81300037G Manual AquaProg 7 GB
81300037G Manual AquaProg 7 GB
81300037G Manual AquaProg 7 GB
EN User Guide
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Contents Page
1 GENERAL ABOUT AQUAPROG .................................................................................................... 5
1.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.1 Hardware ........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.2 Software ............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1.3 AquaProg can be used for: ................................................................................................................ 5
1.1.4 Supported Sulzer products ................................................................................................................ 6
1.1.5 Supported older units ....................................................................................................................... 6
2 INSTALLATION OF AQUAPROG ................................................................................................... 7
2.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................ 7
2.2 INSTALLATION OF PC SOFTWARE ..................................................................................... 7
3 START OF AQUAPROG FOR THE FIRST TIME ........................................................................... 8
3.1 REGISTER THE USER ........................................................................................................... 9
3.2 COMMUNICATION SETTINGS ............................................................................................ 10
3.2.1 Choose connection in the menu field and standard settings. ......................................................... 11
3.2.2 Choice of password ......................................................................................................................... 13
4 FUNCTION OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................ 14
5 CREATE/OPEN SUBSTATION. .................................................................................................... 15
5.1 CREATE A NEW SUBSTATION ........................................................................................... 16
5.2 OPEN A SUBSTATION ......................................................................................................... 21
5.3 CLOSE A SUBSTATION ....................................................................................................... 22
5.4 ERASE A SUBSTATION ....................................................................................................... 22
5.5 COPY A SUBSTATION ......................................................................................................... 23
6 Communication .............................................................................................................................. 24
6.1 Communication requirements................................................................................................ 24
6.1.1 Direct Communication .................................................................................................................... 24
6.1.2 USB Communication........................................................................................................................ 25
6.1.3 Modem Communication ................................................................................................................. 25
6.1.4 Network communication................................................................................................................. 26
6.1.5 Communication to AquaWeb connected substation ...................................................................... 27
6.1.6 Change communication parameters ............................................................................................... 29
7 CONNECTION .............................................................................................................................. 30
7.1 DIAL UP ................................................................................................................................. 30
7.2 DISCONNECT ....................................................................................................................... 32
7.3 AUTOMATIC DISCONNECTION .......................................................................................... 32
8 DIRECT CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................... 33
8.1 OPEN DIRECT CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................... 33
8.2 CONFIGURATION TREE ...................................................................................................... 34
8.3 INTERLINKED PARAMETERS ............................................................................................. 38
8.4 PRINTING CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................. 39
9 COLLECT/SEND CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................ 40
9.1 COLLECT CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................... 41
9.2 SEND CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................... 42
10 OFFLINE CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................... 43
10.1 OPEN OFFLINE CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................... 43
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
AquaProg is a Windows based program specially made for setting of substations.
1.1.1 Hardware
AquaProg can be run on any standard Windows based computer, a general purpose PC is enough.
A RS 232 adapter is in most cases needed!
1.1.2 Software
The software needed to run AquaProg is Windows XP or later.
The main purpose to use AquaProg is that it is a simple way of configuring and backing up
configurations of the various Sulzer controllers and Sulzer control panels.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
- PC 4 - PC 241
- DL 44 / EL 44 - UCE / UP 20
- CPU 30 (PCx) - LPP / LSP 4000
- PH 4000 / 4100 - LF / LPF 4100
- SDM 200 -
AquaProg can be used together with the Alarm system type ABS AQUAVISION.
AquaProg and AQUAVISION use the same communication software, REPLINE that is installed by
both systems.
This means that AquaProg and AQUAVISION can be connected to the same substation
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
The modems which are to be used with AquaProg shall be installed in the normal way via Windows.
Before the installation is started all programs must be closed.
This is very important if AQUAVISION already is installed in the computer.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Start AquaProg
Or via Explorer:
For Windows 7 and 8 please start up the first session as an administrator to avoid possible problems
with authorization rights!
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
OR as to the left!
Look at the license agreement (part of AquaProg delivery) and fill in name, company and Prod-ID
(available in the agreement).
Click OK.
You are registered as user of the AquaProg.
There is also a possibility to start a demo version of AquaProg by marking the box “Start demo
The demo version has a time limit of 15 min after connection.
After this time the line is automatically shut down.
