Bulletin, April 14

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CWL NEWS: 1) Gently Used Religious Items Sale – Sunday April 21 in the Parish Hall.

Consider donating them to the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) for our upcoming sale. Collecting
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
these items the weekend of 13/14 at the Information Desk. Thank you. 20676 Fraser Highway, Langley, BC V3A 4G5
2) It’s Bursary Time: Please see the Bursary’s available for your children to apply for. St. Ph: 604-534-3303 Fax: 604-534-6458
Joseph’s CWL offers a $2,000. bursary for a girl in grade 7 furthering her education and another Email: parish.sjl@rcav.org
$2,000.00 for a student entering post secondary school. The Vancouver Diocese also offers a $1,000 website: stjlangley.rcav.org
bursary to a boy or girl. Hard copies are available on our CWL bulletin board. Office Hours: 9:00 am. – 5:00 pm. Mon – Fri
3) Plant Sale The CWL will be once again having their annual Mother's Day plant sale. Orders will Closed for Lunch: 12:30 – 1:30 pm.
be taken in the church lobby on Saturday April, 6th & 13th after the 5:00pm mass and Sunday, Pastor: Fr. Patrick Chisholm Assistant Pastor: Fr. Nevin Jacob
April 7 & 14th after the 9:00am ,11:00am and 8:00pm masses or you can place your order online
at:sjcwl.growingsmilesfundraising.com Sunday Masses: 9 am, 11 am and 8 pm; Saturday Mass 5 pm
Feel free to visit the website to view the products that we will be selling. Plant orders are to be Daily Mass Monday to Friday 8 am, Friday eve. 7 pm. Saturday and Holidays 9 am.
picked up on Saturday, May 5th after the 5:00pm mass and Sunday, May 6th after the 9:00 & Spanish Mass (2nd Sunday of the Month) 5:30 pm
11:00am masses. Thank you for your support. Friday All Day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Fridays 9:45am to 6:45 pm
Knights of Columbus Membership Drive weekend April 22/21, in the Confessions: Saturdays between 10 am and noon.
church foyer. Inquiries for Baptisms, Funerals or Weddings please contact the Parish Office.
 April 14, 2024
St. Catherine’s School- Walkathon: Please help support this fundraiser. Students
will be walking 5/10km on Friday April 19 to support their school and will be 3rd Sunday of Easter
collecting pledges following the weekend masses April13/14. Thank you
Readings: Acts 3:13-15,17-19; Psalm 4:1,3,6 & 8; 1John 2:1-5; Luke 24: 35-48.
SJB Early Bird Registration OPEN for New Families St John Brebeuf registrations for the Repentance Leads to Forgiveness.
2024/25 school year OPEN to new families with students entering Grades 8-12. For more
information, visit https://stjohnbrebeuf.ca/announcements/registration-open-for-new-families We read a lot these days of the Cancel Culture. A way of approaching people who make a mistake
where their transgression cuts them off from society, where there is no forgiveness. The foibles of
St. John Brebeuf is looking for event sponsors for the annual Bear Brawl - this is a great way to
youth stick with you for the rest of your life.
promote your business while supporting your Catholic regional high school. For more information,
please visit https://stjohnbrebeuf.ca/bear-brawl or email sponsorship@stjohnbrebeuf.ca In our scripture readings this Sunday we hear of repentance and forgiveness. The Apostles lay a
St. Joseph's Church Preschool taking Preschool registration for the 2024/2025 If you are interested in pretty heavy charge against the Jewish leaders. “You killed the author of Life.” You chose a
enrolling your child, or would like information about our programs, you can check out our website at criminal over the Son of God. God’s Christ would suffer, this has been predicted. It is God who
www.stjosephschurchpreschool.com Registration forms with updated pricing for the 2024/2025 school fulfills the Law and the Prophets. These charges are laid not to condemn the Jewish authorities, but
year are available to download off the website. . If you have questions, call Angela at 604-530-4288 to allow them to repent. To return to God that their sins may be “wiped away.”
It is easy to be caught up in the mistakes of others and to use them as a weapon against them. What
CHECK OUT THE NEW STAINED GLASS WINDOW IN THE CHURCH, God seeks is healing. This healing becomes a prayer. The one who seeks healing does not seek
St. Jude,one of the 12 apostles. If you would like to donate another control, but hands it over to God. The Apostles are able to distinguish between the wrongs done to
Apostle Window for the West Side of the balcony contact Jesus during his lifetime and the rejection of the risen Christ. The wrongs done to Jesus are
Fr. Patrick 604-534-3303
forgivable, while the rejection of the risen Christ cuts one off from the one who forgives and
INTERNATIONAL FÁTIMA STATUE: Visit of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fátima excludes them from his life.
blessed by Pope Pius XII to St. James Parish, 2777 Townline Rd, Abbotsford, BC
MONDAY 15 April, → 9 a.m. Mass.7 p.m. HOLY HOUR. → 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. As Christians we are called to have confidence in the Lord’s protection. As the psalmist states, “for
VISITS may be made all day. All are welcome you alone, O Lord, make me lie down in safety.” We are called to live our lives in him. St. John
reflects on this in our second reading from his first letter,. “ How can we know that we are living in WELCOME TO ST. JOSEPH’S
