Group 3
Group 3
Group 3
GROUP 3 Presentation
NCM 122: Intensive Nursing
Types of radiation
Health Effects of radiation exposure (acute and chronic exposure) including clinical
signs of radiation exposure
Roles of Nursing
Radiation usually refers to ionizing radiation with enough energy to create ion pairs in matter.
It is released as electromagnetic waves or moving subatomic particles. This ionizing radiation
can damage our DNA, causing health effects in sufficiently high doses. Natural radiation is
produced by a variety of radioactive materials found in soil, water, air, and the body.
Types of Radiation
Alpha Radiation
Alpha Radiation is emitted by heavy atoms such as uranium, radium, radon, polonium, and plutonium (to name a few),
alpha particles are helium nuclei, making them the most massive kind of radiation.
Beta Radiation
Beta particles are electrons or positrons, which are both lighter than alpha particles and have a lower electric charge.
This means they are not nearly as damaging, despite the fact that they can penetrate tissue up to a centimeter deep.
Beta particles will give a radiation dose to the skin, unless they are ingested, inhaled or entered the body via open cuts
or wounds.
Gamma Radiation
Gamma rays are energetic photons, similar to x-rays. Gamma radiation is much less damaging than alpha radiation and is
about as damaging as beta radiation.
Figure 34.1, Figure 34.2, Figure 34.3, Figure 34.4, Figure 34.5, Figure 34.6,
Figure 34.7, Figure 34.8, Figure 34.9, Figure 34.10, Figure 34.11,
Threshold Model
Under threshold models, there is a certain level of exposure that
is completely safe
One variation on the threshold model is the suggestion that
exposure to low levels of radiation may produce beneficial
effects. This is called “hormesis".
Substances that exhibit hormetic effects, including water,
vitamin D, selenium, and aspirin.
Keeping patients alive in the short term must take precedence over
competing priorities.
Internal Contamination
Patients exposed to Patients exposed to high
moderately high levels of levels of radiation is Patient receiving a dose of
radiation (1 Sv = 100 rem or between 2 and 8 Sv (200 about 4 Sv (400 rem)
less) and 800 rem)
Radiological incident
Radiological incident is any instance in which people or the environment are exposed to radiation or radioactivity through
accident or misuse. It may not necessarily pose an immediate threat to public or safety, but it requires assessment and
appropriate response to mitigate potential risks.
Radiological emergency
Radiological emergency is any radiological incident in which there is the risk of injury or death. It requires immediate and
coordinated response efforts to protect the public and mitigate the consequences.
Example of Radiological Example of Radiological
Incidents Emergencies
Traffic accident involving a truck carrying Terrorist attack with an RDD (or “dirty
research or medical radioactive isotopes. bomb”)
.Radiation burns to the fingers from the beam Accidental overexposure to an angiography patient
of an x-ray diffractor in a soil science from excessive fluoroscopy, resulting in radiation burns
laboratory. to the skin.
Low-level contamination, intact skin, No likely consequences, possible mild Decontaminate skin, monitor medical
cleaning possible. radiation burns. condition.
Extensive contamination with thermal, Severe combined injuries and probable First aid and treatment of life-threatening
chemical, radiation burns, and/or internal contamination. injuries, early transfer to specialized
trauma. center.
Internal Contamination
Exposure Type Possible Effects Initial Treatment
Absorption through damaged skin. No immediate effects. Consult with specialist if possible.