a) Sodium b) Silver c) Calcium d) Copper.
Ans.a) Sodium ZnO is white when cold and yellow when hot, because of
a) charge transfer b) d-d transfer c) metal excess defect d) none of these.
Ans.c) metal excess defect ZnO is white when cold and yellow when hot. This is due to (Dec-2010)
a) charge transfer b) d-d transition c) metal excess defect d) Schottky defect.
Ans.c) metal excess defect The electrons trapped in anion vacancies in metal excess defects are known as
a) valence electrons b) F-centres c) mobile electrons d) trapped electrons.
Ans. F-centres Explain why the colour of ZnO is white when hot and yellow when cold. 3+2
(June-2014) Why does NaCl when heated in presence of Na vapour turn yellow ? 3 + 3(June-
2013) Distinguish between p-type and n-type semiconductors. Give two important kinds
of example of semiconductors. 5(Dec-2012) Differentiate between Schottky and Frenkel defects with the help of diagram. 5 What are the differences between p-type and n-type semiconductors ? 3(June-
4.2 Conductance
According to Ohm’s law, resistance (R) of any conductor is directly proportional to its
length (l) and inversely proportional to its area of cross section (a). Ohm’s law can be
expressed as:
R = ρ
; where is specific resistance or resistivity. When l=1 cm and a=1 cm2 then ρ will be equal
to R. Hence specific resistance or resistivity of a conductor can be defined as the resistance
of the conductor having 1 cm length and 1 cm2 area of cross section.
Unit of resistance is ”ohm” and unit of specific resistance can be determined as:
R = ρ
or, ρ = R
(Λ) = κV
(as l = 1 cm2 )
Now, say Ceq gm-equivalent dissolved in 1000 cc of solution
So, 1 gm-equivalent will be present in
cc solution.
(Λ) =
Unit of equivalent conductance =−1 × .
= mho.cm2 .gm-equivalent−1
(Λm ) = κV
cc solution.
(Λ) =
Unit of molar conductance =−1 × .
= mho.cm2 .gm-mole−1
Now, equivalent weight of the electrolyte is; E =
C gm equivalent equivalent =
= m
W × pq
Now, equivalent conductance = Λ =
M gram mole × pq
Λm = Λ × pq
where Λ0T and Λ0 0 are the equivalent conductance at T0 C and 250 C respectively; α is
25 C
the temperature coefficient.
Conductance of an electrolyte depends on the number of ions present in the solution and the
speed of the ions which is known as ionic mobility. As strong electrolyte already completely
dissociated in solution hence number of ions do not changes with dilution. Therefore, the
conductance of a strong electrolyte depends upon only the ionic mobility of the ions present
in solution. In a concentrated solution, the density of ions are high as the the attraction
between ions are high. According to Debye and Huckel, at high concentration a particu-
lar type of ion is surrounded by the opposite charged ions and thus a ionic cloud is being
created. A cationic cloud formed on an anion and vice versa. These ionic clouds are gen-
erally spherical when no electric fields is present. But in presence of an external electrical
field these ionic spheres get distorted. As the extend of ionic cloud distortion increases
the the ionic mobility decreases. This is commonly known as relaxation effect. As dilution
increases, the extend of this distortion decreases or the attraction between ions decreases;
as a result the ionic mobility or the conductance of the solution increases. With increase
in concentration, the equivalent conductance of any electrolyte decreases but the pattern
of the graph is different for strong and weak electrolyte. Conductance generally depends
upon the number of ions and speed of ions (ionic mobility).
Strong electrolytes are completely dissociated in solution and hence decrease in concentra-
tion or increase in dilution will increase the ionic mobility only. Hence the with dilution
equivalent conductance will increase slightly in a regular straight line. At infinite dilution
this value will reach at its maximum which is termed as limiting equivalent conductance
(Λ0 ). Example of strong electrolytes are NaCl, KCl, K2 SO4 ,HCl, H2 SO4 , HNO3 , NaOH,
KOH etc.
where b is a constant and its value depends upon stoichiometry of the electrolyte of interest,
c is the concentration of the electrolyte in gm-eqv./L.
Weak electrolytes are partially dissociated in solution and hence with increase in dilution
or decrease in concentration both the dissociation of electrolytes and the number of ions
increases. These two combine effect increases equivalent conductance exponentially and
becomes almost equal parrallel to y-axis.
when equivalent conductance reaches maximum at almost complete dissociation, i.e.; disso-
ciation constant (α) is close to unity. α can be expressed as a ratio of equivalent conductance
at a certain concentration of a electrolyte(Λ) with equivalent conductance at infinite dilu-
tion Λ0 of same electrolyte.
I+ ∝ u+ c+ z+
I− ∝ u− c− z−
u+ c+ z+
t+ =
(u+ c+ z+ ) + (u− c− z− )
u− c− z−
t− =
(u+ c+ z+ ) + (u− c− z− )
t+ =
(u+ ) + (u− )
t− =
(u+ ) + (u− )
Let us consider at infinite dilution the ionic conductance of cation is λc and ionic conduc-
tance of anion is λa . Now as ionic conductance varies directly proportional to speed of that
particular type of ion-
u+ ∝ λc and u− ∝ λa
λc λa
t+ = and t− =
(λc + λa ) (λc + λa )
λc λa
or, t+ = and t− =
Λ0 Λ0
So, transport number of a particular type of ion can be expressed as fraction of conductance
at infinite dilution offered by that particular type of ion.
Hydroxyl ion are getting transported in similar manner. The major difference is that in
proton transfer proton transported from hydroxonium ion to water molecule but in case for
hydroxide ion transport proton transported from water to adjacent hydroxide ion.
Λ0 = nc λ0c + na λ0a
; where nc and na are number of cation and anion respectively. Thus according to this law
the equivalent conductance of Λ0 Ca (PO ) at infine dilution will be
3 42
Λ0(PhCOONa) = Λ0 + + Λ0
Λ0( NaCl) = Λ0 + + Λ0 −
Na Cl
0 0
Λ (HCl) = Λ + + Λ −0
H Cl
0 0 0 0
Λ (PhCOONa) + Λ (HCl) − Λ (NaCl) = Λ + + Λ0 + Λ0 + + Λ0 − − Λ0 + − Λ0 −
Na PhCOO− H Cl Na Cl
= Λ 0 0
+Λ +
= Λ (PhCOOH)
Conductance is being measured in this type of titration method, a graph is generally plot-
ted (conductance vs titrant) and from graph we generally determine the equivalent point of
the titration. No indicator needed in these type of titrations; the plotted graph itself will
indicate the end point of the reaction. Depending upon the dissociation in aqueous solution
and ionic mobility, the nature of different conductometric titration graph can be predicted.
Generally an acid is being titrated against a base
An example of a strong acid and strong base are HCl and NaOH respectively as they
dissociate completely in aqueous medium. Generally an acid is being titrated against a
base and hence acid solution is taken in a beaker and the base is taken in burette. As the
acid is a strong acid it will dissociate into H+ and OH− ion completely and hence number of
ions will be maximum in the solution. Furthermore as H+ ion has very large ionic mobility
and hence ionic conductance, the solution will show high conductance.
Now as we add base drop by drop from burette, acid-base reaction will take place. As the
base is strong one also, it will also dissociate into Na+ and OH− ion completely. During the
acid-base reaction, the OH− ion will consume H+ to form water. So, we can say as drops
of NaOH will be added, H+ ion will be consumed by OH− and Na+ ion will be added in
solution. So, we can say that as titration will proceed each Na+ is being replaced by Na+ .
Now ionic conductance of Na+ is less compared to H+ and hence conductance will decrease
as the titration will proceed.
After reaching equivalent point when all the H+ ion is consumed, additional addition of
NaOH will simply add more Na+ and OH− in solution and hence conductance will increase
again. If will plot a conductance vs drops of base, we will get a graph like this. Now in first
half the decrease of conductance is due to removal of H+ and in second half of the graph
the increase of graph is due to addition of OH− . As ionic conductance of H+ is higher than
OH− , the rate of decrease will be more faster than the rate of increase or the decrease line
will be much more steeper than the increase line.
As the base is strong one also, it will also dissociate into Na+ and OH− ion completely.
During the acid-base reaction, the OH− ion will consume H+ to form water. So, we can
say by addition of few drops of base at first conductance will decrease slightly. Now as we
move further wilh addition of more drops of base, all H+ will be consumed and hence the
dissociation of the weak acid will increase which will be reflected by gradual increase in
conductance value.
Beyond the equivalent point when all the H+ ion is consumed, additional addition of
NaOH will simply add more Na+ and OH− in solution and hence conductance will increase
again sharply. If will plot a conductance vs drops of base, we will get a graph like this.
Now in first half the increase of conductance is due to more dissociation of acetic acid and
in second half of the graph the increase of graph is due to addition of OH− .
An example of a strong acid and weak base are HCl and NH4 OH respectively. As the acid
is a strong acid it will dissociate into H+ and OH− ion completely and hence number of
ions will be maximum in the solution. Furthermore as H+ ion has very large ionic mobility
and hence ionic conductance, the solution will show high conductance.
Now as we add base drop by drop from burette, acid-base reaction will take place. During
the acid-base reaction, the OH− ion will consume H+ to form water. So, we can say as
drops of NH4 OH will be added, H+ ion will be consumed by OH− and NH+ 4 ion will be
added in solution. So, we can say that as titration will proceed each Na+ is being replaced
by NH+ + +
4 . Now ionic conductance of NH4 is less compared to H and hence conductance
will decrease as the titration will proceed.
After reaching equivalent point when all the H+ ion is consumed, additional addition of
NH4 OH will have no effect. This is due to the fact that NH4 OH will not dissociated fur-
ther as it is weak base and due to common ion effect. So, the conductance value will be
unchanged or we will get a parallel line to X-axis.
H+ + Cl− + (NH+ + + −
4 + OH ) = NH4 + Cl + H2 O
An example of a weak acid and strong base are CH3 COOH and NH4 OH respectively. As
the acid is a weak acid it will dissociate partially into H+ and CH3 COO− ions and hence
number of ions will be few in the solution and hence the solution will show low conductance
Now, as we add few drops of base from burette, acid-base reaction will take place. During
the acid-base reaction, the OH− ion will consume H+ to form water. So, we can say by addi-
tion of few drops of base at first conductance will decrease slightly. Now as we move further
with addition of more drops of base, all H+ will be consumed and hence the dissociation of
the weak acid will increase which will be reflected by gradual increase in conductance value.
After reaching equivalent point when all the H+ ion is consumed, additional addition
of NH4 OH will have no effect. This is due to the fact that NH4 OH will not dissociated
further as it is weak base and due to common ion effect. So, the conductance value will be
unchanged or we will get a parallel line to X-axis.
KCl and AgNO3 both are strong electrolyte and hence they dissociate completely in aqueous
medium. KCl is being titrated against AgNO3 and hence KCl solution is taken in a beaker
and AgNO3 is taken in burette.
Now, as AgCl precipitated, chloride ion is removed from the solution and nitrate ion is
introduced in the solution. So, we can say that as titration will proceed each chloride is
being replaced by a nitrate ion. The ionic conductance value of chloride and nitrate is
comparable and hence there will not be any effective change of conductance.
After reaching equivalent point when all the Cl− ion is consumed, additional addition of
AgNO3 will simply add more Ag+ and NO− 3 in solution and hence conductance will increase
again. If will plot a conductance vs drops of base, we will get a graph like this. Now in
first half there will be no change in conductance and hence we will observed a straight line
parallel to X-axis and then in the second half an increase of conductance will be observed.
The point where two line intersect will be the equivalent point.
electrochemical cells and how some physical parameters of a solution can be determined
from from it.
Galvanic cell
A zinc rod is dipped in a zinc sulphate solution and a copper rod is dipped in a copper
sulphate solution separately. Now if we connect the two rod by an external circuit and an
ammeter is placed in parallel to the circuit.
At anode
At cathode
Overall reaction
As the negative charged electron flows from zinc rod (anode) to copper rod (cathode),
conventionally the current will flow in opposite direction.
Function of salt bridge: Salt bridge mainly helps in maintaining the electrical neutrality
of both the electrolytic solution used in a Daniel cell. When the redox reaction happens
in a Daniel cell, from anode metallic zinc is converted to zinc cation and comes to solution
hence the solution is enriching with positive charge. To neutralize this positive charge,
negative charged ions like chloride anion etc comes out from the salt bridge and goes into
anode solution. Similarly, at cathode positively charged cations are reduced and hence the
electrolyte solution have a shortening of positive charge. To neutralize this, salt bridge
provide the cations like potassium cation etc.
where, the first part is anode and the second part is cathode.
and Cathode:
Sometimes a single electrolyte solution and two electrode used in a galvanic cell. In that
case to represent the cell, no vertical bar is used for salt bridge and the cell is represented as-
are at 1M concentration, gaseous components are in 1 atm pressure, solid components are
at their pure state and temperature of the system is at 250 C. EMF of a cell is generally
expressed as Ecell .
The EMF of a cell will be the sum of the two electrode potential;
where Eanode is the oxidation potential of anode and Ecathode is the reduction potential
of cathode.
Now, conventionally cell emf can be written in reduction format, i.e., both the cathode and
anode emf should be expressed in reduction form. The cathode was already in reduction
format and hence we need to change the anode expression from oxidation format to a re-
duction format. Generally a change in sign will do this job.
Thermodynamic significance of EMF: As both emf (E) of a cell and Gibbs free energy (∆G)
related to spontaneity of a chemical reaction, hence both can be correlated by an equation-
∆G = − nFE
where n is the number of electron involve in the reaction and F denotes Faraday (96500
As both n and F is positive valued for a chemical reaction, then EMF (E) of a reaction must
be positive for spontaneity of the chemical reaction as in that case ∆G will be negative.
