1 s2.0 S0047272710001209 Main
1 s2.0 S0047272710001209 Main
1 s2.0 S0047272710001209 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: We re-examine the labor donation theory of not-for-profits and show that these organizations may exist not
Received 15 November 2009 necessarily because motivated workers prefer to work in them, or that they dominate for-profits in terms of
Received in revised form 30 June 2010 welfare, but because the excess supply of motivated workers makes the non-profit form more attractive to
Accepted 7 September 2010
managers. We show that if firms had to compete for motivated workers then not-for-profit firms would be
Available online 20 October 2010
competed out by for-profit firms. Therefore, in the choice between not-for-profit and for-profit provision, other
JEL classification:
than incentive problems, the distribution of rents between management and workers, and consequently, the
L31 relative scarcity of motivated workers may play an important role.
J32 © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Intrinsic motivation
Labor donation
0047-2727/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Ghatak, H. Mueller / Journal of Public Economics 95 (2011) 94–105 95
sufficiently motivated, either financially or intrinsically, they will switch model to show that the commitment of the manager to no effort via the
to for-profits. However, as one would expect, unless worker motivation not-for-profit status is likely to come with a strict cost in terms of welfare
crosses some threshold, managers will never choose not-for-profits. if production has a stochastic element. Section 5 discusses some empirical
Our goal is not to argue that not-for-profits are undesirable but to implications of our findings, and Section 6 concludes.
highlight a particular effect that strikes a cautionary note on thinking
about their welfare consequences. The labor donation theory based on
free-riding and the theories based on contract failure suggest distinct 2. Related literature
but not mutually exclusive mechanisms. In a model that combines
both, the negative welfare results will be mitigated. The main idea behind the contract failure literature is that by
Our analysis also highlights the importance of understanding limiting monetary incentives for owners not-for-profits enable the
organizational choice between for-profits and not-for-profits in a managers to commit to higher quality (e.g., if there is an underlying
(labor) market setting and has several empirical implications. For cost-quality trade-off) and/or attract key inputs from others (e.g.,
example, it suggests that the importance of not-for-profits relative to donations, labor). The key feature of not-for-profits from the legal and
for-profits within a sector would depend on, among other things, the contractual point of view is that they operate under a non-distribution
relative scarcity of workers. Also, it implies that measures of labor constraint (Hansmann, 1980) under which these organizations
market slackness (e.g., the unemployment rate) may be important cannot distribute residual earnings to individuals who exercise
omitted variables to consider in studies that look at the effect of not-for- control over the firm (e.g., officers, directors, members). They can
profit status on wages and labor donations. earn profits, so long as they are retained for future spending,
Our paper starts off with a model of organizational choice similar to distributed to the beneficiaries in some form, or given to employees
Francois (2003). The basic assumption is that both managers and within the organization without control rights.5 Hansmann (1980)
workers are intrinsically motivated by the success of the project. Effort provides a brief analysis of the role of not-for-profits in signalling and
by either of the two leads to a successful outcome and the worker moves screening managers who vary (unobservably) in terms of how much
first. This gives rise to a free-rider problem in the firm, as long as the weight they put on money vs. the output of the organization. Easley
manager has an incentive to exert effort when the worker did not do so and O'Hara (1983) model a society that is interested in maximizing
yet. The choice of not-for-profit status by the owner/manager of a firm welfare. The basic conflict in their framework is between the manager
can then be understood as an attempt to resolve the free-rider problem of a firm and consumers of firm output. They show that when output
arising within the firm. cannot be observed by society then managers have an incentive to
Not-for-profit status is chosen because it reduces financial incentives raise their own utility and delivering less to the consumers. The non-
for the management and commits it to non-provision of the public good. distribution constraint works to restrain this kind of behavior.
This commitment guarantees workers that their individual contribution Glaeser and Shleifer (2001) model the incentives of a manager
will make a difference in provision and allows managers to reduce the who chooses between a for- and not-for-profit setting. They argue
wage payment. The resulting gain can compensate the manager for lost that profit incentives might lead to undesirable outcomes from the
profits and makes the not-for-profit an attractive choice for the point of view of donors who value the non-contractible outcome of
manager. In other words, the not-for-profit status is chosen for projects the firm. Their argument is related to the multi-tasking argument of
that are financially not too beneficial because it makes more effective Holmstrom and Milgrom (1991). Motivating an agent on a contract-
use of the worker's intrinsic benefits from public good provision. ible task (effort in increasing output or reducing costs) might lead to
However, we show that the adoption of not-for-profit status by the undesirable outcomes because another non-contractible task (effort
manager increases the burden for the worker. If worker–manager in improving quality) is neglected. They show that not-for-profits
matches arise endogenously in a labor market, not-for-profit firms can remain attractive for managers because the reduced financial
only compete with for-profit firms when there is an excess supply of incentive in the not-for-profit is compensated for by the increase in
motivated workers. If motivated workers are scarce, not-for-profits donations.6 A similar argument is made by Bilodeau and Slivinski
are crowded out. This finding provides a new possible explanation for (2004), who show that the non-distribution constraint provides the
the association between volunteer labor and not-for-profit status, entrepreneur with a means of committing not to appropriate funds
namely, the abundance of motivated labor in some sectors. which others wish to assign to the provision of the public good, and so
If both for-profits and not-for-profits are feasible we show that not- it induces higher donations by the public.
for-profits are (weakly) dominated by for-profits in terms of welfare. An important recent contribution by Francois (2000) provides a
This result is even stronger if we introduce some uncertainty and formal analysis of the theory of labor donations. He starts off with the
projects can fail with some probability even if either the worker or the premise that workers are intrinsically motivated in certain activities.
