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Mulunesh Gona Action Research Wolaitigna

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ID NO ____________________

AUGUST, 2022



Frist of All, I would like to thank almighty lord for helping me in my entire academic journey.
Next to that I would like to thank my PGDT class instructors and others teachers for their
cooperation and support in my academics. Finally I would like to thank my classmates for
cooperating with me and friendly communications in every moments of my class.

Table of Contents
I. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study........................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem.......................................................................................................1
1.3 Objective of the Study............................................................................................................2
1.1.1 1.3.1 General Objective of the Study.........................................................................2
1.1.3 1.3.2 Specific Objectives...........................................................................................2
1.4 Basic Research Questions.................................................................................................2
1.5 Significance of the Study..................................................................................................3
I.6 Scope of the Study..................................................................................................................3
1.6 Limitation of the Study.....................................................................................................3
2. Review of the Related Literature.................................................................................................4
3. Methodology................................................................................................................................4
3.1 Sampling Technique..............................................................................................................4
3.2 Data Gathering Tools.............................................................................................................4
1.1.4 3.2.1 Questionnaire....................................................................................................5
1.1.5 3.2.2 Interview...........................................................................................................5
3.3 Method of Data Analysis.......................................................................................................5
4. Data Analysis...............................................................................................................................5
4.1 Findings of the Questionnaire................................................................................................6
1.1.6 4.1.1 The Results of Students Questionnaires...........................................................6
1.1.7 4.1.2 Findings for interview.......................................................................................8
5. Conclusion and Recommendations............................................................................................10
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................10


This action research was entitled as “the reason of the student lack of interest for using library
in Merkato primary school”. The problems like, students lack of interests for using library were
identified, the reason why students are being less interested to use library were known and the
ways for students to use library was also suggested. Finally the researcher recommended future
researcher to conduct the action research in the same domain if interested in the study area.

I. Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
There is an urgent need for Ethiopian students to improve reading skills (Richard, 2003B).

According to this expression, it is very important for students using library and reading different

kinds of materials, which are instructed to them by their different kinds of subject teachers. So

that the students always should be! The user of Library with in their academic jobs

This can enable them to be knowledgeable with reading experience of different materials from


But as we know in Merkato Primiary School, the students haven’t interest and training to use

library. Even they simply have copied the same work (rom their friends one who got library. This

shows us that their less interest to use and read in library. Started from lower grade up to high

school they haven’t experienced to use library. Each type of matter should be solved. So that,

this action research done based on Primary School by studying the cause of the students lack of

interest for using library

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The students should be beneficially and effective by using library and they must develop their

experience with reading and searching different materials from library. So the problem is that the

majority of our school students have less initiation to use library although this cannot enable

them to does the next expectation like ministry examination of grade eight. Thus this study was

conducted to find out some solution that enables them to use library Based on the above issue,

the study was attempted to answer the following question.

 Why students are not interested to read in library?

 What should be the contribution for give access to students, make them users of library?

 How the school organization can solve his student’s lack of interest by using library?

 What expect from the teachers to this matters solution?

1.3 Objective of the Study

1.1.1 1.3.1 General Objective of the Study

The general objective of this study is to find out the reason of the students lack of interests for

using library.

1.1.3 1.3.2 Specific Objectives

Specific objectives of the study are:-

 To identify the main problem of the students lack of interests for using library.

 To know the reason why students are being less interested to use library.

 To suggest how the students would be able to use library

I.4 Basic Research Questions

 Why the students have lack of interest to use library?

 What can be the solution to this the students lack of interest/experience to use library?

 How the teachers and school managers can help the students to advices them to use


I.5 Significance of the Study

The basic aim of this study was to find out the reason why the students became lack of interest

for using library, and to put the solution for that affect primary school students with their lack of

interest for using library. Therefore, the study result may help:

 To increase the library user students number.

 To help students by giving advice how to use library.

 To check how many teachers gave something to the students to do from library.