Collection and sending the configuration to/from the substations is also blocked in the demo version.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
At direct communication the substation is connected directly to anyone of the serial ports of the
computer COM1 – COM32 or any of the computers USB ports.
At called connection the connected modem is used to call the substation via the telephone line.
The modem used shall be installed according to Windows standard procedure.
At TCP/IP, UDP/IP or GPRS the computer’s internal Ethernet card or Wi-Fi is used.
In the AquaProg there is a choice between 3 different parameter settings (modem, baud rate etc.) for
connection to a specific substation.
1. Standard settings.
Parameters for communication are collected from a common source which is the same for all
substations which are set to use the standard settings.
This is used only if a modem, which is used to call all substations, is connected to the
2. Individual settings.
All substations have their own parameters for making the connection.
The parameters are set when a new substation is created by the operator.
This type is used if several modems are connected to the computer and allows starting
several AquaProg which communicate with different substations simultaneously.
A substation can also be connected via serial port while a modem is used for communication
with the other substations.
Connection /Disconnection of substations to / from AquaVision are set when a new substation
is created or when a present substation is opened.
If AquaVision and AquaProg are used on the same computer all substations should be
connected to the AquaVision system, more about this later.
Always start by setting what standard settings should be valid for communication with the substations.
This is best done the first time AquaProg is started.
Setting of the other types of parameter settings (individual etc...) is not described in this chapter. See
chapter 4, create/open a substation.
The following pages describe how the standard settings of communication parameters are done in the
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Note! If a USB to RS 232 converter is used, shall the tic box USB NOT be filled in!!!
In this case shall the corresponding Com Port number shall be set that Windows has given the
unit when connected! The number given by Windows can be checked in the control panel!
When modem connection only the modem type has to be chosen, the menu gives a list of all modem
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Chosen settings will be valid for all substations which are set to use standard for connection
When network connection is used, a selection is made for the desired protocol, TCP or UDP.
TCP is a connected protocol with build-in handling of failures (retransmission at failure etc.).
UDP is not a connected protocol and has no build-in handling of failures.
Since the network protocol only is a carrier for the application protocol, Comli/Modbus etc., is UDP the
preferred network protocol. The application protocols have their own handling of failures which means
that TCP only gives an unnecessary overhead.
In practice is the selection of protocol to be used controlled by type of controller and type of modem
connected to it.
Thereafter a local IP-address and port is chosen. AquaProg fetches the computers IP-address from
Windows, which shall be set in "Network settings" in Windows.
AquaProg supports several network cards in the computer. There is usually only one alternative to
Dynamic allocation of IP-addresses cannot be used with AquaProg.
"Local port" is the port where AquaProg receives incoming messages from the substation.
Port number can be set between 0 - 65535.
Port numbers below 1000 should not be used since some of these are reserved by Windows.
An exception is Modbus TCP where port number 502 normally is used.
Take into consideration that there may be firewalls etc. which blocks some port numbers and IP-
addresses. Contact the network administrator for advice.
Note! If Modbus is selected as an application protocol for network connection type TCP is the protocol
Modbus TCP used as protocol!
For the other connection alternatives is Modbus RTU used!
The settings made here will be valid for all substations which are set to use default settings for
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Disconnect Show Trend Curve
Connect Show in/outputs Substation
substation substation firmware upgrade
events Direct
configuration Print
nowledge alarms Cross reference
IO-bit Open operator log
configuration Cross reference
Close substation
Open AquaWeb configuration
substation Collect
Open substation configuration
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
In the AquaProg each substation has a unique station name.
AquaProg uses the station name to keep control of the communication parameters, the configuration
file, type etc.
The information is stored in two files station and station .
Before a substation can be connected to AquaProg it must be opened as new in the AquaProg.
Here the stations name / type etc. is set by the operator.
This chapter shows how a new substation is created in AquaProg and how an existing substation is
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Reference to picture 5.1A above; here shall all the information regarding the communication be set.
Depending of type of communication
1. Name of the station, The configuration file will be stored in a file with same name
4. If eight (8) is a land line or dial up modem; phone number to the substation here
5. Modbus / Comli ID, Crucial parameter in all set up; 1 is the most common. If
communicate with a substation directly thought the service port; the service port has
always ID 1. If it’s wrong here the communications can’t establish contact.
6. Station ID, If wrong here; AquaProg gives a warning when connection is establish and
then operate normal.
