Iso 16145-2-2012

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STANDARD 16145-2

First edition

Ships and marine technology — Protective

coatings and inspection method —
Part 2:
Void spaces of bulk carriers and oil tankers
Navires et technologie maritime — Revêtements de protection et
méthode d’inspection —
Partie 2: Espaces vides de vraquiers et de réservoirs d’huile

Reference number
ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

Contents Page

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ......................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms ..................................................................................................................... 3
4.1 Symbols ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.2 Abbreviated terms ............................................................................................................................................... 3
5 General procedures for coating work ............................................................................................................ 3
6 Standard for coating work ................................................................................................................................ 4
6.1 Areas considered ................................................................................................................................................ 4
6.2 Surface preparation ............................................................................................................................................ 6
6.3 Primary surface preparation and shop priming .......................................................................................... 8
6.4 Secondary surface preparation ....................................................................................................................... 9
6.5 Coating ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
6.6 Treatment for coating defects ........................................................................................................................ 13
7 Inspection ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
7.1 Inspection procedure ....................................................................................................................................... 14
7.2 Coating inspection ............................................................................................................................................ 14
7.3 Dry film thickness measurement .................................................................................................................. 16
Annex A (informative) Measurement of the conductivity for abrasives ............................................................. 21
Annex B (informative) Measurement of water soluble salt.................................................................................... 23
Annex C (informative) Inspection items and management of inspection ......................................................... 25
Annex D (informative) Standard for coating technical file (CTF) ......................................................................... 29
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................................... 38


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 16145-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology, Subcommittee
SC 8, Ship design.

ISO 16145 consists of the following parts, under the general title Ships and marine technology — Protective
coatings and inspection method:

— Part 1: Dedicated sea water ballast tanks

— Part 2: Void spaces of bulk carriers and oil tankers

— Part 3: Cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers

The following parts are under preparation:

— Part 4: Automated measuring method for the total amount of water-soluble salts

— Part 5: Assessment method for coating damages


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)


The ISO 16145 series addresses qualified coating and inspection works in accordance with the
requirements of IMO PSPC.

Technical Committee ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology, SC 8, Ship design has decided to standardize
a coating and inspection method for the IMO PSPC series.

Coating quality itself depends largely on the surface preparation and coating application. Therefore, the right
application of surface preparation and coating in accordance with the coating manufacturer’s recommendations,
including inspections at each step, are of vital importance.

This part of ISO 16145 is intended to serve as a standard for ship owners, shipyards, coating manufacturers,
coating inspectors and coating applicators in applying IMO PSPC in the new building stage.

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Ships and marine technology — Protective coatings and

inspection method —

Part 2:
Void spaces of bulk carriers and oil tankers

1 Scope
This part of ISO 16145 specifies a method of protective coatings and its inspection of void spaces of bulk
carriers and oil tankers which are contracted and agreed to apply PSPC/VOID [IMO Res.MSC.244 (83)] for
new building on or after 5 October 2007.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable
for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition
of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 8501-1:2007, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Visual
assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates
and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings

ISO 8501-3:20011), Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Visual
assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 3: Preparation grades of welds, cut edges and other areas with
surface imperfections

ISO 8502-3:1992, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Tests for
the assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 3: Assessment of dust on steel surfaces prepared for painting
(pressure-sensitive tape method)

ISO 8502-9:1998, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Tests for
the assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 9: Field method for the conductometric determination of water-
soluble salts

ISO 8503-1:2012, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Surface
roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates — Part 1: Specifications and definitions for ISO
surface profile comparators for the assessment of abrasive

ISO 8503-2:2012, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Surface
roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates — Part 2: Method for the grading of surface profile
of abrasive blast-cleaned steel — Comparator procedure

IACS UI SC223, For Application of SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-2 Performance Standard for Protective Coatings
(PSPC) for Dedicated Seawater Ballast Tanks in All Types of Ships and Double-side Skin Spaces of Bulk
Carriers, adopted by Resolution MSC.215 (82)

IMO Res.MSC.244 (83), Performance standard for protective coatings for void spaces on bulk carriers
and oil tankers

1) Withdrawn International Standard revised by ISO 8501-3:2006.

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

90/10 rule
rule according to which 90% of all thickness measurements should be greater than or equal to nominal dry film
thickness (NDFT) and none of the remaining 10% measurements shall be below 90% of NDFT

metallic or non-metallic particles which are used in blasting work for removing mill scale, rust or foreign
substance on the surface to be coated using pressurized air or a high-speed rotating impeller

NOTE A steel shot ball is used mainly in the primary surface preparation and steel grit is used mainly in the secondary
surface preparation; however, garnet or non-metallic abrasives may be used in some circumstances.

coating inspector
qualified person certified to at least NACE Coating Inspector Level 2, FROSIO Inspector Level III, or an equivalent
qualification with at least two years’ documented relevant coating inspection experience and as agreed by ship
owner, shipyard and coating manufacturer as specified in IACS UI SC223, adopted by Resolution MSC.215 (82)

final assembly of blocks or pre-erected blocks

EXAMPLE On the dry dock or ground building berth.

line quality controller
line QC
person, other than the coating inspector or assistant to the coating inspector, who carries out the inspection
work prior to the official inspection

measurement of representative dry film thickness (DFT)
measurement of typical dry film thickness (DFT) after each main coating in order to use it as a reference in a
follow-up coating by measuring the film thickness of certain representative parts of the compartment

NOTE It is not necessary to keep a record of the representative DFT.

assembly of blocks in large units corresponding to the crane capacity for erection

shop primer
prefabrication primer coating applied to steel plates, often in automatic plants (and before the first coat of a
coating system)

light shadows, slight streaks or minor discolorations

totally enclosed space
space which has no means of access and no ventilation

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

4 Symbols and abbreviated terms

4.1 Symbols
Cm electric conductivity of solutions

Cs electric conductivity of abrasive

K cell constant

4.2 Abbreviated terms

CTF coating technical file

DFT dry film thickness

FROSIO Faglig Råd for Opplæring og Sertifisering av Inspektører innen Overflatebehandling

(The Norwegian Professional Council for Education and Certification of Inspectors
for Surface Treatment)

IACS International Association of Classification Societies Ltd

IMO International Maritime Organization

JSRA-SPSS The Shipbuilding Research Association of Japan - Standard for the preparation of
steel surface prior to painting

JSTRA SPSS for PSPC Japan Ship Technology Research Association - Standard for the preparation of
steel substrate for PSPC (SPSS for PSPC)

NACE NACE International

NDFT nominal dry film thickness

PSPC performance standard for protective coatings

QA quality assurance

QC quality control

SOC statement of compliance

SSPC The Society for Protective Coatings (former Steel Structure Painting Council, USA)

TAC type approval certificate

WFT wet film thickness

5 General procedures for coating work

The typical hull construction process for coating is listed in Table 1 below.

