d100 Buildings & Businesses

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1 Abattoir: Rusty, sweet, metal scent, pails of soapy water rinsing stains 51 Hawk Mews: Hooded falcons docilely

s docilely perch on thick gloved hands

2 Almshouse: Chunks of day-old bread, placed in eager, hungry hands 52 Hayricks: Somewhat precariously heaped, but thatching keeps them dry
3 Apiary: Basket-faced figures walking slowly through thrumming air 53 Hospice: One over-worked Leech and some very well-fed Leeches
4 Apothecary: Bald man rubbing foul smelling fluid on their pate 54 Kennels: When one starts up, soon the whole pack starts a-howlin'
5 Bakery: Long, light loaves, jutting from dark brown baskets 55 Leatherworker: A spat with the tannery has left her looking for stock
6 Barber: Grimacing and gripping their jaw, a bloody customer exits 56 Lumberyard: Making do without a Sawmill, too men tackle a big trunk
7 Basket Weaver: Shooing away curious Mule, trying to snack on wares 57 Magistrate: Penchant for "Trial by Combat" tends to broker settlement
8 Bathhouse: Porters scurry with pails of piping hot water 58 Manor House: Abandoned a generation ago, but still defiantly maintained
9 Bell Foundry: Crucible pours sputtering, bright hot metal into sand 59 Market: Open Air stalls bustle with commerce about once a Season
10 Boatwright: Shavings expertly curl as a new keel is draw-sawn 60 Mason: Constantly clanging chisels, interrupted by a meal whistle
11 Brewery: Must be toasting the hops, slightly charred smell in the air 61 Mercery: Flaunting laces, loops, and silken scraps: extravagant tassels
12 Brickyard: Baked bricks being stacked with almost rhythmic efficiency 62 Middens: Rag and Bone Pickers eagerly glean through the garbage
13 Broom Maker: Slightly worse for wear used goods outside discounted 63 Monastery: Sturdy stone makes for a suitable "last resort" to save flocks
14 Butcher: Clever canine leaps and steals a string of juicy sausages 64 Money Lender: Stoic Legbreakers stand guard, but smile on approach
15 Carpenter: Deftly chalking a plank of pine for a coffin 65 Oatmonger: Known to give out free Fodder: Can't stand a hungry steed
16 Cattle Barn: Monotonous moos punctuated with dull clanging bells 66 Orchard: Gnarled like old hands, these old Trees still bear delicious fruit
17 Cellar: Onion escapes from an overflowing bushel and rolls to freedom 67 Pewterer: A batch of misshapen mugs (apprentice mistakes) for a song
18 Chandler: Latest creations, draped by their wicks on racks outside 68 Pie Maker: Irresistible sills, lined with piping hot, fragrant treats
19 Charnel House: Urns outside filled with flowers by a widow daily 69 Pig Pen: Snuffing contentedly in slop, squealing piglets follow their sow
20 Cheesemonger: Pale wheels bobbing in hot brine 70 Pillory/Stocks: Sheep Rustler rubs his wrists after a weeklong stint
21 Chicken Coop: Sobbing lad, mending a fence, apparently not fox-proof 71 Plasterer: Preparing for a big job, coated in pale powder from mixing
22 Cloth Fuller: Hardy, supple cloth being wound to form bolts 72 Playhouse: Unconvincing Swordfight practice out front
23 Colliers: Smudge-faced burners trundling a burn back from woods 73 Potmender: Shiny and scoured brass/tin serve as great advertisements
24 Communal Bread Ovens: Newlywed admonished for sagging loaf 74 Pottery Kiln: earthy aromas, coated in mud. Radiating Heat
25 Cooperage: Famous for their ridiculously large, barrel-shaped Shed 75 Rabbitry: A maiden chases one of the charges, darting in zigzags
26 Corsour/Hakneyman: Loudly exaggerating temperament of his stock 76 Racing Track: Hopelessly rutted from recent rains
27 Cutler/Knife Sharpener: Grating grindstone, sparks late into night 77 Ropemaker: Knots you've never seen adorn the doorways and windows
28 Dairy: Still dealing with a sour smelling spill from a leaky vat 78 Rug Maker: Some woven wares waving in the breeze, specializes in beasts
29 Distillery: Steam squealing from an overly burnished copper kettle 79 Saddler: Been embellishing a certain saddle for 15 years: a thing of beauty
30 Dovecote: Melodious and soothing cooing as they settle on their nests 80 Salt Seller: Carefully watched these days after the "Thumb Scale" incident
31 Dungheap: Smelt before seen, even after sprinkled with old straw 81 Scribe: Signs in 6 languages (atrocious Elf Spelling, overly formal Dwarf)
32 Dyer's Vats: Stinging noses and seeming to stain the very air 82 Sheep Cote: Looking rather embarrassed after recent shearing
33 Eel Pond: One very bad-tempered Goose considers this her Kingdom 83 Shoemaker: Faded Yellow Sign, embarrassing: Two Left Feet
34 Farrier: Gentle despite his size, a man carefully pulls nails from a hoof 84 Shrine: No one's quite sure who keeps the votive candles lit
35 Fellmonger: Scratching her chin, as Trapper unfurls arrow-pocked pelts 85 Smelter: Muscle-bound fellow hammering at rocks to extract ore
36 Fishmonger: Silvery scales glimmer, stacked high from a woven creel 86 Smokehouse: Mouthwatering sizzles as a bored youth turns spits
37 Fletcher: Apprentice and Master laugh as they strip bark on a stoop 87 Soapmaker: Uniform molds, drying in the Sun hope those aren't rainclouds
38 Flour Mill: Well-fed Tom Cat watches the Miller sweep a flour-y stoop 88 Stables: Bright eyed boy, dreaming of adventures, leans on his muckrake
39 Forester: Faded Hunting Charters and Proclamations flap in the breeze 89 Tailor: Customer haggling loudly over an ill-fitting dress
40 Fortune Teller: A young man looks dubiously at a "Love Potion" vial 90 Tannery: Skins stretched tight while others churn, malodorous work
41 Fruiterers: Last week's apples have begun to attract insects 91 Tax Assessor: Doors and windows streaked with dried egg
42 Fungimonger: Strung on twine, earthy wares dangle & dry in a doorway 92 Taxidermy Shop: Worse for wear, Owlbear head missing feathers
43 Gallows: Thankfully tumbledown & timeworn, hasn't been used in years 93 Tithe Barn: Half-hearted grumbles as grain is handed over
44 Gambling Den: Scowling, leaving with empty pockets and a dead Rooster 94 Town Hall: Receiving a much-needed coat of whitewash
45 Gaol: Muffled cries of innocence from a barred window at ground level 95 Undertaker: Tenderly stroking the old black horse that pulls the Hearse
46 Girdler: Lovingly tooled and dyed belts, signs proclaim guarantee 96 Vegetable Garden: Crumbling mail, orange with rust, draped on Scarecrow
47 Glassblower: Children gather to marvel, puffed cheeks to glowing glass 97 Weaver: Giggling gossip can be heard over the clack of the shuttle
48 Goat Pen: Used to handouts, they nuzzle their muzzles through the fence 98 Wheelwright: Hopelessly hobbled carts patiently awaiting ministrations
49 Granary: Warily watched: Still not over last year's Dire Mouse infestation 99 Winery: Children with purple feet play outside after stomping
50 Graveyard: Each headstone tenderly painted with rain-faded portraits 100 Woodcarver: Door, sills, porch pillars, all ornately carved with flowers

Draft Version 01.05.2022 (RIP G+). https://d4caltrops.com

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