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GOT S Compliant


Microgenix Primalube is a highly concentrated composite non-ionic polymer based fiber to fiber and fiber
to metal lubricant designed for various applications of garment processing. Microgenix Primalube can be
virtually used in almost all stages of garment wet processing. Microgenix Primalube has found its most
affective application during the pre-treatment, de-sizing, biofinishing, dyeing etc. of tough as well as fragile
denim and other similar garments that are generally prone to problems such as tearing of edges, streaks &
crack marks, etc.

Moreover the application of Microgenix Primalube prevents unnecessary abrasion that creates pilling on
the fabric surface thereby reducing the dosing of bio-polishing enzymes, which are used subsequently to
the pre-treatment.

Microgenix Primalube possesses excellent re-dyeing properties and hence can be used before and
during the dyeing process. Microgenix Primalube, is a formulation of chemically inert polymer compounds
and also purely non ionic preparation and therefore does not interfere with anything present in the bath..
Microgenix Primalube allows the machines to be loaded above their capacity and also allows minimum
liquor ratio during the processing.

Typical Characteristics

Appearance Viscous Liquid

Composition Composite Polymers
Ionic Nature Non Ionic
Odour Mild
pH 7+2
Compatibility Excellent
Solubility Complete


 Highly effective during pre wash, de-sizing, dyeing & bleaching.

 Provides excellent fiber to fiber and fiber to metal lubrication.
 Helps in retaining fabric strength due to reduced abrasion.
 Helps in minimizing abrasion during garment processing.
 Prevents crease marks, crack marks & streaks.
 Allows increased Loading of drum washers.
 Allows to reduce garment to liquor ratio.

Application Parameters

Dosage 1-2% wof (Post Diluttion)

Temperature As per the application.
Liquor ratio As per the application.
pH As per application


 Microgenix Primalube should be diluted 10 times with demineralised water prior to application.
 The compatibility other materials being used simultaneously with Microgenix Primalube should be
checked as a precaution.
Disclaimer:The informationcontainedhereiniscorrecttothe bestofour knowledge. YourattentionisdirectedtothepertinentTechnicalBulletinorMaterial SafetyDataSheetsforthe productsmentionedherein. No
warranty, expressor implied,includingwarrantiesofmerchantabilityorfitness for aparticularpurpose aremade withrespecttotheproductsdescribedherein.
__________________________________________An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Company
Corp. Office : ‘Microgenix House’, 16, Regent Park, Chief Justice Bunglow Lane, Bodakdev, Textile Enzyme
Ahmedabad-380 059. Gujarat, INDIA ♦ Tele: +91 79 2685 9348-51 ♦ Fax: +91 79 2685 9314 Silicone Specialities
e – m ail : inf o @ m ic r og e nix. c o. in ♦ U R L : www. m ic ro ge ni x. c o. i n Speciality Chemicals
GOT S Compliant

Comparison Showing how Primalube has an edge over the normal Pseudo Lubricants that are
based on some derivative of Polyacrylic Acid.

S. # Primalube Ordinary Lubricant

Excellent compatibility being

1 Chemically Inert and Non Anionic hence poor compatibility
Bigger particle size enables
Turns water in water hence no lubrication action.
2 excellent fibre to fibre and
No Lubrication Action.
fibre to metal lubricant
Film Forming Obstructs the penetration of
3 Non Film Forming
Very Good Wetting as well as
4 No Wetting or Rewetting Properties
Rewetting Properties
5 Helps in Better Dyeing Obstructs Dyeing
6 Completely Biodegradeable Non Biodegradeable
7 Re-dyeing Possible Re-dyeing not Possible
Virtual Tendering, Edge
8 Imparts Stifness
9 Shear Stable
10 Economical

Disclaimer: The informationcontainedhereiniscorrecttothe best ofourknowledge. Your attentionisdirectedtothe pertinentTechnical BulletinorMaterial SafetyData Sheets fortheproducts mentioned
herein. Nowarranty,express orimplied,includingwarranties ofmerchantabilityor fitnessforaparticular purpose aremade withrespecttotheproductsdescribedherein.

__________________________________________An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Company

Corp. Office : ‘Microgenix House’, 16, Regent Park, Chief Justice Bunglow Lane, Bodakdev, Textile Enzyme
Ahmedabad-380 059. Gujarat, INDIA ♦ Tele: +91 79 2685 9348-51 ♦ Fax: +91 79 2685 9314 Silicone Specialities
e – m ail : inf o @ m ic r og e nix. c o. in ♦ U R L : www. m ic ro ge ni x. c o. i n Speciality Chemicals

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