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

Table 1 — Typical coating and inspection steps for hull structure

Step Item Description

1 Storage of steel Storage area for plates and profiles.
2 Primary surface preparation (pre-treatment) Remove mill scale, rust, and other contaminants and apply
and shop priming shop primer. Details are given in 6.2.
3 Inspection for primary surface preparation and Carry out a self-inspection in accordance with the QA
shop priming system. The QA system contains a regular check and record
of surface cleanness, surface profile, DFT measurement, salt
measurement, etc.
4 Steel cutting Cut steel for assembly.
5 Sub-assembly Primary assembly step on a small or medium scale. Carry
out the work including edge preparation in accordance with
ISO 8501-3:2001 (P2 grade). Details are given in 6.3.3 for
edge preparation.
6 Block assembly or unit and panel assembly A step of assembling the members assembled in a small or
medium scale into block unit. Carry out the work including

edge preparation in accordance with ISO 8501-3:2001 (P2
grade). Details are given in 6.3.3 for edge preparation.
7 Pre-outfitting Install outfits such as pipes and supports prior to block
8 Secondary surface preparation (block stage) Details are given in 6.4 for the secondary surface preparation
for completed block.
9 Inspection for secondary surface preparation Inspection by a coating inspector (or an assistant to the
(block stage) coating inspector under direct supervision of the coating
10 Block coating Details are given in 6.5 for the step of coating on the block
where surface preparation and inspection are completed.
11 Inspection for block coating Inspection by a coating inspector (or an assistant to the
coating inspector under direct supervision of the coating
12 Pre-erection Assemble blocks in large units corresponding to the crane
capacity for erection.
13 Secondary surface preparation and coating for Details are given in 6.4 and 6.5 for surface preparation and
pre-erection joint coating work of the welding joint of pre-erection.
14 Inspection for pre-erection joint Inspection by a coating inspector (or an assistant to the
coating inspector under direct supervision of the coating
15 Erection Final assembly step of blocks or pre-erected blocks on the
dry dock or ground building berth.
16 Secondary surface preparation and coating for Details are given in 6.4 and 6.5 for the step of secondary
erection joint surface preparation and coating work on erection joint.
17 Inspection erection joint Inspection by a coating inspector (or an assistant to the
coating inspector under direct supervision of the coating
18 Completion Completion and final coating touch up and repair.
Steps 12 to 14 may be omitted depending on the size of blocks and the conditions of each shipyard.

6 Standard for coating work

6.1 Areas considered

6.1.1 Void spaces located in the enclosed area below the bulkhead deck, within and forward of, the cargo area
of oil tankers, the cargo length area of bulk carriers shall be coated in accordance with this part of ISO 16145,
with the following areas excluded:

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

a) dedicated seawater ballast tank;

b) space for carriage of cargo;

c) space for the storage of any substance (e.g. oil fuel, fresh water, provisions);

d) space for the installation of any machinery (e.g. cargo pump, ballast pump, bow thrusters);

e) any space in normal use by personnel;

f) double-side skin space of bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards.

NOTE 1 Refer to ISO 16145-1 for dedicated seawater ballast tank and double-side skin spaces of a bulk carrier of more
than 150 m length.

NOTE 2 The cargo area is that part of the ship that contains cargo holds, cargo tanks, slop tanks and cargo pump-
rooms including pump-rooms, cofferdams, ballast and void spaces adjacent to cargo tanks and also deck areas throughout
the entire length and breadth of the part of the ship over the above-mentioned spaces.

NOTE 3 The cargo length area is that part of the ship which includes all cargo holds and adjacent areas including fuel
tanks, cofferdams, ballast tanks and void spaces.

6.1.2 The following void spaces shall be coated in accordance with this part of ISO 16145. In a bulk carrier

a) Double bottom pipe passages/pipe tunnels;

b) small void spaces located behind gusset or shedder plates at the bottom of corrugation bulkheads with the
exception of totally enclosed spaces;

c) other small void spaces in cargo space, with the exception of totally enclosed spaces;

d) lower transverse stool of transverse bulkhead, with the exception of totally enclosed spaces;

e) upper transverse stool of transverse bulkhead, with the exception of totally enclosed spaces. In an oil tanker

a) Forward cofferdam/cofferdam separating cargo from forepeak;

b) cofferdam in cargo area/cofferdam separating incompatible cargoes;

c) aft cofferdam;

d) duct keel/pipe tunnels;

e) lower bulkhead stools;

f) upper bulkhead stools.

6.1.3 The following void spaces shall be coated in accordance with ISO 16145-1. In a bulk carrier

a) Double-side skin spaces in ships of less than 150 m in length;

b) upper and lower side void spaces and double bottom void spaces of the cargo area (see Figure 1 for details).


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

1 upper void area
2 lower void area
3 double bottom void
4 duct keel

Figure 1 — Midship section of bulk carriers In a tanker

a) Double-side skin spaces to protect cargo tank.

6.1.4 This part of ISO 16145 does not apply to the following void spaces:

a) totally enclosed spaces located behind gusset or shedder plates at the bottom of corrugation bulkheads
and other small totally enclosed spaces in cargo tanks;

b) lower transverse stool of transverse bulkheads that are totally enclosed spaces;

c) upper transverse stool of transverse bulkheads that are totally enclosed spaces;

d) transducer voids;

e) other areas not mentioned in 6.1.2 and 6.1.3

6.2 Surface preparation

6.2.1 Applicable standard Grade of surface cleanliness

For further details including picture, see ISO 8501-1:2007 and ISO 8501-1:1988/Suppl:1994:

a) Sa 2 (thorough blast cleaning)

When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and most of
the mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter. Any remaining contamination shall be attached solidly.


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

b) Sa 2½ (very thorough blast cleaning)

When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, as well as
mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter. Any remaining traces of contamination shall show only
as slight stains in the form of spots or stripes.

c) St 2 (thorough hand and power tool cleaning)

When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, as well as
poorly adhering mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter.

d) St 3 (very thorough hand and power tool cleaning)

As for St 2, the surface shall be treated much more thoroughly to give a metallic shine arising from the
metallic substrate. Comparison with other standards

Comparison of the grade of surface preparation with other standards is shown in Table 2.