Join us for coffee and fellowship in the parish hall after the 9 am and 11 am Masses
John writes his letter so that we may not sin, but he is quick to point out that if we do sin we have an If anyone is interested in helping a host group with their coffee service contact Iris
advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ who has offered the righteous and atoning sacrifice for our irissramsdale@gmail.com
sins and not just our sins, but the sins of the whole world. We can be sure that we know him by
obeying his commandments. It is in obeying his word that God’s love is able to reach purification Welcome to the Parish: Lambert & Hee Ma, Richard Rudolf Aidoo.
in us. Recently Baptized: Mateo Martinjak, Elijah Kaulius, Lucas Yelland, Knox Yelland, Madelynn
Our Gospel reflects on the reality of the resurrection. The experience of the disciples on the road to Yelland, Tanner Yelland, Michael Mason. Peter Charles Bradley.
Emmaus shows the spiritual side of the resurrection where Jesus is revealed in the breaking of the R.I.P: Please pray for the repose of the soul of Joan Mary Harriott.
bread. The Apostles are thrown into turmoil as they physically encounter with the risen Christ.
While he offers them his peace. They are startled and terrified, thinking that they may be seeing a Youth Ministry : : Lifeteen- and Edge For more information please contact Analiza:
ghost. youth@stjosephlangley.com
Jesus assures them that he is real pointing out that he has flesh and bones. We are told, “while in St. Joe’s Young Adult s Sports Night!! Join us Wednesday nights! , 7-9pm for volleyball or
their joy, they were disbelieving.” This was too fantastic! This is too good to be true! Jesus eats a basketball for those 16 and up at St. Catherine’s elementary school! Any child under 18 must
piece of fish to reassure them of the reality. have a parent or guardian attend and they are free to participate as well. Cost: Free. Any questions!
Contact Maria Van Vugt at thesaint900@gmail.com
Jesus calls them back to scripture, that everything written about him in the Law of Moses, the
Prophets and the Psalms (the Old Testament) must be fulfilled. In opening their minds to understand St. Joseph’s Bereavement Support: ( New Additional Program being offered
the scriptures, that he was to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day. “This has a purpose Mondays 12:30 – 3 pm beginning April 29) 9-week structured support program-
and that is that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all the nations Registration limited to 5 persons. ***Thursday program continues 9:00 am – 11:30 am. in the
beginning in Jerusalem –“you are the witnesses of these things.” parish annex room. Registration limited to 8 people. We will work with a book “Grieving With the
The experience of the risen Lord cannot be held in or sat on – it has to be proclaimed. The physical Help of Your Catholic Faith” by Lorene Duquin. Cost of materials and book $35. To register and
reality of the resurrection has power. It’s easy to be caught up in Docetism, a heresy that for information. Contact Carla Vangool 604-308-0050 or carlavan@shaw.ca
emphasizes Jesus as God behind the veneer of humanity, that his suffering is merely play acting and RESTORE: A women’s evening of worship and Eucharistic Adoration. Next date: Monday, April
that the resurrection is only spiritual. 22 at 7 pm in the Church. Open to women of all ages and stages! For more information or to
volunteer, please contact Tiffany 604-209- 8269 or tiffany.valle.anaya@gmail.com
Jesus wants his resurrection to be a difference maker in our lives and the lives of those around us.
He wants each one of us to live in the reality of it, that we may be his witnesses like the Apostles Senior’s Luncheon: Hosted by the K of C & CWL: Wednesday, April 17- Doors
before us. open 11:00 am. Meal by Chef Kees, after meal join us for BINGO ($1.00 per card). Cost
Fr. Patrick. for the meal is $10.
FORMED.ORG: The Catholic Faith On Demand. Free videos, Movies, Audio Book and eBooks
Come celebrate Life by joining the annual March for Life in Victoria streamed right to your electronic devices. Inspirational, Educational, and Entertaining for all ages.
Movie of the Week: “Alive- The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.” Register at
on May 9. The theme is "I will never forget you". Please register and pay online at www.formed.org then look up by parish postal code V3A 4G5. For further questions contact the
"March for Life Victoria" website. A bus will be leaving from St. Joseph's, Langley back parish office.
parking lot. Details and costs of the event are stated in the "Bus Transportation" section of the Do you want to explore more on Theology of the Body, led by local experts? Then this four-part
website. The deadline to register for bus transportation is April 25th. If you have any questions course led by professors from Catholic Pacific College is for you! CPC joins with Our Lady of
about bus transportation, please contact Jim Canil at 604-946-0808. Register early! the Assumption Parish for 4 evening classes on St. John Paul II's "Theology of the Body," Tuesdays
from April 23 to May 14 at 7pm at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Hall. Only $100 for all four
sessions. Register at catholicpacific.ca/tob

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