manager supplies effort. He looks at an environment where there is a problem of moral hazard
An important feature of the model is that organizational choice only in teams or free-riding within the organization. He shows that when
affects the distribution of rents within the firm but not the nature of workers receive intrinsic motivation from the provision of an output,
production. We assume that intrinsic motivation is output-based where the firm faces a public good problem. If the manager is very motivated
output is single-dimensional and there is no second dimension like to provide the output, he needs to pay the worker a higher wage to
consumer welfare or quality. This implies that financial incentives do not motivate effort because the worker knows that provision is likely even
harm consumer or donor welfare — whoever benefits from the project if he shirks because the manager will step in. Francois argues that this
just cares about project success. We do not do this because we think it is need to pay higher wages under a for-profit is the reason why the
particularly realistic but in order to separate out the labor donation theory reduced financial incentives in the public sector can be attractive to a
based on free-riding from the contract failure literature in a clear-cut way. social planner, as it would reduce the wage. We follow the same basic
This article is structured as follows. We discuss the related literature in argument but show that if the for-profit is feasible it will weakly
greater detail in Section 2. Section 3 presents the model in three steps. In increase welfare compared to not-for-profit provision (and strictly so
Sections 3.1 we lay down the basic framework, and in Section 3.2 we under some circumstances).
analyze the case of exogenous matching between workers and managers
to derive the basic mechanism by which not-for-profits can arise. In For example, even if the chief financial officer of a university can be given a bonus
payment he can be fired by the President or the Board of Trustees, and the latter
Section 3.3 we discuss endogenous matching to show the effects of labor cannot be residual claimants.
scarcity on organizational choice. The welfare implications of not-for- 6
Vlassopoulos (2009) show that if one introduces reputational mechanisms in the
profit provision are discussed in Section 3.4. In Section 4 we extend our Glaeser–Shleifer framework, then for-profit status may dominate not-for-profit status.
96 M. Ghatak, H. Mueller / Journal of Public Economics 95 (2011) 94–105
The idea that intrinsic motivation might lead to a wage differential literature on efficiency wages and implicit contracts, we assume that the
between the for- and not-for-profit sectors has received a fair amount of only legally verifiable pieces of information are money payments and
attention in empirical work.7 According to our model, one interpretation whether or not a person is employed by a firm (see MacLeod and
of this finding is that managers induce workers to accept lower wages Malcolmson, 1989). Therefore, the manager can fire a worker even if he
through a commitment to inactivity, which suggests a gloomier picture exerts effort but has to pay a wage.
of the not-for-profit status. If the project is in danger of failing (y1 = 0) the manager decides
While the effect of competition in output markets on the sectoral whether he wants to exert effort (eM = 1) or not (eM = 0). Second
mix has been discussed in the theoretical literature on not-for-profits8 stage output is then determined by his effort choice: y2 = eM. The cost
the effect of competition for workers on organizational choice remains of effort by the manager is c ≥ 1 and will be discussed below in more
relatively unexplored.9 A related paper in this respect is Besley and detail.11 An alternative interpretation of the manager's effort cost is
Ghatak (2005). In their model, mission oriented managers and that it reflects the wage paid to a replacement worker who is then
workers have an interest to match with each other because this supervised closely.
implies higher output inside the match. However, their work does not Project success (max(y1, y2) = 1) yields a financial return of π. In
discuss the role of the non-distribution constraint in this context. The addition, we assume that manager and worker are intrinsically
benefits from motivated agents depend entirely on the worker– motivated. Both derive some utility from the project being successful.
manager match but are independent of the organizational form. In particular, we assume that the output of the project is a public good
Another related paper is Macchiavello (2008) who study the selection to the worker and the manager. They receive a benefit of θj (j = W, M)
of motivated workers into the public vs. the private sector and the from project success independently of their own effort and organi-
ambiguous role that high wage premium in the public sector can play. zational form of the firm.12
As an example, we can think of a research project. If the project is
3. The model successful then both the worker (a research assistant, a field worker, or a
laboratory assistant) and the manager receive a positive non-pecuniary
3.1. Basic framework payoff because it helps society in some way. In addition, there are some
financial benefits which can consist of research grants, salary increases,
In this section we present a simple model of organizational choice. increased budget for the research group, or money obtained from
A firm consists of a worker (W) and a manager (M). For now, we take patenting the innovation. The worker and the manager both have the
the match between the worker and the manager to be exogenously skill to provide the appropriate labor input but for reasons of
given and will consider later the consequences of how they are comparative advantage the worker is hired to do it. However, if the
matched via a labor market. worker does not provide it then the manager has the choice to step in
The worker provides labor and the manager owns an asset that is and save the project, or let it fail.
required for production. In addition, the manager can intervene in the We assume that not-for-profits are characterized by a non-
production process by allocating additional resources (effort) once the distribution constraint, i.e., the manager cannot take home all the
outcome of worker effort is observed. Before production starts, the profit, π, in case of project success.13 Below we follow the formulation
manager chooses the firm's organizational form (i.e., choice between of Glaeser and Shleifer (2001) of the non-distribution constraint. In
for-profit and not-for-profit status), set wages, and terms of employ- particular, we assume that committing to a non-distribution con-
ment (e.g., the worker can be fired in the case of bad performance). The straint means that the manager can still capture some share of the
worker then accepts or rejects the offered contract. If she rejects she profits α. In their interpretation, the share 1 − α is lost because the
remains unemployed and the manager proceeds alone. manager's technology of capturing some of the profits is inefficient
Production proceeds as follows. The worker moves first and chooses (e.g., in the form of perks) — it is equivalent to burning a fraction 1 − α
whether to work (eW = 1) or shirk (eW = 0) in the production of first of the profits.14
stage output (y1), given by y1 = eW. If she exerts effort she incurs an We allow the manager to choose any α ∈ [0, 1]. A not-for-profit
effort cost of 1. Both efforts are non-contractible, as in models of moral firm is then defined by α b 1 and a for-profit firm by α = 1. We assume
hazard in teams. The intermediate output, y1, is observed by the that the choice of α has no direct costs.