7. Direct connection, This is when you have a strait RS232 cable from your computer to
the service port. Make sure that the communication parameters are the same in
substation as in AquaProg (Com. Port no, Baud rate, Data bits, Parity).
7a. USB Port, Direct communication with USB cable instead of RS232 (no consider the
Baud rate etc.), only for PC 441.
9. Network communication; your local IP-address on your computer –you will find it in the
drop box.
9a. The address to local LAN modem at site. Use port 2000 (has to be open through all the
switches, routers and firewalls along the way)
10. Protocol, Comli / Modbus RTU / TCP. If it’s wrong here the communications can’t
establish contact
11. To be able to make any changes from the standard settings; click on Individual setting
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
2. Give short description of what the substation /pump station is used for.
3. Set type of substation, i.e. what product will communicate with the AquaProg.
In this pump station there is as example a PCx with program version 1.10.
The telephone number must not be set if the substation is connected via a direct line (serial port)
or network.
If a network connection is used, the substations IP-address and port number is entered.
These shall correspond to the local address in the substation or network modem.
The address is used as destination address when AquaProg shall send a message to a
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Next step is to set a number of parameters, which are used, for the communication with the
Comli identity: is an address, which is used by the Comli protocol. The address is set in the
The substation only answers messages which have the same address as set. Normally the Comli
identity is set =1, but if several substations are connected to the same line (multidrop) and have
the same telephone number these will have no 2, 3 and so on.
This means that it is necessary to know which Comli identity is set in the substation.
Station number (ID): This number must be unique (a must if AQUAVISION is used). The number
is used to identify the substations to allow for example to connect incoming alarms to the correct
Time limit in seconds: The max time for a message sent to the substation until answer is
received. At time out the AquaProg repeats the message (tries again). Normally the time is set to
3-5 sec but has sometimes to be longer, for example when using radio communication.
Resending’s: Number of attempts which are made at time out according to above or if a wrong
answer is received from the substation. When max number of resending’s are reached the normal
operation is closed and an error message sent and shown on the screen. The parameter is
normally set to three attempts, more attempts may be needed when for example the telephone
lines are bad.
5. Choice between standard settings or individual settings for the communication parameters
when standard settings the parameters as in chapter 3.2 are used.
Here it is possible to give the substation its own communication parameters, which can be of
advantage if the station is connected via direct line, or several modems are used.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
AquaProg will always ask if the substation is to be saved when the station or AquaProg is closed.
This information will be stored in the description file of the station ( ).
Following is valid if the substation is connected to AQUAVISION.
If AQUAVISION is used on the same computer as AquaProg all substations should be connected to
the AQUAVISION system.
AquaProg and AQUAVISION will in this case use the same communication parameters for each
substation. This means that both can communicate with the substation simultaneously.
Another important point is how AquaProg stores the configuration from a substation.
When AQUAVISION is used each substation has a unique station number.
AquaProg stores the collected configuration files with different names depending on if the substation is
connected to AQUAVISION or not.
File name: Station name.cfg (for ex. South Central.cfg) is used if the substation is not connected to
File name: Station number.cfg (for ex. 15.cfg) is used if the substation is connected to AQUAVISION.
A configuration file collected from a substation connected to AQUAVISION is stored with the unique
station number as file name.
Both AquaProg and AQUAVISION now knows which substation is meant when a certain configuration
file has to be handled (a substation can have different names in AquaProg and AQUAVISION).
Now chose which substation shall be opened via the station list.
The list shows all substations that use AQUAVISION.
Other fields are grey because the parameters are collected from the AquaVision system.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Chose “Archive” and field “Open substation” or click on symbol for “Open” on the tool field.
In the lower part of the Archive menu there is a list of the latest opened stations.
Here it is possible to open a station fast. Chose a station out of the list and click.
Click on arrow on the right hand side of the station name field
A list with all created stations will be shown.
After the substation has been chosen the substation type and if the substation is connected to
AQUAVISION is shown.
Before the substation is opened it's possible to change the station type and if the station should be
connected to AQUAVISION.