 To see some issue of the problem with students being less understanding about library


I.6 Scope of the Study

This action research was focused specifically primary school and it was limited 1o investigation

of' the reaso1 that why the students are being lack of interest to read different materials from

library, The reason of this limitation primary schools the problem of the students lack of interest

or using library has been observed, So that this study was Occurs on primary school students.

I.6 Limitation of the Study

The study was limited to students of grade 8" students in primary school. There are two sections

in primary school from which these two sections of grade 8" students, only 30 students from

each section were chosen as the sample populations.

2. Review of the Related Literature

Book-Link was cited in 2003 by Richard and Irana Beared, who decided to send modern text

books and novels to the school of Ethiopian in the hope this would inspire young students to

increase their reading competence, knowledge at English and scientific subjects. According to

the above expression, reading in library can develop the student’s experience. Professor Richard

and MH Iran Beared initiated an inspection of schools. This visits brought to light a number of

problem which needed immediate attention which are:

 Many BL Books or libraries were unused. Boxes full of books were unopened.

 Teachers did not know how to use the books to teach and students did not use the school


 Very little school allowed students borrow a book.

 Source: - Guidelines for elementary school. (FDRE M Edn) 2003.

3. Methodology
3.1 Sampling Technique

This study was on primary school grade 8" students those who have lack of interest to use

library. The total number of students was 330 with average of 55 students in each section, 30

students (5 from each section) was selected following the random sampling method.

3.2 Data Gathering Tools

The main data gathering tools were two in types:-Questionnaire and interview. These were used

for teachers, students, school director and Librarist.

1.1.4 3.2.1 Questionnaire
The questionnaire was presented to the students. Because they more related to this study area

and it was easy to find out the reason of the students lack of interest to use library by this

method. The student’s questionnaire was consisting about five close- ended questions.

1.1.5 3.2.2 Interview

An interview was used to the school director, Librarist and some teachers. They who were

interviewed one by one to cross check their response of the included in the study, they main


3.3 Method of Data Analysis

The data was collected from different sources. It was analyzed in the following ways.

 The collected data was presented using tables and interpreted under the table.

 Based on the result of the questionnaire and interview, the conclusion of the study was

drown the above procedures are over.

4. Data Analysis

As expressed in the preceding chapters, the purpose of the study was to find out the reason of the
students lack of interest for using library. The data was gathered through questionnaire and
interview was analyzed and interpreted in the following situation.

4.1 Findings of the Questionnaire

1.1.6 4.1.1 The Results of Students Questionnaires

The analysis of result for each of the five questions are described and interpreted as follows

Item Number of response Percentage

Yes 12 40#
No 18 60%
Total 30 100%

From the table 1, it can be read that the majority (60%) of the students responded that they are

not read in the library. Whereas 40% of the responded that they read in library. This shows that

there is lack of interest to read in library.

Table 2, Students response to if they didn't read in library, the reason why?

Question Choice Number of Response Percentage

How do you A) The teachers 6 10%
interested to read in had not gave
library access to
from library
B) In my self not 4 13%
interested to
read in library
C) I have not 20 66%
experience to
read in library
Total 30 100%

As can be observed from the above table 10% students responded that their reason to up library

is that the teachers do not gave them something to do from library. 13% Students responded that

they themselves are not interested to use library and 66% students responded that they haven't

experience at lower grade. Thus these express they had some obstacles to use in library.

Table 3, Students response to how they interested to read in library?

Question Choice Number of Response Percentage

How do you A) I am more 2 40%
interested to read in interested
library B) I have no 18 60%
interest to read
in library
total 30 100%
As indicated in table 3, majority of the students replied that, they haven't interest to use library

and some students (40%) responded as they are interested to read in library. So it is possible to

say that all students are not used library as expectation.

Table 4, Students response to question, how much time the can read in library?

