Spoor, Sign, Tracks, Traces
Spoor, Sign, Tracks, Traces
Spoor, Sign, Tracks, Traces
1 Particulate Powder forms Suspended "Shadow" Musky Smells of Scent Marking/Urea/Sweat Faintest whiffs of Reagents or Incense
2 Flashes of Memory from last Nightmare Sheds (Antlers/Hair on Thorns/Molted Skin/etc.) Splinters/Rust/Shards shed over time
3 Volume distortions: Screams become Whispers Impressions from Rest/Sleeping, swiftly rebounding Haphazardly Piled Like Items: Leaves/Stones/Doors
4 All Text becomes Strange Vermillion Symbols Skittish and chattering Arboreal and Birds Urns/Braziers Perpetually Lit/Fed with Fuel
5 Smelling Colors is disconcerting for a moment Droppings that convey Species to those in the Know Conspicuous Absence of Cobwebs/Dust
6 Metallic Taste gives way to Bile, then Sourness Decayed Log, smashed to Scrounge or by hasty Flight Mouse/Small Vermin Utterly Flattened
7 Brief Pain behind Eyes/Visual Smears/Vertigo Quarry half-eaten/curiously clipped Foliage Scuffed out Magic Circle/Sigil/Mandala
8 Slimy Coating seems to respond to Sound Scars from sharpening/scratching on Trees/Stones Stairs/Doorways/Walls smoothed from Repeated Passage
9 Flickering Green Conical Flame Flares without heat Abandoned Den/Nesting Site/Nursery Deliberate, Uniform Footprints of equal depth
10 Sharp Corners/Edges provoke Worry/Dread Earth disturbed by Digging Bent, Spent, or Broken Weapons from recent Fracas
11 Skull: Calvaria riddled with Star-Shaped Punctures Something was briefly mired in Mud here Positively Pummeled Scenery/Victim Remains
12 Holes in Reality burst like Soap Bubbles Trappers Snare, bereft of Bait Snapped Horn/Digit/Limb foretells Materials