Even More Mountain Hexes III - Draft
Even More Mountain Hexes III - Draft
Even More Mountain Hexes III - Draft
Snaking through the peaks as far as you can see is a massive glacier with an intriguing hollow below it...
The Mouth is... Atop the Glacier one may come across...
1 ...tall enough for a Giant to enter if they were to duck down slightly 1 ...ancient and impressive pieces of Pillar, uprooted from their Temples
...possibly accessible only by boat, it appears that warm water has melted 2 ...the body of a Human Fighter, being picked at by Vultures
the ice to create an opening
3 ...an enterprising Gnome and his Dog Sled Teams; very reasonable rates
...wide and gaping, closer inspection reveals several rows of dripping
3 4 ...the shy heard of Reindeer who use this path in their migration
icicles that remind one of teeth
5 ...a crazed Wooly Mammoth, she just lost her calf to a Cougar
...polished and smoothed, almost as if it was deliberately hollowed out by
4 ...several warm Yurts and their welcoming Nom ad occupants
powerful Magics 6
7 ...a shaggy, arctic Chim era (Mountain Goat, Snow Panther, Remorhaz)
The Tunnel... 8 ...a single, immense Snow Shoe roughly the size of a Wagon
The most reliable place to cross... Peeking from the foliage on the far side of the river...
...could be made a little easier by felling one of the more massive trees in 1 ...the sun bounces off a welcoming and well-traveled trail
the area. The Hillgallow Hornbeams hold some promise
2 ...a Doe with two fawns in tow carefully judges whether to risk a drink
...washed out with recent rains, so the choice may be between risking it
2 3 ...are thorny vines, heavy with ripe and delicious Stainberries
and a lengthy detour
4 ..., crouched in the brush, bright, unblinking eyes of a Catamount stare
...is somewhat deceptive: the current is slow and water shallow, but a
3 ...two lovestruck Gnom es from warring clans hide from worried parents
writhing surfeit of Coldwater Lam prey surge on anything wading across 5
...might not be across a series of slick rocks to a conveniently placed 6 ...one can barely make out the glint of a highly polished Shield, mislaid
boulder, atop of which brays a hopelessly marooned Mule ...fluttering laundry hangs out to dry in the breeze, near a still damp
Halfling Pipeweed Merchant, utterly lost but hopeful
Fishing here... ...are the rusting remains of some sort of massive Metal Machine, all gap
1 ...during the appropriate season will net bushels of delicious River Trout -toothed gears and spindly spokes, reclaimed by vines and brambles
The strange acoustics here are such that... Carefully foraging along the Canyon floor could uncover...
...it is possible to make out the faintest whisper from one hundred paces, 1 ...semi-petrified shards of an Egg that must’ve been horse-sized
frustrating any attempts at Stealth
2 ...Ghoul Purge Gourds, when dried and rattled, end some paralysis
2 ...loud sounds reverberate and maddeningly repeat for a few minutes
3 ...a cache of tightly bundled Arrows, four burst into flame when fired
...the eerie echoes are nearly always followed by a gravely rumble that
3 ...a weather-beaten Skeleton, still clutching a leather case that holds a
closely resembles the preamble to a landslide 4
surprisingly accurate map of the surrounding six Hexes
...all words uttered are carefully stored, to repeat at random intervals,
4 5 ...three and a half huge ivory Mastodon tusks, embedded in the cliffside
this sometimes includes the verbal components of any Spells
6 ...small, fingernail sized flecks of Gold within a dry streambed
7 ...the moon-touched breeding pools of extremely valuable Mithril Frogs
Calling this Canyon home...
8 ...seams of garishly colored minerals, useful in paints & some Scroll Inks
...are an insular community of clan-less Kobolds, they are very wary of
1 trespassers into their quasi-utopian community that was founded by
the Cleric Cranog a few decades ago
...an Ogre Wight and his Skeletal Attendants. They keep a close watch on
a the small Merchant Company they’ve taken as prisoner
...the venerable Paladin Cranog, well into her eightieth year, Geased to
3 forever search the numerous crags of the Canyon for a Holy Relic that
she’s beginning to secretly doubt is even here
..., a music hating Hill Giant couple eager to start a family after escaping
the sway of a megalomaniac clamor of Harpies
...a highly burnished Copper Wyrm ling called Farthing, who inherited
her mother’s fondness for practical jokes
...is the somewhat legendary Talking Tom e , unbreakably fettered to it’s
6 lectern and said to contain a few very powerful magics, if those that
deign to study it can put up with the constant blathering