So, for a spontaneous chemical reaction E must be positive and for a non-spontaneous
reaction E will ne negative. For a equilibrium reaction E will be zero.
aA + bB = cC + dD
where a mole A reacts with b mole B and gives c mole C and d mole D as product. Now
change in Gibbs free energy of this chemical reaction can be written as-
∆G = ∆G0 + RTlnQ
where Q is known as reaction quoscent which is very similar to equilibrium constant (K)
and ∆G0 is called as standard change of Gibbs free energy.
[C]c [D]d
Q =
[A]a [B]b
As we know that-
∆G = − nFE
∆G0 = − nFE0
− nFE = − nFE 0 + RTlnQ
E = E0 − lnQ
E = E0 − logQ
This is Nernst equation which shows how emf of a cell changes with the change of concen-
tration of both reactant and product.
Where E0 is the standard reduction potential of the cathode half cell and
E is the standard oxidation potential of the anode half cell. The standard
potential of any half cell or any one electrode can not be determined directly. We can only
measure the difference in emf between two electrode by constructing cell. In this case if we
can use one standard electrode or reference electrode whose standard potential is zero, then
we can measure the difference or the the standard potential of the other half cell.
Standard hydrogen electrode can solve this problem as the standard potential of hydrogen
electrode is zero. This electrode can be formed by immersing a platinum wire (electrode) in
a acid solution of strength 1(M). Interesting point is that this hydrogen electrode can serve
either as cathode or anode depending upon the nature of other half cell electrode.
As anode: The hydrogen electrode can be used as anode and in that case pure H2 gas is
passed into solution and it is oxides to hydrogen ion (cation) by releasing electron at Pt
electrode. In this case, the other half cell will act as cathode and electron will be transported
from hydrogen electrode to cathode where selective reduction will happen. Any half cell
electrode whose standard reduction potential is positive can serve as cathode with hydro-
gen electrode as anode to complete a full electrochemical cell where spontaneous chemical
reaction will generate electrical energy.
As cathode:Similarly, the hydrogen electrode can be used as cathode and in that case H+
ion will be reduced to hydrogen gas by accepting electron. In this case, the other half
cell will act as anoode and electron will be transported to hydrogen electrode from anoode
where selective oxidation will happen. Any half cell electrode whose standard reduction
potential is negative can serve as anoode with hydrogen electrode as cathode to complete a
full electrochemical cell where spontaneous chemical reaction will generate electrical energy.
Standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) can be expressed as-
E0cell = E0 + − E0 +n
H |H2 M |M
E0cell 0
= 0 − E +n
M |M
E0 +n 0
= − Ecell
M |M
If hydrogen electrode acts as anode, then-
E0cell = E0 +n − E0 +
M |M H | H2
E0cell = E0 +n − 0
M |M
0 0
E +n = Ecell
M |M
A list of standard reduction potential of some half cell electrode is given here from
higher positive value to lower value. The value of standard reduction potential indicates
the tendency of a species of higher oxidation state to go to a lower oxidation (reduction)
state. If two half cell electrode combine and form a electrochemical cell, that electrode will
act as cathode preferentially with relatively higher standard reduction potential. Now if we
look the standard reduction potential of these two electrode-
E0 +2 = +0.34 V
Cu |Cu
E0 +2 = −0.76 V
Zn |Zn
This value indicates that Cu+2 will preferentially reduced to metallic Cu at cathode and at
anode Zn will be oxidised to Zn+2 as standard reduction potential value of copper system is
higher than zinc system. Point to mention that if we use silver system instead of copper sys-
tem, then Ag+ preferentially reduced to silver at cathode and Cu will be oxidised to Cu+2
at anode as standard reduction potential value of silver system is higher than copper system.
E0 + = +0.80 V
Ag |Ag
Here the standard hydrogen electrode acts as anode and hydrogen electrode acts as cathode.
The half cell potential value of standard hydrogen electrode is zero.
The cell potetial of the above cell can be expressed as-
Ecell = EH+ |H − 0
Ecell = EH+ |H
H+ + e = H2
So,EH+ |H = E0 + − 0.0591
2 H | H2
So, the Nernst equation for above half cell will be-
0 0.0591 [H2 ] 2
EH+ |H = E + − log +
2 H | H2 1 H
EH+ |H = 0 − 0.0591log +
2 H
EH+ |H = −0.0591pH
Ecell = −0.0591pH
pH =
Thus pH of a solution can be determined from observed value of an properly constructed
electrochemical cell.
Measure of pH of a solution by using standard hydrogen electrode and a calomel electrode:
Calomel electrode is a half cell electrode which can be used as a reference electrode. In
combination of calomel electrode and another unknown electrode, the potential of the later
can be calculated from observed cell potential value. Calomel electrode can be constructed
by using mercury, mercurous chloride, and KCl solution in a glass tube. As depicted in
the picture, mercury (Hg) is taken in the glass tube and on top of this a paste of mercury
and mercurous chloride (Hg2 Cl2 ) is placed. Finally a known concentration of KCl solution
placed on top of the paste in such a way that no mixing happens. A Pt wire is attached to
mercury layer only which is connected to electrical circuit.
An electrochemical cell can be constructed by using standard hydrogen electrode as anode
and calomel electrode as cathode-
Pt(s) | H2 (g, 1 atm) | H+ (aq, a = 1 M) k Hg(l) | Hg2 Cl2 (s) | Cl− (aq)
The cathode half cell reaction for calomel electrode will be-
We can express the cell potential for this half cell by using Nernst equation-
0.0591 2
EHg Cl2 |Hg = E0Hg Cl |Hg − log[Cl− ]
2 2 2 2
EHg Cl2 |Hg = 0.27 − 0.0591 log[Cl− ]; (E0Hg Cl |Hg = 0.27V)
2 2 2
From the above equation we can say that the value of calomel half cell potential depends
on chloride ion concentration. If we can fix the concentration of KCl or the chloride ion
concentration of a calomel electrode, the half cell potential can be determined. In reality
three varieties of calomel electrode available depending upon KCl concentration.
Now, the cell potential of this electrochemical cell can be expressed as-
M | M+n ( ) k M+n (a) | M
M → M+n ( ) + ne(Anode reaction)
M (a) + ne = M(Cathode reaction)
M+n (a) = M+n ( )
0.0591 1
E +n = E0 +n − log
M |M(cathode) M |M n a
For Anode:
0.0591 1
E +n = E0 +n − log a
M |M(anode) M |M n ( 10 )
Ecell = E +n − E +n
M |M(cathode) M |M(anode)
0.0591 1 0.0591 1
Ecell = E0 +n − log − E0 +n + log a
M |M n a M |M n ( 10 )
0.0591 1 0.0591 1
Ecell = − log + log a
n a n ( 10 )
0.0591 10 0.0591 1
Ecell = log − log
n a n a
Ecell = log10
Ecell =
n =
Thus from the above equation we can determine the valency of the metal (n) just from the
observed emf value of the electrochemical cell.
Q + 2H+ + 2e → H2 Q
0.0591 [H2 Q]
EQ|H2 Q = E0Q|H Q − log
2 2 [Q][H+ ]2
EQ|H2 Q = E0Q|H Q − log[H+ ]2
2 2
EQ|H2 Q = E0Q|H Q + log[H+ ]2
2 2
EQ|H2 Q = E0Q|H Q + 0.0591log[H+ ]
EQ|H2 Q = EQ|H Q − 0.0591pH
EQ|H Q − EQ|H2 Q
pH =
So, during discharging at both electrode Pb+2 (aq) produced and which precipitated as lead
sulphate as sulphate ion present in solution. During discharging water molecule is produced
as by product. During charging the reverse reaction takes place. Lead sulphate dispropor-
tioned between metallic Pb (s) and Pb+4 (aq) and water is consumed during charging. That
is why water needs to be added in storage cell if the cell dried due to evaporation.
4.19. FUEL CELL 161
Fuel cell
Here in cathode oxygen gas supplied and in anode hydrogen gas supplied. A porous graphite
block with some catalytic platinum or palladium is used as electrode at both electrode. At
cathode oxygen accept electron from electrode and reduced to OH− (aq) ion by the help of
water. This OH− (aq) migrates to anode by porous tube and oxidise hydrogen to water.
So, to evaluate the value of Ks we need to construct a electrochemical cell where a net above
reaction happens-
As this is a precipitation reaction, observed cell potential will be zero. Hence we can write
a Nernst equation for the whole cell reaction like this-
E0cell = E0cell − logPb+2 SO−2
0 = E0cell − logKs
logKs =
Thus from the above equation solubility product Ks can be determined.
aA + bB = cC + dD
E = E0 − logQ
Now at equilibrium point Q=K (equilibrium constant) and cell potential will be zero as
rate of forward recation will be equal to rate of backward rcation. So, the above equation
can be written as-
0 = E0 − logK
logK =
K = 10 0.0591 The resistance of a KCl solution is 250 ohm and equivalent conductance is 20−2 .
What is the concentration of the solution when electrodes are 5 cm apart and hav-
ing area of section about 10 cm2 ?
Ans.Cell constant ( al ) = 10
= 0.5 cm−1
According to Ohm’s law Resistance = Sp. Resistance × cell constant
So, Sp. Resistance = resistance = 250 0.5 = 500
cell constant
Specific conductance = 500−1 = 2 × 10 − 3−1
Now, equivalent conductance
(1000 × sp. conductance)
(1000 × sp.conductance)
Or, concentration =
equivalent conductance
(1000 × 2 × 10−3 )
= 0.1(N)
So the concentration of the KCl solution is 0.1 (N). A weak acid of having strength 0.01 (N) is showing specific conductance 7.5 ×
10−4 ohm−1 .cm−1 . If the degree of dissociation of this acid is 0.025, find out the
value of conductance at infinite dilution.
(1000 × specific conductance)
Equivalent conductance of the acid =
(1000 × 7.5 × 10−4 )
= 75 mho. cm2 equiv.−1
(Equivalent conductance)
Now, degree of dissociation(α) =
(conductance at infinite dilution)
(Equivalent conductance)
Hence,conductance at infinite dilution =
(degree of dissociation)
= 3 × 103 mho. cm−1 Equivalent conductance of acetic acid is 15.8 mho.cm2 .equiv−1 at room tempera-
ture. The ionic conductance of acetate anion and hydrogen ion is 35.5 and 349.8
respectively. Calculate the degree of dissociation.
Ans.The equivalent conductance at infinite dilution of acetic acid;
Λ0 = l0 + + l0
= (35.5 + 349.8)mho.cm2 .equiv−1
= 85 mho.cm2 .equiv−1
Equiv. conductance of acetic acid
So, degree of dissociation =
Eqiv. conductance of acetic acid at infinite dilution
= 0.041
4.22. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 165 The equivalent conductance at infinite dilution for sodium benzoate, HCl and
NaCl is 80, 390 and 110 mho.cm2 .equiv−1 respectively. What is the equivalent
conductance of benzoic acid?
Ans. According to Kohlrausch’s law equivalent conductance at infinite dilution
Λ0 = Λ0c + Λ0a ; where Λ0c and Λ0a are ionic conductance of cation and anion at
infinite dilution respectively). Hence, Λ0 (PhCOONa)= Λ0 + + Λ0 =
2 −1
80 equiv
Λ0 (NaCl)= Λ0 + + Λ0 − = 110 mho.cm2 equiv−1
Na Cl
Λ0 (HCl) = Λ0 + + Λ0 − = 390 mho.cm2 equiv−1
H Cl
Now, Λ0 (PhCOONa) + Λ0 (HCl) - Λ0 (NaCl) = (80 + 390 − 110) mho.cm2 equiv−1
Or,Λ0 + + Λ0 + Λ0 + + ΛΛ0 − − Λ0 + − Λ0 − = 360 mho.cm2 equiv−1
Na PhCOO− H Cl Na Cl
Or, Λ0 + Λ 0 = 360 2 equiv−1
Or, Λ0 (PhCOONH) = 360 mho.cm2 equiv−1
So, the equivalent conductance of benzoic acid at infinite dilution is 360 mho.cm2 equiv−1 . In a conductivity cell, a 0.01(N) solution of NaCl and KCl shows specific resistance
250 ohm and 200 ohm respectively. Specific conductance of NaCl is 1.6 × 10−3−1 . Calculate the specific conductance and equivalent conductance of KCl
Ans.For fixed cell, the cell constant ( al )will be constant
From Ohm’s law resistant(R) = Sp. resistance(σ) × ( )
1 l
Or, 1/R = ( ).( )
σ a
For, NaCl solution, (1/250) = (1.5 × 10−3 ) × ( )
Or, cell constant( ) = 1.6 × 10−3 × 250
= 0.4
For KCl solution in the same cell,
Resistant (R) = Specific resistance(ρ) × ( )
Or, Specific resistance(ρ) = Resistant(R) × ( )
= 500
Hence Specific conductance (1/ρ) =−1
= 2 × 10−3−1
(1000 × specific conductance)
Now, equivalent conductance of KCl =
(1000 × 2 × 10−3 )
= 2 × 102 mho. cm2 equiv−1 The speed ratio of potassium and chloride ion in a aqueous solution is 0.8. Cal-
culate the transport number of each ion.
Ans. Let us consider the speed of K+ and Cl− is u and v respectively.
So the transport number of cation and anion is 0.44 and 0.56 respectively. The dimension of an electrode pair is 5 cm2 area and they are 1 cm apart. When an
electrolytic cell fitted with this electrode having a NaCl solution of 29.25 gm.lit.−1
showing a resistance 10 ohm. Calculate equivalent conductance.
l 1
Cell constant( ) =
a 5
= 0.2 cm−1
Concentration of NaCl = 29.25 gm.lit.−1
= ( N)
= 0.5( N)
According to Ohm’s law Resistance = Sp. Resistance × cell constant
So, Sp. Resistance =
cell constant
= 50
Specific conductance =−1
= 2 × 10−2−1
(1000 × sp.conductance)
Now, equivalent conductance =
(1000 × 2 × 10−2 )
= 40 mho.cm2 .equiv−1
So the equivalent conductance NaCl solution is 40 mho.cm2 .equiv−1 . Calculate standrad emf of the cell Zn | Zn+2 k CuSO+2 | Cu; when-
E0 +2 = +0.34V
Cu |Cu
E0 +2 = −0.76V
Zn |Zn
Ans. Here Zinc electrode is anode and copper electrode is cathode. The standard
emf of the cell is
E0Cathode − E0Anode = E0 +2 | Cu − E0 +2 | Zn
Cu Zn
= +0.34 V − (−0.76 V)
= +0.34V + 0.76V
= +1.1V
So the standard emf of the cell is + 1.1V.