Table 2 — Comparison of the grade of surface preparation with other standards

ISO 8501-1:2007 SIS 05 59 00 SSPC-Vis 1/Vis 3 NACE

Sa 2 Sa 2 SSPC-SP 6 NACE No. 3
Sa 2½ Sa 2½ SSPC-SP 10 NACE No. 2
St 2 St 2 SSPC-SP 2 —
St 3 St 3 SSPC-SP 3 — Inspection of surface preparation

The prepared surface shall be inspected as follows.

a) Examine the condition of steel surface visually immediately before coating application and compare to the
surface preparation photographs in ISO 8501-1:2007.

b) A rational decision shall be made after considering the following fully:

1) The object to be coated is much larger and has a more complex shape than the photographs in
ISO 8501-1:2007.

2) Stains are allowed up to 5 % for Sa 2½ and up to 30 % for Sa 2.

3) The surface to be inspected may be different than the pictures in ISO 8501-1:2007 because the final
prepared surface colour is dependent on lighting, type and size of blast material and initial steel
surface grade.

6.2.2 Reference to the secondary surface preparation Internationally recognized standards such as ISO 8501-1:2007, SSPC-Vis 1 or SSPC-Vis 3 shall
be used for the inspection of surface preparation. The JSRA/JSTRA standard may be used for inspection of
secondary surface preparation.

NOTE The JSRA/JSTRA standard may be referred to for information that is not contained in the standard for
secondary surface preparation of ISO 8501-1:2007. Table 3 shall be used as a reference for comparison of ISO international standards and
JSRA/JSTRA standards.

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

Table 3 — Comparison between ISO international standards and JSRA/JSTRA standards

JSTRA standard
Method of preparation ISO 8501-1:2007 JSRA-SPSS
B Sa 1, C Sa 1 (IH, IA, IF, ID, IR) Ss —
B Sa 2 (IH, IA, IF, ID, IR) Sd1 —
Blast cleaning
B Sa 2½ (IH, IA, IF, ID, IR) Sd2 Sa 2½, Rec
B Sa 3 (IH, IA, IF, ID, IR) Sd3 —
— (IH, IA, IF, ID, IR) Pt1 —
Hand tool or power tool
B St 2, C St 2 (IH, IA, IF, ID, IR) Pt2 —
B St 3, C St 3 (IH, IA, IF, ID, IR) Pt3 St 3, Rec

6.3 Primary surface preparation and shop priming

6.3.1 Primary surface preparation The steel plates and profiles of the hull to be coated shall be blasted to the grade of Sa 2½ with the
surface roughness of between 30 µm and 75 µm [Medium (G) or Medium (S)]. The measurement (and decision)
of surface roughness shall be done in accordance with ISO 8503-1:2012 and ISO 8503-2:2012. In the event that the relative humidity in the blasting chamber (cell) is higher than 85 % or the
temperature of steel surface is lower than 3 °C over the dew point, blasting work shall not be carried out. After surface preparation, the cleanliness of the steel surface and surface roughness shall be inspected
prior to applying shop primer in accordance with the recommendations of the coating manufacturer. The requirements for the inspection of primary surface preparation shall be a periodic spot check at least
once per month normally, in the event that the following conditions are met and such a procedure is documented:

a) Primary surface preparation is to be carried out in the facility in which the environment and quality level
are not substantially changed.

NOTE Substantially changed means an environment change under the level mentioned in

b) Primary surface preparation and coating work are done automatically.

c) Shop primer is coated immediately after the surface preparation.

d) Steel surface condition is unchanged. Considering contamination from foreign substances, an allowable water soluble salt level of abrasive
shall be controlled through a QA system so that it maintains the conductivity of 250 µS/cm or less. See Annex A
for measurement of conductivity using ISO 11127-6. The allowable water soluble salt content on the surface shall be lower than 50 mg/m2, and the
measurement shall be done in accordance with ISO 8502-9:1998 or NACE SP0508-2010. See Annex B for
measurement of water soluble salt according to ISO 8502-9:1998. Type approved shop primer shall be used in accordance with the recommendation of the coating


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

6.3.2 Shop priming One coat of inorganic zinc silicate shop primer or another type of approved shop primer as an
alternative system shall be applied on the steel surface with the dry film thickness recommended by the coating
manufacturer immediately after primary surface preparation for the purpose of prevention of regeneration of rust. Compatibility of the shop primer with the main coating system shall be confirmed by the coating
manufacturer. If compatibility with the main coating system is not proven, the shop primer shall be prepared to
Sa 2 ensuring that at least 70 % of the shop primer is removed.

--`,`,,,,,```,````,`,,`,`````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- The coating system shall comply with TAC and SOC requirements.

6.3.3 Steel condition

Edges shall be smooth, subject to one pass grinding or at least an equivalent process to one pass grinding.

NOTE “Equivalent process” is a process that produces an edge profile geometrically equivalent to, or better than that
usually obtained by three pass grindings which results in an effective coating performance.

6.4 Secondary surface preparation

6.4.1 General The JSRA/JSTRA standard is recommended as a supplemental standard to ISO 8501-1:2007. Fumes occurring while welding and cutting shall be properly treated in accordance with the
recommendation of the coating manufacturer. Spatters, etc. shall be treated in accordance with ISO 8501-3:2001 (P1 grade). A defect such as a blowhole on a welding bead may be filled with putty if re-welding is not necessary
and the putty shall be compatible with the main coating system confirmed by the coating manufacturer. The surface of the cutting edge, welding bead and the damaged part may be shop coated with a standard
primer of the shipyard up to the possible range in accordance with the convenience of the shipyard or fabricator.

6.4.2 Secondary surface preparation in the block assembly step The damaged shop primer and welding bead, including the area mentioned in, shall be blasted
to the grade of Sa 2 or power tooled to the grade of St 3.

NOTE “Damaged shop primer” is the area in which the condition of the shop primer, in the opinion of the coating
inspector or coating manufacturer of the main coating system, will result in reduced performance of the main coating
system. For example, it is possible to suggest a fire damaged part or a rusted part. Contaminants such as zinc salt remaining on the retained shop primer shall be removed in a method
such as disc sweeping or sweep blasting as recommended by the coating manufacturer. The surface roughness shall be between 30 µm and 75 µm [Medium (G) or Medium (S)] if full or
partial blasting, and the measurement (and decision) shall be done in accordance with ISO 8503-1:2012 and
ISO 8503-2:2012.