Question Choice Number of Response Percentage

How much time do A) Two days 2 6.6%
you reading in library B) Always 8 26.6%
C) Rarely 4 13.3%
D) Never 16 53.3%
total 30 100%
The table shows that 6.6% of the students replied that they reading only for two days in week at

library. Some other 13.3% read rarely and 26.6% read always in a week. On the other hand,

53.3% of them replied that they never use library. From the student’s response, thus it could be

said that most of students didn't use library to read.

Table 5 Students response to their remembering about that they asked their teachers the question

which is heavy to them from library

Question Item Number of Response Percentage

Do you think that you Yes 8 46.66%
asked to your teachers No 22 73.33%
the question that is Total 30 100%
heavy to you from

From the table it can be read that majority (73.3%) of the students replied that they are not asked

their teacher the question which are heavy to them from library. Whereas 26.66% of them

responded that they are asked the teachers some questions. This shows that the student is not the

user of library.

1.1.7 4.1.2 Findings for interview The teachers response for interview
An interview for teachers was close-ended questions and from 15 teachers, five are selected to

ask interviews. Their responses are interpreted as follows.

Table 6, Teachers response for interview

No Interview Teachers Name Respondents

1 Do you think that you Asirat Kebede All teachers were said yes for
gave the assignment to Malako Bisa first interview question.
students to do from Melese Hantuka Majority of teachers said once
Yohannis Labebo for second interview question
2 If yes how much time?
Asamenech Samuel some of teachers gave the
3 If no why?
Moges Moliso reason why they do in give
4 Is there some problem
Elfinesh Samuel assignment is because of the
with the students when
you gave assignment to Yohannis Tantu student are not interested to
them to do from library do. All teachers said yes for
5 If yes please explain it 4th interview question they
explain as that the students are
not volunteer to do something
from library.

As we can see from the above table, the majority of teachers were gave assignment to the

students, only once. So that, this cannot be enough to enable the students in their academics;

some teachers replied that the student’s haven't experience al lower grade and they haven't

interest to do from library something. So this can affect students with the academically to do

some things.

Table 7:- The direct response for interview

No Interview for School Director Response
1 Do you think all students are the No
user of library?
2 What was your contribution to By telling usage of library, giving advise how to
intend the students to use library use library, by telling how to refer materials, by
controlling attendance
3 What do you think the reason about Lack of experience at lower grade, lack of
the student’s lack of interest for awareness about usage of library, lack of access
using library? to library, lack of guidance, lack of tradition how
to use library,
Family back ground

AS can be observed from the above table, the directors expression should allow that all students

ac not user of library. But there are contributions of school directors for students to make them

the user for library. As the director explanation, the reason to the students lack of interest for

using library was lack of experience or awareness about the usage of library, lack of access to

use, lack guidance, lack of tradition how to use library and family back ground.

Table 8:- The Librarist response for interview

No Interview for Librarist Response

1 How many students are reading in library Daily the students those who use the library
daily? number are few or 30.
2 If there are few students, what do you The reason I think it is the student lack of
think the reason? interest or no awareness how to use library
3 Is the library is opened for long time in The library daily opened 2፡00-4፡00pm
every day? Some students used for 4 o’clock in daily
4 How long time the students use in library? Some are go out from library Sunday

As could be seen or understand from above Librarist respondent, there are a few students from

330 students those who use library are less than 30 students are user of library. Some of them

haven't experience how to use library and so they go out suddenly from library. On the other

hand, some students read for 4 o’clock long.

5. Conclusion and Recommendations

The main objective of this action research was to find out the reason for the students lack of

interest for using library and to put the solution to the problem of the student’s lack of interest to

be uses of library.

To this solution of the Merkato primary school, the study was conducted on all grade height

students found in the school. From them 30 students are selected for questionnaire and interview

was presented for school director, some teachers and Librarist is held, collected and finally data

was analyzed.

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the finding of the study, the following conclusions have been made. The student’s

questionnaire results expressed that most of the students haven't interest to use library. Because

they haven't experience at lower grade or. Primary school levels and their teachers didn't give to

them something to do from library.


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