168 CHAPTER 4. ELECTROCHEMISTRY Calculate pH of a solution used in hydrogen electrode when the oxidation elec-
trode potential is + 0.25V.
Ans. A half cell reaction for hydrogen electrode as oxidation electrode (at anode)
will be
1 +
2 H2 → H + e
The half cell reaction for this electrode will be
0.0591 H+
EH |H+ = E0 − log
2 H2 | H+ 1 [H2 ]1/2
0.25 = 0 − 0.0591 logH+
0.25 = 0.0591 pH
pH =
= 4.23 The standard reduction potential for a electrode E0 +4 +2 is 0.16V and that for
Sn |Sn
E0 +3 +2 is 0.77V. Write a cell reaction and calculate the value of equilibrium
Fe |Fe
constant at room temperature.
Ans. As the standard reduction potential of iron (Fe) electrode is greater than
tin (Sn) electrode, Fe+3 will be preferencially reduced to Fe+2 and hence it will
act as cathode and tin will act as anode.
So, the cell reaction will be
Fe+3 + Sn+2 → Fe+2 + Sn+4
0 = 0.61 − logK
logK =
K = 1020 The standard potential for a electrode E0 + is +0.80V and that for E0
Ag |Ag Zn|Zn+2
is -0.76V. The concentration of zinc ion is 0.01(M) and the observed cell emf is
zero. What is the concentration of silver ion?
Ans. Standard reduction potential E0 + = + 0.80V
Ag |Ag
Standard reduction potential E +2 = + 0.76V So, Silver electrode will act as
Zn |Zn
cathode and Ag+ will preferencially be reduced. The emf of a electrochemical cell corresponds to the reaction Zn(s) + 2H+ →
Zn+2 (0.1M) + H2 (g, 1 atm) is 0.30V at 250 C. Calculate the pH of the solution
used at hydrogen electrode. (E0 +2 = −0.76 V)
Zn |Zn
Ans.The Nernst equation for this electrochemical reaction can be written as Draw the conductometric titration curve for HCl vs NaOH and explain the fea-
tures of the curve. How does the nature of curve change, if pure water is used
intead of NaOH ?(Dec-2012) 3 + 2 Write down the electrode reactions and over all reaction of the following cells: (i)
zn(s) | Zn2+ (aq) || Cu2+ (aq) | Cu(s)
(ii) Pt(s) | H2 (g) | H+ (aq) || Ag+ (aq) | Ag(s) (June-2012) What is single electrode protential ? Derive the pH of an electrochemical cell with
the help of Nernst equation. 2 + 3 (a) What is equivalent conductance and what is its unit (b) What is the law of
independent imigration of ions ??(Dec-2011) Draw the conductometric titration curve of acetic acid vs. sodium hydroxide and
explain the salient features of the curve. (June-2011)3 Define ionic mobility and equivalent conductance with their units. How does
equivalent conductance vary with concentration for both strong and weak elec-
trolytes? (Dec-2010) 2 + 3 Write short note on any three of the following. (5 each) (d) reference electrode (a) How does equivalent conductance changes with concentration for weak and
strong electrolyte? Explain with suitable curve.
(b) Deduce Nernst’s equation.(June-2014) 3+5 State and explain Kohlrausch’s law of indipendant migration of ions. With the
help of this determine the equivalent conductance of acetic acid.(June-2013) 3+3 (a) What is meant by transport number of an ion ? How is it related with ionic
conductance ?
(b) ”H+ and OH? ions show very high ionic mobility in aqueous medium.”? ex-
plain with mechanism.
(c) What is calomel electrode ? How can we measure the pH of a solution using
calomel electrode ? (Dec-2012) 3 + 3 + 6 Explain the variation of equivalent conductance of strong and weak electrolytes
with concentration. 4 Write short notes on any three of the following :(e) Hydrogen electrode
(f) Conductometric titration. (Dec-2011) Write notes on any three of the following : (d) Calomel electrode (a) What is reference electrode? Explain the working principle of one reference
electrode. 5 What is reference electrode ? Explain the working principle of one reference
electrode.(June-2010) 5 The resistance of a KCl solution is 250 ohm and equivalent conductance is 20
mho.cm2. What is the concentration of the solution when electrodes are 5 cm
apart and having area of section about 10 cm2 . A weak acid of having strength 0.01(N) is showing specific conductance 5.8 ×
10−4 ohm−− 1. If the degree of dissociation of this acid is 0.025, find out the
value of conductance at infinite dilution. Equivalent conductance of acetic acid is 15.8 mho.cm2 .equiv−1 at room temp. The
ionic conductance of acetate anion and hydrogen ion is 35.5 and 349.8. Calculate
the degree of dissociation. The quivalent conductance at infinite dilution for soudium benzoate, HCl and
NaCl is 80, 390 and 110 respectively. What is the equivalent conductance of ben-
zoic acid. In a conductivity cell, a 0.001(N)solution of NaCl and KCl shows specific resis-
tance 250 ohm and 200 ohm respectively. Specific conductance of NaCl solution is
1.5 x 10−3−1 Calculate the specific conductance and equivalent conduc-
tance of KCl solution.
174 CHAPTER 4. ELECTROCHEMISTRY Calculate standrad emf of the cell Zn | Zn+2 k CuSO+2 | Cu; when-
E0 +2 = +0.34V
Cu |Cu
E0 +2 = −0.76V
Zn |Zn
E0 +4 +2 = +0.15V
Sn |Sn
E0 = −0.76V
Zn|Zn+2 Calculate pH of a solution used in hydrogen electrode when the oxidation elec-
trode potential is + 0.25 V. The dimension of an electrode pair is 4 sq cm area and they are 2 cm apart.
When an electrolytic cell fitted with this electrodes and filled with NaCl solution
of strength 29.25 gm/lit. It is showing a resistance 10 ohm. Calculate the equiv-
alent conductance. The speed ration of potassium and chloride ion in a aqueous solution is 0.8. Cal-
culate the transport number of each ion. The concentration of zinc ion is 0.01M and the observed cell emf is zero. What is
the concentration of silver ion?
4.22. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 175 The standard reduction potential for a electrode Sn+4 /Sn+2 is 0.16 V and that for
Fe+3 /Fe+2 is 0.77 V. Write a cell reaction and calculate the value of equilibrium
constant at room temperature.
E0 + = +0.80V
Ag |Ag
E0 = −0.76V
The concentration of zinc ion is 0.01M and the observed cell emf is zero. What is
the concentration of silver ion?
5.1 Electronegativity
The electron cloud of a chemical bond formed by two different atom is not shared equally
by both the atom. The electron cloud electron is distorted to any one atom depending upon
the relative attraction force of the two atom. This attraction force is known as electroneg-
ativity. In periodic table, the electronegativity generally decreases along in a group. The
upper right corner atoms of periodic table are most electronegative and left lower corner
atoms are least electronegative. So, fluorine (F) is the highest electronegative atom and ce-
sium (Cs) is the least electronegative atom. Based on bond energies of diatomic molecules,
the quantitative value of electronegativity of individual atom is calculated by Pauling.
Pauling assigned the electronegativity of fluorine 4.0 and then from this value, the elec-
tronegativity of other atoms have been calculated.
Inductive effect
This is called inductive effect. This effect operates through sigma bond and gets weaker as
we moves away from electronegative atom. Sometimes this effect operates through space or
through solvent and then it is called field effect.
Inductive effect is generally expressed by I and can be classified in two group, namely +I
effect and -I effect.Those atoms or groups draw the electron pair towards itself compared
to hydrogen, are designated groups having -I effects
-NR+ + +
3 , -SR2 , -NH3 , -NO2 , -SO2 R, -CN, -COOH, -F, -Cl, -Br, -I, -OAr, -COOR, -OR, -CORetc.
Similarly those groups pushes the electron pair away from them are called groups having
+I effect (alkyl groups). Among alkyl groups, tertiary alkyl group have highest +I effect
followed by secondary, primary and methyl group. A atom with sp hybridization have
higher electron withdrawing effect compared to sp2 hybridized atom which is higher than
sp3 hybridized atom attached in a bonding. Generally with distance, the inductive effect
or field effect reduces.
Inductive effect occurs through sigma bond.
It is irreversible and permanent.
This effect is additive in nature. More than one electronegative atom attached to a carbon
atom will produce greater bond polarization compared to single electronegative atom.
5.3 Hyperconjugation
A positive charge on a carbon or a C=C double bond may be get stabilized by adjacent β
C-H sigma bond. This is known as hyper conjugation.
5.5 Carbocation
Any species with a positive charge on carbon atom are generally called carbocation. Car-
bocation may be two type: one with pentavalent carbon (carbonium ion) and other type
is trivalent carbon (carbenium ion). The former type is rare and generally cabenium ion is
known as carbocation.
and hence the stability of carbocation will depend on the stability of the positive charge.
Stability of carbocation: A carbocation is get stabilised by number of factors-
a) Any group adjacent to the carbocation having positive inductive effect (+I effect) sta-
bilizes the carbocation by pushing σ electron pair to the vanact p orbital. So, a tertiary
carbocation will be more stable compared to secondary one and which is more stable than
primary carbocation as the number of + I effect showing alkyl group substituent decreases
from tertiary to secondary to primary carbocation.
b) Hyperconjugation stabilizes a carbocation and hence more the number of hyprconju-
gating β hydrogen present in a carbocation, the carbocation will be more stable. Tertiary
butyl carbocation has nine hyperconjugating β hydrogen whereas secondary butyl carboca-
tion have five hyperconjugating β hydrogen and hence tertiary butyl carbocation is more
stable than secondary butyl isomer. As we have described that hyperconjugation is due to
the overlap of adjacent β C-H bond with the vacant p orbital hence replacement of C-H
bond by C-D bond will reduce the hyperconjugation as C-D bond is more stronger than
C-H bond.
c) Conjugation effect greatly stabilizes carbocation. Any heteroatom adjacent to a car-
bocation centre can stabilize the carbocation by the involvement of the unshared pair of
electron of the heteroatom with the vacant p orbital of the carbocation. Any conjugated π
system like C=C to the carbocation can stabilize the positive charge of the carbocation.
d) Lastly resonance effect stabilizes carbocation mostly. Benzyl carbocation is highly stable
due to resonace of π cloud of ring which overlap with the vacant p orbital.
1. Let us compare the stability of these carbocation.
The stability of carbocation depends mainly on hyperconjugation and resonance. In this
series there are two allyl carbocation and hence resonance effect offer them more stability
compared to the other two. Among these two allyl carbocation, one is secondary and an-
other is primary carbocation and hence obviously the secondary allyl carbocation will be
more stable than primary allyl carbocation
The other two carbocation are tertiary and primary having nine and zero hyperconjugating
hydrogen respectively and hence the tertiary carbocation is more sbale than the primary.
Thus the increasing order of stability of these carbocations is
2. Arrange the stability of these carbocatons.
At first we must look at the hybridization status of the carbocations to compare the stabil-
ity. Carbocations are generally sp2 hybridized and hence they must be planner in geometry.
The tertiaty butyl carbocation can easily adopt this geometry and hence it is stable. But
when we look the structure of the other two, the positive charge is on bridgehead carbon
atom. Now to get stability, the bridgehead carbon must be planner in geometry which is
very tough and hence these carbocations are very unstable. Now if we compare the relative
stability of this two bridgehead carbocations, in former these is only one bridging carbon
but in later case there is two bridging carbon. When carbocations will try to attain the
planarity by distortion of bonds, more distortion possible where these is two carbon bridge
present. Hence relative stability of the following carbocations are like this
3. Which carbocation is more stable?
In this case both carbocation are allylic in nature but the first one is much more stable
compared to the second one as the first carbocation is stabilisd by lone pair of electron
present on oxygen atom. In second carbocation the methoxy group is involved in cross
conjugation and hence cannot stabilize the carbocation.
In case of CF2 = CF2 the strong electronegative atom fluorine uses more p-character
to form C-F bon and hence the carbon atom uses more s-character to make C-C bond. As
with increasing s-character the relative overlap increases hence, the bond length decreases.
7. The bond dissociation energy of C-H bond in cyclopropane is less than n-
Genearlly sp3 , sp2 and sp hybridized carbons have 1090 , 1200 and 1800 bond angle re-
spectively. So, we can say that with increasing bond angle s-character increases or with
decreasing bond angle p-character increases. Now in case of cyclopropane all three carbon
atom is sp3 hybridized and the inner bond angle is 600 which is far less than normal sp3
bond angle. Hence carbon must used more p character to form the inner bonds which is
the C-C bond. So, carbon must used more s-character to form the outer C-H bond. As
more s-charcter used in making C-H bond and s-orbital can hold electron more tightly, so
the bond must be weak or bond dissociation energy must be low.
8. Whether both the C-N bond in these compound will have similar bond
1st compound: Nitro substituents in a benzene ring generally show -R effect and thus draw
the electron towards it. Now if we see the resoanating canonical forms, we will observe that
C-N bond getting double bond character in resonance and hence they have partial dou-
ble bond character and shorter bond length. In this particular compound one nitro group
beautifully take part into resonance and thus the C-N (a) bond will be stronger and bond
5.6. CARBANION 183
length will be shorter. But another nitro group is flanked by two ortho methyul group and
hence due to steric inhibition of resonance, the nitro group is out of plane from the benzene
ring and so the resonance phenomenon is absent here. So, the C-N (b) bond length will be
a normal character in nature.