NOTE Full or partial blasting is the blasting work carried out on the damaged primer part and welding line described
in Sweep blasting for simple cleaning purposes does not correspond to this, and the roughness of the surface is
in accordance with the recommendation of the coating manufacturer.

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E) Water-soluble salts shall be measured in at least one location per block after the surface preparation,
and the allowable water soluble salt level shall be lower than 100 mg/m2, and the measurement shall be based
on ISO 8502-9:1998 or NACE SP 508-2010. See Annex B for measurement of water soluble salt according to
ISO 8502-9:1998.

6.4.3 Secondary surface preparation in the pre-erection and erection step (surface preparation
after erection) The surface of the pre-erection and erection joints and damaged part shall be power tooled to the
grade of St 3 or better or blasted to the grade of Sa 2 if possible.

NOTE The term damage means that the damage has reached the steel surface. Usually, the fillet welding on tank boundary watertight bulkhead is left without coating at the block
stage (because the leakage test has not yet been carried out), in which case it can be categorized as erection
joint (“butt”) to be handled by power tooling to St 3. Coating in overlap shall be treated in accordance with the coating manufacturer’s recommendation.
Compatibility between main coatings shall be confirmed by the coating manufacturer when a certified main
coating inevitably contacts or overlaps with another type of certified main coating, e.g. partial re-coating of
damaged part and coating nearby butts, where different seasonal type of coatings have to be applied due to
changes in environmental conditions. Inspection for confirming suitable conditions for the erection joint, including the pre-erection joint, prior
to coating may be limited to visual inspection at the coating inspector’s discretion.

6.5 Coating

6.5.1 Cleaning prior to coating Moisture shall be removed until it becomes invisible to the naked eye. Oil components (oil and grease) shall be properly removed by using solvent, etc. in accordance with
SSPC or the recommendation of the coating manufacturer; however, the stains may remain. Contaminants such as dust or dirt shall be removed from the surface by an appropriate method, e.g.
compressed air or a vacuum cleaner, dust cloth, broom.

Visual inspection shall be carried out for inspection of dust after surface preparation and cleaning, and the tape
test (in accordance with ISO 8502-3:1992) may be omitted if the related inspector(s) agrees.

The dust quantity rating of “2” is applied to the dust size class of “3”, “4” and “5”.

The dust which exceeds the dust quantity rating of “2” (for the dust size class of “3”, “4” and “5”), shall be
corrected (removed) to the level that satisfies the coating inspector. A marking pen recommended by the coating manufacturer is used and the marking is not removed.

6.5.2 Coating work Main coating work An airless spray is generally used, and a brush or roller may be used for areas where it is more
suitable than airless spray.

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E) Intervals for re-coating, and factors such as the mixing ratio, etc. shall be based on the recommendation
of the coating manufacturer. Coating work shall not be done when the relative humidity is higher than 85 % or the temperature of
the steel plate is less than 3 °C above the dew point. Discoloration and/or colour difference due to the different place and time of application and aging
of paint, which does not affect the quality and performance of coating, should be confirmed by the coating
manufacturer and may be left without further treatment. The damaged part of the galvanized material can be coated for repair with one coat of zinc-rich
primer or the same coating specification as surroundings or equivalent in accordance with the recommendation
of the coating manufacturer. A coating worker shall measure the wet film thickness (WFT) regularly in order to achieve the
specified dry film thickness. Representative dry film thickness shall be measured after each main coating for the guideline of final
coating. In that case, the provision of 7.3 is not applied. The total dry film thickness shall be confirmed after final coating in accordance with the provision of 7.3. Nominal dry film thickness (NDFT) shall be 200 µm, and the 90/10 rule shall be applied. The maximum total dry film thickness shall be based on the detailed guidelines of the coating
manufacturer, and attention shall be paid so that excessive film thickness does not occur. Any use of thinners shall be in accordance with the recommendation of the coating manufacturer. Light colour shall be used in the final coating in order to make it easier to conduct an inspection
during operation.

NOTE Light colour is a colour that reflects light to an extent that a simple flashlight (hand torch) makes inspection
easy and fast. Usually, light grey, buff, off-white, swimming pool blue/green, etc. are easily distinguishable from rust. Stripe coating

--`,`,,,,,```,````,`,,`,`````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- A stripe coating is a coating that is applied so as not to leave an uncoated part or give proper dry film
thickness and ensure good adhesion on thermally cut free edges and small holes only.

NOTE A small hole is an open area of less than 200 mm in diameter (area of less than 0,0 314 m2). A stripe coating shall be done by using brush, roller or an equivalent method. A roller may be used
for scallops, rat holes, etc., but not for edges and welds. A stripe coating with a minimum of one coat is required on thermally cut free edges and small holes only. The colour of the stripe coating can be decided by the shipyard in accordance with the recommendation
of the coating manufacturer. General stripe coating standards for each part are shown in Table 4.

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

Table 4 — Stripe coating standards for each part

Item Treatment Part to be applied No. Execution Remarks

End part of Small hole j (or before) first
hole coat

By grinding Big hole k N/A

Edge cut
with flame
Collar plate l
Edge part Free edge Support After
m (or before) first
By rolling
Built-up section n
By rolling Section steel
Rolled edge
equipment (section and flat bar)
o N/A

welding, By welding Joint part of transverse/
semi- machine or longitudinal strength member p
Welding automatic equipment and flat plate
bead welding

Manual Joint part of collar plate q

welding Joint part of small stiffener r
NOTE 1 N/A indicates that the stripe coating is not applied.
NOTE 2 See Figure 2 for numbers j to r.


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a) Scallop b) Manhole c) Collar plate d) Stiffener

Figure 2 — Detail of stripe coating for each part

6.6 Treatment for coating defects

The coating defect which the coating inspector deems in need of repair during the coating work is based
on Table 5. The details follow the ordinary practice of the shipyard and the recommendation of the coating

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Table 5 — Correction method for each coating defect

Kind of defect Method of treatment

1) Leave it as it is if the blushing is minute or occurs in the limited part.
2) Remove it with thinner in the part in need of repair where it occurred before carrying out the
succeeding coating. Then carry out the succeeding coating.
3) Leave it as it is if it occurs on the surface after coating is finished.
1) Remove it with a hand tool or power tool (a light pinhole is not necessary to remove but
Pinholes treated by paper and a touch up coating should be done).
2) Coat in accordance with the original coating specification after treating the surface.
1) Remove it with a scraper etc.
2) Coat in accordance with the original coating specification after treating the surface.
1) Remove foreign substances, e.g. rust.
2) Coat in accordance with the original coating specification.

