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Year 5 Term 1 Learning Overview

Week Literacy Maths Science Lien Ket

English Vietnamese English Vietnamese

1. Stories from Other Stories from Other Baseline assessment Unit: Electricity Moving People Moving People
Cultures Cultures Introduce the new Introduce the new
Introduce the new topic Introduce the new topic -Moving People. topic -Moving People.
Understand what is
and complete a cold topic and complete a Experience life as a Experience life as a
needed to complete a
task. cold task. refugee during the refugee during the
entry point. entry point
Children start to learn Children start to learn Learn and remember Learn key topic
the story map using the story map using all the symbols for the vocabulary.
Talk for Writing Talk for Writing electrical components.
techniques. techniques.

2. Learn new vocabulary Learn the story Unit: Number and To use symbols to Understand the life of Research the reasons
in the story and Alibaba and the 40 number system label a circuit. a refugee girl from why refugees leave
perform the story thieves using Talk Find fractions Children to create Syria. their own country
orally. for Write techniques. equivalent to a given their own code and understand the
one. machine using difficulties they face.
Convert improper electrical components.
fractions into mixed
numbers and vice
Simplify a fraction to
its simplest form.

3. Understand more about Understand the Compare fractions Recognise electrical Use an atlas to Understand the push
characters and their initial text. Children with same conductors and identify the top ten and pull factors for
actions. Extend then box up the numerators/ same insulators. countries that Asian people,
knowledge of story. denominators. undergo the most especially from

BVIS Primary School, HCMC

punctuation and Identify using simile Find the LCD (Least Understand how to migration. developing countries
conjunctions. Revise when writing a Common stay safe with to developed
apostrophes for descriptive phrase Denominator) in electricity. countries.
possession. order to compare
fractions with

4. Innovate class text and Understand key Add/Subtract Learn to make bulbs Understand and Research the
understand the key parts of a story and fractions (same and brighter and dimmer identify the push and influence of French
parts of a story. Learn then write in the different by changing pull factors related to migration on
how to use fronted same style of the denominators) components in the migration. Vietnamese
adverbials. initial text using the circuit. architectures.
features of the text Unit: Counting and
type. calculating.
Learn how to use
speech marks when Multiply three, 4-digit
adding direct speech numbers by a two, 3-
into the story. digit numbers using
the column method.
Solve word problems.

5. Construct a story map Identify different Mentally multiply Use a data logger to Research natural Draw the Notre Dame
using the class model types of story and divide an integer record the results of disasters which cause as a symbol of
and learn and perform opening. with 10, 100 and 1000. an investigation. communities to HCMC.
a new story. Recap knowledge of migrate. Learn how to use 3-d
compound Divide by a multiple blocks for
of ten or a hundred. Carry out an
sentences. construction.
investigation into
Plan, edit and write a Divide an integer by a wire length and its
Story from Another 2 or 3-digit number effect on bulbs.
Culture with or without

BVIS Primary School, HCMC

6. Plan and write a Story Invent a story from Unit: Angles and 2- Create a time delay Use research to create Draw the Notre Dame
from Another Culture. other cultures using D shapes switch using what the posters on different and paint using oil
a class model. children have learnt natural disasters. pastel
Identify types of
angles. about electricity.
Research and find
features of other Estimate and measure
cultures and use angles using a
these in another protractor.
Draw angles.

Calculate the angle in

a straight line.

Recognise parallel
and perpendicular

7. Learn editing Independently plan To know the different Electricity assessment Explore the reasons Draw the Notre Dame
techniques and use and write an types of triangles and for the emergence of and paint using oil
these to improve their extended piece of their properties. the African slave pastel
own story. writing. trade.
Name and describe
the properties of each
Name all
quadrilaterals and
identify their
properties, especially
focus on trapezium,
and parallelogram.

