Week of June 2, 2019 PDF
Week of June 2, 2019 PDF
Week of June 2, 2019 PDF
362 Holy Hours were kept before the Blessed Sacrament this past week.
We still have a vacant hour on Saturday, midnight to 1am. “Christ’s Heart is
deeply touched by the sight of you adoring Him.” We still need partners for
the hours; Monday 10-11am and Sunday 3-4am. Please call 330-690-9661.
The reward is unimaginable. “O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine.” (Eucharistic Holy Hour)
We are coming upon the summer hours of the Church lockdown. The church doors
will be locked at 8:00pm beginning Memorial Day, Monday, May 27 through Labor Day
September 2, at which time they will be locked at 6:00pm. This is a reminder to all
8:00pm adorers in charge of locking the doors. Thanks to all of you.
The Ascension
The great mercy of Jesus is revealed in today’s account of his bringing back to life the deceased
only son of a widow from the city of Nain. Pope Francis proclaims “Jesus is a paradigm for the
church.” Throughout the Gospels he shares in the important moments of family life and always
shows mercy. May our families and parishes be rich in mercy like Jesus.
Your help is needed for our Vacation Bible School! We are in need of a variety of items and would
love to be blessed by your generosity. On the back wall of the Church is a giving tree, and to donate,
please take a leaf or two; and on the sign-up list find the corresponding number that is written on
your leaf and write down your information. Please return your item with the leaf to the rectory by
June 3. Thank you!
Please pray for our Sick especially: Betty Bartel, Lisa Gnap, Judy Kriston, Anne
Trischan, Shanon Johnson, Joanne Ramsay, William Bedford, Carol Garman, Chad
Trischan, Pat Shemuga, Helene Van Oss, Paula Collins, Alexandra Kepler, Gary Reed,
Barb Shehan, Joe Patterson III, Lowell Potts, Sandra Walters, Bruce Hartung, Barb
Helms, Nicole Hahn, Tom Abbott, Bob & Patty Moses, Kelly Ann Eby, Kaleigh Shriver,
Dick Buehrle, Pauline Nonno, Allen Weidman, Conner Beish, Charlie Carroll, Katie
Marino, Cheryl Jackson, Roy Smith, Tara Ferguson, C.J., Bob Eckert, Paul Moon,
James Chalfant, Lori Meese, Sharon Lohan, Carole Ezell-Bell, Julian Gonzalez, Honey
Ann Zagar, Paulette Holland, Carol Newhouse, Carol Grimes, Nick Shirey, Mary
Zinkovitch, Ed Brogan, Angela Rollins, John Anzaldi, Gary Morgan, Pam
Schlernitzauer, Frank Wrobel, Tom Rasicci, Sarah Brown, Laurie Shantz, Susan
Cutshall, Margaret Genet, Sarah Browne, Phil & Alyce Sherman, Kathy Steinwand,
Frank & Virginia Dellapa, Leslie Coffey, Brian Gortney, Megan Anson, Alice Rose,
Margo Trenta, Andy Drobnak & David Lukezic
If there is someone you know who has been returned to health and can be
removed from the sick list, please contact the rectory.
Wedding Banns
I Nicholas A. Maggio & Veronica Sanchez
The priests of St. Augustine are on the emergency call list to Barberton Hospital, they
are only called in cases of emergency. If you are in or have entered the hospital and
would like to be visited by one of our priest’s, please call the rectory at 330-745-0011.
If you have a surgery planned and would like to be anointed, please call prior to
hospitalization as to make sure you receive the sacrament.
Insert Graphic 2404-0048.tif) Barberton Area Community Ministry item for the Month of
June is Macaroni & Cheese. All donations can be placed in the bench in front of the
giving tree in the vestibule of the church. Donations are picked up on Monday mornings.
Thank you again for all your support in helping us serve our brother’s and sister’s in
Matthew Arnold recounts the life story of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina who is known
around the world as Padre Pio. This presentation includes fascinating details about
St. Pio’s ministry of hearing confessions, his ability to read souls, the multitude of
miracles attributed to his intercession, and how he bore the stigmata that is the
wounds of Christ. All are wise to learn from the advice of this holy man to “pray,
hope and don’t worry.” Enjoy learning more about the life of this beloved Saint.
Christ’s Peace!
Mark your calendars for the 2019 Vacation Bible School “Set Sail with
the Holy Trinity” featuring St. Patrick. VBS will be June17-21 from
9:00am-12:00pm noon. Registration and volunteer forms can be found
on the St. Augustine website or on the table in the back of the church.
For additional information, please contact Jaclyn Snyder at 330-745-
Please remember that bulletin board materials must be approved by the pastor or
staff members. In order to put devotional or other materials in the pews, on the Holy
Hour table, on the book rack, in the pew songbook and card holders, please have the
materials approved first.