7 Inspection

7.1 Inspection procedure

7.1.1 Inspection procedure for surface preparation and coating shall be agreed upon among the ship owner,
shipyard and coating manufacturer and presented to the administration (classification society) for review. It
is possible to make a request for the administration to participate in the above process of agreement. Clear
evidence materials for such inspections shall be included in the coating technical file (CTF) and submitted to the
administration (for verification).

7.1.2 Inspection shall be carried out by the coating inspector(s) certified at a minimum to NACE Coating
Inspector Level 2, FROSIO Inspector Level III or equivalent as specified in IACS UI SC 223, 6.1 interpretations
and verified by the administration.

7.1.3 Selection of the coating inspector is regarded as a part of the matter for agreement in 7.1.1.

7.1.4 The coating inspector may appoint an assistant to coating inspector to carry out a part of the inspection
under the coating inspector’s supervision.

7.1.5 The coating inspector shall confirm at least the items described in this part of ISO 16145 during the
surface preparation and coating process. The confirmation of dry film thickness shall be done by non-destructive
inspection methods.

7.1.6 If the coating inspectors require additional tests, measurement and inspection above the requirement of
the agreed inspection specification, the inspector shall have a clear reason but he has the right to do so.

7.1.7 Inspection results shall be recorded and verified, and shall be collected in the CTF.

7.2 Coating inspection

7.2.1 General

The coating inspector shall inspect the surface preparation and coating work in accordance with Annex C.

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

7.2.2 Attendance of inspection

The shipyard or fabricator shall give the coating inspector a notice for the inspection schedule for the items to
be inspected. The results of inspection shall be recorded on the inspection report including some notes, if any.

7.2.3 Notice of inspection The shipyard or fabricator shall make an inspection notice prior to starting inspection if the inspection
is on the schedule. The shipyard or fabricator shall make a notice, after readjusting the inspection plan, if the inspection
item is cancelled or added by the shipyard or fabricator due to an urgent situation considering the characteristics
of the coating work. The shipyard or fabricator shall make an effort to carry out a coating inspection during construction
period or regular working hours. However, in the event that it is necessary to inspect at a time other than during
regular working hours, including weekends or holidays, in order to meet the building schedule, the shipyard or
fabricator shall notify the inspector in advance in sufficient time to allow the inspector to be present and the
coating inspector shall cooperate with the shipyard or fabricator by attending such inspection.

7.2.4 Inspection results If the coating inspector requests an additional test, measurement, etc. to that described in the scope
of this part of ISO 16145, reasonable evidence for the request shall be made in advance. The decision of the inspection results shall be made reasonably, in accordance with common
knowledge and PSPC requirements.

7.2.5 Inspection items

The coating inspector, including the assistant to the coating inspector, shall inspect the items described in
Table 6, as a minimum, during the progress of surface preparation and coating work.


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Table 6 — Coating inspection items

Step Inspection item Remarks

Temperature of steel plate, relative humidity,
dew point
Primary surface Degree of water soluble salt Periodic check (usually once per month)
Oil, grease and other contaminants
Dry film thickness of shop primer
Visual check prior to the start of secondary
Condition of steel plate (e.g. treatment of edge)
surface preparation after fabrication of block
Temperature of steel plate, relative humidity,
Observation record during or after coating
dew point
Visual check prior to the start of secondary
Oil, grease and other contaminants
surface preparation after fabrication of block
Block fabrication Measurement of the degree of salt content is
and block coating carried out once per block. Visual inspection
Degree of water soluble salt, dust, surface shall be carried out to check dust level at steel
roughness surfaces. Tape test of dust level according to
ISO 8502-3 may be dispensed if agreed by the
Stripe coating
Dry film thickness Details are given in 7.3
Temperature of steel plate, relative humidity,
dew point Inspection of pre-erection and erection joints
Pre-erection Oil, grease and other contaminants is limited to visual inspection, depending upon
and erection and Degree of water soluble salt, dust, surface the judgment of coating inspector
mooring in the quay roughness
Stripe coating
Dry film thickness Details are given in 7.3
Block final inspection after coating is normally carried out before pre-erection or erection. However, it is possible to
carry it out after pre-erection or erection under the condition that the proper preparation for inspection is made.
Inspection for the primary surface preparation step can be done in accordance with the above inspection cycle, if
the conditions described in are satisfied and the procedure for coating process is documented. However, the
inspection cycle in other cases is agreed among the ship owners, shipyards and coating manufacturers.

7.3 Dry film thickness measurement

7.3.1 General Dry film thickness shall be measured by using a magnetic or an electromagnetic type measuring
instrument or another instrument capable of such thickness measurements, provided it can be shown to have
equivalent accuracy.

NOTE For calibration of the gauge, see Reference [11] in the Bibliography. Total dry film thickness shall be measured after final coating. Representative dry film thickness is
normally measured, except for final coating, for the guideline of subsequent coating work. The dry film thickness shall not be measured in order to eliminate errors of measurement in the part
where the stripe coating is applied and/or where measurement of dry film thickness is impracticable such as the
edge of a structure or section of a hole.


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

7.3.2 Measurement of dry film thickness and acceptance criteria

The measurements (including measuring point) shall be taken as follows (see Figure 4 for an example). One gauge reading per 5 m2 of flat surface areas. One gauge reading at 2 m to 3 m intervals and as close as possible to tank boundaries, but not further
than 15 mm from the edges of tank boundaries.

A tank boundary is the extreme longitudinal, transverse, and vertical corner welds of the tank boundary plates,
and gauge readings shall be taken adjacent to the welds, not further than 15 mm from the welds. One set of gauge readings for longitudinal and transverse stiffener member as shown in Figure 3,
taken at 2 m to 3 m run and not less than two sets between the primary support members.

Dimensions in millimetres

1 longitudinals and transverse stiffeners with various shapes
2 primary support member
a From the edge.
NOTE The arrow mark (→) indicates a typical measuring point, and implies both sides including the side that is not indicated.

