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Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

CHE 511 (3-0-3)

Fall 2015

Dr. Naif Darwish

Room EB1-228 ; Ext.: 06/515 2401; E-mail:

Office Hours: By appointment

1. Tester, J.W., Modell, M., Thermodynamics and Its Applications, 3rd edition,
Prentice-Hall, (1997)
2. Smith, J.N., Van Ness, H.C., and Abbott, M.M., Introduction to Chemical
Engineering Thermodynamics, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill (2005)
References: See the attached list
Course Description:
Investigates advanced concepts in thermodynamics. Includes in-depth study of the
following topics: fundamental laws of thermodynamics, equations of state, property
relations for pure materials and mixtures, phase equilibria and intermolecular forces.
Prerequisite: Admission to MSChE Program
Course Objectives: This course is designed to help the student:

Develop a thorough understanding of the fundamental laws of


Understand how thermodynamic properties can be related to experimental data

Become familiar with equations of state, and how they can be used to estimate
thermodynamic properties

Understand how intermolecular forces affect thermodynamic properties

Be able to solve phase equilibria problems using the most appropriate model
Course Learning Outcomes: This course requires the student to demonstrate the
Describe and apply the fundamental laws of thermodynamics to complex
Calculate fugacitites and other system properties from volumetric and thermal
Select and use equations of state for estimating thermodynamic properties
Describe the different types of intermolecular forces, and how each affects
thermodynamic properties


Combine these concepts to solve problems in phase equilibria by selecting and

using the most appropriate model

Homework and Short Quizzes

Homework problems will be assigned on regular basis. However, submittal of
solution for grading is required only for some selected assignments/problems. Quizzes
covering the assigned homework problems will be conducted and graded. Making a
serious individual effort to solve each problem is the best way to master the material
in the course (and generally will be reflected in the exam grades). Students are
encouraged to discuss among themselves the underlying concepts and approaches for
homework problems. Under all circumstances, no make-up quizzes or assignments
will be done.
In addition to a final exam, there will be two 90-minute midterm exams during the
semester. The midterm exams are scheduled on the classes of the 7 th week
(Wednesday, October 28) and the 13th week (Wednesday, December 9th). Except for
very compelling reasons, no make-up exams will be made. Examinations will be
open-textbook(s) unless otherwise stated. Calculators should be brought to each exam
and quiz. The final exam is a comprehensive one, unless otherwise agreed upon.
Students will perform a term project on a topic specified by the instructor or
suggested by the student(s). Each student/group will submit a written paper
summarizing their findings following the format of one certain international technical
journal. Details of the project guidelines and materials will be posted separately.
As this is not a self-paced course, lecture attendance is not optional. The student is
expected to participate in the class activity. AUS regulations regarding absence will be
strictly implemented.
Numerical grades will be assigned for each graded work. The final grade will be
computed based on the following weights.


Two mid-term exams



Final Exam

Topics Covered
Part One: Fundamentals (9 weeks)
Review of first and second Laws of thermodynamics (Chs. 1-4, Text-1)
The calculus of thermodynamics (Ch. 5, Text-1 )
Equilibrium and stability (Chs 6-7, Text-1)
Properties of pure material and equations of state (Ch 8, Text-1, Ch 6-Text-2)
Vapor-liquid equilibrium in mixtures (Chs 11-12, Text-2)
Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics (Ch 16, Text-2)
Part Two: Applications (4 weeks)
Solubility of a gas in liquid and liquid mixtures (Ch 14-Text-2)
Liquid-liquid and vapor-liquid-liquid equilibria (Ch 14-Text-2)
Electrolyte solutions: osmotic equilibrium and osmotic pressure (Ch 9 Prausnitz)
Mixture phase equilibria involving solids: supercritical fluid extraction (Ch 14Text-2)
Relation of Course to Program Outcomes: This course contributes in a significant
way to the accomplishment of the following program outcomes:
Apply advanced mathematics and engineering science in identifying,
formulating and solving engineering problems
Use modern engineering tools

Prausnitz, J.M., Lichtenthaler, R.N., and Azevedo, E.G., Molecular Thermodynamics
of Fluid-Phase Equilibria, 3rd edition, Prentice-Hall, (1999) (very well-known text in
chemical thermodynamics emphasizing molecular approach)
S. I. Sandler Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodynamics, Fourth
Edition, , John Wiley & Sons, 2006
Elliot, J.R., and Lira, C.T., Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics,
Prentice-Hall, (1999)
Walas, S.M., Phase Equilibria in Chemical Engineering, Butterworth Publishers,
Winnick, J; Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, John-Wiley & Sons Inc. (1997)
Pitzer, K.S., Thermodynamics, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill (1995) (advanced, phase and
chemical equilibria)
Kyle, B.G., Chemical and Process Thermodynamics, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall,
(1992) (intermediate, phase and chemical equilibria)
Balzhiser, R.E., Samuels, M.R., and Eliassen, J.D., Chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics, Prentice-Hall, (1972) (intermediate, mixtures, irreversible)
Poling, B.T., Prausnitz, J.M., and OConnell, J.P.; The Properties of Gases and
Liquids, 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill (2001)
Sonntag R.E., Borgnakke, C., and Van Yilen, G.J.;
Thermodynamics, 6th Ed., John-Wiley & Sons Inc. (2003)



Moran, M.J., and Shapiro, H.N., Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics,

Wiley, 5th Edition (2004)
Wark, K.Jr., Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, McGraw-Hill, (1995) (no
longer in print, but available from Amazon)
Hasopoulos, G.N., and Keenan, J.H., Principles of Thermodynamics, Wiley, (1965)
(advanced, all subjects).
Zemansky, M.W. and Dittman, R.H., Heat and Thermodynamics, 6th Edition,
McGraw-Hill, (1981) (intermediate statistical, mixtures).
Holman, J.P., Thermodynamics, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, (1980). (introductory,
Chapters 5, 8, 9, Statistical and Transport Relations.)
Schrdinger, E., Statistical Thermodynamics, Dover, (1989)

Bejan, A., Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics, Wiley, 1988. ( Irreversible and

classical thermodynamics)
Herold, K.E., Radermacher, R., and Klein, S.A. Absorption Chillers and Heat
Pumps, CRC Press, (1996) (absorption processes)
Sonntag, R.E. and Van Wylen, G.J., Introduction to Thermodynamics, Classical and
Statistical, John Wiley, (1991) (Introductory;, statistical and phase, chemical
Farmelo, G., editor, It Must be Beautiful: Great Equations of Modern Science,
Granta Books, softcover, (2003) (short stories on history of science. The first chapter
describes the evolution of the Planck-Einstein equation for the Energy of a quantum
in a very interesting manner.)
Klotz, I.M. and Rosenberg, R.M., Chemical Thermodynamics: Basic Theory and
Methods, 6th edition, Wiley Interscience, (2000), (Excellent reference for the
thermodynamics of mixtures, which is a major section of this course).

Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

CHE 511 (3-0-3)

Fall 2013
Midterm Exam 1 December 3, 2013
Covering First and second laws, equilibrium criteria, and Legendre transform
(Chapters 1-7 Text)
Project January 12, 2014
Covering stability and EOS applications
Final Exam January 13, 2014
Comprehensive, two parts (one take-home and another in class)
Homework Assignments
Quiz No.

Review of 1st/2nd laws of thermodynamics
Advanced applications of 1st/2nd laws of
Legendre Transforms and calculus of
Solution Thermodynamics

2 Oct. 2013
30 Oct. 2013
13 Nov. 2013
14 Jan. 2014

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