SSRN Id3869494
SSRN Id3869494
SSRN Id3869494
Ajinkya Desai Ashutosh Gupta Mayur Jambhale Vinit Chavan
(Dept. of Electronics and ( Dept. of Electronics and (Dept. of Electronics and (Dept. of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering Telecommunication Engineering Telecommunication Engineering Telecommunication Engineering)
KJSIEIT, Mumbai, India KJSIEIT, Mumbai, India KJSIEIT, Mumbai, India KJSIEIT, Mumbai, India ) ) )
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is an innova-
tive modulation technique where data is transmitted over many Fig. 2. Block Diagram of FPGA
orthogonal subcarriers using Fourier Transform and is widely
used in multicarrier transmission. OFDM have advantages
such as high spectral efficiency, good performance in multipath representation of OFDM is made up of different orthogonal
channels. In single carrier system if signal gets fade or sinusoidal signals which are nothing but inverse Fourier trans-
interfered then entire link gets failed where as in multicarrier form. Thus, we implement blocks such as FFT/IFFT using
system only a small percentage of the subcarriers will be digital circuits for OFDM generation.
affected. This paper aims to increase the computation speed of FFT
FPGA are programmable semiconductor devices that are and IFFT blocks used in OFDM by incorporating it in FPGA
based around a matrix of logic blocks, connected through board with the use of efficient Vedic multipliers in them.
programmable interconnect. FPGA contains 3 main types of
resources: logic blocks, I/O(input-output) block for connect-
ing the pins of the package, and interconnection wires and In [1], C. Ebeling, C. Fisher, G. Xing, M. Shen & H. Liu
switches. For Xilinx’s FPGA, basic logic unit known as a proposed that The RaPiD(Reconfigurable pipelined data path)
configurable logic block (CLB). Exact numbers and features implementation has about six times the performance/cost of
vary from device to device, but every CLB consists of a 4 to a DSP implementation, while an ASIC(Application Specific
6 inputs RAM-based Look Up Tables (LUTs) to implement Integrated Circuit) has about six times the performance/cost
logic, some selection circuitry and flip flops. of RaPiD.
Mathematically modulating a waveform and adding it is equiv- “Future communication schemes tend to use the OFDM sys-
alent to taking an IFFT. This is because the time domain tem to provide high baud rates, less intercarrier interference,
X(k) = ∑𝑁−1
𝑛=0 𝑥[𝑛](𝑊𝑁 )
Fig. 3. Basic Butterfly Diagram
where k=0,1,...N-1
And Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) is defined by: V. DIRECT FFT COMPUTATION ARCHITECTUR
In this implementation, the entire 64-point FFT architecture
is considered as one digital combinatorial logic block. In this
x[n] =1⁄𝑁 ∑𝑁−1
𝑛=0 𝑋(𝑘)(𝑊𝑁 )
(4) method, an optimized butterfly architecture with a single com-
plex multiplier, a single complex adder and a single complex
where n=0,1,...N-1 subtracter used. At the beginning of FFT computation, 64
FFT provides a fast calculation strategy by using symmetry complex input samples are read from the RAM memory, FFT
and periodicity properties of the phase factor to calculate is computed and results are written into the RAM memory at
DFT. Complexity of Radix 2 FFT is N.logN orO(N log N ) . end of FFT computation. This method needs lots of digital
The table shows the comparison of computations for IDFT logic such as multipliers, adders and subtracters. In this
and IFFT process: method, each butterfly is implemented as combinatorial block.
N =64 Complex Additions Complex Multiplications Then all the 192(32 X 6) 2-point butterflies are interconnected.
IDFT N (N − 1) = 4032 N 2 = 4096 The hard coded coefficient values are used for each butterfly
log2N = 192 digital logic. So, there is no need to store coefficients in the
IFFT Nlog2N = 384 2
ROM memory. The entire FFT computation is done in one
To find the number of stages mathematically for radix- single clock cycle. This method implements the flow graph
2 DIT FFT, the equation is n = log2N where N= number of shown in figure. In figure 4, the coefficient values for all the
samples, n= number of stages. six stages of FFT are also shown.
the sum and carry bits. The sum is the third corresponding
bit (s2) and the carry (c2) becomes the fourth bit of the final
product. This is repeated in similar manner until the MSB of
two numbers are multiplied. The final result is obtained by
combining all steps mentioned above.
The complex multiplier (16 x 16) is used in the algorithm
for multiplying the twiddle factor stored in ROM, which
is realized by Vedic multipliers, adder and subtractor. This
complex multiplier structure occupies large chip area in VLSI
implementation, but Vedic technique have helped in improving
the speed of multipliers. This Vedic multiplier is independent
on clock frequency because partial product and their sum is
calculated in parallel. In this paper we are presenting 16-
Fig. 4. The flow graph of 64-point FFT DIT butterfly bit multiplication and for that we require 2-bit, 4-bit, 8-
bit multiplier. This Vedic multiplier, is implemented from
the 8X8 multiplier. In fig.6, a0 to a15 are the bits of first
VI. COMPLEX MULTIPLIER DESIGN EMPLOYING VEDIC digit and b0 to b15 are the bits of second digit. For 16X16
CONCEPTS multiplier we require four 8X8 multiplier and three adders
after implementing as shown in Fig.6, we will get the result
Multiplication operation is most important function during
of 16X16 multiplier and the result obtained is of 32 bits.
computations but is a very complicated and expensive one.
Urdhva Tiryagbhyam Sutra which implies vertically and
crosswise, an interesting Indian Vedic Sutra is being utilized
for the multiplication in the FFT processor. Urdhva employs
a novel concept in which all partial products are calculated
in parallel and the delay is only due to the time taken for the
carry to propagate through the adders. The main advantage
of the Vedic Multiplication algorithm (Urdhva Tiryagbhyam
Sutra) is the fact that it can be very easily implemented in
FPGA due to its regularity and simplicity.
The above table shows the device utilization report. [10] D. Matic, OFDM Synchronization and Wideband Power Measurements
Note that as we have used Direct FFT Architecture Radix-2 at 60 GHz for Future Wireless Broadband Multimedia Communications,
Ph.D. Thesis, Aalborg University, Denmark, September 2001.
FFT Algorithm it increases the resources required but makes [11] R.Durga Bhavani, D. Sudhakar “Design and Implementation of Inverse
the process faster. Direct FFT Architecture implies that FFT is Fast Fourier transform for OFDM” International Journal of Science and
calculated in 1 cycle which indicates the proposed method is in Engineering Applications Vol.2, Issue -7, 2013. pp. 155-158.
[12] Vijay Kumar Garg,Morgan Kaufmann Publications,”Wireless Commu-
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In this paper, custom single purpose FFT processor with
Radix-2 DIT-FFT algorithm based on direct architecture is
synthesized on Zynq UltraScale+ FPGA Board(Part:xczu7ev-
ffvf1517-1LV-i)FPGA Board for OFDM purpose. We had suc-
cessfully implemented various blocks of OFDM in VHDL and
the results obtained were compared with theoretical expected
results. FFT and IFFT implemented using Vedic concept for
multiplier was found to have a good performance and hardware
requirements and is therefore most suitable for use in OFDM.
Also, we used the concept of code reuse to implement IFFT
from FFT with minor changes. The speed of OFDM process
at the TX side was found in accordance with the operation
for the communication standard application requirements of
mobile WLAN (IEEE 802.11a), which uses OFDM modulated
wireless communication system.
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