Figure 3 — Typical measurement point of dry film thickness for each member shape Three gauge readings for each set of primary support members and one or two gauge readings for
each set of other members as indicated by the arrows in Figure 3. However, one gauge reading to be taken for
the bulb and flat bar longitudinals. For primary support members (girders and transverses), one set of gauge readings for 2 m to 3 m run
as shown in Figure 3, but not less than three sets between the primary support members. Longitudinal girder and transverse web in double skin structure shall be measured as flat surface
areas, i.e. one gauge reading per 5 m2 and at least one reading per girder or transverse web. The opening (hole) larger than a diameter of 400 mm (bigger than 0,125 m2 when converted as area)
is measured in each point of the front and rear side of the opening. Five gauge readings per square metre (m2), but not less than three gauge readings taken at complex
areas (i.e. large brackets of primary support members).


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E) The coating inspector may measure the localized part additionally for the part thought to be necessary
in order to verify the dry film thickness. However, reasonable evidence for the additional measurement shall be
suggested in advance.

7.3.3 Acceptance criteria for dry film thickness The 90/10 rule is applied. Any unusually high or low measurement values which are not repetitive shall be neglected.

Dimensions in millimetres

a) Three-dimensional view of sample block

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b) Typical elevation for one bay


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c) Circumference of opening
1 stiffener(s)
2 diaphragm(s)
NOTE 1 See Table 7 for number of dry film thickness measurement in each case.

NOTE 2 The arrow mark (→) indicates a typical measuring point, and implies both sides including the side that is not indicated.

Figure 4 — Measurement example of dry film thickness for lower stool block of bulk carrier

Table 7 — Measurement example of dry film thickness for sample block

Area/ Number of
Category Standard Remarks
length measurement
12 points per space (six points:
One point per
Flat plate Main plate 408 m2 84 forward bulkhead, five points: aft
5 m2
bulkhead, one point: upper plate)
Support Stiffener, Two points per Measurement of two sets per
150 m 100
member diaphragm 2 m to 3 m frame space
Circumference of Two points for Four
Opening 8
opening each opening openings
One point per
Boundary of tank 68 m 23
2 m to 3 m
Total 215


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

Annex A

Measurement of the conductivity for abrasives

A.1 Measurement of conductivity

The measurement of conductivity shall be made in accordance with ISO 11127-6.

A.1.1 Method for measuring conductivity

A.1.1.1 Apparatus

The apparatus for measuring conductivity shall be as follows.

A. Beaker, with 250 ml capacity.

A. Distilled water, conductivity shall be lower than 0,1 mS/m.

A. Conductivity meter.

A. Thermometer.

A. Stopwatch.

A. Balance.

A.1.1.2 Test procedures

The test shall be carried out in the following sequence and conditions:

a) rinse the beakers and stirring rods with distilled water;

b) add 100 ml of distilled water to 100 g of abrasive into the beaker;

c) shake for 5 min;

d) let stand for 1 h and then shake again for 5 min;

e) filter sufficient supernatant liquid for tests;

f) check the conductivity of solution with the conductivity meter.


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A.2 Calculation of conductivity

The specific conductivity of the abrasive shall be calculated using the following formula:

Cs = Cm × K


Cs is electric conductivity of abrasive (mS/m);

Cm is electric conductivity of solution at 20 ºC (mS/m);

K is cell constant.


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

Annex B

Measurement of water soluble salt

B.1 Measurement of the water soluble salt

The water soluble salt on the surface to be coated after primary surface preparation shall be no more than
50 mg/m2 and the water soluble salt on the surface to be coated after secondary surface preparation shall
be no more than 100 mg/m2. The measurement shall be based on ISO 8502-9:1998 as described in this
annex. However, an instrument other than Bresle patch can be used to determine salt levels provided that the
instrument has passed independent testing in accordance with NACE SP0508-2010.

B.1.1 Preparation of test solution and blank test

A blank test shall be done as follows in order to prevent foreign substances from affecting the measurement
results of the degree of water soluble salt:

a) fill the beaker with the solution of 10 ml ~ 20 ml (distilled water);

b) fill the syringe with the solution contained in the beaker and empty the solution in the syringe into the
beaker completely;

c) measure the conductivity of the solution in the beaker.

B.1.2 Extraction of water soluble salt from the surface and measurement of conductivity
Carry out Clause 5 of ISO 8502-6:1995 in the following sequence and conditions:

a) fill ¼ of the solution contained in the beaker into the syringe;

b) attach an A-1250 type patch and inject the solution;

c) suction the solution (in the patch) with the syringe after 1 min;

d) repeat re-injection and suction ten times;

e) measure the conductivity after collecting the solution (from the patch).

B.1.3 Blank test for patch

The patch shall not cause any noticeable contamination of the extraction liquid. Certain patches are available
today which are guaranteed to cause an ionic contamination of less than 7 mg/m2, which is generally satisfactory.
If there is no guarantee or improved accuracy is required, then the blank test shall be carried out.

B.2 Calculation of water soluble salt


The water soluble salt shall be calculated in accordance with ISO 8502-9:1998, Clause 7 and it can be calculated
by using the conversion factor in Table B.1. If the blank test for a patch is applied, the final salt content shall be
calculated by subtracting the compensated value from the measured value.

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Table B.1 — Conversion factor for the water soluble salt

Type of patch Volume of measured solution Conversion factor Remarks

10 ml 4
A-1250 15 ml 6
20 ml 8
NOTE 1 If the value of the difference between the conductivities (µS/cm) measured in B.1.1 and B.1.2 is multiplied by a conversion
factor, the value of water soluble salt (mg/m2) is obtained.
NOTE 2 If the blank test for a patch is applied, the final degree of water soluble salt shall be calculated by subtracting the
compensated value from the measured value.

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

Annex C

Inspection items and management of inspection

C.1 Qualification of coating inspector

C.1.1 Inspection items and qualifications of a coating inspector

Inspection items and qualifications of the coating inspector shall be as shown in Table C.1.

Table C.1 — Inspection items and qualifications of the coating inspector

Inspection item Qualification requirements Remarks

Inspection shall be carried out by the coating inspector(s)
The coating inspector
certified as minimum to NACE Coating Inspector Level
Inspection for all PSPC shall be agreed by the
2, FROSIO Inspector Level III or equivalent as specified
related matters ship owner, ship yard and
in IACS UI SC 223, 6.1 interpretations and verified by the
coating manufacturer
administration (or classification society)

C.1.2 Inspection items and qualifications of an assistant to coating inspector

Inspection items and qualifications of an assistant to coating inspector shall be as shown in Table C.2.