manager but not by any third party. As a result, either input-based or Following the efficiency wage literature, we assume that the
output-based (or, piece rate) contracts are not feasible. manager can motivate the worker by threatening to fire her in case
Given that the worker's effort and output is not verifiable, the she is caught shirking as in standard efficiency wage models. Naturally,
manager can only pay a fixed wage, w. We follow the literature on the worker will have to earn some rents for the firing threats to have
efficiency wages (Shapiro and Stiglitz, 1984) and implicit contracts bite. We assume that the worker has no liquid wealth and there is a
(MacLeod and Malcolmson, 1989; Baker et al., 1994) where the worker limited liability constraint so that the worker's wage cannot be less than
is given a flat wage which is chosen such that the he gets a rent, and then some minimum level (which we assume to be zero for simplicity).
if it turns out he did not supply effort (the performance measure being Otherwise, performance bonds or penalties could be used to give
observable to the manager but non-contractible) he is fired.10 As in the additional incentives. The worker is caught shirking and fired with
certainty if eW = 0 and never fired if eW = 1. Let ρ ≤ 1 denote the
See, for example, Mocan and Tekin (2003), Preston (1989), Rose-Ackerman
(1996), and Gregg et al. (2008).
See for example Lakdawalla and Philipson (2006).
9 11
See for example Francois (2003) or Rowat and Seabright (2006) who develop In this formulation the two types of effort are substitutes (as in Francois, 2000,
arguments around the lower (efficiency) wage in the not-for-profit sector but do not 2003) and this naturally exacerbates the problem of free riding. The results go through
discuss competition for workers. so long as the efforts are not strong complements.
10 12
We show in Appendix G that the main results go through in the case where In the terminology of Francois and Vlassopoulos (2008) we assume output-
intermediate output is a noisy signal of effort and the manager can contract on it, as in oriented altruism as opposed to action-oriented altruism.
standard models of moral hazard. We use efficiency wages for simplicity, as well as The manager could pay himself a flat wage and if output was constant, he could
comparability with the existing literature (in particular, Francois, 2000, 2003). Also, to appropriate the profits by setting this wage to be high. If output is variable then he will
keep things as simple as possible, we assume that the manager finds out from not be able to appropriate the surplus with a fixed wage.
intermediate output the worker's effort choice with certainty. Our results go through if See also Hansmann (1980, p. 873–875) for some anecdotal support for this
we allow a noisy detection technology of worker effort (as in the efficiency wage formulation. Another possible interpretation is that the share goes to the beneficiaries
model of Shapiro and Stiglitz, 1984). in some form. We discuss the welfare outcomes for both scenarios in Section 3.4.
M. Ghatak, H. Mueller / Journal of Public Economics 95 (2011) 94–105 97
probability of a currently unemployed worker staying unemployed.15 where β b 1 is a discount factor and ρ ≤ 1 is the worker's probability of
Since in equilibrium workers do not shirk and are never fired, without staying unemployed once fired. It states that the worker exerts effort
loss of generality our analysis will focus on the one-shot payoffs of if the present value of wage and intrinsic benefit from project success
managers and workers. minus effort costs is higher than the present value of free-riding on
The timing of the within-period game is as follows. First, the manager effort and being fired after one period.
manager chooses (α, w). Workers observe this and apply for a job in the Solving out the ICC of the worker we get
firm. From the set of workers who apply (whose types, in terms of θW, is
observable to the manager), the manager chooses a worker. If a worker w e⁎M ≥ðA−1Þe⁎M θW + Að1−θW Þ + uW
rejects, the manager can proceed alone or costlessly approach another
worker with a new contract. Once the match has been made, the where
manager pays w to the worker up front. The worker then decides on
eW ∈ {0,1}. Intermediate output y1 is observed (without any noise) by 1 + ð1−ρÞβ
A≡ :
the manager but not by any third party. If eW = 0 the manager decides β
whether to rescue the project, i.e., chooses eM ∈ {0,1}. At this stage the
manager cannot costlessly hire another worker. This reflects the Notice that, as β b 1 and ρ ≤ 1, A N 1. The interpretation of A is it is the
assumption that there are some delay costs involved if a worker who efficiency wage for a worker who has no intrinsic motivation (θW = 0)
is hired does not perform.16 One interpretation of this is the manager and unemployment benefits of uW = 0. As the cost of effort is 1, and the
himself steps in and supplies the required effort. Alternatively, he hires outside option is zero, A has to be greater than 1 for the agent to receive
another worker to do it, but has to directly supervise him, and this is any rents. The lower is β (more impatient is the worker) and the lower is
costly (i.e., c N 1). He also decides whether to fire the worker who was ρ (the easier it is for an unemployed worker to find a job), the larger is
originally hired, and hire another worker for next period. the incentive problem, and so the higher will be A.