Station type must be changed if the UP 20 has been upgraded with new software.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
A substation, which is not connected to AQUAVISION, can be connected for example after installation
Sometimes it may be good to temporarily disconnect a station from AQUAVISION for example at
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
6 Communication
There are basically five different types of communication you can use to communicate with a
substation. Direct (RS232 or USB), modem dial up, TCP/IP (Network) and AquaWeb-connection
Direct RS232: Connect from your computer or laptop RS232 port (or through a converter USB –
RS232) the service port in the front of the substations with is the service port. Make sure that you have
same parameters for baud rate and so on in the substation as in the settings in AquaProg. Sometimes
it’s necessary to have a check in Windows “Device Manager” to find out the settings and which
comport number you have on your computer.
Direct USB: When connecting a PC 441 by a USB cable to your computer for the first time; a dialog
box will appears on the computer screen for “Found new hardware”. Follow the instruction on the
screen step by step. After your computer has installed the drivers for the PC 441; you will be able to
communicate with the substation by AquaProg.
Modem: This is for a “land line” / “dial-up” or GSM modem. Under all circumstances the modem has to
be installed under Windows before you can use it in AquaProg. If you don’t have a built-in modem; you
must have a RS232 cable connected from your external modem to the computer. You also need a
phone cable which is connected to your computer/external modem to a phone line (phone jack on the
wall). The substation has to be set to “Autoanswer” to minimum 1 signal.
Network: This is used when you got a LAN modem at the substation sites and your laptop/PC is in the
same local network area.
AquaWeb-connection: This can be used if your substation has an AquaWeb contract and your
computer is connected to Internet.
Note When you have a modem (land line, GSM, LAN etc.) at the substation; you have to make sure that the
substation communication port has same settings as the port at the modem. They must have same
baud rate, same parity and same stop bit(s) and so on. If those parameters mismatch the
communication will never succeeds to establish.
Crucial parameters for setup direct RS232 communication in AquaProg (see picture5.1A on
page 15 in this document above above)
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Strait RS232 cable (DB9F-DB9M) from your computer to the substation service port
If you don’t have a RS232 port at your computer: use a USB-RS232 converter
6.1.2 USB Communication
You have ability to communicate with PC 441 by USB. First time when you connect a PC 441 to your
computer; you will get a message at the computer screen that says: Found new hardware. Follow that
instructions and let your computer install the necessary drivers for PC 441.
The critical parameters are the same as RS232except those for direct RS232 without the baud rate.
Crucial parameters for setup USB communication in AquaProg (see pic. 5.1A p.15 above)
Note If you have a GSM modem in one or both ends; make sure that SIM card(s) are open for “telematics”
and data communication, have the option to answer to an incoming data call. These types of SIM can
be difficult to get in some countries, specialty in USA. 95% of all failed communication by GSM has to
do with these options of the SIM card.
Crucial parameters for setup modem communication in AquaProg (see pic.5.1A p.15 above)
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Crucial parameters for setup Network communication in AquaProg (see pic.5.1A p.15 above)
Then all the communication settings are dune press OK and the dialog box will disappears. We shall
now contact or call up the station.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
After saving, the information is transferred back to the first login screen where you shall type in your
AquaWeb password and then click at the login button.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Next; give the station a description and select type of substation. Those values don’t affect any
parameters in AquaWeb, these values are only in your local computer and how AquaProg will read the
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
The communication between the AquaProg and a substation is established by connecting the
substation. Connection can be to call the substation via a telephone modem or via direct line or radio.
At connection the AquaProg uses the substations communication parameters to get the information
about how the connection is to be made (modem name, baud rate etc. …).
The information is stored in the substations description file (*.UCM).
There are several ways of connecting a substation to AquaProg.
Here are two examples:
All faults stop the connection and an error message is shown in the picture.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
When AquaProg has established contact with the substation following data will be collected:
If the substation is of a type not handled by AquaProg, a warning about this will be given and the line
If the station number is not the same as set in the AquaProg following warning is given.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
The substation is disconnected by clicking on one of the buttons shown below in the tool field.
The substation will be disconnected automatically if the AquaProg is closed or the modem does not
have a carrier wave (called modem has put down the receiver).
Above mentioned function is only activated when the substation is connected via telephone modem.
Not direct line (serial port) or radio.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
A connected substation can be configured directly (online) via the AquaProg.
Data that is changed in the AquaProg will directly be written to the substation.
In this chapter only the method for configuring is described. For information about how the functions in
the different products are configured, we refer to the product manual.
Each type of substation has a description file, which described to AquaProg how the configuration tree
should be built up (for example PCxV11).
Here the first part is built.
