Who Will Rule The World!
Who Will Rule The World!
Who Will Rule The World!
All the promises of God The wars of nations will cease, The last efforts of Satan
from the Garden of Eden the lion will lay down with the to lead the whole world
to the final discourses of lamb, and God will reign! away from obedience to
Jesus, to the writings of his God will fail. In spite of
apostles in the New Testament grave risks, people will
Last will be fullfilled on Earth 70 turn to God and be saved.
Days and in Heaven Elders
68 71
Victorious Judges
67 Disciples 72
Genti l e Jesus reigns today in Evangelist
62 Na ti ons "the Jerusalem that is above" 75
Jerusalem Praise God (Gal. 4:26): the throne in heaven. Missionary
61 Royal City In the Millenium he will return 76
Messiah to rule in the Jerusalem on Earth Prophet
60 Once Christians are raptured,
Earthly the Lawless One will be revealed,
King 63 the Antichrist. He will make a
God's covenant with Israel and will
Wrath 64 take the High Priest of the Jews
Fellowship to be co-regent with him of the
Broken 65 whole world. However, he will
The Apostasy break his covenant when the
Apostasy When Israel cried out 66 High Priest sets up an image in
of Israel to have a king "like the nations" Idol the temple. Jews who refuse to
and (1 Samuel 8) thus began a Worship 69 take the mark of the Beast
Covanent cycle of disobedience and Killing will be resurrected.
with God's wrath which culminated Believers 73
Anti-Christ in the dispersion of the Jews. Babylon
Israel's kings became apostate The connection between 74
by worshipping idols in the the harlot religion and Israel The Beast
temple. They killed the prophets is revealed in the last days. The 77
that were sent to warn them. harlot religion is occult and not False
The Jews also killed the Messiah originally connected with Israel. Prophet
sent to free them from prison. When the False Prophet commits people realise the
the Abomination of Desolation Antichrist is not the Messiah
Good Numbers 61 62 in the Holy Place, the Jewish and they repent in bitter tears.
Bible Book 2 Peter 1 John (Mat 24:15, Dan 9:27) (Zec 12:10)
Bad Numbers: 60 63 64 65 66
Bible Book 1 Peter 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation
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The great promise in the Garden about the 'Seed of the Woman' that would crush Satan's head became the great mystery
of the ancient faithful Jews. This mystery ended when Jesus declared himself the Messiah at a synagogue in Nazareth.
Great promises were made to the Patriarchs concerning a glorious era of the nation Israel. Since then, Jerusalem has been
demolished on a number of occasions. The promise will be fullfilled, the Messiah will grace Jerusalem as His world capital.
When Messiah rules for a thousand years from Jerusalem, all the nations of the world will come to worship him, to bring
him gifts, and to celebrate the peace and renewal of the planet under His government.
For all history nations have vied to control the world through conquest. The nations will be finally defeated at Armaggedon.
The weak saints of all ages, who followed the Savior in foresaking violence, they will be the ones to rule the world with him.
The most precious thing in the whole universe to God are his children, the believers in Jesus Christ. Those elders who have
cared for and pastored God's flock will be greatly honored by the Lord in the Millenium and will reign together with Him.
On judgement day Jesus will separate the people of the nations into sheep and goats. Those who responded to the message
of His missionaries, and protected them, will enter into eternal blessing. Nations who rejected them go are punished severly.
Evangelists have a gift from the Holy Spirit to proclaim the gospel to large numbers of hearers. Their message is to warn
the rebels of Adam's race of the judgement to come, and offer the gift of eternal life. They will be greatly honored.
Missionaries are evangelists with the most difficult and imposing task of reaching foreign cultures with the gospel. They
also warn the rebels of Adam's race of coming judgement. Those who accept are blessed, those who resist are cursed.
Prophets are called and annointed to speak the Word of God. Ministers of God's truth to God's people. It is their duty
to warn God's people when they have crossed the line and become rebels to his will and come under discipline.
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God has always put earthly kings up against the highest ethical standards. The Jews asked Samuel for an earthly
king, supplanting the Lord. From the start the kings of Israel led the nation astray and God judged them severly.
The Jews were clearly warned in their history and in the prophets what things provoked God to rage. In spite of
this they sinned in the most offensive ways. The harsh discipline of the Lord seemed to have little lasting effect.
First the Northern tribes were removed by Assyria, then Judah and Jerusalem was conquered by the Babylonians.
The Jews had not been faithful and in spite of repeated warnings, they were judged. Most of the tribes were lost.
