Enoferm RP15

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Enoferm RP15™ was selected from spontaneous Rockpile Shiraz fermentations,
California. Use in red wines where varietal fruit and rich, lush mouthfeel are sought.
Used in medium-full bodied reds where a rich, lush and balanced mouthfeel is
required. Contributes a rich mid-palate structure. Enoferm RP15™ enhances
varietal fruit characters, red fruit and mineral notes. Rehydrating the yeast in
GoFerm Protect® or Go-Ferm Protech Evolution™ tends to improve the aromatic /
flavor profile of this yeast.
Good colour stabilisation is apparent when this yeast is used.
Used in medium-full bodied reds including Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Shiraz and


• Red wines only
• Saccharomyces cerevisiae var cerevisiae
• Fermentation temperature limits: 20-30°C
• Short lag phase and moderate fermentation vigour.
• Medium relative nitrogen demand (under controlled laboratory conditions)
• Low production of H2S.
• Alcohol tolerance 17% v/v *subject to fermentation conditions.
• Moderate relative potential for SO2 production.
• Killer factor active.
• Generally considered MLF neutral i.e. does not pose any inhibitory effects on wine bacteria or malolactic
fermentation, hence co-inoculation or sequential inoculation of wine bacteria is possible.
• Low foam producer.
• Suggested varieties – Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache, Merlot, Shiraz, Tempranillo and Zinfandel.


Pack size is 500 g.
All Active Dried Yeast should be stored dry,
best practice between 4-12°C and the
vacuum packaging should remain intact.

Tel: +61 (0)8 8276 1200 | Email: australiaoffice@lallemand.com | www.lallemandwine.com


Dosage Rate:
• 25g/hL of Active Dried Yeast (this will provide an initial cell population of approximately 5 x106 viable cells/mL)
• 30g/hL of Go-Ferm Protect® / Go-Ferm Protect Evolution™
• Nitrogen source from the Fermaid range
Procedure for 1000L ferment.
1) Add 300g of Go-Ferm Protect® / Go-Ferm Protect Evolution™ to 5L of 40-43°C clean, chlorine free water.
Stir until an homogenous suspension free of lumps is achieved.
2) When the temperature of this suspension is between 35-40°C, sprinkle 250g of yeast slowly and evenly onto
the surface of the water, whilst gently stirring. Ensure any clumps are dispersed.
3) Allow to stand for 20 minutes before further gently mixing.
4) Mix the rehydrated yeast with a little juice, gradually adjusting the yeast suspension temperature to within
5-10°C of the juice/must temperature.
5) Inoculate into the must.

Further Notes
• Steps 1-5 should be completed within 30 minutes.
• It is best to limit first juice/must volume addition to one tenth the yeast suspension volume and wait 10 minutes
before the addition to juice.
• To minimize cold shock, ensure temperature changes are less than 10°C.
• It is recommended that juice / must be inoculated no lower than 18°C.
• It is recommended to use complex nutrition nitrogen source, such as either Fermaid AT™ or Fermaid O™.

The information herein is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge; however, this data sheet is not to
be considered as a guarantee, expressed or implied, or as a condition of sale of this product.

Tel: +61 (0)8 8276 1200 | Email: australiaoffice@lallemand.com | www.lallemandwine.com

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