2nd compound: In this compound we will observe the same phenomenon. Due to very large
size of iodide atom, both the adjacent nitro group is partially out of plane from benzene
ring and hence the extend of resonance is less here. As a consequence the C-N bond length
will be norma in nature wherea the other C-N bond length will be shorter due to proper
5.6 Carbanion
A trivalent carbon centre having an unshared pair of electron is called carbanion. The
stability of carbanion depends on electron density on the carbon atom. Higher the electron
density higher is the reactivity and hence lower is the stability and vice versa. Hence the
general order of carbanion stability will be methyl > primary > secondary > tertiary. This
is due to the fact that in tertiary carbanion, three +I effect showing alkyl group is attached
with the negatively charged carbon centre which increases the electron density on carbon
atom mostly and hence least is the stability. As we move to left in the above series, the
number of alkyl group decreases and hence +I effect decreases and hence stability increases.
the cis isomer whereas the trans isomer have almost zero dipole moment. In case of trans
isomer, the bond moment of two C-Cl bond acts in opposite direction and hence net dipole
moment of the molecule tends to zero. Whereas in case of cis isomer, the two C-Cl bond
moment contribute a significant value towards the net dipole moment of the molecule.
In between chloroform and chloromethane, chloroform have low dipole moment compare to
chloromethane. In case of chloroform three C-Cl bond canceal some bond moment of each
other and hence the net bond moment of C-Cl bond decreases. But in chloromethane there
is only one C-Cl bond and hence the bond moment of C-Cl bond in chloromethane will be
higher compared to C-Cl bond moment in chloroform ans so the dipole moment.
NF3 have a dipole moment 0.24 D whereas NH3 have 1.46 D. In case of ammonia the lone
pair of electron on nitrogen atom decides the value and direction of dipole moment. But
when NF3 molecule is concern, three strong electronegative fluorine replace the hydrogen.
So the bond moment of C-F bond will be towards more electronegative fluorine atom. But
the bond moment of the lone pair of nitrogen acts opposite to the bond moment of C-F
bond. Hence the net dipole moment of the molecule is low.
In between para-diacetyl benzene or para-dicyano benzene para-dicyano benzene is a linear
molecule as the cyano group is sp hybridized. Hence the bond moment of two para cyano
groups acts in opposite direction hence overall the dipole moment of the molecule is zero.
Whereas para-diacetyl benzene can have two conformer-cis and trans. The trans conformer
do not have any dipole moment as the both bond moments acts in opposite direction but
the cis isomer contribute some dipole moment value and hence overall there is some dipole
moment value for the para-diacetyl benzene.
In between ethyl cyanide and ethyl isocyanide in ethyl cyanide (any cyanide), there exists
only one resonating structure where the bond moment or dipole moment acts towards
the more electronegative nitrogen atom. But in case of isocyanide there two resonating
structures exists. In one form the dipole moment acts towards negatively charged carbon
from positively charged tetra valent nitrogen but in other resonating structure the dipole
moment acts towards more electronegative nitrogen from electron deficient carbon atom.
Hence the net dipole moment of isocyanides is generally low.
Dipole moment of CH3 F (1.56D) and CH3 Cl (1.51D) are similar even though fluorine is
considerably more electronegative than chlorine. Dipole moment value depends on two
factors - amount of charge separation and distance between the two opposite charge. Here
although charge separation is higher in case of fluoromethane due to large electronegativity
but due to higher atomic radius of chlorine distance between the charge will be greater in
chloromethane compared to fluoromethane. This two combine effect plays role and as a
consequence these two molecule have almost similar dipole moment value.
inition holds true only in aqueous solution but acid base relationship have a wide range
application. So more generalised Bronsted definition of acids are proton donor and bases
are proton acceptors. Sulphuric acid in water medium will donate proton to water molecule
and water molecule will be converted to its conjugate acid hydronium ion (H3 O+ ) and sul-
phuric acid will be converted to its conjugate base HSO−4 . Here sulphuric acid is acid and
water is the base. Later a more generalised concept of acid-base was provided by Lewis.
Molecules or ions which can co-ordinate with unshared pair of electrons are called acid and
molecules or ions which have unshared pair of electrons are called bases.
Any acid HA when dissociates in water it will liberate proton and its conjugate base A− is
produced. The equilibrium constant Ka of the dissociation will be given by
HA = H+ + A−
[A− ][H+ ]
Ka =
logKa = logH+ + log
pKa = pH − log
Here the strength of acid can be expressed by pKa scale where pKa = log[H+ ]. As strength
of acidity depends the number of dissociated hydrogen ion, hence higher the value of disso-
ciation constant (Ka ) greater is the acidity. So lower the value of pKa higher is the acidity.
Genrally pKa above 16 do not show acid character in water.
The strength of HA acid depends on the stability of its conjugate base A− , electronegativity
of A, nature of solvent.
Let us discuss the relative acidity strength o some compounds.
1. Compare the acidity between formic acid and acetic acid.
To compare the acidity among carboxylic acids, we must consider the stability of the corre-
sponding conjugate bases. Let us look the structure of conjugate bases The conjugate base
of acetic acid is less stable compared to the conjugate base of formic acid as the electron
density increases in conjugate base of acetic acid due to the +I effect of methyl group.So,
the dissociation of acetic acid will be less compared to formic acid and hence its acidity will
be less compared to formic acid.
2. Explain the difference in pKa values of the following carboxylic acid
Let us have a close look on the conjugate bass of these three carboxylic acids. Relative sta-
bility of conjugate base increases Acidity increases (pKa decreases) The carboxylate anion
is attached to a sp3 , sp2 and sp carbon respectively. As’s’ character increases from sp3 to
sp; the relative ability to hold the electron pair increases. So the relative stability of the
conjugate base increases and hence acidity increases or pKa value decreases.
3. Compare the acidity of the following carboxylic acids:
The structure of corresponding conjugate bases of these carboxylic acids are like this If
we move along the series from left to right the electronegativity of the substituent halogen
decreases and hence the relative electron density on carboxylate anion will comparatively
increase. So, the stability of conjugate base will decrease and the acidity will decrease along
the series.
4. Explain the increase of pKa values in the following series of carboxylic acids
To compare the pKa values of these carboxylic acids, we must consider the stability of the
conjugate bases of these compounds. The conjugate bases will be stabilized by the -I effect
of chlorine atom. Now as we move from left to right the electronegative chlorine atom is
shifting away its location from negatively charged carboxylate ion and thus the stability of
the corresponding conjugate bases are decreasing from left to right and hence the acidity
decreases or pKa value increases.
5. Explain the difference in pKa values of the following phenolic compounds
Unlike carboxylic acid, the acidity of phenolic compounds are offered by H+ ion from pheno-
lic -OH group. To understand the difference in acidity among different phenolic compounds
we must consider the stability of corresponding conjugate base after dissociation of a pro-
ton, which are phenoxide ions. Let us see the structure and stability of the corresponding
conjugate bases of these substituted phenols. A nitro group is attached at ortho, meta and
para position respectively. Nitro group have both -R and -I effect which can stabilize the
negative charge of phenoxide and hence nitro phenols are more acidic than phenols or they
have less pKa values compared to phenol. When we compare among ortho, meta and para
nitro phenol; if we look the stability of their corresponding conjugate bases. The conjugate
base of ortho and para isomers are stabilized by extended resonance of the nitro group but
no such extended resonance is possible when nitro group present at meta position. Hence
the meta-nitro phenol is less acidic than either ortho or para isomer. Here point to mention
that at ortho or para position the nitro group shows both its -R and -I effect whereas at
meta position it shows only -I effect which is very less effective compared to resonance effect.
A small difference in pKa values between the ortho and para isomer can be explained by
the fact that the conjugate base of para-nitro phenol is more stable compared to the ortho
isomer as in para-nitro phenoxide both the negative charge (on phenoxide oxygen and on
nitro oxygen) are far apart from each other and thus minimize the dipolar repulsion. So
the increasing order of acidity will be phenol, meta-nitro phenol, ortho-nitro phenol and
para-nitro phenol. N.B.: Here important point to mention that with increasing number of
nitro substituents at ortho and para position the effective stability of phenoxide ion will
increase and hence acidity of the corresponding compound will increase or pKa value will
decrease. Thus the pKa values of the corresponding compounds are like this. 2,4,6-trinitro
phenol (picric acid)will be more acidic than 2,4-dinitro phenol and which will be more acidic
than nitro-phenol 6. Explain the difference between pKa values of formic acid (3.77) and
oxalic acid (1.23). Formic acid is a monocarboxylic acid but oxalic acid is a dicarboxylic
acid. The conjugate base of formic acid is formate anion but in case of oxalic acid, here we
consider the first dissociation pKa 1 and hence in conjugate base of oxalic acid there exists
an undissociated carboxylic acid group and a carboxylate anion which can form intramolec-
ular hydrogen bonding and hence are highly stabilized. That is why the pKa value of oxalic
acid is much less than formic acid or in other words oxalic acid is much more acidic than
formic acid.
6. Discuss the effect of halogen, OH and OMe groups on the acidity on substi-
tuted benzoic acid.
The presence of halogens, OH and OMe groups have interesting effect on pKa value of
benzoic acid. These groups have electron withdrawing -I effect as well as electron donat-
ing +R effect. In case of ortho substitution the -I effect predominates and the pKa value
goes down to the unsubstituted benzoic acid. But in para isomer, the +R effect plays the
role and hence para isomer is weaker acid than ortho isomer. Sometimes the +R effect is
so prominent that the para hydroxyl and paramethoxy benzoic acid is weaker acid than
benzoic acid. The acidity of meta substituted benzoic acid remain in between of ortho and
para isomer.
To compare the acidity of these two compounds, we must compare the stability of their
corresponding conjugate bases. Both the conjugate bases will rearrange their ?-bonds to
gain aromaticity for all the ring present in the molecule. To attain this aromaticity the
rearrangement of the 1st conjugate base leads to a charge development in such a way that
the two adjacent 5 membered ring gets a negative charge each whereas the 7 membered rings
gets a positive charge. So two negative charged rings are separated by a positive charged
ring and hence the structure is stabilized. But the conjugate base of second compound gets
two ngatively charged 5 membered ring side by side and the positively charged 7 membered
ring are located at one side and hence the conjugate base is relatively less stable due to
charge repulsion.
So compound one is more acidic than compound two.
10. Arrange the pKa values-
pKa 1 (malonic acid), pKa (acetic acid), pKa 2 (malonic acid)
Let us see the structure of malonic acid and acetic acid first and then the ionization pattern
of these acids and the stability of corresponding conjugate bases. Malonic acid is dibasic
acid and hence it will have two pKa (pKa 1 and pKa 2) corresponding to two ionizations.
The first ionization will be easy as after first ionization the conjugate base (1) will be highly
stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonding and due to the same reason second ionization
will be much harder. Whereas the ionization of acetic acid will follow a normal pathway.
Hence the increasing order of pKa values will be like pKa 1 (malonic acid), pKa (acetic acid),
pKa 2 (malonic acid).
5.9 Basicity
Any organic base is represented by B− having an unshared pair of electron and hence the
strength of any base will be determined by how fast it can donate its unshared electron to a
proton. In other word basicity of any substrate will be determined by the ability to attract
proton; higher the attraction towards proton higher is the basicity. The protonated base is
called conjugate acid of the corresponding base. In analogy with acid strength, higher the
stability of a conjugate acid of a base greater is the basicity.
If we consider the reversible reaction; i.e.;
BH = B− + H+
[B− ][H+ ]
Ka =
logKa = logH+ + log
pKa = pH − log
Hence, in this case higher the dissociation constant, lower is the basicity and vice versa. In
other word lower the pKa , lower is the basicity and higher the pKa higher is the basicity.
group substituent is increasing and thus electron density on nitrogen atom is increasing as
alkyl groups have +I effect. So the basicity increases from left to right.
The above explanation holds true when no other effect is acting or in other words in gas
phase or in non-polar phase like in hexane or pentane solvent. But in aqueous solvent we
must consider the effect of water which basically stabilizes the positively charged conjugate
acid of a bases by forming hydrogen bond. As the number of hydrogen bond increases the
stability of the corresponding conjugate acid increases. A primary amine after protonation
can make three hydrogen bong with its three hydrogen atom attached to nitrogen whereas
secondary amine can form two and tertiary amine can form one hydrogen bond after proto-
nation in aqueous medium. Thus stability of conjugate acid increases from tertiary amine
to secondary amine to primary amine. These two effects play a combine role in determining
the strength of amine bases in aqueous medium. Experimental data shows that when alkyl
group is methyl then the order of basicity is 2. Compare the basicity of ethyl amine,
ethanamidine and guanidine.
To explain the strenth of basicity of these organic compounds we must consider the stability
of their corresponding conjugate acids. The conjugate acid of guanidine is resonacestabilised
by both the other amine group present. The conjugate acid of ethamidine is stabilised by
only one adjacent amine group whereas there is no such resonance stabilitization possible in
case of conjugate acid of ethyl amine. So the order of increasing stability of corresponding
conjugate acids will be ethyl amine, ethamidine and guanidine and hence this will be the
increasing order of basicity.
3. Compare the basicity of aniline and nitro-anilines.
The basicity of aromatic amines depends upon the availability of lone pair of electron on
amine group as the lone pair can take part into resonce into the benzene ring. In nitro-
aniline compounds nitro group show both the -R and -I effect and due to both effect electron
can flow towards the nitro group from amine group. Hence nitro-anilines are less basic than
aniline. Now among the nitro-anilines, meta isomer shows only -I effect not the -R effect
but ortho and para-nitro aniline shows both -R and -I effect. We know that -I effect is less
powerfull than -R effect, so meta-nitro aniline is more basic than ortho and para isomer.