Most of Israel were apostates. They no longer worshipped or feared the God of their forefathers. From the king
on down they adopted the customs, beliefs, and gods of the surrounding nations. A faithful remnant remained.
Since the time the wives of Jacob brought idols with them, Israel struggled with this sin. In the desert there was the
golden calf. Some of the kings of Israel worshipped the Lord and other gods. At the end, idol worship was rampant.
David and his men were pursued by Saul and his men. The Northern tribes fought the Southern tribes. Ellijah was
chased and harassed by kings of his day, and many other prophets were jailed, killed, or humiliated.
Babylon is both an ancient religion and a world system founded by Nimrod after the flood. Lust for money and
power will blind the Jews. They will make a covenant with the Beast, believing him to be their Messiah.
The Beast will offer the world peace In return for world power. He will be worshipped in Jerusalem, but he will
double-cross the Jews and cause the abomination of desolation in the Holy Place. He will wage war on the saints.
There will be a prophet, working signs and wonders to direct the people of the world to the worship of the Beast.
He will use all the power of the Beast to terrorize the world into serving the Beast and taking the mark of the Beast.
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62 JERUSALEM ROYAL CITY (62). DIVISION (2) of FAMILY (31). [62 = 2 x 31]. "Let us go… to the mountain of the LORD" (Mic.4:2)
(62)nd Chapter "This month is to be for you the first month" Passover was celebrated in homes: PLACES OF FELLOWSHIP.
(62)nd Isaiah "You will be A CROWN OF SPLENDOR in the Lord's hand, A ROYAL DIADEM in the hand of your God " (v.2)
(62)nd Book "God is light… if we claim to have FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM but walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live." (v.7)
67 GENTILE BELIEVERS. 19th prime. The Lord was God of the Jews, but by FAITH (19) all peoples of the world praise Him.
(67)th Psalm "May your ways be known on Earth, your salvation among all nations." (v.2)
(67)th Psalm "May the peoples praise you, O God. May all the peoples praise you." (v.3)
(67)th Psalm "May the nations be glad and sing for joy for you rule the peoples justly and guide the nations" (v.4)
68 VICTORIOUS DISCIPLES. MESSAGE (4) <of> VICTORY (17). [68 = 4 x 17]. Victory! Disciples of all nations love the LORD!
(68)th Psalm "Kings and armies flee in haste…the Almighty scattered the kings in the land" (v.12, 13)
(68)th Psalm "Because of your temple at Jerusalem [Gentile] kings will bring you gifts."(v.29)
(68)th Chapter "He [Jethro the Midianite] said: Praise be to the LORD… the LORD is greater than all other gods."(v.31)
70 ELDERS (70). RULERS (12) by GRACE (5). [70 = 12 x 5]. The shepherds of the flock of God shall rule and reign with Christ.
"An overseer is entrusted with God's work, he must be blameless, self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined."(Tit 1:7)
"...hold firmly to the message…so he can encourage others by sound doctrine…"(Tit 1:9) "reign with Him" (1 Tim 2:12)
There were SEVENTY ELDERS (70) of Israel (Exo 24:1,9) (Num 11:16,24,25)
71 JUDGE(S) (71). 20th prime. The number 20 = 2 x 10. The number 20 means 'Wisdom' or 'Divison'(2) of 'Testimony'(10).
This is what a judge does: he divides or decides between two testimonies: that of the accuser and that of the accused.
The 71st chap. of the Bible is Exodus 21 where a long list of solutions is provided to legal problems requiring judgment.
The Hebrew gematria of "Dove" (Holy Spirit) is 71. The Hebrew gematria of "The Spirit of Wisdom" is 71.
72 EVANGELISTS (72). GOD'S (3) of PRIESTS (24). [72 = 3 x 24]. Like priests, evangelists teach the way to God: through sacrifice.
"Lord appointed SEVENTY-TWO (72) others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place."(Lu 10:1)
"Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send LABORERS into his HARVEST FIELD." (v.2) "Tell them 'The Kingdom of God' is near you"
(v.9) "he who rejects you rejects Me"(v.16) "I have given you authority to trample on snakes" (v.18)
75 MISSIONARIES (75). GOD's (3) FORGIVENESS (25). [75 = 3 x 25] Appointed ministers to proclaim Jesus to the nations.
"All peoples on Earth will be blessed through you…Abram was SEVENTY-FIVE (75) when he left Haran" (Gen 12:3,4)
Abraham's life of soujourning in a foreign nation and setting up altars to the Most High God is a picture of a missionary.