When a new substation is created in AquaProg you start by reading the configuration of the
If this is not done earlier following picture will be shown.
When the operator changes a parameter the value is written directly to the substation and into the
local signal database of the AquaProg. When the direct configuration is ended AquaProg asks if the
online changes should be saved in the configuring file of the substation.
The file is updated directly with the changes made by the operator in the substation. No new reading
of the configuration must be made. This if a configuration file was available earlier.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Here the AquaProg signal database with start values from available configuration file is read.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Here are all folders with name, which relate to a function in the substation.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
We chose Pump 1.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Direct configuration is also stopped automatically when the line is closed or if AquaProg is closed.
When direct configuration is closed and the operator had changed something for example a start level
the AquaProg asks if the changes should be saved in the substation configuration file.
This under the condition that configurations file was downloaded when direct configuration was
The advantage with this is that it is not necessary to download a new configuration file from the
substation. Changes made are written directly in the already available configuration file.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Here is an example of interlinked parameters for flow calculation with known values is shown.
All levels and flows have to be set before they are sent to the substation.
If interlinked parameters are used it is also indicated by the window buttons in the tool row which are
If interlinked parameters have been started you always have to finish with one of the buttons above
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
If you want to for example print all settings in pump pit 1 you do as follows:
If you mark the root map (on top ”South Central”) the whole configuration of the substation will be
printed which produces a lot of paper.
Check that AquaProg is set for correct printer and paper size.
Select “Archive” and “Printer settings” for check.
In some occasion’s it might also be needed to set a scaling if not all information fits.
It is also important that a configuration file is collected from the substation before printing.
Otherwise the printout will be wrong. AquaProg has not correct start values for parameters of the
folders. See chapter 7.1, Open direct configuration.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
As earlier mentioned the AquaProg stores the configuration in special configuration files (*.cfg).
The files are stored in different place depending on which program has been installed first.
This is valid if standard settings for installations catalogue are used when installing.
Uncertain, use the search function in Windows and search for *.UCM.
A configuration file of a substation can have different names depending on if the substation is
connected to AQUAVISION.
The description file of the substation (Modem, baud rate ...) is always stored as
. (For example ).
The file is stored in the Config catalogue.
Above mentioned is good to know when you want to make a backup for the configuration of a
Here it is the (*.cfg) file which is important as it holds the complete configuration of the substation.
Other files (*.UCM) and (*.URP) only have the communication parameters of the substations.
For a substation to be opened it must have a UCM-file.
When taking a backup the substations *.CFG and *.UCM files are copied to specified backup media.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
A substation can also be configured without being connected.
In this case the configuration is done to the configuration file of the substation (offline).
This file can later be downloaded to selected station.
The configuration file used to start must be for a substation of the same type (UP20, LPP4000...) to be
used later.
The best way of using offline configuration is to use a file downloaded from the substation to be
changed Make the changes offline and avoid changing parameters which are part of the I/O-system.
When this is ready download the configuration file to selected substation.
When offline configuration is finished and something has been changed following question will be
Here is selected if the changes in the substation configuration file are to be saved or not.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
In AquaProg there are a number of functions which can be used for the control of the display, alarm,
I/O-status etc. in the substation
If you want to check the whole front panel with LED's, click Show LED's.
If you want to print the settings for display and LED's click “Print”.
If you want to update texts (after change) click “Read texts”
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
The status
for digital
shown is
the logic
state after
filled circle
function is
If you want
to print the settings of selected I/O-module, click “Print”.
If you want to update texts (after change) click “Read texts”
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
At first information about set alarms is collected from the substation. Then following is shown:
First the number of set, active and not acknowledged alarms are shown.
Under alarm category and alarm type you can select what to show in the alarm window.
The alarm window shows alarm number, alarm type, alarm text, ON/OFF status and if the alarm is
With the button “Print” the alarms displayed in the window can be printed.
A separate alarm can be acknowledged by clicking on the alarm in the window (will be blue marked)
and then click on Acknowledge.
With button “Acknowledge all” all alarms in the window will be acknowledged at the same time.
With the button “Update…”you can manually start the reading from a substations Alarm/Acknowledge
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Following is shown:
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
You can also select to only show events, which have to do with a pump.
Select “Show events pump” and click Execute.
If you instead chose actual event list as category the AquaProg collects logged
events from the substation.