Now in case of ortho and para-nitro aniline the lone pair of amine group is delocalised intro
nitro group through resonance but the -I effect is more active in ortho isomer as the nitro
group is more close to the amine group. Hence para nitro aniline will be more basic than
ortho isomer. The increasing order of basicity will be o-nitro aniline, p-nitro aniline, m-nitro
aniline and aniline.
4. Explain the fact that 2,4,6-trinitro-N,N-dimethyl aniline is 40000 times more
basic than 2,4,6-trinitro aniline.
In case of 2,4,6-trinitro aniline the lone pair of amine group take part into resonance with the
para nitro and both ortho nitro group and hence available electron density on amine group
drastically reduced and hence the compound show very poor basicity. On the other hand
bulky N,N-dimethyl amine group faces severe steric repulsion by two ortho nitro group.
Due to this interaction the N,N-dimethyl amine group goes out of plane from the plane of
benzene ring and hence the lone pair of amine group can’t take part in resonance with the
benzene ring. As a consequence the lone pair is highly available for donation and so the
basicity is significantly high. This phenomenon is called steric inhibition of resonance.
5. Explain why these amines behave as strong base.
These aromatic amines resemble in structural similarity in such a way that lone pair of the
amine group’s faces severe dipolar interaction. Once the amine group is protonated, the
dipolar strain is released and hence the conjugate acid is highly stabilized. Here point to
mention that lone pair of one amine group is protonated and that hydrogen make a hydro-
gen bond with the other nitrogen.
6. Explain the fact that 2,6-di-tertiarybutyl pyridine is a weaker base compared
to either pyridine or 2,6-di-methyl pyridine.
The basicity of these types of compounds depends upon the relative stability of correspond-
ing conjugate acids. The protonated version of 2,6-di-tertiarybutyl pyridine is unstable
in aqueous medium as water molecule cannot make hydrogen bonding with the conjugate
acid. The presence of two bulkier tertiary butyl groups restricts the rotation of the hy-
drogen bond between the water molecule and the protonated amine and hence makes the
bond very weak. On the other hand in case of pyridine or 2,6-di-methyl pyridine, this type
of destabilization do not occur as there is no such bulky ortho substituent or less bulkier
methyl group present.
7. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of basicity.
First of all in this series of compounds, we must compare the stability of the negative charge
present in the molecule to compare the extend of basicity. In all compounds there exists
a second canonical resonating structure by which the negative charge gets stabilized. In
one of two canonical forms the negative charge is on less electronegative nitrogen atom and
hence this molecule is comparatively less stables than the other two and hence it is most
basic. When we compare the rest of the two molecule’s basicity; the negative charge of the
third compound is comparatively more stable due to the presence of electron withdrawing
NH+ 3 group. Hence the increasing order of basicity is
Kinetic study of the above reaction shows that the rate of the reaction may or may not be
depend upon the concentration of the nucleophile [Nu:] which is aqueous base here.
5.11. SN 1 REACTION 191
Rate = k1 [R-X]
or, Rate = k2 [R-X][Nu:]
Those reaction follow the former rate law are termed as Substitution Nucleophilic Unimolec-
ular SN 1 reaction and those follow the later rate law are termed Substitution Nucleophilic
Bimolecular SN 2 reaction.
SN1 reaction
In first step a heterolytic bond cleavage occur and hence a carbocation is formed. In
the second step the nucleophile attached with the positively charged carbocation and the
product formed. The first step is slow and is the rate determining step. As in the first step
only alkyl halide involved so the rate of the reaction depend only on the concentration of
alkyl halide.
The carbocation formed in the first step is called intermediate. Let us see a energy profile
diagram of SN1 reaction.
From the energy profile diagram we can see that in the first step (which is the slowest
step and rate determining step), the R-X bond breaks and hence the reaction goes through
a high energy state to intermediate carbocation. This high energy state is called transition
state (T.S.). The energy difference between the reactant and the T.S. is called activation
energy (Eact ). Any reaction must attain the activation energy in order to go to the product.
So, we can say that lower the activation energy higher is the rate of a reaction and vice
versa. Now to increase the rate of a chemical reaction we need to minimize the activation
energy either by raising the energy of reactant or by lowering the energy of T.S. down.
Let us closely look the structure of T.S. of a SN1 reaction. It is the mid way of the alkyl
halide and carbocation and hence we can say that T.S. should be a state where partial R-X
bond breaking happens and hence X got slightly negative charge and R got slightly positive
charge. As δ+ charge generated on alkyl group, we can say that carbocation character is
forming here and this is termed as incipient carbocation. The characteristics of incipient
carbocation follows the characteristics of carbocation. In order to increase reaction rate we
should find the ways to stabilize this incipient carbocation as T.S. stabilization will decrease
activation energy.
Nature of substrate: Like carbocation, incipient carbocation will be stabilized by resonance
or mesomeric effect, conjugation by adjacent π electron cloud or unshared pair of electron
of a heteroatom, hyperconjugation and +I effect of alkyl group.
Benzyl halide, allyl halide, alpha alkoxy methyl halide, tertiary butyl halide types of sub-
strate are good choice for SN1 reaction. In each case the T.S. which is incipient carbocation
will be stabilize by either by resonance or conjugation of by hyperconjugation. In substi-
tuted benzyl halide, any electron releasing substituent at ortho or para position will enhance
the SN1 reaction more as T.S. will be much more stabilize by extended conjugation.
In simple alkyl halide series the reaction rate decreases as we move from tertiary butyl
halide to secondary butyl halide to primary halide to methyl halide as the stability of cor-
5.12. SN2 REACTION 193
SN2 reaction
In this method the reacting nucleophile will attack from the back side of the leaving group
at the carbon centre. As it is a one step reaction hence this step will be the rate determining
step and in r.d.s. the concentration of both alkyl halide and nucleophile involve and so it
is bimolecular reaction.
If we draw the energy profile diagram of this reaction we will get this plot.
The reactant goes into product directly via transition state. The reacting centre is sp3
hybridised tetrahedral geometry. At transition state both the carbon-leaving group bond
breaking and carbon-nucleophile bond making happen simultaneously. So, the T.S. is a
trigonal pipyramidal pentavalent structure where the main three ligand of carbon makes
the trigonal and the leaving group and the nucleophile is above and below the trigonal in
opposite direction.
The rate of a SN2 reaction can be enhanced by these methods.
Structure of reactant: In a SN2 reaction the T.S. is pentavalent whereas the reactant is
tetravalent and hence we can say that T.S. is more crowded than the reactant. More
crowded T.S. will increase its energy and hence activation energy will increase. So, in a less
hindered carbon centre the back side attack of the nucleophile occurs with low energy T.S.
In a series of alkyl halide, as branching increases at the reacting centre the reaction rate
decreases. Among methyl halide, ethyl halide, isopropyl halide and tertiary butyl halide
the rate of SN2 reaction decreases from left to right as the steric hinderance of the reacting
carbon centre increases.
In case of allyl halide or benzyl halide, the rate of SN2 reaction is very high. This is due
the fact that in the T.S. of these system, the p orbital which holds both the leaving group
and nucleophile in its two lobe is at same plane of the π cloud of allyl or benzene system
and hence overlap happens which gives the T.S. stability.
Effect of solvent: In a SN2 reaction the nucleophile is negatively charged and the T.S.
have slightly negatively charged so charge density of T.S. is lower than the reactant. More
polar solvent will stabilize the reactant more compare to the T.S. So, theoretically reaction
rate should decreases with increase in solvent polarity. In reality solvent polarity change
have little effect on the rate of SN2 reaction.
If we use a polar aprotic solvent like DMF (Dimethyl formamide) or DMSO (Dimethyl
sulphoxide) in a SN2 reaction, the reaction rate increases compared to use of polar protic
solvent. This is due the fact that polar protic solvent can solvate both cation and anion
and hence solvated anions which is a nucleophile, lost its activity to some extend. But
polar aprotic solvent can solvate only cation not anion. So, the nucleophiles or the anions
are free to attack from back side. The rate of nucleophilic substitution of methyl iodide
with sodium azide increases 106 fold by changing the polar protic methanol solvent to polar
aprotic DMF solvent.
Stereochemistry: As in a SN2 reaction, the attack happens from back side so, inversion
of the reaction centre happens. If the carbon centre is chiral then inversion of configura-
tion happen; from an optically pure isomeric substrate we got pure isomeric product with
inverted configuration.
5.13.1 1,2-Elimination
In a 1,2 elimination reaction a leaving group (Y) and a hydrogen atom (H) are being
eliminated from α and β carbon respectively and as a result a carbon-carbon double bond
formed. In presence of base this elimination takes place and generally an halide from α
position and a hydrogen from β position is eliminated. This is called base induced 1,2-
elimination reaction. In other format alcohols form alkene by dehydration in presence of
acid. Quarternery ammonium hydroxide salts on heating produce alkene by 1,2-elimination
method. Other leaving groups like −OSO2 Ar , − OAc, − SR2 etc are also take part in 1,2-
elimination reaction.
1,2-elimination reaction can be classified in three different category depending upon the
mechanism of the reaction.
E1 mechanism: In E1 reaction, the leaving group Y leaves first and generate a crabocation.
This step is exactly similar like SN1 reaction. The carbocation transformed into alkene by
loss of a proton. This is two step process and the reaction kinetics is unimolecular. The
energy profile diagram is like a SN1 reaction. As the first step, where carbocation former is
the slowest step or rate determining step hence the rate of the reaction will depend upon the
stability of the incipient carbocation which is the T.S. of the reaction. That is why tertiary
butyl bromide affords isobutene at faster rate than the rate of elimination for secondary
butyl bromide.
If the carbocation intermediate have more than one type of hydrogen for elimination, we
will get multiple elimination product. Now the ratio of all alkene will not be same. The
more substituted alkene will be the major product as more substituted alkene is more stable
by hyperconjugation. Thus the E1 elimination of 3-methyl-2-bromo-butane can lead to 2-
methyl-2- butene and 3-methyl-2-butene as product but the former will be predominant as
it is more stable by the hyperconjugation effect of 9 β hydrogen where the later product
have only one β hydrogen. The more substituted alkene is called as Saytzeff product and
the less substituted alkene is called Hoffman product.
5.13.2 E2 Elimination
This reaction happens in a single step. The base abstract the β hydrogen and the leaving
group Y leaves from the adjacent carbon simultaneously. The energy profile diagram looks
like a SN2 reaction. In the transition state the C-H bond and the C-Y bond partially breaks
whereas a partial double bond character is formed between two carbon atom and hence the
T.S. is an incipient alkene which have similar characters like alkene. So, T.S. (the incipient
alkene ) will be stabilised by presence of hyperconjugating β hydrogen. In the rate expres-
sion both the substrate and the base concentration is involve and hence it is bimolecular
Stereochemically E2 reaction is very important as the orientation of the abstracted hydrogen
and the leaving group must be anti to each other. This stereochemical criteria makes E2
reaction stereospecific. An partucular stereoisomer will afford an particular steroisomeric
product due the mechanistic pathway of the reaction. If in the substrate more than one
beta position and hence more than one beta hydrogen present, E2 elimination will occur
by abstracting that beta hydrogen which will lead to more substituted alkene as the corre-
sponding T.S. will be more stable due to hyperconjugation and hence activation energy will
be low or reaction rate will be fast. Thus 2-bromo-butane will give but-2-ene as predominat
product as the corresponding T.S. will be more stable due to presence of 6 hyperconjugating
hydrogen. Whereas the minor product will be 1-butene as the corresponding T.S. is less
stable due to the presence of only 2 hyperconjugating β hydrogen.
E1 CB Mechanism: In a E1 CB pathway, the C-H bond breaking precedes over C-Y bond
breaking. This happens because the leaving group is poor like -SMe2 . As a result in first
step at beta position carbanion formed and in the consecutive next step the carbanion force
the leaving group to leave and a carbon carbon double bond formed.
that in this substitution process hydrogen ion (H+ ) acts as a leaving group. The rate of
the reaction depends on the electron density of the aromatic ring and the electrophilicity of
the electrophile. A strong electrophile can react with relatively less active aromatic nucleus
and a en electron rich nucleus can react with poor electrophile.
The mechanism of the aromatic electrophilic substitution is multistep. At first the elec-
trophile sit on the π cloud of the aromatic ring and form π-complex. In the second step
the electrophile make a sigma bond with a carbon atom by breaking a double bond of the
aromatic ring. As a result the aromaticity of the ring is lost and hence this step associated
with high energy. The adjacent carbon gets positive charge due to this carbon-electrophile
sigma bond formation. In the last step the hydrogen attached to the carbon containing
electrophile stabilises the adjacent positive charge by breaking this C-H bond and the com-
pound regains its aromaticity.
Nitration of benzene: Nitration of benzene by mixed acid is an example of aromatic elec-
trophilic substitution. Here the mixed acid produces strong electrophile nitronium ion. The
mixture of concentrated sulphuric acid and concentrated nitric acid is called nitrating mix-
ture or mixed acid. Strong concentrated sulphuric acid react on nitric acid and eliminate
water to produce nitronium ion. This nitronium ion makes π complex followed by sigma
complex and at last nitrobenzene as product.
reaction mechanism pathway changes from ionic mechanism to a free radical mechanism
where peroxide acts as a free radical initiator. The initiator molecule first abstract a hy-
drogen free radical and thus form halogen free radical to react. The halogen free radical
will add to the carbon-carbon double bond. For an unsymmetrical alkene the halogen free
radical adds to the carbon at less hindered side and produce a more stable secondary free
radical. If the halogen free radical adds to more substituted carbon then we would reach
to less stable primary free radical. So the secondary free radical which is predominant and
more stable now take a hydrogen radical and the initiator halogen free radical is reproduced.
Now the halogen free radical will carry the reaction again in chain loop.
Point to note that the Merkownikov and Anti-Merkownikov rule only works in unsymmet-
rical alkene. The peroxide effects only acts particularly in HBr addition because in HBr
addition by a free radical pathway both the step is exothermic but for all other haloacid
either or both steps are endothermic. Which one of the following has the least bond angle ?(June-2013)
a) NH3 b) BeF2 c) H2 O d) CH4 .
