Activity 2-Theories On The Formation of The S
Activity 2-Theories On The Formation of The S
Activity 2-Theories On The Formation of The S
A) Video Critique
Directions: Watch a Youtube video entitled, “What if another sun entered our solar
system?” with the link: and " what if a
new planet formed in a solar system with the link:
v=PUXWcHDwwuw&t=198s . Then answer the following questions below. Your answer
must be 30 words and above. Deductions will be given if: a) it is not exceed in the
minimum words, b) your answers are copied from a Google site or your classmate’s
work and c) if it makes no sense at all. (5 points each)
1. In the video, what if another sun entered the Earth, which of the following
hypothesis in the formation of the solar system does it portrayed? How? At least give
three similarities to support your answer.
-i think the encounter hypothesis because in the video “what if another sun entered our
solar system” it shows the effects if a rogue star would pass the oort cloud the rogue star
will disrupt the orbits and it will destroy earth because of the asteroids that will fall on
earth because of the star
i think the first similarity they have is when just 2 stars will come close to each other
the second is that they will disrupt each others gravity
the third is that it will affect the planets or materials around them or even both suns itself
quasi star is a hypothetical star that is powered by a black hole the only similarities that i
came up with is that they are both a star but the quasi star is more powerful
3. How about the video what if a new planet formed in a solar system, what
hypothesis does it portrayed? Give 3 similarities found in the video and in the hypothesis
to support your answer.
-the hypothesis that was portrayed was the nebular hypothesis well the first similarity
they have is when the gas cloud started rotating because of gravity
the second is while gas cloud is rotating a central mass is formed
the third is when centrifugal force balances gravitational forces and a planet will form
CONCLUSION:well the hypothesis that were created in the past was used to predict
what would happen if the scenarios in the videos was to happen it gives us an idea