COA Unit-3
COA Unit-3
COA Unit-3
As we can see in the above table, two Micro-Operations can take place in the same T-state i.e.
Please Note
Now that we know how an instruction is fetched, we can proceed further and learn Micro-Operations for
various instructions, of different Addressing Modes.
E.g.: MOV R1, 25H; R1 register gets the immediate value 25H
E.g.: MOV R1, R2; R1 register gets the data from Register R2
E.g.: MOV R1, [2000H]; R1 register gets the data from memory location 2000H
E.g.: MOV R1, [R2]; R1 register gets the data from memory location pointed by R2
E.g.: MOV [R2], R1; R1 register stores data into memory location pointed by R2
An instruction cycle is the complete process of fetching, decoding and executing the
I1 I2 … IN
T1 Z1,1 Z1,2 … Z1,N
T2 Z2,1 Z2,2 … Z2,N
… … … … …
TM ZM,1 ZM,2 … ZM,N
It is the simplest method and is ideally suited for very small instruction sets.
As the number of instructions increase, the circuit becomes bigger and hence more complicated.
As a tabular approach is used, instead of a logical approach (flowchart), there are duplications of many
circuit elements in various instructions.
8) Of all D Flip-Flops only one will be active at a time. So the method is also called “One Hot Method”.
9) In a multiple entry point, to combine two or more paths, we use an OR gate.
As the method has a logical approach, it can reduce the circuit complexity.
This is done by re-utilizing common elements between various instructions.
As the no of instructions increase, the number of D Flip-Flops increase, so the cost increases.
Moreover, only one of those D Flip-Flops are actually active at a time.
Avoids the use of too many D Flip-Flops.
1) The biggest advantage is flexibility.
2) Any change in the control unit can be performed by simply changing the micro-instruction.
3) This makes modifications and up gradation of the Control Unit very easy.
4) Moreover, software can be much easily debugged as compared to a large Hardwired Control Unit.
1) Control memory has to be present inside the processor, increasing its size.
2) This also increases the cost of the processor.
3) The address field in every micro-instruction adds more space to the control memory. This can
beeasily avoided by proper micro-instruction sequencing.