Sectional Views
Sectional Views
Sectional Views
3.2.1 Introduction
A sectional view is obtained by imagining the object, as if cut by a cutting plane and the
portion between the observer and the section plane being removed. Then the exposed or
cut surfaces are identified by sectioning or hatch lines. Hidden lines and details behind
the cutting plane are usually omitted.
A sectional view often replaces one of the regular views usually the front view.
Consider Figure 3.2 which shows a block with two holes. The block is cut along a vertical
plane and viewed along direction AA.
Figure 3.2:
The sectioned front and plan views are as shown in Figure 3.3
Figure 3.3:
1. Cutting plane lines - Are used to show the location of cutting plane for sectional
views. There are different forms of representing the cutting plane lines, but the one
to adopt is the alternating long dash and short dash. The line should be thickened
at both ends and drawn using HB pencil. The cutting plane is lettered and the
arrows indicate the direction of viewing. The cutting plane line can be omitted
when it corresponds to the center line, but the arrows and the letters should remain.
2. Sectioning lines - Also referred to as cross-hatching. They indicate the surface that
has been theoretically cut. These lines should be thin (drawn using 2H-pencil) and
are usually drawn at an angle 450 to the center line. The distance between the
hatching lines normally varies between 1 − 3mm depending on the size of the area
being sectioned. The lines should be parallel and the spacing should be reasonably
uniform to give a good appearance to the drawing.
3. Shafts, bolts, rods, pins, keys, rivets, holes and other similar symmetrical part, the
axis of which lie in the cutting plane should not be hatched.
4. If there are two adjacent parts such as a bush in a housing, each part is cross
hatched in opposite directions as shown in Figure 3.4. It is customary to reduce
the pitch between hatching lines for the smaller part.
Figure 3.4:
5. To section a threaded hole, the hatching crosses the major diameter and terminates
to the minor diameter as shown in Figure 3.5
Figure 3.5:
Figure 3.6:
Example 3.1
Figure 3.7 shows the isometric view of a shaft support which is to be sectioned along a
vertical plane as shown. Draw the plan and full-section front view in first angle projection
as viewed along direction AA. All the fillets are of radius 10mm.
Figure 3.7:
Figure 3.8: