Television Awards Rules
Television Awards Rules
Television Awards Rules
2023 y g 16 Q9NA3emeo 5 96ml
Last Date For Submission
August 16h 2023, 5 PM
of Kerala
Department of Cultural Affairs, Government
Awards - 2022
Kerala State Television
No: KSCAG/156/2023
TelevisionAwards -2022 are invited from television
Entnes for Kerala State
form in original format
producers/directors/individuals performers, in the prescribed
by the television channel and
other relevant
with the telecast certificate 1sSued those
TV programme. Only
materials and books, columns/serial/writing on 2022 except
2022 & 31 December
programmes telecasted between 1 January
completed the telecast on or before
Tele Serial and TV Shows, which should have are
for the Television Award 2022. Entries
31 December 2022 shall be considered Certification
registered at the Central Board of Film
also invited from producers
2022. Entries for Best Book/Article on
between 1 January 2022 &31" December
in periodicals between 1 January
Malayalan television should have been publ1shed
be downloaded from Academy's
2022 & 31 December 2022. The entry forms can disk/
the prescribed form along with hard
website www keralafilm com Application in
should reach The
pendrive/DVD/Blu-raylArticle/Book and other relevant materials
Sathyan Memorial Building Kinfra Film
Secretary Kerala Stale Chalachitra Academy
SchoolPO Kazhakuttom, Thiruvananthapuram
&Video Park. Chanthavila, Sainik
Complex, General Hospital Jn..
- 695 585 or City Office, Room No 6, Trida
2023, 5 PM.
Thiruvananthapuram - 35 on or before 16h August
be submitted the producer of the
The entry for the award shall
programmes except
teleserials along with a DD for Rs. 2000/- and for other
fee in favour of the Secretary.
the writings with a DD for Rs.1000/- as entry
1000/- shall be submitted for
Kerala State Chalachitra Acadeny. A DD for Rs.
teleserials submitted in addition
each episodes of programmes other than
to the entries.
Department of Cultural Affairs, Government of Kerala
muocaJasmo nJjôolD)alo
gI yNGTDElos aOI 2022 ulmvo6THð 31 () o;mi
62)-G0 ngmlookoð ngoloeslejo nledolo nsolTsl malo 00
(19CnJagDSno 2023 (3116, 6901ds Ganoo 5 Damlas mi muleSol, Ghb9
will view
1. There will be a SIX member Jury which
format of programmes and select
the original
Seral, Tele Film,
the Best Tele Series, Best Tele the awards The
artistes and technicians for
Second Jury consisting of SIX members for
and other non-fiction
of each Committee
programmes. One member Chalachitra
will be an official of the Kerala State
Academny as Member Secretary and other non
official members including the Chairm
Government. All
be nominated by the
shall be persons who are distinguished in the
filed of visual arts.
will also be constituted
2 A separate committee
select the best writing on
examine and
toMalayalam television programmes.
FOUR members. hers An
committee will consist of wil
State Chalachitra Acade
official of Kerala
of this Commiltee The
be Member Secretary Malayalam/English writers
other three among
in visual arts
with sufHicient background 3
official members of the
3 The term of the non-
committee will be from the date of constitution
Committee submits its lalalo
of the committee till the
recommendations to the Academy
committee shall be not less
The quorum of the
than one half the number of members.
share in the production or aDDIdNwlmol mugdla blnslo,u,0s
5. No person who has a Film or mldosmolcD looermorlcen jo)Dlrgu
ribution of any Series. Serial, Tele
nentary entered for the competition shal
he a member of the committee No person from
member of the
a television channel shall be a
The awards shall be decided by the Govt. of
Kerala on the recommendations of the
committee. uoTuoom aliaOm00lo65 Tuh
The Secretary, Kerala State Chalachitra uloleo 19)ol0)annnel olslaD;0s
Acadeny will arrange the screening of the
Serials, Tele Films, and documentaries etc. for
the jury.
These rules shall be called the Rules for the Kerala
Awards- 2022 tulmTl uolnslauð mUadjlm
A Der the Kerala State
Television Awards under these rules shall be
deemed to have accepted these rules TOTLCOn mudlo o1o)20THUO
The decision of the Government of Kerala shall be
final in respect of the Awards and interpretations of
these Rules No appeal shall be allowed against M
All entries shall be attached with a telecast
certificate issued from any television channel uslnemlemme
indicaling the time and date of telecast The entries
without telecast certificate or the certificate of
registration from the Central Board of film
Certification shal not be considered for awards
The application tor enty ed
UNT 6, oancno aamkoa:
TUnloo 2023
Chalachitra Acader
shaerala State
renuest in writing. 9pl, uim3 m aooo, álai
3. Entries addressed to The Secretary, Kerala State
Chalachitra Academy, Sathyan Memorial Building. Üâju.nil a mloummoo-695 S4s
Kintra Film & Video Park, Chanthavila, Sainik 1o, mmid -6, (shu GJagl0.,
School.PO. Kazhakuttom, Thiruvananthapuram - mulgl 3nl.