Table C.2 — Inspection items and qualifications of an assistant to coating inspector

Inspection item Qualification requirements Remarks

Inspection for steel
Experience for the corresponding items and the coating
condition (welds, edge
inspector’s satisfaction Record of nomination
preparation, etc.)
and education by the
Part of PSPC related coating inspector shall be
inspection under direct NACE Coating Inspector Level 1 with a minimum of two years’ maintained
supervision of coating relevant experience, FROSIO Inspector Level II or equivalent

C.2 Inspection items and management of inspection for each process

C.2.1 Inspection items in the primary surface preparation step and inspection management
Inspection items in the primary surface preparation step and inspection management shall be as shown in Table C.3.

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Table C.3 — Inspection items in the step of primary surface preparation and inspection management

Inspection Inspection
Item Inspection time Inspection standard
management method
Weather conditions — — —
Temperature of steel Recommendation of the
— —
plate coating manufacturer
Surface preparation ISO 8501-1:2007
ISO 8503-1:2012,
Surface roughness Coating inspector or
Select one steel ISO 8503-2:2012
assistant to coating
Water soluble salt inspector
plate ISO 8502-9:1998
Once per month Recommendation of the
Other contamination
coating manufacturer
Coating material Arbitrary selection Instruction manual
Select one steel Recommendation of the
Dry film thickness
plate coating manufacturer

C.2.2 Inspection items in the assembly step and inspection management

Inspection items in the assembly step and inspection management shall be as shown in Table C.4.

Table C.4 — Inspection items in the assembly step and inspection management

Inspection Inspection
Item Inspection time Inspection standard
management method
Assistant to coating
Edges Assembly step All blocks ISO 8501-3:2001
Surface (general)

C.2.3 Inspection items in the secondary surface preparation step and inspection
management for blocks
Inspection items in the secondary surface preparation step and inspection management for blocks shall be as
shown in Table C.5.

Table C.5 — Inspection items in the secondary surface preparation step and inspection
management for blocks

Inspection Inspection
Item Inspection time Inspection standard
management method
ISO 8501-1:2007, JSTRA/
Surface preparation
ISO 8503-1:2012,
Surface roughness
Coating inspector or ISO 8503-2:2012
Water soluble salt assistant to coating Before first coating All blocks ISO 8502-9:1998
inspector Visual inspection or
ISO 8502-3:1992
Recommendation of the
Other contamination
coating manufacturer

C.2.4 Inspection items in the block coating step and inspection management
Inspection items in the block coating step and inspection management shall be as shown in Table C.6.


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

Table C.6 — Inspection items in the block coating step and inspection management

Inspection Inspection
Item Inspection time Inspection standard
management method
Weather condition During coating —
Coating inspector or
Temperature of steel
assistant to coating Recommendation of the
plate Before coating
inspector coating manufacturer
Other contamination
All blocks
Assistant to coating
Stripe coating After coating Visual inspection
Wet film thickness Coating worker During coating —
Dry film thickness Line QC After coating —

C.2.5 Inspection items in the block final step and inspection management
Inspection items in the block final step and inspection management shall be as shown in Table C.7.

Table C.7 — Inspection items in the block final step and inspection management

Inspection Inspection

Item Inspection time Inspection standard
management method
Assistant to coating
Dry film thickness After coating All blocks See 7.3.2
Nominal dry film After measuring Decision of the
Coating inspector 90/10 rule
thickness (NDFT) dry film thickness result
Coating inspector or
Coating defect assistant to coating After coating All blocks Visual inspection

C.2.6 Inspection items in the erection step and inspection management

Inspection items in the erection (after pre-erection and erection) step and inspection management shall be as
shown in Table C.8.

Table C.8 — Inspection items in the erection step and inspection management

Inspection Inspection
Item Inspection time Inspection standard
management method
Spatter Assistant to coating
Erection step Unit of tank ISO 8501-3:2001
Welding joint inspector

C.2.7 Inspection items in the secondary surface preparation step and inspection manage-
ment for erection joints
Inspection items in the secondary surface preparation step and inspection management for erection joints shall
be as shown in Table C.9.

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

Table C.9 — Inspection items in the secondary surface preparation step and inspection management
for erection joints

Inspection Inspection
Item Inspection time Inspection standard
management method
ISO 8501-1:2007, JSTRA/
Surface preparation
ISO 8502-9:1998

Water soluble salt Coating inspector or
Near erection
assistant to coating Before first coating Visual inspection or
Dust welding line
inspector ISO 8502-3:1992
Recommendation of the
Other contamination
coating manufacturer

C.2.8 Inspection items in the coating step and inspection management for erection joints
Inspection items in the coating step and inspection management for erection joints shall be as shown in Table C.10.

Table C.10 — Inspection items in the coating step and inspection management for erection joints

Inspection Inspection
Item Inspection time Inspection standard
management method
Weather condition During coating —
Coating inspector or
Temperature of steel
assistant to coating Recommendation of the
plate Before coating
inspector coating manufacturer
Other contamination Near erection
Assistant to coating welding line
Stripe coating After coating Visual inspection
Wet film thickness Coating worker During coating —
Dry film thickness Line QC After coating —

C.2.9 Inspection items in the tank final step and inspection management
Inspection items in the tank final step and inspection management shall be as shown in Table C.11.

Table C.11 — Inspection items in the tank final step and inspection management

Inspection Inspection
Item Inspection time Inspection standard
management method
Assistant to coating Near erection
Dry film thickness After coating See 7.3.2
inspector welding line
Nominal dry film After measuring Decision of the
Coating inspector 90/10 rule
thickness (NDFT) dry film thickness result
Coating inspector or
Near erection
Welding defect assistant to coating After coating Visual inspection
welding line

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

Annex D

Standard for coating technical file (CTF)

D.1 Standard for CTF

D.1.1 Contents to be included in the CTF

D.1.1.1 Copy of the type approval certificate

The coating material shall be a type approved in accordance with the PSPC/WBT [Resolution MSC.215 (82)]
and the certificate shall include information of the crossover test with a shop primer when relevant.

D.1.1.2 Copy of the instruction manual (technical data sheet)

The instruction manual for coating material issued by the coating manufacturer shall include at least the
following information:

a) product name and identification mark and/or number;

b) materials, components and composition of the coating system, colours;

c) minimum and maximum dry film thickness; the minimum and maximum allowable dry film thickness may
not be included in the instruction manual and replaced by a separate document;

d) application methods, tools and/or machines;

e) condition of surface to be coated (de-rusting grade, cleanness, profile, etc.);

f) environmental limitations (temperature and humidity).