Here you can chose between alarm events and other events.
We chose to mark both.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Selection made can be saved or loaded via the buttons Save or Load
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
First information about set log channels is collected from the substation.
Here AquaProg gets information about log interval, log type etc. for every log channel.
The operator selects which log channels are to be collected and which log blocks.
UP20/PCx stores all logged data for one day in one log block.
Log block zero has the information from today and log block 31 the information from 31 days back.
PCx store data from 99 days back and has 100 log blocks.
It is not certain that a log channel has the history for 32(100) days stores, i.e. stored log data for
31(99) days back. At short log intervals it can happen that several blocks are needed to store
information for the same day. The history will then decrease.
Same thing happens if the operator changes the settings of a log channel.
CP 116 / CP 216, PC 242 and PC 441 can store data for up to 10 days.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Settings for each log channel can be checked by clicking button “Show inf.log channels”.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Here can be selected which of the collected log channels are to be displayed, printed or saved to file
We select log channel 1 and 2.
As log interval for displaying we select 2013-03-12 to 2013-03-12
As time interval we chose 00:00:00 till 24:00:00 which means that we want to look at the whole day.
AquaProg can store log data in two different file formats: Ascii standard and Ascii Excel.
In format Ascii Excel a “;” is used to separate the data fields and is and is used for importation to
Excel. Ascii standard is a tab-separated format and is used for printers.
Select format and click “Save file” if you want to save the file.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Max 6 log channels can be displayed simultaneously on the screen and max 4 can be printed
simultaneously in the same document.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Following is shown:
Here the date and time in the substation and PC are shown.
If you want to set the time click on “Change”.
Here you can change the date and time in a connected substation.
Either manually or by synchronization with PC clock.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Major program releases needs a key to be downloaded. This key is obtained from Sulzer.
Here it is shown what software updates that can be made without a new program key.
Max version: The highest program version that the substation can be upgraded to with the current
program key.
Min main version: The lowest current program version to allow upgrading.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Here is shown what program version the file contain and what product it is intended for.
At the bottom the name and path of the file is shown (SV_PCx_V502.smf).
Since the program version of the program file is 5.02 and current key only allows upgrading to version
4.99 (see previous page), a new program key is needed to allow upgrading.
Following window is shown if the current program key doesn't allow upgrading:
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
All controlling of pumps etc. is stopped when the substation is in downloading mode.
Here is warning and a possibility to cancel.
Click "OK" to start downloading the new program.
The configuration in the substation is saved before downloading starts and is restored when the
downloading is finished.
Thereafter AquaProg reads the manufacturing information and program key from the substation.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
To be able to upgrade a substation, a correct program key and manufacturing information must be
loaded. This is done at factory before delivery to customer.
If the information is corrupted, following window is shown:
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Here is information about the communication server Repline.
Here is information what type of connection is used etc.
Here the number of resending’s is shown as number of messages without answer, which have
occurred when in communication with a substation.
The counters are set to zero by clicking “Reset”.
At the same time the actual data transfer speed is shown as number of bits per second and number of
messages per second.
When there are too many resending’s and/or a low bit rate it may be advisable to disconnect the line
and try again with another line.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Here you can select between showing 6 different online trend signals!
To this you can also choose to show Pump status as well for Start/Stop levels!
This will be a most valuable tool, especially for adjusting the pump capacity calculation or checking the
power supply as well for any fault finding in the pump.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
The value drawn will be a dot or line depending on how much the value has changed during the
sampling calculation!
Depending on communication speed and quality we handle a sampling rate of up to 20 samples per
If it is indicated as a vertical line it means we have a span between highest and lowest value during
the calculation of the value shown and of course the span!!!
A ruler can be placed indicating the actual values and time from current time!
