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DLP Theaterical Forms

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School Cabangan High Grade Level 9


Teacher Learning Area MAPEH

Kenth P. Quintanilla

Teaching Dates and Time April 11, 2024 Quarter 4th


The learner demonstrates understanding of the role of theatrical elements (sound,

A. Content Standards music, gesture, movement and costume) in creation and communication of western
classical plays and opera which influenced by history and culture.

B. Performance Standards The learner creates appropriate theater play/opera costume accessories and
improvises appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements, and costume for chosen
theatrical compositions.

C. Learning Competencies. Identifies selected theatrical forms from different art periods. A9EL-IVa-1
Write the LC code for

At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Identifies selected theatrical form from different art periods

Objectives b. Value the importance of theatrical forms from different art periods and;

c. Draw one symbol of a theater chosen.

History of the theatrical forms and their evolution


A. References

1. Learner’s Material Music and Arts Learners Material (260- 276)


2. Textbook MAPEH BOOK

3. Additional Materials
from Learning resource
(LR) portal

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

A. Reviewing previous Good afternoon class! Good afternoon, Sir!

lesson or presenting the
new lesson Is there anyone absent? Yes Sir

For today, we will be having a new lesson but

before that answer first this activity.


Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The first performer in a tragedy play who was later

considered the father of tragedy was?

a. Dionysus b. Thespis c. Plautus d. Magnus

2. which of the following is a common English term for a


a. Actor b. Playwright c. Shakespearian d. Thespian

3. Satyr was often performed after three tragedies. what

could be the reason for this? The students will get their arts
notebook to answer the pre-
a. satyr is the most important genre assessment.
b. it contains the name of the playwright

c. it provides a breather from the preceding unhappy endings

d. it is always requested by many audiences during the


4. who is the most famous playwright during renaissance


a. William Shakespeare b. Titus Maccius Plautus

c. Allan De Halle d. Pierre Corneille

5. It is the most admired type of play in Ancient Greece.

a. Comedy b. Satyr c. Tragedy d. Drama

B. Establishing a purpose Let me present to you our objectives for this

for the lesson afternoon.

At the end of this lesson, the students should be

able to:

a. Identifies selected theatrical form from

different art periods

b. Value the importance of theatrical forms from

different art periods and;

c. Draw one symbol of a theater form chosen and

C. Presenting
examples/instances of
the new lesson

Look at the pictures. What do you think this

picture is about?

When we see a stage what do you think happens Acting!

on that stage?
Very good. We think that a performer will perform
on that very stage and we call it theater. Play!

Now, let us know what is theatrical form and to

know the history and the other important events
about a theater.

Someone will perform.

Students will listen

D. Discussing new The teacher will paste the names of the different
concepts and practicing theatrical forms and will give each student a word
new skills #1 or phrase to match in each period. The words:

 Dionysus
 Father of tragedy
 Theatron
 Triumvir Pompey
 Theater was not allowed
 William Shakespeare
 Use of technology for special
 The concept of Decorum
 Melodrama

After putting the words or phrases to each

period, during discussion will check if the word or
phrases are correct or at the right period.

Yes Sir. A place where plays are

What is your idea about theater? Have you
already watched a play?

It can be a form of dancing, acting

or singing.
Very good! It can be a form of what?
Now let us talk about the history of theater.

In ancient Greece they have 3 types of plays

those tragedy, comedy and satyr.

Mostly the story has an unhappy

When we say tragedy what do you mean by ending concerning the downfall of
that? the main character.

Very well said. Next is comedy we all what

comedy is mostly the plays were derived from

This are half-man/half goat

characters. This play contains
How about satyr? Do you what that is? comic elements to lighten the
mood or a serious play with
happy ending.

Theatre building was called “Theatron”

What are the differences and similarities that you The students answer may vary.
see to Theatron and the stages that we have

Roman theater plays were chariot races,

gladiators and public executions. While in
medieval Theater performances was not allowed.

How does they keep the theater alive in this


They travel from one place to

another to perform as puppeteers,
dancers and other performers in
theatrical acts.
E. Discussing new In Renaissance theater the queen supported this
concepts and practicing kind of theater and in this theater classical Greek
new skills #2 and roman arts was characterized.

Do you know William Shakespeare?

In this period, he is a famous actor who Yes, he was famous for his book
emerged. He was called as the England’s Romeo and Juliet.
national poet and the “Bard of Avon”

Baroque Theater is famous for the use

technology or machines during a play.

What kind of machines do you think they used?

They use machines for special
effects and scene changes with
the use of ropes and pulleys.

In neoclassical period, theater was characterized

by its grandiosity. And in this period classical
concepts and appropriate social behavior must
be observed.

And in Romantic Period, melodrama and operas

became the most popular.

What do you mean by opera?

It is an art form in which singers

and musicians perform a dramatic
work and musical score.

F. Developing mastery Individual Activity: The students will do the activity.

(Leads to Formative Pick a one theatrical form and draw a symbol of

Assessment 3)
your chosen theatrical form.

Materials: bond paper, pencil and coloring


Criteria: (5 points each)

 Quality of work
 Visual impact
 Punctuality
 Neatness

G. Finding practical  Why is it important to know the common

applications of concepts and differences of those theater
and skills in daily living presented?

 What do you think is the role of play in

the society?

5. Making generalizations I learned about the ________________ Example.

and abstractions about
the lesson I learned about the different
theatrical forms and the period
that I think caught my attention is
the Greek theater because of its
I learned about the different theatrical forms and
type of play and the place where
the history of it and period that I think that catch
the play is held.
my attention is because


6. Evaluating learning Copy the template below and enumerate the

theatrical forms that you have learned from
different art periods.

Ancient Period Medieval Period Renaissance

Baroque Period Neoclassic Period Romantic Period

7. Additional activities for Research about the elements of theater.

application or


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your
student's progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you
so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up
with the lesson

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Kenth P. Quintanilla
Student teacher

Helena D. Amor
Cooperating Teacher

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