⁎ ⁎ To keep the exposition simple, for our basic results we restrict
Let eW and eM denote the effort choice of the worker and the
manager that are induced by the choice of α and w via the incentive- attention to the case where θW ≤ 1. This is a sufficient condition to rule
compatibility constraints of the worker and the manager described out negative wage payments. In addition, the following condition holds
below. Let uM and uW be the outside options of the manager and the
worker, respectively. The manager's problem is: ðA−1Þe⁎M θW + Að1−θW Þ + uW ≥1−θW + uW
max for A N 1 and θW ≤ 1 so that we can ignore the worker PC. The present
EU e⁎W ; e⁎M = e⁎W ðαπ+θM Þ + 1−e⁎W e⁎M ðαπ+θM −cÞ−w
fα∈½0; 1; wg value of employment is always larger than the present value of
unemployment — at least as long as θW ≤ 1. We will comment on what
subject to the following constraints: happens in the case θW N 1 at the end of the following section.
(i) the participation constraint (PC) of the manager: We study two cases regarding the worker's outside option uW . If the
good under question is a pure public good, and an unemployed worker
can observe activity within the firm and receives θW even if they
EU e⁎W ; e⁎M ≥ uM themselves are not working, so long as someone else is, then uW
includes θW. Other than this element, if there are some unemployment
benefits (or some self-employment technology the worker has access
(ii) the PC of the worker: to) which yields u≥0 then uW = u + θW . Alternatively, if we assume
that workers do not observe any activity within firms if they are
unemployed whether or not the public good is provided, and who
supplies the effort then uW = u. Henceforth, we normalize u = 0 and
max e⁎W ; e⁎M θW −e⁎W + w ≥ uW ;
denote by δθW the outside option of a worker, with δ = 1 capturing the
pure public good case, and δ = 0 capturing the impure public good case.
We will see that the results are similar whether we assume that the firm
(iii) the incentive-compatibility constraint (ICC) of the manager: produces a public good that is observed outside the firm or a local public
good that can only be observed inside the firm. When we allow for
endogenous matching, the outside option will also depend on the best
offer made by another organization trying to hire this worker.
1 if απ + θM ≥ c The manager's ICC in Eq. (1) states that financial plus intrinsic
e⁎M ðα; π; c; θM Þ = ; ð1Þ
0 otherwise benefits of the project must be higher than the intervention cost c for
him to exert effort. Throughout, in order to focus on the interesting
cases, we restrict attention to parameter values that satisfy:
(iv) the ICC of the worker (which is derived in Appendix A):
Assumption A1. π ≥ c − θM ≥ 0.
The interpretation is, the monetary benefit απ is lower than the and
costs over and above what the manager is compensated for by FP
intrinsic motivation, c − θM. The threshold α⁎ follows immediately π + θM −w ≥ π + θM −c:
from the manager's ICC, namely, Eq. (1). It is important to note that in
this model the reduction of financial incentives has no direct positive These can be rewritten as:
effects (like increased investments or quality) but only serves as a NP
commitment device for the manager. However, we show below that c ≥ π + θM −c + w
the advantage of not-for-profit status for the manager is that it might
reduce wage payments.
From the worker's ICC, Eq. (2), the minimum wage needed to FP
c≥w :
induce worker effort can be written as:
These conditions are intuitive. They mean that the wage in the not-
w e⁎M = Að1−θW Þ + ðA−1Þe⁎M θW + δθW : ð4Þ for-profit plus the profit lost due to not-for-profit status needs to be
smaller than the effort cost for the manager in autarchy. In the for-
profit the wage has to be smaller than the manager's cost of effort.
Substituting values of wNP and wFP the manager PCs can be simplified
We show: to:
This is a necessary condition for not-for-profits to satisfy the Observation 1. The greater are financial project benefits (π) or intrinsic
manager's PC for θW ≤ 1. If c is too low relative to the project benefits motivation of the manager (θM) the less likely not-for-profits will be the
then the manager will never find it attractive to choose the not-for- chosen organizational form.
profit and will prefer autarchy.
Given A1 and A2 we can characterize the trade-off between The intuition is simple. Since the key issue is free-riding, if the
reduced financial return and reduced wages that can lead to not-for- manager is very motivated, it is increasingly costly to commit not to
profits being preferred to for-profits: work on the project in case the worker shirks and the not-for-profit
form becomes increasingly unattractive. This provides a theory of the
Proposition 1. Assume A1 and A2 hold. The manager prefers the not- choice between for-profit social enterprises and not-for-profits. Social
for-profit to a for-profit if and only if enterprises can be organized as either for-profits or not-for-profits
and combine a revenue generating business with a social value
generating component. They pursue what is often referred to as a
π + θM −c A + π + θM −2c
θW ≥ max ; : ð7Þ double bottom-line which is a combination of profit and mission-
A−1 A−δ
related impact. It is argued that revenue generation allows social
enterprises to be self-sustaining and profits attract additional capital
However, workers never prefer the not-for-profit to a for-profit because to solve social ills.20
the not-for-profit wage is lower. Next we turn to worker motivation. Clearly, if workers are
unmotivated (θW = 0) then not-for-profits will never be chosen.
