Sludge Handling Characteristics in Piped Systems
Sludge Handling Characteristics in Piped Systems
Sludge Handling Characteristics in Piped Systems
Depending on the percentage, size and condition of solids; pipe size; and
many other factors, sludge flow may exhibit near-Newtonian fluid characteris-
tics, non Newtonian homogeneous, or hetero-homogeneous characteristics. A
survey of data for sludge flow characteristics in piping shows the diversity of
results expected from the immense possibility of variables. Hazen-Williams or
the Fanning equations may be used for friction loss calculations in piping,
using factors derived from previously published data, as long as the user recog-
nizes the margin of error possible due to the many variations in sludge content.
Vacuum filter cake can be best described in non-Newtonian terminology as
“False-Body” and a useful tool appears to be the Power Law relationship of;
P is friction pressure drop d = diameter of pipe
L is length of pipe n = power law factor
Q is flow rate
eration, chemical treatment and conditions. This must be with ft/sec velocity. Using our com-
many other variables will change the full realization that the flow puter and data reported in as
the complete flow characteristics characteristics of no two sludges many papers on sludge handling
of the sludge. Anyone who says will he exactly the same; and, as could be found, one of our
he can accurately predict the ac- a sizeable margin of error exists. engineers, Harry Conrad, worked
tion of any sludge in a pipe line Speaking in generalities, sludges up a series of sludge friction
is misleading you and himself. below 3% are usually loss tables or curves for 4”, 6”,
What can be done then? Ob- (as mentioned previously) near and 8” pipe (figure 7), plotted
viously some estimate has to be Newtonian; and, multipliers to by percent of solids for sludge
made. Even laboratory tests tend water curves for friction loss are bands varying from raw through
toward irrelevance. More than valid regardless of the shear complete digestion.
one engineer has haphazardly rate or velocity. An increase of
opened a bulged plastic bottle approximately 25% of the value CONCLUSION
of sludge shipped in from Texas, for water should suffice. When
or where-ever, and discovered the percent of solids is higher The wide range of possible
that the properties have changed than that, the thixotropic or pseu- solid-liquid mixture makes it very
from the time when it was pour- doplastic properties begin to take unlikely that information about
ed into the bottle to the time over; and, a constant multiplier the friction loss of a particular
when he wiped it from his face, to water curves is no longer mixture will be listed in some
clothing, lab walls, . . . . Ob- valid. One test indicated 9% book or table. But consolidation
viously whatever method is used sludge to have friction losses of of available data complemented
to calculate sludge pipe friction almost 10 times that of water by good judgement and a reason-
losses, it must be empirical and of 1 ft/sec pipe velocity, while able safety factor should enable
based on past experience with the same sludge had only 3 times any competent engineer to ob-
similar sludges at similar flow the friction loss of water at 3 tain reliable estimates.