BVIS Primary School, HCMC

8. Publish the final story. Publish the final Unit: Measurement Test the conductivity Children learn and Unit: Climate control
story as a mini book Perimeter and Area of salt water. understand the Children learn and
vocabulary understand;
Calculate the surrounding the slave sustainability, climate
perimeter of a 2-D trade. change and global
shape. Complete a map warming
Calculate area of showing the slave
regular 2-D shapes. trade triangle.

Solve word problems

involving area.

9. Persuasive writing Persuasive writing Unit: Handling data Children complete a Complete an Identify extreme
Introduce the new topic Introduce the new practical assessment. information exchange weather- the cause
-Persuasion. Children topic -Persuasion. Understand concepts: on slavery. and effects.
complete Cold Task Children complete mean, mode, median Use agreeing and
Cold Task and range. disagreeing language
Solve problems structures.
involving mean,
mode, median and

10. Children learn and Children rehearse a Identify and interpret Introduce the new Understand more Use research to create
rehearse a persuasive persuasive speech line graphs. topic, Astrolight. about slave life by posters on the effect
speech. based on an Understand the writing a paragraph of extreme weather
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environmental issue. Construct a simple correct proportions of about a child on a on animals
line graph using the Earth, Moon and slave ship.
given and/or collected Sun.

Construct a line graph

using collected data.
(Excell App)

Identify and interpret

a bar-line graph.

11. Read a variety of Identify keys Unit: Numbers and Understand why we Use real primary Continue research on
persuasive texts and features of The Number System- have 24 hours in a evidence to explore extreme weather.
identify the key persuasive texts Decimal day and learn the life of a slave.
features. through guided Understand the scientific vocabulary
reading activities decimal concept. associated with this.
Be able to read and
write decimals using
knowledge of place
value in decimal.
Round decimals with
one or two decimal
places to the nearest
whole number, tenths
and hundredths.
Understand the
relationship between
decimal and fraction.

BVIS Primary School, HCMC

12. Learn a variety of Learn how to use a Unit: Counting, Write a method for an Climate Control Children learn and
punctuation and variety of Partitioning and investigation on Children will learn identify the effects of
grammar features conjunctions. Calculating lengths of shadows at vocabulary related to landfill and plastic.
related to persuasive different times in the this topic.
writing. Add and subtract day.
whole numbers and
decimals, two
decimals with up to
two places using
place value
Multiply decimals up
to two places by a
decimal and a whole
number (included by
a power of 10).
Solve real life
problems involving

13. Learn to write Learn language Unit: Numbers and Conduct an Carry out Research and draw a
conditional sentences features specific to the Number System- investigation based independent research diagram of landfill
and use causal the text type. Negative numbers. on the length of into deforestation and process
conjunctions. shadows at different its effects from a
Identify and write a Identify concept of points in the day. variety of information
topic sentence negative number; sources.
compare and order
negative numbers.
Adding negative
Subtracting negative

BVIS Primary School, HCMC

Solve word problems
involving negative

14. Children study the Research an Unit: Review and Understand how Learn about the Children collect learn
structure of persuasive environmental issue assessment daylight hours carbon cycle and its how to reuse
writing and understand and prepare facts change across the impact on global discarded objects.
the purpose of the and data for the Earth. warming.
introduction and persuasive speech
conclusion. writing.

15. Children independently Independently plan Unit: Understanding Find out why we Children research Create new things
plan and write a and write an shape: Read and plot have seasons. sustainable cities and from the collected old
persuasive speech. extended piece of coordinates in the Children complete a create their own. items.
writing-persuasive first quadrant. fun activity based on
text. researching the
Improve, edit and Read and plot planets through an
perform the speech. coordinates in four app on the ipads.
quadrants, to read
and plot coordinates
of 2D shapes in four
quadrants, to
recognise parallel and
perpendicular lines in
grids and shapes.

Find possibilities for

missing point
coordinates in shapes.

BVIS Primary School, HCMC

BVIS Primary School, HCMC

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