Proof. See Appendix B. □
Proposition 1 shows that worker motivation will have to exceed some
The intuition behind the first part of the proposition is simple. If
positive threshold for not-for-profits to become an attractive option.
worker intrinsic motivation is high, the manager benefits from a not-
for-profit because it reduces wages substantially. The loss of profit Observation 2. If the worker has very low intrinsic motivation then for-
from adopting the not-for-profit status relative to the for-profit status profits will be preferred by the manager.
is (1 − α⁎)π, which can be rewritten π + θM − c. In other words, not-
What happens if workers are very motivated? Recall that so far we
for-profit status leads to a bigger loss if the project is very attractive
have restricted attention to θW ≤ 1 to keep the exposition simple. Now
from the manager's point of view. Therefore, the manager prefers the
let us consider the implications of allowing θW N 1. The worker PCs
not-for-profit to the for-profit if his financial and intrinsic benefits
now start to play a role. The commitment to inactivity by the manager
from the project are not too high relative to the intrinsic motivation of
in the not-for-profit firm makes workers worse off when they shirk
the worker.
than when they are unemployed. Formally, the worker PC looks like
The worker's preference for the for-profit is surprising given the
usual perception that intrinsically motivated workers prefer not-for-
profit firms. In our model, under both the for-profit and the not-for- θW −1 + w ≥ δθW
profit, the output is the same but the former pays a higher wage.
Effectively, in not-for-profit firms, the manager free rides on the inserting the not-for-profit wage
intrinsically motivated worker.19
This highlights an important difference to other models in the Að1−θW Þ ≥ 1−θW
literature which derive not-for-profit status from contractual failure vis
a vis the beneficiary. The difference becomes clear if we re-interpret the which binds at θW = 1. Hence, for θW N 1 the not-for-profit wage that
worker as a donor. In our model, the not-for-profit is a commitment satisfies the PC is wNP = 1 − θW + δθW. Since the PC is binding, an
device by the manager to stay inactive if the donor does not donate to efficiency wage premium is no longer paid to these workers to
the firm. This commitment increases donations but does not necessarily incentivize them. The fact that they are very motivated and that under
improve the welfare of the beneficiary. If the donor could choose he not-for-profit managers can credibly commit not to supply effort if the
would donate to a for-profit. worker shirks, is enough to incentivize them.
Notice that our result is driven by the fact that managers will Notice that for δ = 0 (output is not observable outside of the firm),
produce the public good even if they do not find a motivated worker, wNP b 0, whereas for δ = 1, wNP = 1. The intuition is as follows: in the
which is ensured by Assumption A1. It might seem that this biases the former case, in effect the project is an impure public good to the
choice against not-for-profits. But if A1 does not hold, then not-for- worker and the benefits accrue only if the worker works for the firm
profits cannot exist as the manager is either always committed to no than otherwise. This allows the manager to offer the worker a
effort or always committed to supply effort. negative wage. In the latter case, the project is a pure public good to
It should be stressed that this result is robust to a modification of the worker and therefore, the firm will have to offer him at least the
the contractual environment. In particular, we show in Appendix G cost of effort, otherwise, the worker will prefer not to work for the
that Proposition 1 holds as well if the manager can contract on firm since someone else will supply the requisite effort.
intermediate output and, thus, pay an incentive wage to the worker. Turning to for-profit wages, recall that wFP = A − θW + δθW. The
Our framework allows us to examine the effects of changes in worker PC can be rewritten as w ≥ 1 − θW + δθW. As A N 1, comparing
manager and worker motivation on organizational choice very clearly. the two, we can see that for for-profits the PC never binds. Under a for-
By A1 the existence of a not-for-profit industry generally depends on profit the manager cannot commit not to supply effort if the worker
a relatively low level of intrinsic benefits θM. If θM N c, Assumption A1 is does not, and this means the worker will have to be paid an efficiency
violated and the not-for-profit looses its ability to commit the manager wage premium to supply effort which (by definition) is not possible if
to no effort. As a result, for-profits are always chosen. On the other hand, the PC binds.
if θM = 0, not-for-profits can exist so long as the conditions in Inserting the for-profit and not-for-profit wages in the case where
Proposition 1 are satisfied. Also, a rise in financial benefit, π, makes θW N 1 in the condition for not-for-profits to be chosen, i.e., wFP −
the adoption of not-for-profit status less attractive. We summarize this wNP ≥ π + θM − c, we get
A−1 ≥ π + θM −c
This relies on the assumption that the intrinsic motivation θW is the same in both
cases. If motivation is not observable then working in a not-for-profit for a low wage
could serve as a signal that one is pro-social (as in Benabou and Tirole, 2006). See Martin and Osberg (2007) and Bornstein (2004).
100 M. Ghatak, H. Mueller / Journal of Public Economics 95 (2011) 94–105
which suggests comparative static results that are similar to are matched with an unmotivated worker. These managers will
Proposition 1. always set up for-profit firms because not-for-profit status does not
reduce their wage bill, wFP = A. A worker in a not-for-profit firm can
Observation 3. If workers are very motivated (θW N 1) not-for-profits can therefore improve her position by replacing an unmotivated worker
elicit worker effort by paying them a flat wage that respects their in a for-profit match. The manager will accept this swap because he
participation constraint, without using an efficiency wage mechanism. (weakly) prefers a for-profit match with a motivated worker to a for-
The flat wage will be negative if θW accrues to the worker only if the worker profit match with an unmotivated worker. Formally, the worker PC is
works for the firm. Otherwise it will be positive and equal to the cost of effort. now
An example might illustrate the relevance of this case. There is a
max e⁎W ; e⁎M θW −e⁎W + w + δUW
quickly growing industry of volunteer tourism which combines
typical backpacking trips with development work (see Guttentag, ≥θW −1 + A + δθW + δU W
2009). In this sector, not-for-profit as well as for-profit firms provides
local development work for the traveler. Most of the field work which implies that the offer (α*, wNP) is not feasible because it leads
requires only unskilled labor, available in abundance in the local to a violation of the worker PC. □
community. Still, volunteers are intrinsically so motivated that they An immediate corollary is:
are willing to pay the organization to get work. The labor market
therefore features payments from the worker to the organization (a Corollary 1. Assume A1 and that for-profit provision is feasible, c ≥ A −
negative wage) in return for the opportunity to make a difference. It θW + δθW. If motivated workers are abundant (Nm N M) then not-for-
has been noted that not-for-profits still dominate this industry profits can exist in labor market equilibrium and Proposition 1 applies.