695 585 or City Office, Room No 6. Trida Complex,
General Hospital Jn, Thiruvananthapuram - 35 a
should reach on or before 16h August 2023, 5 PM nJedlo olslojas
ul, n)-gnalaen
along with the following items.
a Files of the programme entered for the award [mov aolaslu)o5 aD) alh 0lepa mabaslhia
H264 codec (In a pendrivehard disk/DVD
b Seven copies of the synopsis, which shall not 636) olale elamo))55
exceed in 1 line
For Tele fiim and Tele senal, seven copies of the
cast mentioning the respective role against each
Name and the residential address of each art1ste
along with their phone numbers-7 copies.
c Orig1nal Telecast certificate from the television ncleno6Tealod eno, mlbzzoni, muoikwo
channel, indicating the imee hthe details
with viewers
drector actors and technicians of
he nroaram 4. nlewlda nlgnsugloci nslrsl slueml
rammes submitted 7 copies.
4 Those who are entering a programme for more than
one category shall be mentioned in the prescribed
columns Separate entries for each category are not
required for the same actions such as Fiction/
Entries for the award for best writing on Television
Programmes shall be entered by the author or publisher
B.dthe award shal be gi Rert Writ1ng on
6 Entries TO
Malayalam echall
be submitted by the
ublisher along with
(a) Five copies of the book or articie
(b) Short biographical sketch of the author along gn935pgo
with two phoiographs
7 Kerala State Chalachitra Academy shall lake all
reasonable care of the materials submitted, but it
shall not be respons1ble for any loss or damage ànlet
while in its custody.
No award shall be given in a category for which
number of eritries received is less than two except
in children's programmes where even if there
only one entry, it will be Considered, and given
award if it is found excellent.
9 The commttees shall have the d1scretion of not
recommending the grant of any particular
VIIL, If any awardee declines the Award, after
declaration of awards, that person/firm will not be
considered for any future award organised by the GERIM
Kerala State Chalachtra Academy
o. muanilu0Ai 25,000/
a Certificate to
4Awt or the lest lele fily (abovo 20 mutes) Acash award of e20,000/-, a Roplica nnd
Ihe Producer Aoaalh oward of 20,000/-, n Replica and a
Certificate to the Diroctor A cash awrd of 15 000-, 0
Roplica and a Cortificale to the Soripl Witer.
5. Awart tor the Best Story Witor of lelo Seria/Telo Flan Acash ward of g10,000/-, a Roplica ond a Certificate
0,000/- )n ololaino (aluhl no
t Awad tor the Best IV show (Entotainnont) award of 20,000-, a Replica and a Coniicato to
tho Producer
ylaavpy ela n
nl3uu3niai 20,00o/- n o alelunja (uuoniol
11 Award for the Best Drector of the Tele SeialTele Film Acash award of 20,000/-, a Replica amd o Certitcate
a Certificate
14.Award for the Best Actress of Tele Serial/Tele Film A cash award of 15,000/- a Replica and
2lána msl
15 Award for the Second Best Acdress of Tele SeralTele Fim A cash award of 10,000/-, a Replhca and a Certificate
10,000- uo le TUl
16 Award for the Best Child Artist of the year of A cash award of ? 10.000 aReplica and a Certificate
Tele Serial/Tele film (Selected from individual
performers in Tele Serial/Tele Film).
10,000/- D olen)o auTUIml a
17.Award for the Best Cameraperson of Tele Sedal/Tele Film: Acash award of ?15,000/-, a Replica and a Certificate
15,000/- ojaoleinn)o (nluæml
2la enincealô
Acash award of ?15,000/-, a Replica and a Certificate.
21. Award for the Best Art Director of Tele Serial/Tele Film 15,000/- DJ sleiuo (nlomu ol aD)o
laa thepvonilwà
1 Award for the Best Documentary (General) Acash award of 20,000/- Replica and a Certilicate to
the producer. Acash award of ?15,000/-, a Replca and a
Certificate to the Director.
2 Award for the Best Docurnentary on Science &Environment A cash award of 15,000/-, a Replica and a Cert1ficate to
the producer Acash award of 210,000/- a Replica and a
Certificate to the Direclor.
mldoo09 15,000/- OlnD)o oleinjo ¯DTU
J0o. muDlw9am 10,000- 0D; uslcinino
lawoml oo.
a Certificate ta
Acash award of15000- a Replica and a Rephca and a
5 Best Educational Programme
the Producer A cash award of 10 000/-
Certficate to the Director
Telecast Certificates/Censor Certificate
Signed Entry Form
(Original and 6 Copies) (original and 6 Copies)
Demand Draft *
Stills from the Programme
(In favour of the Secretary,
Kerala State Chalachitra
Chalachitra Academy
* For Bank Transfer : NAME: Kerala State KAZHAKUTTAM
ACCOUNT NO :10270825382, IFSC : SBINO070445, BRANCH:
Transaction Details mcalaHCONN5)4:
Article (5 Copies)
(Original and 4 Copies)