God honors the message of the missionary "Those who bless you I will bless, those who curse you I will curse" (Gen 12:3)
76 PROPHET (76). MESSAGE (4) of FAITH (19). [76 = 4 x 19]. This is what a prophet does: reveal the hidden word of God.
The 76th Book of the Bible is Exodus 26, which describes the materials and construction of the tabernacle in the desert.
The Bible says "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" (Rev. 19:10). The measurments of the tabernacle in
the desert in Exodus 26 describes the person and the work of Jesus. Example: the area of all the external coverings
& frames is equal to 3,168 square cubits. The gematria of Jesus Christ in Greek is 3,168. The detail of the area calculation:
Blue Curtains (10x112cu2); Goat Curtains (11x120cu2+8cu2 overlap); Frames (300+300+90+30cu2)=3,168cu2
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63 GOD'S WRATH (63). TIME (7) of JUDGEMENT (9). [63 = 7 x 9] Those who disregard God, bring God's wrath.
(63)rd Psalm "The king shall rejoice in God…but the mouth of him who speaks lies shall be stopped."(v.11)
(63)rd Isaiah "I have trodden them in My anger, and trampled them in My fury…My vengeance" (v.3,4,6)
(63)rd Isaiah "They rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit, so He turned against them as an enemy"(v.9)
64 FELLOWSHIP BROKEN (64). DIVISION (2) of FELLOWSHIP (32). [64 = 2 x 32]. Sin separates us from God.
(64)th Chap. "The pillar of the cloud… [came] between the armies of Egypt and Israel." (Exo. 14:19-20)
(64)th Isaiah "We fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind have TAKEN US AWAY (64)." (v. 6)
(64)th Psalm "God will shoot at them with an arrow…all who see shall FLEE AWAY (64)"(v.7,8)
65 APOSTASY (65). REBELLION (13) from GRACE (5). [65 = 13 x 5]. Apostates insult God to his face.
(65)th Isaiah "I have STRETCHED OUT MY HANDS (5) all day long to a REBELLIOUS (13) people" (v.2)
(65)th Isaiah "A people who provoke me to anger continually to my face." (v.3)
(65)th Isaiah "Who say keep to yourself, don't come near me, I am holier than thou" (v.5)
66 IDOL WORSHIP (66). FEAR (11) of MAN (6). [66 = 11 x 6] To worship an idol, made by man, is to fear man.
(66)th Isaiah "…he BLESSES AN IDOL (66) …their soul delights in abominations…so I will choose their
delusions and bring their FEARS (11) on them." (v.3,4) "Those who go to the gardens after an idol in the
midst…shall be consumed"(v.17) (66)th Psalm "if I regard iniquity in my heart, God will not hear"
69 KILLING BELIEVERS (69). DEATH (23) of GOD (3). [69 = 23 x 3]. Idol worship brings hatred to God. Their
hatred is so intense, they seek to kill every believer in God and thereby, in their minds, to destroy God.
(69)th Psalm "those who hate me without cause are more than the hairs of my head" (v.4)
(69)th Psalm "for your sake I have bourne reproach, shame has covered my face" (v.7)
73 BABYLON (73) 21st prime. The UNGODLY / LAWLESS (21) WORLD SYSTEM (73) abounds in riches.
(73)rd Psalm "Their eyes bulge with abundance" (v.7) They are rich. (see Rev. 18:19)
(73)rd Psalm "They set their mouths against Heaven" (v.9) They are UNGODLY (21)
"Fallen! Fallen is BABYLON (73) the Great… the merchants grew rich from her luxuries" (Rev. 18:2-3)
74 THE WILD BEAST (74). OPPONENT (2) of the CHOSEN SERVANT (37) [74 = 2 x 37]. THE ANTI-CHRIST (74)
(74)th Psalm "They have set fire to your sanctuary…defiled the dwelling place of your name " (v.7)
(74)th Psalm "Oh, do not deliver the life of your turtledove to the WILD BEAST [74]"(v.19)
(74)th Psalm "You have broke the head of the SEA SERPENT [74]"(v.13) (see Revelation 13 v.1)
77 FALSE PROPHET (77). TIME (7) of FEAR (11) [77 = 7 x 11] The False Prophet worships the Beast.
(77)th Psalm "In the day of trouble I sought the Lord…my soul refused to be comforted" (v.2)
(77)th Psalm "...my spirit was overwhelmed" (v.3) "I am so troubled I cannot speak" (v.4)
Lamech "is avenged seventy-seven (77) times" (Gen 4:24). Lamech struck fear in all about him.
Lamech's boast was "I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me." (Gen 4:23)