(Guttentag, 2009) and that these volunteers are increasing the supply
Proposition 2 provides a pessimistic view of not-for-profit firms. It
of unskilled labor in local labor markets.
states that if the adoption of not-for-profit status is motivated by the
desire to use intrinsic motivation of workers to reduce wages then a
3.3. Labor markets and organizational choice
slack labor market is a necessary condition for this to be feasible. The
reason is simply that given a choice, workers always want to work for
This section extends the model derived in the previous section to a
a higher wage. As we showed in the previous section, the incentive-
labor market setting where a number of workers and managers match
compatible wage rate is lower in a not-for-profit than in a for-profit.
endogenously. The aim of this exercise is to show that labor market
Therefore, in a situation of labor surplus, not-for-profits can exist. But
conditions and organizational choice are closely linked, a point that
in a labor-scarce situation, only the higher wage rate is relevant and so
existing theories of not-for-profits have ignored.
not-for-profits will be crowded out of the market by for-profits.
Assume that there are M managers with intrinsic motivation θM ≥ 0,
An important insight from this result is that the choice between
Nm motivated workers with θW N 0 and Nu unmotivated or neutral
not-for-profit and for-profit provision is not always a question of
workers with θW = 0. In what follows we assume that there is some
resolving incentive problems but also one of distribution of rents. In
unemployment, Nu + Nm N M. However, we will allow the degree to
both organizational forms the worker provides the good at effort cost
which motivated workers are scarce to vary, i.e., Nm ≷ M.
of 1. The only difference is the wage that the manager has to pay the
At the matching stage managers choose a contract (α, w) to
worker. From this point of view, the not-for-profit is a method of
maximize their expected utility EU(e⁎W, e⁎M) subject to the PC of
redistributing rents towards the manager of the firm.
themselves and that of the worker. A stable matching is one where no
Therefore, our analysis suggests that organizational choice would
change of match could strictly increase a manager's or worker's utility
depend on, among other things, the relative scarcity of workers and
without making the new matching partner worse off compared to how
managers. If workers are abundant then managers can choose their
she was before. Production takes place once a stable matching is
preferred organizational form as if they were matched exogenously
with a worker. Under A1 and A2 this situation is captured by
Note first, that the observation of firm output in the pure public
condition (7). Not-for-profits are chosen when the wage reduction
good case, δ = 1, now leads to a benefit of
compensates the manager for the reduced financial gains. Workers have
M to swallow the resulting reduction in wages because there is an
U W = ∑ max e⁎iW ; e⁎iM θW oversupply of motivated labor.
While we do not focus on this, the endogenous matching framework
offers an explanation why we observe the coexistence of for-profits and
to all workers j where i is an index for all managers in different
not-for-profits in some sectors. Assuming motivated workers are not
matches. By Assumption A1 worker j expects a provision level of
scarce, if there is heterogeneity in some parameter such as θM,
U W = ðM−1ÞθW in all other firms independently of her participation
condition (7) can hold for some managers and not for others. If for-
in the offered contract. Our analysis of the worker PC in Section 3.1
profits and not-for-profits coexist, for-profits will be led by more
still applies. The worker only worries about the marginal impact of the
motivated managers.
rejection of her contract when considering an offer.
So far we have compared the not-for-profit status directly with the
A crucial question for the effect of the labor market on
for-profit status. The picture changes somewhat if managers prefer
organizational choice is whether the for-profit organizational form
working alone to setting up for-profit firms.
can satisfy the manager's PC. Assume first that for-profits are feasible
in the sense that the manager always prefers to be in a for-profit than Proposition 3. Assume A1 and A2. Regardless of the relative scarcity of
to produce alone. managers and workers (M ≥ b Nm) there is a not-for-profit sector if the
manager's PC can be satisfied in the not-for-profit but not in the for-profit, i.e. if
Proposition 2. Assume A1 and that for-profit provision is feasible, i.e.,
c ≥ A − θW + δθW. If motivated labor is scarce (Nm b M) then not-for-
profit firms cannot exist in labor market equilibrium.
A−c A + π + θM −2c
≥ θW ≥ :
1−δ A−δ
Proof. We prove the proposition by contradiction. Assume that there
are some not-for-profits in a matching equilibrium with Nm b M. As
motivated workers are scarce (Nm b M) there are some managers who Proof. See Appendix C. □
M. Ghatak, H. Mueller / Journal of Public Economics 95 (2011) 94–105 101
According to Proposition 3 not-for-profits could play a role in choice of not-for-profits. In particular, the assumption that the project
industries that are not attractive to for-profit firms. The reason is that always succeeds in case of worker effort reduces the welfare loss caused
not-for-profits lead to a redistribution of rents towards owners of assets by manager commitment in the not-for-profit. If projects could fail
and can therefore make setting up a firm easier. The conditions in the despite worker effort then there is a positive role to be played by an
proposition indicate that not-for-profits arise as long as the available active manager. To see this, assume that worker and manager effort lead
projects are not too attractive (both in terms of pecuniary and non- to project success with a probability h b 1. The ICC of the manager
pecuniary returns) for the manager and for intermediate values of changes to:
worker intrinsic motivation.