Ans. H2 O Which of the following carboxylic acids will have the lagest Ka value ?
a) CH3 − CH2 − COOH b) Cl − CH2 − COOH c) Ph − COOH d) F3 C − COOH.
Ans. F3 C − COOH
5.16. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 199 Which of the following carbonium ions will be the most stable ?
a) Ph3 C+ b) H3 C − CH+ +
2 c) H2 C = CH − CH2 d) (CH3)2 − CH .
Ans. Ph3 C+ The half-life of a first order reaction is 20 minutes. The time required for 75%
completion of the reaction is
a) 30 minutes b) 40 minutes c) 50 minutes d) 60 minutes.
Ans. 40 minutes The boiling point of p-nitrophenol is greater than o-nitrophenol because of(June-
a) ionic bonding b) intermolecular H-bonding c) van der Waals attractive forces
d) intramolecular H-bonding.
Ans. Intermolecular H-bonding (a) Aniline is a weaker base than methyl amine. Why? (June-2011) 2 (a) Explain that alcohols are weaker acids than phenols but are stronger nucle-
ophiles. (Dec-2010)3 Explain the order of acid strength HCOOH > CH3 COOH > Phenol > Ethanol
200CHAPTER 5. STRUCTURE AND REACTIVITY OF ORGANIC MOLECULES Write down the product of the following reaction with mechanism
(CH3 )3 C − CH2 OH + Conc. H2 SO4 4+4+4 Write short notes each (a) Inductive effect (b) Carbocation Compare the C-Cl bond lengths in CH2 = CH−Cl and CH3 −CH2 −Cl(Dec-2012) Arrange the molecules in their increasing acidity order : Phenol, 2,6-dimethyl-4-
nitrophenol, 3,5-dimethyl- 4-nitrophenol Predict all possible products of neopentyl bromide that undergo solvolysis in aque-
ous alkali medium. Distinguish with example : (i) Carbonium ion and carbenium ion (ii) Addition
reaction and substitution reaction Write notes on any two of the following : (i) Resonance (June-2012) Explain why p-nitrophenol has much higher boiling point than o-nitrophenol al-
though both have same molecular weight What do you mean by hybridization ? How is it related to structure and acidity
of ethane, ethylene and acetylene Which one of the following is more acidic and why ?(i) CCl3 COOH and (ii)
CH3 COOH. Write short notes on any three of the following : (d) E1 and E2 reaction (d)
Compare the acidic characters of formic acid, acetic acid and phenol. Write notes on any three of the following :(e) Mesomeric effect (Dec-2011) Distinguish between the following with example : (i) Carbonium ion and carbanion
(ii) Addition reaction and substitution reaction.
5.16. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 201 Write down short notes on any three of the following (f) Markonokov’s and anti-
Markonikov’s rule.(June-2011) What is solvolysis reaction? What will be the product when solvent is methanol? Write down the products of the following reaction with mechanism : CH3 CH =
CH2 + HBr(Benzoyl peroxide) Explain why :(a) Phenol is more easily nitrated than benzene. (June-2010) Why does benzene undergo electrophilic substitution rather than addition reaction
? Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) Hyperconjugation (f) Hydro-
gen bonding and its effect on properties of compounds.
Chapter 6
6.1 Introduction
The Natural giant molecules DNA which contains all the genetic information from gener-
ation to generation is a macromolecule. Similarly biomolecules like starch, cellulose, pro-
teins, enzymes etc. and synthetic compunds like polythene, polyvinyl chloride are also class
of macromolecules. Among these macromolecules some macromolecules have large num-
ber (Hundred to ten thousand or more) of repeating simple monomer unit joint together
through covalent bonds which is called polymer and the process of formation of polymer
from the simple starting molecules is called polymerization.
The word ”Polymer” have been taken from greek word ”Poly”, which means many and
”meros” which means part or unit. Polymers have very high molecular weight. Polymers
are macromolecules but chlorophyll, butter, Tween 20, Tween 60, Tween 80, Sodium do-
decyl sulphonates (SDS), Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide(CTAB) are macromolecule
due to their giant structure but having no repeating unit of monomer that is why they are
not polymer.
6.2 Monomer
The smallest unit or part which combine togetherrepeatedly to form polymers is called
monomers. Polythene is a polymer which is formed by the combination (addition) of ETHY-
LENE monomer unit.
nC2 H4 → (C2 H4 )n .
but there are so many polymer which are mainly prepared from inorganic compounds like
metaphosphoric acid (HPO3 )n , silicates (SiO2 )n , asbestos fiber.
Homopolymer - PVC
Copolymer: Polymer obtained by the simple addition of more than one monomer unit or
condensation(release of material during reaction) of more than one type of monomer unit
having bi or more functional group is called copolymer. Styrene butadiene rubber(SBR or
Buna-S), Nitrile rubber(NBR or Buna-N rubber), nylon-66 etc. are examples of copolymer.
Copolymer - Nylon6,6
a) Block copolymer: A linear chain copolymer in which one monomer unit is blocked by
other monomer unit in various manner are called block copolymer. Suppose A and B are
two monomers. One monomer is blocked in different way like-
Example: Styrenebutadiene(SBR)
b) Graft copolymer: A branched chain copolymer in which one monomer unit form the
main or long backbone chain and branches attached to it are made by other monomer
is called graft copolymer. Example: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) consists of the
polystyrene backbone with polybutadiene chains branching from it in each direction.
a)Linear chain polymer: Polymer in which single monomer (incase of homo poly-
mer) or more than one monomer (incase of copolymer) units are linked together to form only
long chain or straight chain linear polymer called linear chain polymer. Due to their lin-
ear structure the different polymeric backbone chain these chains are well fitted to each
other, having high density and high melting point. Example: High density polyethy-
lene(HDPE) Polyvinylchloride(PVC) Polystyrene(PS) Polybutadiene etc.(homopolymer);
Nylon-66 Styrene butadiene polyester(copolymer)etc.
b) Branched chain polymer: Polymer in which single monomer unit (incase of homo
polymer) or more than one monomer (incase of copolymer) units are linked together to form
long chain with long or short branch throughout the long backbone chain is called branched
chain polymer. Due to presence of branch throughout the polymeric backbone chain these
chains are not well fitted to each other and hence they are low density polymer with high
melting point. Example: Low density polyethylene(LDPE) Glycogen etc. (homopolymer:)
c) Cross linked polymer: Polymer in which normally more than one monomer (incase
of copolymer) units are linked together to form long chain and different long backbone
chains are randomly cross linked resulting in the three dimensional network structure called
branched chain polymer. Due to presence of three dimensional cross link throughout the
different polymeric backbone chain with a giant molecular structure and make the structure
rigid hard and brittle. Example: Homo polymer: Vulcanized rubber Bakelite (PF) resin
Addition polymerization
During the process of polymeric chain growth if there is only addition of monomers with out
any loss of small molecules like H2 O, NH3 , alcohol etc. and the polymer is an exact multiple
of used monomer unit then the polymerization process is called addition polymerization.
Example of addition polymers are PE PVC, PP etc.
b) Condensation polymerization:
Condensation polymerization
During the process of polymeric chain growth if chemical reaction takes place between
different functional group of single monomer or different monomers with the loss of com-
pound like HCl, H2 O or other compounds and the polymer is not an exact multiple of used
monomer unit then the polymerization process is called condensation polymer polymeriza-
tion. Example of condensation polymers are PF, UF, MF, Nylon, PET etc.
Different between addition and condensation polymerization:
Nylon-6,6 is a polymer having poly amide group (-CONH-) in a long back bone chain. It
is a thin and trade type polymer and capable of forming fiber. Nylon-6,6 is prepared from
equimolar ratio of hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid at a temperature 900 C. The
number 6,6 indicate the carbon atoms. It is an example of copolymer ans linear polymer
same time. The preparation method of nylon-6,6 is condensation polymerization process.
2) Nylon-6:
Nylon-6 is a polymer having poly amide group (-CONH-) in a long back bone chain. It
is a thin and trade type polymer and capable of forming fiber. Nylon-6 is prepared from
ε-amino caproic acid by self condensation at a temperature 900 C. The number 6 indicate
the carbon atoms present in monomer unit. Unlike nylon-6,6, nynol-6 is a homopolymer.
3) polyester or poly ethylene terephthalate(PET): Polyester is a polymer having
poly ester group(-COOC-)in long back bone chain. It is a thin and trade type polymer and
capable of forming fiber. The important polyester is poly ethylene terephthalate (PET). It
is prepared from equimolar ratio of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid at a temperature
140 − 1900 C.
b) These are used for the preparation of high quality magnetic recording tape.
c) Fir thin and thread type having high tensile strength they are used as curtain, fishing
Isotactic polymer
Polymer in which orientation of functional group or side groups are at the same side through-
out the main or long backbone chain are called isotactic polymer. Due to presence of
functional group or side groups same side throughout the polymeric backbone chain these
polymer cis polymer. Example: Cis polyisoprene (Natural Rubber).
ii) Syndiotactic polymer:
Syndiotactic polymer
Polymer in which orientation of functional group or side groups are arrange in the alternate
fashion throughout the main or long backbone chain are called syndiotactic polymer. Due
to presence of functional group or side groups alternate fashion throughout the polymeric
backbone chain these polymer also are trans polymer. Example: Trans polyisoprene (Gut-
taparcha) polypropylene.
iii) Atactic polymer:
Atactic polymer
Polymer in which orientation of functional group or side groups are arrange in the
Random or haphazard fashion throughout the main or long backbone chain are called
atactic polymer. Example: Polypropylene.
Low density polythene is prepared by a number of methods. The common method for
the preparation of LDPE is polymerization of ethylene monomer at high pressure (1000 -
4000 atm) and temperature (2500 C) in presence of oxygen peroxide hydro peroxide( free
radical generator). In this process huge branched chains are formed through out every long
back bone chain. The presence of branches repel each other and the long chains are not
well fitted to each other having some gap produce low density (0.91 to 0.925 gm/cc) polymer.
b) It is less branched.
c) Highly crystalline polymer having crystallinity 80-90 percent.
d) Chemically inert, nonpolar and having dielectric property zero.
e) Highly tough but flexible.
f) Melting point 130 − 1350 C.
Uses of high density polythene:
a) As HDPE is a good insulator they normally used for the preparation of high performance
electrical cables.
b) Bucket, cup, toys are prepared from LDPE.
c) Due to inertness it is used for the storage of H2 SO4 , pipes for LPG gas and water reserver
hard mass solid called BAKELITE. Bakelite is formed through methylol(-CH2 OH for-
mation which ultimately converted to methylene(-CH2 −) by removal of water molecule.
Generally,phenol-formaldehyde polymer are two types-
1) Novoloc
2) Resol
6.6.2 Novoloc
When phenol and formadehyde ratio greater than one (normally, phenol : formaldehyde
=1: 1.5-1.8) in presence of acid catalyst (normally oxalic or acetic acid) only linear long
chain polymer is formed having methylene linkage and some ether is also formed. This
polymer is mainly used for the preparation of laminates. Novoloc also can be converted to
bakelite by the addition of Hexamethylene tetramine (commercially called Hexa which on
hydrolysis produce formaldehyde) heated at 140 − 1450 C, poly condensation take place and
it becomes three dimensional cross ling, brittle and hard mass solid.
Phenol-formaldehyde(NOVOLOK) polymer
6.6.3 Resol
When phenol and formadehyde ratio is less than one (normally, phenol : formaldehyde =
1: 1.5-1.8) in presence of alkali catalyst (normally NaOH) linear long chain as well as some
cross linked polymer among the polymeric methylene linkage also formed.
Phenol-formaldehyde(resol) polymer
Resol is mainly used for the preparation of marine grade plywood composite board etc.
When resol is heated at a temperature 140 − 1450 C poly condensation take place and it be-
comes three dimensional cross linked, brittle hard mass solid polymer called BAKELITE.
Bakelite is formed through methylol (-CH2 OH formation which is ultimately converted to
methylene (-CH2 −) by removal of water molecule.
Phenol-formaldehyde(bakelite) polymer
Properties of bakelite:
a) It is high thermal and electrical resistance. b) It is hard rigid and scratch proof. c) It is
resistant to many inorganic and base.
Use of bakelite:
a) Novoloc is used for the preparation of laminates.
b) Resol is used for preparation of comb, P.O. Box, marine grade, shutter grade, Boilling
water proff ply board, block board, flush door etc..
c) Resol is used for preparation of electrical board, switch etc.
6.7 Plasticizer
There are certain plastics which are not soft sufficiently on heating; and during the plastic
properties (soft,flexibility, less brittleness etc.) are lost. To improve these plastic properties,
some organic compounds are added to these plastic material which make the plastic mate-
rials soften. These external organic compounds are called plasticizer. For example: PVC
is extremely hard and brittle but it can be converted to highly flexible PVC by addition
of small amount dioctyl phthalate or n-butyl phthalate. Other examples of plasticizer are
Dibutyl phthalate, cresyl phthalate, Dialkyl phthalate etc.
Difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic polymer
Thermoplastic Thermosetting plastic
A) Maximum thermoplastic polymer are A) Thermosetting plastic polymer
formed by addition polymerization in are formed by only
few cases condensation polymerization. condensation polymerization.
B) The molecular forces are B) The molecular forces are
normally weak. tremendously strong.
C) Polymer backbone chains are C) Polymer backbone chains are
connected together by Van der Wall’s connected together by
or dipole-dipole attraction or H-bonding. strong covalent bond.
D) These polymers are normally D) These polymers are normally
soft and flexible. hard and brittle.
E) These polymers are normally E) These polymers are normally
linear or branch cross linked polymer
F) On application of heat these F) On application of heat the these
polymers become soft and again polymers become more hard
become hard on cooling. due to farther cross linking.
G) On continuous heating these G) On continuous heating these
polymer get melt. polymers get burnt.
