CIMA Case Study
CIMA Case Study
CIMA Case Study
• Operational decisions are more routine and follow known rules. Once a decision is made and implemented it needs careful monitoring
How many? To what specification? These decisions involve to ensure it keeps on track and any problems are detected early.
more limited resources, have a shorter-term application and
can be taken by middle or first line managers. The Electricity Supply Board (ESB) in Ireland faced the challenge
of reducing its costs from €250m to €200m over five years.
Imagine Next is planning to expand its product range. Its decisions A team including management accountants was formed to break
would involve all three levels. down costs and identify waste. The team discovered that ESB
was carrying the costs of electrical faults caused by external
building and construction companies. Meanwhile the ESB
Strategic technicians were over-burdened with paperwork. The team
decisions simplified and centralised this within a designated administration
team. This meant the technical staff had more time to give a
faster, flexible response to faults and to diagnose their causes.
Tactical Major savings followed as faults plummeted by 75% and cost-
efficiency at the company’s call centre significantly improved.
Decision trees
All decisions depend on information. The key is to get the right
information to the right people at the right time. For example, Most business problems may potentially have more than one
management accountants at Shell, the global oil and gas solution. Each choice can lead to varying outcomes, some more
company, have been improving the way the company deals with likely than others. To illustrate this, consider the decision faced by
the strategic and operational data about its global energy projects Prospect plc, a (fictitious) property development business.
to improve strategic planning. The company owns a town centre building site. This could be sold
now for an estimated £1.6m. Alternatively the site could be
The company brought together data from 1,200 projects and developed with shops and a restaurant at a cost of £1.5m.
opportunities across 40 countries into a single system. Bringing the The property could then be sold for £4m - provided that a bypass
information together was a complex task due to the size of the proposal is rejected by the local council. The odds of the bypass
company’s operations. However, the system has helped to define being rejected are judged at about 75:25 due to environmental
strategies and provide greater insight and detail to the Executive objections. If, however, the bypass were to be built, much tourist
Committee and Board. This has given greater clarity on the trade would be lost and the value of the development would only be
business’ current and potential performance and highlighted where £2m. Which choice should Prospect plc make? A decision tree is a
the company should allocate resources. To date, the system has useful tool when analysing choices of this kind.
helped Shell to increase net present value by over 15%. 17
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A decision tree is an outcome and probability map of the scenario. Ratio analysis
Businesses generate a huge amount of data. Management
Decision tree
accountants can use a number of the company’s key accounting
statements to extract greater meaning from this information.
The income statement sets out the total sales revenue and
subtracts the costs of generating that revenue to give operating
profit. This is the surplus earned by the normal operations of the
company and tells us most about underlying business performance.
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£m 2012 £m 2011
Current assets 75 45
Net current assets (or working capital) 15 20 Current assets less current liabilities
Total assets (current plus fixed) less current liabilities 150 100
This looks as if Prospect plc has expanded very fast indeed – but how The chart shows every sign of a firm that has expanded too quickly:
strong is its performance? Accounting ratios allow different pieces of • sales have increased by an impressive 50% in one year
financial data to be compared. Analysing some key ratios helps to • however, profitability has halved
explore behind the figures and offer strong clues for the business to • liquidity has weakened while gearing is more risky at
steer towards its objectives (previous year data in brackets): nearly 50%.
= operating profit/sales
CIMA-trained management accountants work at all levels in a
= 15/120 = 12.5% (25%)
business and partner with managers across various business
Current ratio functions. This can become a real source of competitive
This is a measure of liquidity i.e. the ability of a firm to pay its short advantage that is resistant to copying by competitors.
term debts.
= current assets/current liabilities 1. List two of the types of decisions that are made by
= 75/60 = 1.25 (1.8)
managers. (2 points)
Exam-style questions