An interesting comparative static result that follows directly from 1 if hðαπ + θM Þ ≥ c
e⁎M ðh; α; π; c; θM Þ = :
Propositions 2 and 3 is that, as c rises for-profits can become feasible, 0 otherwise
and an industry that produces public goods might change from not-
for-profit provision to for-profit provision. If we interpret c as the level
of specialization in the labor force, not-for-profits will be most From the ICC we can see immediately that the α⁎ that commits the
common in industries that combine high level of worker intrinsic manager to no effort is now
motivation with a low level of specialization.
α⁎ = h
3.4. Welfare π
So far we have focused on the choice between not-for-profits and which implies that Assumption A1 has to be modified to
for-profits from the point of view of the manager. In this section we
discuss the welfare implications. In order to keep the focus on the Assumption A3. π≥ hc −θM ≥0.
comparison between not-for-profits and for-profits we assume
We derive the two efficiency wages in Appendix D. They are
throughout that the manager's PC does not bind in any of the two
organizational forms.
Before we turn towards the welfare implications, however, we turn w
= Að1−hθW Þ + δhθW
towards a brief discussion of first-best effort. First-best effort maximizes
total surplus. For the second stage this implies that the manager should
for the not-for-profit and
exert effort (eM = 1) if y1 = 0 and
π + θW + θM −c ≥ 0 FP
w = Að1−hθW Þ + ðAh−1ÞhθW + δhθW
which not-for-profits will be chosen:
Proposition 4. Assume that A3, A4 and A5 hold. The manager prefers
the not-for-profit to the for-profit if
United States
2−h A + hðπ + θM Þ−2c Australia
θW ≥ max ðhðπ + θM Þ−cÞ; :
ðAh−1Þh hðA−δÞ United Kingdom
Austria Spain
Proof. See Appendix F. □
Japan Norway
Proposition 4 follows Proposition 1 closely in the intuition. It states
that not-for-profits can be preferred if worker intrinsic motivation is 0 5 10 15 20
large compared to the benefits of project success. Unemployment Rate (in %)
The efficiency gain in the for-profit also makes for-profit status
more attractive to the worker because the average provision rate is Fig. 1. Not-for-profit employment and unemployment rates in OECD countries.
higher under that organizational form. Hence, for-profits dominate
not-for-profits in terms of welfare even if the not-for-profit does not
waste resources (i.e., the fraction 1 − α⁎ goes to third parties). To see
this note that welfare under a for-profit is higher if
be driven by factors such as not-for-profits being less likely to
hðπ + θM + θW Þ−1 + ð1−hÞðhðπ + θM + θW Þ−cÞ discriminate, it is also consistent with our model.
N hðπ + θM + θW Þ−1 More generally, our finding that labor market conditions affect
organizational choice is relevant for empirical analysis as it suggests
that measures of labor market slackness (for specific worker
where the left-hand-side displays welfare under a for-profit and the
characteristics) might be an important omitted variable in studies
right-hand side is the welfare under a not-for-profit. By Assumption
that look at the effect of not-for-profit status on wages and labor
A3 this is always satisfied because h(π + θM + θW) N c.
donations. For example, unemployment is most likely correlated with
In summary, our analysis above offers an interesting insight
typical dependent variables like wages (negative correlation) and
concerning the choice of not-for-profit status. Even if not-for-profits
labor donations (positive correlation) and might therefore bias the
may yield lower expected surplus than for-profits, they might be chosen
coefficient on not-for-profit status upwards.
because of the rent extraction (i.e., paying the worker low wages) vs.
Our model suggests that employment in the not-for-profit sector
efficiency trade-off that the manager faces. Even if it is socially efficient
should go up in a recession. By Proposition 2, a fall in the number of
for both the worker and the manager to supply effort, the manager
job openings or firms (which can be interpreted as a fall in M) relative
might want to tie his hands and commit not to supply effort if the need
to the number of motivated workers (Nm) will cause employment to
arises, in order to relax the worker's ICC.
go up in the not-for-profit sector. Also, by Observation 1, a fall in
financial profits (π) will result in greater employment in the not-for-
5. Discussion
profit sector.
These implications of the model are consistent with available
Our analysis suggests that organizational choice between for-
evidence. For example, the counter-cyclical behavior of employment
profits and not-for-profits would depend on, among other things, the
in the not-for-profit sector is well documented. In particular, during
relative scarcity of workers and managers. In particular, the
recessions employment in not-for-profits goes up while for-profit
abundance of motivated labor in some sectors may lead to the rise
employment declines. For example, Salamon and Sokolowski (2006)
of not-for-profit organizations. Fig. 1 provides a crude look at the
show that between 2002 and 2004 both the paid and volunteer portions
existing cross-country evidence regarding the connection between
of the not-for-profit workforce grew by over 5% in the US, whereas
not-for-profit (paid) employment and unemployment rates.21 For
overall employment in the economy declined by 0.2%. Salamon and
comparability we only focus on OECD countries. The graph shows a
Geller (2010) point out that despite the recession underway at the time,
suggestive pattern with respect to groups of countries. Countries with
not-for-profit employment in Maryland continued its growth in 2008,
very low unemployment rates (Sweden, Norway, Japan and Finland)
increasing by 2.7% between the fourth quarter of 2007 and the fourth
also feature the least employment in not-for-profit firms. Most
quarter of 2008. By contrast, for-profit employment in Maryland
European continental countries as well as Australia, the US and UK
decreased by 3.3% during this same period, eliminating over 61,000
feature both higher unemployment rates and higher not-for-profit
jobs. The authors note that the not-for-profit sector accounted for all of
employment. This pattern is only broken by Spain and Italy which
the state's private employment growth between 2007 and 2008,
feature both higher unemployment and low not-for-profit involve-
demonstrating its role as a critical counter-cyclical force.