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
When connected to a PC 441 you can select between showing the following parameters:
Pump controller PC 441
- Closed - P2 Motor Current L1
- Pit Level - P2 Motor Current L2
- Inflow - P2 Motor Current L3
- Outflow - P3 Motor Current L1
- Overflow Level - P3 Motor Current L2
- Overflow Flow - P3 Motor Current L3
- Back-Pressure - P4 Motor Current L1
- Power frequency - P4 Motor Current L2
- Voltage L1-L2 - P4 Motor Current L3
- Voltage L2-L3 - P1 Temp. Stator T1
- Voltage L3-L1 - P1 Temp. Upper Bearing
- Power supply - P1 Temp. Lower Bearing
- P1 Motor Current - P1 Temp. Stator T4
- P2 Motor Current - P2 Temp. Stator T1
- P3 Motor Current - P2 Temp. Upper Bearing
- P4 Motor Current - P2 Temp. Lower Bearing
- P1 Nom. Pump Capacity - P2 Temp. Stator T4
- P2 Nom. Pump Capacity - P3 Temp. Stator T1
- P3 Nom. Pump Capacity - P3 Temp. Upper Bearing
- P4 Nom. Pump Capacity - P3 Temp. Lower Bearing
- P1 Power Factor - P3 Temp. Stator T4
- P2 Power Factor - P4 Temp. Stator T1
- P3 Power Factor - P4 Temp. Upper Bearing
- P4 Power Factor - P4 Temp. Lower Bearing
- P1 Vibrations - P4 Temp. Stator T4
- P2 Vibrations - AI2 P1 Motor Current / Selected funct.
- P3 Vibrations - AI3 P2 Motor Current / Selected funct.
- P4 Vibrations - AI4 P3 Motor Current / Selected funct.
- P1 Pump Power - AI5 P4 Motor Current / Selected funct.
- P2 Pump Power - AO 1 mA Output
- P3 Pump Power - AO 2 mA Output
- P4 Pump Power - PID Set Point
- P1 Motor Current L1 - P1 Latest Pump Capacity
- P1 Motor Current L2 - P2 Latest Pump Capacity
- P1 Motor Current L3 - P3 Latest Pump Capacity
- - P4 Latest Pump Capacity
- -
When connected to a PC 242 you can select between showing the following parameters:
Pump controller PC 242
- Closed - P1 Nom. Pump Capacity
- Pit Level - P2 Nom. Pump Capacity
- Inflow - P1 Temperature
- Outflow - P2 Temperature
- Overflow Level - Power supply
- Overflow Flow - AI4 Back-Pressure / Free choice
- P1 Motor Current - P1 Latest Pump Capacity
- P2 Motor Current - P2 Latest Pump Capacity
- -
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
When connected to a CP 112-212 you can select between showing the following parameters:
Control Panel CP 112 & CP 212 Control Panel CP 212
- Closed - Closed
- Pit Level - Pit Level
- P1 Motor Current L1 - P1 & P2 Motor Current L1
- P1 Motor Current L2 - P1 & P2 Motor Current L2
- P1 Motor Current L3 - P1 & P2 Motor Current L3
- P1 Power Factor - P1 & P2 Power Factor
- Back-Pressure -
- -
When connected to a CP 116-216 you can select between showing the following parameters:
Control Panel CP 116 & CP 216 Control Panel CP 216
- Closed - Closed
- Pit Level - Pit Level
- Inflow - Inflow
- Outflow - Outflow
- Overflow Level - Overflow Level
- Overflow Flow - Overflow Flow
- AI4 Back-Pressure / Free choice - AI4 Back-Pressure / Free choice
- P1 Motor Current - P1 & P2 Motor Current
- P1 Nom. Pump Capacity - P1 & P2 Nom. Pump Capacity
- P1 Power Factor - P1 & P2 Power Factor
- P1 Motor Current L1 - P1 & P2 Motor Current L1
- P1 Motor Current L2 - P1 & P2 Motor Current L2
- P1 Motor Current L3 - P1 & P2 Motor Current L3
- P1 Latest Pump Capacity - P1 & P2 Latest Pump Capacity
- -
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
When an operator makes changes in a substation it can be good to have documentation about the
AquaProg has a function, which opens Windows Notepad with a unique file name for each substation.
The files are saved as station namen.txt in the catalogue OPLOGG that is in the AquaProg catalogue.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
You can save and collect the cross-reference list for registers and I/O-bits.
These are saved in a separate file, in the catalogue Crossref, in the AquaProg catalogue.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
This function is mainly used to reduce the number of IO’s/Tags used for the SCADA system
By clicking the button Show I/O-status the value for the I/O-bits is shown.
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Monitor & Configuration Software Type ABS AquaProg™ 7, User guide
Sulzer Pump Solutions Ireland Ltd., Clonard Road, Wexford, Ireland
Tel. +353 53 91 63 200, Fax +353 53 91 42 335, www.sulzer.com