d100 Fairy Tale Weaknesses
d100 Fairy Tale Weaknesses
d100 Fairy Tale Weaknesses
2 A Clever Wizard might just be able to trap them in their Book 52 Only by a Parent/Grandparent on their child's day of birth
3 A mixture of Crab Spider, Black Widow, and Tarantella Venom 53 Only dice of a certain color inflict damage
4 A Sacred Waterfall known to cleanse even the vilest of Evils 54 Only once their extensive Autobiography is published (Ghostwriting fine)
5 Activate Magic Portal, push through: create problems for someone else 55 Only one who has never taken a life can inflict the fatal blow
6 Alicorn tipped Spears, Narwhal might do in a pinch 56 Only the Player with the closest Birthday can damage them
7 Any wound delivered must be immediately healed to take 57 Only whilst an entire City Sleeps simultaneously
8 Arms forged by a Blacksmith who has never seen the Moon 58 Ordained as Questing Beast for a Knight who went missing decades ago
9 Arrowhead forged from a Gold Piece stolen from a King 59 Plant and Nourish a Wall of Roses around them
10 Barter their life for that of a loved one 60 Prodigious plumes of Smoke, from valuable incense
11 Blades bathed in three separate Seas 61 Regional variety of foul-smelling Cheese is fatal if eaten
12 Blows must be struck in order by hands of Law, Chaos, and Neutrality 62 Remain undetected for a full night in their Lair to glimpse vulnerability
13 Bog Iron Weapons inflict damage using Backgammon Doubling Cube 63 Remove an irritation (paw thorn, sore tooth, arrow, advisor, toady, etc.)
14 Bronze forged by a one-armed Dwarf 64 Reunite with their Requited Love, who may or may not be worse than them
15 By invoking the Name of each of 7 separate Saints over 7 Days 65 Seek Petrification, if Statue is adorned with flowers, they trouble no more
16 By one who has seen their hundredth Winter 66 Seems easy enough: Salt. Must come from the Feasting Table of a God
17 Can only be defeated by the unseeing or blindfolded 67 Should be buried under a pile of Silver Coins bearing a Living Ruler
18 Can you trick them into saying their name backwards? 68 Show them Kindness
19 Certain Requiem, sang in unison by at least four 69 Sling Bullets cast from a Goblet used to broker a Peace Treaty
20 Clothes worn backwards, shoes on wrong feet, speak only in Rhyme 70 Soapy, warm water and a good Scrub to remove any fifth
21 Discover and utter their True Name whilst striking 71 Someone's has to give up an Eyeball, another a Finger, and one their Hair
22 Distract them by scattering uncountable things 72 Sound of Church Bells causes them to shatter like Glass with a telling blow
23 Doused with a pail of Milk from a Cow that's been dead for two years 73 Spear from a Lightning struck Tree, tip hardened by Phoenix Fire
24 Drink them under the table 74 Steal their Treasure and Donate it to an unquestionably worthy cause
25 Each must utter a Shameful Secret out loud for all to hear 75 Strawberry Tarts a tantamount to arsenic
26 Everyone must be tied together with Silk for the duration of the battle 76 Sung to Sleep by an Ancient Lullaby, almost forgotten by all
27 Exploit ancient Traditions and Rites of Hospitality 77 Ten touches from a Nymph or Nixie
28 Fed first fruit picked by a Maiden at Harvest-start 78 The expression "one hand tied behind your back" is supposed to mean easy
29 Fed to Mice/Rats within a week 79 The laughter of an Infant whose Mother died in Childbirth
30 Feed their ego to bursting with self-depreciating remarks & then flatter 80 The opposite of someone "Pure of Heart"
31 Feet must not be touching the ground 81 The Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Daughter can do them in
32 Fell a Tree atop them 82 The smell of warm Bread, baked with Love, fresh out of the Oven
33 Find a way into their fitful & frightening Dreams, where they’re fragile 83 The Weapon must have never been held in Mortal Hands
34 Fire from a source that has remained lit for at least a Decade 84 Their likeness captured in a Portrait, that Portrait must be hidden away
35 Forced onto a certain small Island, they will never be able to leave it 85 They are only harmed by odd numbered damage totals
36 Forgive them 86 They are unable to perceive the color Blue
37 Headbutt from a Three Horned Ram ought to do it 87 They become Mortal for but one hour a year, and are very aware of this
38 Help them nurse their grievously wounded offspring, parent, ally 88 They crave defeat, but warn that whoever does it, will take their place
39 Holy Water, poured into a dozen of their Footprints weakens them 89 They have hidden their Soul, high in a Tree, in a Nest, inside a Robin's Egg
40 If the slayer isn't near death, the death won't stick 90 Thrice blessed by three siblings who have all taken the Cloth
41 Killing blow cannot be delivered by anyone wearing Armor 91 Through formal Duel, they will cheat, but you mustn't acknowledge this
42 Knit or sew them an article of Clothing out of Vegetable Lamb 92 Tickled with the Feather from an Angel's Wing
43 Make it count, only the first strike will harm until a fortnight passes 93 To bring harm, you must be suffering from the effects of Poison or Venom
44 Massive Granite Statue of them must be pulverized into Dust 94 Trap them in a circle of salt/ring of iron nails first
45 May be Slain only by one who has been Slain themselves 95 Trussed first by a Rope used to Hang an Innocent Thief
46 Music from a Fiddler who swore she'd never again draw the Bow 96 Vulnerable only to one who cannot read the Written Word
47 Must be done on New Moon, but none may speak of it until the next 97 Weak point illuminated by Candle made from fat of an Albino Crocodile
48 Must break bread/share a meal with them first 98 Weapons must be used in off-hand to be effective
49 Must stay awake for 3 days, only in Waking Dreams are they weakest 99 Wooden Swords/Metal Clubs, unconventional weapon materials
50 Never eat your favorite food again 100 Yon fields must remain fallow for four years, despite growling bellies