ment.22 Clearly we cannot infer anything causal from this correlation,
In addition, Observation 1 suggests that if the financial profit (π)
but it does suggest that with richer data macroeconomic factors such
component of projects become more important, for-profits will displace
as unemployment rates (as well as institutional factors like the
not-for-profits. This too is consistent with available evidence. For
regulatory regime) might be useful in understanding the prevalence
example, the growth in the market share of for-profit providers is well-
of not-for-profits. Our argument is, for example, consistent with some
documented in the context of the US health-care sector and expanded
of the data presented in Mocan and Tekin (2003). Their evidence on
health insurance coverage is considered to be one of the key
worker selection show that weak labor market participants like Blacks
contributing factors (see, for example, Frank and Salkever, 1994).
and Hispanics are overrepresented in not-for-profits. While this could
Interestingly, between 1970 and 1995, 330 out of approximately 5000
(about 7%) not-for-profit hospitals in the US converted to for-profit
Not-for-profit employment data (1991–1996) is from Salamon et al. (1999).
Unemployment rates (1990) are from the CIA World Factbook.
corporate form and the key factor driving this trend is considered to be
Dropping the three countries with double-digit unemployment makes the financial considerations, i.e., profitability (see, Cutler and Horwitz,
correlation significant at 5% level. 2000).
M. Ghatak, H. Mueller / Journal of Public Economics 95 (2011) 94–105 103
A. Efficiency wage Also, the condition for not-for-profits to satisfy the manager's PC is,
rewriting Eq. (5):
The worker is assumed to be infinitely lived. If the worker is
employed and exerts effort, she is not fired, and receives the present
value of π + θM + A−2c
θW ≥ :
E = θW + w−1 + βE
θW + w−1 Given A2 this condition is consistent with θW ≤ 1 for both δ = 0, 1.
= : The above two conditions can be combined as Eq. (7). Given A2
(which ensures that the right-hand side of Eq. (7) is less than 1) we
know that there is a range of values of θW ≤ 1 that can satisfy this
We assume here that the worker is fired with certainty if she condition.
shirks and remains unemployed with probability ρ once she is in The worker prefers the not-for-profit if
that state. An unemployed worker receives a per period payoff of
uW . Therefore, if unemployed, the worker earns a present value NP FP
θW + w N θW + w
which, given Lemma 1 is never the case. This completes the proof.
U = uW + βðρU + ð1−ρÞEÞ:
C. Proof of Proposition 3
This simplifies to The relevant choice for the manager is between working alone and
setting up a not-for-profit. Therefore, the relevant condition combines
uW βð1−ρÞ θW + w−1 the condition for a not-for-profit to be chosen over autarchy, and for-
U= +
1−βρ 1−βρ 1−β profits not satisfying the manager's PC, i.e., rewriting inequalities (5)
and (6) in terms of θW and combining them.
where we inserted the present value of employment with effort.
If the worker shirks she is caught with certainty, and her present D. Wages with stochastic success
value of utility is
If the worker is employed and exerts effort, she is not fired, and
S = w + e⁎M θW + βU: receives the present value of
where p ∈ {0, h} is the probability that the manager will provide the F. Proof of Proposition 4
good. The unemployed worker has an expected utility of
The proof for Proposition 4 is similar to the proof of Proposition 2.
U = δhθW + βðρU + ð1−ρÞEÞ The condition for the not-for-profit is preferred is:
δhθW βð1−ρÞ hθW + ð1−hÞpθW + w−1
= + :
1−βρ 1−βρ 1−β h α⁎ π + θM −wNP
≥hðπ + θM Þ−wFP + ð1−hÞðhðπ + θM Þ−cÞ:
If the worker shirks her present value of utility is
Plugging in
S = w + pθW + βU:
The worker exerts effort if α⁎ = h
E≥S and the wages, we get:
1 + ð1−ρÞβ
c− ð1−hθW Þ
hθW + ð1−hÞpθW + w−1 δhθW
≥ w + pθW + β 1 + ð1−ρÞβ β
1−β 1−βρ ≥hðπ + θM Þ− 1−hθW + h− hθW
β 1 + ð1−ρÞβ
2 ð1−ρÞ hθW + ð1−hÞpθW + w−1
+β : + ð1−hÞðhðπ + θM Þ−cÞ:
1−βρ 1−β
1 + ð1−ρÞβ
Simplifying, and solving for w we get: After rearranging and with A = β we get:
1 + ð1−ρÞβ β θW ≥ ðhðπ + θM Þ−cÞ:
w≥ 1−hθW + h− pθW + δhθW : ðAh−1Þh
β 1 + ð1−ρÞβ
Therefore, the wage in the not-for-profit is: The PC of the manager in the not-for-profit is:
w ≥ Að1−hθW Þ + δhθW : h α⁎ π + θM −w ≥ hðπ + θM Þ−c
Ah−1 1 if hðαπ + θM Þ ≥ c
c ≥ hðπ + θM Þ− : e⁎M = : ð8Þ
2−h 0 otherwise
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