H) These polymers are recyclable. H) These polymers are not recyclable.
I) These polymers soluble in I) These polymers insoluble
many organic solvent. in organic solvent.
J) Example of these J)Example of these polymers
polymers are PVC, PE, are PF resin(Bakelite), MF resin,
PP UF resin Epoxy rein, Polyester resin etc.
i) Cationic mechanism
ii)) Anionic mechanism
Every polymerization reaction proceeds through three steps-
1) Chain initiation
2) Chain propagation
3) Chain termination
1) Chain initiation: This is the first step of polymerization reaction where initiator acti-
vate the monomer unit resulting in the formation of active center in monomer unit.
M(Monomer) + I(Initiator) = M∗ (Active center in monomer unit)
I (Free radical, heat, pressure, catalyst etc.)
2) Chain propagation: This is the second step of polymerization reaction where second
third forth ...... monomer units are added with activated monomer unit consecutively re-
sulting in the formation of large chain unit.
Benzoyl peroxide
Decomposition of benzoyl peroxide in presence of sun light or heat form free radical as
Now, the following three common steps of free radical polymerization reaction are
1) Chain initiation: This is the first step of polymerization reaction where initiator is
added to the monomer unit resulting in the formation of free radical center in monomer
C) Recombination of one smaller free radical monomer with a larger free radi-
D) Disproportion:(Simultaneous oxidation and reduction of activated long chain free rad-
In this process any one free radical centered carbon atom abstracted hydrogen free radi-
cal(reduction) from other(oxidation) free radical and thereby chain termination takes place.
One important think is one of the products is unsaturated as below.
Other important way of chain termination is-
1) Inhibitor reaction: The process of termination is done by inhibitor, a compound
which inhibit the growth of polymerization reaction by termination. This termination is
done when inhibitor combine with generated free radical and give comparatively stable
product. Oxygen, Nitrobenzene, Dinitrobenzene and phenolic materials are act as inhibitor
in many organic polymerization reaction.
Example of polymers formed by free radical mechanism are polyethylene, polypropylene,
styrene, styrene butadiene etc.
B) Ionic polymerization:It is the way of polymerization where the initiator of the re-
action is an ion. This initiator ion is formed from specific Lewis acid or base produce
cation(carbonium ion) or anion(carbanion)on the monomer unit. Depending up on this
cation and or anion formation ionic polymerization is devided into two parts -
i) Cationic mechanism: It is the way of polymerization where the initiator of the reaction
is formed by the combination of Lewis acid(AlCl3 , FeCl3 , BF3 ) used as catalyst with a co
catalyst like water.
1)Chain initiation: This is the first step of cationic polymerization reaction where initia-
tor is added to the monomer unit resulting in the formation of cation center(carbinium ion)
in monomer unit.
2) Chain propagation: This is the second rapid step of cationic polymerization reac-
tion where second third forth ......monomer units are added with generated cation cen-
ter(carbinium ion) in monomer unit consecutively resulting in the formation of large chain
2) Chain propagation: This is the second rapid step of anionic polymerization reac-
tion where second third forth ......monomer units are added with generated anion cen-
ter(carbanion) in monomer unit consecutively resulting in the formation of large chain
anion. As-
atom of a monomer and a metal atom of the catalyst. In this polymerization the triethyl
aluminium act as electron donor and and meal halide acts as an electron acceptor. The dif-
ferent catalysts for coordination polymerization reaction. Mechanism of coordination
polymerization: 1) Chain initiation: This is the first step of coordination polymer-
ization reaction where complex catalyst is added to the monomer unit resulting in the
formation of metal-carbon bond in monomer unit.
2) Chain propagation: This is the second rapid step of coordination polymerization reac-
tion where second third forth ...... monomer units are added with generated metal-carbon
bond in monomer unit, consecutively resulting in the formation of large chain metal-carbon
3) Chain termination: This is the third and final step of coordination polymerization
reaction where termination of large chain metal-carbon is terminated by the transfer of
hydrogen atom from monomer or from active hydrogen containing compound.
Importance of coordination polymerization:
1) Normal free radical polymerization involves atactic polymer whereas coordination poly-
merization isotactic polymer. That means stereospecific polymer can be prepared by this
coordination polymerization. Using this process(Zeiglar-Natta catalyst) of polymerization
isoprene produces only stereospecific Cis-1,4-polyisoprene
2) Coordination polymerization always involves mainly linear polymer hence highly crys-
talline in nature.
6.9 Rubber
Rubber is a natural elastomeric polymer whose monomer unit is cis-2-methyle-1,3-butadiene.
Raw rubber material is extracted from rubber plant which is milk like sappy and negatively
charged colloid, get polymerized bio chemically. The main source of natural rubber is rub-
ber tree (scientific name: Hevea Basiliensis.)
Rubber tree is found mainly in tropical countries like southern part of India, Srilanka,
Malaysia, Thailand, South America. Solid rubber is white brownish amorphous solid which
is soluble in petrol/carbon disulphide. The main compositions of latex which is extracted
from rubber plant are -
The produced rubber is called cold rubber as the polymerization carried at temperature
-150 C to 50 C. At this temperature the chain length can be controlled. If the reaction tem-
perature is 500 C then he rubber is called hot rubber and in this case the chain can not be
Such types of synthetic rubbers are more efficient than natural rubber. These rubber
have high tensile strength, low abrasion oxidation and resistance to weather oil and acid
biodegradable. That means micro organism cannot decompose them and the major prob-
lem is after use the polymeric products are thrown hare and there which makes layers on
the earth and water cannot penetrate to the under ground in rainy season. To overcome
the disposal problem few thermoplastic polymer are recycled. But during every recycling
the plastic properties of the polymers are gradually decreased. The thermosetting polymers
are not recyclable. Therefore they cause major problem for our ecosystem. This problem
are solved by preparing plastics which get degrade spontaneously after certain period of
time (require for use). Such polymers which are biodegradable by chemical oxidation or
by micro organism are called biodegradable polymers. He the carbon-carbon bond in poly-
mers is inert due to non-polarity and cannot break by means of natural micro organism or
by chemical treatment. To make the polymers biodegradable it is needed to incorporate
some reactive functional group in the carbon-carbon bond of the polymer. Mainly used
such type functional group is ester(-COOR) where the carbon-carbon bond is not directly
linked but linked by (-O-). Due to the incorporation of ester functional group in between
carbon-carbon bond the polymer become biodegradable.When these polymer is buried as
waste they will be degraded by microorganism through enzymatic catalysis.
The beat examples of bio degradable polymers are-
Poly-hydroxy butyrate valerate(PHBV)
Poly-hydroxy butyrate (PHB)
Polyglycolic acid(PGA)
Polylactic acid(PLA)
Poly-hydroxy butyrate valerate(PHBV): It is a co-polymer. This type of bio-degradable
polymer is prepared from 3-Hydroxybutanoic acid and 3-Hydroxypentanoic acid. It is nor-
mally used in the preparation of packaging materials for orthopedic device. The main
drawback of these polymers is very costly.
of the polymer multiplied by their respective molecular weight. Weight average molecular
weight can be determined by light scattering measurement method. If a polymer sample
have N1 , N2 , N3 , Nn number of molecules according to the chain length and the molecular
masses are M1 , M2 , M3 , Mn respectively then the weight fraction of different polymeric
chains will be W1 , W2 , W3 , Wn respectively.
Total mass of the 1st species
W1 =
Total mass of the polymer
N1 M1
N1 M1 + N2 M2 + N3 M3 + − − − − − − − − +Nn Mn
= P1 1
Ni Mi
Total mass of the 2nd species
W2 =
Total mass of the polymer
N2 M2
N1 M1 + N2 M2 + N3 M3 + ......... + Nn Mn
= P2 2
Ni Mi
− − − − −− −−−−−−−−
− − − − −− −−−−−−−−
Total mass of the i-th species
Wi =
Total mass of the polymer
Ni Mi
N1 M1 + N2 M2 + N3 M3 + ......... + Nn Mn
= Pi i
Ni Mi
η − η Solvent
[η] = [ Solution ]
η Solvent
= η Specific
we will get the viscosity average molecular weight of the polymer. Where K and a are
constant for specific pair of polymer and solvent and obtained from the literature. It is
observed that the value of a vary in the range 0.5 to 0.9 .
[η] = KMV
log[η] = log(MV )
log[η] = logK + alogMV
Putting the respective value of two constant K and a and [η] we will get the value of MV .
(DMN ) =
(DMW ) =
(PDI) =
from rubbery (soft and called viscoelastic state) to glassy (hard and rigid) solid or vice-
versa. This can be done by heating the solid polymer to melt and allow to cool gradually.
The viscosity of liqid gradually increses and it will converted to rubber like material. On
farther cooling at a particular temperature the rubber form transformed to rigid form. This
temperature is called glass transition temperature. The term glass transition temperature
is only applicable for thermoplastic polymer not for thermosetting polymer. The molecu-
lar force of polymer very much depend on glass transition temperature. Glass transition
temperature of few amorphous polymers are-
Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC) 80
Polytetrafluoroethylene(Teflon) 115
Polypropylene(PP) 5
Polyethylene(PE) -20
In case of crystalline polymer and amorphous polymer, above the glass transition a state
will arrive where molecules moved into ordered arrangement with a very stable crystalline
structure by gaining of energy and there by given off energy called crystalline temperature
(TC ). TC can be measured by differential calorimetry(DSC)
The lower energy band is called valence band and the upper energy band is called conduction
band. The band theory explains the position of these mobile electrons and the process of
electrical conduction. In polymer, when they occupy a definite positions, the electrons are
subjected to a non-uniform electric field. The electrons may now take position in the band.
The band however non-continuous, but separated by forbidden zones.
If the energy gap between the valence band and conduction band(band gap) are large then
the polymer is called electrically insulator.
In case of semiconductor a small amount of electric current can flow at room temperature
and the normal value of conductivity of semiconductors are in the order 102 to10−10 ohm−1 .m−1 .
6.21.1 Semiconductor
Semi-conducting polymers are having the energy gap between the valence band and con-
duction band(band gap) are not so large and not so small. They have low conductivity.
Examples are poly acetylene1.7 × 10−9 ohm−1 .m−1 and polyaniline10−10 ohm−1 .m−1 .
Due to this low conductivity these are not used in practical field. The conductivity of these
semiconductor however enhance by many ways-
1. Doping
2. Filled with conducting polymer
3. Blending with conducting polymer
6.21.2 Doping
The conduction power of semiconductor can be enhanced by input some foreign material or
impurities. These impurities are called doping agent or dopant. Appropriate doping agent
increase the conductivity of semiconductors upto 104 times. Doping enhances the conduc-
tivity of semiconductor and called extrinsic semiconductor. The increase in conduction is
due to participation of impurity elements in between the valence band and conduction band
and thus making a bridge through which electrons can jump easily from the valence band to
the conduction band.Actually the conjugated Π electrons have very low ionisation potential
and high electron affinities the foreign materials develop positive or negative charge through
oxidation or reduction of the semiconductor. Doping are mainly two type.
i) p-type doping through oxidation of materials: In this type of doping some elec-
trons from the conjugated Π bonds are removes through oxidation creating a positive hole
called polaron inside the polymer. The positive hole or polaron can move throughout the
polymeric chain and make it conducting polymer.
1. Ethylene HOCH2 − CH2 OH + Polyethylene −[OCH2 − CH2 OOC Terylene Seat belts,
glycol + HOOC − C6 H4 − COOH terephthalate −C6 H4 − CO]− or Decron ropes,
Terephthalic (PET) nets,
acid magnetic
2. Ethylene HOCH2 − CH2 OH Polyethylene −[OCH2 − CH2 OOC Glyptal Paints,
glycol + + C6 H4 − (COOH)2 terephthalate −C6 H4 − CO]− lacquers
Phthalic + (PET)
acid +
3. Caprolactum (−CH2 )5 CONH− Polyamide −[NH Nylon-6 Ropes,
(CH2 )5 CO]− tyre cords
4. ε-Amino NH2 − (CH2 )5 − NH2 Polyamide −[NH(CH2 )5 CO]− Nylon-6 Ropes,
caproic tyre cords,
acid thrade,
5. Hexamethylene NH2 − (CH2 )6 NH2 + Polyamide −[NH − (CH2 )6 Nylon-6,6 Fabrics
diamine + HOOC− NHOC − (CH2 )4 for textile,
Adipic (CH2 )4 − COOH −CO]− bristles
acid for brushes
6. Ethylene HOCH2 − CH2 OH + Polyethylene −[OCH2 − CH2 O Terylene Seat
glycol + CH3 O − OC − C6 H4 terephthalate −OC − C6 H4 or belts,
Dimethyl −CO − OCH3 −CO − O]− Decron ropes, nets,
terephthalic magnetic
acid tapes
7. Phenol + C6 H5 − OH Poly Three Novoloc or Wood adhesive,
Formaldehyde + HCHO phenol dimensional resol Electrical
formaldehyde cross linking (Phenoplast) equipments
network PF (PO box)
structure resin pressure
(see p.-) cooker
8. Melamine + C3 N6 H6 Poly Three dimensional (Aminoplast) plywood
Formaldehyde + HCHO melamine cross linking network MF adhesive,Cup
formaldehyde structure(see p.-) resin plate, dish
structure(see page-) plate, dish
9. Urea + NH2 − CO − NH2 Poly Three dimensional (Aminoplast) MR grade
Formaldehyde + HCHO urea crosslinking network UF plywood
formaldehyde structure(see p.-) resin adhesive
structure(see p.-) adhesive
6.22. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 247 Explain the number average and weight molecular mass of polymer. Which one
is greater and why ?(Dec-2012)( 3 + 2) What is tacticity? Draw the structures of isotactic, syndiotactic and atactic poly-
mers with structures.( June-2011)(2+3) Give the outline of preparation, structure and uses of SBR. How is HDPE manu-
factured ? What are its uses ?(Dec-2010)(3 + 2) (b) The degree of polymerization of polyethylene is 1000. Find the molecular
weight of polyethylene. 2 Write down the structure and use of Nylon-66 and PVC.(Dec-2010)
6.22. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS 249 Equal number of polymer molecules with M1 = 100000 and M2 = 10000 are mixed.