Finally, please remember to drop off material for the bulletin by Friday as the
bulletin is created and sent for printing on Tuesdays.
Christ’s Peace!
Fr. David Majikas
Catholic Cemeteries -Sunday Support – Grief Support Meeting - You are graciously
invited to join us for an hour of sharing, listening, learning and healing along your
grief journey. No registration is needed, just come and join in. The next session at
Holy Cross Cemetery, Akron is June 23 beginning at 3:00pm. The topic for June is
“Grief and Difficult Emotions.” For more information, contact Rhonda at 216-930-
4866 or visit clecem.org/information/bereavement.aspx.
Charitable Giving Ideas for 2019 - Did you know that gifting appreciated stock (held more than
one year) to a charitable organization such as Catholic Charities or your parish may allow you to
deduct the stock’s full value and bypass capital gains tax? In addition, if you are 70 ½ or older,
you may be able to reduce your taxable income this year with a gift made directly from your IRA
to a qualified charity such as Catholic Charities or your parish. Your accountant or IRA
administrator can help you understand how the IRA Charitable Rollover works and the particular
steps you can take to lower your taxes and help Catholic Charities, your parish or a diocesan
ministry. Learn more by contacting Sandy Lucas of the Catholic Community Foundation at
(216) 696-6525 x1640.
The June monthly share meeting will be held in the Upper Room at St. Francis de Sales on June 20th
from 7:00-8:30 pm. This is a free event open to all who are grieving a loss of any kind, and will include a
brief presentation, time for discussion/sharing and light refreshments. Our topic, 'Suicide/Grief &
Recovery" will be presented by speakers from Kelly's Grief Center. The monthly share meetings are
being offered by the St. Francis de Sales Consolation Ministry, Queen of Heaven’s Bereavement Ministry
and Ellen Barber, Grief Specialist from Aseracare Hospice. For additional information or questions
call/text Ellen at 330-801-0463 or Ann at 330-612-5234.
Love Will Hold us Together – Matt Maher’s famous song, “Love will hold us
together,” will be heard from the mainstage at The FEST on Sunday, August 4 in
Wickliffe. It’s the perfect family day and it’s all for FREE. Come and hear Jordan
Feliz, Tenth Avenue North, Matt Maher and Casting Crowns on Sunday, August 4
from noon until 10pm at The Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. There is a
full day’s worth of activities for your family, including inflatables, crafts, a BMX show, Marc’s
Mom’s Relaxation Station and much more. Check out the full list of activities at The FEST:
www.the FEST.us! Faith…Family…Fun…and Great music…all for FREE at The Fest.
For couples preparing for marriage, the Pre-Cana Day at Loyola Retreat House will be
September 22. Session is held from 11:00am to 7:00pm. The cost is $75.00 per couple
which includes mass, lunch & dinner. To download a registration form and/or
register, visit our website at www.loyolaretreathouse.com or call the Retreat House at
HOLY CROSS CEMETERY – Pre-Planning Seminar – Special Pricing -The Catholic Cemeteries Association
invites you to attend a 1-hour pre-planning seminar on Saturday, June 8, 2019 at 1pm. Learn in a group
or discuss one-on-one with a Family Service Representative and receive a free Personal Reference
Guide. Light refreshments will be served. Presentation will be held at Holy Cross Cemetery – 100 E.
Waterloo Road, Akron. For reservations please call 216/641-7575 ext. 7
Summer Camps:
Archbishop Hoban High School invites Future Knights to the 2019 Summer
Academic and Athletic Camps. Academic Camps are created and instructed by
Hoban faculty and Athletic Camps are organized and run by Hoban coaching
staff and student athletes. Camps include ESports, Photography, Pre-
Engineering, Basketball, Cross Country, Dance and more! Register online at
hoban.org/summer_camps or call Dave Arbogast, Summer Camps Coordinator at 330.773-
6658 Ext. 265 or email arbogastd@hoban.org.
SAVE THE DATE: The Spiritual Adoption Sign-up will begin Father’s Day weekend. This program,
inspired by Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen, has so many facets; it shines like a diamond illuminating a
Culture of Life by embodying many of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. You don't want to
miss out on this opportunity! The only requirement is a pledge to recite the short prayer composed by
Bishop Sheen for your adoptive baby in danger of abortion for 9 months. Your pledge card will serve as
an ornament to our TREE of LIFE and bear WITNESS to your commitment to the sanctity of life. The
monthly posters remind us of the humanity of the unseen child developing in the womb. Donations are
accepted in the bassinet for the Elizabeth Ministry, which provides welcoming baskets for the newly
baptized babies of our parish. The concluding baby shower is a celebration of life for the benefit of
Embrace the former Community Pregnancy Center. Please join Culture of Life in the rectory June 4
following 5:15pm Mass and Benediction or call Lynn Willig @ (330)472-9452.