D.1.1.3 Record of coating work

A record of coating application including the following shall be included in the CTF:

a) applied actual space and area (m2) of each compartment;

b) applied coating system;

c) coating time, dry film thickness, and the number of coating layers;

d) weather condition during coating;

e) method of surface preparation.

D.1.1.4 Procedure for inspection and repair of coating system in new building

A procedure for inspection including assignment of coating inspector and repair of coating system in the new
building shall be included in the CTF.

D.1.1.5 Coating log

The coating inspector shall note in the coating log that the coating was applied satisfactorily according to the
coating manufacturer’s procedures. Matters other than the procedure shall also be recorded. Refer to the
example form in D.1.2.


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

D.1.1.6 Verification of inspection

A record for verification of inspection shall include the following:

a) completion date of inspection;

b) inspection result;

c) (coating inspector’s) comment (limited to the existing case);

d) signature of inspector.

NOTE Verification of inspection is not a separate document but includes matters normally included in the reports
mentioned in D.1.2 and D.1.6.

D.1.1.7 In-service maintenance and repair for the coating system

The process of in-service maintenance and repair for the coating system during operation (after delivery of
ship) shall follow guidelines for maintenance and repair of protective coatings for void spaces which will be
developed by IMO.


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

D.1.2 Example inspection report form

Inspection report for primary surface preparation

Sheet No.: PSP- .

Project number or ship name

Plate numbers
Inspection date

Environmental condition

Dry bulb temperature (°C) Remarks:

Relative humidity (%)
Dew point (°C)
Surface temperature (°C)

Surface preparation

£ Fine Remarks:
Surface roughness
£ Pass £ Fail £ Medium
(between 30 µm and 75 µm)
£ Coarse
Water soluble salts
£ Pass £ Fail mg/m2
(≤ 50 mg/m2)

Shop primer

Manufacturer Remarks:
Product name
Identification mark/Number
Specified DFT
Measured DFT

Checked by Name: Verified by Name:

£ Coating inspector
Signature: Coating inspector Signature:
£ Assistant to coating inspector
£ Line QC


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

Inspection report for secondary surface preparation

Sheet No.: SSP- .

Project number or ship name

Part of structure
(Block name/Tank No., etc.)
Name of shipyard
Construction stage £ Block assembly / £ Pre-erection / £ Erection

Steel condition

Inspection date (time) Remarks:

Welds £ Pass £ Fail
Edges £ Pass £ Fail
Surface (general) £ Pass £ Fail

Secondary surface preparation


Inspection date (time) Remarks:

£ Fine
Surface roughness
£ Pass £ Fail £ Medium
(between 30 µm and 75 µm)
£ Coarse
Water soluble salts
£ Pass £ Fail mg/m2
(≤ 100 mg/m2)
Dust £ Pass £ Fail
Oil contamination £ Pass £ Fail
Result of inspection £ Pass £ Fail

Checked by Name: Verified by Name:

£ Coating inspector
Signature: Coating inspector Signature:
£ Assistant to coating inspector
£ Line QC

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

Coating log

Sheet No.: CL- .

Project number or ship name

Part of structure
(Block name/Tank No., etc.)
Name of shipyard
Construction stage £ Block assembly / £ Pre-erection / £ Erection

Intermediate coating

Environmental condition
Paint name Date
Sequence Dry bulb Relative Surface
(Batch No.) (Time) Dew point
temperature humidity temperature
First coat °C % °C °C

Dry film thickness measurement

Max. DFT µm
Specified DFT 200 µm
Min. DFT µm
Number of points
Average DFT µm
Measured DFT
Max./Min. DFT µm / µm
90/10 rule £ Pass £ Fail
Result of inspection £ Pass £ Fail

Dry film thickness measurement on welds


Measured DFT Average/Max./Min. DFT µm / µm / µm

Result of inspection £ Pass £ Fail

Checked by Name: Verified by Name:

£ Coating inspector
Signature: Coating inspector Signature:
£ Assistant to coating inspector
£ Line QC

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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

D.1.3 Example block list form

Block list

Block name Area of VOID Fabrication and painting site Remarks



Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved
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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

D.1.4 Example compartment/tank list form

Compartment list

Compartment or tank name Area of VOID Remarks


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

D.1.5 Example summary for block inspection form

Summary for block inspection

No. Block name Area of VOID Date of Result of Tank name Remarks
inspection inspection


Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved
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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

D.1.6 Example summary for tank inspection form

Summary for tank inspection

No. Compartment or tank name Date of Result of Remarks

inspection inspection


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ISO 16145-2:2012(E)


[1] ISO 8501-1:19882), Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products —
Visual assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated
steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings

[2] ISO 8501-1:1988/Suppl:19943), Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products — Visual assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades
of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings —
Supplement: Representative photographic examples of the change of appearance imparted to steel
when blast-cleaned with different abrasives

[3] ISO 8502-6:1995 4), Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products —
Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 6: Extraction of soluble contaminants for
analysis — The Bresle method

[4] ISO 11127-6, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products —
Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives — Part 6: Determination of water-soluble
contaminants by conductivity measurement

[5] ISO 16145-1, Ships and marine technology — Protective coatings and inspection methods — Part 1:

Dedicated sea water ballast tanks

[6] IMO Res.MSC.1/Circ. 1330, Guidelines for maintenance and repair of protective coatings

[7] JSTRA, SPSS for PSPC, Standard for the Preparation of Steel Substrates for PSPC

[8] NACE SP0508-2010, Standard practice: Methods of validating equivalence to ISO 8502-9:1998 on
measurement of the levels of soluble salts

[9] The Industry JWG/Coatings, Guideline for implementation of Performance standard for protective
coatings for dedicated ballast tanks in all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers
[resolution MSC.215 (82)]

[10] JSRA-SPSS:1984, Standard for the preparation of steel surface prior to painting

[11] SSPC PA2:2004, Paint application specification No.2 — Measurement of dry coating thickness with
magnetic gages

2) Withdrawn International Standard.

3) Withdrawn International Standard.
4) Withdrawn International Standard revised by ISO 8502-6:2005.

Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=sharabiani, shahramfs
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 12/03/2013 08:54:22 MST

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Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=sharabiani, shahramfs
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 12/03/2013 08:54:22 MST
ISO 16145-2:2012(E)

ICS 47.020.99
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© ISO 2012 – All rights reserved

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001, User=sharabiani, shahramfs
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