Calculate MN and Mw.
What do you mean by degree of polymerization. (a) Write down the difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting resin with
(b) Explain addition and condensation polymerization with example.
(c) Classify polymers on the basis of tacticity. (June-2014)(3 + 4 + 3 ) (a) Discuss essential structural criteria for electrical conductivity, environmental
stability and melt-and solution processibility in conducting polymers with suitable
example.( 4) (b) What is plastic ? Distinguish between thermoplastics and thermosetting poly-
mer.( June-2013)(5) Discuss the difference among isotactic, syndiotactic and atactic polymers.(Dec-
2012) (3) (a) Discuss the essential structural criteria for conductivity, environmental stabil-
ity and process ability in conducting polymers with suitable examples (6) Write notes on any three of the following :(a) Biodegradable polymer(Dec-2011) Write notes on any three of the following : (c) Vulcanization of rubber (c)What are the difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting resins?(June-
2011) Write down short notes on any three of the following(b) Vulcanization of rubber Write the chemical structures of the repeat units of Nylon 6, 6 and Nylon 6. Why
are they so named ? ( Dec-2010) (4)
b) Fuels are are derived from by transformation of natural fuel are called derived fuel or
secondary fuel like-coke, charcoal (solid), petrol, diesel, kerosine (liquid), coal gas, biogas,
water gas, producer gas (gaseous) etc.
NCV = GCV − ( × 9 × 587)
NCV = GCV − (0.09H × 587)Cal
7.4.2 Coal
Coal is the fossilized version of animals and plants. It is highly rich with carbon and other
impurities like water, sulphur, nitrogen, mud and others. Depending upon percentage of
coal and hence the calorific value, coals are classified in four groups-anthracite, bituminous,
lignite and peat. The formation of cellulosic vegetables to coal under the earth is associated
with long chemical process. In the initial stage the cellulosic materials attacked by some
anaerobic micro organism and at a particular temperature it is converted to low graded,
soft coal peat. Then at higher temperature and pressure and with a long period of time it is
converted to comparatively better quality coal named as lignite. Depending on the quality,
this soft, high moisture content low calorific value peat and lignite coal is called low rank
coal. Again for a long period of time low graded lignite coal by removal of volatile materials,
converted to hard, more porous, spongy, high carbon contain high graded bituminous coal
and anthracite coal. Depending on the quality, this Hard, brittle, extremely low volatile
matter content, high calorific value bituminous and anthracite coal is called high rank coal.
Some solid fuels and their characteristics
(W1 − W2 )100
ii) Ash Content: The left over material of complete combustion of coal is known as ash
content. This is mainly consists of mud, inorganic carbonates, slate, clay, metal oxides etc.
A certain quantity of air dried coal (W1 gm) is heated in a muffle furnace at 7500 C in
presence of air. After complete combustion W3 gm of ash is left. Hence the percentage of
ash content
(W3 )100
iii) Moisture Content: Coal sample contain some amount of moisture. During air drying
some moisture content of the coal is lost by evaporation and some part of moisture is still
remained inside coal. This remaining moisture after air drying is called inherent moisture.
This inherent moisture can be removed by heating at 105 - 1100 C.
A certain quantity of air dried coal on a silica or porcelain crucible of weight (W1 gm) is
heated at 105 - 1100 C for 1 hour. After heating the weight of the coal with the crucible
is W4 gm. So the weight of moisture content will be (W1 − W4 ) gm and the percentage of
the moisture will be-
(W1 − W4 )100
iv) Fixed Carbon: Percentage of fixed carbon will be = 100 - (Volatile matter% + Ash
content% + Moisture content%)
H2 (2gm) + O2 = H2 O(18gm)
CaCl2 + 7H2 O = CaCl2 .7H2 O
From the 1st reaction we can say that 18 gm of water can be obtained from 2 gm of hydrogen.
Hence M1 gm of water will come from M1 (2/18) gm of hydrogen.
2 × (M1 ) × 100
Percentage of H =
18 × (W1 )
From the 1st reaction we can say that 44 gm of carbon dioxide can be obtained from 12 gm
of carbon.
Hence M2 gm of carbon dioxide will come from M2(12/44) gm of carbon.
12 × (M2 ) × 100
Percentage of C =
44 × (W1 )
ii) Percentage of sulphur: A certain amount of finely powdered coal is fused with Eschka
nixture (2:1 mixture of MgO and Na2 CO3 ) in presence of air. The sulphur content of the
coal sample is oxidised to SO2 and which is convered to sulphite salts by Eschka mixture.
S + O2 = SO2
MgO + SO2 = MgSO3
Na2 CO3 + SO2 = Na2 SO3 + CO2
7.4. SOLID FUEL 257
SO−2 −2 +
3 + Br2 + H2 O = SO4 + 2H + 2Br
The oxidised sulphate salts are soluble in water and by adding barium salts they are pre-
cipitated. The precipitate is filtered, washed and dried. From the weight of precipitate, the
percentage of sulphur is calculated.
4 + BaCl2 = BaSO4 ↓ +2Cl
Now, molecular weight of barium sulphate (BaSO4 ) is 233 and atomic weight of S is 32.
Hence, we can say that 233 gm of BaSO4 can be obtained from 32 gm of S. If W1 gm of
coal was taken and M3 gm of BaSO4 is obtained, then percentage of sulphur will be
32(M3 )100
233(W1 )
The digestion mixture is neutralized by KOH and then heated with excess KOH to liberate
NH3 gas from ammonium salt.
This ammonia gas is abosorbed into a known volume of standardized sulphuric acid. The
excess acid is back titrated against standard NaOH solution.
Let us consider both the sulphric acid and NaOH have the same strength = (N/10) and
V1 ml of slphuric acid was taken and V2 ml of NaOH was consumed for back titration. So,
(V1 − V2 ) ml of (N/10) sulphuric acid equivalent ammonia was produced.
a) Aromatic < cycloparaffin < olefin < branched chain paraffin < straight chain paraffin
b) n-butane < n-pentane < n-hexane < n-heptane < n-octane
c) n-heptane < 2-methyl hexane < 2,2-dimethyl pentane.
7.6.3 Cracking
Ease of combustion of a liquid fuel depends upon it’s volatility. Hydrocarbons with higher
molecular weight are less volatile and hydrocarbons with low molecular weight are more
volatile. So, to achieve complete combustion and hence to achieve good calorific value,
high molecular weight hydrocarbons are broken into low molecular weight hydrocarbons.
This phenomenon is called cracking. Two types of cracking process is generally carried
out-thermal cracking and catalytic cracking.
Thermal cracking: In this method cracking is carried out at 450 − 5500 C temperature and
1-7 atm. pressure without presence of any catalyst.
Catalytic cracking: Catalytic cracking is carried out at low temperature and pressure in
7.6.4 Reforming
Reforming is a process by which the octane number of a petrol sample is increased by altering
it’s chemical composition. This is also known as aromatization. Reforming is carried out
at high temperature (450 − 5500 C), pressure (20-50 atm) and sometimes Cr2 O3 or V2 O5 is
used as catalyst. Generally in this process cyclohexane and it’s derivatives are aromatizes
to benzene and it’s derivative. Linear chain hydrocarbons are converted to cyclohexane
derivatives. Straight chain hydrocarbons are isomerizes to branch chain hydrocarbon. By
all this method octane number of a petrol sample is increased.
n-hexadecane then it’s cetane number is 100 and a diesel consists of only α-methyl naph-
thalene, cetane number is zero. Cetane number of a sample of diesel 80 indicates that it
has same ignition property as that of a mixture of diesel having cetane is 80% and 20%n-
hexadecane. The order of increase cetane number is in the following -
a) Aromatic < branched alkane < alkene < naphthalene < n-alkane
b) n-butane < n-pentane < n-hexane < n-heptane < n-octane
c) n-heptane < 2-methyl hexane < 2,2-dimethyl pentane
So, higher the octane number of a fuel, it will be a better choice.
7.7.2 A good petrol engine fuel is a bad fuel for diesel engine
and vice versa
A good petrol engine fuel consist of maximum number of branched chain hydrocarbon and
aromatic hydrocarbon where as a good diesel engine fuel consist of straight hydrocarbon
chain with minimum number of branch and aromatic hydrocarbon. Thus the condition of
petrol engine knocking is just opposite to the diesel engine. In petrol engine, pre-ignition
by compression leads to knocking so to minimize the knock we needs fuel with
higher ignition temperature. A branched chain hydrocarbon and aromatic hydrocarbon
have High ignition temperature. On the other hand in Diesel engine, ignition delay is
the main cause of knocking. So to minimize the knocking we need fuel with low
ignition temperature. A straight chain hydrocarbons with minimum number of branch
and aromatic hydrocarbon have low ignition temperature. For this reason it is called ”A
good petrol engine fuel is a bad fuel for diesel engine and vice versa”
7.10 Bio-diesel
Petroleum is not a renewable energy source and it’s stock is limited. It is immense important
to search for alternative fuel source otherwise in next 20-30 years this world will come to a
halt as source of petroleum will be over. Bio-diesel can be a good alternative of petroleum.
Bio-diesel can be generated from vegetable oil or from animal fat. Jatropa seeds are good
source of bio-diesel. The triglycerides from the jatropa seed extract are trans-esterified in
presence of catalyst and alcohol (methanol or ethanol).
Bio-diesel blends with petroleum diesel are represented as BXX where XX represented the
percentage of bio-diesel in the mixture. B100 represent the pure bio-diesel where as B60
represent 60% bio-diesel and 40 % petroleum diesel There are several similarities of bio-
diesel and normal diesel-
a) The specific gravity of bio-diesel is more than normal diesel.
b) The cetane number of bio-diesel is higher than normal diesel.
c) The flash point of bio-diesel is higher than normal diesel and hence bio-diesel is more
Advantage of Bio-diesel:
a) Bio-diesel have high flash point.
b) Bio-diesel is biodegradable, non-toxic.
c) It can be used in normal diesel engine as pure form or as a blend.
d) It reduces greenhouse effect.
e) Bio-diesel has low emission of carbon monoxide or carbon-di-oxide.
Liquid fuels are evaporate continuously and the rate of evaporation increases with tem-
perature.The emitted vapour does not catch the fire at any temperature on application of
pressure on it. The minimum temperature at which emitted vapour of liquid fuel undergo
compression with raise in temperature and on application of pressure catch fire with out
any external source of flame or spark is called ignition temperature.
iv) High calorific value: The calorific value of CNG is higher than other liquid or gaseous
C + H2 O(steam) = CO + H2
C + [N2 + O2 ](air) = CO + N2 + H2
b) Diesel
c) Kerosene
d) Power alcohol.
Ans. Kerosene Which one of the following is not a primary fuel ? a) Wood
b) Natural gas
c) Coke
d) Crude oil.
Ans. Coke The highest ranking coal is( June-2010)
a) Anthracite
b) Bituminous
c) Lignite
d) Peat.
Ans. Anthracite Explain octane number and cetane number with their significanes.(June-2010) State and explain the basic features of high and low temperature carbonization
of coal. Write the usefulness of both the processes. Define gross and net calorific
value of a fuel. What are proximate and ultimate analysis of coal?(June-2014) 7
+2+2+4 (d) Write down the difference between HTC and LTC with example. (e) What is
TEL?. 4 + 1 (b) What is spontaneous ignition temperature of a fuel? (c) Define octane number
and cetane number of a fuel. (d) State the reason that led to replacement of
conventional gasoline with unleaded gasoline. (e) Which type of hydrocarbons
are suitable as components unleaded gasoline and diesel? Explain with suitable
reason.(June-2014) 2+4+3 (d) What is CNG ? What are the advantages of CNG ? Mention two uses of CNG.
(June-2013) 4 (b) What is proximate analysis of coal and what is its significance ? (c) Indicate the
major fractionation products along with their boiling range and uses obtainable
from atmospheric distillation of crude oil.(June-2012) 4 + 6 (b) What is spontaneous ignition temperature of a fuel ? (c) What is the impor-
tance of unleaded gasoline ? Which type of hydrocarbons is suitable as components
of unleaded gasoline and why ? 2+ 5 (a) Define octane number and cetane number with their significance.(June-2011) (a) What is meant by proximate analysis of coal and what is it’s significance?
(b) Indicate major fractionation products along with their boiling range and uses
obtainable from atmospheric distillation of crude oil. (c) Calculate the weight and
volume (at NTP) of air required for combustion of 1 kg of carbon. (Air content
is 21% by volume and 23% by weight of oxygen). 4+6+5 (c) How can biofuel be an ideal substitute of fossil fuel in solving the global energy
crisis? 5 Write short notes on any three of the following : (a) Bio-diesel
(b) Carbonisation of coal and its utility.
(d) Explain Octane Number and Cetane Number with their significances.(Dec-
2010) 5+5+5 (a) What do you understand by HTC and LTC of a coal ? Write down the
usefulness of each process. (b) What are the important products formed from the atmospheric distillation of
crude oil ? (June-2010)4 (a) What is anti-knocking compound ? Discuss the function of TEL as anti-
knocking agent. What is unleaded petrol ? Write its significance.6 Write short notes on any three of the following : (b) Proximate analysis of coal 5
[3] Ruel V. Churchill, Jambs W. Brown, Roger F. Verhey, Complex Variables and Appli-
cations, Tata Mc.GrawHill.
[5] S.C. Gupta and V.K.Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, S Chand and
TdS relations, 49
TdS relations with free energy, 50
Temperature and equivalent conductance,
Temperature dependent rate equation, 94
Theory of catalysis, 98
Thermoplastic, 213
Thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic
polymer, 220
Thermosetting plastic, 217
Transition state theory, 96
Transport number, 141